US Presidents Play Massive Game Stardew Valley

all right Joe let’s get this Farm running like a well-oiled machine it’s going to be huge the best farm in stardew Valley believe me come on man it’s just a game let’s have some fun I want to plant some parsnips and maybe fish a little it’s relaxing you know relaxing we’re here to make stardew Valley great again we need to dominate first thing we clear all these trees chop chop chop just like how we clear out bad Tre trade deals you’re always in such a rush look I found a geode maybe there’s something cool inside geode sounds like fake news to me but go ahead crack it open if it’s valuable we sell it if not we toss it simple man you’re ruthless but look I found a what is this a dwarf scroll what the hell do I do with this probably sell it or give it to some Museum maybe they’ll name a wing after us the TR Biden Memorial Wing yeah right anyway I’m going to head to the mines get some more we need better tools you go do that sleepy Joe I’ll handle the important stuff like building relationships watch me charm the pants off these villagers just don’t get us banned from the town we need those folks to buy our crops hey wait is that Pam at the bar already it’s not even noon Pam’s a drunk but she’s are drunk buy her a beer Joe keep her on our side it’s all about alliances all right all right here Pam have a beer on me you know Trump you could learn a thing or two about being nice to people I’m nice when it matters like with money speaking of which we need more crops more parsnips more profit it’s the art of the deal Joe you and your deals I’m more worried about the chickens we need to build a coupe fresh eggs every morning it’s the simple life coup fine but make sure those chickens are the best top-notch none of these run of the- Mill hens yeah yeah hey look we’re running low on energy better eat something or we’ll pass out in the middle of the field pass out not on my watch eat some berries regain strength like I always say never show weakness sure thing tough guy by the way I’m fishing at the beach need a break from all the farming fishing fine but catch something big something we can brag about holy [ __ ] I caught a puffer fish look at this thing it’s ugly as Sin perfect we sell it some sucker will buy it remember Joe everything has value if you Market it right whatever you say Mr businessman let’s head back it’s getting late don’t want to get caught out here at night agreed let’s call it a day but remember tomorrow we go even bigger stardew Valley won’t know what hit it yeah yeah good night Don let’s not kill each other in our sleep only if you don’t snore Joe only if you don’t snore rise and shine Joe another beautiful day in stardew Valley let’s make some money I’m off to to check on our crops these par Snips better be growing like crazy I’m heading to the blacksmith to crack open these geod we might get something useful while you do that I’ll hit the general store we need more seeds can’t have a farm without crops it’s basic business hey Clint crack these open for me let’s see what we got oh great more Stone just what we need more Stone fantastic we can use that for building we need a solid foundation Joe yeah yeah I’m heading back to the farm we should start thinking about building that Coupe already on it I got some more parsnip seeds and a few cauliflower too diversify our crops spread the risk all right let’s get planning and don’t forget to water them can’t have them dying on us water got it hey do you think we should hire someone to do this delegate the tasks Trump it’s a game we’re supposed to do it ourselves that’s the fun part fun fine but if this were real you know I’d have a team of the best people the best all right crops are watered let’s go explore a bit maybe check out the community center community center that place is a dump but fine let’s go maybe we can fix it up and get some good PR look at this place it’s falling apart we need to gather some materials to help rebuild it gather materials more like get someone else to do it but okay let’s see what we can do what’s first on the list looks like we need to collect some specific items I’ll start with the spring foraging bundle spring foraging sounds like a waste of time but if it gets us closer to winning I’m in all right I got a leak a dandelion a daffodil and a wild horseradish let’s turn these in good job Joe now let’s focus on getting some livestock we need a barn agreed I’ll start Gathering wood and stone you handle the money money my specialty we need to sell more crops and fish and maybe some of that junk we’ve been collecting speaking of fish I’m heading to the river see if I can catch something decent fine I’ll handle the crops and sell what we have just don’t catch any more of those ugly puffer fish hey those puffer fish sell for good money and they’re a challenge to catch it’s all about the thrill thrill I’m more interested in the profit but fine enjoy your fishing I’ll be here making us rich I caught a few more fish got some base and a catfish not bad for a day’s work great sell them off we need every penny also I talked to Robin she’s ready to build our Coupe nice let’s get it done fresh eggs every morning here we come exactly we’ll have the best chickens the best chickens I say the best the biggest eggs people will come from miles around to see our farm very good you really are something Trump but hey it’s working we’re doing great maybe you should have been my vice president all this mining made me forget I hated you sleepy Joe what game are we playing again you know playing stardew Valley with Trump has been an experience the guy’s got the energy of a hyperactive kid on a sugar rush first day on the farm and he’s already talking about making it the best farm in stardew Valley like come on man it’s a game not a damn campaign rally I wanted to plant some parsnips maybe fish a little but no Trump’s all about clearing trees and maximizing profit I found a Geo thought it was cool but he’s all like sell it Joe everything’s about the money dude we’re here to relax not recreate Wall Street and then there’s his obsession with Pam he saw her at the bar before noon and immediately wanted to buy her a beer keep her on our side he said like we’re building alliances in some medieval strategy game meanwhile I’m just trying to get a damn chicken CP built oh and the fishing he thinks catching a puffer fish is a waste of time I catch one and he’s like perfect we sell it sure because some digital sucker is going to buy an ugly fish I swear the guy sees dollar signs everywhere but I’ll give him this the guy knows how to hustle he’s got Robin building us a coupe and he’s already planning to conquer the mines hell I’m just hoping we don’t get lost down there Trump’s probably going to try to negotiate with the monsters offer them a deal they can’t refuse in the end it’s been a wild ride farming fishing Mining and Trump’s relentless push for greatness but hey it’s been fun the guy’s got a unique way of turning even a peaceful game into a high stakes operation here’s to another day of Chaos in stardew Valley cheers Don you crazy bastard you stardew Valley with Biden let me tell you it’s been something else the guy’s slower than a snail on a hot day but I keep him on his toes from day one I knew we had to make this Farm the best clear the trees plant the crops and dominate it’s just good business Biden bless his heart found a geode and acted like he discovered gold I had to remind him Joe we’re here to make money not play with rocks but he’s got a good heart just needs Direction and who better to provide it than me Pam at the bar genius move buying her a beer keep the locals happy build a Ian es Biden doesn’t get it thinks we’re just here to farm but in stardew Valley like in life it’s all about strategy keep the drunks on your side I always say fishing though that’s where I draw the line Biden catches a puffer fish thinks it’s some great achievement I’m thinking who’s going to buy that ugly thing but hey turns out it sells sometimes even a broken clock right twice a day now the chicken Coupe that’s my idea fresh eggs steady income and Biden’s off mining like it’s a treasure hunt I handle the important stuff like making sure we’re always profitable we’ve got Robin building it and trust me it’ll be the best cop in the valley people will talk about it for years and the mines oh the mines Biden scar to the monsters I’m ready to make deals clear out the competition we’ll own those mines mark my words stardew Valley hasn’t seen anything like the Trump Biden farming Duo so yeah it’s been a wild ride Biden’s a good partner even if he’s a bit slow together we’re Unstoppable stardew Valley you better watch out we’re here to make farming great again cheers Joe here’s to another day of winning

