Base Progess, Cute Bears & More! | Hermitcraft 10 | Ep.19

welcome back everybody to another hermitcraft intro wait what’s that up there what is that it looks like me doing another hermitcraft intro wait what welcome back to another her wait didn’t I just say that and look there’s me again what’s going on welcome back to hang on this is weird oh no it’s happening again well stop I don’t like it it’s making me feel what right what is going on in that window up oh it’s gone oh thank goodness anyway welcome to her oh no oh no is that me begging people to Subs Please Subscribe Please Subscribe Please Subscribe Please Subscribe Please Subscribe Please Subscribe I don’t want to talk about how long that intro took for me to make or figure out how to edit it was painful but anyway welcome back to hermitcraft season 10 where yes all my businesses are failing uh and I’m not okay with it so I’ve had to compensate because I need a way of getting diamonds somehow so I went mining for 2 hours nearly and now we have this over a 100 diamond ore and we’re going to mine them I’ll I’ll cut to when I’m done although I’ve just noticed there’s a villager in with my horse there and I have no idea how that happened oh that felt so good and I can already see by our inventory four and a bit stacks of diamonds 266 to be precise this means I can buy stuff again and I don’t have to go and collect materials oh that’s nice that’s really nice now we’re going to head to spawn not to spend all the diamonds at once although it is tempting but instead to finish the interior of our shop here have we sold any honey just from the tree no no no no of course not this is the one I care about though because I’m two diamonds yes yes oh my gosh finally 100 diamonds from one shop that means we can buy our 100th trophy we’re going to take the 100 diamonds out leave the six there and we have to buy one of these with a diamond block but we get to keep the rest of this oh for more spending yes I love spending now we can display this proudly I think we have to use an item frame yeah boy now all we have to do is decorate this honey shop because surely this will bring in some customers o I could do like a really cool transition here where I break down all this and the interior is fixed cuz at the moment the interior is just like this still o do I do it though it’s going to be a lot of work do I do it oh yeah I think we do it because if we break this door here we now have an interior oh my gosh now I want to say something this the back of my head there we go that’s the front of my head 4 hours 4 hours this has taken maybe even longer maybe 5 hours including the fact I had to go and gab them on Moss and aelia leaves which you’ll see in a second but I just want to state that this was stupid the transition was stupid and it’s your fault okay you made me do this because like yeah it was fun for like 5 seconds but 5 hours I’ve wasted okay calm down Joel calm down let me show you the interior so firstly where is the honey kept it’s here honey for sale and you misspelled that Joel well this is why we’ve got my attempt at building Winnie the Pooh here and he’s uh eating a big pot of honey don’t know how we got in here through this small little entrance but he’s there there’s also a little bee over here as well and a torch get rid of that now get rid of that now go but yes Winnie the Poo look at him he’s loving all his big pot of honey and Winnie the Poo spells his honey like this h u n n n y honey but we’ve stacked up the shop with loads of honey and we’ve also reduced the price to Four Diamonds I’ve also added on something here special honey song want to hear the honey song If You’re sure press here and Bam nothing happens I haven’t added it in yet we’re going to do that now but before we do it let’s just have a look around here as you can see we got his big you and we’ve got uh some honey lying around just like overgrown and leaves the bee coming out of the bit over there I’m I’m really happy with this I think it looks awesome I think it looks very cool and I hope it encourages people to buy some blowing honey so we can make some sales because so far we’ve already made 66 diamonds this is meant to be a diamond permit this is going to be a good one buy my honey it’s probably because we don’t have the song in yet let’s add in the song just kidding I’ve spent about you know 45 minutes just trying to get my honey honey song uploaded onto this music disc uh so instead for now we’ve just got cat um yeah so let’s just put not working for now as it’s just going to keep playing cat and not my song hopefully we’ll have that fixed later but the Honey Shop is open for business and thank goodness I don’t have to deal with this big old tree anymore I love it but I don’t want to touch it again for a while but we’re back at our base now just having a