I Found Minecraft’s Most Dangerous Glitch

this is me using a gamebreaking glitch I discovered to completely freeze and glitch out anyone’s game making it so they can see heal or do anything besides except death and I’m exploting this glitch because when I joined the server I quickly realized that everyone wanted me dead so I knew I needed to find one of the deadliest glitches in Minecraft if I wanted to survive the entire server and it all started when I led onto the glitch smpp you see this server gives you custom glitches ranging from teleportation to literal immortality but I would need two Pacific glitches to create Minecraft’s delus exploit with the first glitch being the virus glitch you see the virus glitch will be added to the server in 2 days in a PVP event that I’m going to need gear for and this glitch literally allows me to Blind my opponent’s screens every 60 seconds dog but since I just joined the server bro I don’t got no gear so I’m going to need some sort of base if I want to get myself started and luckily I was messaged by a player named s exotic where they offered him to help me get gear so obviously I said bet and after being given an elij by SP I flew directly to the base course that he sent me and I had arrived at the base yo yo what’s up bro what’s up oh you’re new to the server yeah I joined yesterday so you don’t have anything or a teammate or nothing yeah I don’t got no teammates you don’t have a teammate I can be your teammate cuz I mean I don’t I don’t have anybody else with this conversation I managed to get myself a teammate which will help a lot while I’m trying to get two of the strongest glitches since we’re practically going to be battling against the entire server since I’m not the only one who wants these glitches meaning I would need at least full netherite armor and maybe one other glitch to help me out but for the virus glitch EV but while we were grinding at this base I wasn’t getting nothing bro so me and SP needed to think of another plan to get gear wait do you have an actual base or no n oh yeah cuz this this base does not have many villagers so the trading process is kind of slow yeah but slush’s base his base has a lot and I’m guessing they’re like one of the strongest team um I mean I know that above had has has full netherite that’s all I know cuz whenever I found the base they were all in there slushy has full diamonds and she already saw him yeah yeah after talking with SP we decided that our best option would be either trying to raise someone’s base or kill someone and SP happened to know where one of the best bases on the server was which was owned by a player named slush Ley the player with the strongest team meaning if we killed him we could get mad gear or maybe even a glitch which is necessary if I wanted to get the virus glitch so when SP sent me their base cord I decided to use my elytra to fly to the cords to see what I was up against and that’s when I spotted a player on slush’s team and full netherite armor oh there a full nether I gu hell no bro and that’s when I realized I needed to get more gear and ASAP so I called up SP and told him to meet up at slush’s base to see what we could do to get gear because one way or another we were going to need netherite armor yeah I saw a kid in fool in NE right I was like no way oh yeah yeah yeah I was right here I was literally right here I saw a kid in fo another this base I think has the best stuff but there’s another base with like a ton of villagers but not that good not that good to get geared up SP apparently knew where another base was that we could use to get somewhat geared before attacking the biggest base on the server because dog my helmet’s on a durability and I have iron leggings and I was kind of considering just crash and now going into the base with this on but I decided to use my brain and not do that you want to come back in like 30 minutes yeah yeah all right where’s the other base that has the uh the villagers and after grinding at this other base I was completely geared and ready to raise slush’s base to see if I can kill any players or get any glitches we need this bro I need some loot you see any of them down there uh no I didn’t I didn’t see uh hex’s name cuz they went a little too far uh where’s the entry you should go first if you know is yeah yeah yeah down there down there you’re down there yeah SP spotted one of slush ley’s teammates inside of the base and since it was two of us all we needed to do is kill this player and loot up slush ley’s base and Escape so we can have Max gear but we needed to do this quickly because slush’s entire team was all in one call meaning if we start dropping this kid that the netherite guy might just get online and if that happens uh we need to run all right I just P up here I P up all right bet right here MH okay might a exic oh shoot I can’t get in there where they at oh slush’s on yeah y slush’s back here slush’s back here should we 2 one 2 one oh shoot their entire team’s on oh shoot uh we should probably run so uh we we did a horrible job at trying to drop slush’s teammate which caused slush’s entire team to log on including the netherite guys so we needed to make an escape immediately otherwise we would die and lose all of our gear which will make obtaining Minecraft’s Deli as glitch is impossible uh oh shoot Plus’s right here oh the netherite guys here uh what should we do oh there nether right guy trash come here come your helmet broke run out run out