JJ and Mikey Rescued Families From Prison in Minecraft (Maizen)

we have been arrested and are being led to police cars now we are handcuffed and we cannot escape the police are now forcing our family to jump into the van urgently they want to take us to jail and put us in a cage uh-oh Mikey they’ve been arrested now and it seems the police car is going to jail after all we will be next I do not know how to run now because my hands are handcuffed and I cannot move properly you have no idea how upset I am right now I want to cry because my family has gone to prison the police will definitely not let us go now now there is no way back and nothing will help us anymore the police are asking us to get in the car Mikey look the police Convoy is being attacked by zombies right now this is our chance to escape jump up a tree quickly we must now hide from the police and not let them catch us again H we are now hiding in a tree and we see from above how a huge Army of zombies attacked the police let’s run a little further away now so that no no one notices us I am very glad that we managed to escape but now we need to remove the handcuffs in every possible way I won’t be able to take them off for you great I see that you managed to steal the key from one of the policemen turn your back on me I’ll open the handcuffs the moment has come to be free let me take off your handcuffs now too the good thing is that I was able to steal this key while the police were trying to fight the zombies but we need to check how the situation is there now now we need to find out everything and figure out where these cars are going next look they’re driving away Mikey don’t lose sight of them now we need to keep a careful eye on this car I want to understand where our family is going to be put now I see from the side that the car is now heading towards the police station this is very bad because there is a high degree of protection we have to save our family I don’t want them to be in a cage and the police are holding them there I saw the the car drove into the territory of the police station and will soon begin to take our family to prison I hope that we will still be able to get them out of there we need to come up with a plan uhoh the police car has now pulled up to the entrance that leads to the prison quickly everyone got out of the car and do not resist in any way keep your hands behind your back and stand against the wall we need to check you out now before we put you in a cage if I find out that you are trying to escape now then I will shoot with a pistol please let us go because right now we don’t want to go to jail you will feel sorry for the children they are not to blame for anything we are very sad right now and we don’t know what to do it seems now we will stay in prison forever so that’s it I’m already tired of listening to you because you’re constantly trying to persuade us to let you go but this will never happen we’ve checked it now and everything seems to be in order now move forward with me because we will put you in a special special cage you will never be able to get out of it we will do whatever you say just please do not treat us badly in any case now the police are taking us to separate cages and we will now be sitting here for a very long time no one can save us because this is a police station that is very well guarded now you will live here and listen only to me if I find out that you are planning something bad you will be punished for it immediately I will not feel sorry for anyone here we need to get to the police station now Mikey we’re taking hooks now so we can move much faster and stay invisible we need to keep a close eye on the side now and find out how many guards we will have to go through besides the police there are also lasers this can leave us with a lot of problems to be honest I did not expect that they were so strongly protected it would be almost impossible to get close to the family this is the best prison in our village let’s go down now and discuss everything down downstairs I think that’s the only way we’ll figure out the best way to get our family out of the cage Mikey the main thing for us right now is to be very secretive and the only way is to get in from the other entrance for sure he is not so well guarded there and we will be able to understand which side of the police station the cage in which our family is sitting is located what you see is that there are a lot of spikes and lasers here I noticed it from afar we are moving very quietly it is better to talk in Whisperers because the guards can hear us oh take a closer look now I have found the prison Ward where our family is located it turns out that we will need to get from this side to the territory of the police station maybe we’ll just try to jump over spikes and lasers huh Mikey it will be very difficult to do this and we will not be able to pass the spikes just like that you must understand this the main thing is that the guards don’t notice us now I know that we are wanted now and the police will surely be watching the sides carefully [Music] it hurts a lot we won’t be able to pass the spikes and lasers I’m very upset right now because it was my only chance to get inside what are we going to do next because right now I have absolutely no ideas oh no Mikey look up right now there’s a policeman there now he spotted us and the police are giving Chase uh-oh we need to run and hide urgently otherwise we will end up in prison with our families and we’ll never be able to save them Mikey keep up and run after me the policeman is chasing us now I still can’t believe we were spawned it’s very scary because I don’t want to go to jail we are these keep up with me cops keep running after us I think I know where to hide now there is a cave nearby we urgently run into it huh we urgently need to find a place where we can hide in a cave we need to close down here urgently I want to wait for the cops to run away Mikey please it’s very quiet right now they will surely try to find us in every every possible way I see what they’re running next to us right now to be honest I haven’t been so scared in a long time but it seems we were able to deceive them they ran the other way this is very good now it’s time to get out of this cave because we still need to save the family but now you need to find another way to get into the police station let’s take a closer look at everything now because the police may be walking around somewhere I don’t want to be noticed again there are no police around you can relax I think we did a great job because we were on the verge of being arrested but still knocked the police off our Trail now let’s think about how we can get into the police station you definitely won’t be able to do this from the outside then let’s run to the village now maybe we’ll find a house there now and hide for a while there we can come up with a plan to get into the police station I know that there are probably houses here where no one lives and we need to find him urgently let’s run around the streets for now and not attract attention look around carefully because the police may be watching us I don’t want us to fall into a trap Mikey I think we’d better run the other way because I have a very bad feeling about this it feels like something is about to happen D there’s something wrong in this Village right now oh no I see that the police were waiting for us now and it was all a trap we need to hide from them urgently run wherever you see I’m trying to get away from this place in every possible way right now I hope that Mikey will now find an opportunity to escape and hide from the police but where is Mikey now I don’t see that he’s running after me I can’t believe my eyes Mikey hid behind a tree no one even noticed me I was able to escape from the police let’s hide in some house now it will be much safer if the police chase us now we won’t be able to hide near the trees all the time I want to sit down to rest as soon as possible because I am very