What Mikey is HIDING Inside His HOUSE From JJ ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

all right let’s get started today I thought I’d drop in on Mikey’s survival mode Minecraft server Mikey told me he was going to build a secret hideout today so I want to pull a little prank on him it looks like his Hideout is really coming along so far first things first I’m going to turn invisible here goes nothing yes it worked now Mikey will be able to see me no matter what my goal is to make as many changes as I can to his secret hideout without him catching on eventually I’m going to make my own secret hideout hidden inside his secret hideout I’ll just wait for him to leave oh there he is where’s he going oh now’s my chance I’m going to sneak in this hiding place is pretty impressive you’d never see the entrance from far away why don’t we take a look inside W this place isn’t so bad it’s not too small plus it’s way more stylish than I thought it would be well I don’t have much time I better get to work before Mikey gets back my goal is to move into Mikey’s secret hideout without him noticing I’ll start building my secret room right around here let’s get moving this secret room is going to be the best secret room ever unfortunately I don’t know when Mikey will come home so I better pick up the pace [Music] this area right here this should [Music] work uh-oh I broke through to the [Music] outside I need to set it up exactly like [Music] this okay there we go and a button here yes I’m off to a good start what now it needs to open from the outside too let’s see [Music] that looks [Applause] good this way perfect [Music] just a bit further it needs to [Applause] [Music] connect now all I need is a button there we go I’m going to make the inside button wood so it’s easier to use okay great w I can’t believe I built this secret room inside Mikey’s house maybe I should make it a little bigger [Music] yes yes yes yes yes uh-oh Mikey’s home I better get out huh wait a second what’s Mikey doing a he doesn’t have a care in the world is he expanding his Hideout that’s not what he told me he was doing today now’s my chance wait what was [Music] that he’s building something what are those dirt blocks for maybe he’s making a farm well whatever he’s doing he can stick to that I’m going to get back to work on my secret hideout inside of his secret hideout his back’s turned right now so I’ll sneak in while he isn’t looking got to go fast yes woo I don’t think he saw me now where was I my next mission is to make this room nice and big it’ll be a private personal Pleasant [Music] space once it’s done it’ll be the perfect place to sit back and [Music] relax okay time for a little interior design it should be wide enough on this side there that’s big enough for now while I’m at it I should raise the ceiling as well just a little higher now for some fluorescent lights wow check out those [Music] lamps that should be enough to light up the room it might be a good idea to push this wall a little a little further back this spot will be perfect for my bed now then time to add some bookshelves these can go around the bed that looks terrific now I’ll be able to read a new book every night before I go to sleep but first I need to add a couple of redstone lamps I’ll Place one on each side of the bed just like this let’s see is there anything else I’m missing huh oh Mikey’s underground what for whatever I’m going to add a little corner for studying perfect I think that should work for the chair on the other side of the room there’s going to be a bunch of crafting equipment a cauldron of water a crafting table that’s better and a chest this looks like a good spot for a brewing stand and I’ll place an enchanting table right here now I’ll adjust the ceiling hey not too bad this corner could use another fluorescent light there perfect W this place is shaping up to be really cool what a cozy little Hideout I’ve got a bed some bookshelves and plenty of other amazing stuff I’m really happy with this so far although I’m kind of curious to see how Mikey’s secret hideout is coming along maybe I should take a peek Ready set go huh wa he doesn’t see me H it’s an aquarium what’s this wow it looks like Mikey’s added quite a bit of furniture and look he even made a farm [Music] wow where’s he going oh well I think it’s time to do some living room Renovations of my own I’ll start by doing something about these flower [Music] pots watch this I’ll switch out his flowers he used to have red ones now they’re blue I can’t wait until he notices I’ve already come this far so I might as well make Mikey a special Chair by his desk take one campfire one trapo put them together then sprinkle a splash potion on top that puts out the fire and turns it into a nice chair now then what should I do next let me think oh I should build them some bookshelves bookshelves for Mikey this is a good place to