just go okay I’m going to run up okay okay okay I’m running okay is are you getting chased yeah okay okay two of them are in the base I can help you slushy I’m on slushy oh what the oh my gosh that looks so cool don’t get that person they’re both on me they’re both on me okay run around I’m in a one by one I mean One V one all I see I see wait first Focus next um I’m one y oh I’m I’m back at the base where we just okay I’m going run man they were waiting bro oh my God this is what happens you’re mortal oh shoot now I’m getting to you what happens with all hope seeming lost with SP dropping I actually managed to kill one of slush ley’s teammates but uh that was the weak link of their team and escaping these two players would be much harder especially with slush Ley having the TP glitch which allows him to teleport up to 50 blocks in any direction but despite him having this huge buff I needed to pick up the gear from the player I just killed I was our last chance at getting stats gear come on just give me the shoker bro okay I got some loot oh my gosh I’m running oh my gosh he’s a glitch wait I might be able to escape if you can if you can escape bro just like in that one video where you pear do that yeah I did that I just did that oh my gosh yeah I’m good I’m good oh my gosh I got the drop I got some loot from that I can give you some stuff back I got I got some a little bit of armor for you I have a fully Max sword for you and a a pickax I managed to escape this fight with fully stats gear and even has some extra gear to gear up SP right here here’s a free Sher box it has some nuggets in it sword pickaxe uh here’s some of the pods back but this attack on slush Le’s Bas didn’t leave him happy and because of it he was actively hunting down me and my teammate and after talking to him in DMS he was roasting my teammate too badly bro I know your goal I know why you’re here um you join servers you take over and that’s what you do and I understand see it’s not going to go like that this time around because the difference is all the servers you’ve conquered in the past they didn’t have me and like let’s be real it’s really is just me versus you because your teammate you beats your victim what be rythm you quick jop respectfully bro like get real bro if he offer you a free gear set bro you wouldn’t be on his team right now no that’s crazy so if this isn’t the best reason why we need the strongest glitches on the server then I don’t know what is but before we could even go for the virus and the freeze glitch I still would need to set a netherite and maybe even a glitch and just more gear overall so it was perfect when I was messaged by this player named Demi and they were offering me some gear someone messaged me yo what’s good if you need any gear let me know I’m stacked right now who is it uh doof I don’t know they start with a their name starts with a d we got Max villagers emeralds and all that got some gear sets webs gaps all that now I can’t lie I was a little suspicious of this offer there was no way they had all of this stats gear and just wanted to give it to me for free so I decided to question him and his response is that he had too much gear I’ve never heard anyone say that bro and he wanted me to meet up at his base but even though this deal seemed a bit suspicious I decided to accept because I could potentially get myself to set a netherite that I needed so I headed over to his base cords praying that it wasn’t a trap oh man I don’t want to die cuz if I actually die then I lose all of the gear that I need for the virus event uh300 heading to I’m heading to the cords 300 negative 1,300 hopefully I don’t get trapped inside the base or anything oh they’re right here they’re full another right with a totem okay stay back stay back stay back a little bit oh shoot there stat as freak yeah stay back they might give me nether right this player was fully stacked with full netherite armor and a totem and he didn’t start killing me yet so that’s a good sign but now he wanted me to go inside of his suspicious base and there could be a chance he could be allied with slush Ley and he could try and kill me but there was only one way to find out if he just if he starts doing anything uh I’ll pot up and just come right for me okay shoot oh okay oh my gosh what the the base is insane oh my gosh oh he has a oh he has a bunch of gas and stuff he didn’t give me armor give me a full Sher box and everything now this guy was actually being nice and gave me so much gear and everything but I wasn’t able to get netherite armor or glitch which is necessary for the virus event but you want to know who had on netherite hey buddy dang we know where this guy is he’s by himself I mean he’s in netherite too uh you want to try maybe yeah let me oh my gosh I’m about to grind at this guy’s B and kill him yeah this base is stats we need to be here dude oh he has he gave me extra totem take this oh he gave me a notch apple and after being given giv gear from this guy that I’m going to use against him I tow SP the cord so we could 2v one him Hey listen if he gave me the netherite armor then this would have never happened bro I need my netherite all right so you’re going to drop in and just start killing him yeah okay yeah I’m I’m right I’m right I’m right above you come here come here come here oh you already dropped that okay run run to him he just has no idea get him come here buddy he’s sping web him hold him get him get him get him he’s running he’s