Hermitcraft (Minecraft) – EP02 – Shopping!

I lied to you guys I said every other day and Here I am 24 hours later uploading another episode you know I just have so much to catch up on I have so much to do I’m excited to get this build started and excited to be part of this community that I thought hey let’s upload another episode the next day don’t expect this to be a regular occurrence however because the goal still is every other day um so first things first I should probably show you some things that I’ve done a tree farm has been removed because I violated some rule I’m just kidding I just removed it because I don’t need any more wood what is actually super cheap in the market which we will go to in just a second for reasons that will become clear to you I made us little this little farm this is my food farm because my my beef supply is dwindling real real fast as you can see from all these blocks of my inventory I have also made a little mining what are they called again branch mine strip mine strip mines probably and I just saw this I don’t know what this is but we’re gonna check it out together here we go there’s a book okay okay there’s a lot of Oh Oh get out of here Oh oh my gosh Oh remember that’s alright remember I said I was running low on steak Wow okay oh what’s that I’ll never mind it’s a zombie flesh I thought that was another piece of steak on the floor is this like armor that I could wear that’s it’s Kyle’s head I want to see click I can’t there we go wait how do I that’s that’s what I wanted it’s Kyle’s head look at me look at me I miss cow um all right oh wait let’s let’s do this what’s in them nothing in the chest all right let’s see what this says mr. vintage beef as you know since you read the hermit craft rules 4.2 the block diorite and polish diet has been banned for usage because of its ugliness oh yeah you didn’t you can count on me not to use diary luckily uh luckily died right clean 2000 exists okay die right clean 2000 this is this is like a sales pitch to me is the most amazing what weight is the most amazing shop in the world right in your base right in your base to use our services simply input any and all diorite that you find in the just for every 64 bits of diorite and/or polished diorite that you have paid you may have any one item stacked as they are in the chest oh I see so it’s not free okay all right that’s fine I have a lot of diorite and you may use the service as many times you want I write clean mm are happy to have you as a customer and hey welcome to her burka very nice okay so whoa whoa whoa oh I see I see okay here let’s let’s I don’t know is it like that usually yeah so you put the dye right in here guy right gets plopped into there and it gets put into the lava and then I can pick any one stack for what is it every 64 die right is it every 64 hmm for every 64 bits of diorite and or polished diorite that you have paid you may have any one item stacked as they are in the chest as they are in the chest okay so let’s go I only have that much on me but I think I have some in my chest is only seven more in the chest all right all right we’re gonna have to wait until we get 64 so that I can I can put some more and a site die right yeah he didn’t say anything about andesite and it’s like an ugly block too by the way just saying I should probably take off this girl’s head and put that I’m gonna put this in here I kinda want it I guess I should put it back on the thing just to make it official um so let me show you some other things that I’ve done ooh die right uh right down here is my mine shaft which you guys will see I have already found look digging down I found diamond oh I should address the fact that the wood block was not the first block I broke it was dirt but dirt doesn’t count so the wood block is officially the first block of row let’s grab this there’s one there’s two there’s three there’s four and I need this diamond badly because um not because I want to like use it to make tools while I do eventually but also because I want to buy some stuff from the shops so I made very very short tunnels here because at the end of this tunnel with somebody else’s tunnel at the end of this short tunnel of somebody else’s tunnel so really I have only room to go this way because I don’t want to encroach on anybody’s territory however look at this I found more diamond here everything I didn’t mind is because I wanted you guys to experience the diamond gathering together with me as one yeah as one was that creepy no it was endearing all right let’s uh close this this up I got some redstone over here which I shall leave for now because we’re sort of in a rush not not a rush to record but a rush to get some more supplies I want to get this base started really badly mine another’s darn right real quick Oh more dire right I’ll get you later over this way oh there’s tons of die right I’m gonna have so many diamonds over this way is something I wanted to show you guys that I came across I hope my memory as you guys know my memory is very very bad but I think I got it down pat yeah there it is look at that I found a spawner I don’t know exactly where this is in terms of to the surface but I think maybe it’d be kind of cool to use it to zombies bond or I think I thought it was a zombie spawner but what the heck is that’s uh that’s a villager zombie in there isn’t it I think that’s what it is inside here nothing too crazy but I didn’t take it because I wanted you guys to experience it with me it’s all about the experience guys it’s all about the experience I got a little pop sick it poppin sick I got this beautiful mossy cobble which I will not use or touch I think it can actually craft it now can’t you anyway oh man all this died right what about 20 okay I’m gonna get another stack of diary two stacks two stacks one two alright so I can take two stacks of something so I can get four diamonds I can get I’m not really interested in that for diamonds again a bunch of iron which would be useful this will be useful too I don’t need these okay I’m gonna take one too I have 14 diamonds now let’s go on a shopping spree purple district have you guys see wait is this purple district why is there a white beak in there I think that’s just a beacon I think this is the purple district or the blue district oh crap hold on purple district indeed that was right about that okay so this is the purple districts asuma’s house you guys have seen there’s a giant chest over here with a giant crafting bench with 3d tools on it looks really really good that Tower looks awesome I especially like the greenery around the edges yeah oh yeah there’s the purple distribution that is where we’re going because we’re gonna go to the shopping district which is Oh which one is it is it the brown I think it’s the brown one yeah I think it’s the brown that is the shops and stuff because we got to check out so okay my build my build that I’m building that I’m so excited to build howdy I built that I’m building and I’m so excited to build I’m gonna go three themed or three colors as the theme that’s a orange in the form of orange clay we’re gonna go with white in the form of nether quartz nether quartz quartz and we’re gonna go with brown well not really brown like a like the you know the cyan um the cyan claim that was scary I thought he was in here