Stardew Valley (Ep5)

hi everyone welcome back to another Tyler Oakley games video here we are another Thursday new videos every single Thursday so don’t forget to subscribe today’s video is all stardew Valley we helped lonus find his basket you know crazy crazy things went down today so I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think in the comments below okay so we have the Moonlight jellyfish Festival coming up we’re going to have to attend that our first Moonlight jellyfish Festival oh dear I don’t really remember my buttons beautiful sunny day tomorrow very bad luck day today great great great great I do love a rainy day to start so I don’t have to I died in I I what I fell asleep outside last night apparently it’s great great great great great great let me pluck my stuff okay two days left of the season um let’s go pet our cows hello hello do we have a game plan am I up to anything Caroline needs a bream I could do that I need to take my bream to Caroline do you know where Caroline is greenhair wife of a of Pierre Sebastian wants a soda okay hello Pierre green hair you say oh there she is she wants this bream she can’t handle this bream bream until you scream [Music] Caroline Tyler you brought me the item I asked for I really appreciate it here’s your payment as promised Thank You Doodle Dandy oh we’re going to be here later we’re going to be here in two days in two days time for the Moonlight jelly experience what else do we have to do today reach the bottom of the mine ham wants a pale ale a pike frenzy has begun in Cinder sap Forest baby I don’t even know what that means what is Cinder sap Forest how many fish have we gotten at least 20 30 I don’t know it looks like it’s over no more splish splashing okay full Pockets clear Hearts Etc how nice to not have to um water my plants today good Lord okay so I’ve got two things for Gunther um where do I keep food I don’t have a fridge in my home okay and I have one egg in my pocket that I need to excuse me all righty and with the last bit of time in my day it’s 1 p.m. let’s clean up the farm a little why not um and now that my axe is upgraded I can go north up here for gos o what’s up here I’ve never been up here more trees 12:50 a.m. I should go to bed I’m a going I’m a going I’m a going I’m going I’m going I’m going ah oh my God don’t die outside can I get a GG for a successful day in the game without dying and we made $77,000 nice day 27 of Summer year 1 Dona Burger she [Music] ate tomorrow Moonlight jellies and today a very good luck day very good luck day in the game does that mean we should go to the the mines perhaps possibly get out of here amkay not these crows oh I’ve got some things to deliver to Gunther today okay let’s pet our animals so that we can head out on the day it’s only 7:5 a.m. I’m collecting hardwood kind of the next uh item we need to hoard for some upgrades or buildings rather we need to make oh and a train is passing through stardew per I love the train Tyler wait for my return on the dawn of your third year what I’m sorry what’s [Music] ominous a chicken statue thank you Gunther thank you oh today is um a good luck oh it’s 5:00 p.m. already in the game how does time fly so fast and there goes Marne never working hi mne have you been to that strange Tower west of my house yes I have how dare her that felt um pointed toward the wizard oh a train passed through we can go see if anything fell out of the train her I love the train and I am on Cloud n it’s totally nebul oh and I didn’t water my plants yet but tomorrow’s the last day of the season you know what more important to water plants I need sprinklers I need sprinklers well sprinklers are hard to make and expensive at this point in the game and like yeah but I do needan sprinklers I do I do I do I do it’s midnight see I wouldn’t have been able to water all my crops and go to the train so I did the right thing sometimes the train nothing falls out of the train anyway so it’s like the whole journey was a bust I also need to upgrade my watering can there’s a lot we have to do he’s gay he’s got a very interesting relationship with classical music oh it’s 150 holy shits bedtime another successful day in the game without dying can I get a GG in the chat another beautiful day in the world it’s a bad luck day okay off to a great start okay the the jelly event tonight at 10:00 p.m. a rare and beautiful event will take place the Moonlight jellies will be passing by Pelican town on their long journey south for the winter we are all gathering at the beach to watch you do not want to miss this see you tonight Demetrius Demetrius is my One That Got Away Demetrius Demetrius hottest guy in town and the forbidden fruit not allowed to even Ponder the thought of the two of us escaping the valley together dang inventory full again honey oh I didn’t pet my chickens chickens hello oh now how could you be mad at me why is that chicken mad at me oh why are you mad at me all y’all mad at me don’t be haters why are you mad at me chickens that’s that’s I don’t know about that my cows love me oh and I’m getting their milk hold on yes yes Sak toi okay perfect a cheese press I’m out of Earth [Music] crystals