Terraria, But It’s Megaman…

ever heard of the game Mega Man you know the guy who’s just in blue and can shoot all sorts of different projectiles well in this video I installed the mod for Terraria that can do exactly all that this mod has 80 new items which includes weapons and armor as well as more than 15 new MPCs the question is just how good are these weapons are they strong enough to even take me all the way to the final boss moonlord and will I truly become Mega Man there’s only one way to find out stay tuned and enjoy okay it’s time to become Mega Man right away I see that I already have a weapon which means I can start killing monsters this weapon is called the Mega Buster it has seven Buster damage 2% Critical Strike chance and it is a material which means it can be upgraded let’s try to find a monster to test this thing out what is that hamaa okay so this is one of new NPCs oh God there’s two of them did they replace the slimes in this game maybe anyways here we go 3 2 1 okay looks like I’m shooting out eggs to be honest oh never mind there are still slimes in this game I guess for now let’s try to find a cave and see what I can find all right I found an ice cave there’s another new NPC oh my God and apparently it can go through blocks here’s an ice chest ice skates wait is that a helmet oh it’s a monster okay I was going to go pick it up I guess not oh my God there’s another one here too Suzie doesn’t seem like it’s doing anything though maybe if I get closer hello are you going to attack me yeah it’s not doing anything oh what is this wait a second new ore but I can access the dungeon already I’m kind of scared I feel like the dungeon guardian is going to spawn before I go into the dungeon let’s try to see if I can mine this ore and I cannot I might need to craft myself a platinum pickaxe or even a Tungsten pickaxe to be able to mine that ore I could try using some bombs to break it maybe let’s find out come on break no okay I do need a better pickaxe then that’s enough topaz for a hook okay I think that’s enough mining for now let’s go back home and make myself a better pickaxe let’s put down the workbench craft a furnace the Anvil and now I can craft the Platinum pickaxe I’m also going to craft the topaz hook let’s go back to the ice biome and see if I can mine those ores now made it back Moment of Truth 3 2 1 no okay that sucks that most likely means that I’m going to have to defeat the brain of cthulu to get materials to craft the deathbringer pickaxe in order for me to take down the Brin of cthulu I’m going to need some upgrades there are only two weapons in this mod the Mega Buster and the Super Mega Buster but the Super Mega Buster is only craftable in hard mode so if you think about it the seven damage weapon isn’t going to be nearly strong enough for any bosses I am however able to craft power ups that enable my Mega Buster to have new attacks using some silver bars I can craft the ice slasher Metal Blade and the silver Tomahawk and because I have 31 silver bars I can craft all of them all right first one I’ll be testing out is the ice slasher let’s open up our special weapons menu and equip them all all right here we go three two 1 okay there we go the ice slasher has 10 Buster damage and can freeze just about anything but I don’t think the term freeze is necessarily true it only inflicts frostburn next up the Metal Blade 3 2 1 okay it can pass through blocks which is good the sound is kind of harsh though hurts my ears a bit so same with the ice slasher this metal blade also has 10 Buster damage and creates a razor sharp saw blade last but not least the silver Tomahawk um it’s not bad this does have the most damage out of the rest of the weapons that I have and this one has 16 Buster damage shoots a tomahawk with an arc I honestly prefer the ice Lasher out of them all just because of the frost burn effect but if I’m taking on the brain of cthulu then I think the metal blade is going to be really good because of its penetration I won’t be taking on the brain of cthulu just yet cuz I’m not going to lie I still feel pretty weak so instead I’m going to go into the jungle try to find some more Life Crystals and accessories found Hermes boots ooh Warden cloud in a bottle ooh there are some diamonds oh my God that’s a lot one more Life Crystal until Max Health found some Gravitation potions and here’s the last life Crystal for Max Health okay I think that’s enough mining for now let’s head back home now I did manage to mine a whole bunch of platinum so I’ll be crafting the full platinum armor lovely 24 defense and with the rest of the platinum bars I’ll be able to craft two new weapons the jewel satellite and the ice wall so let’s make those and then with the jungle spores I can craft the leaf Shield Let’s test out the leaf shield first 16 Buster damage creates Four Leaves that Circle the user and then with a left click it launches the