Finishing Winter… my Stardew Valley 1.6 journey | Year 1

what if we name it the first thing that we get with the dice let the fates decide you know like in like in D and [Music] D Ain’t No Way snaks um yeah okay okay might as well just call it that [Music] hello all righty shall we go to the squid for just looking his b uh the squid squid squid uh Derby squid Fest squid Fest 2024 squid Fest okay it’s time we also need to clear our inventory like squid Fest has begun at 6:00 a.m. wow my goodness it’s yeah we passed out last night why did the Scarecrow win an award he was outstanding in his field happy April fools y wow Julia it’s a resub [Music] damn Spud happy 16 months Chef also happy 39 month Chef we need to go make these into aridium bars what do I need for the sprinklers cuz I kind of want to start cooking that wow oh battery pack can I get battery packs from anywhere does anybody know drove his sheep through town no he was given a ticket for making a uturn [Music] wo wow Julia it’s a res cat Jam was popping you oh is my inventory full Adam happy 46 months thank you for the 46 Adam is that a name change am I silly I could be super silly um okay it is a name change who was you or else you you can also just just stay at him and that’s [Music] it but happy 46 months oh oh my inventory is full wait I got two of them though [Music] wait are you high high wait ad high high [Music] Adam oh what the heck oh my goodness okay okay okay all right it’s hi high oh oh yeah I’ve called you Adam anyway so that’s kind of funny cuz I was like an Adam coming in here with 46 months H which Adam could that be nice new name though um okay hold on here um I need to clear this out I think I’m just going to sell the fruit cuz [ __ ] it except I’ll keep that oh yeah we were going to get a horse today but we can’t because it’s the the squid thing fishing tackle the metal Tab and colorful streamers create an enticing spectacle for fish increasing B raids ooh magnet did you just actually subscribe for your first time sure thank you Adrian thank you for continuing your gifted sub you got from Duran thank you thank you thank you thank you kindly Adrien thanks this very nice of you to do oh pow melon seeds I should put these in the thing um okay hold on my brain is uh we are we’re thinking here cuz I want to go to this squid Fest okay question squid oh no I should get there as soon as possible shouldn’t I I’m assuming it’s like troud Derby the sooner you get there the better right some food and [ __ ] okay hold on was going to drop this stuff off and then we’ll go oh oh oh oh oh I wanted to make bait uh and I need that and that bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait wait should I just make Deluxe bait wait n no no no no I just want regular bait right like I’m good at fishing and and I think that’s fine bang or do you guys say you would suggest wild bait for this oh I [ __ ] up then cuz I just did all of my bug meat should we restart the day like how intense is the wild me should we do wild a unique recipe from lonus that gives you a chance to catch two fish at once oh wait that is a w I mean it’s only 10: a.m. we could easily restart you think not worth it yeah we could also get more time there too cuz I could just go straight there I didn’t realize that it it’s not a frozen thing wow Julia it’s a [Music] resub to St do or to start don’t yeah Sid Fest doesn’t pause the time I think it’s luck based so if your luck isn’t great for the day it doesn’t work as well in my opinion okay put me back in put me back in let’s even see yeah let’s see how our luck is today great okay they hate us today [Music] [Music] okay squid Fest has begun all right so for this we need oh hold on here we need s bug meat and then what else was it slime okay oh and fiber oh not sap oh I need I need sap for the okay I can only make [Music] 25 what do you guys think which tackle should I use [Music] maybe the well if we’re getting squid maybe the barbed hook I don’t know if dress spinner would be better hi darling hello I’m going to take that as a start my assignments early oh yeah oh yes happy birthday is today your birthday did you want a birthday song You’re making the stuff that made me that made that scaly noise and lines’s tent oh yeah mhm I think I might just make yeah some five extra okay hold [Music] on okay some food um I think this wait hold sure okay 6:50 a.m. I think I’m happy with this I might why am I here I think that’s all I need I think we go now I don’t need any of these tools actually um is the squid Fest held at the beach oh balls okay don’t need my watering can either I’ll get that later going straight to squid Fest to the [Music] beach each time time whoa fun art hello Chef don’t mind me I’m just here for the bulk squid prices well what are you waiting for those squid aren’t going to catch themselves oh I’m not too worried about winning the competition I just want to enjoy the ambient it got away so these are just random ones explanation if you can hit our daily catch targets you’ll win prizes check the sign to the left we also put special bait in the water so the squid are active all day so we need to get eight all right [Applause] this is totally a squid only got one oh it shows in the top left paa good luck with your Simon chaza squid fast squid fast squid fast oh that’s true yeah you can just cancel if it’s not a squid but you get to sell the stuff you get though I guess righto [Music] [Music] so I guess that’s sort of nice I need to get more of the fish cookers because I only have one do you guys know if do we have a recipe for that the fish cooker [Music] thing yeah I’m not sure if we get more prizes if we get over eight maybe it just means we get a sell them I’m pretty sure this is one a bang bang wait that didn’t count or did it it did count it did I thought it didn’t count the bonus [Music] one oh we can buy the smoker what from Willie want I see bubbles [Applause] [Music] [ __ ] bubbles are gone or Pier maybe yeah I feel like maybe we got something in the male that said someone sells a smoker oh it’s from Willie oh he’s got a recipe for it okay cuz I’m all for getting the double price for the fish but it takes a while when you only have [Applause] one holy [Music] and a lot of doubles not enough squid Neptune’s glaive wait cool what is that a sword from the sea [Applause] I a’t getting any squids [Music] [Applause] here oh my Lord SE Tammy hi [Music] Tammy Hy Happ be 30 months you’re in your 30s hello thank you for the tier three also as well happy April Tammy how are you welcome in Aloo scared the [ __ ] out of you even though you saw it pop up yeah that one is a banger but a drum scare sometimes I was getting a decent amount of squids and now it’s 1: p.m. I’m a little worried maybe these seagulls know what’s up you can’t see it when I do this though so maybe I should move oh my God wait I think the seagull know what’s up I got a [Applause] squid I know we’re going to eat something don’t worry um [Applause] okay I don’t think luck would adjust anything right your birthday time off is in a little over two weeks oh my goodness how much are you how much time are you taking off for your birthday I know this also it being already a woo April is wild nice okay five 12 days oh my God 12 days of O hold on [ __ ] [Applause] balls that was a squ also I know 2024’s flying by it is well that’ll be fun Tammy I hope you have some time off and enjoy some relaxation hi sweet PB hello my Monday’s been pretty good [Music] aside from having some ants in my kitchen but I think I took care of [Applause] them yeah Elliot’s just staring at us yeah ants are no fun I had some sort of sticky something on the floor so I think people were calling them sugar ants they’re tiny like tiny little tiny ants so I think they were just hunting sugar you’re getting married in a month and a half oo that’s exciting is it okay for a vegan to kill ants if they’re trespassing in my house of course yeah they were very tiny yeah that’s so exciting are you guys doing like a a wedding wedding or you just doing like an alotment that’s so fun he’s moving to get a better view ooh the sea jelly will be good can we get eight I’m going to I’m going to eat this because I think it gives us luck okay we still have time oh cute you’re doing a small weddy nice very fun yeah fishing buff this is [Applause] one W okay two more two [Music] more next one is another squid I’m positive all right starting now damn maybe it’s just a really calm squid dang hi Meep hello hello it’s only 6 o’ oh yeah that’s right I was like why do that keep wiggling we got a new Quest must be glitch Spock is never wrong [Applause] I don’t think it’s a squid okay this one’s a squid for sure and it’s going to be a [Applause] double oh we don’t even have bait on our rod [Applause] oh w you think we’re going to get two back to back I hope so we have the deluxe bait [Applause] so all we need is two more nice more deluxe bait come on yeah we need two more squid for the max we need eight per day this is it this is it this is one yes one more okay not a squid that’s okay [Applause] [Music] okay not a squid not a squid not a [Music] squid oh there’s squid babe I don’t know if I have a bait [Applause] maker we got time we just need one more there’s a Hal butt or an albore you think it’ll be in for [Applause] E come on squid oh we we have a while we’ve got a few more hours no [Music] [Applause] this is this is it oh balls woo close one okay we got eight so we [ __ ] off could do we want do we want to get more than eight or is like what’s the point [Applause] we we F off we get out of there ooh oh that’ll help for tomorrow a pearl coffee uh squid kid furniture and the Art of of Crain [Applause] all right ni art oh Crain it’s crab smut you hit the Iridium level Target and earned all possible rewards for today okay I’ll see you tomorrow hold this guy having a cup of something by the fire cup of cider can I have one okay well C of these smart all right well let’s go back to our place and and get some of the stuff done I guess and we can do it again tomorrow I’m a little nervous about not getting eight tomorrow but I think it’ll be okay it is Peachy it’s so cozy that movie made me like woman more oh uh W I think we only got goldfish oh my God we need to smoke all of these Cog for Gunther I got coffee w massive Cog okay um let’s go say hi to the animals [ __ ] I’m just realizing we might not get oh I didn’t get to give him smooches today oops okay okay we can go turn that in that’s like one step closer to Greenhouse now I think Pearl Alan Wing 2 is going to hate us yeah okay we go bed I didn’t go say hi to the cows that’s okay they’ll survive they get attention every day okay I’m just going to put [ __ ] in here I think oh yeah Neptune sword okay the obsidian Edge is still better but Neptune sword is a sweet sounding thing oh I can sell this artifact actually I don’t need this we already give that to Gunther okay that squid looks what looks like what I don’t want to go to work tomorrow I want to stay up and watch sty Valley what’s wrong with the squid what do you think it looks like neutral day okay that sucks but that’s fine [Music] don’t have the highest of energy but that’s okay let’s go straight there we want to get all eight of them I don’t have the stuff to make the fancy bait that can potentially give us two but that’s [Music] okay ooh thank you [Music] pees pees should have took a coffee to go here what am I thinking 10 oh [ __ ] we better start working we need 10 today go to Willies before fishing okay hold great start all right it’s not open quite yet [Applause] this might have some bait in it w [Applause] [Music] [Music] nice okay wait I feel like the bubbles are guaranteed squid Maybe [Music] unless I’m just getting really lucky I think I’m just getting lucky cuz that song squid [Music] [Applause] [Music] great [Applause] [Music] another squid what all that felt like a squid there’s a [Music] [Applause] tuna she really on my P what the [Applause] okay now go see Willie okay what am I wanting to get from Willie more bait what do you what should I be getting squid bait he am I am I fried I don’t just Delux bait I don’t I think he just had Deluxe bait only thought I think you have not yet been dipped in the oil I have been dipped in the oil I had that cut scene o trout soup okay I have fish of the sea hold on hold changing my battery yeah if he doesn’t have squid bait then Deluxe bait it is yeah I just one last little look yeah I think we need to get we’ll get get we’ll get some trout soup maybe double of that 40 I think that should be fine yeah okay we we can always maybe Zone Zone back okay [Music] [Applause] it’s green I’m afraid not nice okay four this might be [Music] five oh my God we’re already halfway there and it’s only 10:00 a.m. this is looking up this is looking up [Applause] okay nice six we’re cooking whoa we’re over halfway there oh squid Fest 2024 [Music] [Applause] I would defend the therapet yeah unless who is it for have we done it already if it’s brand new I would anybody who redeemed it I’m sorry we fishing [Applause] whoa three more 7 down is 11:30 a.m. so I mean SOA Barber would help but I don’t mind getting extra fish and I can kind of tell when it’s the um squids like they they all move in the same [Music] way we [Applause] fishing like I don’t think this is a squid this is probably a tuna or this could be a squid actually [Music] [Applause] enough oh thank you Legend tuna hi Willie 48 left that’s plenty if this is your first time with us let me extend a personal invitation for to drag out your brush Lauren hi you’ll enjoy welcome in y’all we’re trying to get 10 squid we are seven out of 10 for the day and it’s only noon welcome in how’s Final Fantasy 7 was it fantle fantle fantasy I don’t think that’s the word but you know did you have a nice time that’s definitely not a squit welcome [Applause] Raiders all right surely this one’s a squid it was fical okay good good I’m glad to hear ooh dang [Music] it hi Lo [Applause] hello squid oh too calm to be a squid maybe we should eat we’ll eat our other trout soup so we get more luck [Music] [Applause] okay this could be a squid yeah two more two more how is the star doing the star doing is great we are so there’s two days of squid quest which is a new event for the new update and in the first day you need to catch eight and then the second day they make you catch 10 if you want to get Max prizes so we’re very close two more left yeah Christen truly that’s what the squid doing oh this is a squid [Applause] wow okay one more one more okay not a squid that’s [Music] okay yeah the duck bobber is so cute the Bobbers you can just get in the Willie shop now in base [Applause] game Lady Luck [Applause] nope s fancy yeah scholium fancy surely this one’s it [Music] [Applause] another a train on squid Fest what am I supposed to do with that I imagine there’s just a bunch of squid on the [Music] train I feel like I can’t go to that right I don’t think I’d even make it I’m on like the most southern part of the