yo how’s it going guys welcome back to another video so in today’s video I’m going to be having bad boy Halo accused of x-raying now the way I’m going to do that is I was thinking about it and the X-ray strategy that I have would work on another person even if they didn’t know x-raying was involved so that’s exactly what I’m going to be testing out right now so let me just message bad boy Halo hi hi hey hello hello I’m going to send him a video of him dancing 2,000 years later hello you keep you’ve been calling me what’s up I need to get your opinion on something I figured out something like a mining technique and I just need to show this to you cuz it’s really important um I am on my way where do you need me to go go on invaded and then I’ll send you all right give me one second wait did you say A Min yes it’s lit a mining technique where I have a new way where I can calculate the distance in order to find diamonds and I want to show it to you you know how long I’ve been playing Minecraft for bad a while and think about how much mining I’ve done during that while I know but Skippy like there’s only like 10 different mining techniques okay but once you get on and see this you’re going to realize it’s not one of the 10 okay basically I’m going to bring you to me hello hello so let me show you this technique is this you yes I’m on my alt account right now so I want to show you my strategy for mining are you ready I am ready Sky show me okay so basically go ahead and mine this block right here okay keep m mining keep mining okay stop stop stop stop stop okay there’s no diamonds over there follow me what Jey look there’s diamonds yeah I see there’s diamonds literally diamonds how did you know because it’s the strategy dibs give me give me give me give me here you can have my armor there you go okay thank you okay so follow me okay hold on mine five blocks that way I’m still I’m still waking up you need to explain mine five blocks this F yes okay basically I’m calculating the distance between the mines so just mine five and then stop and then either mine five up or five down from where you’re standing and then you have a 50 50% chance of hitting diamonds does it matter uh no not really just try both so look up and then mine five and then look down and then mine five five okay there’s nothing there one two I’m tell this does work I’m telling you what the did you just get diamonds I did okay hold on okay so that was part of the 50% there’s no this look bad there was diamonds down there and then there weren’t up there only logically are you cheating how would I be cheating x-ray no I’m not using x-ray you promise I’ll literally share my screen right now if you want me to I’m not x-ray share it share it I’ll share my screen I want you to share it okay do you see it okay I’m watching okay literally there’s where do I go okay follow me so tell me the next place follow me I’m following okay I want you to be the master for this one and I will be the student so got it how do I do this from what you’ve learned so far where would you go I I don’t know you haven’t taught me anything yes I have no you haven’t you okay so we went over here yes I guess we would go like in here five and then down five yes ex exactly you’re doing it you’re doing it do exactly that over here okay try it right now seriously yes try it wait hold on 1 2 3 four five skiy help okay okay okay I’ll kill them oh nice you did it nailed it all right and down five y try it exactly like that four five nothing okay follow me okay are you following me yeah I’m following he watch very very very carefully okay try mining a little bit over here this spot right here is giving me a good vibe okay but what’s the trick the trick is you go up down five each time five and then down yes 2 three four five nothing Sky oh my God bad I just got diamonds where are you I see you but how did you oh you went down here so what I did is I mined five and then I went five and then I went five and then I got diamonds so is it something about like the fives do I have to start on a chunk border or something yes but sometimes that takes too long so just keep going straight five and then up down left right five got it so is it like a generation like like a Minecraft error uh I don’t think so I think it’s just a new strategy show me show me like a place you would V okay so I go over here probably go where you’re going right now over here M and then I’d probably I pick like a wall a spot where it’s like calling to you you know what I mean do you mean calling like go to a spot where you think the diamonds are calling to you that come over here come over here I have a good feeling about this look I’m literally sharing my screen I’m watching okay so I’m telling you for when we hit diamonds in like 5 Seconds you know not hacked one two three four five one two three four five nothing and you’re oh look I found diamonds what let’s go I’m telling you you just went one what’s the trick you went a block off what’s the trick there has to be a trick SK there’s no trick it’s just mining five up five down five left five right there is literally nothing else so it’s you just find a spot oh my goodness TR literally straight this spot go straight that way just keep mining that way okay okay I got the zombies can I borrow your pickaxe