okay are these things I need to be making I don’t no but I am let’s put our cheese presses over here all righty I’m just planning a big trip to the community center so I’m like I might as well bring everything that I might need what did I just do everything that I might need for such a journey let’s do some of these okay so I’m seeing if any of my items in my pocket light up for example booop um uh I wish I could switch [Music] those the reward is Bridge repair oh for this entire bundle thing oh yeah it’s going to take a while 1:30 p.m. let’s go uh back to Robin and get her going on my um my house upgrade let’s upgrade this house mother and we’re off 4:30 p.m. in the game The Moonlight jelly starts at 10 p.m. so we got some time going to meander and collect Goods okay the dance of the Moonlight jellies has begun at the Beach let’s go the time has come all righty the whole town is here oo what do we got on sale seafoam pudding I don’t have I can’t I can’t afford anything for sale it’d be like that Caroline hello these candles are romantic aren’t they yeah hey Pam don’t tell Goose but I’m a little disappointed there’s no Buffet tonight I get it hi Gus Moonlight jellies I wonder how they taste I would never try it of course life is so easy for a jellyfish just letting the waves carry you onward forever hey Penny or Haley I’m going to take a picture of the jellies when they arrive okay yes documentarian I can’t believe Summer’s over I feel like it just started we dated Alex once hey Marne that’s a heavy load of people for an ancient wooden dock I’ll stay over near the beach okay Shane hello the jellies were here a year ago and they’ll be back a year from now nature is amazing I hope there are babies this year good evening Tyler the Moonlight jellies are close I already saw one glowing in the distance once we launch the candle boat they’ll come up to the dox and say hello hey Willie most nightfish would be scared of the light these are strange ones there I just saw one glowing oh it’s gone look out there at the Endless Sea deep underwater all kinds of life forms are moving around in the dark Eerie isn’t it I wore my special shoes tonight no one noticed if we keep polluting the oceans the jellies will surely go extinct it’s already in the process of happening all right what a shame we have no respect for nature anymore yeah that is sad that is so sad actually you’re right hey Vincent I want to see the rare green jelly okay Hi Sam I wonder if they’re poisonous maybe I shouldn’t push Sebastian in the water after all hey Sebastian I thought I saw something moving in there something big something dark just trying to scare you hi Abigail Abigail Abigail huh should we date Abigail such a rare and exciting thing I’m I like Abigail and I like who’s the one with green hair Emily oh but there’s my man hi Harvey well Summer’s over to be honest I’ll be happy to say goodbye to those blasted mosquito what why are you looking at me like that you think I’m too old to enjoy something like this I remember seeing the jellies once as a little girl oh how I jumped with joy when they arrived but that was long ago and I’m a lot less energetic now yeah o hi lonus I’ll just sneak up when the jellies arrive I don’t want to bother anyone I love lonus people don’t treat lonus with respects hi Maru it’s kind of cold actually I guess fall is right around the corner it’s past my bedtime I should be sleeping I don’t have time for this day time [ __ ] the Moonlight jelly what a remarkable species were very lucky that they stop here on their long journey South it’s unknown why they are attracted to light very curious hey did you see that candle boat I crafted it myself that’s cool hey I’m paying my respects to another bygone summer yeah this game really tries to remind you of the passage of time how did you find me back here I thought I was well hidden perhaps you are blessed with the gift of Clairvoyance maybe I’m here to observe the lunal or Moonlight jellies as you call them they possess an unusually potent magical Aura for an aquatic life form okay what do you think should I launch the boat now yes another bygone summer here they come wow it’s beautiful look at all those chickens [Music] [Music] are you feeling it now Mr Krabs are you feeling it now Mr Krabs are you feeling it the glow of Summer has faded now and the Moonlight jellies carry on toward the great unknown that’s beautiful incredible stuff oh [ __ ] I didn’t water my [ __ ] plants Jesus I’m a fool I don’t even know what’s going to carry over to the next season some of these things are summer only some of them are summer fall so some things like sunflower seeds can GR in summer and fall so those will be able to continue growing into tomorrow in the game okay bed time good night another successful day in the game without dying okay we leveled up in farming we can craft kegs oil makers and speed grow well it’s fall day one I just watered my TV neutral luck day and tomorrow windy okay [Music] oh cleaning up the yard a little you know it’s never ending in that way all right and then we have to go to Pierre’s and buy some seeds because it’s a new season and um we need to get some stuff