put them look great it’s a little dark in here I’ll fix that there much better next I’m going to spruce up the aquarium make it a bit prettier for starters it needs to be a whole lot bigger I better get to work before Mikey gets back there we go perfect now the aquarium is bigger I’ll replace the stone floor with sand I think it would look better if I added some Coral here too a few C cucumbers would be perfect additions wow it’s so Lively now I just need to fill up the tank of water there now I’ll add some lights to illuminate everything that looks [Music] better okay miky needs way more fish than this the more the mar yes now this is what I call an aquarium woohoo I made it way fancier than it was before seriously this is fantastic you can’t get fancier than this am I right oh Mikey’s home H I guess he was out collecting seeds for his farm that makes sense he still hasn’t [Music] noticed wait he’s going to figure it out oh it looks like he noticed I guess there’s nothing for him to do about it right now he didn’t notice the aquarium it looks like he noticed the changes here but he didn’t really react to it oh well I think I’m going to do some work on Mikey’s Farm all right let’s get to work the plan is to make it as extravagant as I can for him watermelons might be a good idea but first I need to add some more light sources back here here if you don’t have enough light sources by your farm then your crops aren’t ever going to grow I’ll speed up the process a bit for some bone meal while I’m at it I’ll make the wheat grow too there we go that’s great I’ll just wait for the Watermelons oh there we go they grew up so fast yes three whole [Music] watermelons that’s better this place needed some cats this time around Mike’s definitely going to have a huge reaction when he gets home oh here he is and he’s got diamonds well he noticed the cats oh no one of the cats ran away from him right out the front door wait both cats are gone now they’ll have to wander around outside oh well it looks like Mikey noticed something different about the cross hey there something seems off about Mikey lately he’s acting weird where is he now oh there he is he’s really been freaking me out huh is that rotten flesh ew that’s disgusting he’s really pigging out on it I’m going to talk to him hey Mikey dude hey why are you eating rotten flesh something seems different about you lately is something wrong huh I’m not eating rotten flesh I’m totally fine see uh no way there’s definitely something wrong look at all the rotten flesh that’s it I’m going to figure out what’s going on with [Music] Mikey it’s a stake out I’m going to find out what his deal is where is he oh there he is wow he is acting weird he keeps looking over his shoulder but why where is he going I’m going to follow [Music] him all right where are you headed off to Mikey we must be going somewhere no wo he’s really on guard today what for huh Mikey went into that abandoned house it’s been empty and vacant for a while but he walked right in uh what he disappeared I’m sure I saw him go inside where did Mikey go oh there’s a button that’s unusual maybe it’s a clue in this big mystery I’m going to push it click whoa what it’s a pit it looks really deep too maybe Mikey went down there I don’t know where it goes but I’m going in I have to all right 3 2 1 go W huh what wa what where am I is this the abandoned house but I just went down the pit I what’s going on I need to focus I’m here to look for Mikey find out what’s wrong and stop [Music] it this isn’t right what everything the whole village is messed up what happened I need to find Mikey maybe he’s in here a skeleton Mikey no another one why hey is that my field oh no the farm it’s ruined I don’t remember planting these here’s my house but that’s messed up too should I go in my he might be in there it just doesn’t feel safe should I go inside I have to be brave I’m going in the light keeps blinking a skeleton Mikey that’s not Mikey right it can’t be I have to believe he’s safe even if this place feels dangerous I have a really bad feeling it’s so creepy oh that’s right I always keep a weapon in the nightstand just in case I should check yes my emergency supplies are still here even my TNT and bread okay I’ll take the weapons with me I feel safer already it certainly seems dangerous around here now where’s Mikey he has to be here somewhere H wait is that huh oh wow there’s some kind of tunnel going beneath the house it’s a weird secret area Mikey could be somewhere down there I’ll put a little TNT right here to break the iron bars okay W nice yes it worked perfectly I’ll make my Escape rout in advance H all right I’m going down there I wonder why there’s a secret passage under the house I don’t remember building it what’s this it looks like there’s a door I have to keep going even if it’s dark and scary I just hope Mikey’s down here I really hope he’s safe why