hello everyone and welcome back to the Minecraft video where today what we’re going to be doing is playing with our awesome little packages that have arrived in my farm now oh there’s a pig over there because what I’ve done is because I’ve was Fed Up of the city I’m fed up of New York City so I’ve decided to move to a farm and I didn’t realize how big the house was going to be so I’ve had to order a few things and look at my like what would this be called like an orchard um this is amazing I’m waiting for apples to spawn and so many other fruits but this is just going to be so cool once it does I’ve got pigs I’ve got some milk churns over here I I’ll show you real quick it’s a really nice little area I I’m so happy and moved here from the city because the city was so packed so polluted but being in the in pretty much in the outdoors is just fantastic I’ve got a few little areas over there but first I really want to show you guys my package that I ordered I’ve ordered some chicken because out here in the wild you can’t get some of these like ores some of these other stuff so what I’ve done I’ve ordered some coal uh chickens some uh iron chickens also some gold chickens some lapis uh chickens some Redstone chickens some Emerald chickens and then also some diamond chickens and a giant chicken and also a squarz chicken I’ve got a few more to show you guys but let me start off with these because they’ll be quite easy so I just really want to populate this area with tons of chickens and let’s get started so first up we have the coal chicken really nice creature and once she’s tamed you can go ahead and get um coal from it so you don’t even have to mine then we also have the iron chicken this one would drop iron ingots once you feed it the gold chicken the lapis chicken the Redstone chicken the emerald chicken and also the diamond chicken look at all these chickens this is so good but I really want to go ahead and feed them so I can tame them to get the ores from them because this would be great so I did a coal I did an iron I did a gold I did an emerald I did a redstone I did a Lapis auli and did I do anything else did I do a glowstone one I’m not sure but let me go ahead and feed these chickens what they have to be fed so where’s the cold chicken guys guys there’s a road over here watch out we don’t get many visitors but you should be fine here we go the coal chicken yes so he’s now tamed and he will now give us coal so he should stay around this area which is great so once you’ve tamed him he will stay nearby or even follow you sometimes so now um did you guys notice also it took three coals to tame it so sometimes it can take loads of ores and everything so if we come back in a minute hopefully he’s dropped uh coal so now for the iron here we go 3 two 1 come on come on yes come on good finally so I’ve just noticed it took about four to tame him so that wasn’t that bad actually so so means we have to get four iron ingots to be able to attain some of them 3 2 1 you know you get the idea and now for the gold one how many come on no so we’ve done another one yes there you go it took quite a few actually this is great fantastic and now we have the emerald no come on oh close come on one more yes it took four too that is great so now I’m just waiting around to get some of my ingots this is going to be fantastic now for the Redstone which he looks absolutely stunning look at him he is so cool come on no he’s taking loads 58 57 56 55 wow this has taking forever come on yes wow that took 14 redstones now for the lapis auli come on here you go fell come on come back no oh that only took two not bad and now did we do the glow stone I don’t think we did I I think we’re done now let’s go ahead and do the giant chicken what look at this guy his eggs must make a huge egg omelet like we would only need one egg for a whole family or for the whole city this is great now for the quartz chicken I might go ahead and get out some more items because I want to do some around the back I don’t want the more to be around the front because it’ll be just two packed so let me go ahead and put back some of these um ores and ingots and stuff and let me get out the cookie chicken the snow chicken the clay chicken the rainbow chicken the skeleton chicken the Ender chicken which we need the I vender and also we got a quartz chicken so we need the nether quartz so let me go ahead round the bag and let me just uh find a good area to spawn some of these awesome chickens oh no I can’t jump over for some reason this is not good I might have to open up this area I’m going to have to make a door here this is where I would really need a door this would be great if there was a door okay so let me go ahead and uh let me find an area to just jump over real quick and find an area over here around the back yes this is perfect Round Here let me Spawn the quartz chicken nice now the cookie chicken he actually looks like cookies and now for the snow chicken ah he’s like a very normal white uh chicken this is really cool the clay chicken ah the clay I better not put you in a furnace you turn into Potter the rainbow chicken whoa this one and the Redstone chicken are my favorites look at him he looks so cool wow that is amazing now for the skeleton chicken o cookie chicken watch out oh no I didn’t realize I did not realize that he is oh he has to stay away from the Sun oh no and we just got like some cooked chicken no the Ender chicken let me go ahead and give it an Eye of Ender oh no what did I do to it oh no come back fell come back here you go come on ah I don’t think I’ll be able to do him where’s he gone now oh he’s over here what he’s disappeared again come back where have you gone okay I don’t think I can do him let me go ahead and also give the nether quartz chicken some nether quartz oh he’s over here I can see him he’s he’s hiding well from me you can’t hide behind the trees fell can’t hide behind the trees yes just two and in a did him fantastic so now let me go ahead and go back to our chest and I also want to see around the front if any of my chickens have dropped anything so let’s have a quick look and let me go ahead and just drop this uh where are they guys have you have you dropped anything nothing you guys are useless useless I tell you okay maybe we have to leave them for a bit longer I’m sure it takes a bit longer than that okay so let me go ahead and now get out the rest of our items we have a creeper chicken a glowing chicken a beefy chicken a blazing chicken an enchanted chicken a new chicken what is that a rainbow chicken and also a blaze powder and that’s it and then we’re done wow I want to stay around the front because I really want to wait until my little chickens around here spawn some awesome items so the rainbow chicken what hey what why why is it a bat what just happened what just happened I have no idea what just happened I I I’m I’m confused I am so confused what what just happened this is so weird okay the new chicken what does he do can I give him some of this stuff no I can’t what does he drop an enchanted chicken nice he’s my third favorite I like this one the Blazing chicken oh it’s on fire let me go ahead and give him some blaze powder come on fella you can do this he’s not he’s not accepting it accept it maybe we have to wait or something I don’t know but usually this is what you give him so if you can give it to him perfect now let’s go ahead and spawn the beefy chicken which is a cow chicken he’s got his H out a such a nice little creature a really cool and now the glowing chicken oh for the glowstone dust did did I have any I I need to go and get some let me go ahead and get some glowstone dust because I really want to feed him and also I’m going to spawn the creeper chicken if we hit him if we hit him again no it’s not going to blow up okay I’m not going to hit him again because then he’ll die um I thought he would blow up that was kind of weird where’s my glowstone my glowstone dust perfect and now let’s go head and feed it to our little glowstone chicken and see what we get from him because I can’t wait to see what happens come on Blaze um chicken what’s wrong did someone do something to you okay hello beefy chicken how are you where is the glowstone is he over here aha I found him Perfect come on accept it accept it accept it perfect wow he took four what happens if I keep on feeding him come on okay that’s it okay that’s it and look look at this this is where I go ahead and get my milk this is where I store everything if I go ahead and just press this there we go there we go just going to press this there we go perfect and then I’ll show you guys where eventually I’m going to put all my chickens so do you guys think this is a good spot to put all my chickens in um where’s the door for this area uh my barn um this is I didn’t realize how big it was I’ve never been around here I just bought it and I was like I’m leaving New York this is a good area Okay so where’s the front door aha so I’m thinking of putting a bit of hay around a bit lighting better lighting around here then put all my chickens in here and then build a door a better door because this sliding door is super hard for me to close especially with machinery and stuff so let me go ahead and now go and open the um door to my friends because I’m having a huge bar dance today this is going to be so cool and I also want to make sure that any of my chickens haven’t spawned anything so he seems to be all clear you beefy chicken okay so the great thing also is that these naturally so you don’t have to find the spawners oh look yes my first produced I got some Redstone I’ve got some coal uh oh lapis o Zuli perfect look at this great where’s my Emerald Emerald you have let me down uh is there any more around here I can’t find any ah yes look a gold ingot perfect this has been great so you guys get the idea that feeding them can be a great little idea for you guys because yeah it did take four five some of them 12 but the great thing is is that you get it back eventually imagine having like a whole Farm now I’m kind of scared that zombies and everything will start to appear and I can’t wait to wake up next morning to having tons of new items with me so there we go we’re starting to add all our items back up perfect so let me go ahead and show you guys my inside of the house before I end this video because I’ve just moved in I’ve got bats in the house oh no I have to call enemy uh animal control oh no this is not good um so let me just show you upstairs and then we’re done guys this has been great so see is big enough for me it’s going to be great um it’s definitely big enough look this is great I’ll be able to see all the postman come and all my eggs hatching their awesome little products well guys it is really dark in here you probably can’t see me but thank you so much for watching don’t forget to give this video a thumbs up and subscribe and I’ll see you all soon with another video peace [Music] out [Music]