US Presidents Play – POTUS Gang

In this video, Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump try Stardew Valley for the first time ever on our channel.

Have you ever played this?

🔔 Don’t forget to hit that subscribe button, like, and share this video to join the action with Barack Obama, Joe Biden, and Donald Trump – It’s a ride you won’t want to miss!

Disclaimer: This video in its entirety is satire and is simply to entertain and for laughs. I am in no way trying to offend anyone nor trying to create false information. None of the figures in this video are real and what you can see and hear is made by an A.I. tool that allows the user to recreate and synthesize voice for parody.

Josef Gerszewski
Moises Rodriguez
Eric Santos
Damon Partington

Thanks to @Eggsceptional for uploading Stardew Gameplay. The game is under Creative Commons Attribution license and so is the video:

#stardewvalley #presidentai #presidentsplay


  1. Well Mr Presidents I just got to say I'm glad that you're trying New things to keep the Positivity and Love Flowing and Growing And as of right now it's still showing stronger than ever if you guys keep making these videos and keeping the love and positivity growing and shining through like We always do on a daily basis We'll all go places and so far we already are keep up the good kind-hearted work gentlemen have a good rest of your Amazing day/night Love Wyatt "The Hyped-Up Man" Chambers

  2. Damn only Joe can catch a pufferfish in spring and mine on day 1. Coincidence? I think not. Clearly he's funded by both Russia and China.

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