is he been acting so weirdly I’ll keep going I hope he’s down down here let’s go open there are freaky creatures down here what are they I’m glad I brought a weapon they look like tentacles just shoot okay one down two to [Music] go yes take that TNT well have you had enough pH oh thank goodness I’m glad I brought a weapon I’m starting to think that I fell into a different plane of existence but why did Mikey come here all questions no answers I see another door let’s just open it and find my friend okay Mikey is that you J save me there’s a skeleton help I’m going to blow up that creepy summoning Circle yes I can’t get out don’t worry I’ll get you out of that cage oh Mikey oh you SE are you all right Mikey you’re different from earlier I’m just glad you’re okay this impostor attacked me and took me to this parallel world it was scary wait an impostor yeah heyo what’s going on it’s back it’s him it’s the impostor it was this fake Mikey who was acting weird not you leading to me I can take care of this why is he so strong what is he yo let’s go JJ what was that let’s make a break for it back to our world go faster is it safe a let’s just get out of here follow me do you have a plan come on we should be able to return to our world through the empty house yeah keep going Mikey this way okay huh what no a no what really no we’re surrounded by Impostors this is crazy what now JJ I don’t know hey what’s that there’s a lever up there huh wo oh I forgot to tell you what it’s a hidden storage room oh that sounds like fun let’s take a look around do you have anything good in here to be honest I don’t think there’s anything in there I haven’t really used this room in a long time wo what is that huh oh yeah JJ what’s the deal with this helmet it’s so cool can I have it please uh hold on that helmet it’s so cool I don’t know Mikey I think there was something really wrong about that helmet no way it’s awesome it does look cool but if I remember correctly I think we aren’t supposed to put it on I can’t remember why though fine but can I still have it if I promise that I won’t put it on I guess that would be okay just be careful with that thing don’t put it on you got [Music] it I can’t stop thinking about that helmet I really wish I could remember what was wrong with it maybe I should do some research online H open let’s see here H there I found it oh now I remember that helmet has a powerful curse apparently Anyone who puts on the helmet will become a completely different person uh Mikey knows not to put it on so it should be okay but it’s still dangerous maybe I I should ask Mikey to give it back H it’s getting dark out though I can’t go today I’ll have to go tomorrow morning I’m sure I’ll be safe with it for one night time to get some sleep good [Music] night rise and shine if Mikey has been cursed this could be a little dangerous so this is what I’m bringing I’m sure I won’t need all these items but it’s better to be safe than sorry I feel like I’m ready for anything now I’m just going to rearrange some stuff first okay I’m ready to go let’s head to Mikey’s house and get that helmet back I’m glad I’m prepared I’ve got a bad feeling about [Music] this man I really hope Mikey isn’t wearing the cursed helmet where’s his house again it’s around here somewhere H what’s that hold on something’s wrong it looks completely different is that Mikey’s house no way it’s been totally rebuilt I definitely got a bad feeling about this wo Mikey built a security house in just one day no way the last time I was here it was just a dirt house I don’t believe this wait how do I get in the lasers are keeping me out so I guess I’ll just have to climb over the [Music] top there I made it to the top now to get back down like that all right today we’re looking at four security houses hidden inside each one is a fabulous treasure so we’re going to break into each house and steal it away wo really let’s go steal let’s do some reconnaissance oh I see something at the dirt house yeah this guy is alert what else it looks like he has a lava mode around his house H it shouldn’t be a problem if we can get past that all this lava could really be a problem later that’s about it for this one let’s scout out the Diamond House okay this house is surrounded by a web of vicious security lasers wo that’s some really tough security yeah but we can just walk through the front door once he goes to sleep right that’s easy well I hope so next is the Bedrock house there’s a freaky guy guarding the door and it looks like some security turrets oh and spike traps we’ll take damage if we get too close so watch out yikes that’s scary oh man the owner looks strong but if he goes to sleep we can just walk through the front door too H maybe the last one is the sky house look how giant the tower is and at the top the house you’re right I wonder what kind of person lives up there this looks like the toughest