trying to leave no no no no no f it okay I’m on I’m on yeah I can’t find you I’m on him I’m at 3501 150 I’m destroying him oh my God I got him tight tight tight oh I see you I see you another ninja oh my God hey I mean this guy said he needed something to grind so hey I mean I helped him out right there jokes as S I managed to get the full netherite armor that I needed and now all I needed was one glitch before the virus event but while messaging the player I just killed he was asking me for his gear bag then I was considering just spinning back on him to kill him again and and then he mentioned something about a glitch now when I killed him I didn’t see a glitch but I decided to double check the only thing that’s actually anything is glitch wait you had a GL you had a glitch you want to check your inventory oh it’s there oh my gosh I have a glitch oh my gosh bro wait what glitch glitch glitch It’s Herobrine glitch what does it do how do I use it I was able to obtain my first glitch which was called the Herobrine glitch now this glitch gave me the chance to summon lightning every time I hit a player gave me the chance to boost my Satur ation every time I hit a player and granted me speed every time I took damage for the next 5 minutes you know the typical herob bran stuff but I also looks like him as well off hand for oh you have used herob herob herob I’m herrien on your screen yeah take wait take a screenshot yo what the heck I’m Herobrine Herobrine now having this glitch is decent but it’s nothing compared to virus or the freeze glitch because those glitches together allows me to fully freeze players and completely remove their Vision making it so they can’t eat see or do anything besides except death making it so you can drop some of the most stats players in second which is why I really wanted it and with me having full netherite armor and the glitch only 4 hours into the server I would like to say I was on the right track but now all I needed to do was wait on the virus event so in the meanwhile I decided to use a guy just killed base because as you can tell me and SP have been base hopping a lot and that’s because we don’t have a base so we just took this guy’s base I mean what is he going to do about it and for the next few days we continue to grind until I have fully stats gear even having more resources to make multiple sets of gear and you know Demi didn’t log on that one time while it was online so it’s just perfect but now it was time for the virus event and you may be wondering what is the virus event well the objective is pretty simple a YouTuber named Tai would join the server with pretty stats gear and more importantly the virus glitch equipped it to him and me and sp’s goal is to protect Tai for a full hour against the entire server and he’ll give me the virus glitch if he doesn’t die look at this look look at what this glitch does it’s actually freaking scary what the oh my gosh bro I need that that’s crazy I mean if I survive you got it yeah oh my gosh but if he does die the virus glitch will drop and it would be obtained by my enemies which would be a problem because if slush Ley gets his hands on the virus glitch it would make it very easy for him to stop me got two s tiers and a quick trop on one team is okay shut up you’re going to you’re getting quick jop buddy stop talking all look at your diamond sword right now and say that again you’re going to get quick drop your diamond sword you’re getting quick Dr you are a slly victim certified buddy now this is crazy we couldn’t let this slide and with the virus event starting very soon all we needed to do was protect Tai for one whole hour against the entire server we need it to lock in no get out get out get out get out all right okay let’s just let’s just try and get distance and then we can pick people off I don’t know what to do directly yeah neither do I now our best bet for taking on this group of about 12 players will be by picking them off when they least expected but since this event started at spawn the entire server was on us all at once and there’s about 20 different glitches on the server so we were being hit with glitches that we never seen before dude cuz there’s a lot of people oh my oh I just crashed I just crashed I just crashed oh are you kidding someone Pro on me and just crashed my game this crash glitch was temporary so I was able to get back on the server and we decided to stop running and try and pick off some of the weaker players but it definitely wouldn’t be long until their numbers overpower us oh Mad Mario with a drob yo uh nice oh I’m getting I’m getting scored right now yeah I’m getting jump bad uh yeah me too oh Sher doesn’t even have a helmet okay I need home bro we need we need to just run we just run go go go go go go go go y get on land over here I got you I’ll get him off pop what you pop I got everybody on me on my life everybody no there’s everyone on us no I’m no every single one bro well not every single one but most oh my God there’s a lot of people on this uh my armor did H like it took so many damage bro I really don’t know what to do right here bro I don’t got no more speed I don’t got no more speed that’s WS let’s try and mine maybe mine in a hole oh you’re dead oh not even 8 minutes into the event and SP was already dead meaning it was up to me and Ty to try and clutch up this fight against the entire server which was going to be hard because not even 17 minutes into the event I was already drain on my