NOOB vs PRO: CHERRY BLOSSOM TREE HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

my brother Milo has challenged me to a noob versus Pro cherry blossom Treehouse Build Challenge which build will win and what’ll happen to the losers build CH we only have 20 minutes to build the Cherry FL and treeh houses otherwise that strange Redstone Contraption is going to totally destroy us chill Milo remember this isn’t just about who creates the best build but also who can make the most cozy one well I’m not stressing you’re stressing cuz I’m going to build the biggest most cozy tree housee ever no way Milo my build will be so cozy you’ll never want to leave yeah what CH for my build I’m going to need to grab some cherry wood and some cherry logs not to mention a bunch of planks stairs slabs and fences as well we also can’t forget the leaves those are very important the first step in my build is to make a giant Cherrywood tree trunk I have no idea what that Contraption up there will do but I know it looks pretty scary that’s why I need to make my build is the most cozy so whatever that Contraption does it will not punish me for it I think it’s a bad Contraption Milo it has lots of redstone so it’s probably really powerful when it appeared at first I thought it was going to be a potty machine but I’m not so sure anymore a potty machine Milo what’s a Party Machine why did you think that it looks really scary what kind of party could it possibly throw well pretty much a fun one but I actually think it’s going to be really evil wo chill out my Milo you got some stressy attitude there and you got to make sure you’re really nice and chill so your build can be cozy otherwise that crazy Contraption up there might do something terrible to your build yeah I forgot the contraption runs off stressful Vibes I better stay calm yeah you definitely better I’m the master of being chill I can be chill no matter what the situation is it’s actually gotten me in trouble before one time there was a fire and instead of panicking I was so chilled that I actually got arrested cuz they thought I started it you chill until someone steals your toothpaste oh yeah but Milo you need to brush your teeth one time I stole your toothpaste and you didn’t even notice it was really scary yeah because I’m so chill I don’t even need to brush my teeth what Milo that is not true everyone needs to brush their teeth no matter how chill they are oh I really didn’t know that but either way this Cherry House Build Challenge is actually going to be so awesome for me yeah and for me too wait why is it going to be awesome for you Milo because I’ve been practicing the meditation and so I’m really relaxed l w that’s awesome I’m so happy to hear it I haven’t been practicing my meditation cuz I’m already really good at it I don’t even need to use meditation to chill out I’m already chilled by default and look I’m even going to add roots to my little tree my cherry tree is going to have the shape of a bonsai tree it’s going to look so cool and Bonsai is one of the most relaxing looking trees ever man that’s actually like so true I love the Bonsai me too Milo and I think you’re really going to like mine since we have to rate each other’s cozy Cherry Treehouse builds I need to make sure that my cherry Treehouse is something that you’ll really like and I know you really like little trees because they’re easy for you to climb I love the little trees because they also look so cute and I can pretend that I’m tiny wait a minute Milo wouldn’t you mean it makes you feel really big since if you’re standing next to a super tiny tree you’d probably feel really really big right yeah that’s actually true sometimes I get confused between what big and small means what Milo is is that why you call yourself a big brain when you actually mean a small brain no I am a big brain uh Milo I don’t know about that that’s why I’m pretty confident that I’m going to be the one winning this thing yeah in your dreams maybe but last I checked we’re not sleeping we’re in real life I’m not sleeping but I don’t know you’re building kind of like you are Milo are you just spawning down cherry trees right now that’s not building a treehouse it’s part of my construction okay are you trying to block it off so I can’t even see what you’re making yeah quite much that’s so cheeky Milo oh my goodness well I’m not afraid for you to see my build you could try and copy it but my design is so crazy I don’t even think you’d be able to probably well probably not but I don’t want to copy it anyway cuz it looks bad what Milo it’s not even done yet how can it look bad well just the feeling I get wo that’s a crazy feeling Milo all right my base is looking pretty good right now I just have to add a couple more roots and then I can get working on the elevator that that’s right Milo my Treehouse is going to be so relaxing that we’re not going to have a normal way to get up you just have to step in and let the elevator raise you up on its own well my place doesn’t actually really need an elevator because it’s pretty low to the ground what wait Milo you’re building a tree house that’s barely even in a tree why would you do that well it’s still in the sky but it’s just not very high up so I’m probably just going to build a staircase oh Milo every Treehouse needs to be really high up that way it feels like a treehouse and not just a house covered in bushes well not my treeh house what oh Milo I’m a little worried for you you’re going to have to try a lot harder than that if you want to make a treehouse that’s Cozier than mine St talking you are stressing me out so I don’t want to do it because otherwise I will make a stressful B well Milo it’s kind of part of my goal to stress you out the more stressed you are the more building mistakes you’re going to make and the stresser your build will get that means there’s a much higher chance that I’ll build a better Treehouse than you and you’ll be the one feeling whatever it is that machine’s about to unleash well if that’s the way it is I might have some things on my sleep to stress you out what Milo hey you better not be cheating Milo I do not want to have to worry about keeping you away from my build just thinking about some things that I can prank you with oh Milo are you in a pranky mood right now that is not good if you are prank and time not if I can help it Milo I’m not going to let you prank me you can try as hard as you want but it is not going to work I’m going to keep my eyes peeled and I’m going to have a great view from my Treehouse you better make sure you stay nice and far away and look the root systems are already done this is already looking really cool like a nice little bonsai tree but I think it’s time to open it up here is where the entrance to the elevator will be for my design for the elevator I’m going to be using a classic bubble elevator design it’s going to look so nice and you’ll actually enter through a little Gap in the tree it’s going to look really cool and very cozy like you’re entering the tree and being one with it on the inside I will need to replace a lot of my floor with these Cherry planks this such a nice pink color I think it looks really really cool what about you Milo are you building your inside out of cherry planks or using some other kind of wood I’m using the blur stuff what Milo the blue stuff that does not sound like Cherry planks at all are you sure you’re building the right kind of Treehouse no I’m just kidding I’m actually building with the Cherrywood the Cherrywood oh yeah that is so good I don’t know what you was saying about the blue stuff though Milo that gets me a little bit worried there is only one kind of blue wood and that is Warped wood it belongs in the Nether and the nether is the least relaxing out of any area ever and that’s why I’m not building out of that stuff good cool Milo I think that’s definitely the way to go now I could build this whole thing by hand but the trunk is going to take ages I really want my tree to be nice and Tall so I have a better idea if I grab a wooden axe and just place a couple blocks like this I’ll be able to use a pretty cool trick to make this trunk go up really really quickly it’s a little thing I like to call Weld at it and it’s going to make my job so much easier now if I do SL SL stack 20 Boom the trunk instantly goes up 20 more blocks how cool does this look whoa now up here oh we’re getting pretty close to that crazy Redstone Contraption but I’m going to add 10 more blocks to my stack