Minecraft – BREAKING INTO CRAZY NEIGHBORS HOME! (Minecraft Roleplay)

I swear Hector has the messiest yard in the neighborhood I know right it looks like a duster who put the toilet in front of the yard I mean does he know what if you got to keep talking like that look wake them up oh okay okay um sorry guys I need to go home my uncle and aunt I’m visiting in ten minutes I gotta go clean up the no mess or else you know I don’t know what’s coming in there we’re not gonna find dracco without you just text them back or just text them back and say oh you’re busy um what’s a good excuse say you’re busy um you’re on an errand and you can’t make it home it you had a doctor’s appointment yeah you’re at a doctor’s appointment just text that I have to clean okay fine don’t worry you can stall time we need to find Rocco okay do you want Drago to say as a gnome forever lovely come on let’s just go cross the yard and funny we can help Luna after with her problems right we can help clean it up yeah okay let’s go maybe hey what do you mean maybe we have to I don’t want to do it the secret girls are coming whoo oh you guys he ran into his house his eyes are shut and he’s barricading the window you think he was sleep walking wait do you see Drac Oh chuckles on the shelf he is come on we have to find a way to go save him maybe he didn’t lock the front door huh Gold sorry fit okay we have to be quiet okay okay let’s go what what do you mean okay I’m sorry I wasn’t looking I’ll be more careful I’ll look on the ground now Gold stop stop it stop making noise Hey look I always wanted a rocking chair how do I look at it do not sit on it it will make a sound yeah me Hector might have fired on it you I’m gonna hit ya it’s not opened he lofted he’s smart but is he awake as he’s sleepwalking it looks like he was sleepwalking maybe we could find another way around okay oh wait I left one of the windows upstairs open how do we get up there how do we get up there obviously by stacking these tiny stools come on let’s just grab one it doesn’t work we’ll just grab some good idea funny you what go well just goro Sumter we’ll borrow it we’ll put it back after I swear or I’ll give you some more come on Luna what are you doing you’re digging too much yeah he’s gotta know actually I don’t think he’ll notice it’s kind of messy see upstairs Shh quiet let’s just go can you make the jump did anyone bring more dirt I can just take it from here ah okay put it there and then we’ll jump on the dirt and go to straight through the window mmm gold come on you guys are bad at this okay super secret agent funny well if you were you would fall out of gold accidently now lunar isn’t a good super secret agent whew all done come on now let’s get up here okay what the heck is all of this you guys she’s quiet squeeze in oh don’t push me pointy okay whoa why so many potatoes he’s a potato maniac is it a potato maze funny we got to figure our way through here it’s a potato where is he Oh believe in don’t leave it you I am come on let’s find our way out on lunar which one’s Drago is this one Drago I’m just gonna try it that’s not a rock oh stop wasting the potion we don’t have a lot less Rocco’s here yeah okay oh I’m a cookie love stew his eyes look close is lit is he awake just kidding night oh okay yeah Hector has sleep talking okay he’s asleep Tucker I don’t think he’s gonna wake up he’s probably a really heavy sighs I don’t think any of these gnomes are Drago do you have a feeling you can sense Drac oh yeah why is that ya sound like you don’t know uh it’s you know maybe just maybe since I wasn’t known for maybe I can sense he was human heard if it works that way do you want some pancakes hey what those pancakes actually look really good oh this who’s in my house spying you you gonna – secret agent girl you guys you have to go in funny get in here huh JK don’t worry he’s sleeping don’t know when he’s gonna wake up hey let’s go back out I think we’re safe we don’t need to hide in here we got to find Jack oh okay um is this drunk oh right here on the crib I think it’s him yeah Hector’s taking care of him you know feeding him milk and and baby food treating him like a baby yeah I think this one’s Jacko maybe let’s try it no it’s not dracco ah there’s no luck nope maybe you might have more gnomes around here somewhere Hector eats breakfast everywhere doesn’t he that’s kind of gross buddy it’s my gumball machine whoa I’m gonna go and take it back no don’t take it back yet we have to find Drago first you could take it back after okay okay come on oh look Hector even brushes his teeth in the kitchen that’s weird