Evolving as an Elemental in Minecraft

ah I’m a blob again dude oh gosh where the heck am I dude I’ve been captured okay think crafty think I do have a little vent up there although I can’t quite I can’t quite make it up there is there a secret tunnel yes all right let’s get to the bottom of this oh gosh it’s got to be so dusty in these vents oh I fell oh goodness I hope that was okay that I fell there I’m going to be honest with you getting cotton event wasn’t exactly what I had planned for my day ooh what’s this it’s not an Escape Route but there’s something and shiny over here I like shiny things we have our nature upgrade it has a special power the power is right click to use oh wait no I got to do that look at me dude I’m a little nature crafty I like it oh sick check this out I can place vines on the walls and I can climb stuff now I can escape my deadly room climbing up climbing up doing whatever a Vine climber does all right back to where we started and now I can climb up the walls check that out and this is only our first of many elements oh what’s this another upgrade already an elemental Navigator interesting blink Sate chosen by Mother Earth travel the land and become one with each of its gifts pass our trials and evolve into the ultimate Elemental to become this land’s greatest protector what’s behind this cool looking door here only those that Master every element may enter okay well I guess I got to go discover some elements huh I’m just placing grass everywhere I go Elemental Navigator where do I go this way all right let’s go with discover those elements my dude oh that’s cute I plant little grass everywhere I walk now a I love that hey do you like my lovely flowers oh okay all right they don’t like my flowers that’s cool and there’s the arrow this looks like the spot wo look at this thing dude let’s check it out shall we water me make me grow up into a beautiful little guy water and plants it’s a pretty good kind combo around here all right what’s going on H there’s levers up there can’t quite reach those can I climb the walls oh no I can’t oh the pris bra’s too slippery I guess he ah there’s a nice little lever over here let’s flick that shall we what’s going to happen oh gosh drowns no no no no no thank you I grew up yeah the sprinklers grew me up into a beautiful little crafty plant and I have new powers check this out hiya I can shoot out little Vines at him yeah take that my boy ooh I can also flick levers with it too that’s cool stay over there my boys I’m just going to flick that lever oh gosh more drowns oh no I’m spawning drowns everywhere no get back stand back boys looks like if I want to earn the water element it’s not going to be easy I’m Singing in the Rain just a little more oh gosh it keeps spawning drowns why although they do seem pretty peaceful oh never never mind okay okay you guys stay over there boys did I do it did I yes the water elementy yeah W check that out dude I’m so slippery I’m so hydrating oh gosh and seethrough look at that I’ve got a water slam power hold hold on let me use it on somebody it doesn’t hurt them I promise I launch up into the air it just knocks him back he’s having a good time I’m like their own personal water slide I don’t know what that means all right see you later Raphael and donatell I’m off to find more elements this will be a nice way to get around dude and I can water the trees while I do it that’s kind of cute actually where we going Navigator this direction away ouch away we go check that out dude we got a whole volcano over here oh hello boys how are you how are you you guys want a little bit of this yeah little bit of that eat your vegetables yeah there’s broccoli there’s some spinach I’m just going to force feed him some greens Take Your Spinach okay okay it doesn’t do very much damage let’s see what’s going on with this volcano shall we oh gosh there’s some blazes over here well that’s great that’s my second least favorite thing to see at a volcano my first least favorite is the death screen hey yeah take that okay my water doesn’t do any damage to the blazes I don’t think so we’re just going to make a be line up to the top of this volcano oh gosh it’s so tall dude wao check this out the volcano keeps going down ow all right all right I take fall damage if I don’t use my water thrust or whatever it’s called all the way down we go hello see you later I like this thing dude oh gosh no okay well uh that could have been worse I guess turns out my little water feet create obsidian where I walk on so that’s pretty convenient huh find the PATH extinguish the lava that’s vague as ever but okay find the path is that a path up there yeah hello path this looks right okay uh did I extinguish you take that yeah I put it out lava extinguished oh gosh hello sir I’m just I’m just going to leave okay okay I’m just going to go this way you go that way looks like there’s another one right over here pardon me excuse me just here to do some extinguishing thank you two out of four there’s the third hey yeah and there’s the fourth I think that’s what look at that yes we have a whole pillar that’s open for us hello gorgeous what you got for me it’s the fire element where did my legs go oh no I’m a little Blaze dude ah shoot I can’t fly that would have been an awesome power but at least I’m fire resistant it doesn’t kill me but I’m in