yep that looks perfect now up here I think is the perfect level but before we make the upstairs I need to grab some glass and I think some white glass is perfect then I’ll need to grab some water as well as some signs I think Cherry signs of course are the best ones to pick then I’ll need to grab some Soul Sand and I’ll also need to grab some magma blocks the magma blocks make bubbles that pull people down and the Soul Sands make blocks that push people up that way there’ll be a bubble column and a sinking bubble column it’ll be so cool one is like a jet in a bubble bath and the other one is like a super cool sa a seam room that is so relaxing I think this will look so cool I just need to make sure I build glass going all the way up this trunk is about to look so nice and I need to make sure you can actually get in from the bottom level I’ll add some more glass blocks here and we’ll add signs to the middle bit here we’ll add Cherry signs on each section this way once we place the water down we won’t have to worry about the water spilling out but you’ll still be able to go in now I think the most important one is definitely this one on the left that is because if you want to jump down somewhere you don’t exactly need a magma column you can just jump down even though though it’s not relaxing it’s still possible but if people want to get up into my tree and there is no bubble column it won’t be relaxing at all they w’t even be able to get up it would be really really bad and nobody could even get inside the tree trunk they’d just be stressing out outside that’s not relaxing or cozy it’s stressful and un cozy oh boy that would be terrible and you would probably rank my build really really low and make me lose and have to feel whatever punishment that machine has in store yeah because any machine that run of stress sounds really nasty yeah no it sounds really bad I can’t even imagine what kind of machine would do that probably a machine designed to be evil and really scary maybe the stress is what powers it to be evil and crazy uh-oh we need to focus on chillaxing Milo the more we can be chill the less powerful the machine will be and if I can be more chill than you you’re going to have to be the one whose build gets absolutely destroyed by the giant Sky machine well would you like some advice on how I stay tun uh sure Milo even though you’re not exactly the most chill I would like to hear some advice I’m interested to see what you’ve got to say a really good way that I like to calm down is by doing deep breaths you breathe 4 seconds in and you breathe 4 seconds out wait Milo 4 seconds isn’t that much time to breathe in and out those are actually really quick and Rapid breaths no it’s actually really good Milo it might be good but that doesn’t sound relaxing at all that sounds crazy but what does sound relaxing is a really nice spot day and luckily that’s exactly what my Treehouse build has right now look these bubble columns are working their absolute magic they look so good but oh no I accidentally spilled some quick I’m going to place a little catching area at the bottom just in case the water wants to flow look at that by being super relaxed and chill I avoided a huge disaster this just means that this place really is super relaxed and chill and it totally fits the vibe now if I just keep making this place really relaxed and really chill it should totally work to be the most relaxed and chill treehouse ever now up here I need to make a floor area so that I can quickly make the outside of the house it’s about to be so cool up here Milo you have no idea how amazing and super relaxing my cherry tree house is about to look well I’m sure it’s that’s like going to be really nice just not as nice as mine really I don’t think so Milo mine’s about to be so cool look I’ll even start making the cool little tree branches they can Branch out in different directions Maybe they can even look like they’re holding up the Treehouse that will look so cool we’ll have some at the front just over here and they can Branch up like this then maybe on the sides we’ll also have a couple ones I think four branches is definitely enough it’s a perfect amount that way on each flat side of my house there will be enough room to have a nice big window that looks super amazingly out into the sunset we’re both really lucky that it’s actually Sunset right now which is the most relaxing time yeah Sunset is a really relaxing in time it just makes me want to lie down and have a little nap well Milo my Treehouse is going to be perfect for that it’s going to have some really lovely napping areas and I think you’ll totally enjoy them that is if you rate my Treehouse fairly if you rate it really unfairly then I probably won’t even stand a chance I’ll be stressed let alone having a relaxing tree housee even having the most relaxing treehouse ever will not save me from the stress of thinking you’re going to fake rate my build well I’m going to rate it based off how relax it makes me and if you annoy me it’s going to make me really un relaxed what Milo if I annoy you you’re going to hate my Treehouse how is that fair that sounds fair to me TBH oh my gosh Milo it doesn’t sound fair at all but uh I guess if you’re the only other person here and the only one ranking my Treehouse then I guess I don’t really have a choice but to play by your rules yeah exactly and if you mean I’m going to set some silly rules what Milo you can’t just set silly rules when when you feel like it that’s not fair yeah I can and my first rule is going to be chip you’re not allowed to build out of cherry wood what Milo that’s a crazy rule how am I meant to build a relaxing Cherry Treehouse if I can’t even build out of cherry wood that’s for you to figure out and me to ignore what Milo that’s a crazy Rule and wait a minute if you’re ignoring it then how are you going to even enforce the rule I don’t know I’m just kidding you can build out of the cherry wood cuz I’m such a chill guy a thanks Milo yeah I guess you are a chill guy at least if you’re letting me build out a cherry wood if you weren’t then you would definitely not be chill you’d actually be kind of crazy for that you should admit that I’m Chiller than you what Milo I would never admit that I’m definitely the most chill I’ll play by your rules but only if it helps save my build from that Redstone machine up there if it means I have to put my build In Harm’s Way by saying I’m not the chillest then I definitely won’t lie and say anything like that all right then the game’s on oh yeah the game of who can be the chillest I think I’m going to win this thing I was actually voted most chill 11 times in a row by the annual chill convention the chill convention that’s nice but I actually have a home in the chill Kingdom and that’s way better than the chill convention what the chill Kingdom Milo what do they do that they just do chill stuff like drink tea wa that’s pretty crazy it must be some really good tea if it’s all they drink in the chill Kingdom yeah it’s like pretty much jasmine tea wao what even is that I don’t know but that’s scrumptious and there’s also some green tea and the matcha wao that sounds really relaxing okay the chill Kingdom actually sounds pretty cool maybe I’ll take a visit there and take some notes on how to make my super cool Cherry Treehouse really chill yeah you could use it hey what Milo I guess I could always use help because I’m so chill I can always admit when I need a little bit of help making my Treehouse even more chill than it already is you’re lucky beating me at the chill competition right now yeah Milo did you just growl that does not sound very chill to me at all oh no okay I got to chill out time to do some deep breathing yeah definitely Milo I think that’s definitely something you need to do wait a minute didn’t you say your deep breathing earlier was only 4 seconds at a time yeah 4 seconds in then actually you hold for 4 seconds and then you breathe out for 4 seconds oh okay that actually does sound kind of chill just make sure you remember to St breathing again Milo otherwise that would not be chill Milo you put yourself in a lot of danger then yeah remember that one time I forgot to keep breathing yeah that was terrible Milo that really scared me it was impossible to be chill that day because you scared me so much well maybe I should stop scaring you more often what Milo no that’s just cheating you can’t trick me into thinking you’ve forgotten how to breathe that’s just cheeky how am I meant to