Busting Scary Minecraft Villager Myths To Prove Them Wrong

over many updates players have uncovered myths and secrets drawing back to Minecraft’s Villages but what are these places really hiding from the strange generation to The Well of the undead we’re busting these Ms to see if they’re fake starting with the black Tower made up of villager houses stacked one on top of the other some say it reaches the sky limit and the higher you go up the more twisted and scary it becomes no player has ever reported reaching the top most believe it’s a glitch with this specific seed that causes villagers to spawn inside one another sounds a tad ridiculous yes especially in the latest version of the game where honestly bugs are really rare but that’s my job to find the truth no matter how terrifying and what the where are we wait I’m getting attacked I’m getting attacked dude where do those come from where are those skeletons coming from that’s a dungeon this is a cave and wait is this a village what the dude I’m actually speechless this cave is absolutely massive and yet there is somehow a village spawning here and not just a regular Village no no no this is an abandoned zombie village look at these cobwebs and despite all of that it’s not a Tower this is not a village Tower like was described in the reports perhaps it might be another Village in this seed using the blocks and items around me I finally manage to climb out of the hole how the sand doesn’t just fall down I really don’t understand but my first plan here is scan the Horizon for villagers and nothing second plan we make it to the nearest mountain and hopefully that will give us a higher vantage point to see the area around us frustratingly I couldn’t really find any coordinate points on the internet so I assume that that Village would be the one with the tower and yet wasn’t okay do we see anything o wait a minute I think I just saw like a glimpse there are Villagers houses right over there okay good now I also remember reading lots and lots of players warning others about reaching the top of this what they call Black Tower I mean what could be so scary about climbing up a tower in Minecraft we do it literally all the time and of course it’s just a regular Old Village no Towers High into the sky I continued exploring in hopes of finding this villager Tower oh oh yes please tell me this is the one I have been searching for hours on end now that’s not a good sign that looks like a pretty normal house to me I’m not seeing anything stretching High into the sky here maybe it’s just out of render distance please please fingers cross what great are you serious I have searched so many villages and found nothing do you think it’s safe to say that this is cap out of options I began searching online to see what I could find after digging through thousands of dodgy looking websites I found found this one which mentions a glitch we’ve actually already seen the underground Village and in all honesty I actually found loads of reports about these underground Village glitches however this is the only document that actually suggests that these glitches don’t happen on their own they’re actually connected to something known as Village Towers now here’s the thing I don’t know if these Village towers are the same thing as the Black Tower because look if I go contrl f and I search black there’s not even a mention of black Towers here and yet this is the only thing I’ve seen so far with actual screenshot evidence of these towers but what I found even stranger is these these paths connecting the houses I don’t think these normally generate unless it’s the game trying to make sure that there are paths for the Villager to walk I’m not sure but even though black isn’t mentioned if you look really closely in the sky do you see that right at the top those are Black Blocks or the top of the village is black now this could be a lighting glitch or this could be the Black Tower that we’re trying to find and it would make sense cuz it’s on this same seat this is the same cave we were in at least I’m pretty sure it was now if you guys want to read this report for yourself the link was public on Google so read in depth what this author has to say unfortunately he’s anonymous but here’s his theory that actually when you create a new world the most common glitch you get is that underground Village like we did but there is a very very very very rare chance that the game notices it’s glitched out and attempts to fix that glitch and what it means by fix is basically just keep generating villagers until it reaches the surface level where the villagers are supposed to spawn so that makes sense in my head I mean logically but why is that scary I don’t know going back to the underground Village I began to create new worlds over and over and over again hoping to stumble upon this dark Village thank goodness for Tik Tok guys I’ve loaded so many worlds and yeah once again look at that absolutely nothing what is this real ow why did I SL myself yep that’s real and look up there black this has to be it this has to be the same thing as The Dark Tower right I don’t know what to do I mean it’s no longer abandoned guys look there’s no more cobwebs here anymore and yet there’s still no villagers and look the the structures are repaired guess we just have to go into one of these houses and see what we find all right guys let’s be prepared for the absolute worst 3 2 1 open huh this is not the scary Village that people claimed it would be other than of course this weird path that connects the buildings but I mean that could be explained by the fact that the generation is just trying to make sure that there’s a path for villagers to walk like what why is this door it’s not a full block villagers couldn’t even walk through this if they tried I mean they did say gets scarier as you go up hold up where’s the furniture in this room guys all right you know what the test will be if the next