Having a STALKER LIFE in Minecraft!

I finally got the materials for my new sword this thing is going to be so awesome let me just go ahead and put this thingy over here and then I think I got to put these things over here like that and then the enchanted golden apples over here and then finally the dragon’s breath right over here heck yeah it actually worked look at this thing oh yeah it’s called the Sunfire this thing looks actually insane yo look at this thing it’s like glowing and stuff I bet this thing can do a bunch of damage to mobs and whoo who what did it just do d in battle stand whoa what I can summon a flag with it okay that is actually kind of cool I think this flag is giving me strength right now oh that’s sick I cannot wait to use this sword in a bunch of battles but ooh wait hold on first I got to get a photo of this thing this is going to be a memory to keep right here all right I’m just going to put the sword right there I got to go grab my phone from upstairs real quick all right where’s my phone at I’m pretty sure I put it in this drawer over here um oh wait hold on it’s not in that drawer oh wait there it is all right here let me grab this thing I got to get a photo of my sword and share it with all my friends and stuff it’s going to be so cool and um wait where did my sword go I’m pretty sure I put it right over here wait did I put it on a different part of the counter that was pretty funny Ruby yeah and then I said why don’t you give me 5,000 diamonds and oh wait you guys are home hi wait have you guys seen my sword around here did you guys take it by any chance take it what sword are you talking about no we just got back well guys guys I put a sword on the countertop over here are you sure none of you like accidentally U mistaken it for your sword and taking it by accident no we literally just walked through the door yeah me and Ruby went to go get lunch how could you even say something like that okay okay I was just asking cuz um I just crafted a really cool sword and it was like super super expensive and I put it right here and now it’s missing I was gone for like 30 seconds well how cool is the sword what did it look like um well it was really cool it was like it had a handle and it had a blade and the blade was like orange and glowing and stuff it was really hot uh okay well I’ve never seen a sword like that before because I didn’t take it and wait wait hold on are you sure about that well what’s that in your hand right there this is a bubble blower Dash oh well Kim did you take it is it do you have it in any of your pockets or anything let me just check real quick no the only thing I have on me is my phone are you guys sure you didn’t take it where could do this thing have gone is it inside one of these cabinets mayy no it’s not anywhere here what oh wait is it this thing wait what did you find it and what no Ruby that’s a spy glass this is not a sword does this really look like a sword to you huh you said it was orange yeah the blade was orange the this is literally a not even a sword okay guys come on one of you to okay you guys got to admit I know it was a really cool sword and I spent a lot of time getting the materials for it but uh pranks up you going give it back to me now never seen a sword around here but I have to go so I’ll see you guys in a bit oh yeah wait I remembered I just have to do some errands today and then I’ll be back home in a little bit yo yo wait wait wait you guys are not getting away with this guys I know one of you took my sword there’s literally no other place I could have gone to what do you mean getting away with this I’m just going to do errands dude just chill out you’ll find it eventually I’m doing something today so uh I don’t know what you’re talking about okay fine fine I guess do you guys really don’t have the sword huh um that’s suspicious I guess I’ll just look around here maybe I actually did misplace it I I’m pretty sure I put it right over here though I really don’t know any other place I could have gone to um wait did I put it on top of the crafting table here no it’s not anywhere near the crafting table wait did it fall behind this cabinet over here maybe you know how there’s like a little space behind the furniture maybe it fell there and oh the sword is still not back there where did this thing go hold on is it in the refrigerator yeah it’s not in the refrigerator why would it be in the refrigerator okay you know what hold on camera Ruby definitely took my sword I know it was one of them they were acting super suspicious when I was questioning them about it Ruby literally gave me a spy glass and tried to cover it up okay you know what one of them definitely took this sword and I’m going to find out which one of them did it okay I need to go follow them hopefully they didn’t get too far from the house I think I saw Cam run over here this way let’s see I’m just going to follow him and he’s probably going to pull out the sword yeah he’s probably going to use the sword to like fight a sheep or something and then I’m going to take a photo of him and have him caught red-handed oh heck yeah okay okay I just got to look around for a cam where is this guy at I’m pretty sure I saw him running over here this way he said that he had something to do today so um actually wait I I probably shouldn’t yell his name out I was about to yell his name out but I think I need to be super sneaky I do not want him to see me anywhere I got to find a good cave wait a minute hold on I think I just saw cam right over there hold on hold hold on I think I heard him say he’s looking for a good cave what is he going mining or something wait a minute let me sneak up over here I’m pretty sure I saw him somewhere around here where did he go he was just here like 2 seconds AG oh he’s right over there he’s right over there um I’m going to hide behind this black sheep over here he won’t see me maybe this will work okay it looks like he’s going underground oo wait a minute this is actually perfect cam is going for a mining session right now since there’s probably going to be a lot of mobs in the cave he’s going to have to pull out the sword eventually oh heck yeah he definitely has my sword I know it he’s probably holding it in his grubby little hands right now I’m just going to follow him into this cave oh look he’s right over there all right I’m just going to follow him this way I got to be careful that he doesn’t see me I got my phone out just in case he pulls it out I’ll be able to take a photo and get proof oh this cave is awesome all right I’m going to get all the resources I need and okay okay he found a pretty good cave now we just got to wait for some zombies or something to spawn and then he’s going to have to use a sword to take him out what else is he going to do so come on any zombies around here hello um I’m not seeing any zombies around here why is there no mobs in this cave there’s literally like a dark cave with no torches and there’s no zombies let’s see ooh there’s a bunch of iron over here I need to start looking for more diamonds though what the heck are you kidding me there’s literally no mobs down here oh you know what that’s it I need to spawn in some monsters myself but oh gosh I literally don’t have any mob spawn eggs in my inventory at all wait a minute I have an idea hey you watching this right now quick subscribe in the next 3 seconds to give me infinite resources for getting this sword a cam quick subscribe in three 2 1 and let’s go okay okay now I think I’ve got infinite resources oh heck yeah look at all this stuff I’ve got all right let’s see what type of mob should I spawn on cim I need to get him to pull out that sword somehow so o here how about we spawn in some zombies first of all all right let me go ahead and grab that and all right kthy time to spawn in some zombies I’m finally going to catch you with my sword and get proof that you have it oh wait wait hold on I just realized I was like running really close to him I should probably use an invisibility potion so that he can’t see me let me go ahead and grab a potion of invisibility real quick and okay there we go now he’s going to have