place [Applause] unless I took a train to the mines should we do it I think it’s too late oh the loot that comes off the train will stay all day is that oh I thought you had to be for there for the train okay well after we catch our last squid we can just run up there oh this is the squid surely maybe tuna [ __ ] tuna have a good lur Lauren [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] nice disaster nice this is it [Music] whole lot of tuna dude if we get stuck on nine squid I’m going to [Music] oh this is a squid for sure this guy was zooming oh we got lucky Bingo coffee we go what you got for me squid hat when inter seeds ooh W okay [ __ ] okay they just drop on the ground what do I not need this five bait can go no offense seaweed can go that’s cute but I want to wear my watermelon band because free Palestine I’ll get rid of the Three Wood okay let’s go to the train we can see if we got anything even well maybe I should rush you know what if it stays for all day let’s go home and put [ __ ] away CU I don’t even have free space to pick up anything that I dropped okay nothing whole oh I can sell that one a whole lot of this you know we could um we could actually put some uh some seeds down too we have three treasure chests now [Music] M there we go that wasn’t going in yeah we’ll do that when we get back actually I’ll keep in my pocket cuz I feel I feel like I might forget um okay it’s fine let’s go to the train they’re worth a good chunk of change I could sell them there’s a reason I’m keeping them I think they um make a cool outfit what did they give you again if you if you make it into clothing the witch hats yeah oh great was it a scam train nothing’s here here not a single thing oh was it a pirate hat that you make oh well that would make sense cuz it’s treasure chests and Pirates yeah Pirates treasure that checks out oh they’re all sleeping I hope they don’t hate me Jessica I hope they don’t despise me because I haven’t come to say hello to them in now two days I will need to give these guys food though wow Julia a [Music] res oh here we go thanks Spock for the sub last month what have gun Julia thank you for the stard streams I found you during the first stardew era and I’ve been here since thank you for being you what if kiss what if love you I can still milk them when they’re sleepy aen happy 34 that’s wild you you were here during our first startu era and also thank you that’s very kind thank you thank you happy 34 months oh we need to redo that fence hey you know what at least we don’t have to do anything tomorrow we don’t have to be anywhere we just get to do normal things so I think first things first I would like to um get a horse started which we should have enough H you know what let me um I’m going to go to the forest really quick I don’t have my axe do I I’m going to go to the forest I’m going to get the daily hardwood and then we’ll bounce tomorrow is Harvey’s birthday okay okay what does he love he likes coffee what does he love oh he loves coffee wow Julia it’s a resub coffee and pickles dir flirty and thriving what have cozy oh thanks okay hardwood collected oh my God four powder melon seeds W okay let’s get back and see if we can plant those we might be able to do that did someone make a what if Squid account to manifest squids what the hell that’s funny unless they were some for some reason that before oh nice one we have 15 oops oops that’s fine oh we have six powder melon seeds oh a hiy train in this economy on squid first day oh God God I don’t know if I can just plant those 15 you know what I think we can oh nice one it’s okay it’s okay Harvey found us traveling Merchant Fleet will dock at pelant town for the night market oh Night Market music’s my favorite music it’s so good 5:00 p.m. okay do we want fun squid facts uh sure is that squid is that Spock all imagine I I am imagining and I feel like it might be who is infringing on my copyright no one okay avoc thanks what happened to the illegal business in the sewers they got crusted oh no it was just like a social media thing um I had a follower like like 15 years ago follow me named what if Voldemort and it read what if Voldemort started following you it was supposed to be like a funny joke and then I was like H and then I stole it and I took it for myself I’m going to sell those [Music] okay I need to bring Stone and hardwood to Robin so we can get the horse going okay I think the wine might be done yeah every days bang [Music] um is it 10 of them 11 11 11 [ __ ] it okay let’s go get our horse started wine time oh and then this is done oh we can make more cakes cake time can we make more cakes what do cakes call For Love and Marriage love and Mar I oh regular wood okay okay wait we got that we got that I think and then a copper bar copper bar we need to go make copper where did I put the coal where did the coal go thanks for the hype train huh did I put in here where the [ __ ] Dam where did I put the coal oh nasty okay we can wait two seconds for this to be done and then we can make three more CS I don’t remember what kick was I never used that I remember it though can’t remember remember what it [Music] was cool hi Cayo thank you thank you thank you let’s keep them in there cuz we’ll be putting you know making more wine making more of that anyway uh what am I doing goodbye wine get to the powder melon this does Harvey love triple shot espresso as well or only specifically coffee any [Music] noers what squid is not a Spock Al why are we see a naked lonus why do I have a naked Linus cut what’s that man doing what was the point of that hold on let me go talk to him if there’s some sort of dialogue oh yeah maybe that was a cut scene after we picked up all the trash maybe this is [Music] potential I forgot about the iron bars if if any of you just screamed that I [Music] apologize [ __ ] we need five of them five of them I tell you too busy thinking about lus is frozen cheeks oh imagine skinny dipping in the middle of winter that’s so unhinged it is very unhinged but you know people like it oh God by by by please oh God how much how long does it take we’re screwed I don’t think we get the horse today up why is that one taking so long I think we might I don’t know hi angels two in-game hours oh [Music] come on come on just come on come on poop it out poop it out right now do it do it say it out loud ah whole ass brother Su br yeah stable build it baby um yeah what the dog doing should I put it behind the Christmas tree oh well we can move it later so that’s fine sweet we made it okay oh you know what let’s go gra let’s go buy some coffee for Harvey cuz it’s his birthday okay that was a lot of money just now but we have 30 coffees now where is Harvey he’s not at the bar right where where is he usually glowing butterflies RV oh that’s him that’s him I do make a lot more money during flu season I guess if people stopped getting sick think I’d be out of business hey it’s fair oh caught thanks Willie okay birthday boy has been taken care of uh I kind of want to finish our I want to go to the forest I want to get the hardwood cuz I want to finish the um the bundle I think we have the greenhouse bundle no I’m thinking of something else okay well we’ll be able to finish this one and then also oh yeah oh we can’t okay okay we can go turn both of those into all right we gave him 1K gold he doesn’t need [ __ ] that’s true okay I’m going to keep these in my pocket because I want to go turn them in tomorrow yeah squeak squeak I don’t have a recipe for that yet right I have to go get it from Willie geod Crusher yeah we don’t we don’t we have a bait maker mushroom logs was I which I’ve yet to make we’re getting April fooled I want to know who what if Squid is it’s Spock until I’m told [Music] otherwise I’m not Spock okay another cheese make oh [Music] w w oh [ __ ] we could have gone to see if that person was here wow Julia B it’s a [Music] resub okay cool guys you know me come on yeah I do which is why I’m kind of like h H let’s go put the trees thing in here oh wow this is like completely gone no nice I want to make more of those too I can’t remember what they make or what they need love and marriage and [Music] marriage oh hardwood let’s go to the forest real quick before bed we might as well we get 10 each day maybe it’s Lenny knock knock how dare they just be inside of their thing I’m willing to pay double nice it’s not me it’s not that would be incredibly impressive [ __ ] it you know what I don’t know if we’re sleeping before midnight might as well try actually anything to sell no really red time for me full energy baby nice P oo duck feathers selling for a lot wine not terrible hi Mark hi JoJo hello all right I keep accidentally grabbing the lantern I need to upgrade our house too but we can’t because we’re getting a horse they hate us they’ve hat they’ve hated us all month oh okay I think I might sell most of this [Music] yeah bye sure I mean actually this this Crystal fruit is quite nice to munch so maybe I’ll keep it I think what if it’s Tristan you think it might be Mel don’t know someone’s fooling us must have been real quiet what is who is me I think they’re trying to figure out who the um uh the maker of what a squid is because obviously what a Squid’s not going to say [Music] [ __ ] hello where’s Benny [Music] I don’t know [Music] no honestly I should have just put whatever they gave me in the thing which probably would have been already of milk [Music] it was [ __ ] one of yours Dino Time Dino Time Dino Time Dino Time Dino Time Yoshi where is he where there he is look at him oh my goodness [Music] hi Dino oh huh I thought he would sell for a lot more as a baby I’m not selling him obviously but cool baby dinosaur baby dinosaur just going to move this over here can you please move out of the way please move out of the way ah old balls nice it’s a good name can you please move please yes thank you okay that’s better that is better starting to fall asleep and was very confused when you started saying my name oh I’m sorry we got a dinosaur in our Coupe Dino aren’t you excited also sleep well I’m so sorry you thought we were screaming at you okay I I don’t know if I want to keep the Ys we have a stack of them already so we might as well all right let’s go turn these in also uh not sure where to put charcoal I don’t really want to have [ __ ] just piled here cuz I’m going to feel bad maybe just outside of this what if we put it here and then would have made it look like it was a chimney tell me if this is the silliest thing in the world yeah it is it’s fine oh maybe Prisma maybe I don’t know who knows okay let’s go break these open coffee you think she’s [Music] lurking all right right clinus let’s open these geodes we have that I think yeah helpful useful okay all right that’s new wait shrimp cocktail oh is that edible like we eat that flowers I think that’s new chowder no it’s not new chowder and shrimp cocktail so that must have been some of the things that were in the things that we got from the squid Fest I think we have some books to look at y’all what do you think I think we’ve definitely read these before at least know what they’re about oh yeah you got to get a bouquet from Pierre first mhm mermaid’s pendant m mhm yep okay hi Hy uh okay oh let’s see what the new Quest is too if you can get a ticket not that [ __ ] ooh eggs okay I can bring eggs to Gus sure uh maybe let’s look into getting more fish smokers as well oh look at the night market starting oh I almost forgot about the night market lava eel bait I wonder what like I wonder if it depends if like it’s just random whatever bait he has oh fish smoker recipe 10,000 gold e uh I mean I might as well right I can send you home for 250 gold nice oh the night market music is the best yeah cat it’s one of my favorite events it’s it’s just like the music slaps it’s so good it’s cute um I want to go to the forest really quick put the eggs in Gus’s fridge okay all right we’ll have to lose some mayo production but that’s okay are we asking 20 questions to squid that’s funny [Music] [Music] [Music] I should be going to bed but I must know well it’s up to squid if they want to tell you or us okay hardwood [Music] gathered yeah the steel like this is very helpful with just getting hardwood it’s like a must it’s must indeed okay the night market starts at 5 remember remember who you are thank you Matt welcome in I hope you’re having a good night too hi uh oh look two spots right here for that [Music] okay um let’s see here uh I don’t think we’ll necessarily need this tonight but I it’s always nice to have in our pocket for backup yeah oh there’s Benny okay so much fish to go through okay can I make that next cooker fish cooker uh sea jelly River jelly I should be able to do that I think hold wait River jelly sea jelly what’s the other jelly oh that’s it cave jelly I have four of them I’m down to make two more I think two more will be fine it’s a little bit pricey with the with the hardwood but don’t worry I’m going to move this one over here I got to find a better place for them we need to go to the mines again to get more coal I feel you got your infinite Kappa was that someone’s ail FR joke that’s clever oh good luck Mary I hope it goes by quick and it’s not too terrible maybe it won’t be it’ll surprise you maybe you know maybe I’m being too optimistic but maybe you’ll be like you know what it wasn’t as bad as I was thinking it was going to be I I wish you that experience um and I hope you sleep well oh it’s an actual twitch emote oh help are you Night Market open okay we Goa go okay hold on hold on here cooking the fishies okay get rid of that [ __ ] it um is there anything I need to bring to the night market I can’t remember what level 100 hype train reward there was a streamer that broke it earlier but I didn’t get mine for like 3 hours wait there’s a streamer who got to level 100 in a hype train can you do that if you have it on the easiest like it doesn’t have to be certain level that’s wild of course it was someone named Thor God Thunder it only makes the most sense okay to the night market it took 3 hours to hit wait it was a three okay but was it on the easiest or was it on like a difficult setting cuz if it was on the easiest like wow avoc oh wait their name is pirate software you know seeing as the winter season in stardew is nearing the end it’ll be sad seeing the water if tree go down we had so many good memories with that tree oh well at least it’ll be back up when no 54,000 Subs so that’s not the easiest one [Music] I love this song hi do you have anything I need [Music] such a banger oh best [Music] [Music] part moral [Music] such a good song how many Subs on the easiest train I know I think on like an easy setting hype train I think like like five Subs as a full level or something so right I don’t know if that’s mathing out right so 5 * 100 that’s like 500 Subs so it would be a lot easier to get to level 100 but the hardest setting then that would make sense that it took that many and that long lupini lupini famous painter