be chill then well we’ll see oh my goodness Milo you’re so crazy all right these branches are actually going really really well pretty soon I’ll be able to do on the actual frame of the house which is going to look so cool I’m actually getting a little bit excited I need to chill out and not be so excited about how awesome this is going to look even though it’s going to be pretty hard with how epic I’m going to make this thing being chill is going to be a real challenge but I think I’m up to the test not just because I’m really good at winning these sorts of things and trying to fit whatever challenge is thrown at me but also because my build is about to be so great it’ll really help me chill out even if I’ve had the craziest day and the most insane thing is happening I’ll be able to walk right into this treehouse chill out and never even think about anything bad happening again okay this is actually looking really good now I’m going to add a little bit of cherry planks here I’ll put the spruce logs back and put the Cherry planks in this area this is about to look so good the more cherry planks I add and the bigger I make this platform the more space I have to make this the nicest treehouse ever made I’ve got some pretty cool plans about what I’d like to put in here and I’m not going to share all of them with you just yet Milo you’re going to have to wait a little bit and figure it out for yourself otherwise I’d be revealing all of my secrets and you could probably copy me well that’s fine I don’t need them what Milo you don’t need my secrets are you sure about that I have a feeling you’ll probably need a little bit of help making your build more chill right nope chill people don’t even have secrets what I guess that is true but Milo your treehouse is looking crazy right now it’s just a really good balanced design just like my Chill Vibes the leaves kind look like cotton candy Milo are you sure this is chill and it’s not some kind of amusement park cotton candy makes me feel relaxed okay I guess that’s true but cotton candy reminds me of being at an amusement park where there’s so many roller coasters and fun things and wao I’m getting excited and not chill just thinking about it well that’s on you buddy what hey Milo this is a competition of how I react to your treehouse if your treeh house doesn’t make me feel chill then I’m not going to give it very high points in the chill Department oh man that’s actually TR I’m going to have to figure something out yeah I think you definitely will Milo otherwise you might be in a little bit of trouble but hey this is working out really good for me my Treehouse is already looking so chill and awesome look I’m already making the walls and I have a pretty cool block I’d like to put inside them this is birch window panes it kind of looks like paper Windows which is so cool and relaxing wow these will be so lovely to see in the treehouse I can’t wait to see these placed all around now that I finished the frame around the outside of my house I need to get started placing in all of these Birch window panes immediately otherwise I won’t have time to place them all before it’s time for you to come judge my Treehouse yeah that’s actually really silly chip I might even come judge it right now if you’re not lucky what Milo that’s cheating you can’t come and judge it now the time is not up I still have I don’t know how much time I have left but I’m sure it’s not even time for you to come judge it yet right but oh man that little Contraption up there was looking at me funny what Milo how is the contraption looking at you I don’t think that’s possible it doesn’t even have eyes it is looking at me I can just tell Milo it’s not a looking Contraption I don’t think it looks like it does something that’s why there’s so much Redstone and pistons and dispenses and slime blocks yeah you know what it does uh no Milo do you it blows us up if we aren’t chilling enough what Milo how do you know that well I just know it and that’s why we’re checking each other’s builds to make sure they’re chill oh my gosh Milo that’s insane just learning about that has made me so panicked right now but okay I need to calm down and chill out I’m in the most chill treehouse ever even more chill than your one and that’s going to definitely help me chill out so I don’t get blown up and so that my build doesn’t get blown up either okay Milo your deep breath strategy might not work but my strategy of chilling out is definitely going to work look I’ve almost placed all of the different windows I planned on placing I just have to place a couple more and then I’ll be able to start decorating the inside this place is about to look so cool and relaxing I’m going to leave a big area of this treehouse open that way some of the breeze can flow through the windows and be so relaxing and cool oh yeah this is about to be so nice all right now I’m just going to place some Cherrywood here this way there are fences to stop anybody from accidentally walking up the side that would be terrible and I don’t want that at all by using cherry fences here we can keep this place really nice and open so we have a great view all the while keeping this place really safe that way everybody inside can be free to chill without worrying about falling off or anything else really bad happening now I’ll place a bunch of fences around this area and I’ll even add some fence gates here hey these look really cool let me Place some cherry planks just like this and some cherry fences too all right this is looking so good now we’ll be able to instantly walk up and I think I can even get rid of the Cherry fence gates this way people can walk right up and without even having to open anything be inside the main area of my cherry tree house hm what else can I build here oh I definitely know I think we need some equipment it should be a place where anybody is able to survive in the coolest way I’m going to add a couple of spruce lugs here this way we can separate it into a bunch of different areas this room is going to be the building room this is where I will keep a bunch of crafting equipment it’s pretty important that we have some nice crafting equipment so that we can craft things that way I can keep making the Treehouse bigger at least once I know that it won’t get blown up by that crazy Contraption up there I’m going to grab some chests and I also think I’ll need some crafting tables this way no matter what it is we want to make we’ll be able to put it in here now we need to make sure that everything in here is designed to look really really nice so this chest wall can have a really cool pattern hey look at that that looks so cool now over here we’ll add a crafting table and maybe even some furnaces this way we’ll be able to smelt items too oh boy it’s going to look so cool and hey I can kind of still see through the windows a little bit as well that’s pretty awesome I didn’t realize these were see-through now I like this place even more I’m also going to grab a flower pot and hm I think I’ll grab a little pink tulip that way it’ll make this place look even more cherry colored wow it’s so beautiful and wait a minute over here I can place an upside down stair block and on it I can add a cherry tree sapling hey this is looking so nice let’s add another one over here instead of a slab I’ll replace that with a stair block and then I’ll put another Cherry sapling on it hey this looks great next up here I will add some Spruce stairs this will give the place a much more round feel which makes it just feel a lot more relaxing and lovely inside hey this actually looks so cool over here I will then add some lanterns this way the whole place can have a lovely glow and be really well lit so there’s no risk of any monsters spawning now we’ll add another wall here except hm instead of adding more Birch window panes I’m going to replace them with some Spruce slabs just like this this way next to the spruce slabs we can grab some kitchen equipment I’m going to grab some kitchen counters and some kitchen drawers this way over here we can have a lovely kitchen area where we can do a bunch of cooking oh this is about to look so good I’m also going to grab a sink as well hm I think the white kitchen sink looks really good that’s because the white color is really similar to the Cherry Wood shade of pink it looks really cool like it was built for each other now we’ll also need a couple cabinets too and I’ll just put the Cherry cabinets H right up here I say yeah that looks so nice wow