These Bosses Are Getting CRAZY | Terraria Stars Above VS Four Idiots

I think it’s time we showcase the name we are going with meat Ballin if you don’t know what that is obviously look it up on the Urban Dictionary I hope there’s not multiple meanings because I don’t know myself oh good I was just about to join check no I was for 15 fing minutes man for what I don’t to play I was sitting on this screen with nobody to play Checkers with me jumps in and you come back leave by ter go away yeah go away I don’t want you here somebody play checkers with me H it’s jump in this game and play checkers with me I’m going to cut my own dick off and Fe it welcome to the new improved house what y all think of the house I built it all by myself oh hey Grand wizard not going to lie to you I how Cal me got after I joined him on [ __ ] Checker so uh chat uh Lucy has called out today so we have a replacement his name is p p say hello H what the [ __ ] hey white L here uhoh what are these names I’m looking at here hola thanks for the pumpkins man wait white L you build walls wait really TR white wait a minute this is actually cool oh yeah come look at the arena what what did COD say this is actually cool this is actually cool the wrong time no this is the arena this is our AFK pit for when events happen right click the drop is that is that honey and you’re probably wondering what happened to the Crimson uh don’t go left that’s all I’m going to say clear out this entire Mountain maybe why I mean you could drop down okay uhoh help help help I can’t reach here’s a question do you want health or do you want to just like be out 100 the entire time I mean if you guys are Max Health then I’ll take Health definitely not we are definitely not Max down are you still fighting King Slime I have a very bad weapon you have a bad weapon yeah I’m using a I found [ __ ] sloy leftovers in the fridge I don’t have gold what codes actually how did you forget about the ice machine thing we did I never did that oh do you have one gold to buy it at least I don’t have any coins oh f where are we going for oh my God all right oh we’re going to the arena wait are you playing that yeah he’s got banjo i c a fish and dropped it you want it you ready yeah I do actually I no shut up it says I you oh go man I’m dead you okay over there I don’t know let me go find out oh I clicked off my monitor oh man I am a go go away he just he’s just playing music at him you can take those I’m fighting off my demon you take these for me R it Goblin everybody appears immediately wait is he leaving oh no you miss only s bad what happened you were you were I thought you were just muted like talking to chat not deafen so I got like right behind you like looking over your shoulder and I was like you smell like honey and we thought you just like deafened when you heard that I thought it was like hey Chad so how do you craft this and it’s just like I’m touching myself right now wait a minute L Car [ __ ] blue wait a minute that name wait a minute I’ve heard that before feel like I’m the only one that ever carries blocks in Terraria well I mean normally I would but like all right I did my part thanks man appreciate it that you better teleport up I’m pretty sure that’s going to break it yep go go go go go go go oh dear God it’s okay guys I’m living why is this not drinking my potions owie you have potions oh here we go uhoh wait so this not regenerate my Mana God damn it I just got back why does it not regenerate my Mana I don’t like that there we go there we go little more little more little more I don’t want to die stay here don’t worry guys are fine the botom yes we’re at the shotgun all what does this do oh [ __ ] oh my God you can Rocket Jump with it what the hell is that doesn’t that weapon have a whip as well oh my God what the [ __ ] the [ __ ] that’s not a wh you what what’s the weapon called Tak namicon no I had ruthless on it damn it no I keep skipping gu ruthless so I’m going to rip my balls off and put it in a blender if I skip ruthless one more time I’ll do it for you are you kidding me last time we got absolutely obliterated by this boss now I got my red gun what the hell now we got like actual good [ __ ] so uhoh oh that a good oh white lki no I felt very targeted I think it’s because I have lki in my name maybe got exact that might be it oh she’s powering up oh my God what was that wall what is that what oh uhoh no no not the box poing in there I’m [ __ ] I don’t want to be here anymore I don’t want to be here anymore no anything but this ow don’t go to the top that’s just not oh oh not the Box again there boys uhoh oh Grand wizard J One the mission oh great nuh-uh white guy is here I return I’m here well I don’t want to be here anymore get the rocket wait a minute oh no I deserve it wait dead wa wait we Face two where oh we did it hey AAP name it’s called Hawk Moon I don’t want to be mooned by hawk I’m going be honest what the [ __ ] I do oh wait we get three abilities off rip sport cast Wars first Dear God that’s a big ass sword here use it use it then whoa that’s kind of pretty I don’t know what it did though chill what the [ __ ] holy [ __ ] dude that is sick oh my God wait he’s on top of what what what the [ __ ] can you actually use it no yes you can I got JoJo Cola out of it wait can’t you it’s giving it all to me all right I’m going stop stop it stop it stop all right hour back and I have 1500 rice balls in my goddamn inventory you [ __ ] purifying um I’ve never seen this animation before yeah same password oh my god oh star drop I love it I’m using it goodbye purple [ __ ] we are here doing oh hey it’s the B Frost from the before let me handle this guy what the okay sex happened here okay look at I got lki he’s back oh my God M no English wait Miko no English which is white lki all right so welcome to Jesus okay I’m going to the asteroid field asteroid field no no homo English no who oh God the gravity I found a treasure oh I died and lost connection it kicks you out if you die oh no my balls are clenched right now what the [ __ ] is that kill it it actually let you back oh God oh God oh God don’t go too low don’t go too low oh I almost got kicked out my 20 Health well abandon stop it that’s it why did that actually work oh dear God holy [ __ ] yeah why you [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] that’s it that doesn’t help oh not the be not the be I got this oh my God that is so cool oh God now I’m putting my sword in her get me out of here I’m dying oh why Lui couldn’t find the antidote H here we go beat his ass Press B kill the Hedge be how are you doing the be gun I say starts by weapon only wait a minute hey don’t you treat your guess this way yes treat guess this way don’t let me get the plantation owner back but I’m not actual you can’t do that yeah we could in the history of humanity every race has been inflamed at least once oh dear God kill the head fard a give him head he’s shooting heads oh watch out for the spin keep her going does it think we brow his hands or is that only in Calamity I don’t know actually I think it’s only in calamity doesn’t we’ll find out the hard way stop going for me you racist [ __ ] my eyes be like that’s just a trailer Forum turn Christ oh if he leaves the area doesn’t hit him oh my turn keep him in the air keep him in keep him in keep him in that’s not what I me sucks to had 120 [Laughter] honestly I’m surprised I lasted that long let’s go misery company oh I have it now I the same thing it changes right can you right click yeah you got got to right click oh yeah all right ready what the [ __ ] oh this is bad oh what the hell that’s a lot what the [ __ ] is happening yo this music kind of lit though that’s a lot of Health what music am I like Bugg or something move left wait can’t move I returned I don’t want to be here anymore so he he gives instructions you have to do what he says compels you to act move left move left move oh getting SP compels you to act move left move left success I’m dead no what the [ __ ] hey guys yeah I think I survived the longest and I have 120 Health that’s cool man he didn’t Target you that much ow oh my God I couldn’t see what ability I I had to do F I want to put a cheese grater on my [ __ ] and move it up and forth really aggressively okay moving I’m moving please die move left [ __ ] moving left mov moving left moving left oh no kill him please I got a boat look at my boat what the [ __ ] bro literally got the Titanic that’s of energy yeah that’s of the Dragon that’s the dancing sea holy sh [ __ ] what the M cocktail about the Dragon one o the Dragon one looks kind of cool all right well we’ll take a look at that next stream that’s all I really wanted to do today [Music] [Music]

Terraria Stars Above was one of my first modded experiences back on 1.4.3 AND is still my all time favorite mod

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😈Friends In Vid: @codesdoesstuff (Sport & Pika No Has Channel)

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