a tremendous amount of pain ha I also have this fire blast and it melts through certain blocks which is mysterious certain blocks you say well I guess I’ll find out on our next mission we’ll head up to the surface with our water power I like this dude hi yeah take that little guys do you like comfy pajamas yep do you like cute little plushies yep and what website do they need to go to yeah no you’re supposed to say crafty do store crafty store no it’s too late for that now go to our website crafty do store for crafty plushies and the limited edition crafty and Chester pajamas yep let’s test out our fir power here does it work on grass nope it doesn’t do anything oh very interesting I can melt Stone into magma blocks and then if I use it again it turns them into lava how am I going to use that to my advantage I don’t know but only time we’ll tell let’s head to our next location shall we one step closer to becoming the ultimate Elemental I just want to see what’s behind that door man let’s see what we got here ooh it’s a nice little tunnel a tunnel of wood wo wouldn’t you believe that oh gosh I hear bad guys in here hello my boys oh gosh there’s so many of them oh no no I I didn’t expect like 90 fire attack oh gosh I’m I I’m using my water ability hold on fire attack yeah hey yeah looks like I might destroy my computer with this one but it’ll be worth it well we do have these wood blocks can I melt them with my Firepower yeah oh I can cored it there’s two Pathways here one of them probably has the silverfish let’s try door number one uh that’s just experience I think I took out all the silverfish oh I like this Firepower dude it’s awesome yeah oh that’s so incredible taking out all of the silverfish in one fail swoop or one successful swoop I should say yeah come on give me some awesome elemental power please uh where are we is it a dead end oh gosh I’m going to get so lost in here dude hey yeah a it’s a full-blown maze going on oops turned it into lava that’s fine fire resistance I like this feeling feels good nice little hot tub I’m sitting in yeah yes that did it I’ve got something here what is this the Earth element oh I’m glorious I’ve got grass for hair I like it oh gosh how am I supposed to get out of here I’m not fire resistant anymore all right good thing I can swap between elements otherwise this would be quite a problematic trick the Earth element has two incredible Powers the first when I squat I’m resistant to all knockback and then two if I rightclick dirt or other similar items I create a wall of dirt to protect myself and then I can punch them to use the dirt as projectiles isn’t that awesome wait hold on yeah hold on I’m going to make a face ah beautiful all right let’s see what next element we got going on I like this dude back to the water element we go for a nice safe long travel wa check this out dude oh I love it in must be the air element I don’t know why I said it like that the air element the air element looks like we have these towers with this air is that going to push me back oh I see I see okay I got to use my water element and then quickly switch to my Earth element and then I can squat to be resistant from the knockback oh this is awesome oh gosh I got to be quick though okay okay if I can jump over the air yep yep yep yep ah no gosh dang it this is going to be hard it’s Elemental parkour I like this okay get ready crafty hey all right all right all right quickly quickly switch to Earth and then I squat all right I might have to jump over this air perfect I might not need the Earth element oh gosh except for a moments like this no no no no okay well okay prepare yourself jump over the air that’s it that’s it that’s it one step at a time boys we must be patient we must stay focused Brothers no no no no stop wait wait can I create a wall of no I can’t all right I thought maybe I could create a wall of sand to stop the air oh gosh am I going to make it how am I supposed to make that one more jump one more jump don’t mess this up don’t mess this up I’ve made it oh god well okay gosh dang it third times the charm and fourth times the charm oh gosh that’s a lot of mobs that’s a lot of mobs can’t touch me now okay they can still do damage I just got to punch them H with my powerful Punch Yeah take that oh no no I’m going to die I’m going to die no no no no no no just keep punching yeah that was awesome and very hard and there she is yes the wind element I just got pushed off the edge I just got pushed off the edge can I fly yeah I can fly oh that was a close one okay okay there’s a lot of mobs down here I’m just going to fly away real quick oh I have no legs again wh why why do elements hate legs dude with the wind element I can fly obviously and now I can do this ground pound that knocks mob’s back go hey I also can oh my gosh what the heck is that dude I did not notice that earlier that’s a problem that’s got to be something right I can only go up there by flying or stacking up a bunch let’s head up here shall we looks like some storm clouds or a Brewin oh yeah that looks like a problem okay let’s figure out what’s going on up here huh oh the lightning this is incredible destroy the cloud tendrils around the eye of the storm uh what the heck are Cloud tendrils is that these I think that might be these okay uh I’m just going to run head first into them H does that work