I’m really happy with how this is looking and on the other side it looks a little silly but if I Place upside down Spruce stairs like this then I can add a couple bits more of Cherrywood over here then I will be able to make it look so lovely by adding a couple flower pots and other decorations H I think instead of using a pink flower here we should use a white flower that’s something we haven’t done yet so it’s a little bit of a nice change now we’ll add a couple more over to these sides and wo this is already looking so relaxing and very very chill now I’ll just add a couple of spruce stairs over here and not to forget We’ll add some spruce stairs upside down in the corners just like this and we’ll hang the lanterns off the sides this way even this room will be really well lit and will look so lovely wow this is so relaxing definitely the most relaxing area I’ve ever seen now we’ll also need a little sofa area this way we’ll have a lovely sitting room to make sure that it can be so relaxing in here hey this looks super good I’ll also Place some sofas over on this side just like this now we’ll also grab some tatami mats that way people can lay down on the floor and relax here and wo it’s looking so nice inside here now of course we can’t forget to add some Spruce stairs just like this and I also think we need to add a little bit of a spruce pillar inside here this way it will be very well supported inside this treehouse the most relaxing thing is knowing that the build is not about to collapse there’s relaxing and there’s collapsing and I only would like one of those things to happen hey this is looking super good but I still think there’s one more thing we need to add we need to add some sort of dining room that way we’ll have some sort of dining table that people can eat e and enjoy food on I think a cherry table is absolutely perfect for this we can have a couple different ones that way no matter what size table anybody wants to sit at they can choose we’ll also add some different chairs and I think some Birchwood chairs are absolutely perfect hey this looks so so nice Milo I actually can’t wait for you to see this I have a feeling you are really going to enjoy it here oh I’ve got a feeling that I want what Milo that’s a crazy feeling what makes you think that well pretty much that I actually love my house so much said it’s making me want to stay here forever oh no way Milo once you see how awesome and wellb built and not to mention chill my treehouses you’ll definitely want to move here instead wo just look at that this whole place is looking so amazing now I just have to add a couple more of these lanterns and little Spruce pillars things and then we can get started on the next level boom oh yeah it is next level time I cannot wait to see what sort of awesome things I can build up here on my second story I’m going to have some really cool stuff like bees what are the bees on here for hey stay back oh no wait they’re really angry as well oh no please please get out of my base how did all these bees get here what wait a minute Milo why can’t I hear you laughing oh are you here in my Treehouse right now how are there bees here did you see where they came from yeah um I just saw them fly over or something Milo I don’t believe you how did these bees get over here you’re being too cheeky for this to have just happened randomly I spawn them down because I wanted you to get stressed out what Milo uh it’s working there can’t be bees in a relaxing Spa cherry tree housee enjoy the bees champ oh my goodness Milo I won’t enjoy the bees at all they’re everywhere and they’re so angry imagine if somebody tried to come into my Treehouse and instead of being relaxed they were attacked by a mob of angry bees oh my gosh Milo that’s crazy I can’t believe you’d sabotage me like that especially when we’re both trying to be chill Milo yeah I’m going to sabotage your chill Vibe no way not if I can help it I’m going to make my second story so chill that there is absolutely no way you can even sabotage it if you try H my build isn’t very cozy it’s pretty chill on here but there needs to be a lot more to add up here hey I think I know exactly what I can put up here I’m going to build a huge Garden area that’s exactly what this place needs I won’t even add extra pillars up on this second story because who needs them we’re so chill I’m happy to let this house hang I do not think that it will fall I think it’s actually going to be pretty study especially since I’m such a good Builder there’s no way I will have built something that could fall that’s a pretty nbish mistake to make and I don’t make newbie mistakes I’m too much of a pro to do that I only make really chill decisions that make my Treehouse the most chill ever even though there are bees inside it sometimes Milo you better watch your back you may have just started a brand new era of unleashing some sort of prank on each other to try and trick each other into being less chill you’re right buddy you don’t have it in you what hey Milo if I don’t have it in me it’s cuz I’m too chill to even worry about pranking but you might have pushed me too far I guess you’ll have to wait and see I might unleash some pranks back at you or I might not you’ll just have to be on your toes well very funny what Milo it’s not a joke do you think I’m joking right now come on you got to take me serious I think you’re you’re a joke what you think I am a joke Milo that’s so mean why do you think that because you’re not chill you’re weird hey I am not weird I’m super dup chill and I’m really really normal I’m actually a very normal guy yeah right buddy and I’m a normal bird uh yeah Milo you are not a normal B I know that for sure you’re pretty crazy but there’s nothing wrong with not being normal as long as you’re not super crazy that is yeah well you should tell that to yourself hey I’m not crazy that’s just something that you’re to try to make me slip up it’s not going to work though Milo I’m going to make sure I am the most chill even though you’re trying to trick me into reacting right now all right well chill hard up because I think that machine’s getting angry at you what Milo it’s not even moving how can you tell that the machine’s getting angry right now yes’s the vibe oh my gosh Milo that means you’re feeling A vibe that is not chill this is perfect for me the less chill you are the better my odds of winning become the more chill I can be and the less chill you are I really think it’s getting super duper likely that that machine targets you over me for whatever crazy thing it’s about to do over here I’m also just going to add fences instead of these window pane blocks this way the fences will allow anybody up here to just have a great view all around it’s going to be one of the most relaxing areas in the entire Treehouse and hey instead of placing these blocks all the way around I can leave gaps in the middle that way it’s like there’s real windows up here this is perfect for what I plan on adding into this room Milo you’re about to be really jealous because I going to make a super relaxing Garden area it’s going to be so cool it can be an area where people can do anything they want inside especially if it’s really relaxing and really chill what if I feel like shattering if you feel like shouting then um I guess you can come and Shout in the garden but that would make you less chill meaning I’m way more likely to win and not be the one that gets blown up oh R I didn’t think about that yeah you’re going to have to control your urge to shout Milo if you try and Shout inside my Treehouse you’re going to be the least chill person around for Miles I’m Milo and I love shouting what Milo be careful if that machine hears you it might start launching TNT I don’t want that at all imagine some of it gets over here yeah that’ be funny no Milo it wouldn’t be funny that would be terrible I’d lose all my chill if my house started getting blown up because at that point it’s like why do I even be chill anymore yeah why do you chill anymore Milo not yet of course right now we can still be super duper chill since that machine is not doing anything crazy yet it’s if that machine starts being crazy that we’d really have to worry I’m just going to add a couple little extra Spruce blocks just like this hey this is looking super duper epic I also totally forgot to add Cherry fences around the edge here by placing these Cherry fences just like this we make sure nobody can accidentally fall off it’s going to get pretty