Minecraft – Aether Mod

hey what’s up guys I am double and I’m here with the other mod and personally I have been waiting for this for quite some time now and if you guys don’t know what this is it’s basically the opposite of the Nether and um we’re going to be going through this together I haven’t read too much up on it I went through the Forum page just so I can know some of the items and how to get there and the way you get there is basically the same as nether but instead of using obsidian we’re going to be using glowstone and to activate it we’re going to use water and there we go so a bucket of water activates it I haven’t seen any videos so I’m not really sure what to expect here but um let’s go through this together guys um kind of excited oh and then they have like Pro tips and stuff on the bottom there but yeah I’ve been waiting for this for like ages now um they spent I think four to five months on this um I think I’ll I’ll leave it all in the description for you guys to check out because um this is probably one of the bigger mods that come out since the release of Minecraft so um here we are and this is what it is guys this is the this is the other I’m about to say nether each time whoa what’s this stuff what you can stand on the clouds whoa that is crazy I didn’t know that but it’s exactly what it sounds like it is the opposite of the Nether and uh it’s just you’re in this giant Sky Realm there’s loads of new Mobs there’s like these bird things here I might even change it to normal to see if there’s any other things that are easy at least um there’s um giant birds out here there’s these air there’s flying pigs over there if you guys can see that we’re going to have to try to get over there but um you can get mounts and stuff like that you can tame um these things are called mouss I believe and if you get an egg from them you can actually fly AC oh my whoa I’m getting shot up by air whale whoa whoa whoa is that oh my God what are they doing I don’t think they like me here I don’t think they want me here oh god oh I have a book too what’s this book of lore volume three oh God they’re really shooting at me aren’t they what is it oh it doesn’t even hurt me does it does it just push me I don’t think I don’t think they can actually hurt me I don’t know but um also you can see the inventory system is a bit different here as well you can have like these accessories and they sort of um boost stats in a way um if you have um a specific one of them it’ll actually increase your mining speed so anyway let’s get some of the things down here these are skyroot leaves I think um there’s whole different types of wood in here um the wood like they they really really went all out with this so I’m going to try to show you a little bit of it and if you guys do want to see more of this then let me know cuz oh God I feel like I’m getting hit by stuff if you guys do want to see more of this then let me know I just want to showcase a little bit of it right now um actually pretty much for my own enjoyment cuz I I’ve been waiting for this for quite a while um what’s this book do right click on it oh what’s oh it’s sort of like an information book that is really really clever so if you guys are new to it then you’re going to know everything like what everything is just by doing this dropped by skyroot leaves plants a skyroot tree okay so this is skyroot stuff make skyroot planks so what’s let’s okay there those are skyroot planks I guess okay I I’m getting the gist of it down even like things like um uh the clouds are really cool like I can just step over the cloud we’re not trying to figure out way to navigate here because I would like to get over the center of the land feel like we’re just like kind of like uh isolated all the way over here and stepping on the clouds is really really weird you sort of just like glitch through them in a weird way that’s trippy okay I’m going to try getting over to there I may even uh cut and uh until we get over there we can see a little bit more things if these whale thingies don’t start shooting me what are those I don’t think those are the whales actually those are uh what do they do if they hit me I’m not really sure yet but um I’m going to come back oh God I can’t jump through clouds I can go from from the top oh damn it oh my God I got so much to learn here guys um but I’m going to cut back as soon as we’re over there so um I will be right back guys all right guys we are back and now basically those things right there that were shooting at me all they do is that they just kind of whisk you away they don’t actually hurt you I even change to peaceful and they don’t go away so all those things do is they just sort of like push you off of stuff and I guess up here is quite deadly because um as I was building my way across there if you fall off you actually fall back into the uh regular Minecraft world so oh wow here’s one of the ores I guess that’s um we should try make a probably make some sort of tools let’s try that out really quickly and see how that goes can I make a can I make a crafting bench yes I can okay so you can do all that stuff I keep thinking just because it’s different materials it’s going to be different but it’s not really um all right here let’s make a pickaxe and see if we can actually mine that a skyroot pickaxe okay so there’s whole different there’s a whole different set of tools as well um there this purple stuff looks pretty cool and I really want to