Terraria With The Boys

we have started let’s check audio go right ahead I’m going to check the audio but while we do this jacob yes tell us uh tell us what we’re doing here we are playing [ __ ] Terraria and this is Sean’s very first time doing an actual run through aside from playing for 5 minutes yeah I’ve never really genuinely played this game game so what you’re about to see me do now is the uh first step to get any sort of weapon in my s in my class I’m doing Summoner can you help me can I do like I what are you doing what is this doing the first steps of being a Summoner are you killing yourself yep why I need to make a graveyard shouldn’t we build a house I need to get my main weapon for right now should I build a house yes okay what the [ __ ] is this game this is not like Minecraft okay oh it’s a it’s an action RPG and now I wait so the house requirements are light uh a chair and a table oh what’s up BB thanks for joining okay hold on um okay well just a couple more it’s very cool that you keep killing yourself I that’s very neat I mean I could roll RNG to see if I get a fch staff but where’s the fun in that what the hell’s a fin actually a lot more fun I’m not I’m going to roll the RNG oh [ __ ] what do I do how do I craft there there there you hit it with a pickaxe also why’d you make it so big this is Tiny what are you talking about why they make it so big that’s giant no it’s not it is this is not giant that’s a giant NPC house we can make it look pretty later this is not this is not giant that is this is you are this is a place where we can live in the night no we go outside at night what I mean the music in in Terraria is I will admit it’s kind of banging uh press control real quick all right go right ahead back to doing the walls your life will be easier whoa the [ __ ] was that this is the auto highlight it’ll help out with mining as well all right now we have torches I have never oh come on come on there we go so is this does this house count is this good nope no no look we’re safe now it counts oh yeah of course you need the chair you do you need the table you need a table and a chair we’ll make this look pretty later okay let’s go explor oh wait actually no we have to get a couple more trees all right let me do that ow ow oh yeah and also uh never trash anything never throw anything away cuz the moment you throw something away you’re going to need it really yes BB why be like that so many items that are needed [ __ ] all right I’m in this I’m in a [ __ ] desperate fight with a slime make some armor it’s not great but it’s better than what we have now what kind of armor can I make wood well that makes sense don’t worry we will increase our output very quickly cuz I do not want to have to use copper tools or be this slow for much longer so what do we got to do uh we now just go get stuff we’re going to walk to the right we’re going to walk to the right fight some stuff and we’re going to hope we run into a tree a tree yes there will be a big [ __ ] off tree or a cave that is also acceptable usually loot in here like this chest what’s in there what the hell is that it’s a spear I want a spear here go ahead and loot that chest okay whoa you won’t believe what I got spear yeah kind of sucks no I got it’s a spear it’s so cool are we not going down farther no we’re just go Gra grabbing all the surface chests oh lame it’s probably a cool cave down here you want to explore maybe but there’s better loot if you get faster loot if you just run along the surface I am fighting a lot of slimes right now there we go I was stuck in a hole not need to brag bu pretty good at scary oh yeah by the way uh hit escape and click the purple Shi the purple Shield okay oh I mean the pink there now we can see each other on the map are we in like a guild or something uh yeah we joined a team quote unquote I’m a solo player imagine if you got saoed in the [ __ ] Terraria I would kill myself is there any is there any way you would [ __ ] survive that no absolutely not so how crazy is this going to get pretty crazy tell me what I got to look forward to you got really fun loot progression uh very fun combat very fun bosses and the biggest power spikes you have ever encountered okay yep that’s the end of our adventures what do you mean uh we aren’t going to survive the [ __ ] the snow yeah here take one of these oh drink up what is it it’s a recall potion oh oh [ __ ] that was [ __ ] no not today we we’re just this is my first time playing so I’m just going to be playing with with Jake today now we’re going to check out the left and pray to RNG G’s but it’s it’s going to be night we’re not supposed to walk around a night that’s no good you very much I drank another Rec I have um I have four of them hold on to those that is we eventually will get mirrors okay that do exactly what recall potions do but we do not have them now so shouldn’t we mine for like yeah like shouldn’t we go mining a bit don’t worry about it I’m literally doing a bunch of [ __ ] that will save us so much [ __ ] time okay like we can either go mining right now or we could rinse the surface chests for a bunch of potions that make it so we can see the ores and we mine faster hey okay I like that so do you think we’ll be able to fight a boss today oh yeah okay what boss are we going for I cthulu oh I think I’ve I think I I know that one that’s like the one on the cover art there we are there’s our big [ __ ] off tree I’m looking for the sparrow staff that is my first Summoner weapon oh I and nothing is there nothing in this chest I will take that money though but nothing I want in there uh blowpipe oh more recall potions Night Owl potion [ __ ] bottles shuriken grenades what are you talking about that that looked a that was awesome go to the ocean you will find a chest there not always I I don’t know someone in chat just said it was Leah dog got to listen to Leah may possibly be getting gas lit not the Leah you know I know I didn’t think that it was them in chat you totally thought it was them in chat I very much oh [ __ ] oh wait is that what I think it is oh no it’s not so I thought that was door Shrine for a second do we start mining now yeah we’re kind of neighbors to the deserts it sounds like so we might get [ __ ] up but who cares I mean the jungle I don’t know how but so what should I what should I be looking for uh things that don’t look like rock no I know you I know but it’s just right now I want to play let’s not do this one let’s go up let’s go back out cuz it looks like there’s a tunnel to the left of us okay and I really do not want to dig with these [ __ ] copper tools over there all right and you can also place blocks on uh walled item places so since all of these have walls you can place a block on them hold on I need to [ __ ] get a block there there there oh wow that’s very useful that is very useful not on all walls though only ones that actually have like the proper wall okay so so you’re definitely more of a Terraria than M Minecraft dude yes I find playing this more fun do you not like Minecraft or I like it I just find this more fun oh is that is there shooting I see shooting stars yes you can collect them to upgrade your man Mana limit as well as create gesture arrows okay so I don’t know what what uh kind of thing I want to be Jake hates Minecraft despises it yeah he absolutely does yeah you could just kind of wait until you get a good drop okay cuz everyone is just kind of the same at the beginning the only difference being some hey shooting star you want it or should I eat it ah well you can’t do anything with it now nah you can do stuff with it you don’t know you’re not as much of a game we are not ready for the uh do we drop I’m going to get out of here oh wait what oh [ __ ] yeah I left okay yeah so did I [ __ ] thanks for just d in me dog what do how what do I [ __ ] need to make a furnace again fing uh four wood three torches 20 blocks I have that I just don’t see it there it is boink give me b b Bo all right and we don’t have we have to go get lead or iron the power of Starlight you [ __ ] idiot I I fell I was slain you were looking at chat weren’t you maybe oh I got a better weapon now what’s your better weapon zombie arm is that actually better uh currently yes o more stars ow all my money yeah you drop money when you die this goon took my money so I think maybe we should just chill out for the night no what do you mean no we’re dying and they can open up doors no they can’t You’re Not Safe no they can’t not if I believe they don’t I believe we can I took your gold give it back uhh it’s mine it’s my gold it’s