one has Furniture oh yeah no okay well this one does that’s good Hold Up Wait A do desert villagers don’t normally have oak doors do they no that is a Acacia door and yet this is an oak door why these are oak stairs and an oak block but this is a Sandstone desert village that should be Sandstone stairs like the ones that I’m literally standing on and yet it could just be a result of the game like freaking out as it’s trying to like sprits in The Villages that’s not necessarily scary right it’s just glitch and again another room with no furniture in it what is the torch doing down here what the uh what is going on the house is upside down hold up let’s get a look on this on the outside the house is literally upside down the torch the floor is here this is getting weirder and weirder as we get higher and higher what do you think we’re going to find the top I don’t think I want to know and yet I’m going to do it anyways all right here we go what’s in the next house here oh it’s just it’s a villager bro that dude literally scared the heck out of me at least we found one I don’t think I’m hallucinating here guys but I’m pretty sure there was a villager there can we can we confirm that in the comments it’s a little creepy maybe it was just like it spawned in and then the game got confused cuz of this and it just loaded out I don’t know why I keep trying to make up excuses for the weird things that keep happening but I just don’t want to believe that this myth is real all right guys it just seems too fake oh another villager okay all right another villager and this one’s not disappearing that’s good it’s not [Music] disappear uh his entire head is sword in half can it still walk around yeah okay we can move okay this this Tower is weird this Tower is actually cursed as I kept going higher and higher up the tower the houses became more and more disturbing we are almost at the top luckily I’ve got a couple of things to protect me I’ve been collecting loot from some of these chests and you know it’s not the worst some food for sure has been helpful in my survival okay yeah I mean things were getting weird but not that weird the towers have been pretty normal up until now that is the first sign black what are these I don’t know if I should Touch It or Break It what are those what are those wait what those are villagers those are villagers no no no get away from me what are they doing to the ground they’re infecting it stay back stay back okay clearly we should not touch the black stuff they’re getting closer they’re getting closer no no get knock it off knock it off bro come on come on we just got to get him off no this is the corner this is the corner this is the opportunity I guess we’re not going back there what even was that thing what was that thing it looked like a normal villager but what happened to them we can’t fall or we will surely die I don’t know where those things came from rewind the video did you guys see them hiding in any of those houses I don’t think so we can’t go that way but we can at least go this way but there’s still more Black Blocks we just got to keep an eye I do not want to be ambushed by those things there a village in here but no this one’s normal and yet he’s standing on one of these black Blocks he’s even looking at me wait what that felt like it was almost on purpose I mean he looked at me and then just jumped I don’t understand why but we’re so close to the top we just have to keep going we just keep going up another villager okay all right this one’s not standing on any black stuff huh I can’t move him it’s like look at that guy wao okay you know what I’m going to look away turn around okay he’s still there okay he’s not disappearing either let’s see what loot do we have in here huh a booking quill um ask me again guys do villagers normally ride in books do they do they you know what I’m going a little crazy I’m going a little crazy let’s have a look let’s see what the bro it’s like someone has just literally smashed their keyboard dude Al set this means nothing does it are there words in here that I miss it consumes okay guys right now take screenshots of each these pages and tell me in the comments can you find any message here that I’m missing no no no what are you what are you what are you wait they’re not they’re not chasing me wait what are they doing what are they doing to that villager they consumed him they’re coming for me now they’re coming for me now no no no no no no wait what did they do to the tower it’s been consumed as well it’s been going for a while it’s been going for a while and now they’re chasing me down uh uh what do we do wait that’s the top Tower we just need to get there go go go keep watching to find out what I discovered at the top of villager Tower but for now deep in the forest players have reported dead villagers floating to the top of the wells what happened to these Villages and what’s inside the well this is The Well of the UND using version 1.18 a player reported on the m forms that they encountered this well when testing mods when I asked they sent me this world file as well as coordinates now considering that this player was testing mods I’m kind of sus that this is obviously fake however I took the world file and I have not installed any mods you guys can see here I also don’t have any cheats on this world either all right so that way we can know if they were telling the truth or if they we’re just faking it and so far world seems pretty normal not seeing anything out of the ordinary and my skin is all good to go which reminds me did you guys know that you could now play as me and my friends in Minecraft just jump over to the Minecraft Marketplace click search type in E stream and friends and then hit that Minecon button to unlock every single one of our skins in your dressing room just go to mine skins equip it and boom you’re going to be investigating scary mitts just like me speaking of that let’s actually