Minecraft Bedrock’s IMPOSSIBLE Escape Room

I made Minecraft bedrocks hardest escape room where in each section you have to use a Bedrock exclusive feature to move on in order to successfully make it through the escape room you’ll need a lot of knowledge on the Bedrock edition of Minecraft which is why I got three contestants who have tons of Bedrock experience to try it out whichever one of them makes it through the fastest will win and they will start in the first section where they’ll need to get to the bottom of the room safely by down bridging but let’s see if they can figure that out all right penguin yes your time will start when you hit the pressure plate three 2 1 oh no I know exactly what we have to do here oh do I have to down bridge I haven’t learned how to down Bridge okay oh I don’t know how to down bridge now I made this the first room because you know I thought it was pretty obvious what you needed to do I I thought it was easy enough Well turns out none of them know how to down bridge I know exactly what to do I know what to do it’s just it just sucks doing it how do I do it there’s no shot if I get down far enough oh I I had it for a second all right keep doing that oh okay okay I’m making it I’m actually making it oh that was long see my weakness is that I’m too competitive it’s kind of unfair pitting me against these losers I think I’m getting a routine slowly but surely all that was not it like I know what to do it’s just it’s just not doing oh my God I’m wasting so much [Music] time why didn’t I try that earlier why didn’t I try that earlier get me out huh time to make it to the bottom I think I have a way to cheat this system I’m at four I’m losing Health getting down here I’ll be honest oh oh that’s the one that’s the one you can survive if you make it down safely you can drop down okay now I need to get down slow just so I can see if I can just drop down and not die sa for sorry oh I’m not going to survive this fall there we go now it’s impossible to tell because I’m too lazy to edit in a timer but to complete room one it took toasted about 5 minutes butter palow about 7 minutes and penguin was approaching 12 minutes in the first room he was seriously behind and I felt pretty bad so I gave him the cheese way that toasted discovered and eventually he got it and and moved on first try baby in room two you need to collect three levers to open the door and move on you need to kill one of the villagers in the boats then use that boat to crawl under the slab and get the first lever then you crawl through another Gap to get some bone meal and if you use the bone meal on the sugar cane you get another lever finally set yourself on fire then stand on the campfire to get the final lever let’s see how they do all right seems simple enough oh my gosh what are you guys doing here excuse me I want to drive Jeffrey I’m sorry you’re you’re gone I hope these villagers don’t mean anything you actually ready for this easy now we shall spin it around town now if I am not mistaken cool water campfire you you you know what I’ll allow it cuz you’re so far behind I don’t even care just oh yeah I forgot you can’t place blocks wa one lever ding wait then how am I supposed to get it oh wait there’s another thing there right no I’m really having a panic attack why because I’m not going to win this thing unless if I go up fast pace you literally said I have to speedrun this at record time I may add okay a lever are you ready ready ding what do the water oh the water is the water just there the okay why is there just so many villagers here though that that’s that’s what I’m that’s what I’m thinking do we have to like put the villagers on here maybe there’s like some secret thing you got to got to like you know spin around maybe I don’t know why there’s lava here oh I know why I see your little tricks yeah I didn’t know that was a thing oh wait okay okay I’ll get it now it took me a second but that actually that actually worked there’s no way that actually works thank you so much wow that is such a weird feature I did not know you could do that and now we move to the third room which is actually a super easy one they just need to navigate this little maze of Border blocks which are like barriers but exclusive to bedrock they need to make their way to this chest with a button then use the button to open the door oh I see it’s probably over here first okay what am I do yeah that yeah the I’m I’m folding this it’s so easy maze what am I doing I’m like a pro at mazes so don’t even don’t even test me did you know my mom actually invented the maze really yeah the first ever maze she made it it’s not defined where you’re going but how you get there and then you just go back Nintendo music is just going through my head right now I’m it’s happy days for me that was very easy in room number four you will need need to use my favorite Bedrock feature to escape hint not everyone can do it oh no what what what is this just do it dude you have to use my favorite Bedrock feature if you had to do one thing right now what would you do Dance I mean you would dance huh yeah I mean look at my moves oh that was short that was it you discovered that okay you’re you’re just too good at this but okay just an empty room there’s got to be border blocks or barrier blocks here I just know it I’m going to run into one watch okay I’m just going to trace along the floor maybe there’s one just like I just missed or something okay it’s not there that’s fine okay fine I I don’t have money to pay for the gritty but I mean I can I can wave hello that’s all you needed to do all right this is um hm favorite Bedrock feature there’s nothing in my inventory not everyone can do it to be fair that hint is very misleading I’d say about 99% of people can do it I can do this that’s all I can do thank you the next room consists of three sections in each one you will need to do some underwater Redstone to power the gold block and open the door oh okay oh I see so one there one here one two three thank you very much okay um oh wait is it just [Music] you know what no one else did that I don’t even care I’ll allow it once again 13 repeat oh and then okay assuming it’s like this then it goes forward oh okay it’s just it’s literally all forward okay that’s fine wait oh I forgot you can’t go through two oh what am I [Music] doing oh do okay I’m just following the [Music] water I followed the water I see my route I’m actually really good at mazes like I’ve said let’s see more repeaters thank God hold right there so I need to so I need to go straight and then to do that I need to go here then to do that I need to go there there oh wait hold on this doesn’t change okay yeah no I I I did it oh no yeah no I’m right okay there’s no way that this works hold on okay I was about to say and while toasted figuring that out I’m going to remind you to subscribe if you haven’t I make a ton of