my gold mom said it’s my turn with the gold and I got a zombie arm so suck it need that don’t need that so I’m kind of confused like what’s the goal right now uh gear up gear up all right I now trivialized the early gain combat by crafting a wooden bow uh all right that was weird I have zombie arm our goal is to get some loot get loot get loot get money get [ __ ] first the loot then the [ __ ] we already been here yeah I’m just going down in the tunnel [ __ ] the flowers we don’t need them we don’t even need the flowers whoa this one’s deep what she said oh we have iron in this world let’s go is that what does thatan mean is there not iron in every world uh no sometimes it’s switched out with lead the ORS you get is kind of RNG not even kind of it just is that’s weird as [ __ ] yeah so uh that’s 10 we don’t really need 10 I mean I’ll it’s the copper of this world damn do I have [ __ ] anything for light torches there we go let me make some and we are now at the desert where things will jump us and eat our face fun and it seems like we’re at the end not exactly you know what I’m not going to waste my time with this where are you going oh [ __ ] me on hold up there we go how long has this game been out a long time like forever right it’s been out for quite a while this will be a lot different from that let’s play you saw in 2010 by the augs cast Sean just need to let you know well [ __ ] that’s the only way that’s the only reason I know this game stop hating on the augs cast dog I’m not you hate the aou cast you’re like [ __ ] the aou cast bad at interpreting words today look at that we got more tunnel and a Dude down here whooping my ass now he’s dead hold on let papa go down it’s okay son I’ll be there soon notice how you could just go left and be right down here no [ __ ] off I’m an engineer we solve problems we solve practical problems I’m barded of mining we didn’t we what is that oh [ __ ] who oh [ __ ] kill it I am do it faster I’m trying I want waffle fries I I do want waffle fries ooh should I jump down not yet do I have rope check your inventory I want rope usually have quite a bit from [ __ ] uh you hear that yeah ow oh [ __ ] worm yeah it goes through the ground and it shoots out oh oh I got I got the worm I got the worm I’m going to [ __ ] this thing up come on come on come on come on yeah he’s he’s pretty squishy oh oh oh oh oh oh where is he I can’t see him I hear him he below us oh he’s below us what nerd yeah I saw him slyther by oh come on so soon we’re going to have to have a new NPC show up you have to build their house I think I knew that so when we get back up our goal for this trip is of course get ore we already have the uh gold coin so we have the merchant coming m mhm we are looking to get a life Crystal cuz that will bring the nurse a she cute she a cutie she heals us so she’s she’s a bit of a cutie I sadly unlike you do not objectify people why is it a sad thing why did I say that I don’t know you mean little pixel guys I objectify pixel guys oh oh [ __ ] zombie arm [ __ ] you if I had a bug net I would catch that snail but I don’t currently so I didn’t okay I will soon though bro hey [ __ ] happed I just fell yeah cuz that was that was not Rope Rope that was a cobweb which is also very useful don’t throw it out fun everything is very useful if it has the word material when you hover over it that means never get rid of it ever so suck it perfect perfect oh here he comes there he goes I want to [ __ ] this guy up ow all right you mine I’ll try to get him come on where are you where are you where are you coming from the right zombies here we go so close uh don’t die here take one of these oh [ __ ] I’m about to die protect me no drink it up drink it up it’s not in my inventory protect me it is in your inventory I mean not in my hot bar stink is yum rope we big rope people here oh I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine happens all the time what do that don’t worry tungsten we need it I mean yeah it wouldn’t hurt it’ll upgrade our tools bat bat bat bat B B I died bat hit me off you need to look at the screen more often you had a lot of time to react and see it I was audio and visual stimulation I was [ __ ] worried I’m what you did what the [ __ ] Jake are you what the [ __ ] me you didn’t do [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] just killed yourself I didn’t you were making fun of me yes for your rightful wrong you okay mine was an accident oh mine was an accident there she is it’s Abigail what she’ll fight for me now I want to I want I want those too bad what the [ __ ] is this so now what do we do in different rooms anymore more huh what place is down in here workbench workbench put the workbench down idiot put the workbench down put the workbench down no I’m grabbing that really quick uh oh here it is there we go great this room is going to be expanded but for now man your your little girl does [ __ ] work yes all right what can I make can you make me like a better sword no can you make me a better pickaxe no then what can we do oh I can give you a tin pickaxe I don’t think it’s better but it’s something all right thank let’s go back in the tunnels do we have to mine more yes we have nothing I thought we were like kind of close to being done no [ __ ] that’s your a Tik Tock brain speaking you were committed something for more than 5 Seconds which means you have to stop why are you ruining all the nice Vines I don’t like the vines they’re beautiful we need to get of them y boink and later on we’re going to have to kick some [ __ ] out of their homes oh and build them in new places because they’ll like them better and they give us teleportation oh okay yes burp oh it’s a dude like a big dude it’s a worm dude get him Elizabeth here have some mushrooms too thank you thank you [ __ ] cobweb got stuck in a cobweb and you’re going to die no I’m not how long does that last pile traps are some sons of [ __ ] is in this game how did you get hit again by it I didn’t you started you got like poisoned again it looked like well you would be incorrect I don’t think I’m incorrect D why are you so judgy I’m not judgy I’m correct you’re wrong I’m just being a little why are you being so judgy of my action Serge this this is a trial sir I’m a judge it’s my goddamn occupation my occupation is looking at your dumbass and telling you you’re an idiot [ __ ] oh it’s fine dumbass skeleton kind of a sick beat don’t you think ah ah ah all right he’s dead that went well what is this stuff uh something we legitimately can’t M yet oh bat Jesus what where’s your audiovisual feedback dog what are you talking about you like have a monitor I need you to check and make sure you’re looking at a monitor I’m looking at a monitor you shut up dude [ __ ] come on what oh spelunker potion [ __ ] [Music] Jesus I’m trying dog it doesn’t look like it can I teleport to you or something no well just got to walk your ass on over don’t worry I’ll loot your money give me that zombie oh my gold is back hey [ __ ] [Music] you I want to make a golf course well you have to get the golfer first let’s make okay that’s then we’re getting a golfer difficult no not for me cuz I’m good at this game foret what the requirement is I think it’s kill the first boss I can do that with my eyes closed is that a pun no joke a goof Andor Gaff are you goofing I am [ __ ] fighting for my life down here I’m coming backup is on the way don’t worry I fought and everyone else is lives were taken help is on the way dear help is on the way oh my God where are these bastards coming from what is that what is what Hey listen that’s a fairy from Zelda oh yeah you got a fairy congrats what what is what color is it pink oh uh follow that follow it yeah it’ll lead you to a heart Crystal all right and you have a spelunker potion now so your life has gotten slightly easier I don’t remember getting that uh you picked it up when you were dying to the bats oh yeah should you drink it uh not right now oh but later yes soon you may partake in the witch’s brew but not right now come on come on let’s go time to dig a little bit time to dig a Little Deeper find out who you are oh [ __ ] water oh loot room water hey I got a compass okay and I found a gold chest let’s [Music] go oh God this is the jungle [ __ ] me wow what a horrible chest what was in the chest a [ __ ] flail and some Dynamite you love [Music] flails probably one of the most poopy butt items we could have gotten and why is the underground jungle here we aren’t in the jungle what the [ __ ] is this world gen I mean I’ll get my whip early I mean I won’t complain