Minecraft, But Any SCARY Build Hack, You Get

I’m building some of the world’s scariest build hacks and bringing them to life to scare my friend Luke on this platform I can create any scary build hack I want and with this scanner I can bring it to life to scare the pants out of ly and I’m using these build hacks to make Luke feel unsafe in his own world but if I fail even once my build will turn on me and come after me instead I knew I shouldn’t have watched those scary movies dude Ethan is so stupid for recommending them to me in the first place they were way too scary I recommended a bunch of terrifying movies so scaring him would be even easier and it worked perfectly right now I’m out in the open and my base it has walls and that’s where it’s safe does Bro think his base is some type of Fortress homie this is not that big of a base oh look we’re going to see him about that this place is not going to be so safe when I’m done all right now we got to get cooking let’s get to building and our first goal is make Luke abandon his base oh I have the perfect idea for that let’s just start with some beautiful Foundation real quick and now what is something we can put inside of Luke’s house that can make him leave it it needs to be something quite small and if it’s something super normal inside a house it’s going to be even funnier when he peeds himself now I don’t know about you guys but I feel like the most scary thing out of everything is Luke’s reflection yeah I look I might be being mean but man has an emoji head and that thing is absolutely terrifying Luke’s going to be scared by his own reflection first we’re going to need to make the actual haunted mirror itself before making this thing real so you want to grab yourself a red banner you want to grab yourself some white dye some black dye and all things in between no that that’s it that that’s all the ingredients it’s just that simple you guys can follow this at home so first of all what you want to do is do a little strip down the side because glass has that nice shiny effect and then you want to grab yourself the white gradient and go from top to bottom so it’s glowing from the top just like how lights would make your mirrors glow at home and then you want to do a grading going from bottom to top using the black dye it’s very simple guys and now all you want to do is Chuck it in for the last effect and just do a lovely frame around it and now it looks like an extra dirty haunted Mir all right now all we got to do is dig down one guys grab yourself a lovely piston Chuck that right right there and then we just want to Chuck our armor stand on top of that give him the skull give him the red tunic just like that so let’s grab ourselves our cauldron and we just want to Chuck this one right here we want to move our Banner to the side I’m sorry Mr banner I just got to move you out of the way for a second and then we’re just going to push the Piston down into his head and look at that we have him hidden inside and now we just come to the back here real quick chck out skull sensor down like that and don’t make any noise otherwise we’re going to get jump scared just like like that now using our scanner we can bring our scary build to wait is that two items hold up what am I seeing things the jump scare cabinet and the magic mirror build yo we got a double whammy two for one deal it’s time to scare the pants off L at least decorating calms me down I’ve got some paintings right here and oh look at the lights it’s so warm it’s so calm in here I love the yellow color that this produces so much light okay I do not like that painting I do not want a skeleton right there here we go it’s time to decorate this place and I think the perfect start is a mirror right here all the terrifying Secrets this mirror hold let’s just put a few around the place just to bait ly to walk out of his door and let’s put the jump scare cabinet right here so when ly comes to check it out he gots jump scared this painting I like this one too it’s not too spooky ah another SK okay seriously why do you keep giving me skeletons man what is this man an interior designer or something why is bro painting the walls he’s not dinky okay this is actually just the slowest man known to M he’s not even going downstairs okay we got to start putting some mirrors around him to bait him downstairs all right here we go let’s Chuck one right there wait what is that I I I didn’t place that man yes he’s seen it let it begin okay now let’s just put one more by the stairs so when he comes down here he gets the scare of his life I ha since when did they add a mirror of myself that’s that’s just kind of weird no there’s no way wait there’s another one over here wait are my mirrors useless I thought I made it pretty clear what happened with the build right it’s meant to be a haunted mirror no wait there’s a mirror over here and there’s wait what what happened why does this mirror show that I have I’m wearing nothing I’m wearing armor right now but this one over here shows that what is going on in this world man let me just walk out to maybe if I like hit it or something wait what what did I just do wait why does it have armor now wait what just happened the lights went out and it got set to night time the painting still there why why W wo okay you know what give me my stuff back man okay I I got it back but okay I’m just going to go downstairs everything’s fine everything’s everything’s Dandy yes he’s finally downstairs okay surely he notices the cabinet what is this I don’t remember this why is there so much lightting from this thing wait what’s going on that y that guy tried to tap me no