Minecraft 1.12: Redstone Tutorial – Working Blender!

hey guys it’s Mr Crayfish and welcome back to another Redstone tutorial in this tutorial today I’m going to be showing you guys how to create a blender so if you didn’t see my video a while back I asked I showed you guys this blender that I created in Redstone you guys got the 6,000 likes which is amazing so thank you guys so much for that but this is a working blender now one thing I really love about this is it actually looks like a blender just how cool does that look so what we actually do to use the blender is we place the ingredients inside of the uh blender here like so we heard a little tune there play and that means the blender is ready to go so we go ahead turn on the blender by pressing this button and then it’s Blended and we’ve just got our homemade Brew here a potion of regeneration so how cool is that that’s just really awesome so I’m going to be showing you guys how to create this today so the materials that you are going to need is 14 Redstone Dust three Redstone torches six Redstone repeaters five Redstone comparators eight droppers one Observer block 10 Hoppers one sticky piston one note block one stone button or you can get a wooden one if you like two chests one slab of your choice one black Shuler box a mine cart with a hopper one normal rail one glass block one iron bar one black carpet and 64 blocks of your choice jeez that was a long list so the first thing that you want to do is decide where your blender is going to go so mine is going to go on this block here from here what we’re going to do is dig a four wide by four long by four deep hole so dig out on that block where you decide where the blender is going to be and then dig three blocks forward so one 2 three three to the left here three back towards the front and then we’re just going to go back to the start here and then dig out the center blocks now dig this down three more layers [Music] now you want to come to the right side of the hole here just above here is where we initially dug out and that’s where your blender is also going to be what you want to do is at this back right corner here we’re going to get a chest place that down and then on top of that we’re going to have two Hoppers going on or two hoppers on top of it so Crouch jump then right click and then do that one more time then we’re going to go ahead and bring this towards the front so 1 2 3 on this final piece or on this final Hopper here place a rail so Crouch right click get your mine cart with hopper and place that on top on this block just to the right here we’re going to place two blocks so one two and then to the left of that top block there we’re going to place grass now let destroy those we’re going to get our iron bars out place it to the left of this block here carpet on top of that and then we’re going to go down back into the hole and what you want to do is place the shulker box under this but it has to be upside down so just right click the bottom of the glass over here at the chest what we’re going to do is dig out this block in front and then one more towards the front here we’re going to put Redstone torches on those left faces of those blocks there we’re going to leave one block and then dig out these ones here place redstone comparators going into those blocks that the Torches are on we’re going to place blocks above the Redstone repeaters here so Crouch them right click and then also two to the right there like that we’re going to place comparators on top on these two blocks on this side facing towards the left then get our Redstone out two Redstone here and then also so two redstone on the ground there we’re going to get our Hoppers here and place two going into these comparators so right click this back face of the comparator make sure you’re also holding shift and then you’ll notice that the funnels point in towards it we’re then also just going to dig out this block here and then we’re going to place Hoppers going into these blocks here so again we just right click like that and the funnels uh should be pointing in towards the blocks now we’re going to head back up to the top [Music] here and now we need to dig a 3 wide by 6 long by 5 deep hole now where we actually start is you want to come in front of your blender here and then what we’re going to do is go back one block and then to the right and this is where we’re going to start our hole so dig out this block two to the right here then go five to Wards the back so 1 2 3 4 5 two to the left here oops and that just went in the hopper uh it won’t be a problem though and then go back to the start here and then dig out the center blocks and now we need to dig this down four more [Music] layers that one [Music] and there we go we’ve got a five deep hole now next what we’re going to do is just after these torches here so this next kind of column of blocks along we’re going to dig out these two blocks in the ground here temporarily and what we need to do is get our droppers here and place them to the right of these bottom Hoppers here facing downwards so Crouch them right click like that we just going to dig out this block here and now just Place uh the block back now we’re going to place droppers under these um droppers here facing upwards so like that oops now coming out of these bottom droppers here we’re going to get our comparators place two coming out like that we’re going to lead them into some blocks so two there at the end here what we’re going to do is place a redstone torch dig out this block to the right of it uh we’re temporarily going to place a block here then place your note block there uh we dig out that block underneath so we just get a different note sound we’re going to place one more block here at the start on these first initial two blocks we placed place redstone and then after this place a redstone repeater lead that into a block and then we’re going to place one more down on the bottom here and also one there redstone on this block block here redstone on that one going to place a block here and instead place a redstone repeater so it doesn’t connect up with that Redstone we’re going to lead this repeater into a block uh but before we actually do that what we’re going to do is dig out this block that is kind of leading into this one here and then the three above it we’re going to go up one block here dig out this block and then the one above it and then also go forward one more uh layer of blocks at the end here place a block with a piece of redstone dust on top we’re then going to lead a comparator into that block and then place a our Observer here on this top block here oh and make sure it’s facing the correct way so make sure that the output is uh facing oh what the whoops so make sure the output is facing towards us so the BL the blinker should be on this side here then in this kind of column of blocks here we’re going to place droppers face going up to the top so Crouch jump then right click all the way to the top come back down to the hole here lead this repeater into a block here what we’re going to do is place our sticky piston place that that facing upwards block on top and then a block behind it here with a repeater going into this dropper here two redstone on top of those [Music] droppers on top of this repeater here we’re going to place a block so Crouch then right click two Redstone going up like that then to the left of this block here we’re going to place two blocks going into into that Redstone place a repeater and then before this we’re actually going to destroy that block and we’re going to use that slab we have place that on the top half of that block there Redstone here and then also we’re going going to cut that Redstone off there by placing a block this Hopper and chest come back over to this side here dig out