to break into we have to climb the tower just to reach the [Music] house wo it’s all lava below if we slip while climbing up that’s it for us this is definitely the hardest house to break into where we even start with this one for now let’s just wait until night falls we can’t break in during the day yeah let’s get some treasure it’s dark out let’s go first let’s protect our identities we can put on these masks and a change of clothes okay wo looking good now no one can see our faces so let’s get started with that dirt house and it’s treasure do you have a plan let’s sneak over wo JJ H the owner is still awake and standing guard what do we do oh that’s tricky but I have a plan really he’s only guarding the entrance the plan is to sneak to the back of the house nice idea let’s go right behind you good he hasn’t noticed us yet sneak go on to the back okay be stealthy Mikey all right hen stop what’s up there’s no way to get out the lava mod take a good look it’s not that big of a deal we can just hop right over huh wow you’re right my turn nice oh well all right we’re in yep now we can break in through the wall to get inside since they’re made of dirt we can just use our hands we’re going in Easy hey wo nice let’s go in where’s the chest be very quiet so the owner doesn’t hear us shh he’s right there um H where’s the treasure it has to be around here but where no nothing hey Mikey do you see it where I found it really look oh I wonder what’s inside let’s open it good idea break the dirt and wo just look okay 3 2 1 open gold nuggets and apples you get half thanks what a fine totally all right hooray we did it and the owner is none the wiser but let’s not push our Lu let’s go I the evidence nice good work Mikey run away great treasure okay next up is the Diamond House let’s break in he’s awake if the owners would sleep we’d use the front door I’m going in you’re scouting ahead I’ll be stealthy good luck try not to be seen he won’t see [Music] me huh oh no he saw me what do I do JJ uh-oh just keep running away oh no go Mikey but where to the Village ow hurry that hurt this way ouch that way okay just keep running well no way we’re going through the front door nope we’ll have to find a different way to get inside yeah let’s think it’s impossible it’s surrounded by lasers and the owner is guarding the door sneaking inside just isn’t going to happen we don’t have a chance [Music] H oh I have a plan we’re definitely getting inside that Diamond House well here it is there’s nothing look down there what look underwater yep the sewers are down here this is an entrance oh I see that means what we can break in so why do we have to use the sewer well Mikey get must connect to a bathroom in the diamond house that’s why we’re here oh it’s our ticket in I get it let’s go through the toilet yep which way do we go it’s down this way okay I’m right behind you just follow me okay hello hey yeah it’s connected wow is it really I think we’re under the bathroom okay let’s check it out here we go I hope it’s the right place well see anything where does it go oh Mikey H come up here I come oh we’re in the bathroom we did it you’re right it was connected let’s find the treasure okay where is it let’s be quiet we don’t want to alert the owner right oh okay that’s the front door w there’s his bed and there’s the owner he hasn’t seen us sweet he doesn’t know we’re already inside woah this looks like a safe what really let’s go inside there has to be treasure let’s see 3 2 1 open is it there I think this is it oh let’s see open it here we go wo wow this is incredible look at all those cars yeah TNT and expensive cars luxurious hey Mikey want to take a spin uh yeah this is awesome so many What a fine seriously these cars are the best what a hole we still need to break out of here H here’s an idea let’s use the TNT to escape are you sure mhm TNT then we can speed away cool I’ll put the TNT here and light it okay make sure to back up Mikey is this [Music] okay come on let’s go okay here’s my wow nice check mine out pretty cool huh all right hop in wo let’s burn some rubber let’s go what a rush wo we did it wo yay another success yep we have so many cars to choose from look sweet what a hul huh seriously ready for the next one the owner of the Bedrock house was terrifying but it looks like he’s asleep now we can break in easily let’s go in JJ hey watch out it’s fine was that the security system Mighty come on back off right by would stop ouch run away that really hurt what now that security system is no joke Mikey seriously is it impossible to break into nah I have a plan let’s see here you go buddy a potion of invisibility if we drink these and become invisible we can sneak past the security oh bottoms up okay yum now take off your equipment see we’re totally invisible this has to work what a good idea thanks let’s go all right let’s start running up is it working um look