but oh Life Crystal we’re going to have a nurse soon hopefully okay I didn’t die Shing yo we got a buggy statue dog I absolutely lost the the the plot with this [ __ ] fairy guy so I’m just going to okay what is it just going through a wall and [ __ ] it’s yes yeah it’s just leading you to a life Crystal ooh we also have a gold ore in this world we don’t have Platinum is it different in any way other than the color yeah I mean no actually I don’t know it’s been a while since I had a [ __ ] maybe the armor is different I know that corruption and Crimson are very different oh [ __ ] nothing no what the [ __ ] get him get him [ __ ] him up [ __ ] him come up God damn it I saw you walk down that guy just run up behind you and you just not see him and I’m like is he going to notice him at all or is is he just going to walk on by him just trying to switch items in this game is not [ __ ] fun oh you’re home yeah I used a potion cool where’s our guy he wandering you shouldn’t be wandering dangerous hey my life is now better cuz I have a Tungsten pickaxe okay well I’m not really I’m not really doing much I don’t know what you know like what do I do enjoy that what is this whoa it’s a better sword oh there he is do I have enough you how do I make the Flaming [ __ ] flail very confusing it’s not really I mean not much has happened so far to confuse you hon confused I’m confused why are there trees this shit’s weird I know have a flaming flail oh I have a sword all right we’re going to go on an adventure okay let’s go to the ocean going to walk to the right okay I want cool armor uh you will later what I was about to say you will soon I’m like no that’s a lie come on come on hey on my menu I see th cthulu flying around in the background oh so did I there he’s again how do you summon him uh he either naturally spawns once you have I think it’s 150 health and or 30 defense or you can make the uh suspicious eye do we have the stuff to make that uh God no we just started I don’t know you might have no you you are about to die by the way I’m doing great keep an eye on that health bar it’s just why do we keep doing this in the night because it’s not that hard you say that and then I keep dying well that’s a skill issue literally are we going up yeah okay [ __ ] eyeball I [ __ ] around round round around I [ __ ] around I [ __ ] around did you hear that Drake did a cover of hey there Delila and it was bad no I did not I actually didn’t hear that cover it was a [ __ ] weird I’m hoping it’s AI cuz no one could make that bad of a decision um did you see that jcole made a song called like grippy and it’s just super bad no I’m dead and it’s bad I got some sticky glow sticks yippee thought we were just walking we were I wanted to investigate now we’re done investigating fair enough giveing them ropes oh yeah uh late later or late game there is a Christmas event we can do and it gives you Christmas items and a Evergreen Christmas tree sword that’s going to be my weapon as well as if we were on Master mode a Santa pet there’s a eye on your ass just so you know yeah I know just needed to make sure that I was aware yes and just investigate down here real quick wow oh wait is this nothing it is nothing okay I what should I do just chill out there for a second ah bad guys zombies enemies do exist in this game yes combat in this game is it’s like Elden ring it’s early game we just [ __ ] swing at him go away I want let’s go let’s go grind some fish or whatever isn’t that a thing oh you mean fishing yeah let’s grind some fish he says let’s go grind some fish tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel tunnel funnel iron dude mining with multiple people is so [ __ ] satisfying it just is so fast is that a [ __ ] spider that is we’re near CRI reer Crimson biome G that’s no good that means we get to fight face monsters you love face moners face monsters what the hell’s over there a chest where’s my mining potion move out of the way give me give me give me uh yeah God damn it nothing crash there a shine potion if you really want it did you not even grab anything from the chest no I took the money you love money that I’ll put in my box once I have one yo yo yo it’s me the coolest dude oh [ __ ] the coolest dude just joined his name’s the coolest dude there’s no way he just joined there’s no way he can’t can you prove you’re the coolest dude no you can’t what if hold on what if the next thing he says is like the coolest thing he wouldn’t I’m dude dude that’s so cool yo yo yo we unlike some others I am not I am not impressed by having the base workers the base interests of the workers in your heart not even Jake anti-union is that even anything that came out of my mouth yeah I can I think I think it your problem is just reading comprehension Sean that’s that’s my problem doctor she’s so [ __ ] boring C die C die he said he’s legally the coolest dude that’s what he said legally [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] you trust politicians to decide who’s cool oh [ __ ] damn it Jake why’ you leave me I went to the right you got to say by me dude what is wrong with you you can see me at all times I was getting jumped and get unj jumped why is it still night CU it doesn’t just become day it actually that is actually how it works takes a minute you know just for that I went back I was also getting jumped yeah dude we were getting [ __ ] up hey look what I got yeah the Crimson is not fun when you’re just vibing he truly is the coolest dude he’s he’s given proof in the chat hey look at this oh nice yeah I’m I’m I’m pretty cool so what do we do now I’m going to put some cactuses on my body where’d you get cactuses I found a desert what no [ __ ] don’t just open the goddamn door what is wrong with you I got hurt also put that money in the chest you can do that okay yeah uh uh oh yeah here we go there we go this is there is so many are there creepers in this game no oh [Music] man so do we not have a beach on this world or something no we do can we find it the beaches on are on the literal edges of the world it’s daytime [ __ ] thank god oh I need to drop some [ __ ] chests real quick hold up do not have an inventory do I I need to stop oh I should probably do that too we’re going to have to make a nice looking house at some point but for now this will have to do [Music] buggy that will become very useful much later oh I got a lot of rope yeah once we beat [ __ ] the Skeletron those buggy statues will become invaluable yeah this is my first time playing so I really have no [ __ ] clue what I’m doing I have done the whole play for 5 minutes make a house and realize it’s not Minecraft bit as opposed to me who’s currently playing through Calamity yeah Jake Jake very much is an expert at this point not even true expert there people know more than me him saying that is I hate life oh I missed apparently I love life what why did you do that I don’t know got to try and kill him come on I just want to let’s just do surf let’s just walk on the surf dude I beat the eye then kill the Skeletron on my first playr neat very cool very cool first session or first oh [ __ ] a month ago I beat the nameless deity I don’t know what that is have you beaten him Jake I don’t know this is my first time playing Calamity cuz I found out about it I would play it casually and then for some reason my goopy Goblin gamer brain that has been refined because of fighting games has decided I must be good at Terraria I must I must it’s a hobby Hazard come on I know many I know many of people who have the same Affliction where they can’t just enjoy games anymore just killed a parot should I have done that happens there are no ramifications for it I’m an evil evil person it’s a DLC for Calamity and yes there are add-ons huh I was about to say how the [ __ ] does a mod have DLC I mean would you be surprised I mean I was already surprised that it had a soundtrack [ __ ] oh yeah he moves damn okay all right let’s just get out of here I need to see if there’s a chest down here though dude Calamity is the bigest biggest terraria Mod yeah that’s what Jake has been saying see I just I don’t know I I was the Minecraft kid Jake was not even though Jake was super into Minecraft but it’s just I didn’t have a PC that could play it for like ever yeah and then when I did I was mainly I was then introduced immediately come on man you need to move I’m trying man I’m trying you really aren’t I’m trying you’re when the cars coming at you you can’t just put out your arms and go stop dude uh I was editing uh the lethal company stuff and I was I got our first game we’ve ever