check out those whales as well apparently they they uh feed off of leaves I think it’s the gold the gold Oak stuff is that what they feed off of I’m not really totally sure can this uh be mined no I can’t I think I need something better let’s get just regular Stone and see if we can then mine it I need this there we go okay now let’s try this sticks and holy Stone okay even the stone has a different name in this holy stone pickaxe for some reason that sounds extremely badass yes we can mine that now okay can I make tools out of this stuff though tools or armor on this let’s try this now I can make what is this that’s zanite I’m not really sure what zanite is and this is the item too many items mod that I had open just to get across that Chasm there um so we have a zanite pickaxe now so I guess this is really really quick yes it is is I’m not really sure the strength of it all so let us take a look right here zanite pickaxe digs holy Stone and other ores power increases with damage normal speed really so oh the more damage it takes the faster it gets that’s really really cool I like that idea okay let’s go look around a little bit more there’s some cool trees over there let’s go this way really fast and see what we got flying pigs oh yes look at that thing can I get it I want to get on it I might even spawn a saddle that thing looks so weird oh you know I’m going to spawn a saddle we are spawning a saddle just so we can try this out uh saddle saddle all right perfect let me get rid of that now I don’t want to use too many U uh of like mods and stuff like that cuz I want to go through this vanilla but if you guys do want to see a playthrough on this let me know oh my God we can actually that is so cool oh my gosh okay so so apparently pigs you know these the pigs are easy to find and you don’t need to tame them or anything it’s sort of like as a quick Transportation but the the moas or the ma however you pronounce it they they can they can double jump in midair so while you’re in air you can sort of like float over to other places by uh mid jumping and stuff like that whereas these guys they only ever they only really have one jump oh my God that is super awesome wow W this like I honestly I don’t even want to do anything I just want to fly around the pig oh what’s this thing over here oh there are is those the oh God oh my God he took my pig what oh my God is he okay yes he is okay so those are the new slimes the slimes they basically just shoot you up I was sort of oh my God guys there oh there’s a a MOA over there like one of those bird things things you basically take their egg to um to get like a tameable one you can hatch the egg these are the air whals I guess he’s just chilling in the mountain right now let’s push him out oh hey there me looking first person at you where are you going buddy hey I just want to talk to you for a sec I want to see you I haven’t seen you yet where you going God does that ever look awesome oh my okay also there are dungeons if we can find a dungeon I would love that because there are um different difficulties in the dungeons so there’s bronze silver and gold uh bronze are fairly easy but you get you get good items from it silver uh it’s a bit tougher and um oh what’s this huh that looks pretty different let me can I mine this while I’m on the pig I can’t mine that maybe there’s a a dungeon or something in here oh this takes a while to mine what’s this stuff so yeah the the difficulty um in gold one oh that’s like glass um the gold ones are extremely hard but you get like really really unique stuff so um that’s what I read if we can find a dungeon is there like a an entrance way somewhere I want to see if we can find that because that seems oh W gold stuff here ah getting raped by the pig in the sky oh God okay I’m got to stop jumping oh cool you can just walk up stuff sweet this looks like it would be something just like that uh thing that you wouldn’t be able to break in from any other angle in the dungeon that sort of feels like it would be a dungeon is there a hole anywhere I actually want to check this stuff out though what whatever this stuff is here let’s get off the pig how do I get off the pig there we go so let’s see what this stuff is I I have no idea okay this book is really handy I like that idea ambrosian Shard found in holy Stone makes ambrosian torches and is the fuel of the enchanter oh okay so if I am correct this stuff should make us torches so this is like the common fuel common fuel for torches sorry uh let’s take a look at this what’s the pig doing Pig don’t you go anywhere uh put this here and there we go we got ambrosian torches so are they any different from regular torches they look a little bit different uh they look a bit cooler I think okay Pig we need to go we need to go places bro need to go places I don’t know where to go getting shot up by those things that whiskey away where are they I think those like Square dudes hm H I’m kind of scared to jump across here but I’m going to take the risk and see I jump on this stuff can I jump off of it let’s do it ye just made it okay oh my this is so amazing like I’m honestly I oh there’s the slimes again it’s a different colored one holy crap this looks so cool I really want to check out the mouss and stuff like that let’s uh explore a little bit if I can find a dungeon I would love to fight through a dungeon we should try and make a sword really quickly a zanite sword if we can find any more