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In this Minecraft video today we will be trying out the amazing Chickens Mod, which brings in a handful of new mobs to the game! Which lay the item you tame them with, as long as they accept it of course! If you want to download this More Chickens Mod you can do it down below!

Download the More Chickens Mod: http://www.minecraftmods.com/mo-chickens/

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What is Minecraft? Minecraft is an online virtual playground and workshop, where kids of all ages can safely interact, create, have fun, and learn. It’s unique in that practically everything on Minecraft is designed and constructed by members of the community. Minecraft is designed for 8 to 18 year old, but it is open to people of all ages. Each player starts by choosing an avatar and giving it an identity. They can then explore Minecraft — interacting with others by chatting, playing games, or collaborating on creative projects. Each player is also given their own piece of undeveloped real estate along with a virtual toolbox with which to design and build anything — be it a navigable skyscraper, a working helicopter, a giant pinball machine, a multiplayer “Capture the Flag” game or some other, yet ­to ­be ­dreamed-up creation. There is no cost for this first plot of virtual land. By participating and by building cool stuff, Minecraft members can earn speciality badges as well as Minecraft dollars (“Minecraft”). In turn, they can shop the online catalogue to purchase avatar clothing and accessories as well as premium building materials, interactive components, and working mechanisms.


  1. Mommy daddy and you have to come to my church ⛪️ morning so we have lunch 🍴 I am on a Sunday I can do lunch 🥗 morning and Sunday or Thursday and Friday I would be super nice 👍 I was going on lunch 🥙 I am going home 🏠 I want a lot more of the things you do to be able and you know that they don’t have any ideas 💡 was like this one ☝️ I know I was a little but you have been there so you have been there to see what we have and we have been there to make you look 👀 was my name I was just so cute thank Jesus is that a lot to be a part my friends 👬 I want a great 👍 and you are always a great 👍 is a happy 😆 hope to have some good morning 🌞😃☀️ has been some of my favorite food 🥘 I love 💕 the mood the sun 🌞 I was the best in this song for my church ⛪ I like to have it and it’s like I love 💕 people and all my life is the most and most likely the most and most I do for the best I know I am a great 👍 I will have my church ⛪ this week is a little fun to be a little nervous 😩 next day we will see the next day of this weekend I have to get a little time in and see you at lunch 🥗 I am in church ⛪ I have lunch 🍴 I am in church ⛪ I will have lunch 🍴 I am on utk the church ⛪ I was in the middle and then the people I like this morning.

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