no idea that I’m here and I’m getting pretty deep into this cave diamonds I know you’re around here wait he got deeper in the cave oh there he is good thing I saw him I thought he went that way all right now let me just sneak up over to cam right here let me just make my way over here and okay there he is let’s spawn in a zombie behind him he’s going to have to pull out that sword boom there we go zombie oh the MS are starting to spawn go away Y is he using his pickaxe against the zombie are you serious all right let’s see any diamonds come on on I need these diamonds bro what was that who uses a pickaxe to fight off a zombie when you have a super Opie sword in your inventory okay you know what hold on maybe I need this Spa in more zombies let me try spawning in uh two that time yeah there we go oh that one just spawned right in front of me he better pull out the sword now he better pull out the sword he’s still using the what are why is he still using the pickaxe to fight the zombies I’m so low why are there zombies spawning oh wait Diamonds oh my gosh he’s just running away from the zombies and he found diamonds are you serious first he seals my sword and now he finds diamonds okay maybe he um he’s just using the pickaxe because he doesn’t want to lose durability on the sword yeah maybe he wants to like Save The Sword and use it for himself later maybe if I spawn in just like a bunch of zombies he’ll use the sword let me just uh spawn in a bunch over here yeah there we go oh my gosh what was that oh my gosh he’s running away are you serious this kid is the dead end I need to get out of here oh there’s a baby come on he keeps running away from all the zombies I spawn okay you know what hold on I need to trap him somewhere I need to trap him somewhere and then spawn in a bunch of zombies that way he’s not going to be able to run away and then he’s going to be forced to use the op sword I see more diamonds over here how is he finding so many diamonds what the heck but wait a minute hold on there’s a good trapping opportunity let me go ahead and just uh put a bunch of deep slate around here while he’s not looking quick quick quick okay there we go this area is looking pretty boxed off and all right now time to spawn in a bunch of zombies on him let’s go what there’s so many zombies oh my gosh let me out let me out why isn’t he pulling out this is he really running oh my gosh I forgot to cover up this out of the box and he can just go up here oh well there’s more diamonds up there I’m just fighing these things everywhere but these zombies are not helping me at all oh my gosh okay that was not a good trap I need to trap him somewhere good where he can’t escape you know what I’m just going to keep following him around let’s see I need to get him to go into a cave that’s a dead end and then I can block it off oh diamonds I’m going to be so rich and I’m going to brag to Ruby and she’s not going to stay the chair what is Cam saying okay you know I need to get him to go into a cave that’s a dead end hold on is there any dead end caves around here is this one a dead end cave no this cave is not a dead end ooh wait a minute hold on I can just make it a dead end let me just put some block around here there we go all right perfect now this cave looks like a dead end now I just got to get Cam into this cave somehow and wait a minute I’ve got an idea why don’t I use some of his favorite thing these diamon let me just grab some of those and uh and put them right over there like that yeah let’s just hide a few over here and uh few more right over here and he’s going to be forced to go into the end of this cave and while he’s mining these diamonds I’m going to block him off where did Cam go oh he’s over there all right we just got to get his attention somehow um I guess let me spawn in a zombie over here yeah we can spawn some zombies here to push him that way oh there’s more of them and okay perfect he’s down here but oh more diamonds he saw them let’s go yo there’s so many oh I’m rich boys let’s go okay he’s mining all the diamonds he’s falling straight for the trap now we just got to wait for him to notice those diamonds over there and go deeper in the cave he noticed them let’s go all right all right now it’s time it’s action time let’s go ahead and cover up this big cave with a bunch of blocks and all right time to spawn into some zombies let’s go all right he has to pull out the op sword here now oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh no wait is he blocking himself in what the heck survive try to survive try to survive no shot no shot he really blocked himself in oh you know what okay well zombies can break blocks now I’m breaking these blocks yeah no no they’re breaking the blocks in there we go got to break the blocks come on pull out the Opie sword pull out the Opie sword how is he not pulling it out yet go away what the did he just pee oh my gosh now all the zombies are fling to go in the water wait the babies are still getting him though oh heck yeah the babies are super strong let me pull out my phone I got to get ready to take a photo as soon as he pulls out the sword oh my gosh there’s so many of these things go away is he seriously not pulling out this sword what is he doing oh my gosh finally I can’t get away from these things oh my gosh did he really just dig up into the ceiling and get away okay you know what hold on I need to follow him let me up over here I can’t let him get away I’m just going to keep digging like a few blocks below him I need to find another cave I think this one’s infested oh gosh yeah I guess it does kind of seem like this one’s infested let’s just keep on following him around maybe the zombies weren’t scary enough maybe that’s why he didn’t pull out the Opie sword cuz I mean zombies are pretty simple mobs they only have like 10 Health I think so maybe if I spawn in like a scarier and stronger mob maybe that’ll get him to pull out the op sword okay okay let’s just keep on following it all right let’s try and get out of this cave maybe we can find some diamonds along the way I don’t know let’s see what other scarier Mob Could I spawn what is this mysterious worm can I spawn this in oh wait I don’t think I can spawn it in okay okay never mind it looks like I can’t spawn in the mysterious worm let me just look around for some scary mobs over here let’s see what do we got and whoa what is this it’s called a scepter let me try spawning this in I’m just going to spawn it over here for a test real quick and um okay that’s kind of scary I guess we can try spawning one of those in I think I just went through the blocks actually I’m not sure if that’s going to work yeah it’s going through the roof what the heck okay well hold on maybe we can use these to scare Kim maybe uh if we spook him out he’ll pull out the sword and like think that someone’s watching him okay perfect now we just got to look for where he went I kind of lost him um wait hold on he said he was looking for a different cave I guess let’s look around here is there any other caves around this area come on diamonds hello wait I hear him where is he am I close oh wait hold on my invisibility just weree off I got to Splash myself again there we go no diamonds behind the waterfall I really thought I was on to something there wait waterfall Cam’s right over here he’s next to this waterfall okay perfect now let me go ahead and spawn in a few of these scepter guys next to him boom there we go what is that what is that no my diamonds I need to get them I need to get them I need to get them wait I think he saw it I think he got spooked out from that okay hold on let me try spawning in another one over here as soon as he gets out of this little box he’s built himself wait let me Spawn it inside of the box boom there we go what was that I think it’s working okay his scared level is getting higher I just got to keep scaring him until he pulls out that sword this is getting kind of creepy I just need to keep getting more diamonds I see some right there what the how does he keep finding so many diamonds okay these Diamonds though though are going to have a big scepter on top of