Did Mojang Just Confirm A NEW GAME?! (end info, mob vote stuff + more)

over the past couple of days over on the Minecraft YouTube channel one of the most fascinating series that’s unlike anything they’ve dropped in the past couple of years well it’s been dropped this new series that is so far three parts going to be at least four parts is essentially a greatest hits of Minecraft history with the developers going through some of the biggest moments ever throughout the series we’ve got tons of Juicy spicy information including some strange almost confirmations today I’m Buckle it we’re going to talk about it all so right now as of the recording of this video right here the series is currently three parts but it seems like at the end of this Cliffhanger of an episode there is going to be a part four that’ll probably wrap everything up but he we should rewind a little bit because 15 days of Minecraft is over and this brand new series is kind of like looking back getting nostalgic and in the feels of the 15 years you would think that this thing would happen like before you know hey as I know sometimes I make a brand new survival world for some of these videos so I can mess around and this one is kind of beautiful so some point along the line somewhere amidst all of the recent celebrations the devs did say that the 15th anniversary celebrations would continue throughout the year and yeah I guess this series that is unlike any of the recent series they’ve made is kind of almost like an th madilla the vibe the tone overall of this series is so much more laid-back and chill than most of the Vibes that they’ve been putting out recently not that I don’t like their other Vibes like Minecraft monthly it’s just that this is kind of like a throwback to like prepandemic Minecraft deaths anyway part Numero Uno takes us all the way back to when Minecraft was called a cave game in 2009 it was simply an infin minor clone this series kicks everything off all the way back at the very beginning now a good chunk of the first episode of this series rightfully so goes into how it was kind of like magic or lightning in a bottle at first those early days of Minecraft were allegedly unlike anything else and thinking about the history and timeline of gaming kind of what was going on in the 2000s before Minecraft took off in 200 9 I mean survival crafting games were definitely a thing but not really in the same format with Minecraft with you know like an inventory cuz I’ve got a whole different crafting system than a whole ton of recipes to learn and remember but even early Minecraft back then it didn’t come with a ton of those things instead we had like basically the most limal space you could imagine ever with no crafting table and with no even like mining time now a little bit later on we get the Insight that Jeb the notoriously luscious haired lad himself and joined m around when it sold about a million copies kind of crazy to think that the game grinded its way out and sold a million copies in 2 years and now it does that in probably like a I mean probably like a week right in 2011 the Minecraft adventure update dropped back at the time I was like I don’t know chewing on my thumb or something at the rip old age of three the adventure update seems to be the first update the Jeb was really on the team for me this is when they added the end and the ender dragon fight or at least the first version of it also inside of this update Jeb talked about adding the potion system the Brewing System into the game and how it actually was like way different than what he was trying to come up with you see it seems like at the time Jeb was aiming to create something way more advanced than the already kind of relatively Advanced Brewing System in the game right now it seems like the original idea for Brewing was way more of like an Alchemy system where you take two ingredients and combine them to see what ends up happening instead of a nowadays where you do kind of have two different ingredients like you take a pre-existing potion and add something to it to see what happens but I mean a lot of the time like literally nothing happens I’m not going to lie the idea of a Brewing System where you like try and combine different ingredients to see what happens almost like um you know I guess we have no clue and we never will know exactly what Jeb’s OG potion system idea kind of was but it makes me think of what goes on in Skyrim where you have random ingredients you combine them together and hopefully maybe you end up with a potion otherwise you just like wasted some stuff I’m not going to lie the Brewing Sy in Minecraft right now I mean it’s all right I feel like it leaves a bit to be desired now that this game has gotten way more advanced with things like recipe books I feel like the idea of coming back around and maybe revamping Brewing closer to Jeb’s original Vision could totally be on the table now the next interesting Insight in this video will send us all the way over to the end Dimension and to the update when they started expanding it you might know that eventually at one point the ender dragon fight was revamped and upgrade from what it initially was the idea here with improving the dragon fight was to make it a little bit more interesting exciting and dangerous now obviously combat system maybe still is a little bit divisive but yeah that’s what they were thinking after that dragon is done cook it’s time to go to the outer end and now inside of the outer end we get an interesting insight as to what in the world is going on with the chorus plant and how it actually apparently relates to bananas So eventually in the video and I love how Jeb was like so overly cautious about explaining this one but basically ja gets into how allegedly bananas aren’t really trees they like produce a crop once and then they’re essentially done and dinnerbone like that idea for like the CH stuff that is just fascinating to me so kind of I guess in a way we’ve had fruit trees inside of Minecraft like the whole time I guess huh what they didn’t say in this video is anything more about