Wow! Hooray B. The teacher is taking us to the aquapark. Guys, aren’t all your belongings ready? Finki, bro, if we had bought smittens or something for us, we would drown there. Dude, relax, I know how to swim. V, the sausages have come to the stop, they are waiting for me. I came to the aquapark. Guys, honey is coming too. Guys, today will be a lot of fun. Very Wow. I’m going to the aquapark for the first time in my life. I ‘m going there for the first time too. I wonder what kind of place it is, loser. I’m going to the 2nd. Because I’m a very good person. I hope I don’t find it there. Aquapark sausages. I’m here. Are you ready? Hooray, jump, friends, jump. Godzilla. You sit on the top, we ‘re ready, teacher, we can go, kids, you sat down too. Have we sat down in your seats, teacher, we are sitting down, we can go, teacher, there are people who haven’t come yet, baby workers, baby soldiers, baby police, they were going to come too, why don’t they come to me then, they should come themselves, the bus won’t wait, Ah, my friend, where have you been? Anyway, there is nothing to do. Then they will come on their own. Teacher, come on, aren’t we going, we are going, children, we are going hard. Hold on, the Aquapark is waiting for us. Are you ready, kids ? Are you ready? Baldi brought the kids to this huge aquapark. The kids will soon slide down all the slides in the Aquapark. Let’s see what the kids will do in this giant aquapark. We will see together. Don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel. Ah, the school hotel is coming. Come on, come, come, wait. Wait, wait, open the door, guard. We are here. Welcome, sir. Let me take the money. Take it. Come on, open the door. It is yours to swim in the pool. Aha, the door is open. Wow, we will have fun in the Aquapark all day long, sausages. We have come to the aquapark. Be careful, if someone drowns. I cannot save him. I don’t know how to swim. I don’t know how to swim either. I am a teacher. I’m going to swim in the pool Here we are Come on friends, walk, today will be a lot of fun, long live, we’re white, Hurray, stop, stop running around, jump, friends, jump, jump, Godzilla, come, bro, let’s go to the children’s pool. Son, you knew the Oni face, Bro, when I came here, I forgot in excitement. What are we going to do here, put our feet in the water until the evening? I don’t know bro, maybe we can slide on this little ski, young people, open up too much. If you become a life saver, don’t be afraid, I will save your life. Ali brother, Ali brother, look how I’m watching. Ali brother. Gentlemen, we are going to have a lot of fun today, very baldi, come along too. I’m already starting to get scared. Look at these slides, friends. Balli, I think he’s scared, he’s not coming. I wish we had gone to a playground or something. Did I make a mistake by coming here? Guys, let’s swim for a while and then slide down all the slides, okay? Hey, you’ll slide down all the slides, brother. Ç and God, look , what are you doing there, the kid’s pool, son, what’s that place for you? We want to swim here, bro. Never mind them, just ignore them. Now they will try to drown us in the pool. And I am afraid, too. Gentlemen. It is understood. They are afraid of the pool. We will have a lot of fun today. Wow. I am very happy. I am coming to the aquapark for the first time in my life. I am very happy. I am very happy. Friends, have you been to the aqua park before? Write in the comments. Okay, I like the video, don’t forget to subscribe to the channel, then Come on guys, let’s move on to the slides, Godzilla kids. What are you swimming in, teacher? We don’t know, it’s slippery here. Help me, teacher, are you okay, teacher ? Oh my God, help me, I’m drowning, help me, teacher. Stay calm, swim to the shore. Swim No, I’m going to drown, my teacher. Forgive me. I think I’m going to die today. Oh, there’s someone drowning. Wait, a lifesaver is coming. V, help me. Help me, a lifesaver. Stay calm. I’m here and I’ll save you. Take me. Thank you very much. Let me out. For the first time in my life, a big boy is drowning in a children’s pool. I see a man , come here. What are you doing there, vow? You saved my life. Bean, the lifesaver. I thought I was going to die. My dear teacher. You scared us so much. Oh my teacher! The pool doesn’t even reach your legs. How did you drown here? Mr. Lifesaver thought for a moment and panicked. I was actually going to save him, but I panicked too. I did it. Anyway, okay, don’t be afraid. I did my duty as a lifeguard, I saved your life. Thank you very much, Mr. You gave our lifesaving teacher back to us. What do you mean, this is my duty, Ali brother, Ali brother, come and climb this huge slide. Gentlemen, are we sure? It is very high. Let it be visible, my son, let it be higher, it will be a lot of fun. Look at this. Come on, come on, come on, honey, come on. Friends, I was a little scared, I won’t lie to you. Don’t be ridiculous. What are you afraid of? Slide the bottom part, come and come. The bottom part is a slide, but it’s a three-story slide. Look at this, how many floors did we climb ? There’s nothing to be afraid of, just pull up. I’ll slide, watch. I swear, Efekan. Well done to you. I’m the smallest, Efekan. But he’s not afraid of anything. Efekan. Come on, brother, slide. Let me see you. Then I’m leaving. Efekan. Look, be careful, do n’t slide fast. Okay, you’re going to go fast, take it, watch it. Oh, God, he’s gone. I’m coming, move away, I’m going very fast, I’m going very fast, Ef Efan, you’re okay, aren’t you guys , I think I’ve given up, don’t be ridiculous, even Efekan is