the cyan clay it looks kind of grayish with a with a hint of like I don’t know either way that’s the color going orange white and gray let’s just call it gray where’s the brown district right here so we got to go shopping for some supplies because I went to the nether oh I didn’t show you guys I actually went to the nether and farmed some quartz there is not a lot of quartz in the immediate vicinity I’m playing on tethered Internet that’s commitment that’s what commitment right I hope so alright so I’m down here this is the shopping district I think I have been here before I just don’t remember coming out of that portal maybe I oh I might have walked oh that’s dangling I believe is the name is where all the games are uh how do I get up to the shot I think it’s up this way yeah let’s go this way ooh someone’s having a sale we have arrived here’s some gold there’s the world someone’s selling the world and I hear some some cats for sale let’s go in here I think this is what we want oh he’s gone a tethered internet is not gonna work out for you but I want these blocks right here what are these called sea lanterns I think they’re called oh yeah I love this shop by the way I did not get to show so this is my plan is because there’s so much to show you there’s no way I can do like um well there is but it would be super boring if I did just an entire episode touring the server how do you get into this place um so my plan is to tour different districts as I need them you know all spread out aha here’s the entrance in in different episodes this is beautiful by the way I don’t know how they did this but it’s awesome he left the game again it’s gonna be rough it’s gonna be rough okay so we want this so it is on the guy and prices are on the item frames prices around the item frame six diamonds for once that I should have known okay let’s do man do we want six diamonds yet we might need a lot of another quartz maybe we’ll leave this for last I do want one of these though a stack what have we got in this building it says sale oh we’ve got glass colored glass this is gonna be important too I want some orange coloured glass what are the prices orange one diamond to stack really well ain’t that fantastic one diamond a stack what do I put the diamonds is there like a payment system or do I just put it in the chest with with the stuff I think I just put it in one diamond per stack I think I just put it in the chest hmm we’re gonna leave this one for last two because I seriously need a lot of quartz I’m I don’t know where the quartz is though Junkers junk there’s the / / blocks um / / Wells Knights build shop okay that’s cool I’m in the void Oh Oh No uh Gigi he’s in the void all right where is the quartz I need some quartz I think there’s a building around here that sells quartz throw diamond in here to maybe get four free diamonds uh uh uh all right I’ll give it a shot my being scammed my being scammed oh this is like a thing I’ve seen this I’ve seen this in one of the hermit craft recap videos oh that’s too that’s too glass that’s three glass is that a good thing or a bad thing I think I lost I think it supposed to get like three gold or three diamond or something I didn’t see any time ago by I wasn’t paying attention um dang it just lost some of my spending money guys I think I just found a loophole oh it’s all gone oh okay that makes sense people are smarter than not than I expected I had so it’s four stacks for one diamond but I could turn one stack of this stuff into two diamonds each so I could have made a killing um seven stacks for a diamond what do you got in here I still haven’t found anybody selling quartz I’m sure there’s quartz around here somewhere there’s some food Oh lots of food and there’s this stuff okay our search continues for the courts I believe I have found a shop however it is quite empty nether quartz three diamonds of stack is that what it is blaze rods two diamonds a stack oh man I think biffer runs the shop a bit huh hey Biff uh want to maybe refill your shop or maybe this is a perfect opportunity for a competing not sure why I’m looking in there for a clear eating course shop huh do you want competition because this is how you get competition okay so let’s go get one of those see a stack of those sea lanterns gonna get some of this – one diamond for stack I think that’s all it said right one diamond per stack okay six diamonds per stack oh man that hurts that’s like half my diamonds there we go get a stack of this junk leave your junk here everything here is free ah ha ha ha everything is free well I I guess I don’t need prison ring crystals anymore Oh polished diorite I will surely take that well no this is polished it won’t stack with my other tile right I refuse to take it okay a lot of these chests are empty oh wait what’s this oh that enter pearl in uh yellow hardened clay I don’t think I’ll need that oh wait a minute or this people are throwing away great free stuff here is there anything else uh maybe up here Oh at an orange boat acacia boat okay I don’t even know you can make it be honest with you oh yeah the beets oh my gosh it’s been it I have not played see I played Minecraft a lot but it’s all been modded and like 1.7 or you know the modded version the the version that supports month is what I’m trying to say so I haven’t experienced a lot of this new stuff these you know what I’m gonna take a stack of these I’m gonna take a stack of those cuz it’ll be easy transportation say that was a pretty successful shopping trip we got a couple things we needed um I wonder if there’s a clay shop I didn’t see clay shop either doesn’t matter Clay’s pretty easy to get especially when I’m living right here alright let’s fire off one of these bad boys is 9mb oh don’t land in the lava oh I know there’s lava around here somewhere okay that’s fine I wasn’t even close so the first thing we got to do we got to prep this area for build there it is there’s a lava us just a little bit the chances of hitting that actually I don’t think I could because there’s like an overhang over it um yeah we gotta prep this area for building let me get over here and get a good view of what I exactly exactly what it is I need to do come up here alright so I think all I really have to do it’s not going to be huge but it’s gonna be about the size that I’m outlining right now so we’ve got to cover this up and I think that’s it i think if we cover that up we’ll be in good shape [Music] [Music] that took a lot more than I expected it to take hello um yeah I still gotta get a bunch see here’s the thing obviously I’m surrounded by this red sand uh but the problem is if I uncover it like this it shows this thing and I don’t want that to be showing so it’s gonna be tough to find some sand I’m gonna have to travel to a far-off land maybe like down there somewhere or something to grab a bit more of this to cover this up let’s get our outline going of our base shall we the first thing we need to do is create some of this cyan dye which I have blue and green from a look cactus so we’ll do this let’s go with eight oh wait that’s not how you do it let’s go with eight of them and see I think this is how it’s done right if I remember correctly yeah okay yeah look at how great it is that’s perfect that’s what I want so the bottom is gonna be great and there’s gonna be a