played together on do you remember when you fell into like quick sand oh yeah and just I did not notice until now there is muffled Jake just it was amazing I found a tunnel in a biome that I will not survive in but I’m still going down it cuz you hate yourself cuz I’m a [ __ ] Pro Gamer you’re not a Pro Gamer you’re right you you’ve never even played a Street Fighter 4 I’m I’m a part-time gamer name one character from Street Fighter 4 but you can’t rento what why him cuz he’s [ __ ] funny cuz you need said name a character is he who’s the um oil wrestler uh KH I see you’re also a partaker of top 10 lists yep you showed me that video actual match what the f I’m getting [ __ ] up by bugs no that was a jungle bat okay I could tell Terraria is 200 megabits and Calamity is also roughly 200 megabits is that true yeah how big is this [ __ ] mod it’s sick it adds in a bunch of [ __ ] do do you think the developers are aware of it they are they’re very much are are they fans or are they like why the [ __ ] are you doing this they don’t give a [ __ ] it’s more people playing their game they have to buy the game to be able to play the mod so they’re happy yeah who gives a [ __ ] they get to add [ __ ] that they don’t have to if people want a more [ __ ] degenerate experience in Terraria they have it great now they don’t have to add it how is it how is it degenerate [ __ ] it is just some big ass gamer hours oh yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I get you like you don’t hop on there because you’re like let me try out this fun cookie mod I’ve heard of you go on there cuz you’re a [ __ ] psychopath like me because you want to just because you beat Terraria and went it wasn’t it wasn’t enough I need I need a bigger [ __ ] thrill I kind of like I kind of like terrari I just don’t think I’ve done it yet you know what I mean yes like you still I get oh pinky pinky we need to [ __ ] this [ __ ] up [ __ ] her up this is a rare mob get her get her like I feel like I cuz James also really likes Terraria we should we should get a server with everyone in it I think that would be fun this could become that hey you got a [ __ ] ton of money now whoa neat I like that dude I had Terraria on my Xbox then I decided to buy it on my computer and one of the greatest decisions I ever did um God what I’ve always wanted to try like Terraria and Minecraft on the [ __ ] 3DS cuz I know it would be trash but I want to see what it is you know I mean Terraria had exclusive content for the 3DS are you really yeah on all the systems there were different content but then they just kind of merged it I think there’s still exclusives like there’s exclusive ways to build [ __ ] as well as different recipes it had mods wait the the 3DS version had mods or the Xbox version the 3DS is surprisingly simple to hack seriously oh yeah you don’t use social media at all I’m very yeah not really how what do you do so like you could I know you can hack your Wii that that was the big thing it’s just a running joke that the 3DS is surprisingly easy to hack and it’s like a conversation starter uh I meant the PC version but the 3D yeah the coolest guy ever just said the 3D is also there’s so many things yeah jump up jump over ho that was close don’t get [ __ ] up by the jungle bat please I’m trying I’m trying I just need to drink like this you need a potion I need to drink my bat I drank it here comes slime just jump over him you’re good we’re good we’re good just a slime whoa this is like a mountain neat oh yeah uh don’t do anything with that up there the chest no can I oh you took it no with what’s directly above the chest what was it the beehive oh I want to [ __ ] with theive I want to [ __ ] with the Beehive do you want to walk across the entire world for a couple minutes again no the three wait the DS version of Terraria is okay I heard the Minecraft sucks on it no way the Minecraft on 3DS is bad dude I love oh it was only on new 3DS yeah now I’m starting to remember you can have that anything interesting I already have the blowpipe take the can of worms tin okay okay that’s stuff you know I don’t hate it ow oh my [ __ ] God these bats oh my [ __ ] God I’m a [ __ ] dead o are you almost dead I’m about to be and that slime got shockingly close to killing me there you go you bastard no you’re fine you stole the health from me I needed it I needed it more why you being selfish Jake I’m not I’m looking out for number one is what I’m doing can you help I don’t have any ranged can you help you have some grenades in your pocket three I’m saving them let me put him in actually in the hot bar oh yeah I also found some Dynamite so we’re going to get the demolitionist as well okay I found shurikens yeah yeah uh shurikens suck balls nah they’re cool throwing weapons are a joke in anything but Calamity and even then they are still a bit weird look at that look how fast I killed the slime oh [ __ ] they’re bad they’re so bad they don’t even do knock back no they don’t you’ll have a prime spot in all of your chests with 200 of those [ __ ] run away from the Slime I’m trying whoa we’re getting jumped yeah we’re in a little bit of an oopsy situation but they can’t go underwater so just that’s the bats can oh come on I thought we were I’m alive so I guess little victories I how there was like 50 of them and I totally there was a single one you didn’t see that you don’t know I did you don’t know I watched you stare at it it are you on stream no you get to see [ __ ] at your death spot for a while I’m not looking at chat and dying to it I I’m trying to be a good streamer dog by the way oh yeah you should go to your evil biome and break the weird looking Hearts SL orbs they’re good loot not wrong uh uh our guy almost died it’s fine stay inside dick oh he has a bow he’s fine here take this whoa what is that a bad bow and arrow take that as well finally some range be a ranger who knows because there’s [ __ ] something over there can we skip the night huh is there any way to skip the night uh I mean I have M do you still have that spelunker potion uh I have two may I see one of them how do I drop right click well I just drank one so well how do I have another one so click on it during Escape okay drag it off and then right click great got it let’s go mining yes I also gave you a mining potion we’re looking for basically right now we’re looking for Tungsten iron and gold gotcha gotcha is worthless fair enough um the gold is it I think I found tungsten at least a little bit tungsten’s the weird little like brain looking one yeah yeah it looks like magma okay what is this what is this I don’t know there are there are ways to skip nighttime but you need to fish let’s get fishing let’s start let’s start have you ever actually been fishing in real life yes many you caught anything yeah h i once caught a dead fish you caught a dead fish yeah me as a child with undiagnosed ADHD was out fishing and I wanted to reel in the thing again cuz I just wanted to do something instead of stare at it and when I reeled it in there was a dead fish on it and it was awesome [ __ ] dude I didn’t know that the you know the first time I went fishing was in high school it was for that science project huh yeah oh I might be about to I might be uh about to die no you’re fine not if Abigail will do anything about it Abigail abil so wait what’s the mining what is it called mining potion should I drink this what oh yeah I want the shine potion Night Owl mining yes I’m drinking that as well I’m going to drink this and I’m going to drink that because I’m sick of holding torches yeah here we go um would you oh by the way are you down for one of these oh son of a [ __ ] that’s a desert are you down for one of these upcoming weeks all of us go golfing and film it uh when I just we haven’t even decided it’s just an idea would you be down to do that yeah okay cool I’ll be down to go golfing and it’s just uh oh [ __ ] me the when is when you’re available so probably be like be like a Sunday evening did you happen to mine a gravestone m recently yeah I have a grave Stone in my inventory why oh it might have been me I uh got jumped by a ghost I’m getting jumped by the [ __ ] Undead and it almost killed me I was like was it me or was it Shawn and if it was Shawn why did it go after me well they they knew they had to go after the competent player like they could get me at their Leisure mushroom biome that’s free loot iron hopefully it will be free loot give me that iron so you said Iron gold and tungsten is the free okay 10 is worthless to us I’m really just finding iron uh you could just go a little deeper