get back to it we just have to follow this dude’s coordinates and in theory it will lead us right to this Undead well after gearing up I began heading towards the village still suspicious did the player just stumble on the well and if they were using a mod was this even real so uh according to the coordinates did I write them down right uh it should be around here somewhere Spruce planks it’s a path this is it okay the village is here while I’ve been walking actually guys I’ve had a lot of time to think about this well of the undead and I’m just wondering why is it called that what’s in the well to give it the name Undead actually come to speak of it do spruce villagers even have wells I thought Only Oak Villages have wells speaking of things I haven’t seen before where are the where are the villages bro there’s no one here right so some apples a little bit of extra tools and armor but no villagers I mean if this was an abandoned Village there would normally be cobwebs everywhere and yet nothing here except the well I feel like I’ve never seen a well in a spruce Village before have you guys and especially not one this big well what makes it Undead Okay I think that might be water I’m not 100% sure I don’t want to jump down there just in case I mean that could easily just be light blue stained glass and it could be a trap see if we can light up this place and get an idea if there actually water here okay wait what whoa who whoa whoa did you all see that something was there something was in the water rewind and take a screenshot send it to me guys ey spawnpoint media.com that’s the fan mail but oh wait a minute I’m just an idiot what if the villagers have just fallen down here because it’s such a big blowing well right we can test this I saw a belt yeah yeah it’s over here it’s over here villagers always run to their nearest house when there is a belt Rong so if we just place the Bell here and ring it okay nothing let’s just ring it a couple more times nothing maybe there’s something else we can do to like lure it out again without having to go down there uh oh waat waat all villagers have different jobs and if we throw down wheat there I mean maybe it was a farmer and it will pick up that wheat we just check a couple of weight down there yo they just suck it’s so so deep okay I don’t think we have much of a choice guys we got to go down there we don’t know what that water could hold whether it’s a trap whether it’s dangerous whether it could kill us yes I know that in theory we’ve dropped an item down there so it should be relatively safe for us to go but I mean it’s pretty dark here got to make sure we Crouch do not let go of shift all right we are not falling in here today no no no no no no no no no no no where are we what are we do I didn’t mean to I didn’t mean to what is this what is this wait what are these two tunnels this this is not a well one on the right what the it just goes on forever one on the left oh wait I’m going to drown I’m going to drown wait there’s a gap there there’s a gap there go go go in in in uh crafting table crafting table perfect oh wait I’ve got a door already I’ve got a door already uh uh uh place place open I almost died bro if we die we would have got all the way back to spawn that would have been so frustrating bro okay help is back to full let’s have a look at what’s down here how deep is this thing how far do these tunnels stay that was yeah okay that was definitely a villager oh my gosh I’m going drowning it I saw a villager just swim but he was almost like walking as if like there wasn’t even water what were these mysterious tunnels is that villager I need answers but first I need to find the dark secret hidden the top the Villager Tower that’s the top Tower we just need to get there go go go and there’s nothing in here there’s nothing in there why did they say not to climb the tower oh you know what they’re probably why they’re probably why this is the top this is the top we just have to build up the villagers are down there the villagers are down there they’re consuming more they can’t chase us up here it’s good they can’t build up here we just I’ve reached height limit uh-oh no no no I can’t die now I’ve just found the top the you know what it should stop it’ll stop at the this Tower right and then I can go down there safely and kill them okay they’re right there as long as we keep The High Ground we’re going to be fine slowly build a staircase down here great I’m out of blocks but doesn’t seem to be coming up my tower we’re safe so we can just slowly dig up our blocks and use that to Traverse across the black wait how did that get up there wait a minute no no no no no no no no no no how did that get inside oh it’s coming up it’s coming up for us um um no no no no no no okay back up back up back up we need those blocks we need these extra blocks we need these extra blocks come on give me these extra blocks give them to me come on go up go up go up what do we do what do we do do we just stand here do we let it touch us I think we only have one option we only have one option jump for it don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t don’t die come on water water water no there’s no water no what what was that where did that Blackness come from um what happens if I touched it would I have become one of them as well now back to The Well of the undead we need to follow it I need to know what is down here how is it alive how is it not drowning underwater actually wait what are in these chests wait a minute is that is that a sign r i p rest in piece on a chest what that makes no sense unless wait a minute the chest weren’t storing items what if they were storing dead bodies now I only say that because this thing is called The Well of the undead and so far we haven’t seen any connection to the undead until this chest but we have something like this in real life they’re called catacombs catacombs are ancient resting places for people