leaves here we go three two 1 ooh okay that’s nice but as soon as the leaves take damage it disappears next up the jewel satellite here we go oh wait a minute let’s see what happens if I actually use the the diamonds to uh touch the monsters they don’t disappear so definitely the jewel satellite is much better than the leaf Shield last but not least the ice wall oh wait um oh it stays there wait oh my God I could push it how many can I summon out oh they break over time okay but it looks like I can summon out as many as I want if I’m being honest I can’t imagine this actually being useful in combat maybe if there’s too many monsters and they start overwhelming me then yeah but definitely not to attack all right the jeel satellite is going to be my main weapon let’s drink a gravitation potion to find some more accessories and then I’ll be ready to take on the brain of cthulu first Sky Island lucky horseshoe second one the shiny red balloon let’s build some NPC houses and then start making my way into the Crimson wait what is that item one creates an ascending platform oh and then I can stand on it yep okay that’s pretty cool and then after a while it does disappear arena is all complete let’s go break some Crimson Hearts here we go oh yeah this is so good against the creepers not sure how it’ll do when it becomes second phase though here we go can I just stand still uh I guess not really standing still but I don’t really have to shoot out the jewels I just can’t let it get too close to me like that oh God yeah uh might have to switch weapons here come on okay we’re good the traveling Merchants here let’s see what he’s selling uh wait oh what is this triple blade 23 Buster damage fire ‘s three blades that travel at three different angles that sounds cool oh and they can go through blocks I think I would consider this a better weapon compared to the jewel satellites okay let’s now craft the deathbringer pickaxe and I see a lot more powerups I can make the crash bomber Shadow Blade and the noise Crush I don’t plan on crafting the Crimson armor so I do have a lot of crimon bars to spare so let’s craft all of them first up is the noise Crush wait did I just hit myself with it uh I think I did oh I get it now once I hit myself with it I become charged and then it creates a larger attack [Music] yeah next the crash bomber okay thank God it doesn’t blow up any blocks and then finally the Shadow Blade oh it’s a boomerang not bad with the deathbringer pickaxe let’s go find out if I can mine those ores come on please yes there we go so it is called The ceratanium Ore God damn that’s a lot I think one more vein should be enough okay let’s head back I have 332 let’s turn them all into bars and it looks like with these bars I can craft the Mega Man armor the breastplate helmet and leggings set bonus gives an additional 7% increased Buster damage I look pretty good now let’s head to the dungeon now to take on Skeletron ooh and a meteorite is falling I’m sure I’ll be able to craft some new things with that oh and it’s right here perfect okay I can craft the thunderbeam flash bomb and the Thunderbolt thunderbeam first oh I was not expecting that 24 damage creates three electric energy beams next up the flash bomb Oh I like this one damn and finally the Thunderbolt oh oh it splits off once it make contacts with an enemy it splits into two and I can imagine this being very good against the wall flesh cuz if I’m able to hit the middle part which is the mouth it’ll split into two and hit both the eyes there are actually a couple more powerups I can make using Sapphire the Gemini laser and and the hard knuckle but because I only have 13 Sapphire I can only craft one of them and I think I’ll be going with the Gemini laser first 20 Buster damage creates an energy beam that bounces off walls oh God that is loud but it pretty much acts like the Water Bolt okay the arena has been made I think this should be enough but now let’s wait until night time to summon the boss it is finally night time let’s go talk to the old man to summon Skeletron 3 2 [Music] 1 oh yeah I am loving this flash bomb both hands are down I love how it just lingers in the area that more health and Skeletron has been defeated so obviously I’ll be looking for the shadow key and Cobalt Shields but I wonder what else I can find inside the dungeon there’s The copal Shield there’s the shadow key oh here we go where is it the needle Cannon and also found the suspicious looking eye oh it’s like a burst weapon I don’t think it’s as good as the flash bomb but nonetheless it’s a pretty decent weapon oh wait a second I didn’t know it did that once the projectiles actually land onto the enemy it stays with them oh my God the magic card 20 damage shoots two pairs of boomerang cards and also retrieves items what oh oh it literally picks up the dropped items look at that silver coin give me that wow wait I really like this one