that we can grow in the fall okay let’s see if we have anything fall already in our pockets I do have some sprinklers yes I do fall broccoli broccoli okay sure should I plant these Mossy seeds oh what are you doing in there Miss ma’am let’s go buy seeds amethyst for Sam maybe what do you got Daddy pumpkins corn I have $400 I got to get everything I need to get every one of at least everything you know get some [ __ ] growing what I should have done was get the stuff that takes the longest to grow but I didn’t do that because I’m me oh I need to get that cockle got it all righty okay let’s plant some stuff what do we got broccoli a cranberry a yam an eggplant a Bak Choy well is that everything Jesus I need seeds we need to go to the community center I’ve got some fish to drop off oh an amethyst I need to deliver to Sam by two days from now okay maybe I shouldn’t have upgraded my house you know what I do have this five ears of golden corn for the pantry jeez corn the journey continues let’s see if we have any amethysts okay I need to start thinking about how to make money okay boom no yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes any fish we can sell it’s already 6:40 p.m. in the day time escapes amethysts now who needs my amethyst Sam let’s go find Sam and after I deliver this I need to fish for the rest of the night Sam [Music] hello [Music] delivery okay we need a fish a broken [Music] CD what’s with all the trash in the in the lake is it cuz I’m out of no I have bait what’s going on broken CDs trash and Soggy newspapers 12:10 a.m. broken glasses I did sell a lot of crops today so hopefully that’ll help me raise my funds I need to go buy seeds tomorrow is Pierre open on a Tuesday double Caked Up On A Tuesday St I don’t know if I have a recycler yet don’t know I don’t know nice oo stuff stuff stuff thank you I’ve used the last piece of bait three recycling machines oh [ __ ] 150 a.m. ah well they’re going to take a percentage of my money I have $4 how much do you think I’m going to lose or will it come out of this will it come out of that I just made1 ,000 [Music] oh no it didn’t it didn’t didn’t think got okay it’s a good luck day today let’s go conquer the universe since you have no money I provided your medical care free of charge thank you uh [Music] deep you know what I think I have a um preserves jar I guess I should use that thing okay oh I have another preserve star cool okay now I need to for sure I need to go I need to go buy more um seeds plot plot plot ah hello there Tyler you showed up at the perfect time what it’s our new special orders board Robin and I built it from scratch uh Lew all you did was hold the nails [Music] ignore her now let me explain you see with the void Farm back in business the local economy has really been picking up as a result some of the local towns folk have been asking me for a way to S to Source local ingredients for their businesses or personal projects so Robin and I came up with the idea of a new special orders board where people can post bigger jobs than would make sense for the old billboard outside p okay yeah for example I plan on requesting some hardwood for a bed I want to make I won’t put you on the spot but if you want to help me out you can just accept the job from the board who knows maybe if the bed turns out well I’ll start selling them in my [Music] shop I look forward to helping I thought so I wouldn’t expect anything less from you Tyler so can we say that you’re on board [Music] well I’m sure you’re busy so we won’t keep you away from your work any longer as always I appreciate your willingness to contribute take care Tyler a I love fall and stardew Valley is there anything better in life no Bak Choy for Elliots pumpkins corn what else do we need to make amaranth bery seed sunflowers grapes okay I have $8,000 more dollars got to spend money to make money baby what did I just do what does that do I can sell them back okay okay let’s ride priority number one is getting stuff growing so let’s go get some stuff growing no more seeds we could go buy more no we can’t I have $200 left well we could let’s do it let’s see what we can buy maybe there’s seeds that are like 10 10 gold each I think for wheat you can get some wheat seeds for 10 each um or eggplant okay officially out of money again okay we did a fair amount of planting oh [ __ ] I need to get this amethyst to Sam Prismatic jelly or biome balance track down the rare and dangerous Prismatic slime in the local caves bring me a jar of the Prismatic jelly and you will be duly reved or for unknown reasons the local population of Lake fish has grown to to an unsustainable level catch angler we should what should we do let’s do the jelly so first things first Sam amethyst then water our plants where the hell is Sam Sam I do have one more day for the delivery to Sam where is he where is he one sec noce noise noise Elliot wants B Choy I don’t think I have Bak Choy today’s the final day for the Sam amethyst okay we have to go it’s locked what do you mean I think I just I admit defeat on this one and instead I water my plants again I might as well die outside or fall asleep outside I have five gold is not