this he has a pet is it a dog a kitty a rabbit what is it I never knew Hector had a dog doesn’t this food will look really big for a pet maybe he owns a giant dog or a cat or a Bigfoot a sasquatch really a sasquatch you cannot actor out of all people on the sasquatch well it’s in a sasquatch a myth a gregster where are you Rex yelling good hide go hide 20 find a place to hide hurry the close it more closer oh my god I’m so tired who’da stop breathing don’t breathe sorry my legs are so short I smell some vermin in here Ricks did you poop on the floor again rats is huge he look so scary wait he might open this closet door come on let’s just put on these clothes yeah hurry there you are boy how you doing today everyone get on his gnome clothes and stay still pickles I’m going to pamper you up so you stay here and eat up a delicious dinner for you What’s Wrong boy I needed to stop going to garage sales huh probably close calls close I guess we do look like gnomes than if he believed we were especially lunar actors awake now lunar maybe you can wear this disguise on and go around here you look like a gnome good idea and did she look like an O ye should I or should I take it off no you should take it off only lunar lunar you look like a cute little chubby gnome hey you should be complimented okay what that dog oh that wasn’t even a dog that was like a giant werewolf it wasn’t even I think it is a werewolf why was he calling it a little puppy told you it was a beast wait you guys where did that dog right there what are you talking about oh wait I forgot you can’t see it yeah I’ll show you sooner come stand on this ironing board okay oh don’t bow don’t let it see us I see you know where is that Drago I think I might be dragged off you see Drago I think yeah yeah are you sure that’s drac oh I don’t know you keep saying everything’s Jacko do we do you really want to get that from that giant puppy slash werewolf usually in video games the most important item is always in a glare and that is the lair Jacko it’s definitely a doghouse it’s not a lair yes but that dog looks very very scared yeah what if Hector took dracco because his dog needed a new toy okay okay everyone line up time for an inspirational speech get off hey turn okay everybody there is a giant werewolf puppy thing out there that looks like it definitely looks like a werewolf but Hector thinks it’s a puppy there’s a giant puppy out there and it has dracco in its evil lair our goal is to go out there and get that weird-looking gnome back that’s drac oh okay yeah we’re not getting caught we must take out the Beast what take what no you can’t take it out it’s Hector’s pet that’s that thing is that thing we can’t and Jane has goals so it’s howling and games don’t you take out the beast first and then you save the princess no but how are supposed to tear that name when it’s ten times wait why’s the door open what What’s Wrong boy hi clucks Hector Oh grazie what where is he Hector’s back there I think it sees us you guys you like the sound don’t you to just tap Oh the wolf likes dancing I mean the puppy okay then we can send lure out to dance with the wolf are you crazy yeah I am tiny and you want me to waddle out there to my death looter you literally look like a gnome you can waddle out there come on how about some food before you get out there you know put on that nice smell for the dog whoo I’m tired go rest boy wait now you’re making me people who might be coming in you guys just and I think I saw he had cucumbers on his eyes it’s okay you can’t see as long as you be quiet all right here here’s some swamp water I don’t know why a swamp I that’s pretty disgusting no do not put swamp water you must smell like Hector or I’ll stack you you come over here and you stop but it’s nice okay but it smells so bad nope you don’t really want water on her one for the team I’m gonna pour it on lunar Shh stay still okay yeah she smells like oh no not now hold this this ham sandwich you smelly girl yeah okay I wanna walk out there the bottle typical go down with the wolf come on let’s watch it okay it’s not doing anything so they’re so good Oh Oh what is wait God Oh No oh it’s you is it jumping with or trying to bite her I don’t know I can’t tell she seems fine okay cool let’s go let’s go me get out there funny go okay oh no it’s gonna bite her grab the note grabbing it haha who’s looking yes oh it sounds run run run run run run hold you after the dark oh oh no wait Luna fine lunar stay still open that door Oh nobody we’re gonna die we gotta leave right now mmm-hmm stay still tell us 180 puppy will you guys just stole