Essential resources and Tai was actively being attacked by like 20 people and with us having to survive 40 whole more minutes things weren’t looking promising but that’s when we decided to give our plan of separating fights and another chance go in lava go in lava go with them go with them let’s do it oh sorry sorry sorry I accident hit you I VI I VAR tou tou tou ni get him please no I glitched myself now we didn’t get the kill here but this shows that separating players could actually work so we decided to run for 15 minutes until Ty realized that there was only a few players on him this was our chance to get some drops you see me see me look look look look look look right here I don’t oh P me P me nice here here fire okay nice nice nice try fight try fight that’s did he got apple he got app yeah yeah yeah yeah what is he doing yeah he’s CED he’s trying to TV oh my God uh hex to just keep on dropping just keep on dropping I’ll get you though don’t hit him or else he’s going to kill you got out dead diead how how how yeah he should not be living there oh please nice oh my God that glitches to many glitches plan worked and we managed to drop two players and these players had two glitches on them the Pearl glitch and the invis glitch meaning I had a total of three glitches but you can only have two equipped at once so I decided to equip the Pearl glitch and as you should know this glitch allows me to teleport up to 50 blocks and this is slush ley’s glitch what makes it so much better since I killed him but this fight wasn’t over because the rest of the server started to show up so we started to start running again until we noticed there was only four players chasing does and with my new glitches me and Ty were confident that we could take on these four players we were going to take this 2v4 oh there’s four of us right here right have to right now oh I I five poison doing D I’m with you my helmet oh I could have xped you bro I didn’t know oh we should have done that CL I’m I’m behind you if you still can is that better yeah better but yeah half half half which is kind of bad drop cords it does no fire EG virtual giag has no fire EG okay oh my [Music] God I I think we run yeah we cuz it’s still 10 minutes and I only have 29 XP now cuz I’ve been fighting even though we completely destroyed those players in the 2v4 we needed to start running again because we were running low on XP and it was 10 whole minutes left and at this rate we wouldn’t survive but that’s when I got an idea I technically could just kill Ty and get the virus glitch off of him and I know there’s people probably saying you’re so lame you’re so lame listen two people have been fighting the entire server for about 50 minutes all right let it go sor after running for 5 minutes to escape our enemies me and I met up again so I could kill him and obtain the virus glitch uh yeah it might just be worth killing you so if you can just uh me me me no no no no no [Music] I’m nice nice nice nice okay GG I was able to kill Tai and escape with the virus glitch one of the two glitches I needed to create Minecraft’s delus exploit with the second glitch I need being free you see the freeze glitch will be granted to the player who wins the corruption trials which is just another event but the freeze glitch is the most important glitch for my exploit because that’s the glitch that makes it so players can’t move or heal making it so you can drop some of the best players while the virus glitch is more like a cherry on top making it so people can’t see as well but the point I’m trying to make is a freeze glitch is very important so my quest to obtain it was about to begin but if you’re watching the video this far then you should subscribe I’m in a 500K sub race with this YouTuber named render and he got 94,000 subscribers last month bro please help me think about it if everyone watching this video subscribes right now I could probably pass them in a sub race off one video bro please help and you can get more videos like this off subscribing bro just please please do it bro but back to my quest to obtain the freeze glitch you see the only way to get the freeze glitch would be by winning the corruption trials event which I was going to need gear for and after this huge fight I was drain up out of every resource so I needed to go back to the base I was using for the past 2 days which belonged to the player that I killed earlier but there’s a problem him and his entire team was online and you might be thinking well just go to the base later well the corruption trials event starts tomorrow so I needed to start getting geared now or I just wouldn’t win the event luckily at the most perfect time I was messaged by one of the players who owned the base I was using where they added me to a group chat so they could talk to me now I really don’t know or really care why I just need myself a base all right um okay so obviously you now have like full glitches now right uh think four or five yeah and obviously you can only carry you can carry two you know on your little thingy so I was wondering I give you like an IOU maybe I could I could obtain two of those glitches two damn two is kind of crazy Two glitches is kind of crazy how many glitches do you have I have n we have none you took our only one bro you took our only one it seems like these players really Oliver and demop fire are just really interested in my glitches and I ain’t trying to hear all that I’m just trying to get myself a base all