maybe considering the idea of coming back into the end and revamping it and making it a little bit more spicy man I was hoping for that however relatedly unrelated to the end conversation they did talk about the jungle Jeb talked about how at the time they ended up adding the Jungle Pyramid into the game as a little bit of a reward for going out into your Minecraft world and actually exploring you know like something cool to actually find because before that there really wasn’t much now this first video wraps up with the devs talking about the OG version of villagers oh my gosh that trading UI I knew it so well but like it was lost inside of my memory and then interestingly we learned that many of the developers including none other than Jeb himself do not fight the Wither out in the wild no no no no no no wither out in the wild because of course that would be far too dangerous instead they have since adapted the community’s method of taking on the Wither and much more safe ways probably like putting it in Bedrock and things like that I don’t know I think it’s kind of hilarious the idea that the developers would add the Wither into the game and then like later on be like oh yeah that’s like real tricky and tough let’s just go ahead and cheese this bu and yeah move on if anything it does show that the devs really do kind of like listen to the community see what’s going on and they don’t just like patch things even though they definitely know about strange ways to like cheese the Wither shockingly and surprisingly after part number one comes part numeral do in the second part we kick everything off with the OG Mojang office those portraits right there um I need one of myself that is striking now eventually we get to the point in the video where the devs are talking about Redstone and how it was such a large deal at the time it’s kind of crazy to think about Minecraft as a game well for an insanely large am of time just a system like Redstone that is such a huge deal nowadays that it just didn’t exist at all and then eventually in a shot that kind of looks like this one right here the devs were talking about the update that changed the world which at the time was an update that added a bunch of biomes to the game including I believe the Badlands and the Savannah Biome they talked about how at that time it was pretty difficult to actually add new things to the game as well and it was the last major trade overhaul until I think the caves and cliffs update interestingly while talking about biomes eventually the discussion conversation of snowy biome comes up and Jeb kind of talks about how like he basically just avoids snowy biomes altogether because they’re annoying Lydia ends up saying like oh yeah the snow layers they’re like pretty tricky to deal with then Jeb like basically agrees and this makes me wonder and really strongly think that maybe at some point in the game’s future near or far well if one of the lead developers deems the snowy biomes just straight up annoying maybe that’s an area that could be reconsidered in the future and maybe redone after all thinking about what Jeb and Lydia were talking about with the whole like snow layers got a clear mouth takes too much time thing yeah definitely annoying but then also maybe you built like the most beautiful build in the world like cow right there and then you walk away come back 3 minutes later and it’s just like covered in snow that is super annoying also not going to lie most of the older snowy biomes like not including the ice spice biome are so plain and boring like this is a literal field with just snow all over the place come on not even like random powder snow sometimes to make it interesting nah it’s just so boring eventually we get to the point where Jeb is talking about the design process that went into the ocean Monument essentially Jeb was trying to create and I think successfully created a 3D maze that basically the players had to play within the confines of the experiment essentially in other words you can’t just break your way through the Maze and like go to the middle find the prize or whatever Jeb kind of made an interesting comment somewhere in here about how like yeah no you have to play the game May way which is kind of like the whole thing with Minecraft it’s a Sandbox game you’re meant to be be able to play however you want and I don’t know if Jeb meant it in like a negative sense that maybe the monument is a little like weird but I don’t think it’s a bad thing to sometimes have rules like because of the rules that were created with the addition of the ocean Monument players have come up with super clever workarounds things like door bubbles stuff like that or also like coming to the monument with a milk bucket drinking that and then working your way as fast as you can to something before you get mining fatigue again I guess what I’m saying here is sometimes the confines are good I think now that temperature in the room ships quite noticeably right after the ocean Monument because the devs started talking about the Microsoft acquisition of a Minecraft back in 2014 it seems like at least out of the devs that talked about it in the video pretty much all of them shared a lot of feelings of uncertainty like they didn’t know what was really going to happen how would they be able to update the game going forward would they be able to was Microsoft just going to be crazy Hands-On or was it how it actually ended up playing out but instead according to the devs what ended up happening is for the first like year and a half or so Microsoft was pretty hands off essentially just observing Mojang and seeing how the game was developed basically learning things from afar without disturbing too much and now to be honest I would say this makes sense not that Microsoft has too much of a whole big deal as to what goes on with the Minecraft updates but when Minecraft was picked up in 2014 things kind of continued on business as usual throughout 2015 throughout 2015 that’s when the devs were working on the combat update and there was just snapshot after snapshot after snap