cool Bedrock content and if you’ve watched this far into the video you probably like it so if you don’t want to miss any future content subscribing is a way to do so but anyway let’s get back to it okay this one’s got me a little tricked up not going to lie and you can’t use it like this that doesn’t work like that unless I have to retrace my steps get in the door all right where’s the gold block from this one cuz that that really helped me so boom boom I’m going at lightning fast speed right now uh I have to go around okay so if I’m trying to power that then I go right there bang beautiful beautiful room number six is pretty simple you just need to enter a code on this piece of paper drop it in the hopper and it’ll open the door now to get the code all you need to do is is read this sign which gives a a little hint and what the sign is trying to convey is that you need to turn up your render distance because on Bedrock we can turn it up way too high and if you turn up your render distance you’ll see the code everything else in the room is just a distraction including Jerry a great vision okay I’m assuming it’s night vision 2 but if not I could do the seconds but I think that’s just Infinity this is Jerry hello Jerry Bedrock players have great vision do I have my render distance up at 75 now Jerry Jerry only loyalty 3 that’s kind of dog I’m not going to lie say it to the number of emeralds then wait Bedrock players have great vision it’s a great thing I invested in a great GPU I’m I’m just going to blast this all the way to the 96 z says Night Vision 2 and that’s just Infinity well it’s setting me to that number infinitely it’s not taking down so it’s Pro oh is it just that 16 with 39 is that it uhoh Red Rock players have great vision you know if you play something outside this room that would have been cool but oh subscribe I’ll do that good work yeah I’m I’m not seeing anything you got to wait a very long time all right well that’s loading I may as well look around the room that’s the number of emeralds then wait what I’m actually stuck can I F5 nothing outside of it when I F5 through glass it said to the number of emeralds and oh is it render [Music] distance okay hold on is it all bold letters it was all bold is is that it is that is that it who subscribe subscribe the next room is a very elaborate one you first need to go over to this chest and grab a bow and arrow then if you shoot the target it’ll reveal a hint that says to look above Lawrence and if you go over to Lawrence and look above him there’s a trip wire hook you need to activate to open the door to activate it you need to turn around and look at the brewing station on the other wall grab every thing from the chest that can be used to make slow falling potions once you have slow falling potions rightclick them into the cauldron to get tipped arrows this is the Bedrock exclusive feature for this room then finally go over to Lawrence shoot him in the face with a slow falling arrow and beat him up until he reaches the trip wire there’s a lot of steps here so let’s see if they can figure it out all right let’s see what’s going on here did that did that work I hit it look above Lawrence why is there string there can I shoot Lawrence is that is that fine yeah go for it man that doesn’t do anything oh wait all my bad I mean you did it you’re good you you shot the thing you’re good oh my God supposed to make potions oh don’t you make levitation I think Phantom membrane might be levitation there’s no gunpowder so I don’t think I can make it splash excuse me where’s the gunpowder why is there so much of this why is there just so many items in there slow fall oh my God I thought this was levitation one of my you can’t make levitation wait can I just shoot at the string up there I don’t think it works maybe I have to land it right on the edge of that oh yep there’s no way you can combo him up there all right F Lawrence and just like that they all discovered the same exploit to move on to the final room I don’t know how I missed that Tes in the map but they they found it they deserve to move on but this last room won’t be so easy because they will need to fight the Bedrock wither and win and as we all know the Bedrock wither is very difficult and just for reference as well I haven’t been really showing any times but they’re all pretty much neck and neck right here so whoever can kill it the fastest will have a real Advantage at winning make sure to set your spawn in case you get clapped there will be a chest with everything you need inside how dare you assume I’ll get clapped okay is this the end do I just need to give you another star the time ends when the Wither dies okay I I might get destroyed who knows I’m actually might get destroyed why is there cows oh wait okay I I understand I understand oh I forgot I oh Jesus Christ the totems are just two of me it’s two of my old skin that’s actually sick okay you ready [Music] I’ll form a defensive Shield of cows around me if I must don’t I look epic while fighting this wither I mean look at me you look so cool you look amazing right now I’m just dodging him weaving he looks really stupid for like the first half of the fight cuz every single time he’s just sat in that corner I don’t know what’s wrong with the Bedrock weather but it just sits there whoa whoa oh oh Jesus wait hold on oh [Music] no oh what are you doing here I’m probably dead here though oh no okay it’s okay I’ll just respawn it’s fine come on come on come on [Music] damage is all that matters damage is all that matters oh my goodness I almost oh my who says I’ll get clapped who said I’ll get clapped I am a force to be reckoned with hello Mr wither may I have your star oh my God come on I’m not stopping I’m not stopping oh I’m going to die oh we’re fine let’s go now I reveal the times and we get to see who won your time was 29 minutes and 37 seconds butter pal oh Jesus Christ what do you think you think you did good I think I did pretty well I will say you did better than butter pow you got a solid 27 minutes and 27 seconds assuming penguin is slower than you you’re going to win something big lucky for you you’re the last person to do this so you actually know whether You’ve Won or not you ready yeah your time was was 28 minutes and 36 seconds you lost by a minute you lost by 1 minute penguin and there you have it the official winner of the Bedrock escape room is toasted I whoa I actually don’t know what to give him so without spoiling the video leave a comment what should his prize be and if you like this video and you want to see more Bedrock content click the video on screen right now and I’ll see you next week

I Made The Hardest Minecraft Bedrock Escape Room. This Escape Room Tests your Minecraft Knowledge through things like Bridging, Redstone, PvP, and more. Will the 3 contestants be able to escape?



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