them oh yeah never mind never mind never mind never mind I think he just peed in the water now all the water’s stilling yellow are you serious what are those things you know what I I’m I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m just getting out of here I’m I’m moving away is he switching caves again are you serious and he still didn’t even pull out the sword okay that’s it I need to do something even scarier how am I supposed to scare him even more wait a minute I’ve got an idea he’s been mining a lot of diamonds why don’t I go ahead and grab this thing called a DI diamond mine pretty much they’re like normal diamonds except they explode whenever you mine them so I’m just going to grab a few of those and all right next time Cam finds some diamonds they’re going to blow up on him and okay it looks like he’s searching right now how about we just um plant a few diamonds right over here yeah there we go as soon as he sees those diamonds and tries to mine them they’re going to blow up on him and wait where did he go oh he went deeper in the cave hold on I think we need to spawn some more diamonds here what if I spawn some uh right over here there we go oh heck yeah oo boy it’s my lucky day and oh wait wait hold on I think he found the other ones over here my gosh they blew up what why did those diamonds blow up let’s go okay okay this should be making him more and more scared what are you serious both of them wait wait hold on hold on now I got to spawn in some scary mobs um uh I’m just going to find like a random spawn EG again here alligator yeah I’m going to spawn on some alligator snapping turtles around him there we go there we go what are those things oh my gosh oh it’s a turtle oh I hate turtles turtles are so gross Turtles are so gross Turtles are so gross Turtles are so gross ah oh my gosh okay what was I doing spawning turtles turtles are not scary enough what is the scariest mob that I can find in wait a minute hold on do we have ghosts wait a minute hold on I’m pretty sure this mob over here is a ghost let me Spawn one in real quick to test it out and whoa check it out it’s like a ghost Miner it’s got a pickaxe oh this is actually perfect that thing looks so creepy all right this spot’s good right here look at the way he walked oh he’s just mining stuff around here okay this is going to Spook cam out super hard time to go spawn a few of these around him oh boy there’s totally some diamonds down here where is Cam going hold on I think he did he go down in this cave he just said there’s going to be a lot of diamonds around here so maybe um here where did he go oh gosh I got to always keep an eye on him I can’t lose sight and wait a minute hold on I see a name tag down over here is this Cam and hold on this has to be him he’s right over there let’s go diamonds come on papa needs a new pair of shoes what the heck okay this guy’s talking weird I think it’s time we spawn in some more of these ghosts here how about we go ahead and spawn one right over here oh yeah and whoa wait wait hold on look at him this one’s got a beard it’s looking even scarier than the other one what is that what is that get me out Cave’s running away what was that thing it was like a ghost he even tried blocking off this cave over here okay but hold on a minute he just ran away again he didn’t pull out the sword ah where did he go this time oh there he is these resources oh I don’t like this cave anymore it’s like possessed dude I think I need to spawn in some more ghosts what if I try spawning in to this time I’m going to spawn them in the next time he’s mining something let’s just wait for him to start mining some ores and then I’m going to spawn two ghosts right behind him there has to be more diamonds around here somewhere I guess I’ll M the gold oh he’s mining the gold okay perfect let’s spawn in two ghosts right over here what the ghost just went away what the heck I need to spawn in more they’re just going away instantly what is happening they’re appearing in the rear oh my gosh oh wait hold on I think they’re following K oh there’s so many of them what the heck oh gosh I didn’t mean to spawn in that many okay well um I guess now there’s a bunch of ghosts over here mining in the cave but where did Cam go this time he’s up here again is he really not getting scared enough to pull out the sword let me out of here let me out let me out oh my gosh okay hold on you know what I can’t let him out of this cave I need to spawn more ghosts here oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s more oh I see daylight let me out of this cave now are you really trying to get up to the surface no no no no I can’t let that happen just want to get more ghosts here oh there’s ghosts there I seen them I seen them I seen them I seen them oh let me out let me out no I can’t let him out of this cave There’s No Escape until I get that sword back I’m out of food no I going to eat oh gosh he’s running out of food come on I just need him to pull out that sword and then this can all be over with oh they’re right behind me they’re right behind me they’re right behind me oh there’s some over there and there’s some over there I got to go this way this is so good oh and he’s just going in the water okay you know what I think the reason the ghosts aren’t working is because they’re they’re pretty scary but they don’t really do damage to cam I think they’re just like mining just doing their thing I need something that’s like actually hostile and will attack cam then cam will actually fight back let’s see let’s see I need to find something that can do that and okay let’s look around what do we got here wait a minute a cave centipede what is this this sounds kind of interesting we’re in a cave right now and I’m pretty sure centipedes attack let me try spawning one in on Camp there we go oh that thing is huge oh oh no what is that oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh why is he still fighting it with the pickaxe what is this get out get out get out get out get out get out oh my God he just killed the K what oh my gosh okay I’m crafting a sword I can’t deal with this anymore what he’s crafting a sword dude why isn’t he just using the sword that that he stole from me are you serious oh my gosh I think he’s crafting another sword so that he can save durability on that sword that he stole okay you know what what if I spawn like five of them in yeah now he’s going to have to use the op sword oh my what is this they’re just quartering him okay come on pull out the op sword let me get my phone camera ready come on C just uh just pull out the op sword it’s all I need just got to get one quick photo oh there’s so many of them how am I supposed to defeat them with only a diamond sword you don’t have to defeat them with only a diamond sword use the op sword what is he doing they keep spawning in I think they’re I think they’re mitosis in I think they’re splitting apart what is he talking about just pull out the Opie sword already and oh my gosh he just killed them all without pulling out the Opie sword pH oh my I didn’t know if I was going to survive that I need armor what the heck he’s really crafting armor and still not using the sword okay you know what hold on is there any mobs that are more powerful that I can spawn in let’s see let’s see wait what giant squid what is this oh this sounds interesting wait I need to go find a patch of water to spawn this in actually wait forget water can I spawn it in on land and just test test it out and what you you call that giant this is Tiny what the heck is this this is horrible oh it’s putting ink everywhere gross get that out of here come on I need to find something really really strong that I could spawn in let’s see let’s see what are we working with here wait wait wait hold on I found something that said giant oh never mind it was a giant squid again we can’t do that that’s too small what is this one it’s called the cosma what does that do and oh it’s just like a flying fish ah come on I need to find something good and wait a minute what is this the void worm hold on hold that actually sounds like a pretty scary name let me try spawning in