Minecraft Automatic Potato & Carrot Farm | Efficient Java Villager Crop Farm

[Music] hey guys what’s up it’s jax of the legendary and today i’m here with another minecraft farm tutorial and in this week’s tutorial i’m going to be showing you guys how to build this simple villager crop farm that has no redstone in it at all now this crop farm works in the latest version which is currently 1.16 and should also work in 1.17 as it uses no crazy mechanics this farm will work with any crop other than wheat so it’ll work with potatoes carrot beetroot and all of those as long as a villager can harvest them and as you can see it is incredibly efficient i’ve already got this many potatoes now you can if you want stack this farm on top of each other to make it taller i’ll go through that later in the tutorial fun works because a villager harvests potatoes realizes his friend has no food and tries to give him some but while he’s trying to give him some the potatoes fall into this hopper and then go into this chest so the villager remains with no food and we get potatoes then it’s just an infinite loop of that now the materials you’ll need will appear on your screen now remember if you haven’t got a lit up area you will have to put a roof on top of this otherwise spiders will be able to get into your farm and possibly zombies if there’s a ledge to jump onto but if you have lit up your area well you don’t have to worry about a roof okay we’re going to be starting by digging a hole into the ground like this and placing water into it then come here four out from each side three four one two three four just like this then create a square using those um lines for the new players that don’t know this a block of wallet will hydrate four blocks in each direction so creating a nine by nine square around the water source you should have a nine by nine area with a water in the middle then directly on top of this water you have to place a block you want to place a composter like so now on top of that composter place any sort of light source i’m going to be using a shroom like so i prefer like the look of it now around the edge place a two high wall of your building block i’m gonna be using white stained glass now that you’ve got that hop into the center and plant all of your potatoes we’re planting them now so they are grown by the time we get the villager into this sort of chamber area now they don’t have to be potatoes like i said they can be carrots and they can be beetroot however wheat will not work because the bread mechanics of the food mechanics are very different then around your preferred side it can be any side i would suggest a side close to your house and in the middle break a two block hole like this in the middle of the wall then break the block here and place a hopper going into the block next to it then a few blocks away you can out of your chest and then connect this hopper chain up to your chest by going something like this now you can have this chest far away or super close i’ve got mine reasonably close grab out your rail and place it on top of the hopper like this you need to make sure it’s facing this way so it’s going into the two blocks on the side then place a minecart with a hopper on top of that so it should look like that now create a glass chamber like so giving a one block spot for a villager to sit in now transport your villages i’m going to be spawning them in two inside of your farm make sure the one you transport first goes inside of your farm so they can connect can collect the job from the composter that is why we put it there the second village will go inside here just like that again if you haven’t well lit up your area unlike i have you will have to add in a roof whether it be glass slabs or anything like that but don’t stress about that if you’ve lit up your area or you’re on peaceful mode now it is pretty easy to expand this farm by duplicating the same layer on the other side so basically what we do is say we have a minecart on this side we add it onto the other side and then replicate the same thing so it’s like a mirror now remember if you are using solar blocks and you have a double chest here you cannot place blocks directly on top of the chest but if they are something like glass you can if you want to however i’ve left the gap here just so it looks a bit nicer as well as expanding it out sideways you can also expand it upwards all you have to do is leave a gap say out of oak wood let’s go with this oak planks just say a gap and then repeat the same thing on the next layer like this now with the water you have to be careful because the water may flow through the center if you’re not careful so make sure to use a waterlogged slab instead of just a block however for most people the single or double version of the farm will give you plenty of potatoes but if you are in a multiplayer world i would suggest expanding it a little bit more now if you are having trouble getting a villager you can e-look up how to breed a villager or cure a zombie villager it doesn’t matter which way you do it as long as the villager is fresh so it has nothing in its inventory you’ll need two villages in the single farm or you will need three in the double farm like this now remember you can always add an auto smelter onto this if you would like but now you guys know how to build a super easy potato farm that’s fully automatic so that’s gonna be the end of this video guys i hope you guys enjoyed please leave a like comment and remember to subscribe if you’re new and i’ll see you guys later and remember stay carbonated

This Minecraft Automatic Potato Farm is easy and efficient and works in 1.16 +
This Auto farm uses no redstone making it very easy to build and suitable for survival. It can be used for Potatoes Carrots or Beetroot and can be stacked or mirrored easily. BEDROCK users: Villager Farms on bedrock can be glitchy. NOTE If your villager is moving forward add a trap door on the top half of the block space above the minecart.

Also Check Out:
Cave Spider Farm: https://youtu.be/pBdBDiIv9i0
Minecraft Automatic Industrial Sorting Smelter:

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A minecraft tutorial video from #jjaaxxthelegend

Royalty free Music:
Badass by Bensound.com


  1. I’m not sure how I can empty the villigers inventory cause my villigers farm garantes the villigers will have things in its inv but I want to harvest carrots and they have carrots in there inv so I’m wondering can I still do the farm

  2. I'm having an issue with my villager not becoming a farmer. I bred 2 villagers specifically for this but the one that's supposed to farm is still just a normal villager. He keeps staring at me like I'm the dumb one. Pls help

  3. at first, the villager wandered around, 4 mins later is started feeding its friend (trying), then it mined the crops and placed them (because it just didnt mine so i threw potatoes at it)

  4. Do I need certain kinds of villagers? For example does the villager who recieve the crops needs to be a regular villager? And does the farmer need to be a farmer from the start?

  5. Hey guys, can somebody help me? I'm did all perfectly, I converted two zombie villagers into human and they're in the farm but one doesn't stay behind the cart, it can go through… what can I do?

  6. so the two villagers are trying to breed… Im thinking this is because i have managed to put potatoes in the receiver's inventory by accident? i am going to try to replace him

  7. they are coming towards the villager and they don't give him a single carrot i also made 2 modules but that too not done it i also broke the rail and placed a trapdoor too

  8. This farm failed. The farmers never pass food. Farm built in creative so villagers from spawn eggs and I assume that means empty inventory.

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