going to take any of my gold is he okay another successful day in the game without dying can I get a GG okay $4,000 made today nice and we upgraded our house wow check it out we turned this house into a home hi Tyler good morning hi you seem to be doing well the farm looks great uh-huh so you’ve been here a while and I’m sure you’ve acquired some cloth by now right well did you know that you can use cloth to tailor all kinds of clothes all you need is access to a sewing machine and I happen to be have happen to have one at home feel free to swing by and use it anytime that is very sweet thank you Emily to start tailoring you’ll need a piece of cloth and a secondary item experiment and see what unique styles are out there thank you stop watering the mailbox bunch of amaran yeah we’re getting there one thing at a time all righty and let’s go milk my cows who up milking their [Music] cow okay so I’ve got something for gun Panther and let’s head into town I I need to get um ooh I need to get [Music] seeds so winesday 5 days left on Prismatic jelly final day for bok choy I don’t have any Bak Choy made quite yet so he’s not going to get his delivery and that’s okay green LGA for George I don’t think I have any closed on Wednesdays okay well we can still deliver to Gunther I guess we should start to figure out the Prismatic jelly situation what is the quest a jar of Prismatic jelly I need to find Prismatic slime and then make jelly oh they just drop it okay I think we should go to the caves I do I do I do first I’m seeing if there’s anything I can sell that’s okay all of that is for sale we’re going to the caves oh my God but the caves are so far away when you don’t have the um transportation thing you know what I’m talking about what is that or the mines the mines the mines the carts mines the carts I do that okay the goal here is to not die so what we’re looking for a prismatic jelly okay I guess I should proceed let’s proceed yie an infested area all right there’s a prismatic could it be will we get Prismatic jelly damn this thing is tough what the hell whoa okay we got it perfect and look at this area damn it’s 1:00 a.m. I got to go 120 why am I not leaving well because I want to because I’m cuz I have a problem Tundra boots okay we got to go exit are you sure you’re not working damn well I’m a Fool good night you’re one of God’s children same as me $7,000 today nice and the Book seller is in town today oh somebody stole my money yeah the Prismatic jelly was so easy and you really hyped it up to be this impossible experience so why did you lie to me let’s explore that is it that you were but a sabur Among Us interesting you’re feeling gaset I’m feeling gaset hey we made it another elevator level down in the mines so that’s a win for yesterday plus we got the tundra boots we got the Prismatic jelly we can go deliver today okay and we’re off I need to go buy seeds that’s that’s a top priority green algae for George honestly I don’t know if I have any green algae it’s not looking like that okay come on I think that should be enough seeds I do want to go to the black Smith before he’s closed oh does he close it four or five my heart says four but I’m hoping five it’s probably three ah four delivery I’ve brought you something nice with a new reward what do you got for me [Music] Gunther Gunther hunin seeds I’ll take them thank you we’re going to go to the community center real quick just to drop some stuff off oh the balloon yeah I have no room in my pockets we got to go to the community center first what do we got what do we got yeah [Music] wow 30 fall seeds delish cool yeah I don’t think I have anything for down here but I don’t really ever remember oh nice what you got a furnace and that’s oh that will repair our mine carts that’s going to be so worth it I don’t know how long I can go to the hot air balloon but we can try are you still open buy a book okay let’s talk about it I have $9,000 farming experience fishing experience price catalog I already have the price catalog well I did it I’ve learned a few things about farming that’s cool okay seed time any more spots for any more crops I don’t think so I need a chest and I would like to put a chest right here it’s like things that need to be taken to town like things that a blacksmith has to open things that are for the community center that I’ve been meaning to deliver it’s like this town delivery Goods oh and I do want to put my food in my fridge let’s go do that our expanded um [Music] house put my boots in my dresser and what’s for sale one thing at a time that that that that that that then I’ll put this away and my set away and then organize and then now let’s see what I can sell okay a successful day in the game okay it’s B time can I get a GG for a successful day in the game without dying day five of fall good morning Farmers bad luck day today all righty great sign it’s Friday does that mean the traveling Merchant is in town Friday Friday and Sunday I believe we are good to go things are planted let’s go do the let’s go deliver the Prismatic Shard I don’t want to I don’t want to delay let’s get that going you know dear wizard I believe the town’s folk are afraid