right but since they one my glitches there’s a high chance that they just want to kill me and as the conversation went on I mentioned how I needed a base so they told me I could use theirs which is what I needed but I was still Sessy that this was just a trap or something you’re aware of where our BAS is right so yeah you want to meet to the base cuz you can just like get XP from there like men stuff and all that are you going to try and kill me no I won’t don’t worry all are you going to alert the entire server that I’m at your base I want at my base people at our base stupid man I ain’t going to lie I didn’t understand a word they just said so just pretend they said something like oh I don’t want no one at my B why would I leave or something all right and I ain’t going to lie I didn’t know if I could trust them or not but after weighing my options I realized being on good terms with these players wouldn’t be a bad idea since I really needed a base and with the entire server wanting to kill me for my virus glitch and the corruption trial event coming up an extra set of teammates wouldn’t hurt so I decided to trust them plus I mean who wouldn’t want flame frags on their team come on it’s four of us I mean we already use your base I mean can we be like an alliance game is game yeah yeah we can Alliance is fine okay okay okay it’s probably like good idea just casually using our base I kind of I kind of thought that would happen but I I’m was sure now with a base on the server to use again I was able to gear up until I was completely ready for the corruption trials now you may be wondering what is the corruption trials well it’s pretty simple based on your skill on the tier list you will be given us set amount of points for example since I’m the best player I’m worth 10 points while this player named Matt Maru is like one of the worst players they’re only worth two points and if you kill a player you’ll steal their points and added to your count by the end of the week the top two players with the most points will One V one for the freeze glitch but if a player dies during the corruption trials they are permanently eliminated and cannot get the freeze glitch so to sum it up I need to kill players with the most points and just not die which might be a bit challenging since everyone wants to kill me for my glitch and my journey for the freeze glitch started when a player named nefi asked for me to come to spawn now nefi is one of slush’s teammates and normally when one of your enemies are trying to meet up with you then they’re not trying to hang out it was pretty obvious that he was trying to kill me so I decided to bring really Oliver with me and give him the invis glitch since I didn’t plan to use it okay I’ll give you the invis glitch I don’t know if I’m necessarily need it back just don’t please don’t die with him I promise I and with me and Oliver ready just in case of a fight we decided to have to spawn to see what nefi wanted I mean it can’t be something good if he put this on Twitter last night bro cool up fire boy like dog hello uh flame frags and Oliver so I guess I guess kind of me and me and VD kind of B you both here cuz honestly flame you’ve been doing some bad stuff recently I I feel like you’ve noticed that I mean I haven’t done much haven’t haven’t done much haven’t done much yeah haven’t done much all right well anyways I don’t think anyone has been here to stop you oh okay what is just going to be you now nefi just basically declared war against my entire team and threatened to kill me to remove me from the corruption trial preventing me from getting the freeze glitch and stopping me from obtaining Minecraft’s deadliest exploit but this was good for me because I needed some kills if I wanted to be top two and with the virus glitch now in my hands I wasn’t scared of anything if Wars would a foly and slutly want then so be it because I was willing to do anything to obtain Minecraft’s deadliest exploit someone cannot see y he has invis glitch he has yeah I’m kind of being Tri out if you could help oh my God and as this fight commence I was spamming my virus glitch with my 60-second cool down and even spreading it to multiple players oh no again what is the cool down spread to multiple people oh that’s crazy this is the strongest glitch until Oliver was starting to run out of golden apples and slutly started to pull up so we were being outnumbered too hard so obviously we decided to run away and with my Pearl glitch in Oliver’s Trident we managed to easily get away but I didn’t manage to get any kills meaning I was still in sixth place now don’t try to win the corruption trials I needed a way to get myself some kills otherwise I wouldn’t get the freeze glitch but little in the know I had a ace of my sleeve you see after I attacked slush ley’s team at their OG base they decided to make a secret one so I couldn’t just jumped them out of nowhere but back before the virus event started SP somehow managed to find exactly where their secret base was now I have no idea how he keeps finding all these bases but hey I ain’t complaining so knowing that slush’s team will most likely be regaring after the fight we just had our team decided to speedrun rear and pull up to slush ley’s base to try and catch some lacking I needed the points if I wanted to get out of six place okay okay okay log in loog in he’s here he’s here he’s here okay I’m a pot 1 2 3 okay where’s the entrance it’s right here where oh is it right here yeah it’s