no lasers it works yep we’re undetectable let’s go wo break in okay I’m opening it let’s hurry hey wow wow hold on H he’s sleeping don’t wake him up he’s so paranoid he sleeps with a knife hey what’s that there’s a lever up there huh W oh I forgot to tell you what it’s a hidden storage room oh that sounds like fun let’s take a look look around do you have anything good in here to be honest I don’t think there’s anything in there I haven’t really used this room in a long time wo what is that huh oh yeah JJ what’s the deal with this helmet it’s so cool can I have it please uh hold on that helmet it’s so cool I don’t know Mikey I think there was something really wrong about that helmet no way it’s awesome it does look cool but if I remember correctly I think we aren’t supposed to put it on I can’t remember why though fine but can I still have it if I promise that I won’t put it on I guess that would be okay just be careful with that thing don’t put it on you got it [Music] I can’t stop thinking about that helmet I really wish I could remember what was wrong with it maybe I should do some research online open let’s see here H there I found it go now I remember that helmet has a powerful curse apparently Anyone who puts on the helmet will become a completely different person uh Mikey knows not to put it on so it should be okay but it’s still dangerous maybe I should ask Mikey to give it back uh it’s getting dark out though I can’t go today I’ll have to go tomorrow morning I’m sure I’ll be safe with it for one night time to get some sleep good [Music] night rise and shine if Mikey has been cursed this could be a little dangerous so this is what I’m bringing I’m sure I won’t need all these items but it’s better to be safe than sorry I feel like I’m ready for anything now I’m just going to rearrange some stuff first okay I’m ready to go let’s head to Mikey’s house and get that helmet back I’m glad I’m prepared I’ve got a bad feeling about [Music] this man I really hope Mikey isn’t wearing the cursed helmet where’s his house again it’s around here somewhere H what’s that hold on something’s wrong it looks completely different is that Mikey’s house no way it’s been totally rebuilt I definitely got a bad feeling about this wao Mikey built the security house in just one day no way the last time I was here it was just a dirt house I don’t believe this wait how do I get in the lasers are keeping me out so I guess I’ll just have to climb over the [Music] top there I made it to the top now to get back down like that okay I’m inside the fence I’m starting to get the feeling that Mikey may already have been cursed I need to hurry up and get that helmet back wo this is a pretty impressive lava mod I’m not sure I have enough blocks to bridge across what do I do now I’ll try calling out to him to get his attention Mikey hey Mikey it’s me JJ you must be here to take back this helmet huh well yeah I am Mikey did you put the helmet on I told you not to that thing is super cursed it’s dangerous you’re too late I’ve already taken over Mikey’s body and I’ll never give it back his eyes they turned red I was too late Mikey has already been cursed well you leave me no choice I’ll have to take the helmet off you by force and break the curse I won’t let you oh yeah you’ll never come close thanks to my security system yikes take that Fireballs he’s not messing around he set me on fire come on at least my shield was able to block some of them nice you’ll never get close now he’s right I’m trapped I’m keeping this body this is bad good thing I brought these golden apples what am I going to do how’d you set up this level of security overnight [Music] Mikey for now I’ll stay here where he can’t hit me eventually he has to run out of ammo there he’s all out of fireballs let’s go what no more ammo all right now’s my chance Mikey give me back the helmet you’re out of ammo so there’s nothing else you can do what a chance I still have some tricks up my sleeve wait what when I put this lover my zombies are Unleashed wo I didn’t even notice the zombies yes destroy him there’s so many of them and they’re not burning up in the Sun at all why do they have Mikey’s face and my Army they’re really creepy get in I’m going to need my shield for this there I’m glad I came prepared or I would have been in some real trouble all right there’s only two left come on yes I did it I slew them all Mikey just give me back the helmet and we can be friends again fine you win I’ll give it back oh the helmet’s yours thank you you’re not lying right no I’m serious one problem I can’t get there with this lava in the way how am I supposed to get across that’s no problem I’ll just bring out the bridge for you JJ there’s a bridge watch okay see wow what do you think where did that even come from oh thank you Mikey I really didn’t think you’d give it up okay then hand it over please you fool I tricked you huh this