no no no no I’m out of here bro what is wrong with my Bas and he’s so terrified objective complete we made ly abandon his base let’s go that’s one down I need to get out of here and go to the nether I need to find my portal quickly and ly is on the run now I heard him say something about a portal and our next objective is lose items so what if we make some sort of portal that sucks up lot’s items I mean that’s a long shot guys but we need to somehow make this thing scary I guess I mean what if we use like some smooth cords to make like a ghoul or skeleton or something wait even better what if we make a vampire blah blah blah yes it’s brilliant guys let’s give him some fangs real quick and when Luke goes in maybe he’ll even get sent to the vampire Dimension where they will suck all of the loot out of him all right now we just need to make sure he’s got some evil terrifying red eyes all right let’s put these right here oh he is looking good so far all right let’s grab ourselves some beautiful black concrete locks because of course he’s a vampire and they’re always beautiful I guess is that is that a thing all right let’s Chuck this hair just like this give him some beautiful long luscious locks and now let’s put some of this backing board like this this is the rest of his skull now this vampire is not going to be very useful to me if he doesn’t have a body though Luke will just diff this full ASAP so we’re going to have to make this man have a ginormous body all right we’re going to have to grab the head real quick and just paste it way up in the sky like this let’s just go up up up and W bam there we go now all we have to do is grab some lovely red I’d say some like red wool for like his bow tie and some white wool is that you know vampires they got that like twilly thing is this vampire needs arms cuz all vampires need the arms of buff men all right there we go look at that we are doing well now we we got to do some pantaloons for this man black wo going along here for the belt and then we just want to do the gray in the middle for like his little belt buckle bit you know what I’m saying and now let’s just go ahead and use the power of world Ed it to speedrun this but of course you guys can copy this at home so don’t panic it’ll just take you a little bit longer all right there we go we got to punch him right there and now he has some lovely slender legs oh this vampire be looking creepy right now and now of course to make this portal actually functional we’re going to need to ourselves a flint and steel and light that bad boy up just need to move this one down so it’s actually on the build platform we got to use our magical scanner to make this thing come to life go my scan Brethren wait what bro why I build still here but it doesn’t matter because we got ourselves The Count Dracula vampire portal let’s see this thing in action why is it so dark here man I don’t like the forest across I built the portal in the spookiest a puzzle now Luke said he was running to a portal and I see the enemy spotted right over here say goodbye to your portal Luke and say hello to Count Dracula portal oh my gosh this thing looks terrifying bro yeah there it is but why is it looking like a witch man since when did they I mean it’s kind of wait w wait what’s going on it just raised from the ground where where are you taking me I don’t want to go in the port portal no no no no no don’t take me there way it’s sucking him in yes oh I wonder where that sent him this vampire portal must have send him somewhere absolutely crazy dude we got to check this thing out wait what the nether but but the vampire portal what well what that sent me through the portal I mean like I wanted to I guess okay no we can’t give up on this build guys otherwise we lose we need to make this thing even more terrifying I don’t want these things coming and sucking me okay we got to think of something uh what can make this guy look even scarier we are crunch timing right now uh dripstone that’ll probably work better as fangs right that that’ll make it look way more scary okay we got to do crunch time right now let’s just do some scary ear perfect okay there we go man no longer looks like Elvis Presley anymore beautiful now he’s got another ear on this side okay there we go he’s got two ears he’s looking scary and I have the perfect idea guys okay this is a build hack you should all learn for at home okay let’s just go head and grab ourselves a loom we need to grab ourselves a white Banner real quick and we need to grab ourselves some red dye okay Chuck this one down put your white Banner in here and we are going to make some terrifying eyes right now guys all right so all you want to do is go ahead and grab this straight down the center line just like this one here and then next what you want to do is make sure you have yourself some white dye all right and now what you want to do guys is just do this one right here that goes almost over halfway just do that with some white and now we have ourselves some plain red banners now yes they look like eyes on their own but if we pair these with something like a trap door we can give this man some terrifying eyes if you put these right here you put the trap doors down here now his eyes actually blink that is terrifying now it’s time we have to scare ly otherwise we are done for Please Mr scanner work and just like that the new and improved vampire portal this one’s just going to suck luky into the vampire himself and then hopefully he loses his items in the B of the vampire now we need to head over to Luke ASAP I really shouldn’t have watched those movies are those things even real no no no