the void War real quick and whoa what what the heck is that yo yo what the heck is that thing yo that thing is looking terrifying wait is it going through the walls oh heck yeah this is what I’ve been looking for this is the boss that I need oh and I just went through what where am I run what is happening oh I think that’s a portal there okay this void worm is actually sick hold on a minute so is this thing over here kind of this thing is flying I didn’t know it could fly how about I go ahead and spawn in a bunch of these Cosmos and void worms on Camp if he doesn’t pull out the sword for this then I don’t know what we’ll get him to pull out the sword okay here now I just got to find him again I’m pretty sure he was down in this cave here wait I think I see Cam’s name tag somewhere around here oh yeah okay there it is perfect what is he doing in this amethyst geode huh maybe if I mind this amethyst I can offer it to The Ghost and they’ll leave me alone and I can keep Mining and give more diamonds and get more rich and what the heck is he talking about offering amethyst to the okay I don’t know what he’s saying but you know I think it’s time to spawn in one of the cosmos boom what was that noise it’s right there it’s right there give me out give me out me out okay he’s running away he’s still not pulling out the sword though you know what I’m I’m blocking him man I’m block fcking get man no Escape No Escape no my water it disappeared yeah no water no water for you you’re stuck in the geoe you’re stuck in this amaz’s geod you better pull out the Opie sword get out of here get out of here you weirdo I don’t know what you are how did you just okay you know what I need to find like five of those things there we go he dropped the co fruit get me out get me out give me out get me out is he eating the co fruit oh I just teleported him back in here try again try again try again let me out let me out let me out let me out no did he really trying to kill these guys for the cor fruit to escape this place okay you know what I don’t think these guys are scary enough to get him to pull out the op sword I think it’s time we spawn in the void worm I’m spawning get in right over here boom what is this let’s go all right get him get him void War come on can’t pull out the op and wait is he is he pulling out the sword he’s still using that diamond sword are you kidding me what is this let me out let me oh my gosh he’s not pulling out the up sword is actually so bad get him void worm come on look at the void worm it’s attacking him and and he’s still using the diamond sword what the heck oh yeah get get beat get beat get beat get beat oh my gosh is he really able to kill the wardor with that diamond sword okay you know what if Cam isn’t pulling out the op sword even if I have the W worm then maybe he he doesn’t actually have the upbe sword maybe it was Ruby who took it yeah I bet I bet Ruby’s got it right now she’s probably like using it to um I don’t know like uh breed sheep together yeah she’s probably using it to like oh she’s probably using it a sheer sheep yeah okay well in that case forget cam I need to go find Ruby where’s Ruby at I got to make my way out of this cave I think I have a feeling for where Ruby is she built this Farm recently and has been spending a lot of time around there maybe she’s at our farm right now let me just get out of this cave real quick and then I got to look okay here we are finally we made it to the exit of the cave now I got to head over to Ruby’s Farm I’m pretty sure it’s over here this way if I remember correctly all right let me just make my way over and then we can see if Ruby’s got the sword and oh oh wait I think that’s one of those mobs that I spawned in the cave oh look it’s up on the surface now oh we can use these to Spook Ruby too and okay there we are we’ve made it to Ruby’s Farm I’m pretty sure this is the spot right over here yeah okay this is our farm for sure now we just got to see if Ruby’s here um let’s see any Ruby around here oh wait hold on I think that’s her name tab right over there there she is okay perfect let’s see if she’s going to use a sword let’s see I’m just going to put this here oh wait I think I put that in the wrong spot um what should I use to cut it down it looks like she’s planting right now and wait you should use the sword to cut it down yeah yeah pull out the sword I got my camera ready I just got to get ready to take a photo and what the heck is that that is not my sword H this isn’t working maybe if you pull out the op sword then you can chop that sap L down oh oh she got it what a nice tool okay let’s see here um let’s put this here and this over here it’s all peaceful here oh my gosh okay you know what it looks like she’s just trying to plant these saplings over here I need to get her to pull out the op sword somehow so um how am I going to do that what activities in a farm would require the use of an OP sword ooh probably shearing sheep yeah does she have any sheep around this Farm anywhere um hello any sheep around here there’s got to be some sheep somewhere some pigs over there there’s some cows over here and some chickens over here oh oh wait hold on there’s some sheep over here next to the cows oh perfect all right um I guess what we can do is pick up one of these sheep and uh let’s bring it over here oh wait hold on I got to stay hidden for Ruby we can make it look like this sheep wanted to get sheared because um his will was getting too heavy yeah let’s just sneak up over here behind Ruby and just put down the Sheep right over here there we go all right perfect let’s see if Ruby sees the sheep and start cheering it oh the Honey’s almost ready okay I have to go feed the animal wait what are you doing over here oo she noticed the sheep and wait invisibility wore off oh there we go I’m good oh you’re going the wrong way and oh wait your cat’s getting kind of long yeah yeah the the wool is getting pretty thick you I think it’s about time you cut it Ruby let me get my phone out okay uh come on just stand still I’m going to sh you back at the the the barn wait I think she’s about to Shear the Sheep let’s go okay okay let’s just follow her back at the barn it’s time I’m finally going to get proof that Ruby stole my sword let’s go okay let’s just walk all the way back here well my Farm’s looking so nice right now why is the Sheep looking at me no sheep don’t look at me don’t look at me I think I distracted the Sheep what are you looking at come over here there’s nothing over there oh gosh hopefully the Sheep doesn’t give me away oh wow this sheep is so slow yeah that sheep is pretty slow maybe if you shear it it’ll get lighter and then it will be faster maybe I should give your Hooves a trim too you’re looking kind of rough buddy okay are you ready for your haircut and ooh all right all right it’s time Ruby’s about to pull out the Opie sword and use that to Shear the Sheep let’s go all right just stand right there and and clip and wait what hold on is that shears did did Ruby really use shears to to trim the Sheep are you kidding me not the op sword he should probably um trim your siblings as well let’s see what the heck oh my gosh come over here Leonard she really gave all the Sheep names okay you know what H maybe using a sword to shear sheep isn’t really the best idea what other places would you use a sword in a farm let me thinking um harvesting crops maybe maybe you need to use the sword to like uh grab all your wheat really quickly okay does she have any Wheat around here looks like she’s got some hay bales but I’m not seeing any like grown wheat you know what hold on we got to change that let’s go ahead and build some wheat around here let me go ahead and grab a hoe real quick we got to hoe all of this land and oh wait I’m also going to need some water and here now I just got to start hoing all this land hold on a minute I also got to place some water around here let me um I’ll just put down some water here in like the middle yeah here we go we got to put some water you know make this just a a nice Farm um yeah this is going to make sense Ruby can think that uh maybe her Farm assistant set this