of that zanite stuff probably should have got most of it while I was at that one spot oh there’s another whale over there like I don’t want to kill it I don’t want to kill the thing cuz it looks super cool but I want to see what it drops if it drops anything you know I can’t kill it I don’t think I can I’m going to just try to find uh some more or there’s another one in the mountain there ouch what are you doing ow I keep jumping in the damn ceiling okay let’s take a look oh what are these ones doing whoa what are you doing oh I think these ones are glitching out what’s going on oh my God uh can I jump up here oh god oh this is not safe at all oh we could try to get across or something around here uh whales are still spinning over there oh all right here we go I’m trying to find some more ore so we can actually like do some stuff with that because I want to fight some stuff if I can get into a dungeon I hear the dungeons are quite difficult so oh bit a leg all right there we go we’re good um these things I I want to try killing one of those I want to kill everything and see what happens but I I would really love to see like how uh surviving in this place would go cuz there’s a there’s a lot to it and getting items and you could sort of like translate that or you could uh use the stuff that you get from this place in the regular world and it would probably just help you a lot if you can even bring things back I’m not really sure if you can so we’re going to have to try to make this jump here we go long jump yeah I think we’re good we’re good we got it okay we need to find a dungeon o this looks pretty cool oh is that that that’s like some sort of glass material don’t know what it really does here let’s put some torches down I think just the whole look of everything like the the cool blue of it all makes oh God keep jumping into the damn ceiling I’m trying to think of like where we could go to get some stuff so I’m going to I’m going to ditch the pig ditch the pig and I’m going to try breaking down some trees with a pickaxe because oh wow this thing even breaks down wow the zanite stuff is pretty awesome so I guess this is like I I’m not really sure if it’s the most powerful thing it might be the most powerful of this whole area I think it is actually it’s like the diamond of this realm um we haven’t seen gold oak trees yeah I would like to see some of those before we uh actually uh end this off uh oh there we go there’s a gold oak tree and then anything else oh wow a bunch of water and stuff here I wonder if um where like exactly you would end up finding oh whoa okay I can see how this place is a bit dangerous when those guys push you you you die you pretty much get raped from those things holy crap you do got to be careful up here I can see how this would be sort of a challenge to survive because they can just push you up anything um where can we go trying to think um guys I might actually uh end it for a second until I find a dungeon I would really like to see a dungeon and show you guys that as well so I might catch you back in a second just as soon as we get up here let me get a little bit of a look over the landscape make sure nothing shoots me off um God this really does look awesome though just the whole look of it oh there’s some more Zan I might get that so okay guys I’ll see you back here when I found a dungeon so uh BRB hey what’s up guys we are back and uh I think this could be a dungeon I’m not really sure what dungeons look like um I’ve seen a few pictures of them and doesn’t look like this or maybe I did I’m not really sure but um I ended up dying because I found this stuff I ended up finding another one it it was a slime and it drops this stuff hopefully I don’t die again um I’m going to put it down right here but if you jump on it it bounces you up really high which is insanely cool um but we’re going to try to go through this dungeon here and um I don’t really know what what else I I should show you there are a lot of things to this that I haven’t even discovered yet um I looked through some of the items and oh God okay well that guy wasn’t too much difficulty I think what happens if you all right oh there’s chest okay well it’s not too hard I guess this must be like an easier one now this what’s this now because that’s like a different looking Stone I want to see the uh what this stuff is what is this Mossy okay it’s just a different type of stone can I break this stuff as well Sentry Stone wait a second oh I don’t have the book anymore I ended up dying so I don’t know all it take some of the stuff to go I guess you can break it from the inside I know you can’t break it from the outside oh oh my God what the hell was that whoa stuff is exploding oh my okay Enchanted darts oh okay I see why now okay so I don’t know what exploded was that a was that a TNT or or some sort of explo I don’t know what it was something was trying to kill me though oh god oh okay so these things come out I’m not sure that that what the hell that’s that’s not a chest that is something else that is not a chest that is not a chest what the heck is that thing I don’t want to die how much range does it have on it oh God I’m scared oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God oh God okay whoa that was not and break this stff because that’ll probably end up killing me oh W okay I’m on two hearts right here I don’t want to die let’s get some of this stuff um I think this is God I’m dead son of a oh