uh no Take that tendrils okay that doesn’t work maybe I got a ground slam oh that works okay perfect take that tendrils whatever the heck you are Haya take that just a couple more tendrils to go got to make sure I don’t accidentally ah get hit by lightning here I think that’s all the tendrils did I do it oh something spawned what might we have here it’s the lightning element oh goodness I’m fast w i look awesome oh gosh I’m going to die I’m going to die no no no land in water land in water yeah nailed it although I am made of lightning so all the fish may have died sorry guys oh I’m so Speedy I like this dude now obviously I’ve got super speed but also when I look at mobs it highlights them and then I teleport to them and strike them with lightning but uh I’m not going to do that to poor all piggy okay that seems like the cruelest way to get bacon you know what I mean lightning bacon that actually sounds kind of awesome we’ll let super speed our way to the next element shall we ouch looks like our element is right this way might be on top of that yeah pretty sure sunken ships aren’t usually on the top of glaciers so whoa hello boys how we doing ow oh gosh oh no they’re bad guys okay okay okay that’s fine okay okay relax relax stop evil snowmen it’s a good time to use our lightning teleport Tor yeah take that yeah take that evil Snow Golem cor it hey yeah it is a little jarring but I do like the power it like one shots them okay I think that was all the snow golems there’s an area down here hey take that Golem and you hey the tunnel’s collapsing oh that’s not good all right there’s got to be an element down here at the end of this Tunnel right keep going keep going keep going yes there it is stop dude you’re so annoying it’s time for the Earth element yeah you can’t knock me back now can you doesn’t even hurt feels good giveing me a nice refesh freshing just one smack oh no M snow cones my favorite your attacks just taste like ice cream to me check it out we’ve got our ice oh uh I think it collapsed okay well might just be stuck in here forever but at least I got the ice element ah I look beautiful the elements have aligned return to the temple I got them all I got all the elements aw sick I can now become the ultimate element eventually when I get out of this tunnel oh gosh this may take a while wait a second I can melt it away right yeah that’s so good fire go yep yep yep I like this power here we are back at the temple I also forgot to show you what the powers did so we’re just going to do that real quick check this out I can create little ice platforms anywhere I want to I can make a glorious ice sculpture wow that’s the most beautiful giraffe I’ve ever seen all right all right let’s see what’s inside we can finally see what the ultimate element is oh that’s gorgeous all right looks like we have some trials to get through let’s break our ice with our fire element we can walk across the lava with our water hey yeah a that’s so awesome we can also swim across although it’s a little slow oh hello boys interesting oh gosh okay they see me they see me hold on boys Wall go can’t touch me if I’m okay they’re inside my base okay I was trying to make a base a shelter where are you where are you H take that skeleton hey take that and that oh this is so cool hey you can run but you can’t hide crushed it okay we got these platforms must have to make our way all the way up to that door there we can use our wind element for that no problem oh gosh I just broke everything okay okay that’s one way to get up there huh I think I was supposed to use this nature element to flick the levers but there’s never just one way to solve a problem you know oh my that that’s a lot of mobs okay that’s a lot of zombies no no no no no no I don’t like this I don’t like this element run Oh weird they’re all Frozen I must be moving so fast that they can’t move huh I’ve entered hypers speed yeah can’t touch me now can you boys looks kind of like they’re a choir or something all right zombies let’s sing along shall we a one a two a 1 2 3 4 hot cross brains hot cross brains hot hot hot hot okay oh what element is this this must be the Avatar element dude heck yeah I’ve got the Avatar blessing look at me I got a little triangle on my head or like a Chevy logo what kind of P oh check out my lightning powers dude take that zombies H incredible I love it dude now there’s no time to waste it’s fun and all playing with the zombies but there’s a giant portal with my name on it let’s check this out shall we oh snap we got a shadow dragon dude it’s the Avatar’s responsibility to destroy the shadow dragon I guess yeah a the lightning makes this so easy dude oh I like being the Avatar but that’s not my only ability check this out I can launch a fiery meteor atam oh is that it are you done already a I just was getting started I have proven myself as the ultimate protector I protect the elements and I protect the Subscribe button but all all right all right I’ll let you click it but only this once okay thanks for watching we’ll see you next time bye

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Evolving as an Elemental in Minecraft

🗣️ Voice Over Artist: Parker Coppins
🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
📜 All music used with permission from its creator.


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