right here okay I’m jumping straight down he jumped in the bubble colum oh there’s two of them here oh what they’re running they have all their shers down three shers get virtual Dragon got up don’t let virtual Dragon know either way cover it up here cover it up cover it up cover it up you want to talk right all right we need to stop screaming all right can you cover up the entrance virtual Dragon just tugging okay entrance been blocked up okay virtual dragon is going for it don’t let him get it going V’s like running down to like okay he’s run running I’m going to leave him wait why why leave them it’s fine no new has the better gear like yeah yeah just it’ be better wheel just dankly we managed to get the drop on them completely unexpected for some reason Oliver thought it was a good idea to let virtual Dragon get away since quote unquote nefi has the better gear but that just makes no sense because if virtual has worse gear that means we can drop her quicker and then get nefi my team is literally letting points get away bro and then out of nowhere they just start getting in my way and start selling me bro he disguises me okay he no name name tag okay we need to stay on them don’t jump in the freaking hole oh my gosh you’re in the way you’re get to be killed don’t jump in the hole don’t jump in oh my gosh you’re letting him get out oh we need to patch this up we need to patch this up we do you got you guys got to get off him you can’t stay directly on him guys can you not get directly on him can one if you block up the entrance please yeah I’m I mean I’m on them someone someone else block yeah I’m I’m blocking I’m blocking you find him no bro you guys are in my way bro come in in this is exactly what I mean because of my teammates our enemies managed to get away which means I didn’t get any points again but we did manage to Rob our enemy base completely stealing all of their loot one uping them in this war but man I really got to get out of six plays but out of complete nowhere after leaving their base I spotted a chance to get some points oh I see Striker wait what yeah yeah yeah oh the pide the portal outside the portal wait wait wait wait wait wait wait [Music] what I don’t know where you guys are dude no you got to come back to the portal I just B them they just might die are you guys in the Nether um I’m in the nether right now I’m about to Jo VC with them okay okay flame flame flame flame flame flame Flame I want all his items what then what’s the P wait get on the surface okay pop me pop me I’m I’m about to I’m about to like die from fire B me okay get on the surface what offer are you giving right now you better make it worth it if you think if you want me to spare this player what about what about uh what about 38 ancient debris you do not have 38 ancient debris surely he doesn’t have 38 Asian debris get get in here I need you in here right now okay okay okay okay okay okay all right 38 Asian debris now you may be wondering why am I trading with this player if I need points and so that I got to say so I might have been Mega trolling I am so sorry oh bro you so I am so sorry but the Ops have been re feeling too powerful so I’m sorry I’m going have to put you down thanks for 38 hent debris you actually have that on youler yes damn a full set of gear 38 hent debris dixler bro why you got this two stacks of Diamonds oh my gosh man that’s going to put you guys in some DE after this kill I was in third place one position away from getting the freeze glitch and you know I also got 38 hent debris oh my gosh but if I wanted to get into first place then I would need to kill a player named quag you see quag is on the top of the tier list with 25 points and if I’m able to kill him then I can still L points and being first place by a long shot ensuring I could be a finalist for the corruption trials and one step closer to obtaining the freeze glitch and a 1 V one against the person who also places top two so I started off simple by heading to quack’s base and casually started to 1v2 him and his teammate for a good 10 minutes but that’s until slush Ley started to be a D1 hater and invited himself to my fight since obviously his goal was to stop me so obviously I had to run away and this chance to kill quack was out the window but just 2 days later after I decided to take a little break from the server I was being told by my teammates that quack was led out at our base after using it for the past 2 days and even kicking my teammates out the base while I was gone like what so obviously I wasn’t going to let this slide especially since I needed to kill him in order to get into first place so me and my team decided to wait an hour for him to log on until finally oh he’s here on is on where yeah his out is on his out of L is on oh he’s down there down there down there down there down there right here right here right here got him got him yeah right here he’s right here don’t let him get out block the exit someone block the exit all I’ll block it I’ll block it I block yeah bro I’m getting hit by my own teammates guys you guys are killing me you guys are killing me what the you guys need better aim what do you guys aiming it okay I I wasit he’s escaping oh I got it I he’s gone oh no he’s not I see him where are you I’m cing on him hold on wait really no I see him I see him oh I see him no he’s in a one by one right here really yeah right here does not help uh 630 negative two 1,200 1,300 I mean oh y he yeah this something broke