down here gotcha that’s what I’m doing there are baddies down here but don’t worry you have a bow now which means you don’t have to partake in fighting them oh my God it’s a bat okay we’re good holy [ __ ] whoa yeah I got the Wombo Combo going right now I might go over here oh God that’s a mother slime no thank you is that a boss or is that just like a rare mod it’s it’s just a type of monster what did I just find what kind of space is this is it a bunch of mushrooms in blue no here let me kill these come over here come over here I have to kill uh approximately four slimes a skeleton and a bat I’m I’m a I’ll be a second you’ll be a minute bats suck in Terraria yeah I’m starting to learn that yeah early game they suck a lot but then here give me a second I’ll be able to come over to you I’m getting a lot of materials though this is great oh I think I know you I think you’re in the hole I was just in give me a sec dude this how the [ __ ] do you mine without this potion it just went out are you serious the shine one or the visual one the the the spelunker that’s like the that was [ __ ] it that made the game so much more fun don’t worry we have some gold we can make some new ones okay you promise I promise thank you what do you say to Mrs toiler thank you all right follow me over here I’m coming we’re just going to go down now so how much like I’m assuming you need a lot of a ore to do anything at some point it just becomes like negligible what you mean negligible like you can go mining at a point but it’s just like for the specific material you need like early game is a lot of mining mid game is you unlock the new ores and you go to hell and you mine health stone okay but there’s ways to speedrun it and just make it so you weren’t spending eight hours like we did there with the splunkers I mean I was having fun with the spelunkers yes all right I already rinsed that chest got gotcha gotcha um we going to the right God we are going to jump this [ __ ] snail in the skeleton get them ow yeah they jump got their ass here bat B kick it ass we’re good what’s green over there that’s weird uh that is the underground jungle I don’t know why it’s all the way over here we aren’t even in the oh my [ __ ] god what the [ __ ] leave what the hell was that found the [ __ ] Batcave I’m the B literally is that a tree oh mother slime annoying as [ __ ] get her kill the babies how did I get eight [ __ ] debuffs what is this uh that is a gem tree oh ooh a chest enjoy the chest yeah enjoy the chest buddy go quick there’s a there’s a bat down below you and above you loot take all click take all click loot all I got it I got it nice what was in there a sweater it’s fine I got it what I got a sweater what do you mean you got a sweater I got a what do you mean what do I mean I got a sweater I got a sweater I just a piece of there were just a thing of clothes in there well I don’t know I’m wearing it now we’ll see what it is it’s just a red thing so I grabbed red thing yeah you literally just got some clothes okay [ __ ] let me in don’t have it in your main slot stupid I’m I don’t know what to do you just right click it it doesn’t have any defense that’s a in every single slot if you think something’s ugly you can put it in What’s called the vanity slot where that’s what it’ll look like visually okay hold on let me go inside for a second I found dead man sweater equipment housing okay I’m going to I’m going to mine up some of these [ __ ] gravestones so we don’t have this turn into a graveyard I’m going to create some some bars some tungsten bars okay I have six tungsten bars you probably can’t do anything with no I’m just Mak I’m just doing what I got yeah but soon 21 iron nice Okay um throw that for a second um you didn’t get the ey of wait was there a summoning item did you not hit loot all no I I didn’t see it okay so open up a chest okay on literally right under where it says chest there is a thing that says loot all damn okay so there might have been that summoning eye there or something it’s fine we can just go back yeah bunch of star there’s tons of [ __ ] stars oh yeah can I make new weapon I mean let’s see if we can make new weapon okay there is so many items bad bad boys here I don’t like it uh if you grab some wood you should be able to make a Tungsten pickaxe I can make a Tungsten short sword no always do long swords okay but I don’t I can make a toilet I don’t make a toilet a trash can here take this very cool Dom what’ you give me take this okay I have one of those oh a guardian shackle yeah yeah I have one equip both of them then you’ll have plus two more defense oh so you won’t die as hard it’s not like me put both in no just right click on it oh so I have a regular shackle and then a guardian shackle yeah I’ll put on the guardian you can have both of them equipped it’s not letting me are you putting them in the same slot no it’s just not letting me put all four it’s not letting me do that oh okay no problem no problem they used to be able to stack right our goal now is to go and get some sand oh there’s a there was sand we like okay I just hit deposit all on a chest my my inventory was gross all right we are going to go and get some let get some sand sand what do we need that for glass glass so we can make bottles and then after that we can make bottled water and then we can make potions I want I’m not mining again without those goddamn potions why are we going down there’s sand down here o look at look at you the Smart Cookie it’ll save us time wait how did I get oh I guess I got Crimson bars oh you took that oh wait was it from the chest or was it from our chest from our chest I just got like like uh the cool guy said found them I didn’t notice are those big they’re the like next big stage of tier tier loot I blew up a thing of them BW up Malay of them because I found them and I said o I have Dynamite I should use that oh is that why you blew it up yeah here step back don’t [ __ ] so Jesus Sean I’m doing so well you are proud of me and instead of spending a return potion what okay then what okay then what what did I do I was on that for a reason but okay so it’s fine oh uh let’s go we got got to go back cuz the summoning eye was in there yeah cool guy wants us to get it so we’re get here oh my God what what uh come on down here oh [ __ ] no Jake why would you do that CU they can’t go underwater I have become error oh cool guys well thank you for coming around cool guy it was really nice really nice having you by you should totally subscribe by the way oh [ __ ] I’m still alive let’s go get our summoning eye let’s go get our summoning eye and fight the boss we will actively die we do not have an arena we do not have anything let’s just not even play with an arena we don’t need that uh it helps a lot is that a mother yeah but we’re [ __ ] mother get her get her ass [ __ ] her up thank you Gabriella what’s her name skeleton skeleton okay okay ow so we’re going to go get SK bat I [ __ ] hate the bats dude what the f skeleton you’re just you’re just like grind that that seems like very like a very good weapon compared to what we have at this current stage it is but please look for the bat didn’t see the bat okay jeez let me let a boy breathe for a second huh behind you behind you watch out for him he kill he will fling himself at you like that he has my gold that baddy bastard has my gold okay what what’s the plan what do we want to do uh going to kill this going to loot that chest kick some ass in the USA going to rock fly fall on you is that a bug yeah F 40 damage [ __ ] me bat bat bat bat bat bat bat bat I was looking at chat I was looking at chat okay you know that humans have a 35 millisecond response to sound do I apparently I feel like you might be just a little slower than most man um did we go right yes okay I’ll I’ll get to you buddy I’ll get to you don’t even worry you’re pretty little head about it did you why why are you being so stinks don’t be stink I’m not being stinks I being how did you not do anything after I yelled bat five times well you know when you when someone says a word someone many times it loses whole meaning I you were saying bad you were no let me explain you were I’m not saying I was in the right I’m explaining what happened you kept saying bat and I’m like it just faded into the background cuz I kept hearing it’s it’s fine that’s why I yelled it you’d think that help I would that’s why I did it that’s why you did it yeah as opposed to the regular Rock flying eagle okay okay we got this [ __ ] Sean son of a I just fell that one wasn’t even on me that was gravity that one was