this block there right next to actually the one below it and then place it going into this bottom dropper so Crouch right click and then put the chest on top you can also destroy the block above so you can gain access to the chest to refill it head back up to the top here to the right of this Hopper mine cart we’re going to place a block so we’re just going to put one here and then go back to the start there and finally place your button on top of that block there now that is the construction complete what we’ve got to do now is actually configure it so what you’re going to need to do is get two non-stackable items so I’ve just got two wooden swords you’re going to need to get 40 throwaway blocks so I’ve just got 40 Cobblestone not going to use them you’re going to need to select your ingredients so I’ve chosen watermelon and Apple so you’re going to need to get two of those um items make sure that they stack up to 64 as well you can’t have anything that doesn’t stack up to 64 or it will break the system and then the result of combining those two ingredients so I’m going to be having uh potions of regeneration so let’s go ahead let’s go down to the system here uh we’ll come back over to this side what we’re going to do is in these two bottom Hoppers here place the two wooden swords let’s make sure that’s all good and you’ll see these comparators are now detecting that they’re in those um droppers uh let’s head back up to the top here then over on this side here what we’re going to do is we’re actually need to get get an anvil out and what you need to do is split this stack of 40 up into T and then rename each stack to a random string of characters so just something that nobody could actually guess [Music] oops so that’s looking good and the last one that was really strange but then let’s go ahead and you want to open up this these two Hoppers here so this first one uh let’s just take those three dirt just got in there by accident what you want to do is in the four remaining slots Place five of the Cobblestone from each of those Stacks in there and then your first ingredient in the first slot then for the next one here we’re just going to put those remaining Stacks into the four end slots and then your second ingredient in the first slot then in this chest over here you simply just want to place those uh potions or the result of combining those two ingredients [Music] and last you want to choose whatever tone you would like for the note block here so whatever you can choose you could even make it like a uh a longer tune if you know what you’re doing you could create a long tune I don’t know whatever you like and the blender is ready to go now it’s that point in the tutorial where I’m going to teach you guys how this works and I’m again going to explain it like you would actually use the blender so what happens is when you you first throwing out your items here um these go into the Shuler box now just below the Shuler box is a mine cart with a hopper now you might be wondering why we’re actually using using that there well if we actually used the hopp it instead it would actually disable the use of being able to open up a Shuler box because um the only thing that is blocking the Shuler box is the mine cart here the the track the the rail down below but because the hit box is not as High um it allows the Shuler box here to actually be opened so that mine cart with hopper sucks the items down then puts it into the hopper below and then goes into this next Hopper here now what we’ve actually got here is basically an item filter so you might have guessed it when we’re actually configuring it so what this does here is when it actually reaches a total of 23 items now the only way it can reach 23 items is if it’s a melon or it’s one of these really random um pieces of cobblestone with this random name on it um and that’s why we renamed it because we basically don’t want anybody to be able to guess it so the only real way you can actually do this is by putting in a melon so when that reaches 23 this comparator is going to send out a signal strength of two it’s going to power that Redstone under there which will actually power this repeater turn off this redstone torch and then allow one of these melons to go down and then it will be reset back to this default State here same for this one as well now as well as turning this torch off and then back on it also Powers these droppers over this side I should mention that this here is just a throwaway chest so any items that don’t match the watermelon or apple will just go into this chest here so maybe someone will throw in a diamond or something by accident who knows uh but yeah if the correct ingredient does go in it Powers one of these uh hop droppers down below if both once both of them have been powered and the item is shut up into this top dropper these comparators will become unpowered so this allows this torch to come on which it sends a note tune or this this note block will send out a tune but also here what happens is this repeater turns off turning off all this Redstone here this piston will retract back down and then that means that the blender is ready to be Blended so the person will press the button here to turn it on this will send out a signal into this Redstone into this repeater powering this Redstone back on uh powering this block here will actually um Power that dropper below here which um if you remember is behind this Hopper here and it has the potions inside of it so that sends it up into this Hopper here uh down Bel below here we actually have a quick little item elevator using a Observer so we detect anything in this bottom dropper here if there’s an item in send a signal out it will power this Redstone The Observer will pick that something has changed here send a signal out into these droppers The Observer will again detect that all this comparator will turn off now this will go back to unpowered the Observer will again then send another signal out pushing the item all the way to the top here and shooting out at the player and also here this is a little Mony stable circuit so we send out a quick pulse of redstone which will power these top droppers here to put the item back down into the bottom one uh so it can reset so that is going to end off this tutorial today guys if you enjoyed make sure you go ahead and snap that like button I appreciate all the love you guys leave on these videos if you have any ideas for Redstone tutorials let me know down in the comments below and also subscribe to keep updated with all my latest tutorials I suggest you put press the post notification button as well because that means you’ll definitely get notified when these when any new tutorials do come up but anyway I will see you guys later bye-bye

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Welcome to MrCrayfish’s Redstone Tutorials!. In this tutorial today, MrCrayfish will show you how to build a Blender! This will surely impress your friends! If you enjoyed this tutorial, please leave a thumbs up, comment and subscribe!

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  1. You have several places where you call items the wrong thing. You need to start inserting break points into your script so you can fix this stuff in post.

  2. My ringer only works the first time because the wooden swords are moving from the first set of droppers to the set of droppers above them when the button is pressed, which prevents the comparators from being active when the machine is off and causes the ringer to not activate because the redstone torch next to it is always active now that the comparators are not deactivating the redstone signal while the machine is off. Is this a 1.14 bug or did I mess something up? Anyone have any ideas?

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