tired of these chases we ran to the right house and now I’m going to knock on the door I want to make sure that no one lives there I know that this house is abandoned so it’s time to go inside let’s go upstairs now and open the door I wonder what’s in this house right now wo Mikey’s out on the street right now and I have to check if there are any other cops here I just went into the bathroom and I see a toilet here I have a very cool idea Mikey I’ve ruined the toilet now we can go to jail through the sewers how did you figure that out now I still don’t believe that this is possible indeed this is a very good plan right now and I completely agree with it but I don’t want to jump into the sewer it smells so bad Mikey is still setting up to come down here but I see that there is a very huge tunnel here indeed the sewer does not smell very pleasant I think it’s definitely not worth getting distracted by this right now because we have a clear goal and we have to get into prison I see that now we have small blocks in front of us that we have to jump on just do not fall down in any case because there is a very unpleasant slurry there and I would not like to wash off for a long time afterwards all the waste is being drained here I hope that we will quickly run out of this place now Mikey is constantly trying to get out of here but I don’t think that’s the best idea I can’t keep up with you because you jump very fast please wait for me at least a little I see that you have already reached the stairs are moving on to the next part of this sewer I think I just tripped and fell I heard Mikey say that he accidentally fell I’ve reached the very end indeed Mikey is not here right now H I passed all the tests with the sewer the moment has come now to climb to the top I hope that we will still be able to get to the police station now if I did not confuse anything then this is the right route hooray now we’ve infiltrated the police station you have no idea how glad I am that we are here but we need to figure something out now because the police will surely notice us you’ll have to go up to the second floor we will not leave this room any other way Mikey then stay downstairs now and I’m going upstairs I really hope that we will find our family soon and be able to free them from this terrible prison I need to act very carefully now because as soon as I open the door there may be a lot of police there H I can’t can’t believe my eyes there are so many of them now that I definitely won’t be able to get through they will immediately suspect that there has been a break-in and will detain me I think it’s best to close the doors now and explore this room great I was checking the trunk now I found a police uniform and a weapon we urgently need to take this for ourselves and go down to Mikey I have a cool plan we’ll just dress up as cops and be able to walk around here without attracting attention it’s time to go downstairs and show it all to Mikey oh I see that you are back now how did you manage to find a pistol with cartridges and a uniform it turns out that now we can put the most real policeman whom no one will suspect it’s very cool so now I immediately put it on myself I look just fine now Mikey nobody’s even going to tell us that we’re not really cops therefore we can go into the room now without any problems the main thing is not to too much attention we need to find a family I’m walking down the corridor now and every policeman is looking at us but he’s not stopping us I noticed that our family is now sitting in a cage it’s very good we were finally able to find them let’s find a way to free them as soon as possible now I’m going up to the top now I must definitely persuade the police to let our family go I see that there are really a lot of guards here and it won’t work just like that we ear urgently need to find another option maybe I’ll try to go to the place where my family’s cage is they won’t let you in anyway I have already tried it several times but the guard says that these are very dangerous criminals and only certain police officers can communicate with them we need to discuss this urgently now because I don’t want to leave my family here why don’t you want to let us in now we’ll just check on the prisoners and find out how they’re doing let go don’t touch me I told you they’re not even going to listen to us let’s go to the warehouse now sort out a couple of things I needed to distract them Mikey there’s only one way left we must also go down the sewer and try to make another tunnel that will lead directly into the cage to our family I think that no one will suspect us this way and we will be able to save them woohoo you will definitely succeed I have no doubt about it the main thing is to focus on work because now the freedom of our family will depend on the tunnel that you make I see that you have now found a place where you need to drill and with the help of a tool it turns out very cool we need to hurry up Mikey I’m already working hard right now please try not to distract me I still want to finish the excavation as soon as possible and go up to my family in the cage I think that I will definitely be able to release them from prison in the near future but there is still a lot of work and it will take a long time to drill then don’t stop and keep going I am sure that you will definitely succeed just look at what kind of tunnel you’ve already managed to make during this time I really hope that now they are sitting in that cage and they have not been transferred anywhere we can only hope for the best Mikey I’m clearly under the cage of our family right now I can’t believe it but now I really went upstairs and I see that they are sitting here the police must not get in here in any case so now I will close everything with an obsidian block we’ve secured ourselves now open the cages it’s very good that we were able to get here in time get ready as soon as possible because now you are going home with us our families will never be in jail and we still achieved our goal the main thing is that the police do not block our exits now oh Mikey let’s run we need to get the family as far away as possible now this is the only way to escape but please do not stop in any case we are waiting for a very long and dangerous path if one of you accidentally falls behind then help each other run after me don’t fall behind we’re going to have to run through the sewers now it smells really bad so cover your nose I hope that we will run through it very quickly now I want to take my family out and finally come home we will never go back to this prison again because it is terrible Mikey the most important thing right now is to get to the hole we made Let’s still get to the very end and then start climbing up I will make a special staircase for our amilies to go out to the Village after that we will immediately hide so that the police won’t find us it is very cool I still can’t believe you came up with such a clear good plan now everything seems to be assembled and no one is lagging behind it remains to be patient very little and we will get out of this sewer home our family is very happy that we rescued them from prison so quickly I’m putting up the ladder now as soon as it is fully installed come up with me we have to get upstairs now and get out of this house as fast as possible because the police will start chasing us I still can’t believe that we managed to do this and we finally got out of this prison oh I’m in a great mood because now the family is with us the police are not guarding her and she is not sitting in a cage what could be even better we finally got out and were able to hide very well now I suggest you have fun and relax as soon as possible we dressed up as cops and got the family out of jail I am very glad that everything ended well for us that’s how our incredible Adventure ended

JJ and Mikey Rescued Families From Prison in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

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