Minecraft: Unique & Creative Bridge Designs!

hey what is up guys I’m Greg builds and welcomed his minecraft build the toil on this episode I’ll show you many different styles of bridges you can build in your Minecraft world the bridges are elevated making it perfect for boat travel as well as for foot travel and these bridges are even tall enough that you can ride a horse across without obstruction now these bridges range from straight bridges suspension bridges Watchtower bridges as well as art style and curved bridges and now without further ado let’s start with the first bridge design now the first design uses oging cobblestone slabs for the stairs and he has oak wood columns for supports in the sides as well as oak fence posts running the full length of the bridge and these o columns are four blocks tall and there’s plenty of height underneath the bridge for boats the next bridge is a similar design however it has a roof over top and this roof also has glass blocks on top and this help light natural sunlight into the covered bridge the next up is a unique design and this bridge is a large amount of Volquez post and I would say this bridge is more like a trestle style bridge with archways up top and no fence post connecting the arches to make this bridge you’re going to need cobblestone and oak slabs then we have oak logs for an archway and fence posts that run along the tops and sides and this helps enclose the bridge and it makes it look stronger without blocking out the sunlight next the fourth design is a curved bridge and I like this design a lot as it’s very stylish and has a simple yet elegant look the next bridge is a watchtower style bridge and this bridge has a covered roof design which is similar to one mentioned earlier now edition with skylights along the roof it also has a couple stone hut up top and inside there’s a ladder located on the side and this leads up to the tower and up here those glass windows as well as an oak slab walkway that wraps around the outer side and this gives a great view of the land it helps give a view of approaching boaters next up I design a double arch stone slab bridge and this bridge reminds me of a royal castle bridge and I feel like you would see these bridges around a moat or around a grand entranceway the sides are made entirely out of stone slabs where cobblestone slabs in the center in this double archway can be expanded into a triple arch or as many archways as you would like as your river might be wider than mine next up is the same bridge however I added an extra archways over top and these archways extend up and over and I think this is a great option also I even add in an oak fence post along the top however those can be easily removed or rearranged bridge number eight bridge design number eight is the Train style trestle bridge and has an archway in the center and this is great if you’re building over a waterway with a flat ground on either side as this train track style bridge will not obstruct boat traffic in its gradual slope makes it easy to climb bridge number nine now this next bridge option is very simple and completely made out of lily pads now one great thing about this lily pad bridge is that it doesn’t look like a bridge and if you’re playing on a server many players might overlook this option as these lily pads can blend right into the landscaping and I made several lily pad bridges let’s can show you the different designs you can make and you can even mix it up and add other blocks such as oak logs like this one or you could even add in raised platforms just like this one and this is great for fishing off of next up is bridge 10 and this is actually an underground tunnel instead of a bridge and I included this design because it’s a different way to cross the river and this can give you a great idea to create a similar tunnel just like this one now these tunnel entrances are made completely from stone slabs and granite blocks bridge 11 the next design is made completely from wood and features to side platforms on the right and left side and these platforms can make great fishing spots also this bridge has a tunnel underneath which is great for boaters that want to pass by now inside this bridge there’s two of those side nooks and this could be great for storing a secret chest bridge 12 is a stone slab double arch bridge and this one is similar to one of the earlier ones however I widen this bridge and edit bushes in the center and this landscaping in the center acts as a divider and it allows traffic to be separated that way depending on which way you’re entering from you can either use the right or left side bridge 13 this bridge is a suspension style bridge and the majority this design is made from cobblestone wall sections this flat and heavy-duty bridge has a train bridge feel as it’s short and heavily constructed now next up is a modern covered bridge and this bridge it is quartz blocks quartz slabs oak slabs and white glass blocks there’s even two side decks on either side this makes a great spot for taking a break on your journey or it could be used to fish off of now the next bridge is a bridge that you can make a Minecraft 1.14 edition and it uses extinguished campfire blocks now this suspension bridge has a rickety and wobbly feel and even though you may need to be careful crossing the single wide track this bridge is perfect for a small wooden minecraft village and this is Spungen bridge also has old fence posts under the middle as well as the sides and these act as support bands and I also use flower pots on top for decoration now to make this bridge you will need to place a campfire block down then you need to extinguish the fire and to extinguish the fire you can just put a bucket of water then use a sponge to clear the water or another option is you can use a splash water bottle and this will put the fire out then we can start to construct the bridge connect these campfire blocks across the other side also make sure the campfire blocks are facing the same direction and I would recommend to make your bridge tall enough so there’s plenty of room underneath for boaters next I’m going to use okra fencepost and I’m going to place them at the sides the campfire blocks as well as underneath and this will look like a support band and I’m also going to add flower pots on top and you can add as many support bands as you would like on your bridge you thanks for watching guys and I hope you enjoyed this tutorial if you have any questions about the build or likely some feedback I’d love to hear it also let me know what your favorite bridge is and which one you want to build in your Minecraft world and don’t forget to subscribe because I create bone tutorials just like this one every week I catching the next one later guys well more builded toils I have many other playlists that might interest you on my channel make sure to check them out [Music] [Applause] you [Music]

#Minecraft #GregBuilds

today’s episode will be showcasing many different bridge designs. Happy Building!

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