lupini I’m selling this painting for 1,200 gold what do you say no can I look at it should we take it it’s a each day something new oh the by cone hat oh and the stone frog ooh piano [Music] um yes please 100,000 good Lord oh my God y’all please I make a b again I want a piano [Music] so spicy [Music] here [Music] okay I forgot about this weird place y’all you guys ready for a fever dream [Music] where people Rave oh yeah I forgot about this [Music] spinning [Music] thanks thank you thank you thank you is there something I could do on the shelves though is there there’s probably something right oh free coffee from the lady oh I forgot about the coffee shop lady oh cute Emily and her little [Music] Beanie I would love a cup of coffee thank you thank you another smells great doesn’t it yeah oh the fishing game want to take the deep sea fishing tour it’ll cost you 1,000 gold yes more than anything in my life would I you guys were going deep uh Mel yeah I would love that I think um I can go back in there and do it again right [Music] [Music] spook fish o e I don’t know about that [Music] one oh W I got it yes oh we got the blob fish okay we leave yes let’s [Music] go we go if anyone post that [ __ ] blob fish emote we can call it a Spock fish yeah I don’t want to call the other word because the other world word is uh uh you know it’s got racist connotations and I don’t feel like saying it um oh Mel do you got the thing I might just warp home too so we should have time let me have some coffee uh Tristan look what this fish is called oh it’s closed oh okay we’ll do it tomorrow yeah 15 423 oh beautiful thank you I wonder if I should make a LS xman pick for the fan stream Bing oh all right I was going to say if there’s a fanfic written by someone in the community I will gladly probably read it if if there are people who write it uh what did okay okay damn 10K but we’d have to meet the goal we’re 350 away but I am down if anybody writes stardew fanfic then we will absolutely read it our horse is here hello oh I can’t get to him you might have to move oh the tree can just go right there name your horse okay we named the last one Mayo I think right because Mayo like [Music] haha is squid going to sleep bye squid the best advice someone gave me about this game is to be into Sebastian because he has the most fan art Sebastian oh I’m thinking about Elliot again I was like Elliot gives me like a cord of thorns and Roses Vibes but Sebastion naysayer naysayer Cabernet that’s pretty good you thought they said Grover okay let me just [Music] worshire your first message being estabon for the horse name Mary donkey estabon in all caps I don’t know why that’s such a funny first message to me he does right I think he gives he totally gives Lucian Vibes to me for sure horse little Chub bibbles hi Kate hello Cat period after Skyrim what if we name it the first thing thing that we get with the dice let the fates decide you know like in like in D and [Music] D Ain’t No Way snacks um yeah okay okay might as well just call it that [Music] no nice nice I’m not calling it that I don’t know purple hamster I hope not snakes snack is out of left field keep it snack snack it is riding snakes ah [ __ ] oh this is a conundrum isn’t it [Music] okay avoc okay but assuming people in the community do make stard you fan fix they want to share would we have a place to mayhaps share them like a Discord Channel or something I I literally can’t ride this horse until I go to Robin um sorry is that yeah oh my God Z put an INR rainbow I or that would probably be a good one for it totally by all means chop the tree and go what behind the house I don’t think there’ll be room plus I kind of want to keep the [Music] tree is it 9 9 if she Clos on Tuesdays I’m going to scream if she’s Clos on Tuesdays prehistoric Handa [Music] Gunther uh if two is Tuesdays when she goes to yoga she’s here okay dang it man I like that spot for that we could just move this if we were to move it over then that’s fine I think that’s okay angel I hope you have a good L skin care done hot water bottle fill going to lur on mobile in bed Prisma I’m sorry you’re dealing with the pains but I hope lurking is okay and I hope you feel better soon hope the water bottle [Music] helps jul yeah cool nice okay we’re free to ride [Music] snacks oh we have this okay we got to go get the eggs for Gus let’s feed them okay all good oh Kinsey I hope stard has been fun on your end I could put a hat on the horse yeah we got a rabbit food oh my God we have so many goodies hello [Music] everyone okay so we do need to keep the eggs I’ll just keep them in here for now cool yeah I wonder what hat we should put on the horse let’s let’s go see what we have honestly y’all you know what be really cute we have a little flower we’re going to get through so much more fish that way oh my goodness have a lot of duck feathers I’ll just get rid of that I do want to keep these two fish because they’re unique from the night market so I think I’ll put them in here for now uh [Music] [Music] okay okay hats let’s I kind of want to give snacks a daisy that might be really cute let’s see can you wear it Julia it’s a you don’t see anything when uh they run that way though y’all looking pretty sxy tonight if I’m allowed to say that Jason’s bero maybe Fedora oo squid hat that could be fun let’s try the squid hat since it’s new nice nice thank you for the seven months oh um uh yeah I don’t know I think maybe we do the daisy it’s a little bit more subtle I don’t know if I like [Music] this oh God Brit yeah roll you poor thing Bumm oops okay what do we need to do uh Jam might be ready 16 3 days I think it’s been okay I’ll keep that in here for now oops I almost forgot to refill it it was short but I really did miss you it’s a spark what do I need to do now oh I could go to Gunther or go to the museum maybe we have a reward [Music] I don’t have a picture hold I’m just going to pull it up on my phone so I don’t have to I’ll okay right now um Friendly Gaming okay where does this one [Music] go oh we did get a new reward what we have what we get oh a rare Crow oh that’s kind of haunted is that a raccoon imagine being so feral that brings the lurkers out that happens quite often three eggs okay great yeah surely never mhm ooh a d for a project o yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah of course oh nice one oh W and we get a ticket C thank you for giting a sub to ARB ARB happy seven months local lurker here to tell you that reading this chat is the funnyest [ __ ] y’all are hilarious and valid thank you I mean not I don’t need to be saying thank you that’s them but yes enjoy the adree stuff in case you’ve been getting ads and emotes and all that stuff thank you cat oh diamond diamond for Sam yeah you guys are the funny ones I’m just here to have a visual if you guys want to watch video games at the same time okay is Sam home this is his house right that’s his that’s same at the night market maybe can I bring my horse to the night market I can’t ooh pretty I kind of like that one portrait of a mermaid that’s [Music] pretty have the piano again I forgot to buy the Frog statue I wished that I bought that [Music] puppy seed muffin let’s go do the mermaid bit because I forgot to do that they have a portrait of a mermaid queen Mel in this game what is I have to we have to watch this again hope hope y’all wanted to watch this again [Music] binoculars avoc a frog statue what a riting discussion okay I’m going to go write fanfiction now I have a blast also sorry [Music] wow so 1 15 423 Pearl all right would we have gotten two pearls if I did it yesterday as well all right well there’s three night markets isn’t there I Haley where’s Sam is Sam here is Sam not at the Night Market [Music] oh it’s just one per save okay oh is Mel sleeping good night [Music] Mel well Sebastian’s here where’s your Stoner buddy Sam oh man he’s about to buy a trinket yeah I’ll have a free kaupa thank you uh question is there any reason to go back into the [Music] submarine oh what does this guy [Music] sell candy canes [Music] oh I specialize in outdoor decorations does anything catch your eye [Music] yeah candy [Music] cane losing money to this [Music] now I want a candy cane you can stack the same items oh I didn’t stack the candy canes I stacked the uh the plants though okay um I don’t know if there’s anything else I want what’s this boat about can I go on this [Music] boat oh the midnight squid okay maybe we go try to catch the midnight squid for a wee bit maybe we do that a th000 g goodbye sounds so cool maybe I should eat one of the dish of the Seas maybe not we’re deep nice can I have the midnight squid [Music] you’re not happy with your Spock fish I am happy with the Spock fish but you know I want to catch got to catch them [Music] all kitten thank you I hope you are too midnight squid we did it okay we have one of each let’s just I don’t know try to catch maybe one [Music] more why do I feel like this song isn’t on the stardy playlist is it I don’t know if it is God I get another blobfish for the horse I don’t think we should do that again I put a blobfish mask on my horse and it was the most cursed thing ever how many oh how many days do we have to give Sam this okay we can do it tomorrow [Music] okay we should be able to make a home just in time it’s fine oh balls damn wow we getting banged from the fish now is any at the grocery store W ah we have good fortune today but I think it’s also still a Quest from [Music] clinus he’s an iron bar [Music] okay cool fancy fish where did I put the midnight one oh I put it in here I don’t want to accidentally cook it so I’m going to keep it in here for now all right um maybe to does it how much does the cost to upgrade your house in stardew like the first version of the upgrade oh milkshake and mac and cheese oh that sounds so good I actually might get a snack too Wizard’s birthday thank you Miranda 10K okay we can do that let’s try wait is she in on Wednesdays Julia look it’s a I think she is upgrade house Wizard’s birthday what do you call a man with a rubber I don’t know Roberto hey girl and what aave chat Redbeard happy happy 62 months Roberto is quite good thank you for the 62 wait 45k that might be for the next one I think it might be 10K first and then maybe 45k for the next okay hold I’m going to go grab a snack fry that’s what I’m saying [Music] on great Kate just like um I don’t want to sell the diamond on accident like pouring it on on them or just like in in the area that they were [Music] yeah Sally I I looked into those a little bit cuz I was looking stuff up immediately this morning I’m like oh gosh how to get red safe for pets h okay I can go bring him an iron bar actually I think we have an extra one in here okay and it’s the what is the wizard love we have stuff for that he likes purple mushrooms right toxic squid hat was not a look Home Depot yeah he wants void Essence too that’s true [Music] mhm yeah they don’t like that smell so I read about that and that works too yeah happy birthday squid hat on the cat could be funny okay well it’s still early might as well do this [Music] [Music] oh solar Essence I mean he he loves purple mushrooms too right is that up there with the solar essence [Music] [Music] [Music] okay ow w w w [Music] w great by ual it’s a good name thank you for the Prime thank you thank you we have two pets I think we could probably get a third I want to get a turtle a tortoise all right let me go try to find Sam and Clint L like I hope work went well is he usually out here on a [Music] skateboard knock knock no you can’t pet the horse [Music] um oh and Sebastian wants an Earth crystal oh my God y’all we have two quests today that we can do to get two tickets and the one we’re working on with the eggs we can get as well not today but that has a ticket also oh Sam goes to the Night Market on night three okay [Music] noted ooh all right [Music] we shall decorate shortly okay um let’s pick up the eggs okay cool wait what didn’t you double with the update [Music] lovely may I should give more food smart oh yeah the fish smoker doubles the price of the fish which is very nice you just kind of have to remember to do it so it’s kind of just an extra an extra task but yeah we have that and we’re level 10 with fishing so fishy the fish are already worth 50% more plus it doubles so our fish are worth a lot more okay I need to find Sebastian also hello Emily sure I’ll move out of your way okay we don’t have to worry about Sam he’s going to be at the the does [ __ ] leave his place bold statement in vegan stream but I wonder if they’ll add butchering to any kind oh apparently concern ape originally was going to have butchering to begin with I read that somewhere uh but then he changed his mind and he was like nah does anybody know Sebastian’s at the third night Mark at night [ __ ] he’s gaming has the fan fake total been updated or does it update automatically it updates automatically Yes stard actually gifted 25 to it today which the irony was loud there he is wait which one he needs the diamond right yeah yeah yeah yeah wow Julie it’s a [Music] res great to be here thanks to Mr spocktopus for my sub gift oh you’re going to hate that Scott thank you for the 49 hi scud happy almost 50 that’s a long ass time cranberry seeds but this is for fall I’m going to buy them [Music] anyway Crystal path is cool but we can already make that I’m pretty [Music] sure um Z thank you I will also Pretend This is 100 Subs has 6 month resub here why was that gifted five other times wow Molly thank you for the 14 months ooh 14 months I love The Vibes here so so much what if [Music] hug I don’t know if I want [Music] it pumpkin seeds grapes starter [Music] kit oh you’re the one who gifted it the five other times you think okay Molly happy 14 Jenna thank you for the 100 bits too um [Music] well oh they’re here tonight I’m just here for the free coffee that’s a Vibe I would love a free coffee [Music] also oh I don’t know why but that sound made me feel like it was fancy I don’t is there anything else I should be getting at the night market I feel like we’re kind of done with it you could go try to find [Music] Sebastian would who would gift a random non- viewer account I sub for multiple months certainly nobody here yeah I I think it must have been out of the blue the fish sells for a lot oh so maybe I should just spend the rest of the night fishing that’s not a bad idea let’s do it we could smoke them for double the price how do you get a horse you go to Robin and you get a stable it’s as easy as that you need 100 hardwood uh and iron bars the big the big bit is the hardwood you need a 100 of it my horse okay my horse’s name is listen you know how there’s a random dice next to it and you can just kind of roll and get a random name that it autog generates for you I said to let the fates decide like like in DND D and I rolled the dice and the first name was snakes [Music] [Music] so you don’t think that’s a bad name at all all right good cuz that’s what his name is oh my