all up yeah let me just replace all of this grass over here with some Farmland there we go there we go boom all right now this is all Farmland the next thing we got to do is grab a few wheat seeds and also some bone meal we got to make it look like all of the plants have finished growing here we go let’s put a bunch of bone meal down all over here all right nice that’s looking good and now we just got to grow all of it up with this bone meal here let’s start growing this up yeah all right hopefully Ruby comes by and notices this soon okay now that guy has a haircut let’s go back to planting these trees oh oh she’s coming hold on I got to finish growing all of these crops real quick there we go and okay that’s looking pretty good now let me get my phone camera out okay perfect what where did this get here did I accidentally spill seeds over here ooh okay wait actually yeah she accidentally spilled seeds over here that could be a good cover up story for this now we just got to wait for her to pull out that op sword and start harvesting all the crops come on you can Harvest them so efficiently with the op sword you can like cut the crops right at the St let’s see is everything um grown almost let’s use some bone meal here oh man I missed a few of the crops some of them are still seeds oh wow why is the growth so uneven oh gosh this is looking really suspicious okay well I think it should be fine I don’t think she’s suspecting that I’m here right now it smells so good I love farming is you really smelling the crops right now can you get to harvesting them already okay let’s pull out my trusty not Dusty and very shiny harvesting tools o she’s about to pull out the harvesting tool I bet she’s going to pull out the OPI sword let’s go let me get the camera ready there we go all right let’s let’s go baby and what it is that a wooden hole what the heck is that I love farming so much let’s go why is she harvesting all the crops with the wooden ho and not the sword the sword would be so much more efficient you can slice the crops better let’s see oh I need to hold this one again let’s see this tool let’s do it yes oh my gosh what the heck she’s just using a bunch of wooden hose okay you know what I need to come up with a different way to get her to pull out the sword if farming isn’t isn’t going to work then ooh maybe I can spook her out similar to what I did with Cam maybe I can spawn in a bunch of mobs here HOH yeah okay this Farm is about to have a zombie apocalypse happen let me go ahead and grab a few zombie spawn eggs in okay let’s see how Ruby uh defends against Intruders in the farm I’m just going to spawn a few zombies over here at the entrance okay there we go get him get him get him and oh okay come on Ruby you got to beat up the zombies with the sword oh wait I’m Not Invisible anymore potion there we go planting seeds planting seeds what’s that noise oh W what the heck what the heck what the heck let’s go she know there the zombies okay okay now she better pull out the op sword come on come on any second now get away from me get away from me oh they died in the Slime are you serious I forgot zombies bur in the sun okay you know what I need a different mob zombies are not good enough I don’t they spawn here wait a minute hold on I have a really good idea what if I spawn in an emu I’m pretty sure these are like pretty dangerous I’m pretty sure they’re Hostile Mobs except they’re they’re kind of they they’ll fit in with a farm theme because you know they’re animals let me spawn in like um a few right over here or wait actually hold on I know what I could do what if I spawn them inside of the an animal paint it could look like the Emu are attacking her other animals and then she can get like really defensive and try to protect the other animals oh heck yeah there is actually perfect let me spawn in an emu right over there and another one right over here all right emo get to peeken peek at the chickens please that would be really really good oh yeah they’re looking mean right now I bet these Em are about to attack any second now I just got to get Ruby over here let me spawn in a little trail of emus here maybe she’ll follow them let me put one there another one over here oh yeah she’s definitely going to follow this is looking very suspicious let’s take a picture of this plot this is so nice and huh what is that oh she noticed the Emu oh yeah look at him look at him oh gosh I have to take a picture of this okay okay okay all right I’ve got two pictures all right all right this is so awesome she taking pictures of them what is she not attacking them I got to report this to the Emu Association wait why is there one over there huh what is the Emu Association but wait I think she’s noticing that emu’s next to her other animals okay hopefully she tries fighting them wait what is it doing so close to the other animals no get away yeah yeah beat them up beat them up come on pull out the Opie sword you’ll be able to one shot all of these with them no you don’t no you don’t get away what what is is you really hitting the Emu with a hoe are you serious a hoe out of everything she’s literally got a stone sword there and she’s still not even using that let alone my op weapon oh wait this isn’t the right weapon okay uh what should I use what should I use what do you be sword already are you serious oh I got it I got it I’ll use these is you using the shears what oh yeah these are super effective against emu oh my God stop pecking at me this doesn’t look very effective oh I think wow she’s really having a war with these emus what the heck how is she losing against the emus they’re literally like birds those guys are no joke what am I supposed to do again some oh my gosh okay you know what these emus over here I think the problem is they’re not attacking Ruby’s animals maybe if they attack Ruby’s animals then Ruby will get like really mad and start fighting the emo with the op sword you know what I think I need to turn myself into an emu let me pull up over here I need to hide behind these trees in all right let me go ahead and grab a milk potion let me go ahead and drink this milk bucket real quick to make myself Not Invisible ible anymore and okay I’ve got an idea hey you watching this right now quick like the video in the next 3 seconds to turn me into an emu quick do it in three two one and let’s go check it out I’m an emu now okay perfect now time to go be the most aggressive emu ever I need to go attack all of Ruby’s animals over here and all right here we are here we are it’s emu time the Emu is about a strike don’t don’t not emu attack go go go beat up the animals wait wh why can’t I beat up the anim huh why is this C out of the pen what what is that wait I think Ruby’s getting scared oh yeah oh yeah hold on I’m I’m going to peck on this sheep over here boom boom boom wait oh are they playing together oh look at you guys Edward playing together no I’m I’m trying to be aggressive oh my gosh I think I can’t punch the other animals because I’m also an animal and that’s like friendly fire oh Eduardo you silly sheep you didn’t tell me you had a best friend oh my gosh okay you know what if I can’t punch the Sheep then I need to come up with another way to harm it I’m pulling out a crossbow all right chep you’re about to meet your end take that boom Eddie what happened that Chief just got shed what what even that I don’t I didn’t see anything did you know what happened yeah yeah I’m the one who did it not not not fight let’s go come on you want to you want to go why are you picking me what the heck yeah yeah let’s go let’s fight let’s fight come on um uh I don’t think any of the things they have are effective against emus let’s go over here she really not pulling out the sword and what she’s going to the barn oh my gosh I’m just going to follow her as the let’s see what she’s doing okay I’ve got the perfect thing and wait hold on is she storing my Opie sword inside of that Barrel is she about to pull it out and use it to fight the evil emu okay you better be ready I’m coming for you and what the heck is that a crowbar are you serious oh my gosh get over here get over here a crowbar