gravity’s fault so happy that this is being recorded no what are you going to delete the VOD little baby [ __ ] no cuz we need watch hours so [ __ ] no I’m not you think I’m look that’s a dating Sim and we don’t check if it has nudity or not say that again let’s do a [ __ ] visual novel stream and don’t check if the game we choose has nudity or not oh I you know unironically I think that’d be a funny stream I’d be down to do a dating Sim not the bird one but like an actual like an actual dating Sim I’d be down to try one you want to no what do you mean no have I not described to you what my interests in games are I have goopy Goblin gamer brain yeah it’s for the stream okay we don’t all you think you think I’d want to you think I’d play a dating Sim if I didn’t if I wasn’t streaming it I mean you played through the entirety of [ __ ] uh do you remember the name no what’s the [ __ ] porn connect uh Connect 4 honeypop yeah you played through honeypop and I know that wasn’t on stream it was on video there’s several videos on this channel of honeypop that was honeypop too dog that yeah honey pop 2 double date yeah I’m talking about honey poop one how many hours did I have of that on it was like a silly number did you even 100% that [ __ ] I didn’t even beat it dude I was busy it’s hard to play that game with one hand it’s Connect Four I love how during the scene that you would expect them to give you time to Fat it’s the only time in the game where you have a time limit that’s awesome you know unironically is actually a very fun game and like me Seth and James all get really fun it’s Beed yeah bed’s fun yeah you’re like shocked that Beed with tits is fun those are my two goddamn favorite things if you gave me Tetris with boobs I wouldn’t play any other [ __ ] game what’s the best like puzzle game or like game like that what’s your what’s what’s the best one oh he’s speaking just single player or combative single player and then I guess get me combed after that but like uh big Tetris fan best versus puzzle game is a [ __ ] puzzle fighter I was going to I was going to suggest that but I’ve never played it so I didn’t want to be like I am goated at Buzz puzzle fighter dude is there combos or is it just like technically if you you can set them up what the hell is oh it’s a snail the way puzzle fighter works is instead of like the Connect Four mhm if you connect them they just get bigger and you have to wait for a specific uh block to be able to remove a certain color did you get the eye yeah okay the snail thing that how the [ __ ] do you kill those uh stun lock great okay I’m just you know what come back to the surface you me but a moment good sir [ __ ] my rope has been thrown I’m going to check this mushroom biome to see if I can get any good loot that may help us out in our Intrepid Journeys Intrepid that’s a fun word um what am I think I was I was I was just I was just about to say something oh me so I went to james’ earlier today James’s nondescript place and we were talking here’s a question and we we both think we have the answer do you want to go to a high school football game no see we thought that but if all of us are going we’re just going to drag you I’m just that’s I’m just letting you know that you’re going to have to kill me you don’t want to go why not no why the [ __ ] would I want to go to a high school football game at [ __ ] 22 years of age about to be 23 I’m 20 I just turned 23 so yeah good for you it’s fun it’d be fun it’s really not we could just chill eat eat kind of cold uh pizza rolls yeah and I could have a beer in my apartment you could have a beer there no I can’t can you not no what the [ __ ] no they don’t sell beer at high school football games they really should they really shouldn’t I think it’d be useful it wouldn’t be it would cause cause a lot of fights be a lot of assault charges the resource officer would be working overtime that would strain the local municipality we have no money so it won’t matter are you coming up I’m checking this biome for loot dude it’s a mushroom biome loot you got loot I see a chest I have to get to it okay after that come up and I’ve also got you a life Crystal very cool very very cool uh you are now one of my Elite [Music] employees congratulations but I do find that quote funny um I want to make a sword huh should I make a Tungsten pickaxe yes how many tungsten do I need for that uh you need you we probably have enough but what you need is wood oh if you want to figure it out walk up to the guide and ask him about crafting and give him an item and I’ll tell you what you can make with it I just found a grapefruit cool have a grapefruit your man do you know that video thank you everyone was looking at me like I was an idiot who did you bring up grapefruit in your man around Shelby Brendan James they all did not know that H dude grapefruit your man is a classic grapefruit your man is a classic I’m going to show him this and I’m going to show them you knew yeah [ __ ] I know that video is [ __ ] hilarious that’s why I made friends originally in college you grapefruit at home what is I did a Hail Mary joke where I [ __ ] went and everyone was lit up with eyes of recognition and went no [ __ ] way I feel like the grapefruit is the original like what’s that one meme of like the one weird Reddit song no that’s that is not the original of that then what’s the original there is no original nothing can compare to grapefruit yo man it is a horrifying ASMR experience I showed them the video and they’re like do you just watch this I go like it’s [ __ ] hilarious the noise is amazing why is this a problem that’s the in the olden days of YouTube where you would just watch something it would be [ __ ] up but you would just be in tears laughing alone it’s like how I watch the full uh Spider-Man ass slap video that video is hilarious should I make an iron pick I found a friend do I have enough iron oh tungsten tungsten pickax I made it look at my friend whoa what is that can I have the ghost he’s my friend no but he doesn’t attack what do he he’s friend he’s friend um don’t worry I’ll handle it so is he just kind of here yeah what’s his name uh let me he doesn’t have one we should oh shark bait that’s what it says oh wait no it says uh shark bait summons a shark puppy it’s baby shark d d do James found out who Nardo was today what the [ __ ] James needs to become a little more cultured uh and he and we’re like I’m like you want to know how he found out about nard how he saw a list of car of people or characters who could F solve the Kira case oh I have that I have that photo and nard war is in it he goes like who the hell’s nard War zombie Banner we now deal more damage to zombies ah cool okay so I have the tungsten pick should I make like a new sword I don’t think I have enough oh let me put on I guess this there you go one second I’m about to make some bottles can I make iron armor is that something yeah goe okay and what do we need [Music] for we need some blink root and Moonglow we don’t have enough to do anything yet with this do we need a heavy workbench no but you can make one yeah I made one we’re going to have to expand our house at some point yeah let’s not do it right now it’s dangerous yeah oh wow this is big okay yes we’re going to have a crafting house don’t worry oh yeah take this take what Babushka babushka a thank you is there a maximum of how many of these you can have uh it it’s like 500 health I think oh damn oh wait no uh it’s 300 and then you Max it out more with life fruits gotcha we’re going to go back to walking along the surface again can we do we have to do it in the middle of the night I mean we don’t have to but I’d rather do something than stare at a wall no we could have a little podcast or I could summon the eye of cthulu or not that but it’s an option I’m going to drink my glow why cuz it’s dark you can just hold a torch in your hand I don’t want to do that I want to have a I want to have glow why is there so many [ __ ] stars thought they were rare no they’re very much not i f well excuse me princess I’m not your princess you are actually incredibly ugly you know I didn’t go there that’s a self-inflicted damage you did right there no I know I don’t like myself hey come to a high school football game with me no why not I don’t [ __ ] want to you’ll have fun I won’t we’ll make sure it’s a day where it’s raining you love if there’s anything I don’t want to be is a college grad going back to my old high school we’re not going back to the old high school we’re just going to the football game wow I I want nothing less than to do