God a perfect fish and we got the chest wble you okay I feel like the chests in this specific area for fish should be cool I get two stones yeah that’s the horse lore mhm snacks puddle sure yeah snacks but like snacks sure sure sure sure sure [Music] SN to pus give me a blob fish dang it are blobfish the rare ones here I mean there I think all three of them are kind of rare but I think is a blobfish the most rare we don’t seem to be getting it you named your first pet betta fish snack oh I remember when I used to get beta fish [Music] [Music] thanks for the hype train lava eel and [Music] blobfish I think Rose sells for the most if you turn them into fish P oh I got a pearl nice this feels like a SE [Music] cucumber too easy all right last fish or last [Music] thing one more we’ll buy our way home [Music] this is for sure it squid fish octopus wait fun I didn’t know an octopus was catchable here cool Spock we caught you literally man MO should I keep the octopus for anything or do we just sell it take me home cook in the midnight squid H fish Ponder cell okay I will think about this later I think okay nice okay we need to go straight to Sebastian and turn in our Earth crystal so we can get the ticket smoked midnight squid the Feast of the winter star it’s time for the queen to come together and think of think back on all the good fortune we’ve had this year a favorite tradition is called The Secret gift exchange where everyone in town is randomly assigned oh God uh to someone else on the day of the festival everyone brings a gift for their secret friend and surprises them with something special this year your secret friend is drum roll please oh Sebastian oh my God I thought it was mayor Lewis because that’s the first name I saw don’t tell anyone snacks your Secret Santa is snacks lovely right I don’t want to accidentally put these [Music] in cool okay we need to clear our inventory up it’s bothering me [Music] L did I already okay I guess I [Music] did that would be interesting if we gave uh his panties to him if he was our secret santa what if it was like your secret admire person is me don’t mess this up okay yeah what should I be doing with the pearls thoughts what did I just sell after that oh well are they just gifts for people clutch them if you have content Patcher you should put it in the mods folder for stardo I don’t play with much unless you’re talking to someone else yeah maybe I’ll just save it for a gift I’ll keep it in here already have other ones in there too [Music] okay okay we go we must find Sebastian and we must go to Clint Maybe who are you Shane oh God he hates us well we’ll go to clintus cuz we know where he is [ __ ] what do he need to an iron bar and of course I put the iron bar back okay we’re fine with that let’s go use our ticket oh brother nice ooh eight of [Music] them yeah I don’t have that I learned a few things about fishing oh I should have saved that for the Book seller I thought that was a book we didn’t have but it was just kind of a generic one [Music] there’s a jibli mod what does it do the old Game Boy days mhm yes H ew okay well let’s get rid of this creepy doll where a where does the doll go the oh I see it I see it I see it okay they put the dolls over here didn’t even know that was a place you could put stuff [Music] that’s my son you called creepy my bad sh have a good lur have good sleeps oh or just have good sleeps you’re probably [ __ ] off so have a great sleep thank you for hanging out H is he still in his bedroom playing video games he goes to the bar doesn’t he maybe we’ll just see him tonight me yeah well let’s just go switch the trees over we could go to the woods and get some more Hardwood oh [ __ ] [Music] great beautiful do I make ASMR videos absolutely not no offense to anyone who does that but I don’t I don’t do that we did get a horse we [Music] did all right let’s go to the forest get some wood can we take our horse in here oh [Music] [Music] W I mean yeah sometimes we we’ll use our inside [Music] voices but I don’t make videos of me doing that [Music] [Music] [Music] ow I have unlocked the trainera we’ve we’ve seen uh a couple trains I think that gave us stuff we actually had a train during the squid Fest and I didn’t run up there but it didn’t drop anything I don’t know if you have to be present for it to drop something but yeah okay great great seeds great oh maybe we go check out the hack actually see what he’s selling we have something against horses I can’t bring my horse over same stuff I think it’s the same stuff I know the secret Forest music is good secret Forest music and the night market and Winter Music In general [Music] oh oh this is Robin I forgot about the robin axe Quest oh what the hell is this only a master of the five ways may enter okay well we’ll working on it I haven’t really gone all the way over here it looks like okay it’s for avatars I suppose uh okay let’s go try to find Sebastian I think he should be at the bar now hopefully he needs the Earth crystal and I need to remind myself to get the bar for Clint because we forgot that too does he not come over [Music] here do we know where Sebastian is does he leave the house at all on Thursday oh he’s smoking at the train stop okay oh there he is hi weren’t we supposed to get a ticket for that am my high where do we have to go pick it up from the thing I thought we were supposed to get a ticket from that who’s smoking a NTI mhm is there a ticket down here for us what I thought we were going to get a ticket from that one what the heck I could have sworn wait that’s weird okay we should go turn in Robin’s AE tomorrow actually I didn’t put fish in this oh no we’re going to run out of uh coal as well just get rid of those okay we’re doing great oh my God Spock okay um red I don’t necessarily care to do I know we get a ticket from this I don’t think we get it from that void Essence we don’t have oh we could bring Emily amethyst I forgot about that I think I ended up putting it away oh when we need that okay okay I’ll keep the coal out for the fish I feel like I don’t want to have these fancy ones yet that we got from the I’ll just keep it in here from the um squid Fest CU I’m not doing anything intense with fishing yet okay same with uh the fishing hooks actually maybe no I still have a little bit of life left on that one just keep them in here okay these are things we need to bring tomorrow lot more clean I feel like maybe the jam might be done is the jam done no it’s okay how long does it take for the cheese to be made actually hot minute okay AR lenni and Spock fighting does anyone sell coal what the hell is that hoot hoot thank you fruit beds oh clinus does okay okay do I want to keep any of these for eating probably not we could use the money um let keep like last octopus actually okay sweet I think we uh sleep good morning Laura hi 150 gold for one coal and year one and 250 gold in year two wait what oh look at this very nice 300 each really the smoked squid sold for more than the smoked midnight squid that’s weird but great cool TR reminder that all the supermarkets have disc counted all the Easter chocolates so stock up that’s true we can go back to the mines if we want more of the coal right okay sure ask Santa and we can just not make the nice list and then maybe that’ll [Music] work how many eggs have we gotten now okay M our dinosaur is still little no Dino eggs yet he’s just a little [Music] guy okay all right wait we already have this [Music] you can Farm coal by killing dust Sprites between floors 41 through 79 that is very good to know I think I might um do that today maybe cuz I want to still keep cooking the fish um and we are running low we have 19 left cool okay yeah maybe we go to the mines kill some some suit Sprites there wasn’t anything I needed to do specifically today I’m not catching the mullets I mean I don’t really care for the 300 gold we can do that later oh I wanted to bring her axe we could do [Music] that I I feel like you don’t go an incredible amount faster oh it opens it in one second um like with coffee versus on your horse oh here you go that’s just friendship points right o um upgrading our house 450 pieces of hood I don’t have that yet yeah yeah I know I know okay we need to go get wood too mine time mine time mhm bubbles okay what did what floors was it 41 I think I read 41 I know Alfred’s Bonnet so cute 41 I believe 41 to 79 okay more Stone wouldn’t be too appalling either I we going to have to do this anyway oh geod I have no clue what our luck is today it might be super [ __ ] oh secret note three secret notes okay yeah amethyst for Abigail yep if you can read these come to secret Woods please bring my pal syrup maple syrup what in the GR Theft Auto left up right up right down left down left down iide my house that’s not my house oh I hear him get these little guys sure okay all right we have some on this level that’s good okay Sam’s house oh outside of Sam’s house use that code okay no enemies all right any second now any second now yes any those Sprites or am I weird what do you mean add had a couple they’re just a little like suit suit Little Guys these guys um any more there’s a ladder right there so I don’t know if it’s nah I think we just go usually go between zero and 30 to spawn dust Sprites and farm them ooh use the elevator to go between them are they like every five levels or or what do you mean you just randomly go on different levels hi everyone wel come in I’m trying to get uh some more coal cuz I just got some um fish cookers and I am cruising through all the fish I’ve been trying to cook because it doubles your money and I’m running out of coal so I’m trying to farm coal in the mines I married her my last Farm normally oh normally Sebastian curly I think Sebastian so I’m actually going to romance I haven’t decided but Sebastian has been a talk the fish smoker is great and I have like the you know the thing maxed out where you know you get double or no 50% more 50% more and then the fish smoker doubles it so we get like 150 uh% more earnings from it which is wild I know I love the I know has that’s a great question actually Amanda have the winter outfit sway the decision well I’ve technically I romanced everyone in this game cuz I did the full thing where I romanced everybody at once and I got like the cut scenes for it just cuz I was curious what would happen but I married Harvey and then divorced him after I had a baby with him and then I married Leah so those are my two like relationship relationships Harvey does look pretty nice in his winter outfit Sebastian’s at H oh kobus kobus was my first first my first ever person who moved in my first ever thing my first ever yes I don’t think the sit Sprites are on I think we want to go to 50 uh but yeah kobis was my first little movein guy and he was so sweet you couldn’t smooch him but you got to give him a hug every morning and he was so sweet but I hope you’re enjoying the update Haley thanks again for hosting I think we’re I’m just going to go downstairs down One More Level I don’t feel like we’ve gotten that much coal oh [ __ ] oh I was going to say isn’t there like a bag that gives you a bunch of coal but I think you can only open that once oh another secret note kobus gave us the the whole reading notes thing Grandpa my dear grandchild by the time you find this note I’ll expect you’ll have been living in the valley for quite some time I hope things are going well I’m honored that you’re continuing the family tradition of farming and through that Noble Endeavor bringing Greater Life and abundance to all of stardew Valley a place very dear to my heart keep up the good work Grandpa P.S I’ve hidden a very special secret for you somewhere in the valley you might think of it as a compendium of my greatest discoveries someday when you’re ready you’ll find it I don’t remember what that is it’s like Grandpa never died hey sandwich dude hello ow ow ow oh yeah grandpa I need a better clue this is a big ass Valley what are you talking about when I’m ready what is that supposed to mean oh wait that’s a new note wait that note from Grandpa’s new no Sprites oh okay then yeah I don’t know where to go nobody tell me I feel like it must has I I feel like it’s got to be whatever the tree is it’s got to be whatever the tree is ow actually not doing too hot right now I’m going to leave the mines where did I go 50 I think that was quite nice oh God y’all no no CAU good morning what of giggle good Lord k feel like going to floor 50 is like a move [Music] yeah oh is there no little Sprites on this one though I’m afraid not you can’t first time with us let me extend a personal invitation you to H welcome in everyone show I think you’ll enjoy it I’m farming coal welcome I don’t hear any Sprites only Coca-Cola ooh Ruby oh there are some oh oh there’s a lot of gems on this one right now oh two amethysts how is stardo welcome in we got one piece of coal topaz amethyst okay not too shabby little Ruby hello Raiders hi hi hi okay I think maybe we yeah let’s let’s launch back I think then we can maybe do some last minute stuff what the hell is this actually my idea of a perfect dinner would be salad oh yeah they tell us everything they love I forgot about nice one Lynn thanks for getting a sub to Pudge thank you thank you Lynn okay let’s replace the cheese cuz I’m trying to get through all this milk we have lovely okay Jam might be done unless I’m a fried egg oh yeah nice you have a cold above that I’m really stressed and slept badly but yeah I can watch stream oh my gosh that sounds like a whole mess of goodies um I’m sorry though that doesn’t sound fun I hope you feel better soon okay nice oh and this I don’t need this and epic scared of that cuz I don’t need it either yeah Coral Island’s very similar I haven’t even played coral island but I’ve heard a lot of things about it being similar to stard yeah Adrian I heard about that I mean they kind of just hint what they enjoy so I I imagine that’s kind of bring mapal syrup to the secret Woods that became a quest I didn’t even realize [Music] that lovely okay these are done that’ll mean that these guys are done tomorrow cuz I accident messed those up [Music] I’ve been keeping the crystal fruit to eat [Music] but that’s just kind of a [Music] mess oh my God can I oh my the blue one [Music] okay okay I still need one iron bar I accidentally put that back and an amethyst Evelyn’s birthday what does Evelyn love I’m sure we have something for her right what does she love why no orange chest this is orange I think the yellow was just really ugly yeah it just it just reminds me of like Gatorade piss so I just went with orange that’s pretty much why how I chest organized somehow [Music] okay we might have enough for Gus okay we need five more and we have nine days has plenty of [Music] time maybe we just keep the regular wool and sell the other wool I don’t really know if it’s should we make it into cloth I what do we what should we be doing with the [Music] wool oh she likes all the flowers yeah the yellow is just just