oh my God and a goblin army is approaching okay I think that’s about it let’s go back home and take care of the goblin army Goblin Army has been defeated now I can search for the Goblin tinkerer and there he is let’s buy the rocket boots and the workshop and is it possible to reforge this oh yeah let’s try to get Godly on it if that’s even po oh okay thank God I saw that I skipped it but I instantly got it back let’s make the Spectre boots and I am going to buy another pair of rocket boots cuz combining the rocket boots and serium bar I’ll be able to craft the rush Jet and I think this counts as a wing yeah it does oh what is that that is very funny looking then let’s make the cloud in a balloon and turn that into the blue horseshoe balloon and now I should be ready to take on the wall of flesh but before that I’m going to summon the eye of cthulu to get my hands on the shield of cthulu and then I’ll be mining some heal Stone in hell all right it is officially night time let’s go ahead and summon in the [Music] boss second phase few more hits come on there we go oh and there’s a Voodoo Demon what is that hot head that does so much damage 121 surely if I kill him I get something cool right no never mind okay that’s enough health stone 358 now let’s craft the molten pickaxe as well as two other power UPS The Firestorm and the magma bazooka The Firestorm has 35 Buster damage can burn just about anything Shields the user with a fireball let’s see oh so it’s not only just a barrier then but it attacks at the same time and now the magma bazooka 40 damage shoots balls of magma in three directions hold left click to charge them up I’m not sure how I feel about this weapon personally for me I think the spread of the attacks are just way too wide so realistically I’ll only get just one projectile to hit but yeah let’s go take on the wall of flesh now what did I just find the atomic fire 42 damage hold left click to charge release left click to fire okay oh I was expecting a huge explosion wait this is so bad okay never mind I thought I found something super crazy but I guess not yeah I’m not sure what the point of the charge up attack is I guess it does like slight no it doesn’t even do more damage that regular attack just did 41 while the charge attack did 40 30 what honestly I think I’m just going to use the uh flash bomb seems like the best okay made it to the end of the world let’s toss in the voodoo doll to summon the Boss 3 2 1 here we go let’s also test out our other weapon Thunderbolts um okay this is kind of weak back to the flash bomb th more Health easy peasy and looks like nothing new from the treasure bag but that’s okay now that I’m in hard mode Let’s go back to the Crimson to break some Crimson Alters so we’ve got padium mithil and titanium okay that should be enough Palladium on to mithil that’s enough mythal and finally let’s go mine the titanium and that’s enough Titanium with these hard mode bars I’ll be able to craft three new powerups the drill bomber dust Crusher and Yamato spear first up the drill bomber 50 damage creates a bomb that explodes on contact right click to detonate the bomb here we go all right and then once I right click I can detonate it early not bad next up the Yamato spear 57 damage shoots a sharp piercing spear oh this is like the um what was it called do I still have it yeah the needle Cannon but obviously with more damage and finally the dust Crusher 63 damage creates a bomb covered in scrap metal oh so it explodes and then creates fragments which I assume deals damage then with 10 Souls of Knight and some Palladium bars I can craft the spread drill 45 damage shoots a drill that pierces through enemies right click to split the drills in two here we go all right then let’s right click yep SPL into two oh I didn’t know I could do it more than once so it can split into to four I think this would be really good against the Destroyer then now it’s time to go up to a sky island kill some wyvern for their Souls of Flight to craft myself a pair of wings cuz this Rush jet is definitely not it oh perfect that’s exactly 20 Souls of Flight who are you God that scared me ooh got the mechanical worm now I can craft demon wings I think I’m strong enough to just summon the destroyer right now 3 2 [Music] 1 oh yeah there we go pierc through that okay is the yam spear any better I think I’m just going to settle with the spread drill for this fight seems like the best about 5,000 more health and you’re done I was expecting to kill the Destroyer a lot faster to be honest oh what’s this super adapter I can upgrade my mega armor set into the super mega armor oh and with the souls of might I can turn my Mega Buster into the Super Mega Buster let’s do that I can also make the ring Boomerang and I might as well just upgrade the mega breastplate into the super mega breastplate for more defense I lose out on 7% Buster damage for now but that’s okay