that foot you go golfing yeah because that doesn’t have me going back to my old high school the place of my torment yeah why the [ __ ] would I ever want to do that to myself more star what’s the max amount of like stars can you get uh I think it’s like 300 Mana maybe I’ll be a wizard oh then you’re going to have to do some hella mining I’m just maybe not the stars are a rare item classified in blue but there’s plenty of them late of them late in the game I don’t use them huh they’re technically rare but they’re they’re really not so you’ll have like a pocket full of them got a pocket a pocket thank you for coming back Babushka they become very unrare when you they go back to being rare when you have to use them as ammo that would makes sense I am killing all right we’re in the Crimson try not to get your face ripped off again cool death weed I’m going need a grapefruit oh you ate the grapefruit yeah I had a grapefruit I wanted to go food there goes our food what do you mean uh food gives you allaround stat Buffs for a while I didn’t you got to tell me these things it tells you on the description of the item I don’t read well you should I don’t want to can’t sit still long enough to read what are these thingies C [ __ ] don’t worry these guys are [ __ ] pushovers we good we’re good on cacti now we’re good on cacti now okay okay okay okay I know I’m trying I I know I just had to say I it seems I’ve had to say things multiple times Sean I’m trying I’m trying please don’t fight the face monsters you can very much run away from them covering fire chest you can have that you’ll love that item that’s the coolest equipment in the game right there hold on I can’t enjoy it yet hold on what what was get the chest up top what I get I don’t don’t you not see your equipable my equipable hold on it’s brown fleeting step stool yeah equip it equip it equip it okay you ready press W yeah what is this it’s the step stool does it just let me go up a little higher yeah it’s a step stool sick right I actually kind of like that this is the ride all right we are back to the normal biome we’re back to a forest I got tons of seeds you need seeds uh depends what seeds are they just it just said seeds uh probably not but they ammo for your blow gun you blow me I’m investigating real quick I investigated real quick yes we have found what we want and it’s not that [ __ ] I’m so good you have to dodge I’m so good at this game hold on you have wased at your discretion I hate was I’m faster than you you are cuz of the and the grapefruit or did you get a swiftness potion and instantly drink it no I didn’t what is this oh it’s the dungeon dungeon don’t go in there I want to die you will die oh not even like uh if you’re cool you won’t die sort away like a it is literally programmed to murder you cuz we supposed to be there yet this means we’re near the edge of the world let’s go to the beach beach go to the beach I want to go go to the beach beach let’s go get away that’s what it is Hey Jake wait really quick stay stop moving really quick pretty sure nice that is so stupid cool oh I got two spelunkers potions when good give me one I will I love the spelunker potion it makes the game more fun makes it so you don’t have to spend [ __ ] 3 hours just to get a full set of the good the good armor whoa It’s deep yeah uh jump over okay good you successfully not drowned that’s what they always say when I go to the pool like he he didn’t drown [ __ ] celebrate we’re about to get the uh Beach soon I think unless we should build a house at the beach no what do you mean no will later but not now oh because we have no easy way to get to and from the beach we have to teleport or whatever uh no well we can later on but there is a c shell that you can get which just sends you to the beach yeah it sends you to either Beach fun and then you can also get the hell version of it and that just sends you to hell yeah and then later on in the game you can uh combine it with a cell phone to get a shell phone oh you were talking about the Shell Beach yeah there’s the angler talk to him beach beach oh I missed him all right and do you have return potions uh I should I do the quest we don’t have it yet so what we are going to do is we are going to hurl ourselves into this ocean wait I have 12 return Potions all right we’re going to hurl ourselves into this ocean mhm and before we die of drowning we will use our return potion because sometimes there are chests in the ocean sounds good did you find a chest I did do I have the inventory space for it yeah it’s not much shark in the mouth I just saw it coming at I was like [ __ ] that God damn it you need to find a fart in a jar we need to find a lot of things in jars okay now what should we expand the house uh yeah let’s do some uh expansion we got some material we can make this look nicer we can actually completely just rebuild it if we want all right yeah I’m cool with that all right give me a moment are we just tearing down this place yeah I’m tearing it down I’m going to get the nice the nice building materials for us here’s a gift murderous tungsten bow cool did you die no oh you defeated your 50th slime yeah we get a slime Banner for it oh I also have a friend for you found give me friend give me friend give me friend where do I put this [Music] hey [Music] cool that’s cool inventory where’ all our wood go there it is okay all the walls are gone here give me one second I’m going to build us I’m going to make us some better axes to make our lives better I would make my life better I won’t lie Terraria ter all right so we can do you want the house to look nice or be effective uh kind of I want it to look nice right all right I suggest building up and finding floating islands and there’s a sword that shoots out lightning should we build should I build up can I try that uh we don’t really have the resources right now but I want to try will later though okay also it wasn’t the yogs cast who showed me about Terraria it was it was to Basquez yeah knowing that he was very high during all of his videos makes everything much better he’s also just [ __ ] crazy now yes cute win fail Tobuscus please [ __ ] go away what are these blocks hello uh stone slab very nice [ __ ] slime not light not lightning lightning the sword emits lightning okay so how can you find like Sky bases or whatever uh most of the time you just take a gravity potion and you just fly around do we have any of those nope oh we have not done nearly enough exploring no yeah I remember that but this is going to be like the first time I genuinely like play the game and get far I remember though we were talking about that earlier where is there’s a tin Hammer all right do you want to give me one or oh it’s just to make stuff look nice so no I mean you can make one but never mind you got to get off on your own feet okay buddy no um I see how you feel about things IA won’t always be there papa papa papa Pap [ __ ] you I’m going to go mining God damn it you build house I go get things all right don’t die eight times you’re funny I’m going to die eight time these guys don’t even [ __ ] worry about it I want to try Taria on 3DS now I think that’d be funny I also really want to see what Minecraft looks like on that [ __ ] thing probably atrocious yeah I know but like how what update is it cuz I know it’s not getting updated does it have a hunger bar oh yeah it does does it have red stone it’s probably up to at least 1.8 if it has Redstone can I build a functioning computer no will it blow up my how many okay wait how many blocks of TNT until you blow up the [ __ ] 3DS I don’t know I want to test this give me give me your 3DS Jake I want to I’m going to blow it up you think I have my 3DS just on me do you not I don’t you don’t just have that thing on you you don’t have it what if you have the what if you the urge to play Kris Uprising in the middle of the night they don’t it’s a great game why don’t you have that urge I don’t know guess that part of me just died a long time ago the part that enjoys life wait wait when you go when you go on the campus you don’t bring your 3DS for Street p no I don’t you don’t why not Street pass you love Street pass okay interesting very interesting this is very interesting to me what is happening to you nothing I’m just just being interested oh I’m a constant learner bro intrigued oh Jake real quick remember that test you got to skip to get into grad school yeah yeah I can’t skip that yeah so I got that’s that’s that’s what I’m going to be studying for for the next cple months it shouldn’t be bad I I only got around it because I was