too much of a green yellow I agree [Music] okay every time I accidentally milk them and I see their name I laugh their name is literally laughter she likes all flowers too okay jeez these fish smoke quick on the bright side it doesn’t take ages to do it just going to sell the wool don’t if I need to keep it for anything flowers of any kind would Holly you a [Music] flower I could just give her like a daffodil or something oh my goodness not the ban that’s going on your permanent record Spock I’ll give her a d horse radish equals flower I think they both work I’m ruin I think to be fair you’ve been B you’ve been banned once right why is it shaking [Music] oh right let’s go find Evelyn slay who squid kid the monsters known as squid kid are throwing the element balance into disarray I would like an adventurer to enter the minds and slay to squid kids okay the little pink balls that she oh yeah those are high level I don’t know why I tried to go into the bar [Music] oh we got George lore okay George I want you to take a deep breath for me mhm turn around please George I’ll be honest with you you need to make some changes in your lifestyle if you want to stay healthy I’d like you to reduce your sodium intake and try to get some Modern exercise with your arms I know what’s best for me who do you think you are telling me how to live my life he’s a doctor george nice I’m your doctor george that’s who I am and I went to school for eight years so I could learn how to help people stay healthy oh I’m sorry but you shouldn’t be here these checkups are supposed to be private good doctor not so fast I’d like to get a second opinion from this young lady very well Julia what do you think George should do George should follow Dr Harvey’s advice George knows what’s best for somebody yeah you what do you think I’m going to say follow do listen to your doctor I’m just trying to help you fine I’ll do what you say doctor yeah you’re welcome Harvey where’s Evelyn oh there she is happy birthday you remembered my birthday thank you we’ve seen a lot of people come and go your grandfather one bu him dude she totally dated our grandpa she totally dated our grandpa 100% want some coffee you like this good okay let’s go give wait where did did we did we did Emily just pass let’s go give Clint the iron bar and then I think Emily is at Pierce give Emily the amethyst I’ve potentially thought of Romancing to Emily just so I can save her from Clint clinta surus Rex what the hell is L doing here business tax thanks Morgan that’s very sweet of you business tax is too soon wait that’s Carolyn where’s Emily at no that’s Penny and the children any noers where Emily’s looming currently can’t spell Clint without CL is should the oh this yeah she’s probably doing she opened at the bar also it’s a it’s it’s a shame we can’t romance Gus she’s not at the bar [Music] let me tear apart Robin’s marriage I’ll be down to cudle Gus at the end of a long day get his bare grip wow wow wow wow wow wow you can’t say grip what the [ __ ] [Music] Spock this bar just got awfully depressing look Evelyn thought she’s about to go the bar on her birthday I was about to go good for you someone’s probably boned to the stard valley sound trct yeah probably that’s what I’m ins saying but no one wants to hear it y’all where the is Emily at if I had a mod enen you have a point it wouldn’t be the worst if I only had a mod [Music] would you like a coffee hungry besti this is zero calories but you do you as far as I can see that is black coffee um y I don’t even know where Emily’s at girl’s going to eat coffee yeah maybe the cup is made out of chocolate you know we use our imagination she eat the mug Carolyn she’s got to be at the bar now yeah oh yeah she’s clocking in right now oh this is going to be awkward she’s at work and I’m going to have to tell her about this my favorite Stone here so sweet huh it’s from who oh you got it at Clint well I don’t care where you got it from it’s beautiful thank you she kissed me on the mouth maybe bean Hot Pot I could show you my bean hot pot that might have been too far that might have been too far I regret the things I said does that mean Lexi you’re lesbian you should know oh April fools still it’s still April 1 F lesbian okay I’m straight now I think I think I’m straight that day actually [Music] I’m so sorry it’s like the equivalent to I’m SI that day I think I’m actually straight that day I think I’m actually going to be interested in men so sorry to let you know she Prisma well let’s PL these bad boys I oh tomorrow is wine day tonight is wine day okay but I’m going to put the other things in there tomorrow because we’ll be able to get three new um pegs and I and I could not stand to have different wines going at different times what do we need for the cake again iron copper bar wood iron copper bar wood okay 12 oh brother okay hold on here hold on here we are running out of coal we’ll just get those done cuz it’s [ __ ] we already have three oh yeah oh [ __ ] it’s fine it’s going to be for our next three hi cheese pray the gay away okay that’ll be ready tomorrow yeah and then wood and then we’re good do I have wood how much wood do I have I I don’t have enough wood let’s chop some trees down real quick is Spock what SP what’s SP doing Coal’s only 50g maybe we just go invest in a [ __ ] ton you took a nap today it Eed you up oh I hate that how long was your nap was it a long one hey two pieces of coal would you look at that what do you know okay that should be plenty I mean the worlds are oyster let’s go get that now do you run faster on your horse when you have caffeine does your horse El will get caffeinated that is a wild question but I I am serious I feel like we might be faster you do a little oh Gunther what is this cool horse coffee you bet you it don’t give your horse caffeine IRL no that’s not good in healthy okay what am I [Music] hello my stepmom has given her donkey coffee before cacti do you have any more information about this I’m I just want to know why she’s wild he also likes beer her donkeys live like kings Al just [ __ ] oo oo oh yeah oh that’s nice we can craft a tent now I’m curious what it takes the tent is new survival burger and a totem to the farm that’s helpful beautiful beautiful okay hit me what do we need 10 hardwood fiber and cloth all right pumpkin pie cool wasn’t a rerun I never clicked that flip this letter over for instructions on how to make a super healthy meal you’ll feel energized you soon Emily oh a salad uh hope the win hasn’t been too hard on you anyway I’m ready to ask you for some hard wood I need 10 pieces if you’ve got it and no worries if not take care okay let’s keg let’s keg [Music] up all right three what copper bar oh duh [Music] amazing I think that’s 17 wine you can use one of those Tree tappers on a maple tree oh I should I should do that right now actually I should do that right now I’m just going to get I have so many winter Roots um well I guess we’ll use our last two coal right now I could go buy more from Clint I need to go down there anyway cuz I got to turn in this doll and then also we have three frozen geodes sure um any knowers which tree is the maple tree is it this one I can’t tell when it’s winter if you have the tea sapling recipe you can use seasonal seeds to make a lot of those and they give a lot of profit to the left and up a little this one is it the curly one was I at the right one it has a u shape at the base of its branches oh this one this looks u e okay this is it why can’t I put it there oh there we go okay I’ll just need to remember that that is over there actually [ __ ] it I’m going to make it go on this one because I don’t want to accidentally forget about this cool okay that’ll be easier to see all right oh oh one of them gave us silver milk bad day today lamu Silver Star I thought you were my friend okay [Music] um three more eggs okay tomorrow we should have like the full egg stuff so that should be good um I could just go to the forest and grab the 10 Hardwood that’s there can I say hello to my dog I think I already did let’s go do um the museum stuff first though because that closes soon so what I don’t need to ride my horse into down I think we just go to the bus stop wait what’s an ALT oh the squid account yeah I don’t know no clue [Music] anything exciting nothing exciting okay this is merely a mystery all right donate to the museum this little dude okay we got that done and and and I was going to go to the woods if we get the hardwood right now we could go meet Robin honestly I do need I want to upgrade my house a little surely I don’t burn the [ __ ] out of my tongue on my tea cuz I’m impatient I still do that all the time with food and with coffee oh hello she’s selling pancakes wait what a retro catalog you can’t get that from Robin can you does Robin sell a retro catalog or just a regular one it’s new it’s expensive okay I I will die on this hill but the worst ever roof of the mouth or mouth burn I’ve ever experienced has been from Pizza Bagels I haven’t had them in like over a decade because I can’t eat them anymore but Pizza Bagels were so effing hot because the bottom always felt like not too bad but then you’d bite into it and then it was oh I mean Hot Pockets you could kind of like Buy in and kind of know but like there was something about the pizza Bagels cuz the bottom wasn’t that bad but you would like bite into it and it would squish against the top of your mouth different than like a Hot Pocket would or a pizza bite would it was a whole different level of just like Agony also I think we need pinear for the am I silly oh yeah we can use pine oh pine tar we’re done yeah I’ll be taking that pancakes Pizza rules cuz they squirt okay first of all Jesus Christ second of all you’re truing that would burn other parts of your face that you weren’t expecting it cuz it squirts on your [Music] face when you bite into it [Music] I know out of context that sounds wild but like you know what I mean if you put into his pizza roll sometimes it squirt out the other end and you burn your hand or like on on your the side of your mouth carrot seeds in the winter K you didn’t come back to anything cut the [Music] tapes Julia it’s a resub tie for 16 months oh my God I know you said Ty like thank you TY but now I want Ty food I’m getting attacked I lost book hey hey now I have a sword I forg I always go into this place without a weapon and I’m just now remembering I have my weapon okay coffee Robins let’s go give her the wood and then stop by the community center and turn in the pinear hi mags welcome in just letting the slimes hit I know but then when you start getting really slow from it you’re like o o o why I ought to you know bro the horse on caffeine goes so quick why am I getting carrot seeds now wait that’s odd uh I just go to her with wood right yeah you’re welcome it was very expensive mapel syrup was there anything else I wanted to do today oh and this has everybody’s favorites but Sam likes maple bars Pizza Cactus oh Sebastian likes the Frozen tears okay I’ve been keeping those wait why did Lenny just catch a stray didn’t has even talked you’re getting carrot seeds because it’s the last week of winter oh it starts giving you stuff to prep for spring I see that’s really nice and neat and cool m okay y’all oh Community Center I need to go cut trees down like it’s no one’s business so I think I’m going to do that after I turn this in was this the last one oh this house was empty for years the trees moved in and so did we cute look at this little room oh you can sit oh that’s so sweet [Music] I’m missing the star oh oh at them all oh we just vanished oh maybe I should do a couple of these oh chocolate cake [Music] sure why not what’s the benefit of this one bus repair oh [ __ ] oh why the [ __ ] not the crystarium oh these things slap insert a gem of your choice like a diamond and it’ll just grow copies of it again again again we’re happy to help it’s not our house after all [Music] welcome oh beautiful [Music] I love them so much they’re so cute they’re so cute what do we need for fish red snapper I don’t think we can get that in the winter yeah all these we’re going to have to do in Spring oh and the eel oh we got two rooms done oh is this new this one above me is that a new part of the community center I I can’t remember that no more that’s so cute okay well we have the bus and the bridge repair done I think is that immediate looks like Bam’s got a job is that new Julie says she looks at the Copper hoe what are you make fun of my copper hoe oh it’s overnight oh I’m wasting my time thank you Pudge all hoes are valid what’s what’s what’s a what’s a silver hoe going to do better than a copper one anyway wow a year already time flies when are having fun what if love time does fly when you’re having fun that’s true Merl happy one year I wish I had a coao yeah same totally I I I don’t know if I what what happens when you upgrade your hole can you do multiple holes at once like ho multiple holes in the ground at once that’s cool hoing around multiples yeah oh [ __ ] this is going to get me batteries oh I need this for our big sprinklers but it’s only during storms and storms don’t happen in the winter correct Ry ho there’s not much to hoe in the winter but they did start giving us a bunch of winter seeds to be quite Fair Autumn’s Bounty oh that’s a nice that’s nice chocolate cake is also nice okay everybody what is everyone’s favorite type of cake I haven’t asked that in a few months if not half of a year an unpopular opinion I want to say mine’s carrot cake oh cheese okay I really like cheesecake too that’s that cheesecake to me is a different kind of cake like I’m thinking like fluffy cake but I love cheesecake is it is red isn’t I’m sorry if this is going to upset anybody but isn’t red velvet just a chocolate cake that’s what I thought o vanilla like what’s different about it I I’ve heard red velvet is a scam before but I yeah Shez I’m with you oh yeah have chili is a soup yeah that was good times lemon poppy oh yeah anything I’m a big lemon dessert person I love lemon dessert I mean I’ve had red velvet stuff and it’s amazing but I remember hearing once that red velvet is literally just chocolate cake but with like it’s colored to be red with cream cheese frosting obviously so there’s a bit of a difference to it and it blew my mind I was like I’ve been lied to M strawberry yeah yeah yeah um uh before the day is done let’s drop some wood down ice cream cake okay I when I was a child when I was a kid you know birthday party type Shenanigans um I wasn’t the biggest fan of uh cake like regular cake I don’t know what it is I was always I just always preferred ice cream and so I would always request like ice cream cake for my birthdays now I don’t mind because I’m vegan and and nobody’s going to have the cake I want anyway so unless unless I make it um but I like cake now but I think I was more of an ice cream cake person when I was way younger your taste buds have not matured yet don’t fall in the water okay I’ll let