So They Added 100 NEW ENEMIES to Terraria…

Terraria is a game with a lot of enemies but what if we were to add in 100 plus more enemies let’s hop in game and see what crazy new enemies we can find so that’s right we’re trying to add 100 something new enemies to Terraria and we got a handful of mods that I have installed already that should make this a little bit easier mods like adoris Liber craterium assorted additions assorted crazy things Martian order even the juice mod so let’s hop in game and start checking out some of these enemies we are in game so let’s start checking out some of these mobs let’s do assorted additions first shoot why not it came up first let’s start peeping them what do we got in terms of enemies we have a cursed pickaxe you can never go wrong with more of those but that’s not really what I’m looking for what I’m looking for is something like this Goblin balloonist a new Goblin themed enemy here that drops bombs on us literally perfect add this to the goblin Invasion cuz they could always use some more love and there we go we’re off to a great start what else do we got from this mod we got a frost wraith which I guess the snow bi/ ice bomes can use a little bit more and then we got this cool one the Grabber plant which as its name suggests you get close to it hold up let me hop out a god mode you get close to it look at that it literally grabs you you have trouble getting out of it you got to kill it to get out of it pretty sick we got some more Granite enemies which I do actually think the granite biome and marble biome need like a giant overhaul to add in not only just more enemies but just new content in general we got some like ice guard okay so it’s kind of like the U Elementals in the granite biome but a little bit cooler like literally ice we got a living Cactus what what is this if I go near it does it like get up oh it’s actually a rolling Cactus that’s got eyes and everything a legit decoy SL mimic type Cactus I mess with it we got some more slimes I don’t think I’m a fan of adding in more slimes I’m going to be honest with you feel like there’s uh too many we got more mimics which I don’t really care about but then we got a shrooming what is that little shroom dude you know I mess with the mushrooms especially since he’s legit matching the mushroom outfit look at him after that let’s go to one of my favorite enemy adding mods and that is Liber creatum don’t know how to actually pronounce it but that’s how I’m going to pronounce it as you can see there is a ton of enemy variants which this is the perfect mod hold on let me get rid of the damn guy he’s messing up everything bro stop killing all the wildlife that’s my job let’s check it out not only is there a bunch of Critters which you know I mess with a couple more Critters here and there but there is completely new enemies for example we got mammoths not even just normal mammoths either look that dude got six eyes on him kind of scary he’s got a little like charging attack is what his AI looks like and I’m assuming all the other ones have similar AI just different looks we even got a magma version okay and they do actually make elephant noises what else though we got some more uh what was this unicorn type enemies born we got I don’t know what the hell that thing is ugly lowkey terrifying uh we got I I’m not even going to try to pronounce that we got that thing we have what nitrogen sludge so more sludge type enemies we got more wolves bar guest okay liab bolia ancient skeleton damn that boy is gigant enormous we got some more zombie types a floating zombie we got this dude bolt which is like a different looking flinx we got Walking Dead which is just legs we got a bunch of bats more wolves all kinds of colors of wolves we got bbo what the hell is a bobo I don’t know some sort of bird we got a centipede which is a worm type enemy nice I hate worm type enemies but I guess sure why not more of them we got a mudfly we got a bunch of different golem types here so if you are a fan of Golems there you go I am a fan of Golems actually I this is like one of my favorite fantasy creatures and then we got of course Trent another favorite fantasy creature of mine cuz giant tree monsters are just cool I don’t know meteor enemies what is that thing I don’t know look like a lion skull on a wheel I don’t I don’t even know what that is a lot of these enemy names are hard to pronounce so I’m guessing like a bunch of these names are based off of like mythological creatures and stuff like that peeping eye what else we got un what is that that just looks like seaweed but alive brownie I don’t see any brownies uh merms actually merman’s shoky be in Terraria outside of just being like something you could turn into and then we got of course a bunch of slimes we got cubes and we got got little tiny like pimple ones look at that so at least the slimes even though there’s more of them and there’s already enough slimes in the game at least the ones that they do add in have some variety to them there’s just so many enemies in this mod alone like look at this we got a bunch of these like ghosts springin type enemies we got coin boy my favorite enemy oh and look at that true to his name burnt a burnt skeleton a burning zombie a hangman which is like a a hang ghost kind of cool more more ice worm type enemies we got a possessed sword this spron looks the coolest literally that’s the snow one Willow whsp look at that uh we got a axe Knight that dude looks sick Drager I love me some draggers giant skeleton another variation jangi which these are like what Vampire Zombies uh skeleton Slinger I’m assuming he sling stuff at us skeleton Soldier a zombie that looks disgusting speaking about disgusting this zombie actually looks disgusting and then yeah just a a bunch of zombie variations here as we can see I mess with it I mess with it a lot of enemy variety exactly what the game needs sometimes the game does have decent enemy variety but you can never go wrong with more speaking about never going wrong with more we move to this mod assorted crazy things which guess what adds just that animated spell Toms and regular animated Toms who would have thought reading was so dangerous but this is one of the mods that adds in more variety for enemies rather than just adding in a bunch of new enemies as you can see there’s a lot of slimes in here there’s also eyeballs and stuff too look at that different type of demon eyes that one’s got lasers just tons of variety literally assorted crazy things a bunch of assorted ideas is that a giant grasshopper it’s an enemy and there’s even a golden one too be like look at all these slimes they’re all they’re all pretty sick and I think some of them even got like different colors when you spawn them in look at that one he’s got a shell on his that’s pretty sick uh that one’s got the little strange plants on his head this one’s got a squ scorpion tail spawn of AR hold up my boy making a reappearance we also have a Megalodon sick so there is some really cool enemies in this mod but most