snapshot continuing on right after that normal updates or like smaller ones kind of continued just like how they had been going with the frost bir update the exploration update and shortly after that the World of Color update it wouldn’t be until 2017 18ish with 1.13 where there’s a noticeable shift in the Minecraft updates with like a major themed update and maybe like one sometimes two a year but understandably so at the time the devs didn’t know what was really going to happen they had a bunch of like internal meetings were pretty freaked out and concerned but the segment wraps up with the dev saying basically it kind of had to happen like at some point Minecraft’s development had to get a little bit more serious and organized if the game wanted to continue on forever and continue to grow and boom just like that that gets us all the way to part number three so far the spiciest part out of every single part right in the beginning we get a small little introduction as to what’s going on all right now right off the bat I want you to pay close attention to this screen you tell me if you notice anything we have names names names titles titles hm creative director internal new games internal new games you say now later on inside of that same episode they talk about how Minecraft dungeons was actually in development since 2016 now dungeons would go on to be revealed at least the gameplay reveal trailer in 2019 that is 3 years later internal new games could mean anything but it means new games all right now this is kind of interesting because this takes us back to a lot of rumors that have been swirling around in the community for months we talked about them at one point you might remember but basically there was job listings and strange murmurs about another Minecraft spin-off game coming soon considering the fact that dungeons Earth a long time ago and now more recently Legends have all been discontinued well it seems like the time is prime for a new Minecraft spin-off very interestingly internal new games H so they don’t say what could be going on but it definitely feels like about now sometime soon there might be a new Minecraft game announced revealed teased or just just anything now skipping ahead quite a bit inside of this video eventually we get to the devs talking about update 1.11 the update that they added the Woodland Mansion to the game in at the time Agnes said that this was insanely difficult to do they essentially had to hardcoded into the game fast forward ahead to a lot of what they seem to have done inside of Minecraft 1.21 with not really structures but instead more like adding enchantments and everything like that it’s kind of crazy how far the game has come and how much relatively easier it seems like it’s going to be for the devs to continue to add things to the game I wonder if making it easier to add things like say data driven enchantments is going to lead to faster updates maybe two a year again now we also get this beautiful Insight back to when llamas were added and a memory that I kind of totally forgot about how Jeb pulled to Twitter like literally just ran a poll and said are they llamas or are they alpacas llamas ended up winning and so then that’s what it was Agnes went out into the wild though and studied the Llama measured the Llama up sized it up everything like that to figure it all out this was the first insight into a Minecraft update in this video where the devs are actually like going out and researching things like they do know now we’re rewinding things back a second for the Minecraft mansion oh boy the Mansion of course the home of the pillagers I guess at the time when the Mansion was added to the game well the devs knew that Minecraft dungeons was going to be a thing and we needed an antagonist for Minecraft dungeons Inc come enter the illagers I guess when the Woodland Mansion was at at the time they knew dungeons was going to be a thing and they needed a B bad a bad guy W for Minecraft dungeons that is how the pillagers originally came to be that makes me wonder if anything could be found in other updates say 1.21 that might be a setup for some kind of other spin-off in the future H trial Chambers Breeze anything in the middle of the video we get some interesting insights into sounds and a couple Easter egg mentions as well this part was super fascinating because it was all about how certain sounds in 1.13 were made like a dolphin actual clanging gar in milk or a baby and so that leads us to about the end of a part three where after they talk about Minecraft 1.14 one of the biggest updates of all time they talk all about the Minecraft mob vote the first one and their thought process behind it now if you’re around in the community for a minute all of the information that we got inside of this video when it comes to mob boats isn’t necessarily new information sort of just a Refresh on things that we’ve heard before part of me wonders of this segment is kind of like in the video again cuz I swear we’ve heard this exact stop before as maybe part of a response to the whole boycott the mob vote petition embarrassment situation from last year basically the devs when they do these mob votes they have different concepts not finished fully fleshed out ideas they want the community to pick an idea that they like the most you vote on it and one of them is going to make it into the update it all just makes me wonder thinking about that whole petition and made a whole lot of noise last year how the devs are going to go about the mob vat this year after all at this point now it’s crazy L like 3 months away this brand new Minecraft series is fire and I hope the devs do more raw honest things like this again cuz it’s just so interesting to see it looks like there’s going to be a part 4 I’m going to keep my eyes out for it and I’ll keep you posted if anything spicy new or interesting is inside of it until then tap that like button subscribe a huge warm thank you to my patrons the Duke pixie Phantom awkward BB Deb K and Fateful Grimm War it’s been me wles I’ll see you all tomorrow goodbye oh [Music]