those grow today is your birthday wait nasty that’s awesome happy birthday if you would like a birthday song please let me know and we can celebrate I would be more than happy to do a birthday song for you and I hope your ice cream was good no some it fell in the water [ __ ] wait I need to do this from a different angle yeah yeah [Music] okay 1:00 a.m. we can totally get home by 1:00 a.m. I mean 2: a.m. all right do yall want to do a happy birthday for nasty let me sleep do we get two cut scenes though because we got the bridge too wait what about the bridge hello can they only do one per night junimos hello okay um nasty you’re going to get a birthday song with the pretty Winter Music in the background I hope that’s okay because that might be a nice little mix all right if you guys could be so kind ASA please put your party hats on for nasty all right I one a two [Music] [Music] thank you okay lovely happy birthday oh I forgot to put the carrot seeds away the mountain lake has been kind to me lately I’d like to share my good fortune with you wait that goes in the [Music] thanks nice yeah Mel I know I follow nasty on Insta I do indeed they’re very sweet oh I put the carrot seeds in this one that’s right all right well I don’t want to eat this or do anything silly with it that’s going to the community center yeah how much wood do we have now I think 359 don’t I think we need 450 wood for our house upgrades that’s a lot of wood but we need to do it does anything else come with a house upgrade other than just aesthetic more space I’ll just kitchen to cook do you guys cook food in your game oh you need to cook for oh okay and some of these trees I just don’t want to touch but I think I need to get over it you know what I mean we’ll grow back oh nice one meat Pockets thank you for continuing or no you get you paid it Forward oh because Lyn gifted you a sub thank you for giting a sub to nasty nasty enjoy your emotes there’s Buffs oh that’s true you can make your own buff noed yeah it’s Miss meat pockets is their name I love that that’s funny okay 108 that’s on top of the ones we’ve already gotten I think right um I guess we’ll just let me grab these cuz this is just an easy piece I feel I need to let these trees grow this one’s not going to grow though oh great honestly I should have just cut this down and the other one would have grown no no oh [ __ ] that’s like one of the worst things you get like 50 pieces of wood and then oops wait cut this one down and leave that one [ __ ] oh ooh ooh I love that I tried my best I tried my best to be over there I mean what am I supposed to do just leave the trees I thought that if I ran over there would oh yes we have enough there were just some parts of the river up there that I feel like even if I chopped it let’s go see Robin now actually he would still prefer the water no matter which part of the tree I was standing on can I drop these oh W yeah P that’s what I’m saying like in the winter freeze the river so I can you know live with my mistakes peacefully okay cool okay we’ve done it oh let’s go see if the bridge is done actually we didn’t get a cut scene for it but we did unlock it I have a feeling the junimos will only do one job oh my God it’s open y’all we just haven’t gotten the we didn’t get the thing that showed it was done oh [ __ ] yeah w a yep ah yep is this coal yeah I know maybe I get some bombs is it is it LLY copper holds yep okay y’all ready [ __ ] I know I do like the collection after bombs too it is very satisfying I agree nice big bomb Oh yeah oh baby um yeah yeah yeah yeah oh that’s nice oh that’s very nice yeah I am lady smelly hi I am uh I’m I’m finishing up winter of our first year M okay maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe so satisfying okay maybe just a couple more and then I I think that’s probably all we’ll need did any of y’all get pranked on April 1 uh not really no [Music] um yeah not really yesterday I I posted a reel that I thought was funny that MAV did the other night with us uh that was very fitting for April fools cuz I was fooled of something that was you know on the menu as an Easter egg so I posted that today which was kind of a perfect April Fool’s joke even though you know didn’t happen today oh oh what is this what is this you hate this cave more than the skull one oh Genie shoes I’m already wearing that uh um what are the details about this cave like what’s its purpose oh this is a big ass cave oh oh I I still have our warp totem though y’all we’re we’re chilling rice shoot oh [ __ ] those didn’t drop anything yeah flying enemies are my favorite in this game can I aggro just one of them okay two’s fine great where did that one come from who the [ __ ] are you oh I got a skull hold on what the [ __ ] is that for then o golden Scythe oh and it takes me out w i mean what do I get hi dream sweet welcome in mondie how was your stream what were you streaming oh you guys were doing coral island nice I haven’t played coral island but I’ve definitely heard it’s very stardy we oh it just collects more hay oh that’s awesome so just like throw away my old one then golden Scythe yeah you can get a horse rat nice well let me go do some cheese doing and then I think we sleep oops oh [ __ ] um our hands are incredibly full of things from all the places we’ve been today wait I don’t know if I’ve milked them that’s okay Julia it’s a [Music] res horsey oh [ __ ] I know but I would just like to grab the egg that’s chill final wait I guess cool and then we can turn that in tomorrow and get a ticket Gallows horing um jeez okay and then that needs to go to the well we will empty oh wow Julia look it’s a resub oh good good Lord above make I can’t wait to lose a grand because I fell asleep on my [Music] bed wow jul it’s a resub admiring Renee thank you for the four months oh we don’t in the house good also we got full energy too so if you make it inside of your house are you just well I we were eating in the mine so maybe it was fine R thank you for the 2 months as well we’re good that’s great um I should go put a diamond in the crystarium crystarium like what am I doing with my life you know I need to empty this [Music] Leah’s birthday we need to go buy her a salad uh anything else let’s go get her a salad and find her and then also whilst we’re getting a salad we can give um G his eggs he wants that should be perfect also we can continue cooking some fish cuz we have coal now holy [ __ ] we’re out of hay dinosaur egg we got to put it in the in the incubators we can get another Dino oh thanks Yoshi thank you dinosaurs um I have a bunch of hay in one of the things it would potentially be in this perhaps no ah yes I just go throw it in the Silo and and it works yeah oh we just have 10 extra nice we can put the 10 extra in the their things wait but [Music] then hello a yeah I do have a dino I’ll show you I’ll show you I will show you I don’t actually remember where did we get the dino egg y’all did we just get it from like worms in the ground maybe it was from [Music] fishing it’s still a baby but this is it look at his little spikes and then he drops a dino egg and you can either incubate it and make another or make Dino Mayo it’s so cute sure okay that’s plenty actually no that’s plenty for all of them but that’s fine okay Gus needs 24 eggs who dozen um and I all right let’s just just do math here wait yeah large egg right I should just do this right keep keep the aridium ones surely but also keep all of the duck ones six we need one more I think that would be it right 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 he needs 24 what am I doing 9 10 11 16 22 is that 2 six seven8 9 10 11 16 22 24 math all right let’s go turn these suckers in also I want to be able to give shoes to our pets why can’t my dog wear slippers you had D and D tonight I did enough math already I just started episode three of uh campaign 2 of critical role there she is working oh my God y’all we can go to the desert does it cost money I can’t even remember surely it does I’m back on the saddle kid feels [Music] nice oh wait oh 500 G not yet not quite yet I mean that becomes nothing though like once you start making money yeah look at Pam having a little job okay all right um okay this isn’t open until 12 let’s go drop off the Maki roll at the community center oh and we need to go turn that into gunth the skull we got from that little place uh um Bullis and board it’s a Bullis board maple syrup truffle oh we oh who who I want to go upgrade my barn that’s what I want to do I want piggies I want winkers Leah’s birthday salad oh it’s noon okay salads give Gus’s eggs look at him he won’t even even though I’m going surprise him before he opens those saloon doors something’s ready for you in your [Music] fridge oh we got to go get our ticket what oh another Quest too I’m putting on a little promotion just for fun if anyone can collect a thousand pieces of wood in a week they’ll earn a reward and we get to keep the wood oh my God we got to we have to like what better like motivation do we need oh Leah’s birthday sorry sorry sorry sorry I won’t forget I won’t forget [Music] four beehives give me the cow Leah’s birthday Leah’s birthday Leah’s birthday Leah’s birthday Leah Leah’s birthday Leah’s birthday where is she 1 p.m. on a twos where’s Leah at Pierce go uh I’ll accept it maybe not do it no where is she Robin’s literally upgrading our house right now so I can’t do much but this is perfect because I need to do this to get enough wood to upgrade our barn this is quite nice actually Leah knock knock are you [Music] home she is [Music] home gets pretty cold in my little cabin no messages so cute and her [Music] paintings Landscapes dude she’s great I know Leah Leah’s lovely we married her in our first stardew save she’s very nice I need trees to cut down y we’re going to be a lumberjack I think for the next couple days I need the wood for the upgrade wait you guys if we go is there a lot of trees in the desert we can go just cut down any noers and it gives us wood I agree she’s a pretty one no okay d damn not really damn it’s a desert I don’t know palm tree wood Cactus wood damn there are palm trees but not a bunch okay I did I think the right side of this area I don’t want to cut that down out that that just looks like it needs to be there [ __ ] oh yeah down here yeah yeah yeah oh yeah [ __ ] now we’re cooking yeah these ones come back which is why I’m just fully bulldozing them with my hands velcro thank you I hope your look’s been nice oh a mystery box Winter’s so pretty I it’s one of my favorites I like the music and I I just the snow is cool have you gotten the tree trees at the quy uh a few of them I actually don’t think I got all of them so that’s a good idea I can do that tomorrow assuming that we don’t get through all of these also Jennifer gulage is such a good name oh my God that’s so funny that’s such a good name cool I Know M would love that we we have a friend I don’t know if you know rip ma Jennifer Gage but she loves doing um like the Jennifer coolage voice and they’re really good at it and so if you ever stopped by there probably make her laugh I know it’s so funny it’s very good oh this is a all right we’re already at 3.99 I’ll check them out I love a good genifer Impressions perfect oh you were doing stared tonight job nice yeah it’s been really fun and we’re going to have about 500 in a day maybe more thank God we haven’t cut down all the wood over here that would suck if we kind of cut down every single tree and then we accept the oh get 1 th000 wood in seven days and I’m like I don’t have any trees um question if you have coffee do you cut wood faster too do you chop faster with coffee let’s listen oh I think so like a little bit oh you’re watching me through long distance boyfriend while we play oh hi Mike sorry to freak you out your partner told me to do it not my fault caught Mike thinking of the word Mike reminds me of stranger things with 11 saying Mike all the time that’s also your name too Michael I should have done the full gov until dawn is it bad that I don’t remember who that is which one is Mike and until dawn I feel like the only person in until dawn I remember is Han because that’s like the quote we always hear it’s just a joke h Emily’s BF I’m attempted a run oh attempted to run in the desert mines I made it to level 70 oh yeah my first playthrough stardo I never ended up getting to level 100 so nobody spoil what’s at level 100 cuz I have no clue um but I would like to get there this time I’m determined 7:34 y’all in one night ain’t too shabby sorry Mr hatman I knocked down all of your trees maybe you’ll get better lighting and people will see your uh shop you’re welcome oh left over wood w and then we’ll go to the Cory tomorrow I think there’s leftover stuff there I don’t think there’s anything ready in here no how long does it take for the crystalarium to work to poop something out Lola let me um put these in now since we finished his quest we’re cruising let me put some fish in the cooker okay uh uh um is the star drop te just it’s like specifically just a gift is that correct okay this is oh yeah [ __ ] this Scythe now I’m just going to toss it see you I can’t toss it why can’t I toss it why am I stuck with it I don’t want it anymore fine you’re going in here never to be seen again I’m just going to go to bed oh wait does it depend on the gem I didn’t go to Gunther no I need to gotta oh it’s so you can’t accidentally trash your tool that’s fair oh book seller cool oh I got a fridge I think thank you for the eggs the yolks look amazing I think this will be my best please accept this gift a mini fridge so is it’s it’s a chest I can keep in the house I need a kitchen oh what a scam that’s fair that would make sense I basically live in a tiny cabin thanks for the 24 eggs here’s a whole ass fridge going to get rid of the Holly I have more mail some water for [Music] you dorm rooms that’s true dorm rooms I can have mini fridges that’s fair Feast of the Winter Stars tomorrow okay oh Sebastian needs how about I just give Sebastian the star drop te thoughts wouldn’t that be a great gift I would assume so wow that’s a trunk [Music] Sebastian is going to be my husband in my playthrough I I thought about I’m thinking about Sebastian I remember his I feel like this 10 heart scene was really [Music] fun uh we need to make sure we rebuild the fences also oh I just opened this for them hello everyone hello everyone Lely I think we’ll just keep extra wool in here um not sure what for I I feel like we’ll need wool to make clothing right to make cloth we get to make cloth with it okay um let’s go turn these into the peeps uh we’ll save that for Sebastian for the Holiday Fest thing tomorrow we’ll go break open the mystery box turn this into Gunther and then we’ll go to the mines the Cory mines and get the rest of the wood cuz I think we still have a decent amount of wood we can cut down wait did I go say hi to the cows I’m afraid I did not I don’t remember hearing the squatching sounds of their nipples okay