layer of quartz and then there’s gonna be a layer of orange whoo I also know what I should do is sleep well make the front like right over here I have been toying with the idea of doing this because I kind of wanna own oh my I need I need a pick something like this so instead of having the building the bottom half of the building be a straight block we have it sort of like it bulges out sort of um the only thing I can describe it is or describe it as is like futuristic or Spacey and stuff like that and we have to have an entrance at some point I think I want to do the entrance off to the side yeah oh you know what I have here I have more more room let’s bring it over a little bit further um I don’t think it’s gonna have to be that big but the bigger the better is what I always say yeah yeah what does that mean have no idea let’s bring it out – how far back are we I don’t want to make it too big either because then that’s just getting ridiculous oh yeah that’s not too bad it’s gonna have three layers so there’s going to be a base bottom base layer and then there’s going to be a a slightly higher layer for other things like with glass and stuff and then there’s going to be like a little top layer I don’t want to give too much away I think it’s gonna be really really cool I want to surprise you guys here let’s break this and now we go like this right yeah yeah okay so I think I am gonna go with this sort of curved look I know close up it doesn’t look curved at all but you’ll see you’ll see okay so let’s do this this is where the entrance is gonna be possibly ah let’s make it a few more blocks down let’s get this entrance going here let’s do something like that it’s gonna be pretty squared nothing too special here I might eventually change it but for now let’s just go with a squared theme that’s looking good too wide is also good like this and there we go and now we can continue uh with the layer of gray yeah this is like I wanna I want to really make it feel like it’s like a moon base or uh you know a station on the moon I kept saying Space Station but obviously it’s not in space it’s like on a planet so alright so we’ll do that oh that’s looking short though I should expand that backwards a little bit [Music] [Music] you [Music] okay that’s it that is all the clay I have um I did this corner different I’m not sure which one I like better here do I like this sort of edge what do I like that sort of edge the spiky edge I think I like this one better um Mac in rent I am running low on food I gonna have to like collect some or diorite for a stack of meat um yeah so uh I guess it’s like that like I should have left that on there because it’s easier to to handle like that it’s like that right yeah I think I kind of like that corner better than just the straight edge corner I gotta get some chords um ah oh I felt like I was gonna die there first thing asuma’s gotta do I say we’re by the way and also people say Asuma I say Asuma I think it’s Asuma I have no idea anyway uh he’s bound to have an enchanting table here somewhere right he’s got to have it this is his home as far as I know um so he’s bound to have an enchanting Cubs quest to winnings okay cool he’s got some books he’s got some Berks he’s got some a record collection more mementos maybe this is not his house maybe this is just like a place where he comes to visit I don’t see any sort of enchanting table let’s perhaps take a look is this not a tower right here this is what is going on inside here ha what is happening inside this this thing okay all right well let’s look for another enchanting table because I don’t think he has one I know I know um it’s Kyle said that he oh oh don’t move that everything’s fine it’s Kyle said he’s got one in his his base so maybe we’ll go there I think they’re supposed to be a community one in the end and there’s one in the white district if it hasn’t been taken down is what I hear I am currently oh there are creepers there is scaliger houses dangerous I’m currently looking for his enchanting table which I just found I only have a few arrows I don’t think I can take out both of these creepers dude oh yeah I I’m I’m no please don’t don’t do this to me I just that’s in his storage room – okay Jesus man this is dangerous living right here okay I just put some torches down I know you probably hate the way it looks but that is just a little too dangerous for me anyway I need some courts so I’m gonna try and get a fortune on this pick oh man I’m not even la no unbreaking silk touch I’m not even level 30 yet oh this is this is sucky this is sucky this is major suckiness but this is iskills haunted mine this place is gorgeous he’s got a lot of rooms in here so you built it into the side of a mountain here let me show you the outside are you I’m sorry if I’m murdering your guests this is your horse yeah these are your horses they have saddles on them okay Lee um I think the best place to look at it oh oh look he’s using these things for trees he says he hates them so much but then he goes and uses them for stuff so I don’t know about that maybe it’s all a big hoax um here let me go this way this is all very very dark I should have probably slept inside his house ah dang it okay I’m getting out of here I’m getting out of here I just want to show you guys quickly this is his haunted mine it looks really really cool let me go and look at it from that side actually then you go you guys and get the the full scope of the build very nice there’s a bed right here how long’s it gonna take me to sleep this away this there’s monsters this might this might take a while haha come on sleep please please there we go ouch every time I get out of bed I get hurt um we’re we going yeah we’re going this way to check out the view from that that skeletons and some trouble oh I’m in some trouble hey check it out check it out the mine will you die already thank you you didn’t drop any arrows it’s really hard to see from this angle but it’s a very very cool build hi guys an Armour both of you and all gold armor what is going on here swap Oh swap swipe swoop okay that’s not cool I’m stuck behind that thing holy crap what is going on I don’t have any arrows okay oh sweet fire protection boots heck yeah um yeah the mine looks awesome there’s a saloon over here so I don’t have the full 30 levels yet there are if I could I’m still learning where everything is do you have any food in here I guess I can eat rotten flesh I didn’t bring any food with me um yeah I still gotta like find out how to get to the now icicle showed me all this in his in his tour but man it was a lot of information taken so I’m a little bit confused as to where some things are but I will find them alright I’m gonna work on finding that experienced fire I’m at level 26 I don’t need a lot but I just I really need some some some fortune 3 action going on or a shop that sells quartz I’ve laid out basically the base of this basic structure so there it is it’s gonna be like that then there’s gonna be a second level on this side along with like a second thing you guys will see it’ll be great you’re gonna love it and then back here I have plans for something as well so yeah I’ve got it all planned out I just need to gather the materials and do the work do work son hope you guys enjoyed this episode I’ll see you in the next one bye bye