of me well enjoy this jelly ah you’ve returned from the hunt I sense that you are successful now hand over the jelly and be gone I have important work to do okay $5,000 oh my God I’m [ __ ] Rich I’m [ __ ] rich don’t even look at me I’m so [ __ ] Rich damn wow um Marne wants amaranth it’s growing it’s not ready yet damn I missed the blacksmith again today it’s okay maybe we can get a quest started carp fish four of them for de nutrius a key oh what the hell is that a ticket prize ticket what’s this star drop tea yum thanks an avocado um now what do you want carp fish for carp carp I’m on the stardew Wikipedia I’m searching carp Lake fish carp are Lake fish okay and then let’s sell our excess thingies and cool stard drop T anybody have any thoughts on what to do with that give it to an NPC for two hearts okay another successful day in the game without dying can I get a GG in the chat big slay wait like big slay yeah big slay we made $1,700 I know you can give it to anybody but I didn’t know if it was like if I should save it for somebody like if it’s a Romancing if it’s an item that would be best used if I’m Romancing somebody neutral luck day and sunshiny day tomorrow all righty the specimen you delivered offered great insight into the ma m mination minations of the fell beings we call monsters machinations machinations I formulated a pungent tincture that these beings find intoxicating use it with caution monster musk yeah the music in Fall that’s some good [ __ ] crops are watered Lord have mercy now let’s go pet our cows and milk them gotcha gotcha and then is there anything urgent today’s last day for carp I keep the fish I just have to catch [Music] them o I need to go right here come on [Music] totally this is weird there’s no carp up in here I should go to the near the mines okay well I only have 4 hours left to catch four of them it’s not looking good let’s let’s go it’s not happening I give up on the quest sorry Demetrius sorry it’s not happening I cannot I cannot afford to die or fall asleep outside again no no it’s only for 120 bucks anyway so it’s not the end of the world boom boom boom okay for the blacksmith all right bedtime can I get a we Dido for a successful day in the game without dying Burger she ate or rather a GG Deluxe worm bin dressed spinner and Barbed hook am I a Barb the hook pull up in Sri Lanka let’s check the queen of sauce tortillas I learned how to cook a tortilla and it’s a rainy day tomorrow thank God and it’s a very bad luck day today the crops are cropping all right hello Willie yes okay let’s water all right only took to 4:00 p.m. to get all my [ __ ] done on the farm Sunday which means the traveling Merchant is in town let’s go see if they have anything we need to purchase radish seeds Christmas tree I don’t want anything thank you though let’s go to the West [Music] board two largemouth bass y largemouth bass can be found All Seasons at the mountain lake where the hell are my Largemouth bags you’re you’re just not chanting for it to happen I blame I blame the chat what’s new what’s new about [Music] that midnight carp not a large mouth bass but midnight carb 140 vom vom V home [Music] nice day eight of fall year 1 and it’s raining God is so good love that [ __ ] we don’t have to rain or I mean we don’t have to water our plants today it’s a very bad luck day today great wonderful a new day in the workroom uh it’s Blackberry season right now the bushes are full of them minus wants some blackberries your wish is my command I can do that for you Mama a very bad luck day in the game sucks it’s like I’m trying to I’m trying to do my stuff hello chickens yes B hello aoy hello aoy and we’re off go to the blacksmith as well today although I don’t know who’s open on a Monday Bush plucking season is always a fun time how many how many blackberries does he need find Linus’s basket oh he lost his basket atis a tasket where the hell is this Basket in my first playthrough of this of this damn godforsaken game lonus was my first best friend in the game well yeah collect 1 th000 wood or slay ghost and get Ecto Plasma um I don’t think I can collect 1 th000 wood so we’re going to try to SL ghosts if I had trees that were grown out that I could chop down I’d be interested in that but maybe I buy some baits what’s going on ohy come here make yourself at [Music] home hey that’s good stuff there the fish go crazy for it just to make sure to wash your hands good after dipping them in those juices right right the aroma has been known to linger for up to 7 Days [Music] lad oh you’ve been catching a lot of fish it’s too difficult yes it’s difficult sport especially for a beginner have you tried the training ride I sell them right here at a very low price you should try using a train and ride until you get a little more experience all [Music] right what’s wrong Willie hey well business has been tough lately it’s all started about the same time that old community center fell to ruin my fish just don’t sound like theast I’ve been working double time just to make ends me no time for me own projects but if things picked up back up around here I might have the time to show you something yeah she’s back