we’re go we’re all good Hur it caught [Music] up okay I just want to get through all these fish I’m sick and tired of smoking these fish like what an extra chore you know what I mean okay nah I don’t think we that doesn’t need to be a quote if you were here for it congratulations no one needs to pull that for their horoscope okay be something cool hopefully me that’s useful Beach totem don’t want to accidentally use it though [Music] St okay where’s the skull [Music] [Music] [Music] go I can’t [Music] oh oh the bones go here oh I [Music] see I’m not even noticing that that’s its own thing I didn’t even read what that was saw something weird in the tunnel leading out from bellan town There’s a little door hidden in the dark couldn’t get it open though oh yeah we saw that what happens if I give them coffee I know they don’t like it do they just say no I’m not going to do it it’s a waste of 300 gold I know the kids don’t like it I feel like they’re just going to give a thanks that that that question mark Cory oh yeah we got some Cho do you started going ham with your layout but it looks bad now you can always redo it though or you just kind of annoyed that you wasted time oh we’ve already done that one pisma have a beautiful sleep thank you for hanging with us good night good night wait what do you what do you mean okay wait hold on what do you mean going ham with your layout what layout like what are you talking about yes oh are you talking about your Museum everything that you put in the museum you can move around correct yeah you can just click on [ __ ] and just move it to wherever you want for free same with your um everything on your farm you can move for free wait how much more do we need 123 113 I mean 83 no 17 I’m High um I’m actually not sure or paper crane no listen I can do math I swear I’m 50% [Music] straight H me too 50% straight 50% can’t do math that’s it we did it oh baby wait you guys have means we get our cow thing I think I think that’s yeah that’s a ticket one let’s go get our cow I’m not exactly sure what it’s going to be I think we can put it on something [Music] okay five diamond oh oh wait that’s a mive cow did you like what I did there it’s very improvised and spontaneous of me to say I’m putting this in the barn I’m so clever 50% straight is by then what is a just refusing to do math sure whatever you want it to be refusing to do math okay do you guys want a friend must be placed on a wall H what do you mean I can’t put it in the barn to girl huh I have to put this in the wall of my house well it looks like we’ll put it up when my house is done cuz where the [ __ ] is it going to go oh the shed oh yeah oh yeah [ __ ] oh yeah [ __ ] oh it’s over cute is that even yeah does it look bad if I do this though yeah it does we didn’t see the book seller it’s only 5:00 we can go check them out we can go say hello I’m not doing that um maple syrup that’s a work in progress void Essence we don’t have that skull key we can do that yet we can but I’m not going up there yet all right we also need to make Pam her ale because we’ve had CS for ages no cow wine sounds awful is a book seller KS nice I hate how when I’m on the horse if I’m going this way that just looks like it could be my legs I look like a horse girl you know what I mean hello wait I kind of want to get this what would be better actually we the Wind part to or the horse the book 50% girl 50% horse what do we think way of the Wind part two or horse the book what would be more beneficial for myself you don’t think way of the wind does much yeah maybe we’ll just get that when we just have a [ __ ] ton of money and I’m like Elena that’s a question I I don’t know uh Slither one that one makes you go faster through grass you now run a lot faster through grass and crops maybe we’ll do the horse one horse the book all right snakes you ready hold on like it’s his head you better go like a [ __ ] rocket okay I think this kind of feels like how it felt when we had coffee let’s see what it’s like when we’re on having coffee with the horse I mean that’s pretty fast oh well folks once again we’re gathered for a very special occasion what the [ __ ] is is that an omelette oh because we gave him 24 eggs this isn’t it is an omelette a rare visit from a very dear friend my world famous giant omelette zesty bell pepper juicy tomato Rich mushroom and tangy cheese all en robed in a blanket of Rich fluffy egg dig in [Music] folks Willie what do you [Music] think the mushrooms are a tad chewier than last year is that a good thing eyad it’s great Gus and it tastes even better because it’s on the house these eggs are so rich and yellow Marne are these from your place no they’re from mine nope you can thank Julia over at Alfie’s Farm damn right oh they all love me Alfie oh Mar no trist are you saying period like period or because it’s an egg period that they’re eating I don’t know what kind of period go s period okay I’m not I mean technically it’s an egg period it’s ovulation I came in here to get everybody [Music] coffee I know I know no don’t worry it’s on the house can Mom what do you mean and stream I know you’re drinking beer but here’s a coffee is Morgan sleeping now Morgan I hope we sleep well give me Rick’s eggs what why that not stack hello okay okay wow we have four digit funds yeah we’re going super fast this is great Riz grind that’s a good oh oh it’s it’s Robin 24 okay that’s not uh cheese you’re about to get more married wait are you getting married in in stardo are you talking about married to something else I have connections that will bedtime ban you that’s such a comment wait who you marrying like again as an Apol marry mod thing or you divorced wait okay people who are well immersed in the polyamory aspect of life maybe not saying that you are but that you might know of this legally can you be married to two different people at once in real life like legally speaking I actually don’t know that not in the US okay but in what what countries is that legal and where you’re married to multiple people is there a lot of them I actually have no idea I’ve never even thought of that before Pudge no idea not many not even in it’s not in Australia either as far as I’m aware yeah I have zero clue but interesting legal in some Muslim countries for men to have multiple wives like Saudi Arabia interesting Nigeria as well h I can put some fish on the cooker before it hits midnight trying to use my time wisely you know okay I think that’s [Music] good Mormons of spiritual marriages but only one legal one [Music] Mormons are married through the church so it’s not through the stage only know because oh a Sister Wives a show whoa 10 that what did oh oh duck Mayo classic do ma brings so much in whoa whoa look at it our house is [Music] growing bedroom [Music] oh that has to go on a table okay my condolences what do you mean Furniture can’t be placed here oh for the love of God sure [Music] I don’t know where to put this this little squid guy can go right there [Music] we’re decorating oh this Pitchfork sure she’s watching you while you cook oh are those oh those are seasonal those are outdoor plants aren’t they the winter Feast is [Music] starting oh I can change where the light comes oh [ __ ] that’s cute we’re decorating hi pory hello it does kind of look like someone’s looking through the window yeah wait that’s kind of cute a mass ooh yeah yeah yeah sure brilliant okay that’s better we cleaned up a bit what else is in here actually oh yeah oh we got to decorate with these [ __ ] wait yeah oh it kind of looks like a window it’s kind of cute oh wait oh those turn into snowmen in the winter wait that’s so cute oh oh lovely wait what did Georgie say six turrets guarding the main entrance on lethal ooh pixel you’re re addicted to this game yes I’m glad you’re loving it again it’s so good it’s been so joyous um new blueprints for a new type of chest [Music] oh Stone chest that’s is the stone chest new [Music] right I didn’t they have a new chest something that’s [Music] new no what’s new is it just the moving of the chests perhaps isz now you don’t have to like empty them or something hello little ones [Music] oh can I must be placed on a wall nothing works in here I I guess this is a little short okay fine do you guys want to plant little blue plant actually this is another outdoor one I don’t know what I’m doing with that inside there is a bigger chest but it’s not new yeah cute sure reminds me we need to rebuild the fences now that we have 1,000 wood though that’s pretty doable but I would like to redo the fencing hold [Music] okay I also want to pave like this area but I [ __ ] we should probably do that now too actually cuz I don’t we’re not going to have the fancy aridium sprinklers ready because we only just got the thing that gets batteries so we’re going to need a prep big chest is New Stone chest isn’t um we don’t have access to making a a big chest do we when do you get um this the big chest wait you know what [Music] well that doesn’t look the best in here cow and fish they’re in love thoughts [Music] oh it’s 5K from Robin 5K is it worth it early game I feel like probably not right the festival oh [ __ ] when does it end where is it where is it held did I miss it sh [ __ ] everything we just did it’s okay I know what I want I know what I want I know what I want I know what I want say it out loud no no no cuz we got this we got this this is easy [Music] now see look at me go I remember we keep that because the fish falls in love with the cow [Music] okay hold hold I’m thinking I’m thinking see my memory is wicked that wasn’t there before but that’s fine oh mermaid [Music] [Music] all right and I’m bringing the star drob te for Sebastian he’s our secret not our secret santa we’re the secret Santa for him it’s okay we’re cruising look at us go it’s [Music] fine it probably ended at 4 I think and I literally missed it by 2 seconds which is so sad and too bad [Music] T soak uh I don’t actually [Music] know when you soak you know oh okay okay we’re going let me just get few more fish cooking okay I’m just going to sell this milk cuz I just happened in my pocket on accident okay we [Music] go sports shirt nice under what [Music] tree yeah time to be thankful oh beside my cat do you want to hear the legend of the winter star [Music] in the night sky of winter there is a bright star only visible from this Valley no one knows why this is but in times of old people would come from far and wide to see it they believed that anyone who laid eyes on a winter star would be blessed with Good Fortune some even claim that the mysterious fruit known as stardrop is connected to the winter star in some way cool star drop good afternoon Marlin L’s in his little ghillie suit yeah wait what was near my cat yeah nothing like a piping hot [Music] [Music] candy canes it’s chilly isn’t it you want to know the secret to my Deluxe double candy canes double canes you’ve got to promise absolute secrecy it’s a drop of vanilla in the white candy to complete the cherry flavor okay [Music] CL go to therapy and leave Emily [Music] alone what are you hoping to find under the spirit tree a new watering can a jug of spiced meat or repair of stylish boots new watering can oh Jesus Christ I should have said boots [Music] aren’t you cold dear it’s freezing I am in [Music] overalls I’m thankful for my guitar and my skateboard oh my family nice same I remember being like that present time oh give Sebastian a secret gift yeah oh so it is you oh he looks kind of dapper in his scarf there are no therapist he Insurance in stardy Valley that’s true that’s true cuz every time we fall asleep outside we get build a grand a star drop he thanks oh [ __ ] I didn’t talk to everybody I didn’t realize that was end all be all who’s mine oh is it Sam oh oh why why is Sam kind of in that beanie what did he give me wow just what I wanted oh same haly Marne and louw over here do I just leave the shop oh how silly am [Music] i [Music] ooh oh yeah they got cute cute house plans I forgot wallpaper cute Pine two of those already have that couple of the log panels wouldn’t hurt wood [Music] panel house plant yep [Music] [Music] and that’s all we can have yeah we got is everybody’s Gift Giver random and the gift they get random like completely [Music] random a banger is anything else down [Music] here I think that’s just blocked off [Music] Evelyn had me she gave me cookies what oh I wish I got Evelyn I think each Villager has a set list of what they can give but it’s randomly picked from that list oh that’s cool is the wizard here I’m not seeing the wizard anywhere you got coal from Clint honestly when I was running low on coal that would have been sweet but we did get a lot from the uh Corey he does seem the kind I got to give coal he does have I talked to these guys I did oh I didn’t talk to Demetrius who’s on the bottom right [Music] another tool set I think I’ve talked to everybody oh of course Gus has more [Music] dialogue oh he just kept rambling about his candy canes and then he says if we’re falling asleep that’s great oh Carolyn too much nog okay [ __ ] how do I okay he loves to yep we’re done yes okay where we’re so close to being done with winter okay nothing else here got a lot of decorations okay shees in then maybe just sleep oh my God we’ve almost cleared this out it’s amazing I know I can almost smell your tooth we’re so close everybody’s asleep we only have three more days left okay yeah cute yeah I’m putting that in my bedroom sure y yeah okay lots of [ __ ] plant great this [ __ ] massive giant rug that I can’t put under anything wait can this W getting rid of that rid of that rug okay oh look at them sleeping in the room oh that’s so cute oh this is so cool that you can have multiple pets who needs air fresh know when your entire house can wreak of pine trees 365 days a year that’s right damn straight cute I kind of like having a window in here [Music] though let’s put the tree in the corner and then we’ll put this plant here yeah that’s better oh it’s cute oh it’s so much better wait was there a new recipe no we also have a mini fridge which I don’t really know where to put that yet just a little bit of interior decorating was needed it’s fine oh Gunther good morning I hope it’s not too early I just wanted to stop by and thank you in person for all the wonderful artifacts and minerals you’ve discovered you’ve done so much for one person in fact I’ve just received a letter from the office of the regional Secretary of artifacts we’re being honored with the coveted golden shovel award for our significant contributions to the field and it’s all thanks to you well I should let you get back to your work that’s great I’m glad you get to keep the shovel for all my hard workare Gunther oh I almost forgot I have a gift for you it’s an old key that is this the sewer key is this the sewer key it’s an old key that’s been sealed in the museum Vault for at least a 100 years it’s a little rusty but still beautiful dude that’s totally what it is I can’t remember where we get the