helmet is mine no Mikey is gone this body belongs to me now the bridge disappeared how did I fall for that a golden apple should do the trick come on Mikey that was mean thankfully I think my equipment is going to get me out of this one alive he that was a close call but I’m out of the lava the helmet is mine he has arrows too yikes that’s right just give up you’re not getting the helmet back I can’t give up I need to break Mike’s curse I guess there’s only one thing left to do I’m going to have to use this my secret weapon sorry Mikey but I’m taking that helmet okay let’s get this set up you’ll never get across the lava yeah oh yeah we’ll see about that I’ll put some blocks here and some more on the other side just like that and some water okay H almost done that should do it finally I better eat another Golden Apple sorry Mikey but I’m breaking that curse and getting back that helmet what are you doing yes I made it no way my plan worked now to take you down I didn’t plan for this it’s over there’s no way you can win I’m going to take you down and put that helmet someplace safe we’re TR eat huh did he just run inside I guess I’ll go in after him here we go take this sorry Mikey oh no yeah yes huh wa where am I JJ what’s going on you’re back huh Mikey you were the victim of a curse but now you’re back to normal wait what take a look at this helmet you put it on yesterday and a curse took over your body until just now what that really happened I thought that was just a weird dream thank you I’m just glad you’re back this helmet is really dangerous let’s just destroy it once and for all goodbye yeah awesome I’m feeling safer already yeah much [Music] safer huh how long was I out and where am I this looks like a train and the other passengers they’re asleep too huh oh Mikey’s here too hey [Music] NY wait what was that noise huh someone just entered the train car am I crazy or is there a monkey on the [Music] train look he just killed the Villager this is bad he’s coming this way we need to get out of here and fast come on Mikey wake up you’re not waking up what do I do I don’t have much time I may have to wake him up by force miky come on you have to wake up hey what was that for you’re so mean JJ I was having such a nice dream now not the time Mikey we have to get out of here what are you talking about look what is that let’s get out of here now all right hurry run away oh no the door is sealed off with iron bars there’s nowhere to run seriously what are we going to do oh there’s a chest maybe this will help us oh it’s just some loaves of bread it’s no good Mikey there was nothing useful in there at all uhoh we’re out of time what the mon keep caught up it’s all over for us we can’t give up come on wait what we’re back in our home this must have been a dream but it felt so real oh no stop it sounds like Mikey’s having a nightmare I’ll wake him up go away Mikey wake up are you okay it was only a dream are you all right Mikey that sounded like a really bad dream oh JJ in my dream we were on a train being attacked by a monkey it was right about to get us I’m glad that wasn’t real a dream where a monkey was attacking us are you sure yeah why well I had the exact same dream huh no way you’re joking oh no I have a bad feeling about this huh what are you talking about hold on let me check [Music] something is this the monkey you saw yeah that’s exactly what I saw oh no he’s called the circus monkey and if he finds you he can kill you in your dreams it looks like we’ve become his next targets so we’re being hunted by an evil monkey what can we do about it well one thing we could do is never sleep again if we never sleep we’ll never dream so we won’t be able to attack us yeah that could work wait but I like sleeping that’s not going to happen yeah it’s not a very good plan our other option is to beat the circus monkey in our dreams okay it sounds like we can do that let’s take the circus monkey down I’d love to but it won’t be easy how are we supposed to bring weapons into our dreams all right we could never beat him with our bare hands h there must be a way what do we do hey what if yeah this chest I’m sure I saw it on the train [Music] huh no way these loaves of bread were in the dream too really maybe just maybe this chest will let us bring items into our dreams you really think so then all we have to do is put weapons in there and the circus monkey is toast all right let’s gather the items we’ll need okay let’s do it preparations complete we’ll set up a security system inside the dream train so what are we bringing with us this is everything we’ve managed to gather wo we have some Redstone components two sets of netherite gear and two energy launchers awesome all right let’s get the bread out of the way and fill up this chest with our new awesome equipment this is great the circus monkey isn’t going to stand a chance that’s right we have more