does literally nothing to an you know what I think I need to fight some more of her animals that’s it this this sheep is I mean this horse is about to get it take that why is this emo so strong I’m Invincible come on you better pull out the OB sword I’m going to kill this horse over here I’m going kill it boom no my horse get in the fence get in the fence you know what this emu doesn’t mess around this emu also has a flint and steel he’s about to light the barn on fire get out shoe Sho cheing does not work on this emu it might work on other emus but not this one I’m about to light this place on fire boom yeah I I I I can’t let this place on fire are you serious get away from my barn you silly emu oh my gosh okay fine fine you know what hold on I think I need to turn back into a normal human and then I can start burning the farm yeah okay wait actually hold on if I burn the Farm then how is that going to get Ruby to pull out the sword okay hold on I need to evacuate the farm I need to brainstorm something I need to come up with a way to get her to pull out that sword yeah that’s right run away yeah yeah yeah I’m running I think I need to call the Emu Association to take this one out what the heck she’s going to call the Emu Association to fight the Emu for her and not use the sword okay you know what I’m morphing back to my normal self okay there we go I’m back to normal here let me put myself invisible again and all right how can I get Ruby to pull out a sword while she’s at a farm H let me think wait a a minute hold on Farmers they get like stolen from often you know people like uh run onto their farm and steal their crops what if I pretend to be a burglar go onto Ruby’s farm and then they shall have nothing to do but you know fight me okay that’s the move that’s the move I need to turn myself into a burglar but um H um I’m not sure if I’m really the right person for the job right now I’m invisible and if I’m Not Invisible then I’m going to look like myself Ruby is going to recognize me I need to find someone else to play as this burglar for me okay hold on I need to leave Ruby’s farm for a moment I need to go look for someone that I can hire I got to hire a person to act as a burglar oh yeah that should be easy all right there we go we’re out of Ruby’s Farm but okay H now I need to find someone to act as a burglar for me who could I pay to act as a burglar o maybe I could go to the shop maybe I can pay the shopkeeper I know the shopkeeper really likes money so maybe if I pay him he’ll be down to act like a burglar and wait a minute hold on there’s someone over here maybe I could ask them oh yeah bro these waves are going to be tubular man he looks like a surfer hold on hold on this could be perfect let me go ahead and just drink this milk bucket and hello there sir oh what’s up little oh uh nothing much I just had a question for you I um I kind of need a favor I was wondering if you’d be down uh a favor uh maybe what what do you need okay well pretty much um hear me out I’m pulling a prank on one of my friends yeah and I need someone to act like a burglar and pretend to go steal from her Farm yeah yeah yeah a that don’t seem right dude but no no no no it’s just it’s just a prank it’s like her birthday today and I’m surprising her uh with like a surprise party yeah you’re going to act like a burglar and then um uh and then I’m going to gift her a new cow yeah oh okay as long as I’m not getting in trouble bro and yeah no no no you’re not going to get in any trouble at all um she might try to like hit you with like a really strong sword though but just like I I’ll give you armor uh the strong sword what bro yeah she might have like a really really Opie sword that she might hit you with what that don’t seem good at all bro okay well hold on hold on I’ll pay you I’ll pay you diamonds how about um one stack of diamonds will that be enough oh yeah that’ll be enough all right there you go pleasure doing business with you let me also give you some armor oh I can buy so many surf boards oh yeah yeah you can buy all the surf boards here let me give you a little bit of uh diamond armor and all right hold on do you got any clothes um I’m not sure if it would be really good to pull up in um your your swimming outfit well I mean this armor works as clothes does it not um I guess so all right well um here follow me I’ll take you to the farm all right where’s this friend at dude right over here check it out that’s her Farm over there I’m just going to need you to go in there and just like act like a robber just like run in steal everything she’s got like try to steal the animals try to steal the crops all that oh okay bro I’m going in wait wait hold don’t go in yet come back come back come back I need to get in position I got to get up the video of this because um it’s her the birthday yeah and I got to get a video let me just get into position uh start running in like 5 seconds or actually 10 seconds all right 10 okay I got I got to get in position oh he’s just running in okay this guy doesn’t understand instructions I’m just going to run over here I got to get a video of this come on wait I need to spash myself with invisibility okay there we go I guess it’ll start with the piggies first come here come here little pigos oh let’s go the robber is robbing all right all right is Ruby going to notice yet what is Ruby doing oh I heard someone hello who’s there why is she carrying a chicken what the heck who are you oh oh the rubber is robbing let’s go I was sin by somebody bro why can’t these Piggies come up the ladder dude yes okay this is perfect this is perfect come on now Ruby just pull out the Opie sword you got to defend your farm oh no you get over here right now yoink these Piggies are mine let’s go all right on any second now Ruby’s going to pull out the Opie sword I know it look she’s chasing him oh no you don’t get over here oh when I get you I’m going to do horrible things to you oh I just going to pull out the sword I was just I was informed by somebody I was informed no put that pig down put that pig down no it wasn’t me bro it was another guy and you know forget this I’m out bro what the wait is my robbert bailing on me no you’re not oh get back here right now what the what is happening the robber is running away and Ruby is still chasing him okay come on Ruby just pull out this sword already I need to get my sword back I I need proof oh I’m surfing the wave sea I no you don’t oh big surfer man what the heck oh my gosh I think my robber just bailed oh he’s not getting away with this Ruby is still trying to chase him what is Ruby going to do see you later man I’m going to pull out my secret weapon wait she’s about to pull out the Opie sword wait maybe she’s going to use like the flag ability and put down a flag that gives her strength wait did she just pull out ender pearls that was her secret weapon oh my gosh are you serious get over here oh my gosh I can’t believe neither cam or r Ru be admitted to stealing my sword not even when I tried pranking him like this they didn’t even pull out the sword but one of them definitely has my sword I don’t know where else it could have possibly gone to I left it on the kitchen counter and then the next second it was gone you know what I need to head back home I need to go check if I misplaced it maybe I just misplaced the sword and I didn’t see it the first time I checked I don’t know all right finally I’m back at the house I’m just going to do a quick double check around the countertops over here to see if I actually misplaced the sword I already checked this place really thoroughly earlier and I didn’t see the sword but but maybe I missed it o maybe it’s on top of the cabinets over here maybe it levitated I don’t know and it’s not on top of the cabinets it’s not on top of the fridge either is it behind the furnaces and stuff maybe no I’m not seeing it here either okay you know what Cam and Ruby definitely still have my sword it has to be on one of them there’s literally no other possible explanation you know what I need to get that I need to get that thing back I need to I need to trap them somehow and then once they’re