already actively doing research yeah I just need to get a high score but that shouldn’t be too hard if I study I’m not I just wanted to be like Hey Jake guess what’s going on in my life damn I this is an the high school was set by Tommy Wallace the best pitball players I’ve ever seen [Laughter] Tommy Wallace the best pinball player ever the way he the way he cesses those bumpers you think he’s the greatest guy around oh by the way the arcade that we went to for Tyler’s uh Bachelor thing just won a [ __ ] Guinness World Record oh for what for like most amount of free play arcades in in a one space or something [ __ ] you we’re going to go you’re going to love it and we’re there is a Japanese like arcade system that it’s like a weird version of Mario Party and you’re going to absolutely get obsessed if they have any rhythm game I will be happy I don’t know if they have a rhythm game I don’t think so it’s more classic American arcade games but there’s a lot of them okay I’m still chill with that okay so this direction was not exactly a good way for mining I know they won’t have it but if they do if I see a space Harrier cabinet I will scream space Harrier yeah they might they had one at uh they used to have one at Z point they have they have a bunch of fighting game ones now that I’m guessing it’s a bunch of Tekken and Mortal Kombat and a singular sf2 cab there’s an sf2 there’s Tekken there’s Mortal Kombat I know for a fact there’s one that isn’t those there’s like another one it’s not just those I could look up the list after and just tell you oh no it’s fine I was just trying to think of what game could it be I like to play that game whenever I’m see like a we do retro I’m like all right what do they have yeah but it’s really cool like in the front of the store they sell retro games and stuff they just had a virtual boy for sale let’s go and I was like seen it and I’m like this is this is cool as [ __ ] I just wonder what their like stuff is uh uh my Step Brothers I’m not kidding you we were there for like three hours all they did was play Frogger they got the high score on Frogger dude let’s go and then they got home and they they downloaded the Frogger app like what the [ __ ] is wrong with you guys and he’s like like Frogger Frogger like okay blame him yeah James got really into Crazy Taxi they have a Crazy Taxi Cab yeah let’s go they have the ambulance one too they have some Japanese cabinet where you have to uh take off and land planes in different Japanese airports that’s awesome uh what else do they have they have they had a bunch uh oh man that was it was a lot of fun they had um they had oh [ __ ] I need to stop looking at my phone oh [ __ ] oh are you dying yep I played the initial decab at uh what was it combo breaker is that a racing thing yeah Initial D that’s [ __ ] nuts I know there was a cabinet for that me either and then I saw one there and I’m like oh [ __ ] okay really quick I will be right back I need to grab my charger all right and you stand right in the goddamn way thank you if if there was any space you could have stood that would have infuriated me you chose the one spot all right I’m back all right I’m no master Carpenter but I do believe we’re about to have ourselves a house this is legally defined as a house when we finish this other wall can they not break through Stone doors I don’t know wow you are an expert never used them before Oh I’m out of I’m out of [ __ ] things I need arrows star in a bottle do you have a work bench uh out there ow holy [ __ ] what the [ __ ] happened you’re getting [ __ ] up dude it’s okay I got dealt like a [ __ ] ton of damage in like a second it happens to the best of us holy [ __ ] where did all it come from all right man I want to play some Mario Party you ever get the hanker in for just a random game no you never get the hanker in for just a random game absolutely not like a random game of Mario Party or just a random video just a random video game yes I do I thought you were asking specifically about Mario party and I’m like I have never had the want to play Mario Party you don’t like Mario Party no I’ve just never been like boy I could go for a rousing round of some Mario party what about like Mario Kart not really any Mario games not really you like Mario yeah this it going to be a weirdly shaped house just so you know I’m getting that Vibe I’m not a great Builder I do my best hey I would like more if once we get more materials I can make it look better but for now this is what we got look we work with what we have we work with our hands here at Ram Ranch work with my hand that’s 10 yeah no I don’t need that [Music] but do you have any stone what oh I found some never mind we’re good okay I was like I don’t think so is that [ __ ] Wolverine no he’s just loaded with arrows I just had 476 Stone where the [ __ ] did it all go there it is where are my stone bricks I don’t [ __ ] know don’t ask me man you’re scaring me I’m looking for him in the [ __ ] recipe book dude where am I [ __ ] crazy a little bit a little bit wellp oh it’s a furnace would you happen to have our furnace in your inventory hold on no you do not you do not luckily no we’re good oh [ __ ] this one’s [ __ ] purple I need my money colors give no tactical Advantage whatsoever I am an equal opportunity ass kicker snake would snake doesn’t say that he doesn’t say that yeah he does no he doesn’t he doesn’t he wouldn’t say that snake hates racism he does but he wouldn’t say that he wouldn’t say ass snake doesn’t say ass I don’t think I can’t think of a line where he swears I guarantee you Solid Snake [ __ ] swears right now legitimately I cannot think of a moment where he actually swears holy [ __ ] it’s metal gear not even not even he’s better than I would be oh [ __ ] it’s liquid wait what the [ __ ] are you doing again Aon shut the [ __ ] up Aon if you need to talk about what happened an anime otaku that that’s where I get the name Aon Aon it’s the early 2000s they aren’t ready to analyze male assault male assault there will be a Netflix show and then people will be open to do this course but not yet not yet not yet they aren’t ready for it the 2000’s public will simply call you gay and annoying do you want to end it soon we’re almost two hours after the house is built you want to end it let me get my [ __ ] in here it feels like it’s always night that’s because we were mining most of the day don’t night night I’m [ __ ] I forget where it was but it was a clip of I think Captain Sparkles in an smpp mhm and they go you know what they say uh don’t mine at night and he goes actually that’s wrong cuz if you go down then it decreases the amount of spawns on the surface and when the person heard that they just start clapping and go and that’s why you’re the [ __ ] goat that’s J schlatt I’m guaranteeing you that’s J schlatt I think it is because he has a like a like a sleep deprived one and with less predators no his whole thing was we have zero pedophiles on and then they had a Jeffrey Epstein join I just JL so [ __ ] funny I think he’s a great he’s one of the greats at this moment he’s one of the boys all right I’m kind of I like this house this isn’t too bad we will be able to make it better soon once we get more materials yeah didn’t you make like a oh by the way like I was like I don’t know why this got brought up but someone was talking to me about like what do you want like when you when you when I said when you grow up when you get a house what do you want in the house and I had like weird requirements and I started getting made fun of like in my house I’m like I need to have a fountain on in the yard I want a fountain I want stairs stairs are important and I also want a room that’s very that’s like that’s got like the bamboo on the floor you know what I’m talking about you mean you want to [Music] [ __ ] what are they called I don’t know ah [ __ ] uh Tommy mat room yeah why not [ __ ] is wrong with you I want one no they they grow mold how if you clean it you have to like do a lot of care for it I want it it’s the equivalent of like having a house planted except it’s an entire goddamn room what a nightmare I prefer my American carpage thank you I mean yeah dude that’s not your [ __ ] house oh and I don’t have enough rooms well I think we call it for today sit in sit in chair oh my life sucks sit in chair all right thank you all for joining good night everybody say good night dinner no say good night eat food okay bye they don’t get that

I say this a lot but this game is peak
#kirby #fypシ #mario #mariosupersluggers

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