than enough our preparations are complete let’s get some sleep I’ll see you back on the dream train yeah let’s take him down good night GJ hey hi we’re back the circus monkey will probably show up really soon you’re right let’s hurry and set up our security system you got it Mikey well let’s let’s take a look inside the chest H open up yes all of our stuff is here this is great news now let’s gather it all up we should act fast since we don’t know how much time we have okay let’s get to work what should we build well for starters the circus monkey will attack from this side so our first security measure will be to put a trap by the door okay what kind of trap will we use well I’ll start by setting up a couple of trip wire hooks I [Music] see and then the trip wire itself there when he steps on this it will activate the rest of the Trap that’s what I’ll build next what will that be next I’ll set up some blocks on the walls okay then I’ll arrange these red Stone torches and [Music] pistons the Pistons go up here mhm now to wire them up with redstone dust like so interesting and finally on top of the Pistons four heavy anvils oh so when the circus monkey steps on the trick wire wow he gets flattened like a pancake it’s the the perfect trap wow this is awesome I can’t wait to see it in action he doesn’t stand a chance next I’ll set up a lava trap good idea right here first I’ll dig out a pit mhm here we go just in case the anvils aren’t enough that looks deep enough nice [Music] there and now let’s let’s cover it up what’s that it looks like the carpet at a glass but it will break if something heavy steps on it hopefully it’ll trick him oh clever thanks I hope it works there if the monkey makes it to this green floor it’ll fall into the lava that’s perfect not even the circus monkey can avoid that this is probably enough security right maybe but just in case let’s build an arrow trap let’s start by clearing some of the carpet to make room for these pressure plates there next we’ll need some [Music] dispensers and of course the Redstone Dust can’t forget that [Applause] next up there’s another mechanism I want to build here really what’s that like this and now to cover it up oh so now it’s all connected that’s right and it’s totally hidden great and of course we have to fill the dispensers with stacks of arrows of course finally I’ll hook this up with redstone dust all right it’s finished when he steps on these pressure plates it will fire a barrage of arrows I’ll demonstrate W that’s awesome oh yeah this will definitely do the trip the circus monkey is going down we have so much security this will be easy remember though Mikey just in case he makes it past our security we’ll have to fight him directly I guess but still there’s no way it’ll come to that maybe but just to be safe I brought us these sets of netherite equipment so let’s put them on okay all right good let’s also keep these golden apples in case we need a power up W thanks JJ yeah let’s suit up let’s do it looking good DJ huh bad news really bad wao what’s the matter Mikey it’s terrible these posters are all over town look wo hang on a second that’s a wanted poster let’s see here Dead or Alive reward of $1 million what’s going on here hey that’s me I don’t understand what am I wanted for I didn’t do anything wrong you must have been framed if you don’t make a run for it you’ll be arrested for a crime you didn’t commit seriously that would be terrible thank you Mikey let’s go take a look outside uh let’s get out of back [Music] up the police are already here let me take another look uh huh wa you weren’t kidding Mikey there’s a poster on every building and cops everywhere right this is really bad they’re over there too what about this side duh more police what do I do there’s no way you can leave the house how are we going to escape you’re right we can’t leave with the police out there huh unless oh Mikey I have a crazy idea really what is it just hear me out I have some pretty strong TNT here that’s going to come in handy uhhuh I also have a toilet right the toilet is connected to a sewer okay if I put the TNT here and use it to blow up the toilet oh we should be able to make an escape through the sewers here goes nothing wow all set there’s no time to waste let’s get out of here wow how’s it look wow nice I knew it all right let’s go hurry nice oh perfect hop in oh are you ready Let’s Escape this Village right away let’s go yeah pH you know I still have no clue what I’m wanted for huh oh maybe we go this way check it out there’s a manhole up there let’s go yeah let’s get out of here out of here and out of this Village as fast as we can then we we’ll find out why I’m wanted and prove my innocence all right then open up awesome we made it out perfect huh where did that manhole take us we’re on the mountain behind the village oh we should be able to leave the village if we go this way