my okay let’s see if I can get there quickly enough before all my stuff disappears it wasn’t too far away from the spawn so I think that is a dungeon oh there’s one of the the Mo’s or whatever the mouse I need to really learn how to pronounce that but um I want to get if you get an egg from one of those you can incubate it and then you can tame it so I really would like to try that out soon and see how that works cuz that seems like it be a really really cool idea um I’m going to try to get back to that place before all my stuff disappears um and while I was exploring I was exploring for about like 20 30 minutes trying to find a dungeon until I died and decided to go at this one at the beginning here um I seen like a whole island just like a like an island just dedicated to Golden oak trees and it looked really really cool so there’s the environments in this are honestly amazing um I really suggest you guys take a look at this and for other people oh there’s a it seems you got like a tree around your face bro you want me to help you out there oh what’s above your head oh ow ow he’s shooting at me oh my God it makes your screen all purple ah oh wa it’s like adjusting my keyboard I can’t move properly oh God oh God oh now this is how I got in here oh oh no I’m getting hurt by this stuff it’s killing me oh I’m going to go to Peaceful go away those things don’t go away even I’m peaceful oh man get my stuff back okay those oh what was that oh not another one of these things am I sworded here still yes I do holy crap go away so I’m guessing what those things do is they shoot these darts at you and it poisons you and makes you move around and it hurts you wow I can see man this would be an amazing world to survive in oh my God I don’t even know how it would be possible let’s go back up to easy and I want to see okay so I guess just stepping around here in the wrong area you’re you’re triggering enemies to come at you that way was bad is there anything else over here I know is that one chest that turned into like a weird a weird mouth thing um is there anything else in this room or is it is it bigger doesn’t look like it’s much bigger than that these These are really really cool little lights and oh um yeah that’s about it in this side and I’m just going to go the other way and then we’ll see what’s going on over there and then we’ll look around a little bit more outside um and then um I think we’ll end it off this is a pretty good little display of it all what’s this thing what the is that whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa bro what is um I’m getting kind of worried I don’t know what this let me put some torches down oh God ouch this thing kind of hurts ow really hurts really hurts really hurts um okay dude how oh my how do you even hit the thing how the hell are you supposed to hit it what does it do what I’m going to block you in you piece of sh oh god oh okay whoa do I have to hit it in his eye or something I know I was hitting it at first I don’t know how I did it though now I don’t know if I can hit those things oh God I’m going to get out of here where’s the exit what there is no exit what what guys there’s no exit anymore what happened oh my God I can’t I can’t escape he’s locked me in here what the hell’s going on let me put torches down really quick so I can see what’s going on oh my freaking God um oh can I hit with the pickaxe oh the pickaxe seems to work I can I can pick him I’m doing it I’m doing it I’m doing something to him oh it’s using up a lot of my pck I died holy crap that was insane I don’t know what the hell that thing was or if you can kill it wow anyway guys that is the Nether um for all the people on my channel for all the doublings if you want to see more of this maybe showcase certain parts of it maybe getting getting a MOA or I need to learn how to pronounce it um getting one of those cuz there uh there’s three different variations of it and each one of them is sort of better than the last the black ones are the best but um yeah let me know if you want to see more of this I really really take suggest that you take a look at this I’ll leave the link in the description and um yeah that’s about it guys I honestly I’m going to have some fun with this there’s a lot to it stuff that I even uh stuff that I haven’t even showed you yet um you can incubate eggs and you can make uh the little birds there’s uh the uh oh the stuff like the treasure and the dungeons which I haven’t even gotten to find yet uh things that you can you can put in your inventory so you can have your armor and you can have things right here like there is just so much to it and um honestly this is probably one of the best mods that I’ve seen so um that’s all all I really had to say about it so hopefully you guys enjoyed and uh I will see you guys next time

I wanted to showcase the Aether Mod since I have been waiting quite a while for it and I’m sure not all of you have heard of it before. Definitely check this out and let me know if you want to see more of this from me ;D

“One of the biggest projects in Minecraft Modding history is now completed. Five very well-known and talented modders (Kingbdogz, Kodaichi, Shockah, Flan and 303) have joined forces to develop the Aether, a celestial realm found in outer limits of the atmosphere. ”

Aether Mod Collaboration: http://www.minecraftforum.net/topic/495374-173-aether-collaboration-mod-v100/


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