look around it’s pretty nice here isn’t it it’s quite cool however there’s a lot of things behind the scenes that are not cool starting with all these buildings here which just lead to nowhere so let’s have a little go at working on this area shall we getting the inside set up and I think it’s time we added some trees in and made this bar looking mountain look less bare and I’m not talking about the animal cuz that would make no sense but let’s start off by sorting out this villager stuff here firstly let’s grab our Beacon as we’re going to need to clear out a decent amount of this Stone and let’s also grab ourselves some birch wood which is going to be used for the floor in this big hole Yeah it’s just a hole it’s not exciting and now we have this lovely big space to do stuff in I’ve also gone ahead and linked the temple up here or down I should say to here as well which is perfect now this is going to be probably one of the most boring things to set up as I hate villagers and I hate myself because I have to do it and I know it’s going to be painful to collect a zombie so maybe I’ll just cut to footage of that right [Music] now okay that’s definitely not going to work I’ve had another idea found this zombie spawner here when looking for the cave cuz the zombie noises were annoying me ah let’s see if we can get oh my gosh that’s a lot of zombies already um do any of you fellas want my swords here’s a sword here’s a sword yes okay so now I have to kill the two no okay oh I accidentally killed one of the ones with a sword okay he’s now got a sharpness sword this could be bad let’s see if we can lay him somewhere ah not up here lovely give me that sword back okay you are the first chosen silly boy welcome dangerous dangerous dangerous oh you’ve got me torches I see I see how about inside my torches you take this lovely sword yes okay we’ve got silly boy number two all right now what let’s just leave them there for now and we’ll make our way over from the top and this is probably going to take a while we got to dig all the way down to a similar level and I’ve got to make a long water source sort of thing going down to here I believe we’re nearly there I can hear them well I could a second ago there you go but I’m worried about them hitting me all we need to do now is make this into a bubble elevator which we should be able to do without drowning now we’ve actually got good respiration all right let’s break this and it should shoot us all the way to the top pop down a couple of boats let’s see if we can get these silly boys in the water stream somehow follow me silly boys oh what’s that oh no oh what’s happening to you oh you silly boys where you going silly boys I’ll meet you at the surface and the hope it is when I get to the surface they should be there waiting for me and the Moment of Truth oh no hey silly boy what you doing here silly boy I’ve gone in free cam mode Bros just stood here go through oh no all right I need to be careful here cuz this guy could probably kill me come get me you silly boy but now I’m the silly boy as I’ve got to make my way back up here I’m going to leave this here though for the future in case for some reason one of the silly boys does something silly and dies now we have two silly boys in two silly boats welcome now the hard part oh they hit hard first let’s see if we can break these oh gosh that’s not what I wanted to happen oh oh oh my gosh that was not part of the plan this is not good this is not what I was trying to do okay okay let me break this how is he doing that excuse me the reals were even powered oh well it worked can I break him out of both the mine cart oh oh there we go done all right this guy hits so hard yes okay give me my stuff ow that’s one silly boy in oh my gosh these guys are so I hate I hate zombies stop hitting me get moving go ow oh my gosh the range on this fella is unbelievable how can he hit me from there come on come this way all right let’s try and break the boat no oh my gosh okay this is not good this is not good maybe if I send another mine cart down it’ll pick him up nope there we go he’s in he’s in now don’t kill me just go thank goodness for that okay now we got to break the mine cart without kill killing him lovely they’re both in and with that it is done so this is how it works we have our two silly boys here with their diamond swords and we have our villagers here first test run does it work bam pick up a villager no it’s failed instantly why has that happened let’s just manually do this so he’s going to go in there hopefully oh no he’s not going to get enough speed now oh dear there we go and then silly boy should kill him come on silly boy do your job it’s going well so far guys it’s going well oh there we go converted and then we let the other silly boy kill the other villager hopefully and then we send