key from but I’m assuming that’s it we go go me cras G wants a fish great kobis time all our beloved okay hold on we got to go say had kobus y this is like the last we’re going to make it’s Clint’s birthday okay and what do you want me to do with that information just kidding yeah maybe we should give some coal hello milkers [Music] oh that thing okay I don’t know what you guys are looking at I’m going to go check it out oh this what are you what what are you this my dog yeah it’s Alfred in a bonnet what do you mean that’s what you’re like what the [ __ ] is next to your cat it’s Alfred in a bonnet the bib looks so [ __ ] creepy sorry no it’s fine that’s fine listen that’s okay but yes that’s my dog in the Bonnet I was bringing out that’s valid oh that’s funny yep great some more gem honestly I should just make more of this Jam things I don’t know why I hav’t yet why do I have an extra egg in my inventory oh I didn’t water the cats and the dogss no I didn’t say his Bonnet was creepy no no no I mean they might have not me it’s okay it’s just pix off he doesn’t care wood stone coal I could make some more preserve jars actually I’m getting a little bit sicking tired of only doing five at a time wood stone coal yeah [ __ ] balls I used all of my coal at least hey you know what we are out a fish anyway so it’s fine just make it even you know what I mean oh no damn kind of only wanted eight but that’s okay well or the does the do the stones come back at the Corey at all do I want to do today there’s only a few more days left the winter wait it’s Friday oh we should totally go see if the traveling Merchant has anything we need that might be wise if you can survive in the Corey I see I see indeed hi we’re already at level 10 so I think that book is relevant there’s nothing in here we need right wait maybe a poppy red cabbage oh we could use a poppy actually all right you slept 7even hours uninterrupted by the bbby congrats that’s actually amazing a full seven hours how do you feel like does it feel like you got a good sleep [Music] great I feel disgusting wait do you [Music] [Music] actually I don’t think I’ve entered REM in a while oh no [Music] that’s wild mom [Music] life oh [Music] [Music] please okay just getting some hardwood good practice I’m going to forget to come here and get wood 12 a day keepes the doctor away I I usually sleep I try to get a minimum of eight but my sleep op tells me like even if I was asleep for eight it’s like oh well you slept for seven and I was like but I went to all right um let’s go try to oh [ __ ] I wanted to upgrade my barn I might still be able to y’all hold [ __ ] God damn it oh hello what you haven’t seen my motorcycle before I guess I haven’t shown it to you you show me your motorcycle oh God here we go sometimes after Sundown I make the long ride out of the stardy valley why is it just snowing all of a sudden there’s nothing else like it blazing along the empty stretch of road toward the faint City Clow once I’ve saved up enough money I’m going to head out on my own to the city and Beyond just me and my bike oil’s changed oh not the zoom away no God she’s not even here is she yoga e on Friday yoga in more like yo got to be kidding me Robin she’s drinking at the bar let’s go to the quy see if anything’s respond Maddie hello hi Maddie I just want my burn upgraded you know what I mean o okay [Music] hold oh I think I only had one thing of thank you uh one thing of uh coal to get uh velcro thank you so much for the brand new sub as well thank you I have too much free time they do carot they really do um well I pretty much took most of everything that’s here aside from some extra Stone sure I think I’m want to [ __ ] off I could you know what I should have upgraded my pickaxe too late for that I mean I can still do it but yeah I could still do that not now but I’m saying like because we’re starting spring it’s not going to jeopardize me upgrading my pickaxe it only takes a couple days what’s that I don’t know if my horse fits here great what if you ha us into hate who oh community center right I need to drop the poopy off bulletin yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah Maple truffle fried egg oh can I make a fried egg now that I have a kitchen can I literally just grab an egg and do that or do I need a recipe for fried egg nice oh I want to see if there’s a new Quest actually cuz I finished the egg one nope not yet okay oh there some worms Oh I could really quickly peek to the beach I haven’t been to the beach in a couple days in a few days there might be some some things the [ __ ] is that oh it’s Holly I don’t give a [ __ ] no event that’s right I can check my recipes oh there are a few worms okay anchor oh we’ve already turned it into gun no I don’t want to eat a crocus no thank you oh my inventory is full all right okay we go home wow Julia look it’s a resub just have a great time what if wave ler Daman thank you for the 14 hello thank you thank you I did paper yeah yeah I did I I did I did I did [Music] indeed okay just getting rid of that stuff don’t really need that I have too much winter Roots okay great honestly I’m just going to sell that flow too cuz flip it cool um I don’t know just grab the cheese rotate cheese around and then no me see no eggs right may but we have some mayonnaise good luck being a father yeah oh the owl the owl doesn’t mean anything right is it just like a nice little nighttime [Music] thing I [Music] assume moth man that’s true these are the ones that we could put outside I’ll change that eventually I just can’t be bothered right now okay oh we have to walk a whole ass area to our bed now oh my God cute cute cute cute cute so cute hey Logan okay we are almost done with winter but hello yeah we have ducks and we have a dinosaur in our uh in our CP as well okay these are literally the same egg cool [Music] um I’m sorry having the egg raw is what oh you know what it’s because I could have used any egg and it just does that but because this is aridium It’s a purple one it’s worth more I’m assuming [Music] right I have not coral island um I’ve heard great things and I have heard oh that needs to be Mayo it’s similar to stardew I have heard good things about coral [Music] island look at our little dinosaur baby boy oh no oh holl oh that sucks I’m so sorry to hear that I forgot that that’s oh yeah cuz you can chop down the stuff and get the um the uh oh I should have just done this uh oh my God what do you get from [Music] it uh I don’t have a c animated emote no we have the C [Music] emote okay we’ll get the oh do I still have my wait hold on oh my God I need to go to Robin before her place closes and I would like to upgrade my barn but I need to go get wood yeah maybe lethal tomorrow maybe we could do some solo lethal and see the new guys new things I don’t know we’ll see it would kind of Be A fitting time because we just finished winter so we’ll we’ll we’ll kind of [Music] see we’ll see no promises could be fun I don’t know if I’d recommend the new stuff solo noted okay I I think I will be taking the tree down I did say I would take I did say I would take the Christmas tree down um after we finished winter and stardew so I think maybe we we could do it on stream if you guys want to be there for me taking the tree down so we can 07 to it you could do that I just want to appreciate it again in the winter because I haven’t felt like ooh Christmas because it’s constantly behind this but if I get to have it go up like at the end of November then it’s exciting and it’s cute that thing is going to have so much dust on it I know it has almost been up for two well a year and a half almost okay wait we have to upgrade this two more times unlocks goats oh and then we upgraded again yeah we don’t have the deluxe Barn we got to do big barn first okay yeah we can allow it to be exciting again oh Jesus sorry I know Adam so potentially potentially 07 to the Christmas tree tomorrow and then maybe lethal we’ll see put a new tree that would actually be cool just having trees behind me that would be pretty cool not going to lie okay uh we have a decent amount of wood and stone I think I may go to sleep soon so with that I must say goodbye tree we’ve had so many memories like that time you were a tree and that other time you were a tree and the time we put things on you cause you cuz you wear a tree but I get it you must make a tree and leave oh [Music] okay so with Dad said I bid you a do nice say each tree for a different season I’m sure you could get an orange tree like an orange tree a green tree and a white tree I’m sure that exists okay y’all um I need to make new fencing cuz we only have one more day left so we need that um and then I think I want to make some more pathing around [Music] our things I feel like would wood look cool I feel like wood could kind of look cool around the sprinklers I know stone is always great but maybe maybe W hold on here can I even get over here that is purely aesthetic would would look cool would would look cool wood would look cool if a wood could would could look cool Sorry little Mossy seed well I mean technically it wouldn’t really make sense if I didn’t make this go around h i okay hold on I think I want it to be a little bit more than that sure okay I think that’s nice I want it to be a little bit more open look a little a little crammed right here okay yeah they can get out okay um hardwood fence most durable type of fence okay maybe in a billion years wait did I I don’t even know if this is enough I think okay hold on I think yeah I think that was meant to be that nice okay beautiful just let the weirdos free range I could but then if I need to go smooch them and I leave the door open then it’s over all right y’all what do you think do you think we should Stone around this or do you think we should um wood thoughts they can get out on the left still oh [ __ ] yeah like which Pathways I have no idea oh Jesus Christ this might just disappear in a couple days because not actually maybe it’ll stay you know if I I could maybe lift these up actually depends on what I want to grind wait a second I have oh I have five sprinklers oh [ __ ] we’re moving these up we are moving these up right like if we want to make the most of it yeah I hope that these stay one two three four y’all we could oh God we could move it over more would that be too much we might as well get our money’s worth hold on [Music] here okay hold on if I were to do two rows then put that here right cuz that that would that that yeah that yep yep okay hold on I’m cooking in my brain [Music] well is the game that made me upgrade my Hardware to play the new ones coming out really are they only PC or do they are they on other are they on Console okay I think we have to try we might have to be try hard here okay crops that that boom that should be here right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay yes this is what we’re going to be doing we’re spending this time here so that I don’t have to do it the first day of spring so that our life will be easier okay yeah oh this is going to be big try hard y’all okay okay wow oh if he has five o than I would imagine it probably is because this is using all of your stuff upes last train of the holidays Santa better be on I swear to God if Santa’s not on this train [Music] anything oh oh my God I just got hit by the train some copper two things of copper okay last train of winter and we get two things of copper that’s really great I know that’s disappointing what the heck [Music] man okay let’s finish our prepping okay what is the recipe for sprinklers shoot I think we have a decent amount of coal though hey we have some so we just need to make some more silver this is fine Winter’s almost over I know we finished it today wine day oh what a beautiful time I think it’s 17 I can’t remember [Music] oops are they all moving [ __ ] [ __ ] it’s fine it’s fine I wanted to go here this was all part of my plan it’s fine this is what I wanted it’s okay I actually missed Clint’s birthday that’s funny it actually wasn’t intentional even though I joked about it I just forgot about it yeah I just wanted to make sure that the the totem to the beach Works still okay okay great that’s good okay okay uh let’s make sure we have enough of the sprinklers is this right okay we will place these accordingly tomorrow this tree is going to be an issue oh God wait oh that’s okay yeah I think it’s only good that the top part looks nice hopefully this stays until tomorrow we’ll see okay it’s fine you wouldn’t bother hoing all the spots you think even if it’s the day before you don’t think it’ll stay oh PCH let’s go do you know what you’re going to eat what you got to munch some will not all maybe maybe it won’t be too many of them maybe the ones that were just kind of watered I don’t know I I’m just doing this mainly so I can know where to put the path down because I want to put pathing around it I feel like that would be nice okay oh shoot okay we got to move this hold on Lovely okay I should have enough time to make the paving around this all right y’all we need to make a decision stone or wood stone or wood hi Alfred I know it’s late I promise this is my last day in Star dude don’t worry stone for sure that’s a lot of space how much do we have more of we have a lot more wood stone is going to be easier to get though because we can just go to the mines so that’s a good point in that regard or what if we just did gravel around it would that look gross you like a mix wait I kind of I think I’m with you mix could be fun like what if we did that wait that’s going to look bad I think hold on maybe the wood on the short straights does the stone last longer that’s a decent point oh no what am I doing I think I hate it the paths don’t degrade I think it’s just like they can get struck by lightning I think that’s what it is [ __ ] okay hold on shoot oh we already have I already made a bunch of this [ __ ] I think for PR sure surrounded by the stone would be good hold and if we did like wood on the inside wait could that be kind of cute it’s kind of cute o inner gravel wait oh that’s kind of cool what do we think inner gravel or inner wood hold on we’ll we’ll see what it looks like hold on uh maybe wood plus we’d have to listen to that God awful sound to no offense shy 30 will do it we did it we completed year one on the ground Baby K who the hell are you [Music] cute okay well we’re going to have to do this again I think I might have mods also oh it’s spring oh it’s so green yeah this is cute I like I like the outer Stone and the inner wood this is cool oh my grass oh I’m excited for spring fun fun fun fun fun okay it doesn’t even matter because we’re not starting Spring right now I’m going to bed we did so good we finished winter we finished year 1 year one done we’re starting year two exciting okay I don’t know if we’re playing this tomorrow or if we’re going to wait we might try lethal tomorrow we might do this tomorrow I don’t know [Music]

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