windy up here and I can’t exactly close off any of the Windows that’s because this floor is going to be a nature floor there’s nothing more relaxing than being one with nature Milo the more nature I can fit inside my cherry Treehouse the more amazing and relaxing it’ll be up here oh yeah that’s going to be one of my big strategies to winning this thing being so relaxing and having nature up here it’s going to be such a nice little garden you’re probably going to walk right in and ah bees oh my goodness Milo the bees they’re really starting to scare me I hope they don’t manage to come back inside and take over my garden H I’m still thinking of a way to get back at you for that well good luck what Milo I think I’m going to need the good luck I’m not really the best at thinking of crazy ways to prank people I’m too chill for that I’ve been practicing not thinking of ways to prank you it’s been pretty difficult but I’ve gotten into a habit I don’t know if I’ll be able to kick the habit and get back into pranking you again if I can’t then oh no I’ll be the only one that got pranked and I’ll be the least chill because of it I’m sure that would be really good for you because it would give you a big Advantage but it would be terrible for me it would mean I might be the one that loses to this thing oh no I’m not going to let that happen I’m going to make sure I become chill at all costs over here I’m going to start placing down some grass blocks just like this this way over here on the bottom floor I’ll need to place down some upside down Cherry trap doors that is because one level above I’m going to start breaking these Cherry planks and instead I’m going to be replacing them with grass blocks that way Each corner of the Garden Room can have a little grassy area that’s where we’re going to plant so many of the little plants in here it’s about to look so nice in here Milo I can just tell look the grass color in this Cherry biome is also a beautiful soft one it’s way more chill than the normal grass color the normal grass color can be kind of intense and that’s not exactly relaxing by making it into a nice chill one we make this treehouse the most relaxing treehouse ever what about you Milo I bet you don’t have any sort of garden inside your treehouse not inside I’m keeping that for the outside because some people will find the outdoors a little bit stressful uh I guess that is true oh no Milo you don’t find the outdoors stressful do you well you’re going to have to guess aren’t you oh my goodness Milo you’re going to be the one ranking my Treehouse if you walk inside and start hating it because I’ve put elements of the outdoors in here then uh-oh my Treehouse is going to get ranked really low by you oh no what if then the TNT launching machine falls down on it uh-oh that could be really bad Milo come on you got to tell me F I do like the outdoors and I find it really peaceful oh okay so you do like the outdoors thanks for giving me that information Milo now I can use it to make sure I put as much outdoors in here as possible I’m basically going to have one big little outdoor Terrace it’s going to be so nice it’ll be so windy and Breezy in here you probably won’t even be able to tell that you’re indoors it’ll feel like you’re walking through a relaxing Park full of beautiful trees and cherry blossoms yeah that actually does sound really nice thanks Milo that’s exactly what I’m going for the more relaxing and the nicer it sounds for you the higher you will be bound to rank my super cool Cherry Treehouse and the more likely it is I win on the chillo meter all right now the second level’s looking pretty good but there’s a little bit more I still need to add I’m going to add some cherry fences up here just like this and I also need to hang some lanterns off of it because this is going to be a garden level I need to add lots of Lights plants love lights it’s called photo synthesis that’s how plants get all their energy from the Sun without it the plants probably wouldn’t do a very good job of getting their energy that’s why this level is going to be so bright and open I have a feeling it’s going to work really well these are going to be the best growing plants ever and I’m also going to make it Cherry biome themed hey this looks so nice I’m adding some super lovely Cherry leaves to it wow just look at that these look like super lovely patches of petals these look so cool I can’t believe I haven’t done something like this before I really wish I’d done something like it sooner but there is no time like now wow this is so cool I’m going to add more of these little Cherry patches all around these garden areas hey this looks so cool more cool than I ever could have imagined it looking oh wow Milo when you see this it’s going to blow your mind and then make you very very relaxed because I don’t want you to be too crazy about it well I’ve got some relaxed stuff here that I’m not even telling you about what Milo are you saying you’ve got some sort of secret relax relaxation strategy that I don’t even get to know about cuz it’s that crazy you guessed it oh my gosh Milo if it’s crazy are you sure it’s going to be relaxing it better not be something insane like a giant screaming pumpkin it wouldn’t be that don’t be ridiculous Milo you built that last week it’s not even that crazy you buil stuff like that all the time it’s often funny but when I’m trying to relax it can be pretty scary thinking about what sort of stuff you might include in your build yeah but last week there wasn’t a big red wants to try to drop bombs on us yeah true that is pretty accurate Milo that Redstone machine is looking really scary the taller I build my Treehouse the closer I get to it and the more close it feels I need to make sure I build this second level really quickly otherwise I might run out of time before we can make this place fully relaxing all right I got to go quick real quick I also think I need to add a little bit up here that’s not just gotten I’m going to make a little area over here where it has a really cool steaming area this way anybody that wants to can come along and just relax here for a bit all right I’ll break some of these blocks and I’ll add some Spruce logs just like this then I’m going to add in some trap doors over here okay this is looking pretty good this is almost complete now I’m going to add some more trap doors facing this way and oh yeah this is about to look so good now I will add some water buckets inside and before I’m done I’m going to add some Soul Sand just like this hey this looks so cool now it’s like a little bubble bath wow that’s pretty epic now there’s also some more things I need to add over here over on this side I’m going to grab some white caret then underneath it I’m going to make some campfires that’s cuz this area is going to be a little toasty area it’s not an area where we can actually make Toasties but it’s going to be a really lovely relaxing area where it’ll be super warm and nice and steamy oh yeah this will look so cool I’ll also add some stairs to be like little seats that people can sit on especially you Milo I know you always like to sit down yeah I like to sit down and think about stuff yeah don’t that’s exactly why I’m adding a bunch of stuff here for you to sit down and think about I also really want to add some bookshelves because even though you’re not exactly the best at reading they are very relaxing and I have a feeling you’ll totally enjoy them I’m also going to add more flower pots up here so that you can enjoy your say hey that looks really cool I’m going to add some more cherry trap doors around the edge of this bookshelf that way it looks like it’s made out of cherry wood wo that looks really cool actually hey this area is looking so cool I also thought of another crazy idea not crazy like it’s overwhelming or not chill at all but it’s crazy like in how chill it is I’ve put down this little table but I need to add a little chair that’s because this area is going to be a really cool gaming area for you Milo even though games are not the most relaxing sometimes you can still play some really chill ones like stardo Valley maybe I love the stardo valley yeah I know that’s exactly why I put it here I’m going to place a little computer sign here and on the back I’m even going to try and make it look like a real computer logo and also so I got some pretty relaxing games on the Roblox yeah exactly all right I’ve made the back of this computer and now I need to make a little painting hey this looks