them both off on their way and they both land in here on this little rail track we can then splash them both with a potion of weakness and cure them and it works absolutely perfectly and by that I mean it doesn’t work so yeah maybe this was the reason why no no that doesn’t work either how about now no cool cool cool cool how about now yeah it works no a I messed it up in I got it oh day is going well so far guys day is going well oh no oh I’m so stupid I forgot to separate them well we we we we we we really are just terrible at Minecraft we’re so bad at Minecraft how how how all right right now the first successful one though bam mine cart goes doesn’t catch him brilliant just what I wanted this time it’ll work bam go because here we go all right we we’ve done some messing around we’ve done some messing around and watch this everybody Bam off he goes off he goes yes it worked and he dies instantly oh my gosh okay and let’s send these boys through nice get them nice and separated give me my rail back you stupid zombie villager ow potion of weakness Bam Bam let’s go it’s all going well stocks AR Rising stocks are rising in Joel Industries let’s see if we can go bug some people to buy some perple firstly let’s buy some more perp for ourself one Diamond per too yeah great block and BDubs is currently online I I’ve heard he hates the stuff but we got to give it a go hey don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t don’t kill me I’m not going to kill you bebs I’ve come here with a mission okay you have a mission what do you think of this lovely block here purle yeah do you like it yeah you know um have you seen the trash can outside yeah but what if I if what if I could condense you to buy some lovely perple bebs What if I I could say you buy some with diamonds and then good for me what ifs that was a uh it it it could uh really be really good really good thing bebs and you can do with it what you want mhm mhm lovely block it is yes lovely block uh blink twice if if you’re in trouble I don’t have the blink mod on I can’t do it you don’t have blink um yeah dude perp is great perp is great they could be listen you know here one what you can get 32 for one Diamond seriously and if you one time deal here’s four more diamonds for buying one stack no way yeah yeah you should definitely go do that right now right let’s go yeah let’s go let’s go cuz cuz I want to show you something you know the um here we’ll fly okay to the cat the pet yeah to the cat where is the cat right here right here right here I think this dumpster uh down here did you make this no no I didn’t make this I I love purple it is a great block yes yes yes especially if you spend one diamond and buy 32 in pearls amazing shop right here hey don’t just be calm okay don’t worry we’re going to get you out of this okay okay yeah I’m putting the diamonds in right now it’s this one here it’s this one here any of these ones it’s this one here okay this is good this is perfect this is perfect I’m putting the diamonds in okay good all right move slowly yes I made a deal with pearl and I said hey uh just because I like the shop it’s a it’s cool with the cat bus and stuff yeah yeah I’m going to just buy it um just to keep her in business but then you know oh G in oh there it goes oh you bought two stacks you bought a stack yes I bought a stack yeah yeah yeah that’s amazing well you know what I’d say that is a transaction that has been completed and I am happy you accomplished your mission yeah well not just yet I’ve still got to convince two other people yeah I’ll need those again yes thank you very much you need those again yeah yeah wink wink wink it’s okay it’s okay she’s tough she’s tough she’s an NCC winner so yeah well so am I but you know we don’t break so are you aren you as well so yeah I mean got the coin right over here 23rd Place have you won three times three times uh no I don’t try to win three times W I got first place in one of the times I won not that it’s a brag or anything but you know you got first place and you won yeah yeah yeah you know pretty standard yeah it is standard and I could do that I could do that before you leave before you leave yeah uh if you you ever get in any sort of trouble or you ever get toe crazy and want to sue somebody right um I’m making the courthouse and I’m I going to be the judge I’m Fair judge and sue away Sue away can’t be favorites H you can never be bribed can you so that’s good no can never thank you for the four diamonds yeah cool cool just checking all right yeah yeah I I’m sure I will sue someone in the future because God people on This Server am I right yes yes they all need to get D straighten them out yeah cool okay thank you for buying some purple bead dubs that’s very good have fun finish your salesmanship thank you goodbye yes we sold some purple we sold some