in the Trap I need to scare them really really bad with like a bunch of dangerous mobs and then they have to pull out the sword yeah okay that’s definitely going to work but um hm how do I uh trap them I need to get them in some sort of like trap out of obsidian so they can’t escape wait a minute hold on I’ve got an idea what if I build a little hot dog store over here except it’s not actually going to be selling hot dogs instead it’s going to be a trap and as soon as C and Ruby enter to buy their hot dogs the floor drops and they end up in a big trap and then once they’re in the big trap I can spawn in a bunch of scary mobs and yo is that that Surfer guy again oh she’s chasing me she’s wild bro wait wait hey surfer dude Surfer Dude hey over here over here um I I guess we both ran in the same direction hold on um I I’ve actually got a new job for you a job I’m not taking a job from you last time you almost got me killed bro okay this time it’s going to be different I need someone to help me build a hot dog stand oh build your own hot dog stand bro it’s not going to be dangerous it’s just a hot dog stand well you can do it yourself I’m out of here wa okay wait wait wait hold on hold on what about um another stack of diamonds okay what do you need okay so I need a hot dog stand here take that stack of diamonds and then follow over here this way I’m thinking we build it right over here um in front of that house a sweet I’m pretty good at hot dogs I don’t know B hot dog stands bro you seem pretty good at hot dogs but um pretty much what we need to do is just build a hot dog stand right over here I’m thinking we build it out of some white and red concrete that’ll look like that that’s like the hot dog colors right oh I’m not sure I think uh Oak more looks like a hot dog Button bro that looks horrible no okay hold on we have to build it out of uh White concrete and red concrete like this we can build it like in a nice pattern we got to make it look really like cool and flashy so that um my friends go inside of it okay bro just up like this yeah yeah yeah I’m thinking we build it up like this it can kind of look like one of those like Carnival buildings you know oh yeah I got you what you’re saying bro yeah you got the vision okay good here this should be pretty simple we just got to build a quick hot dog stand and oh also I need you to help me build something underneath it what do you need to build underneath it bro I need to build like a big pit um just like out of obsidian it it’s going to be for storing the uh extra meat for the hot dogs uh okay bro yeah okay it should be pretty simple here let’s just go ahead and uh finish up these walls first ooh this thing’s looking pretty good ooh are you building a big hot dog on top of it yep sure am bro oh wow you really know what you’re doing all right perfect I hired the right guy yeah the hot dogs are going to cost extra there bro wait what yeah I’m building the hot dog it’s going to cost extra I have to pay you more diamonds you’re saying uhhuh what um all right I I’ll give you more diamonds later yipp uh wait hold on I just realized I build this thing completely wrong there’s like one red concrete block over here but all the other parts have two red concrete you know it doesn’t even matter no one’s going to see that and all right this thing is looking pretty sick here here I’m thinking we just put the door down right over here and oh wait there’s a fox over here wait is that a door in its mouth oh wait oh thank you for that fox that was that was quite helpful all right well I guess let’s put this door down over here yo so dude I just got given a door by a fox sweet dude I love when that happens yeah that that was that was awesome but here I’m thinking what we do for the floor is we can just set it to a bunch of white concrete as well and ooh wait a minute actually for the floor why don’t we go ahead and set it to some concrete powder because concrete powder Falls to gravity what we could do is have a few signs underneath the concrete powder so let me just grab some of those we could have some signs underneath the floor like this and then put concrete powder on top of it and then whenever we break the first sign all of the floor is going to fall down why would you want that dude oh um uh in case the to clean the restaurant yeah yeah you know the floors are going to be dirty so we can just have a button to drop the floor and instantly clean the restaurant yeah won’t that like get rid of like the entire restaurant there bro no no no we can rebuild it it’s fine it’s fine seems more effective to just have a mop no no no a not B slow this is going to be a modern restaurant all right here we go I’m thinking we can build the counter over here the counter area can just have a normal floor the counter isn’t going to fall there we go this can be the counter right over here and all right now we got to build that big hole down over here oh heck yeah C and Ruby are not going to be able to escape this wait hold on Surfer guy how’s the hot dog coming along yo this looking good yeah I’m making a hot dog sign dude what are you writing on the sign what does this say TD uh it’s not done yet stop looking bro what does the TD stand for nothing don’t worry about it bro um okay you sure it’s going to be good it’s as long as we can get some customers in here then we’re good yeah yeah it’ll be good bro don’t worry all right all right here I’m just clearing out this big hole over here in fact I think this would be faster if I used TNT let me go ahead and grab a little bit of that and we can just um use the TNT to blow it up there we go yeah TNT easy oh heck yeah oh that TNT did more damage than I thought oh that did a lot of damage what was that noise bro nothing I was doing some blasting operations all right it’s all good it’s all good um it looks like nothing really got damaged too bad it looks like the floor got dug pretty good I think we need to dig us a little bit deeper though I’m going to put another TNT down there hopefully this doesn’t blow up any of the walls or anything and oh that was that was a pretty good good good siiz blast put another one there have some more right over here oh yeah it is nice we can make this pick go pretty deep because I do not want cam Ruby to have any chance of escaping all right this is looking pretty good I think this should be about deep enough now we just got to like even up all the walls to make it smooth and then we got to put obsidian on the walls all right there we go nice this hole is looking pretty even now I just need to put a bunch of obsidian all around around the walls and yo wait is that that fox again huh what is it doing here wait does it have obsidian what the hey there Fox can I have that obsidian that would be um pretty convenient actually wow this fox is um just reading my mind or or maybe he’s just listening to me maybe he understands human speech is it going to drop the obsidian the fox isn’t dropping the obsidian what the heck okay you know what hold on maybe I can uh give him some food for it yeah here here’s a piece of bacon there you go yeah all right are you going to give me the obsidian now oh let’s go the fox gave me the obsidian that was awesome all right well back to building this giant pit we got to go ahead and make all the walls out of obsidian so that there’s no shot anyone can break out there we go this is looking pretty nice all right perfect all the walls are made out of obsidian now we also got to make the floor out of obsidian and the roof finally done bro and oh wait it is hold on I want to take a look at this hot dog let’s see is this thing looking good and yo hot dog looking nice yeah this should be good enough right yeah that should be really good the sign is a really good idea that’s going to attract in um a lot of customers some very important customers that we’re going to need all right well I guess I’ll help you with a pit what are we doing now Okay so pretty much this is going to be the pit where um all of the the extra meat goes yeah this is going to be the meat storage pit all right all right and hold on hold on for the floor let me go ahead and grab a