so nice now I’m going to add a little computer mouse there and wo this looks like the most relaxing computer desk ever I really really like it hey this area is looking really nice and full of plants but I still think there’s more I can add I’m going to add some pink tulips and some white tulips next to the cool pink Petals on the floor hey this area looks so cool like a lovely plant garden I think the tulip really add a super cool pop of color here this is so relaxing probably the most relaxing area I’ve seen yet and I also think up here on this bit we will add some more Spruce logs just like this this way it’s a nice and enclosed area from the rest of this place even though the entire Treehouse is super relaxing I still think having different zones makes it feel really nice inside all right now I’ll Place more of these Birch panes on this window like this and oh yeah this is looking so good I think that even kind of makes me want to do the same for other parts of it I’ll leave this part open but over here I will add some more Birch panes exactly how we did on that other section over there oh yeah this will also make this area over here feel a little bit more nice and cozy just like it probably should as it is going to be a nice little steaming room okay perfect this is looking so cool right now I’m really happy with the design of this area but there’s still another thing I really want to put over here H this is a really important thing to think about what I could possibly add oh I know I could probably put a little bedroom up here maybe I could add a bunch of sleeping mats that way they won’t disturb all the plants here yeah I think that’s a great idea I’m going to add a bunch of Cherrywood colored carpets over here these will be like little sleeping bags that we can sleep in I’ll add one over here and I’ll also add one over here on this side that way there’s plenty of space between them and I’ll also add two more over here hey this looks really cool these ones can face this way just like this and hey maybe I can even add one more over here I’ll also need to make sure I add some chest in here this way anybody sleeping here has a lovely place to store their things wow this is so cool Milo I wish you could be up here seeing this right now yeah well I wish you could be over here seeing how cool my stuff is right now yeah you’re right Milo I don’t think I’ve actually been over to your side yet H I guess I’ll just stay over on my side forever and never come over to your side until it’s the final round sounds good SM what I am not telling Milo is that was a lie that I just said I think I will go over to Milo’s side and I have a feeling I’m about to really enjoy my time there because I’m not going over to relax just yet I’m going over to prank Milo Milo pranked me with bees so I think I’ll need to think of another bug to prank Milo with it is time for my revenge I need to make sure I can sneak over with this jar of termites yeah these termites are going to do a lot of damage to Milo’s buildt it’s very important that I can sneak over and place them over without Milo seeing okay Milo’s building really high up I really hope this works all right now I need to go all the way to the base of Milo’s Treehouse and release them I’ve got to make sure they do not come over to mine in okay there we go wo they’re so colorful oh my goodness where are they going wait a minute are these guys destroying the wood oh my goodness this is crazy I’m going to stay here and make sure that they do their job otherwise they’ll just be here for no reason oh my goodness this is crazy okay before I build this pool up here I think I just got to check what I’ve done downstairs because that’s going to give me the major inspiration oh my goodness Milo’s coming downstairs all right I need to quickly find a way to hide I’ll hide behind this tree over here W oh yeah my house is looking so really good oh I love it up here maybe I should check down on the ground floor as well yeah this is really oh my gosh what is that why are the terit the freaky ants get away from me I hate them I hate them oh my goodness yes this is perfect Milo is having to stop his building to try and deal with these termites now while Milo is distracted I can fly back over and continue building my Treehouse this is the perfect opportunity to catch up to Milo and almost be finished with mine what is it Milo I got a problem and it’s not very relaxing problem oh no Milo what could your problem be my build has ter oh my goodness Milo you probably did a really bad job picking the area to start oh no you better make sure you try and stay chill this is ratf oh my gosh Milo they’re not rats they’re ter mites right yeah they’re terites but they’re making me feel ratty Milo feeling ratty is not feeling relaxed you better get that sort of quick before the TNT machine in the sky realizes exactly how stressed you are no I don’t want to get blown up by the machine but I also don’t want to have to H maybe this is happening because you actually pranked me with bees earlier I have no idea how this happened but you should probably learn to be more nice y you sound kind of suspicious right now what why would I sound suspicious that’s crazy I’ve done nothing wrong I don’t know buddy I’m not liking your Vibe right now sorry Milo I guess you’ll just have to try and deal with your termite problem then you can come over here and try and work out why my vibes a little off you’re the wor sorry Milo okay I can’t hear you over the sound of my build going really well all right over here I’m going to make some roves on the side of my relaxing area hey this looks so nice I’ll add some dark prismarine as the color for the roof because it goes really well with the cherry wood Yep this is looking absolutely perfect now I will do the same on the edges of these parts of my Treehouse this is going to look so cool and then once I’ve added this to it I’ll be able to add all of the Cherry leaves around that is going to make this place look so cool and epic oh yeah this is about to be the nicest Treehouse anyone has ever seen and it’ll be made of Cherrywood which is such a cool wood block I can’t wait to see this all work out as long as I can try and make sure Milo never finds out about what I did to his treehouse then I think I’ll be in the clear all right let’s Place more of these all the way around just like this hey this is looking so epic all right let’s Place more of these slabs all the way around this is looking so epic I think I’ll need to start using dark prismarine blocks as well they are a lot easier to place in super duper High numbers than the slabs are that’s pretty important if I want to get this done in time I still need to be the most chill and have the nicest Treehouse but I also need to remember that there is a time limit if I run out and my build gets looked at without anything being done then it’s not going to be relaxing at all there’s nothing more stressful than being inside a construction site this high up it’ll be so scary without all the propag guard rails oh boy I don’t even want to think about it I just need to focus on making sure this build can get done as quickly as possible oh wow building the roof is going so well I’m actually almost done I just need to make sure that this Top Pot sticks out a little more and then the bottom part gets built this is about to look so cool oh Milo I’m getting really close to finishing oh man me too what you managed to deal with the termites yeah I actually did because I used fumes to get rid of them what Milo you fumed out the termites that’s crazy that’s not exactly relaxing you know fumes can be kind of dangerous yeah I know I can but I had no other choice okay I guess if you did have no other choice then that makes sense but you should be careful Milo you need to make sure your place stays really relaxing and fume free yeah I’m trying to from now on thank you very much welcome Milo anything I can do to help all right now that the roofs are super duper done I need to add these gloss panes to the sides before it is too late come on I don’t have a lot of time left I need to get moving and fast all right I’ll add some more Spruce logs up here just like this okay this is a pretty good design for the sides I just need to make sure I do it on every side then I can add the leaves and be complete oh boy Milo I’m so excited with how close I am to getting done with this build it’s about to look so epic you’re going to be totally amazed yeah I’m sh but I just realized