Back to vanilla Minecraft on the Hermitcraft server! I need to thank all the Hermitcraft members for welcoming me on to the server. I’ve been wanting to start a vanilla Minecraft series for a while now and am so excited for what’s to come!

Song: Mario Ayuda – Coming Back Home [Concordia Recordings]

Hermitcraft is hosted by CubedHost, a reliable Minecraft server provider with great customer support. You can get 25% of your first using this url

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Channel – http://www.youtube.com/VintageBeef
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  1. Take some arrows from mumbo he really doesnt mind he has chests upon chests full of arrows, bones, mellons, pumpkins, everything and Impulse made a super chunk with chests of slime, sugarcane, practicly everything and it is open to the whole server to take from. Its not a shop or anything its a place for all the hermits to get what they need.

  2. this is probably been asked a 1000 times already but i cant find any info. what texture pack is this and is it used in conjunction with anything else? currently using sphax texture pack and looking for a change.

  3. I think diorite and andesite are pretty they work well with stone bone and or quartz and has that rough gypsum look I was always searching for (clean stone being too smooth) the polished versions and granite you can keep if you ask me but I really consider both andesite and diorite as the more usuable blocks, it removes me having to make every large structure from stone mainly ; I do agree that default texturepack makes it just a tad bit too rough but I still wouldnt see why anyone with a good PC wouldnt use a close-to-default-but -then-at-least-16×16-textures texturepacks..

    But hey thats me, love the fact you started this series; I pretty much only watch vanilla and some of my regular lets players had stopped past cycle and I always very much enjoy your style of play.

  4. Ok, I have a backlog of Iskall vids and I found you through him. I've never watched you before. But your excitement for Diorite right around the 4 minute mark made me laugh and I like you. I think I'll sub and watch a bit. ๐Ÿ™‚ Welcome to Hermitcraft, btw.

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