of them uh they’re not anything too crazy hold up this is a mimic walking Tombstone so like a fake Tombstone kind of cool and then there’s a stone Soldier so a little bit smaller of a mod but you know it’s still cool moving on we got the idoris mod which is a smaller content mod that still has some cool enemies to it one of them being the mounted Goblin Knight more additions to the goblin Invasion as you can see he’s riding like a pig a warthog I don’t know what the hell that is D wolf and then when you kill him in this phase he actually look at that just drops off of it and now he’s just a regular Knight no Mount pretty sick a two-phase sort of enemy I believe some of these are just straight up bosses so I kind of don’t want to spawn in some of them this dude is sick the engineer skeleton let’s see if he’ll do what he does there’s an attack that he does come on do it bro there’s an attack that he does where he literally Builds an arot trap he’s not doing it I tried for like 5 minutes trying to get the engineer to do the attack where he builds a trap but he just wouldn’t do it I don’t know why Ian went underground and stood next to a trap and he wouldn’t do it hold up this thing drops a probe after you kill it what the heck my boy has been probed that’s crazy dark zombie which is like a scary looking zombie curse flame skulls blood Nimbus ooh terrifying looking n okay and then I think most of the other stuff are bosses hold up we got angler zombie we got an Android Goblin so even more Goblin Invasion stuff after that we got this mod Martin’s order which I always thought was Martian’s order my bad I checked this mod out recently so we’ll go over it really quickly there is a bunch of new enemies for like new biomes and stuff even new like armor time enemies but check this out alligator whoa is albino what the heck there a alligator pet I didn’t know there was an alligator pet I thought that was the enemy cuz look there’s a Crocodile enemy and this dude actually is kind of scary look at that he’s got his mouth open let me walk up to him boom hits me but if I start a fight with them he gets serious let me see if I can start a fight with him without killing him there you go and now look at this oh my God he’s doing flips I’ve never encountered a crocodile IRL I don’t know if they actually do that or not but yeah this mod has a bunch of fun Critters and enemies as you saw right there with the crocodile we got blood themed enemies we got snow themed enemies we got zombies wearing cones on their head the chickens the cows the pigs all look sick there’s a GI giant grasshopper which is kind of cool so like an even bigger one from the mod we saw earlier cuz there was one we saw earlier we got the creepers from Minecraft which yes do actually explode we got more meteor enemies we got Little Critters from this mod that actually do damage which is kind of unique I kind of like that idea might be a little bit annoying to fight them but it’s still cool we got a walking Bush we got a nimbus cloud we just got all kinds of stuff a scary looking shark look at that thing e get that Abomination out of here this is my favorite enemy from the mod a giant shoe the creativity is there who doesn’t love giant shoe enemies we probably definitely pass the 100 enemy Mark and the thing is we barely even touch any mods cuz you can add mods like dorium obviously Calamity adds in a bunch but Calamity is kind of its own whole thing that doesn’t really add too many vanilla like enemies but we got the juice mod here of course the juice mod adds in a bunch of enemies we got the little CAC ties and cids we even got the Kars we got things like this derange mutant killer monster snow goon giant Boulders that try to hit you come on those were in the game before Boulders really became a big meme as big as it is now we got death Knights oh my God was that a jumping attack my boy has a whole ass move set on top of all the little enemies that the juice mod adds in there is like manyi boss type enemies that are just insanely unique this dude just snat me up literally grab me out of the air is he going to do it again I double dog dare you to put your Talons on me again yeah a lot of these like smaller uh boss or mini boss type enemies pretty sick Rogue tomato from Final Fantasy we got desert Golems look how stiff he is that’s honestly how I expect a Golem to move stiff ass damn he heard me talking my boy hit me with a double elbow drop Force Vengeance which is like a flying tree we got the treasure Goblin look at him boy searching through his bag what’s in that bag let me get let me get some of that look at he’s King off running for the rest of this video I guess we’ll just cover it through the wikis of mods but the thorum mod legit is one of the best mods not only as like a Teraria content mod but look at how many enemies you are this is preh hard mode all these different types of enemies for a majority of vanilla Teraria biomes you got stuff for dungeons you got stuff for the ocean Jungle everything and then we scroll down and we get even more so boom this is another big boy look at snowf flinks matriarch there’s enemies in here I’ve never seen before cuz I I feel like ien touch storium like that in a minute but I definitely do not remember a lot of these enemies look at this Goblin Army gets four new enemies even the eclipse pirate evasion even the frost Legions getting some love and of course some more mini bosses too we go to Mo Redemption which is kind of more on the custom enemy side rather than like vanilla enemies type thing sort of like Calamity so this one if you do want some more enemies but on the modest side with their own themes then boom Calamity or this mod but look at this Sneezy snowling big ass nose yo what is this thing space Paladin Mark 1 they got some enemies I’ve never seen in here also don’t forget that this mod has a whole rooster event and dancing skeletons the last mod I’ll talk about in this video is the spirit mod look at just how many enemies there are and look at their beautiful Sprites to go along with them too and this one will be like the perfect one to just finish off a more enemy mod pack with and of course don’t forget about the hard mode enemies too look at this there’s a Hydra this thing is sick looking but yeah that was adding more Terraria enemies to the game like 100 plus probably even more than that I enjoy having a lot of variation in terms of enemies I feel like it just makes the game more fun to play when there’s just all kinds of things attacking me and not just like the same five enemies over and over so having a lot of mods that add in more enemy variety is always good you can’t go wrong with it but if there’s any mods that I missed out on that add in a lot of more enemies that are very sick and unique let me know in the comments make sure to leave a like subscribe turn on the notification Bell for future videos I will be seeing y’all in the next one have a good one

We’re adding 100+ NEW ENEMIES to Terraria.

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