I see uh let’s move it hang on Mikey does something look different to you what look huh something’s up with the village since when was all this lava here no way what the village is completely surrounded by lava no you’re right the police must have done this to keep you from escaping that must be it we can’t escape from the village like this we’ll never get across the lava what are we going to do now there has to be a way let’s go search The Village well I don’t know I am still a wanted man if the police see me they’ll arrest me for sure you’re right maybe we can come up with a plan H oh I know huh over there I found something good follow me oh this should work okay we’re here what did you find it’s in that building up ahead let’s sneak over to it okay careful there’s a cop where right up ahead please don’t look this way okay let’s go right behind you hurry Mikey okay made it nice huh all right where are we take a look around this place is a clothing store oh but why if I change my outfit and disguise myself maybe the police who are looking for me won’t know it’s me oh that’s that’s genius H these all look pretty heavy wearing them will be really hot true but that’s better than being caught I’ll take these oh you’re changing clothes too yeah why not you look very fashionable I guess I’ll wear these ones nice taada not bad oh it’s perfect because it hides your face no one will know it’s you as long as you don’t talk well I guess I’ll need to change the way I talk then all righty I reckon I should talk like this y’all H them fellas won’t have a clue who I am wao nobody will recognize you if you talk like that even I wouldn’t have a clue who you are well thanks partner this get up is mighty hot though huh Sun’s got me sweating like nobody’s business let’s just get this over with so far so good by golly yeah it’s really hot I may be roasting in here but my disguise works I can stroll right by them without them noticing wao you’re right yep I look nothing like them posters I ought to be safe yes sir let’s get to searching for the things that’ll help us Escape mm Yeehaw I’m hotter than blue blazes me too there’s nothing here let’s keep looking Mikey ah yeah I reckon my chicken is cooked can we take a break good idea these clothes are just so hot this is brutal let’s go rest in that house that sounds right as rain let’s go okay we’ll rest in here it’s so hot I need to take this thing off and then yeah let’s close this place up like a barn and winter just like that after all there’s police outside and we don’t want them to catch a glimpse of us nice there get all those closed up good job H okay I think that’s all the blinds closed we’re good yep well the door has Windows in it so we should stay over here okay and now we can get these outfits off finally what a relief I feel better already much cooler phew perfect hey check Che up these refrigerators let’s look inside there’s watermelon perfect there’s water too bottles of water no one’s going to find us here so let’s Chow Down on this melon that heat nearly killed us yum mhm this will keep us hydrated and now to wash it down with some water that was exactly what I needed I’m so hydrated now and we’re safe in here I actually feel alive again y hey okay let’s find a way to escape this Village before someone catches on to me yeah they haven’t found me yet but hang on Mikey what what’s up no huh over there a security camera oh no the police are going to know where we are oh no we’re too late no [Music] my head [Music] huh where am I is this am I in a cell huh oh that’s right the security camera got me caught a I can’t believe I was so careless and now I’m facing the consequences how am I going to escape there’s got to be a way out of here huh hold on I think the guard who’s supposed to be watching me fell asleep and right next to him is that the key to my cell it’s got to be can I reach it not quite it’s too far away I need to get to that key [Music] somehow a this is hopeless it’s all over for me I guess I’ll be spending my life in in here yo hey JJ huh what was that voice hey what JJ can you hear me oh hey down here Mikey is that you oh there you are I’ve come to save you what should I do boy am I glad to see you let’s see oh I know the key can you get it to me while the guard is asleep but how am I supposed to get up there oh good question is there a way up H hey maybe that will work what there’s Vines growing on the wall ow all you have to do is climb up the vines got it I’m on my way great try to hurry I don’t know how much longer the guard will be asleep I’m hurrying I’m on my way up I go M hang in there so close you’re doing great so far almost there yeah

What Mikey is HIDING Inside His HOUSE From JJ ? – Minecraft (Maizen)

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a great day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg


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