sticky piston what I’m thinking we do is let’s go ahead and have a sticky piston on the floor like this and then we can put some red concrete on it like that and now let me grab a lever and just put that down right over here and then all right we can start building the floor out of signs like this and now pretty much whenever I pull this lever it’s going to break all of the signs and then all of the concrete above it will also fall a you’re going to have to move that one block down there bro yeah yeah hold on I just realized that we need to move this one block down here like this let me grab another piston and all right that should be good we can put the lever right over here and all right now time to start placing down the signs oh heck yeah this is actually going to be the best trap ever wait what uh nothing I mean the best restaurant ever oh it sounded to me like you said trap bro oh I didn’t say anything oh yeah by the way how’d your friend’s birthday go oh um it was really good we um we did a lot of birthday celebrations oh really she seemed really mad at me for stealing the pig or cow or whatever no she was just um uh she she didn’t know about the prank yet we we we told her that we were pranking her right after but okay there we go looks like all the signs are in place now let’s go ahead and break this stuff down over here and let’s set the entire floor over here into just white concrete oh wait no not white concrete white concrete powder Oh I thought yellow you’d be look nice actually yeah we can do yellow yellow looks pretty cool you can represent the grease that’s used for the hot dogs all right is that everything bro and um almost almost hold on there’s one more thing that I want in here I’m going to need to have some mobs that spawn inside of that pit off why um to keep the meat fresh you know have you not heard um having monsters around meat makes it fresh that’s the saying yeah I don’t remember that saying bro everyone in the hot dog business says that what do you mean by everyone um all the hot Dogers trust me it’s a thing it’s a thing we just got to put down some dispensers here and all right can you just like find the scariest mobs you can possibly find and just spawn them in I mean don’t spawn them in put them in the dispensers oh okay yeah yeah we’re just going to need some really scary mobs if you keep the meat scared you keep it fresh fresh fresh and tender that’s how it goes well we’re having a bunch of meat so I think Tigers will be pretty good ooh tigers are pretty good that’s a really good idea Surfer guy thanks I know but here we also got to go ahead and connect all of these dispensers together with some Redstone I’m just digging behind them right now I’m thinking what we could do is just have some repeaters go into them and then connect those all with redstone so there we go let me grab a few repeaters and some Redstone and all right I think this should be pretty good let’s just connect all of the dispensers together with some repeaters nice we going to have a lever for activating all the is at the top next to the counter all right bro all right this looks pretty nice I guess let’s add a few repeaters in here in case the Redstone signal Fades out we can have like one over there another one right over here um I think this should be pretty good let’s go all right is that all you need for the hot dog stand bro and yeah that that that should be all thank you very much for helping all right well I’m going to go surf now see you later dude and all right all right yeah have fun surfing I’m just going to connect the Redstone from this all the way up here to the counter I guess we can to have a lever right over um here for activating all of the mobs let me just go ahead and connect the Redstone down over here to the dispensers and oh there’s the dispensers I just got to bring this Redstone down all the way here and okay perfect I think this should be good let me go ahead and turn off that lever there we go and then we can put this last piece of redstone here and all right nice I think the Trap is pretty much complete let’s go okay okay perfect perfect one last thing I’m going to do is I’m just going to add a few signs over here I’m going to put down a sign um right here saying drop floor and then another sign for this lever saying summon Tigers yeah now we know which lever does what hold on I think there’s one last thing that we need to do here let’s go ahead and actually make this place look like a hot dog stand let me just add some item frames and grab a few hot dogs we can just put these all over the walls over here yeah the there is going to be the menu right here all right perfect that’s looking pretty good and okay nice I think the Trap is pretty much complete now now I just got to wait for Cam and Ruby to pull up they should be arriving home any second now they’re going to see the hot dog stand pull up to it and then it’s going to be my time to strike let’s go all right I’m now the hot dog sales person I’m just going to be standing right here selling hot dogs yeah today’s been so weird yeah I know right and wait a minute hold on I think I hear Cam and Ruby I think they’re pulling up let’s go I wonder if Dash has been all right yeah and what is this I don’t know is this new did you build this here okay okay perfect I think they noticed the hot dog stand now I just got to get ready to flick the levers I’ve never seen this before this has to be new uh is anyone here wait I should invite them in hey guys guys check it out I opened up a new Hot Dog store oh this is your store Dash you should have said so yeah guys it’s my new stort what do you think it’s nice oh is it because you want to buy a new sword after you lost your last one and yeah yeah yeah exactly that’s it Ruby I’m trying to make a lot of money from hot dogs and okay drop floor there we go what what what happened I know you guys stole my sword you guys have 10 seconds to give it back let’s go we don’t have your sword bro I didn’t do that why why are these Tigers here you guys better give me my sword hold on some of the f aren’t working I need to spam this lever give me back my sword we don’t have your sword bro is that what this is all about I don’t want you have my sword come on you have to use it to fight this tiger or something just pull it out I know what you have it we don’t have your sword bro I don’t have a sword I only have a wooden scthe are you guys actually serious do you guys really not have my sword get me out of here yes we’re very serious we don’t have your sword oh my gosh their eyes are red their eyes are red stop it ah fine here are some liers I guess you guys are actually being honest well if you guys don’t have my sword then where did I go that thing was so expensive I no put down the ladders put down the ladders hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry I’m putting them down I’m putting them down oh man did I really just craft that sword for nothing and now it’s just gone forever I don’t know but the sword’s not here and we didn’t take it how could you make a trap that is so uncool well Ruby you were acting very suspicious back in the house I thought you had my sword okay what are you talking about I was trying to help you I gave you the telescope remember that telescope was n anywhere close to my sword I don’t know what your sword looks wait like speaking of my is that is that my sword right there wait did this fox take my sword the whole time hey come back with my sword the fox took my sword yay uh I think we found where your sword went I told you I didn’t take it we got to get the sword bag that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

Having a STALKER LIFE in Minecraft!

This video Dash is becoming a STALKER in Minecraft and stalk his friends Cam and Ruby… Will they know that he is stalking them? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


  1. Maybe you can block him off with bad rock that’s like the most strongest thing in Minecraft killing break it but he cannot get in creative mode. Oh Dennis yeah cricket 🤍 and he can just get diamonds but don’t tell cam that

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