purple and there was no funny business about it whatsoever and have we sold any honey no no no no no no no no no cool cool cool cool cool don’t need to care don’t care so and purple and to top that all off guys cubfan the legend he is has helped me out and I’ve managed to get my music disc working want to hear the honey song If You’re sure press the button honey honey hone yeah baby we in game now I’m so happy it’s working world problem is you can’t turn it off which is why this says if you’re short in this Minecraft world getting some uh secondhand embarrassment now well there you have it it’s done the shop is officially open what was weird I went off at the exact same time Cubs fireworks shop did we sold some purple we finished our shop and we’ve set up our villager converter you know what I think I deserve a little treat and that treat is some terraforming SLT tree building to make this area finished it’s the front of our base and I want people to be like ooh that looks cool so we’re going to make something that makes people go ooh that looks cool right now but first ladies and gentlemen welcome to Joel’s relaxation video where he collects some leaves let’s take a deep breath in and out and then let’s sit back and watch as he gathers some Acacia leaves ooh he had a bit of jungle leaves I believe it is mangrove leaves wonder what he’s going to use those for oak leaves do you know what we should finish this off with yes some flowers lovely lovely flowers wasn’t that caling or very very uncomfortable you decide anyway time to add on some lovely trees maybe a few lanterns as well on this build here I I’ve gone for lots of different color trees not just Cherry this time lots of different trees let’s hope it looks good now this probably would have been a lot quicker of a time lapse if I wasn’t constantly having to struggle with the eight different types of leaves I had in my inventory but you can see already we’re using a lot of AIA leaves we’re throwing in some Birch Spruce we got cherry trees we got all sorts going on this mountain right here here I noticed when we’re in Japan there was just so many different types of trees so I tried to incorporate that into this mountain here and I think it results in something pretty cool especially when you’re on ground level and you look up and you see all these trees down here but even when you pan out and have a look from over here look at all that color oh it looks good so much Greenery so many flowers around I really really think that’s come together quite nicely I always struggle building like little trees in Minecraft I find that the hardest thing to do like big trees I can do little trees not so much but I think this has come together really really well but it’s time to address what we left out last episode with this mail here I started out to be part of mission possible which is a long game of Doom and this is a fun little game iscal has created where we can win these Mission possible tokens for completing some missions and in return we can exchange these for unique items which I believe yeah are displayed in here I’m not sure looks like a TNT hat I love that that’s cool we got some sunglasses glasses and some other cool stuff looks like you have to spin and hope you get something good but let’s go get our first mission shall we ring the bell to get Mission ooh okay Mission 22 collect at least 10 diamonds total from as many Hermits as it takes while pretends to be a debt collector for a Hermit who wishes to remain anonymous oh my gosh uh that’s tricky you know what I think we’ll work on that next time as I’ve got other problems to deal with like my storage system completely getting out of control recently we’ve done a lot today and I’m very happy I can’t wait to get the next episode started as we’re going to be building some more stuff in the the base and it turns out we’re also have to sell purple to someone and also collect some debts so yeah don’t know how we’re going to do that let me know if you got any ideas in the comments but thank you so much for watching I hope you did enjoy this episode of hermitcraft make sure to subscribe I’ll see you another time good bye

Today we do a huge amount of terraforming, finish our shop.. Plus convince BDubs of the impossible! Leave a like and subscribe if you’re new 😀

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Hermitcraft Logo by @DnatorGames


  1. The trophies are actually supposed to be for all of your profits combined, so you could have gottten the 100 diamond trophy a long time ago. Also remember to speak to Xisuma so that he can add you to the leaderboard.

  2. Joel, if you need to only kill certain mobs in a group at sometime in the future, you should use an axe instead, since it doesn't have sweeping like a sword does

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