on him oh god really got him got him got him w w I have 43 points now holy crap W oh my go with this kill I was now in first place meaning all I had to do was One V one the other finalist of the corruption trials in order to get the freeze glitch and create Minecraft deli’s exploit but slush Ley wasn’t happy about me being in first place so much so that he rallied the the entire server to pull up and destroy our entire base and after a longfall battle of our team trying to stop them from destroying everything with us being outnumbered we were unsuccessful resulting in our entire base being destroyed all because of slutly trying to one up me in this war with him constantly roasting my teammates and being the number one player for all my issues on the server I needed to stand up to him to prove I wasn’t a joke and I wasn’t going to let him win this war against me and I had the perfect chance to prove this when the day of the corruption trials I decided to look at the leaderboard and saw slush Ley in first place how does bro have 81 points what now 81 points is kind of insane it was pretty obvious that people just let him kill them so he can place in the top two but I wasn’t complaining this is exactly what I needed because this means I’ll be one V oneing slush Le for the freeze glitch and this was going to be my opportunity to prove myself so as the entire server rallied around our Arena it was time for me and slly to end this all thank you all for joining it’s a very important dual today lots of effort was put into gaining the points you guys see above their heads whether it be the people they killed or the people they um tricked now before the fight begins there was one key factor about the points that I forgot to mention you see for every 25 points you have you’re able to make a rule for this duel so since I have 40 points I can only make one rule while slly on the other hand can make three custom rules we’re going to start with um slush’s rules because he’s got three slush ley’s rules are as follows flame frags is not allowed to use the virus glitch for this fight yeah reing that soer boy yeah yeah reaching that poer boy yeah yeah secondly my son buddy slle has granted himself access to bypassing the god Apple Limit Oh no I’m not sparing you anymore and last but not least blushly is also granted a rule on this fight instead of the freeze glitch being the prize for winning slush Ley is allowed to use it against flame that’s crazy yeah buddy that actually was a little unseen on my end I didn’t know that was going to be a thing slush’s rules are insane I wasn’t able to use my virus glitch slush Ley could carry over the god Apple limit meaning he definitely had mad Notch apples in the strongest rule of them all slush Ley was able to use the powers of the freeze glitch meaning he could completely freeze me in place and prevent me from healing every 60 seconds oh my gosh making it very possible that he could drop me while on the other hand uh I completely forgot to make a rule so with these huge advantages that slutly had over me in this fight and with it being near impossible for me to drop him with enchanted golden apples I was going to have to rely on sheer combat and my ability to break his armor if I wanted to show I was determined to obtain the freeze glitch and this fight would be my best chance to do so all righty ladies and gents slush Le are you prepared for this fight I’m prepared flame frags are you prepared for this fight course the fight will commence on my firework [Music] explosion good luck [Music] [Music] oh that’s very strong what the hell I need that all right get it done [Music] now what glitch is this now I can’t even hit you what is the immortal player do in the face of immortality how long is that what the [Music] crazy where the hell did you go oh no die actually please do I’ll be all right [Music] [Music] I was losing the fight slush’s glitches were just too strong and he managed to pop my toe if I don’t turn this fight around I’ll be humiliated in front of the entire server and slush Le would have truly one uped me and my entire team and worst of all slly would be able to keep this glitch meaning Minecraft’s deadest exploit would be in his hands which he could use to torment me in my entire team but if you thought this fight was over just because he has these glitches then you’ll be far from the truth because I have something that no one has on the server to put it simple I got that dog in me [Music] that GL I hate that glitch but I want it so much [Music] oh oh GG oh you have an extra set of armor okay realistically you only carried a set and my armor is fully healed and I still have XP [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] oh you have how many sets of fire oh no someone has no fire r [Music] eat [Music] [Music] yes holy crap my boots are on 36 oh my gosh that was extremely close I’ll give you that GG that was oh no that was so close bro oh my gosh yeah you did a lot better than I than I thought I’ll be honest and with this win I had obtained the freeze glitch meaning Minecraft’s Del’s exploits were now in my hands and most importantly I Pro to my enemy I had the power to conquer the entire server despite everyone being against me but if if you enjoyed this video then click the video on the screen in this video I ended an entire YouTuber smpp using a crown with some crazy powers and while you’re at it please subscribe bro I’m trying to win the sub race but until next time peace