Minecraft has been reminiscing for its 15th anniversary a little more with a new series on their YouTube channel featuring new insight and reactions from the developers.

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Minecraft 1.21 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0oJ2_Q2jPreZAKi368mI8SE5w8–bSJ5

if you read this comment what a new game should be like.


  1. 3:47 I think it probably could have been inspired by real world alchemy and Aristotilian Natural Philosophy, like the 4 elements and the inclusion of astrological symbols because those 4 elements are present in the game code for 4 pictures for some reason and the “alchemy system we have always kinda seemed like a place holder because the true mechanics would have taken far too long to work out

  2. I honestly just want a new Dungeons entry that expands on the first one, mainly a map maker and mod support so you can make your own maps and upload them to an online map library so anyone can play them, like Mario maker.

  3. Mojang, please, PLEASE, stop trying to make random minecraft spin-offs on your own. At the very least, you need to get gamers in and working on the game with you and actually testing the games THOROUGHLY before you even consider a launch date. Here's a good idea why this needs doing: Mincraft Legends multiplayer was tested loads by the devs…… while sitting in the same room or with voice chat and it works really well. The problems started when the launched the game and you have teams that have players from all over the world trying to work together with absolutely NO way to communicate!!!!! Outside testing would have spotted that straight away and told Mojang that the game would crash and burn if they released the game like that. This is just 1 example of why Legends crashed and burned! They need to change the way they produce games because if this next one goes as well as the last 2 went, they will struggle to sell 50 games when they try a 4th game 😢

  4. That initial approach for Microsoft makes sense. It’s important to understand the workflow and current order of operations before you consider, let alone establish, a different model.

  5. How about instead of Mojang making crappy Minecraft spin-offs they focus on their only actual good game, Minecraft. And Cave Game wasn't magical or better, it's just nostalgia people feel. Like how I feel about mortal kombat 2 even though the new ones are far superior.

  6. Mojang made Minecraft Earth, it was fun… they killed it.
    Mojang made Dungeons, it was great… they stopped adding content for it.
    Mojang made Legends, it was CRAP… they want you to play it.

  7. Mojang is just 💩their pants b/c Notch is rumored to be making a new game. The true fans will never forgive nor forget what Jeb is… a back-stabbing garbage heap that sold out Notch to Microsoft…Jeb=Zuckerberg…only far more poor.

  8. Youtubers 3 years ago: End update soon!
    Me: No way finally!
    Youtubers 2 years ago: End update soon!

    Me: Yayyyyy
    Youtubers ` year ago: End update soon!

    Me: eh, ok?
    Youtubers now: End update soon!

    Me: its to good to be true

  9. I think the trial chambers will be used in minecraft dungeons maybe in a huge update or a minecraft dungeons 2 now the later I know is not likely but just putting it out there

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