so this weapon still has the same damage but now I can charge energy shots by holding left or right click here we go charging up I think that’s it that was that’s not it for sure come on I was expecting this charge up attack to deal at least double the damage let’s reforge it there we go and then let’s test out the ring Boomerang okay if this is able to pierce then this is going to be really good let’s see oh yeah it does Pierce now let’s wait until the next night to defeat the two remaining mechanical bosses it’s now the next night let’s go ahead and summon the twins [Music] first okay I might have lied saying that this weapon would be really good if it were to pierce but it’s just average yeah even this one will be better but I think the dust Crusher is the one yeah second phase here we go there we go spasm Matas is dead second phase for the Reaser now and all done now let’s make the super mega helmet 11% increased Buster damage and finally let’s take on Skeletron Prime [Music] 50% Health now 5,000 more health come on it’s almost morning th000 more go go go oh that was so close and there we go it just turned morning let’s finish off making the super Mega armor set set bonus booster jump so if I take off my wings I think that’s it right there booster jump horsy balloon and then Specta boots yeah let’s head into the jungle now to try to find the plant bulb and to mine some chlori ore okay found the planta bulb so let’s start building the arena right here then all right the arena is now complete but before I break the planta bulb I’m going to craft the junk Shield this is made from 10 chlorop FY bars 10 cobwebs and 10 bones so this has 57 damage Shields the user with chunks of scrap metal and left click shoots scrap metal in three directions 3 2 1 okay I wonder if the scraps that are coming in to create the circle will also deal damage I’m not sure if this is going to be any good against planta and I really wish that I can just focus all these scraps in One Direction instead of it spreading out in three let’s give it a quick test against the queen bee um so it doesn’t deal damage coming in and the accuracy is horrible what is this this is so bad I got the Hornet Chaser from the queen be’s treasure bag but I don’t think this is going to be very good since it has very little damage let’s see yeah but it does hunt for items I don’t know why I find that so funny but yeah it looks like I’ll be using the dust Crusher as my main weapon for this boss fight let’s begin I know I’m going to have so much trouble when it hit second phase for sure second phase let’s use the yamoo spear now 5,000 more health okay planta has been defeated that was a bit stressful I feel like my weapons are a bit outdated now they’re just not strong enough to kill the bosses as quickly as before hopefully there’s going to be a really good one inside this treasure bag is that it plant barrier oh yeah 65 Buster damage Shields the user with four small plants heals the player on enemy contact I’m really not sure how I feel about these weapons that have barriers around me cuz I would have to get right up to enemies to attack them but usually then I would take damage as well the healing is not bad though let’s head into the temple now to take on Golem all right time to begin 3 2 1 wait am I strong enough to just heal it all come on it looks like it wait I’m actually doing it yeah I take back everything I said about this power up this is actually really good okay I’m not healing as much anymore yeah nope I’m done oh my God come on heal it all no so for the first phase it is fine to use this plant barrier I think because there were multiple parts of Golem that I was able to hit at the same time with this power up it healed me a lot more then when it was just the body then I can only heal from pretty much just the body so once I hit second phase that’s when I’m going to have to start dodging again all right let’s start dodging there we go is down just the body now th000 more and there we go yeah that was a lot better oh Barrow shot 90 damage that’s the highest one yet oh it’s charging up and I think that’s as big as it gets let’s see for the damage though boom uh 223 but it takes forever to charge up yeah I don’t think I’ll be using this this is so weak let’s see if Golem is able to drop anything else okay all done anything new this time oh there we go Power Stone 95 damage shoots three stones that spiral around the user let’s see who wait okay this one’s pretty good I thought it would be something like this where it’s super close up to my character but it’s not let’s head over to the dungeon now to take on the lunatic ctist all right here we go not sure how this is going to do against the boss but we’ll try it out okay I’m going to be honest I don’t think this power up is meant for bosses I think it’s meant for when there’s a lot of monsters so yeah I’m going to switch it back up with the plant