there an old friend that’s seen better days someday lad you’ll see what I mean all right all righty what’s this what the hell is this I’ve never seen that fish smoker Place fish inside with a piece of coal to create smoked fish which is worth double quality of the fish is preserved that seems like a good investment I did goodbye no I need to not do lioness’s blackberry basket until I I need to go up to the mountains to the mountains to the mountains we are going to try to get them their uh large mouth bass that’s a Bullhead well [ __ ] my drag name a new sword 20 to 30 plus two speed plus two critical chance 20 my weapon is pretty good like I I don’t really desire 20 to 32 [Music] I could get a nice [Music] ring what ring am I wearing right now small glowing ring I have room for another ring those are nice [Music] all right where the hell is lioness’s uh basket don’t tell me you leave it in the uh bath house it’s 1:00 a.m. it’s about damn time I guess I should start saving my fish to um to to smoke them instead of selling them right away okay 1:40 a.m. e bed time it’s day nine of fall I’d like to do one more day in the game it’s a very good luck day today we love to see it one week from today we’re holding the stardew Valley Fair it’s the biggest event of the Year drawing people from all across the country to our humble town if you’d like you can set up a grange display for the event just bring up to nine items that best showcase your talents you’ll be judged on the quality and diversity of your display the fair starts at 9:00 a.m. don’t miss it mayor Lewis okay we got to go we’ll be there okay crop time crippy crappity crop Dustin our sprinklers expensive you know what I I haven’t really invested in in Sprinklers and I honestly I I have in this play through I have thought I’m saving my um my the time I’m going to um spend organizing the farm with sprinklers for the winter when nothing can grow so I can like not waste time on on that which is not the the best idea gold bars I don’t really have gold bars do I I’ll have to look the lower quality sprinklers that I can make that I do have the res resour es for are not that great and not worth really um the time and energy of setting up because they’re not they don’t really reach but that’s just my preference okay did I get them all I think so and let’s check the fruit bat cave oh wow check out all the fruit hell yeah Mama it’s fruit time yes yes yes yes yes yes the day is just fly by don’t they in this God forsaken game and you know what while we explore looking for berries maybe we will find Linus’s basket how do you forget your basket somewhere it’s a hard thing to forget is not in your hand I’m afraid I’m going to take one wrong turn and miss his basket damn I have 111 berries what the hell okay it’s bedtime do you want to know where it is no no no spoilers and yes can I get a GG for a successful day in the game without dying big slay one more day one more day one more day let’s do it sorry I love stardew sorry it’s a good luck day today in the game I like I want to play one more day but I don’t want to water all my plants again that’s life well I don’t have any gold I need to I need to be productive in the mines hey it’s a very good luck day in the game today so maybe we do go to the mines today even even though this is like my second time playing I still love it like I am down to do this for hours and hours and hours and hours and you know it’s like I I [ __ ] love this [ __ ] we’re almost there it’s almost done [Music] okay and we ride oh my God more berries I know I’m supposed to go to the mines right now but berries also maybe I’ll find his basket while I’m Berry hunting now that it’s light out while I’m Berry hunting all these berries are really grabed really great to collect in the fall and and hoard [Music] because it’s good energy it’s good you know it’s 6:40 p.m. how does this happen how did this happen to me I did see something that looked like a basket when I was running around earlier let me actually go check where I thought I saw it cuz I was running home for bedtime curfew see it looks like is that the see look hold on you see that I can I can touch it but I can’t touch it 1110 a.m. a ripe pumpkin sure Louis for you anything hey oh can I go over here oh baby oh baby oh my gosh oh my goodness oh my God I found the berry basket better return it to lonus okay all right all right and then let me sell my mayo and then we are done she’s really good yay another successful day on the farm if you like this video give it a thumbs up and let me know in the comments below I’m looking for a new game to try if there is a game you think I need to play let me know give me a suggestion and don’t forget to join us live on Twitch Tuesdays Wednesdays Fridays and Sundays on Sunday we have a transformation none other than anxiety from inside out we’ll see if the rest of the clil members will let anxiety join we’ll see if you want to experience it live you should come on Sunday that is all I have for you guys today I hope you have a wonderful life I’ll see you on Twitch don’t forget to subscribe and uh okay that’s all bye

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