The HARDEST Way To Play Terraria!

you would not survive this Terraria seed if you generate a world with a get fix boy seed you will get the most hardcore world that can be generated it combines elements of all the other secret world seeds to make it as intense as possible these changes include there’s a whole new layout of the world pots have a one in six chance to drop lit bombs some heart crystals are Boulders in dis Skies it’s permanently night and you will literally die just for staying in the dark these are just a few of the massive list of changes they made to make this seat as hard as they possibly could on top of all this all the bosses in the game have changes made to their AI so if you thought you knew a fight well well think again and on top of all this no matter what difficulty you pick it will be scaled up even if you pick Master you’ll get Scaled up to the legendary difficulty this is just a few reasons why I think

Have you ever wondered how to get a bit more challenge out of Terraria? Now you know!


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