uh sure okay keep going that way and eventually you’re bound to find something cuz the possibilities of Minecraft mining is endless Sky if I just mine in a straight line of course I’ll eventually find diamonds do it right look one you’re literally just saying mine in a straight line five no I’m not you have to do it in fives one two three four I just found diamonds okay but that doesn’t mean anything it where do I start where do I start where you’re standing and then five blocks to mine okay one two no I wouldn’t go that side why not it just isn’t calling go to a side that’s calling to you okay that’s better four five five now and then I pick a different spot one two no no no you’re doing it wrong you’re doing it wrong you’re doing it wrong you have to do three plus two for it to equate to five so try three up and then two like to the right of it you’re hacking you’re hacking you’re doing something you got the diamonds dude I’m not hacking just explain it in in Bad Boy Halo terms okay you follow and smell the muffin to get closer to the muffin and then once you reach the muffin you’ve achieved the greatness got it that’s not what I mean that is a good explanation all right all right go go up go up go up I’ll explain I’ll explain go up just go up okay I’m going up why are we going up we’re trying to get diamonds I know I want to go up here and I’m going to die oh I had a sword the whole time okay let me think all right right here yeah mine straight down 2 three 4 5 seven no just keep going just keep going keep going down right there yep just keep going down just keep going keep going I’ll mine with you that’s 10 okay and now try going like a little bit up try going a little bit up 1 2 3 four five and then try like a little bit straight oh oh look look look look there were diamonds you how did how did you know they were there here let’s get more let’s get more that’s like an additional five or so diamonds something is fishy here Sky listen you said this is a mining techque little x-ray alerts you set up right now right yes this is a mining technique exactly okay um mining technique is repeatable telling me to do just random Stu it’s actual strategy then what is the strategy why does it work follow me I will show you why it works okay I’m following you okay what we’re going to do this time is pick a direction and a block so you pick this time got it I pick right um right here right here okay so which way do you want to mine now down up left right I want to go down and then that way five one two five isn’t enough sometimes you have to pick more okay but it is it like 10 like bashes of five honestly I just used five as a base number but it’s not the most important thing but what is the point the point is to go five each time I know but what is the point of five so if I go down and then five yes but you’re you’re not explaining it the base number of what the base number of the roote the base number of what route of what for the strategy what strategy okay follow me down here I’m telling you we’re close I’m just following you and you’re just yeah we’re close we’re not anywhere close to the diamonds we were not close to the diamonds earlier because our y level was too high okay did you get my let me lead let me I think I got this let me think okay all right so let me get this straight I go to a place oh look I found him see see ex isn’t exactly this doesn’t count why you like oh casually oh I just found diamonds it’s not easy to do the strategy it does count it doesn’t it no okay okay fine fine fine fine so I I just pick a spot look based on how I feel exactly exactly okay I feel like we’re really close again all right pick a spot so I’m going to pick here right here right here go straight five blocks no I’m feeling this way five blocks I’m telling you this is the way to go is it cuz is it because of like the shape of the thing you’re aiming in the middle of like the dip yeah the shape of the dip actually does affect it okay so here I do three and two I do three and two I wouldn’t do all five what and and then i’ go to left and then I’d feel that way see if it just like Le anything it doesn’t yo how did you know these were here I felt the dip explain it if it’s not cheating explain it the secret is that there was never any secret okay I just always go until I find them and then if I don’t find them I just stop so like you just never stop and then you win that’s obvious but that’s not that’s not a secret to finding diamonds scy yes it is if you think about it it actually is it doesn’t reliably find you diamonds straight that way this way yeah and then go down one oh look look you found diamonds okay but how how did you know is it just there’s a lot of diamonds here Dad it’s my server I have a command to literally put diamonds down if I wanted to you’re just putting diamonds was I was just saying that obviously it’s my server I know where the diamonds are oh okay so you know where the diamonds are that’s the strategy oh what you know where all the diamonds are yes I have them memorized there’s no way okay not exactly but for the most part yes I know what y level there are where are you I’m getting more diamonds okay okay so what’s the secret then what y level has the most diamonds uh either seven or negative seven all right all right all right ready