who have died like in the pyramids but why would a village a Minecraft village have catacombs dude there’s literally nothing down there’s no more chest down here either oh sort out is that what I think it is that’s a body of a dead villager what happened to it why did it not die like a normal villager why is his body just floating here in the water well I’m beginning to understand why this place is called The Well of the undead but that’s a dead end haha well of the Undead dead end but the thing we were following I think it went this way there are more of these chest and like these inbuilt things into walls there again rip again what are these chest wait water pocket water pocket oh it’s inside one of those caveat things their bodies are just floating his eyes are literally open okay wait that there are like block the the the what is that called the smelter composter Welding Table I mean these are the tables that give villagers their jobs but they’re conveniently placed next to chests next to Graves why that doesn’t make sense to me at all another dead end wait no no no that’s not a dead end there’s more so were villagers doing something down here were they doing a job what was the oh no it is a dead that’s it that’s it I’m caught it I’m CGH what kind of villager are you did you kill these guys wait I’ve got you right where I want you guys I can’t move my mouse I’m trying to move my mouse I’m trying to move my mouse it’s not moving look what I’m moving I can’t move I can’t move no what why is my screen filling with red I didn’t even try and type a command I’m in survival mode what the no no no please don’t kill me don’t kill me no no what the and if you thought that was terrifying you haven’t seen the faceless villager an evil that lurks in the darkness waiting to rip your face and take control your game at first I thought this was fake until one of you sent this to my email ey at spawnpoint media.com normally people never have any evidence but this is different they actually gave us a screenshot now it’s really blurry and I don’t know why maybe they were spinning around as they took this or it’s a screenshot from a video but what’s really important is if you zoom in do you see that it’s a villager but with no face maybe this is just because they were spinning so fast I would think we’d at least see the eyes be a darker color maybe the villagers just just turned around and we’re seeing the back of his head but if that were true then why can we see the front of his arms here what is this thing and why is it here the faceless villager is a glitch caused by lost data resulting in incomplete Minecraft code or at least that’s what the report claims but how do we create a world with incomplete code the only way would be to stop this loading process halfway through but it’s not like there are any buttons to do that unless we use the computer command alt f4 to force shut down the game halfway through this process will that even work I don’t know but it’s worth a shot all right wait for it to get to about 50% here goes nothing and hit it did that work it crashed yes game crashed an unexpected issue has occurred we’re sorry for the inconvenience exit code one all right now we just got to open Minecraft and see if that world is still there here’s the Moment of Truth fingers crossed there’s the world it’s it’s still there but since we stopped to generating halfway through means half half of the data has been created but the other half has been completely lost or at least in theory we just got to wait for this world to load in and we’ll find out come on come on yes loading terrain we’re in I actually didn’t think that was going to work which kind of makes me believe that this faceless villager should or could be real but then again this looks like a normal Minecraft world there’s no evidence to suggest that any data has been lost and it’s not like I can see the faceless villager but I mean I guess it would make sense that he’d only spawn in a village so I guess that’s where we should start so I began searching for a village gearing up resources along the way huh a village yes oh yes finally the first Village of this world so now the question we all want answered is there anything strange or out of the ordinary first glance it looks pretty normal to me but we haven’t seen any face is if you guys see anything let me know in the comments below hold did you guys see that no no no no I am certain that villager was missing a face rewind the video and check for me I might be tripping but I promise you he was missing a f what but huh I I swear I I saw no F I don’t I don’t I don’t care oh where did that guy come from there was not another villager the what no no no no no I I what am I do I’m getting scared by normal villagers just living their normal lives oh my gosh guys [Music] I I’m just freaking out because of the screenshot it there’s nothing strange here at least I don’t think rewind and check for me but I don’t think there is okay clearly this data loss didn’t work so we’re going to need to find another way to lose the data data can also be lost if it’s not correctly saved if it gets corrupted the game will automatically it but how am I going to force the game to not save I mean if we try and leave the button literally says save and quit to title and we tried force closing Minecraft before and it didn’t work unless we crash the game if your game has ever crashed you know that your data gets lost you lose all your stuff and you have to start again but how do we crash the game from the inside we create a ton of lag first I needed some squids and a lot of them I think I might have made all sea life go completely extinct look at how many fish and glow squids I have killed to build this lag machine it’s not quite enough yet I still need a bit more though bro what am I going to do ooh hello we got another glow squid guys don’t mind me I’m just a little bit distracted hold up we need to get our