his toy will you expect it’s it’s for a friend that thing’s looks really creepy Oh go back for a buddy your trap I mean Hector is over there so we gotta be really careful how about lunar maybe don’t break the glass deal with making it well I have no choice see okay hey lunar I’ll take the broom I’ll try breaking it lunar okay is that hole big enough for you oh come on in no no it’s too fat it’s still howling come on out of here oh my gosh damn right pie no Hector oh he’s coming through the window honey that’s it I’m out of here he can’t fit no wait good luck what he’s stopped he’s stuck and Hector sleeping that’s right mr. wolf you cannot get a hey how about I go get my gumbo machine since the wolf is stuck are you crazy he still I really want to go back for your gumball machine yeah he stole it from me it doesn’t matter don’t go back for it you know what gold follow your dreams okay follow your dreams to your dad whoa oh oh I did it okay success why’s that hacker doesn’t wait yet like we’ve been super noisy sheesh he’s a jingle skirt what did he’s a heavy sleeper he’s wearing some sort of skirt on Shh we just have to sneak across him it’s that simple boy where you at he’s gotta hit us with this stick Oh heading he’s patting her head stay still lunar don’t you is that you you’ve gotten smaller woof look hmm well compared to that thing and a little bit chubbier wha huh come on we can’t touch lunar okay time to sleep is that all he does he just sleeps all day sleeps eats potatoes and has really good facial products did you see it he put cucumbers on his eyes and he hunts for gnomes on his spare time maybe he just really likes to be fabulous now like Luna said just put this is gonna be Drac okay I’m gonna grab the potion and drop it on you ready to see this I’m ready yeah okay um lunar well why did nothing happen looter I guess he’s the wrong one what what’s what wait Luna what do we do now why is she running lunar she’s ditching us she doesn’t want to go back in that scary house well it’s not like we could go to all 100 of his gnomes and drop this on him wait did I just see someone throw the garbage over there who’s that is that Drac oh I think it is come on let’s go check it out lunar we found Drago gold do you see that yeah we turned him back to human what that’s insane hey Jenelle then o P oh hey Rocco the gnome who turned back to human right how was how was the gnome life yeah how is it living and how are you talking about yeah what did Hector do what what are you talking about you know her no lost his memory oh yeah because he was a gnome yeah Hector I was never known yes you were remember I think I would know if I remember when we bought the supplies for lunar and you had to drop them off at her house yeah um she asked you to throw out some trash and then she dropped a potion and turned everything around her into gnomes I didn’t throw out her trash what were you doing then I left to move in that wasn’t even track Oh and not to mention it probably wasn’t even our gnome Oh oh my god oh so you’re saying we broke into a crazy old man’s house while he was sleeping to save you we almost got eaten by a wolf or a beast and you were here the whole time moving in yeah I can’t believe we broke into Hector’s house to get a gnome that wasn’t even Drago Drago you suck for not picking up your phone what that’s not even my fault yeah here have some swamp water and some weird potions I’ll turn you into back into a gnome if you were not okay thanks for the housewarming gifts I guess oh yeah tell us when you finish moving in yeah we want my mower should we find a lunar oh boy she did run out of time I think she was lying about how she could sense gnomes you know yeah well remember we kind of promised we would help her clean up so let’s go find her first and then we could help her after she’s probably already back at her home just saying I don’t think so she ran really far that way fine okay come on let’s go find her let’s go you

Minecraft – BREAKING INTO CRAZY NEIGHBORS HOME! (Minecraft Roleplay)
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▼ Credits!

Funneh – http://bit.ly/Funneh
Rainbow – http://bit.ly/PaintingRainbows
Draco – http://bit.ly/DraconiteDragon
Lunar – http://bit.ly/LunarEclispe

Music is by Kevin MacLeod

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  1. I love all your videos they’re just amazing call there I don’t know what they’re called but they’re just so amazing and it’s amazing like diamonds in the sky and when I ever I watch your videos they always comments and yeah🥺🥺

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