I don’t want them to be real he’s inside the nether still why is he hiding in the nether bro why does he think this place is safe okay now when Luke tries to escape we’re going to make sure there is no Escape for him at all okay let’s break out the portal real quick and let’s put this one right about here oh that looks so much scarier than the other vampire portal bro and this one is not taking him to the nether this time you know may maybe I I just make sure everything’s okay outside wait I just realized where’s the portal gone man like my God wait wo wo wo wo what what it eyes are blinking too guys yo what just happened wait where’s the portal gone no this can’t be good what’s going to happen what’s going to happen get away from me no no please stop what no yes what what the heck I’m inside its stomach we got to teleport to him and see what the inside of the vampire looks like no no this isn’t good man wo wo wo what’s going on Luke is getting digested in the belly of coun Dracula why why am I inside this stop come on Luke what if we just give him a little bit of a uh push right now no no no what happened I just got wo W no no swim out of this no no no no no no I’m going to die I’m going to die no no I don’t it yeah yes I died to severe as what no what is going on all right what have we got next game over so you’re telling me we need to scare Luke so bad he doesn’t come back and play Minecraft dude that’s going to be almost impossible but I think I have the perfect plan we’re going to have to traumatize Luke yes I know that sounds terrible but I don’t want these scary build hacks turning and coming after me and my plan is simple I’m going to be using a that’s right guys I’m going to use this to take away everything Luke loves from in front of him now this is not me being too mean to him I’m sure he’ll be fine he’s a tough guy and remember guys you can copy any of these along at home so if you want to scare your friends maybe not as much as I’m doing you can build these in your Minecraft world all right let’s put this one down right here some of this red carpet and there we have it that should be good okay now all we have to do is bring it to life using the scanner Please interpret what I was doing well well otherwise I will be mad oh my gosh did it work we have ourselves the guillotine for Pleasant conversation only oh Luke I’m about to have a pleasant conversation with you I I I don’t see anything I think I lost the skeleton and whatever portal thing that was look Luke I’ll probably buy this man in ice cream later cuz I feel kind of bad but but now let’s let’s just terrify it I’m just going to stay in here just just just in case okay this cave looks nice what if we just come around the corner oh he is so terrified right now so what’s one more thing to terrify him again oh my god do you hear that guys wa what was that [Music] noise you know maybe it’s just my imagination let me just check inside wait what’s that um welcome Luke to your worst nightmare wait what is this thing in front of you you man like you I came here W yo yo what what they just chop his head off dude that was Grim I’m I’m going to get away from the cave you know what my new spot is this tree okay we have a few more chances that wasn’t enough to scare him out of the game wait what does look the he safe behind this tree homie that is some oak wood it is not stopping you from being scared by my Guillo oh and that is Luke’s llama right there okay I think I should probably find a new spot wait no no no no is that spitty mix’s spit face no please don’t tell me that’s going to happen to him what just happened to Steve no surely not I can St SP face no no no stop showing me that that is just cruel oh he is getting scared now but I’ve only got one more chance surely this will be enough to make Luke leave the game wait is he trying to climb up the cave I’m just going to scale this mountain and get out of here dude he is so scared right now and he’s going really high oh what if we terrify him at the very very top let’s just put this one right here and now he faces his worst fear wait a second no no no that that can’t be me right the the there just no way that’s right ly you know what this is okay maybe maybe it’s just a prank right it’s just a prank see nothing’s happening everything’s right no no no no no that is not happening to me man you know what I’m done I’m done with this I’m leaving wait that’s it we did it we won game over yes now Luke stay away from the movies man I’ll have to go buy a lollipop or something I feel terrible we did it

How to Build CURSED Minecraft Tricks, TikToks and Secrets That Are Banned in Minecraft! MUAHAHA!

✅ Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/eystreem?sub_confirmation=1
❤️ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@firelight846mc?_t=8ZCYwB1CFKT&_r=1
📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsfirelight846/
🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Firelight #Minecraft


  1. I was playing roblux and my friend buly me because my name is lemurl2072 i got sad so evry day i watch firelight minecraft and roblux chanel evry day if hers a new upload an i found this thank you ethan😊❤🎉

  2. Firelight is better then ey
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    Like if you agree and pressed read more

  3. I think I'm the only one who's aware of people's profile pictures in Ethan's comment sections because why the Firelight are some people's PFPs weird or inappropriate? Please, someone, anyone, report them because these profile pictures are too inappropriate for YouTube lol… 📢📢

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