stuff here in order to make this game completely lag bro there’s so many glow squids down here what are they all doing hanging in this cave give me give me give me oh wait no I’m going to I’m going to die get down on the magma oh no no no no okay we need to get our oxygen back I got to be careful come here Mr glow squid I like it like iy we probably only need about two or three more right surely there’s got to be some more down here oh no okay I don’t think there’s anything left in what what the bro what is that is that is that what huh no no no no no wait what guys you’re seeing this right what is this house doing under is there other Villages here bro are there any Villages I mean the casa Village the Savannah Village up there I mean is it’s nearby but I mean this house is still a decent bit away I mean in the newest version of Minecraft there are extremely rare times where uh villagers do spawn underground like I have seen seeds like that before editor can you show some on the screen right now so we know it’s real but normally they connected to other houses but the rest of the village is on the surface so this is really strange okay there any loot in here guys why is the chest split into two uh this isn’t even a double chest what why is it in two two parts I mean there are slots there look at that is this a glitch could this be data loss or maybe this is just a a seed glitch like a normal Minecraft Glitch I don’t know maybe this is there anything in the crafting table no the crafting table is normal bro what is this house even even doing here I I don’t know that’s a little bit strange um but we only need a few more glow squids anyway to build a lag machine so let’s focus on that I finished getting everything I needed and I began building oh man the game is lagging so bad I honestly think that this is the last sign and my game should just instantly crash bro my PC fans are so loud they’re going the more characters you can get into the sign the more laggy it gets and then we put glow on that and oh man guys my game is lagging so hard right now I’m getting zero frames what oh I can’t move anymore oh my screen’s gone black I think we did it yes yes we crashed the game now we got to see did that cause us to lose save data here goes nothing fingers crossed we’re loading in it’s working okay so it hasn’t completely broken and wait why am I in the ocean what the huh wait guys my XP it dropped it was like I think it was like 20 21 before and now my inventory changed as well hold up rewind the video and check for me guys has my XP changed it’s like it’s gone back in time and our signs they’re not here anymore they’re not here anymore yes yes the game didn’t save properly that means there’s been a data loss we’ve gone back in time and hopefully lost some data along the way okay check the villagers wait they have they all have faces wait so I haven’t created the faces maybe that’s it a it’s not I didn’t create the faceless villager where did I do something wrong I mean no I’m not willing to give up yet we saw a screen shot and I believe that you guys tell me the truth we need to find another way to create a data loss cuz I’m not a computer expert but you know who is and AI uh what do we ask uh what causes data losses in Minecraft all right chat gbt don’t let me down several potential causes of data loss power rages hey we haven’t tried that corrupted game files we did that hard drive storage failure did that accidental deletion server issues okay the server issues aren’t going to work cuz it’s a single player world but the power outages could work but they’re really rare in Australia in fact they never happen unless I pull out the plug of my PC myself okay guys so this is the setup that I’ve been recording this video on and it is pretty complicated when it comes to power if you have a look over here that cable connects to This Light here and we got some cables in the back there and they light up that giant light and this light to the left but then over in this corner we have all the C CBL that power my PC and all of the monitors so if we unplug them that should in theory cause data loss the issue is is you really shouldn’t do this so please guys don’t try this at home cuz there is a small chance it can actually fry your PC’s motherboard and then I’ll have to buy another one of these look I I literally have two of them because I’m worried one is going to break when I film these videos all right well here goes nothing let’s pull out the first cable oh oh there we go we just lost the monitors all right the next one here goes the next one out it comes every single one they’re all done I guess we better plug those things in and see whether we’ve actually managed to do it this time all right we’ve loaded back in and nothing seems strange what is up with that house what was that always cuton H what is that bro that entire chunk is just straight up missing are yall seeing this wait and look at the water it’s glitched it’s not even like flowing down or anything what the and there’s like invisible blocks here it’s like the blocks of like dender huh that means the data loss worked it actually worked and there’s just giant chunks that have completely being destroyed look at this they’re all destroyed which means we might actually have the face this Village we might actually have him here but wait where are all the villages go there were definitely villagers all around here bro they’re they’re not here did they do they despawn but villagers never do that if they’re in their home Village did the data loss make them completely disappear no how am I supposed to capture evidence of the faceless villager if all the villagers have just disappeared is there something that I’m I’m missing did this happen in the screenshots I don’t know maybe we got to check that screenshot again for some more clothes ah the screenshot is not helpful we just can’t see if there’s any data loss whatsoever I mean yes this house