Skippy right we’re the closest diamonds follow me follow me take this take this no we’re going to prove your Technique works thank you follow oh nice this is really good follow me this way okay this way this way this way okay all right ready Skippy I’m ready where are the closest diamonds right in there and then you go this way and then they’re right over here again and go way and then you grab no I’m not not what technique are you doing then the same one I’ve been telling you about this entire time you try it it’s just a really op pickaxe okay okay um I want to go here I just want to go this way okay okay okay and now this way okay okay okay and now this way well why did you change you can’t no bad bad bad bad you can’t just change you have to look look you have to keep going and don’t just give up like change so easily that’s stupid Sky oh my gosh okay so that’s that’s it that’s the whole trick you literally no I don’t understand why don’t you understand cuz if it’s just going in a direction in a straight line till you find diamonds that’s basically what you’re saying no that’s not what I’m saying at all okay okay from flow to it all right follow me follow me let’s go this way okay okay okay I’m going to go this way all right we’re going to stop right here got it got it the closest diamonds y I’m feeling are right here okay oh you found iron they’re they’re not here there is iron okay the closest diamonds then are we got to go a little bit more and then they should be right here scabby there are no diamonds here you’re not doing it perfectly yet there are no diamonds like there’s diamonds right here there I know but what’s the secret this secret is to keep going and never give up but what is what does that mean like literally what does that mean keep going and never yes I’m a Pokemon trainer that’s the mindset you have to have that doesn’t make any sense I don’t okay I’m going to go this way all right now I feel like I got to go this way okay now I got to go this way is oh look I ran into lava no diamonds all right I’ll go this way that I’ll go this way where are the diamonds sky where the diamonds they round you just keep stoping this lit wait come back come back I want to go come back come back come back what what what you’re literally so close to the diamonds they’re literally right there are you kidding me you stop them you you stop every single time keep going keep going for the DI go go keep going I’m not no I’m not see it’s working it’s working it’s I’ll go this way I’ll go this way okay okay oh no admit it works admit it works admit it work Adit it works you literally just have diamonds like three times in a row all right all right all right this way this way okay oh my God it doesn’t work doesn’t work it does the X-ray strategy is real the X-ray straty doesn’t work all right straight go straight go straight go straight go right go right here oh look at that doesn’t work Sky Dad it’s been working this entire time how many diamonds you have right now how many diamonds do you have two stacks of diamonds so what exactly okay you know what what two stacks of diamonds this fast changing it up so you can’t paste them in using world edit this way I have not not actually been pasting them in bad oh my God I actually haven’t been pasting them in I haven’t pasted diamonds in one time I just said that’s possible but I didn’t okay start jumping start jumping okay I’m jumping all right I want you to stand here and jump I like go this way probably and then go down that’s what I’d recommend this way and down well I don’t think just go anywhere you have to keep jumping you actually crouch crouch you’re not allowed to uncrouch that way I know you can’t paste anything okay I’m not pasting anything I feel like going this this way stay crouching I am crouching okay now from here like if it really works you should be able to explain it explain it more you know I’m not going to explaining things I know but it’s more than just like a feeling cuz I don’t even know what I’m doing so oh look at that I just m oh oh you do know what you’re doing you do know what you’re doing I don’t it works no I don’t know what I’m doing okay so literally that’s it like literally that’s it that’s literally it follow your your gut in and just go for go for it like that’s it that’s the whole thing what you’re being banned this will never expire what you got Bann excuse me I just got banned for what it said x-ray you were X Ring no that how you knew where the diamonds were scy are you kidding me are you kidding me were you you would X on my server I didn’t I was following you I was doing the strategy you were x-raying dude that actually wasn’t me I didn’t ban you that was the staff they banned me for x-ray Sky all right so clean I actually just was x-raying and told you where to go each time what what the


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  1. i never thought this day would come. Ive been watching his overedited videos for 3 years now and it's finally back to the good old days.

  2. there actually is a strat like this though iirc you can look at clay patterns in water then go some amount of blocks in some direction from there and there will be a diamond ore below it guaranteed .. or smth like that

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