something wait what did you realize Milo we are nearly out of time if we don’t have our chill builds built then that means the machine is going to get us yeah exactly but if we do manage to make our builds really chill then the machine will only get one of us and it’s whoever builds the least chill house and oh Milo I have really bad news for you my house is almost complete I’ve already finished the actual house area now I just need to make the leaves around and then I’ll be done that’s good cuz I’m not like done too oh no way I’m going to get done quicker than you but I am going to be chill the whole time as well um yeah me too I’m going to be super chill yes of course being chill is very important okay now I can grab some cherry leaves and start placing these around oh this is going to take way too long I think I need to use a super cool brush this brush will make cherry leaves wherever I paint with it and wo it’s already looking so nice hey this looks so cool I’ll just need to make sure I keep building these Cherry leaf designs all the way around I kind of want to give this place a really specific feel and I think I know exactly how I’m going to do it oh yeah these leaves are actually going to look like they have multiple layers they’ll kind of look like little clouds oh wow these are going to look so pretty they’re going to be the most relaxing trees for miles around even more relaxing than your tree Milo which is still looking like cotton candy and wait is that parkour up the top yeah I know it oh yeah I do know it but Milo what’s relaxing about parkour it’s very relaxing parkour and also exercise is good for keeping you relaxed yeah I guess it is but Milo not while you’re doing parkour 100 blocks up off the ground that doesn’t sound very relaxing to me at all well chip I do not need your negativity right now oh my gosh Milo it’s not negativity I’m going to be the one ranking your treehouse you got to make sure it’s relaxing you just trying to stress me out uh yeah oh no I accidentally painted a pot of my treehouse in with the brush oh no that could have gone really bad luckily it’s in an area of my Treehouse that’s really easy to put back oh see that was so quick now I need to hurry even more than I was before Oh this is bad but I need to still stay calm if I panic while building it right now then it’s going to be so crazy by the time I’m done okay this is looking good now I need to make sure I keep building these Cherry leaves around the edges wow building this in layers really is working out because it’s looking so amazing oh yeah this is so cool I’m really happy with this right now I’m going to keep adding layers to this this thing it’s about to be so beautiful the most pretty cherry house ever made I’ll just need to make sure these branches go up a little bit more so that there’s a lot more space up in the sky to build with them that way there’s a lot more space for the leaves to grow as well it’s a really cool life hack to making sure that these trees get as many leaves on them as possible all right I’ll add even more going up above the house like this yeah it’s okay if I make these little branches messy because I’m going to paint over them using our little Cherry Leaf brush that’s a really important key to making sure my tree looks so good the Messier we make it the more we can cover it up with cherry leaves and the prettier it will look it’s kind of like a really cool life hack nothing can even go wrong with it oh boy I can’t wait to put this into action and see just how epic it looks with all of these changes I’ll need to make sure I add some more leaves and wood on this side as well it is the front side of the house after all it’s important that I make sure that from the front it looks absolutely perfect and oh yes this is about to look so cool let’s get painting the last few pieces of har leaves then Milo it is time for you to come and check out my build yeah well I’m excited for you to see my build oh Milo I’m excited as well but I’m also really chill about it because if I’m not chill that would be a really bad decision for reasons in the sky all right Milo this is about to be so close I feel like I’m going to totally win against you in this chill Treehouse building competition chip can I tell you a fun fact about me uh yeah sure Milo what is it but it better be a really chill effect otherwise it will not be good to have right before the entire thing might blow up something that really chills me out is rock and roll music wait what Milo how can rock and roll music chill you out it’s like the most intense type of music ever yeah for some reason it just makes me sleepy and relax what Milo I think your chill sense is a broken and wait a minute Milo what do you think chill means that means just really good vibes really relaxing and having a good time okay I guess that is true but Milo you do realize rock and roll music is not exactly chill I just don’t think you want to stand away my brain works uh yeah Milo that’s definitely true I don’t know if anybody understands how your brain works well my best friend jip jip does hey Milo jibjib is not your best friend he’s a snowman he can’t even speak yeah he can speak in my brain what Milo that’s an imaginary friend he can’t actually talk to you is this just you talking to yourself again jip jip is not an imaginary flag okay Milo calm down calm down I do not want the TN to start launching because of how crazy you’re getting they not say things like that okay sorry Milo I did not mean to upset you all right I’ll just place the final few leaves and then I will be ready for you to come and check out my cherry tree house build this is so exciting only a couple more leaves left and then it will be done okay this is looking so good Milo I think my Treehouse is almost done can I come over please H let me think about it okay you can come over you just have to count down from 10 and once you finish counting down I have to stop building okay okay let’s go 10 8 wao Milo be careful that is not how you count down from 10 oh my goodness all right I’ll count down for you okay okay that’s good all right 5 4 3 2 1 okay my build is now officially complete as the timer has stopped let’s have a look all right I can’t wait to see whose Treehouse will be the most chill relaxed and who will lose to the giant TNT machine in the sky wow chip wow this is actually really nice thanks Milo I’m just feeling relaxed looking at it right now yeah but yeah just take a look at how relaxed you’ll be when you actually go through it okay let’s go throw it chip give me the TA well the first step on your tour is being welcomed into the entrance this is my relaxing bubble spot that goes all the way up to the very top W this is actually a really good idea can I white out of course you can right into the left hand one Milo okay lucky I know my left to right wow when did you learn about that just today when I was chilling out and thinking about stuff that’s really cool now Milo remember you need to judge exactly how relaxing you find this place and if you find it really relaxing you have to be honest about it otherwise I might get this whole place destroyed by the giant TNT machine in the sky and that will not be very chill or very relaxing well first of all I hate how cozy it is that’s really annoying me wait what Milo it’s super cozy what do you mean you don’t like it well it’s annoying pretty much wait Milo this is meant to be cozy that shouldn’t be annoying to you uh oh Milo if you find Cozy annoying I’m really worried about what you’ll think the rest of my base is like well I do kind of like it I’m just feeling a bit mixed up in the head right now wait Milo are you trying to say that you’re being mean about it on purpose yeah maybe but chip you’ve actually done a really good job I need you to explain what everything is to us sure well over here this is the dining area where we can have really relaxing meals and over here is the sitting area there are sofas so that you can sit on a chair and there are tatami mats so you can sit on the floor if you’d like as well hey that’s awesome I like sitting on the ground yeah it’s pretty cool and over here it’s a nice little balcony area so we can look out into the sunset a work you can even see how all T yeah you totally can and there’s also a little sink area with kitchen cabinets and some drawers over here so you you can keep anything you like in them that’s pretty nice I’m not going to lie thanks and over here is just the chest area and the smelting and