is intact but maybe it’s just one of the houses that didn’t get deleted cuz there were plenty of houses that were fine in our world I guess the difference is though there are other normal Villages here there’s just too many spruce trees everywhere to see if any giant holes in the ground appeared that’s it it’s a Spruce Village maybe the faceless villager only appears in this biome okay I know I’m stretching at this point guys but we got to try everything that’s my job we’re going to see if this is real or not right guys I’m sorry I haven’t actually found a spruce Village yet but there was something I thought you might find interesting so it’s been a while since we left that savan biome and yet look at that I’m still seeing giant holes in the terrain like the chunks are just completely broken out oh my gosh there’s another one and it just shows how far and this data loss has stretched implying it’s across the entire world and in theory if we can find a spruce Village it should still be there right I don’t know let me know your theories in the comments below because obviously it’s there but it does seem I I will say this as I get further and further away from that saan biome it does seem to be less and less maybe it’s cuz I haven’t is that a wait wait that’s a desert village but inside a plane biome what okay this is just like that village house that was in the cave I mean it could in technically be a glitch with the seed but two of the same glitches so close to each other that sounds a little sus to me I reckon Su thing or someone has put this here and I’m thinking the face this villager all right we got to check these guys all right face face yep all right let’s check this guy up here he’s also got a face all of these guys this man I mean he clearly he has a face he’s just chilling there but there are still villagers so at least we know villagers can still exist in the game which means the faceless villager could be around here somewhere we just don’t know where wait a minute the Villager is here but are they not moving wait how did I not not why did they not hit me what is going on with the game are they not lagging or is this the data loss could it have taken away their AI maybe the faceless villager is stealing their data what if it was stealing regular Villers DED to complete itself or become even smarter this is just a theory maybe we should check that report check this out he explicitly said the villagers also disappeared one by one just like they did for us but then there’s this other thing here that says in the morning the items from my inventory had disappeared in front of me I mean that didn’t happen to us at least not yet but it sounds like the describing the faceless villager stealing data which would explain the missing chunks and the villagers with no AI wait if the faceless villager can steal data from the world around it as well as regular villagers what’s stopping it from stealing my data no no no no no if I’m lost I might never be able to load anything on this PC again or even worth my private files my bank details okay we need to activate my antivirus protection wait what uh guys look at this I’m clicking escape on my keyboard it’s not letting me leave the game hold up we try alter for to crash the game please it’s not working it’s not guys it’s not letting me close the game wait but I can move in the game but I can’t I can’t close it oh no oh no no no no no no no why can’t I get out of Minecraft why isn’t it working the faceless villager stopping us it has to be the it has to be the faceless Villager has to be stopping us is it you are you the one doing this wait I just realized guys I can’t trade with any of these villagers hold up maybe if the fa of just one of these then I’d be able to trade with him cuz he would still have his AI right I could trade with this one but I mean this one does have a face but if this is the only one I can trade with maybe this map is supposed to be something I’m supposed to have what’s actually in it hold up it’s a treasure map there’s an X but wait a minute that’s this desert biome here and that X is right here the x is on me that means the faceless villager where did that Spruce by no that was not there before I am certain of that I’m not going crazy please rewind the video and chat where did this come from where did this come from you’re telling me that this man is not only stealing daa but moving it around but why does he want us to find him I don’t know I really wish I had a bit more armor right now but we’re going in here we’re going to see what’s going on where did this thing come from I don’t like this at all guys do you see anything I’ve literally got Shivers going down my spines anything it seems like a normal biome to me guys I just lost control of left I can go right backwards and forwards but I can’t go left I have to I can’t go left I’ve I’ve just literally lost control look nothing it’s the same thing before when I couldn’t leave the game so the only way I can move left is by looking in the left Direction wait what’s that sound guys do you hear that it’s like villagers but they’re dying but where I don’t see them where have they come from guys where where is this sounds coming from do you see them anywhere are they in the trees I don’t wait guys what just happened to my screw I can’t move it’s a it’s a b villager he’s coming towards me but I can’t I can’t move any anything nothing’s working I can’t even hit him it won’t let me hit him it won’t guys I’m smashing my keyboard and nothing’s happening guys why is it getting closer it’s getting closer it’s getting closer wait what’s happening to it place it’s taking my face it’s taking my face thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey megaan

Testing Secret Cursed Minecraft Villager & Villager Seeds and Stories! Will we Catch them on CAMERA!?

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


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