I Found Minecraft’s Most Dangerous Glitch

Flame’s Discord (Texture Pack, Mods, & Settings):

Flame’s Feather Cosmetics (Cloak):

Make Your Own SMP (Use Code “FlameFrags” for 25% Off):

Flame’s Twitter/X:

Flame’s Other Socials:

BTW This server has loads of admins so if you see anyone flying or in spectator most likely they are moderating an event.

The way the story is told and the personas played in this video may be exaggerated for humor or storytelling purposes. Any jokes made are not meant to be taken seriously!


calm lul vid

#flamefrags #minecraft


  1. best vid in the channel bcs it has good video length, its smp content, it has tai in it, it is super entertaining and makes me feel like doing some grinding ๐Ÿ‘

  2. Slushly: flame drags canโ€™t use the virus glitch,no god apples limit and I can use the freeze glitch

    Flame: gets two piece combo

    Hex: OH MY GOD

    Flame: nah I will show you the true power of the dog named flamefrags *

    slushly was slain by flamefrags with *[ITS JUST BIG ME]

  3. Idk but killing the guy who gave u the herobrine glitch is actually smth like i dont know man๐Ÿ˜‚ but im happy you posted the viedos and i would like u to join the hoplite battle royals if u can ?

  4. ok i dont wanna be rude but how is it a glitch if its on purpose also why is he allways fighting against the whole server and the solo team invites him

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