crafting area hey check it out you can see the even better build over there Milo your build is not even better that’s crazy now over here you can fly up that’s how relaxing this place is we both can use our flying abilities inside and it’s totally chill oh that’s actually good and hey this looks Beauty yeah it does kind of Look Beauty this is a sleeping area with sleeping m Ms and storage bags sleeping next to the grass makes me so relaxed yeah it’s really nice and peaceful and over here there is a bathtub area with bubbles and a super cool steaming area wow I like the steam it’s all in my face it kind of reminds me of when I put the fumes on the end what Milo you let the fumes from the termites get in your face yeah and it made me feel a bit funny my gosh Milo you should not be putting your face in termite fumes I really hope you’re okay I guess it’s a good thing you’ve got to relax place like this to calm you down after a crazy experience like that that is pretty true and hey is this for me yeah this is a little computer it’s super relaxing and you can use it to do whatever you like like the computer works yeah exactly except you won’t need to work here it’s too relaxing for that there’s also a bookshelf where you can read anything you like from it well I don’t really know how to read well maybe here you’ll have enough time by yourself that you’ll eventually learn that’s nice thanks Milo well this is the Garden area it’s the the last step on your tour of this amazing cherry tree house I can run around and put the flowers on my face exactly yeah it’s pretty relaxing just like the entire rest of this Cherry Treehouse is relaxing as well now Milo doesn’t that mean you really like it yeah um I really like it just kidding I hate it wait what Milo but it’s so nice and relaxing what don’t you like about it well I don’t like anything what Milo do you not like it because you want to win or do you really not don’t think it’s cozy well um if I’m being honest I don’t like it because I want to win what’s Milo that’s really cheeky oh my goodness Milo are you sure do you really not think it’s relaxing enough to win well it’s really good actually chip if I’m being honest it’s pretty much a five out of five yes wow a five out of five I knew it Milo I can’t believe you were going to lie and say that you hated it just to make me lose whatever at least you got a good school buddy now it’s time to see de Mila build okay I’m a little interested to see how this is about to go welcome to the Milo build wa Milo this place looks uh certainly interesting how do I get up well you just go up the ladder and you might want to read the sign no terma yet Milo does this meant to say no Tera it’s allowed yeah what did I spell it wrong uh yeah do you want me to fix it for you no it’s fine forget about it I’m pretty chill okay wow that is pretty chill okay I guess I should be a little worried that you might win this but Milo having a ladder is not chill at all I need to pump my legs just to get up it it’s nowhere near as relaxing as my elevator was it is relaxing you just don’t understand and hey this is the loue room uh Milo what is this place this place looks crazy and there’s some drums for me to play my epic rock and roll music oh my goodness Milo this is insane and rock and roll is not relaxing and Milo why is there an open bucket of paint here well because CU I was painting the sofa what Milo did I just sit on a sofa covered in paint yeah oh my goodness I feel like I’m going to be covered in pink paint now and Milo there’s more paint over here what are you painting in this place oh in this place you can paint whatever picture you want and you can also play the piano while the electric guitar wo Milo did you paint this it looks very uh interesting oh hey and here’s the little friend what Milo who is this guy his name is Fabian fa wow that’s a pretty fancy name Milo he’s a fancy guy wo why is he in your relaxing Treehouse again well he’s the caraker the can’t take a Milo he keeps trying to sell me things yeah and you should buy them because shopping is relaxing Milo there’s nothing relaxing about packed ice and pumpkin seeds oh my goodness wa what’s this room this is pretty much the bath room you’ve got a little bath here and a big spa bath here okay I do like the spa bath but Milo why is there a record player right next to the spa bath in case you want to listen to some epic turns yeah but what if you’re splashing around in the bath and accidentally get the record player wet won’t that break it NOP it’s just a record player and there’s some sculptures as well Milo these sculptures are really nice but they’re right in the middle of the floor what if you trip over them waa Milo why is there a Creeper cake that’s really scary yum wait what is that noise wao Milo that is not chill at all it makes an explosion noise when you eat it that actually scared me a lot I didn’t know that Milo this is is the opposite of chilling wait a minute what did it just give me why am I poisoned oh I’m sorry about that oh my gosh Milo this is terrible I feel really sick now okay um is there anything else in here wao I like this painting don’t you like the froggy chairs oh uh yeah I do but Milo they’re kind of looking at me weird and why do they have such big nostrils I don’t know but they remind me of myy tadle actually yeah I guess except Milo he’s a turtle not a frog same thing okay come upstairs oh my gosh Milo turtles and frogs are very different but all right I guess I’ll climb up all these ladders oh my goodness how do you call it upstairs if there’s no stairs or even an elevator to get up oh man I don’t like to view up here you can actually see a lot of that creepy machine yeah that’s not very calming Milo that’s actually really stressful I built my roof to block out every single view of that evil machine up there but you put it everywhere but heck check it out there’s an epic trampoline Okay wa this trampoline is crazy but Milo ow I just hit my head this is not very relaxing or very cozy at all yeah according to the guy who looks like chip what Milo that’s me I’m the guy who looks like chip yeah I know that’s why I said it I’m also the guy that’s meant to be ranking your build Milo so I think you need to make sure that you’re nice to the guy that looks like chip fine I’ll be nice but I just want you to come up here and check it out wa okay this is pretty cool and hey Milo this Paco is really difficult that’s really stressful but look you can see the sunset from up here okay it is pretty cool cool Milo but H now that I’ve seen all of your treehouse there’s only one thing left for me to do what is it it’s to rate exactly what I think of your treehouse and I’m going to give you my score based on how nice and how cozy it is okay please tell me I hope I want a million points what a million points Milo it’s out of five okay well what’s it going to be H okay I think I’ve really thought about this a lot and I think I’m going to give your build a 2 out of five score two out of five that’s barely anything oh man chip I’m angry yeah that’s understandable because it means that I am the winner and Milo you know that that means that my epic Cherry Treehouse is totally safe and uh yours might not be for very long what do you mean chip a does that mean that the weird machine’s going to blow it up yeah Milo because mine was more chill your stress has powered up this machine and I think we’re about to see exactly what that machine is going to do oh no oh no Milo look oh no look chip my PL is getting destroyed oh poor Milo that TNT did a bunch of damage oh I’m really mad now this is the worst day ever hooray I win oh look it’s doing more this is epic yeah woohoo

Milo and Chip are building Cherry Blossom Tree’s to try and survive the incoming TNT attack!

#minecraft #minecraftbuild #miloandchip


  1. milo so weird why milo live in the rotten egg the weird creator bird not live in the house bird live in the rotten an huge amount of poop an huge amount of trash like if love chip not that weird little milo hahahaha hahaha

  2. WOW 😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😳😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲🤔😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲😲

  3. Thats a great tree house! How did u build that? I wish i can build like that but i do play minecraft its one of my fav games! Well my choice for whis gonna win is chip. Chip has a great tree house pls like and subscribe. 😊❤❤❤❤pls

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