barrier and see if I can outou heal the damage it looks like I can almost done here 5,000 more Health there we go lunatic cultist has been defeated next up the celestial pillars and hopefully with the fragments I’ll be able to craft much better weapons compared to the ones I have now and yeah the Power Stone is way better for situations like this there we go Stardust pillar has been destroyed with the Stardust fragments I’ll be able to craft the copy Vision 85 damage summons a holographic Warrior that shoots enemies let’s do it let’s see what it looks like first oh I can summon Mega Man’s how many oh just four now let’s test it out on some monsters oh that is so cool okay finally a good power up solar pillar is down okay now with the solar fragment I can craft the flame blast 125 damage shoots a ball of fire that bursts into a flame let’s see how it looks like 3 2 1 ooh it spawns very tiny pillars of flame and they don’t last for very long let’s see how good it is against the monsters yeah this ain’t very good I won’t lie I also don’t like the fact that it just drops down like that I wish it could just stay in the air throughout the entire way there goes the nebula pillar just the vortex left now I can craft the Astro Crush creates a meteor shower around the user this sounds pretty sick let’s give it a shot oh there we go this is what I’m talking about all the other powerups do not even compare to this one Let’s Go destroy the last pillar but after I got my hands on some Vortex fragments there isn’t really a PowerUp I can craft using solely the fragments okay and there goes the last pillar time for Moon Lord there we go [Music] okay that’s one hand down finally I thought this was going to be good against Moon Lord but I I was totally wrong two hands are down all right forehead eyes down just the core now come on almost done holy crap that took forever and yeah I did have to use the nurse otherwise I don’t think I would have been able to do it let’s open up the treasure bag doesn’t seem like we got anything new but with the illuminite bars I can now craft the black hole bomb 150 Buster damage shoots an orb that detonates into a black hole left click to detonate uh is it supposed to draw enemies in let’s see here oh yeah but it sucks that I can only shoot out one at a time oh also I can craft The Scorch wheel 103 damage creates a will of fireballs left click to launch the Fireballs okay it’s one of these ones again let’s try to do Moon Lord one more time but if I fail then I fail let’s let try out the black hole bomb first and see if it actually affects bosses uh no it doesn’t okay next one yeah this is just not good at all all right it is over all right that’s going to be it guys thanks for watching I’m going to give this mod my honest opinion the powerups were definitely very cool and unique the early game was fine up until hard mode and then that’s when the weapons started to fall off there were a lot of weapons that I crafted but none seemed to be viable for bosses yes I was able to defeat them in the end but it took way too long I even had to sometimes use the powerups I crafted way back to defeat bosses in the later progression of the game I also didn’t find the charge up attacks from the super mega blaster useful at all it didn’t do much damage compared to just regular attacks if it did maybe twice or three times the amount then yeah I would be using it a lot more lastly for the fight against moonl Lord personally for me I don’t think I would have been able to defeat moonl Lord without the nurse I was able to take down both its hands normally but then I had to use the nurse for the forehead eye and core I was really expecting the celestial pillar weapons to be a lot stronger but they were also very weak but anyways if you’ve enjoyed the video don’t forget to leave a like comment down below if you have any other mod or video ideas you want me to try out and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll also leave all the mods I’ve used in the description below if you guys want to try this out for yourselves that’s it for me I’ll see you all next time peace

In this video I try beating Terraria using flamethrowers only but as many of you know there are only two flamethrowers in the game, the flamethrower and the elf melter however both of those can only be obtained in hardmode so I installed one of the craziest flamethrower mod that adds in a whole bunch for both pre-hardmode and hardmode. Not only that, there are also new armor and accessories so the question is, how good are these flamethrowers and will they be strong enough to take down the final boss Moon Lord? Stay tuned to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods used:
Mega Man Weapons By: Dippy
Link: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3204747531
Boss Checklist
Recipe Browser
AlchemistNPC Lite
Vein Miner

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