slipping. Hooray, it’s a lot of fun, mommy, I’m coming, brother Ali, I’m coming, mommy, I’m going to fall now, mommy. Wow, it was so much fun, brother, I got off, come on, come on, I was a little scared at first, but it’s great. It was so much fun Efekan I’m coming bro I’m coming Aha I swear Ali is gone too Hasan should we go down No we climbed so much it’s going to slide now I’m coming it’s so fun Mommy I’m speeding up a lot Ali I’m waiting for you downstairs Mommy I’m coming I’m coming very fast I’m coming very fast Efekan Efekan hold me Efekan hold me jump brother jump I’ll catch you I’ll take you now bro Wow it was so much fun Guys Kay come on Hasan buddy walk come on It’s your turn mommy what am I going to do mommy I’m coming Kamil Hasan what happened I’m here it’s so fun it’s so much Kamil sure Kay Sure man what are they saying I don’t understand whether it’s fun or scary Hasan Kanka where are you? Are you slipping Hasan Suuk, if you are slipping down the slide , let’s go. Stop, wait. Let Kamil come too. Let’s go. I’m the only one left. I don’t call myself a coward. I’m slipping too. Let’s get started. Mommy. Ali, bro . Help me. This is very fast. Let me go down. I’ll show you Kamil. Look at the sounds. There’s nothing to be afraid of, Kamil, the little ones are slipping. We call it my rock. Godzilla. I don’t know. I’m a teacher. Are we cowards? B. is not afraid of anything, my mother. Oh, it’s over. Kamil, how was it, bro? Shall I say something? I was very scared. But it was very nice, son. Let’s go to the others. Come on, yes, let’s go to other resources. Friends. Let’s make a joke on this baldi. Yes, yes, let’s throw Baldi into a pool. Friends, those who want us to make a joke on Baldi, quickly like the video. I am a teacher who will drive Baldi crazy. Come along. The water is very fun. Yes, I am a teacher. Look, I am swimming. Well done. You are making me very sad. Well done. How can these people swim ? I can’t swim. Friends, let’s slide on these slides. Then let’s go and jump in the baldi pool. Yes, have a lot of fun. Come on. Then, let’s start. I ‘ll slide from here. Efekan. Come on, bro, let’s slide from this side. Then, okay, bro, I’m coming. Hasan Kanka. I’m going. Let’s go, slide, slide. It’s fun. I’m so glad we came to this aquapark. It’s a good thing we came to this aquapark. Let’s see what this slide is like. Let’s slide from here too. No, this one isn’t going that fast. We need a slide that goes faster. What is it? Watch Kamil. Watch, buddy. I’m coming. Watch. Whoops, mom, I’m coming, buddy. Let’s go to a bigger one. What is this? Yes , walk on, let’s go to the biggest slide, I don’t understand why these people swim in the water, water is only for drinking. Yes, teach me, be who I am, you didn’t understand this topic, never mind, teacher. We are smarter than them, that ‘s why he can’t swim, you’re right, I guess Godzilla can’t swim because I’m smart, that’s my brain. It’s so big that the water can’t carry me. Aha, friends, come, come , baller is there. Look, what are we doing now? Do you guys know? Yes, what are we going to do? First we will go, we will throw Baldi into the water, then we will throw Tinky and Godzilla into the water . Baldi will kill us. I swear , aquap will chase us throughout the park. It will be a lot of fun where you will climb the big slide and then slide Baldi down from there. Come on, come on, let’s get started. My brain is so big, I’m very smart, a lot of water can’t carry me, that’s why it can’t carry me, my teacher. Bon appetit. What are you drinking? What’s going on? Put your hands down, help me, I’m drowning, my teacher, my dear. My dear, let’s take it like this, come on, mom, help me, is there a lifesaver? Help me, no, I’m drowning, I think I’m going to die here, because Godzilla, you’re right. Take these, look, child, drown this One, so many faces, can you save the life, Save me too, Run friends, Run, there are lives we need to save, Save me again? Save me, thank you, pull me out Oh gentlemen, honey is coming out of the pool, run, run, thank you, dear lifesaver, now. Move aside, I’m going to break their heads, come here. The lifeguard threw a bagel at me. I’m drowning. I’m drowning too. Oh my God, I made a very important discovery. If you wear a bagel, don’t talk about it anyway. Since I found this, I guess I’m a scientist from now on. Call me a Professor Doctor, a scientist. Gentlemen, run. Run, Climb, my friend is coming, Quickly, come on, come on, don’t run away, come and throw it here, I’ll catch you, Gentlemen, Run, run, it’s coming, it’s coming , my mother, it’s coming, Run, run, you come here, Professor Doctor, you wanted to strangle Baldi, come here, you guys, you have no place left to run, come, how high this place is, it’s like I caught the Eiffel Tower. Here you are, guys, here you go, bee-in-law, bee-in-law. Hop, see you there, baldi. No, they ran away. I ‘ll catch you too. Let’s catch you, beech. Gentlemen, bee-in-law, baldi is coming. Mommy, I’m trapped, baldi. I’m coming. Run. Efekan pushed me. Baldi pushed me. I’m falling. Help me. Help me. A lifesaver. Help me. Look, friends, fall. Look at this. What ‘s going on, move away, I’m coming too, mommy, it’s pretty high, mommy, I’m coming, get the sausages out. Promise me from here, I won’t do anything to you. Okay, financial. Look, you promised, we’re taking it out. Come on, guys. Let’s save it. What’s going to happen? Kids, we had a lot of fun at the aquapark. He was very angry, but he couldn’t contain his anger. That’s why He invited the children to camel wrestling in the pool. Come on, tell them , pass on, we’ll do camel wrestling, you come with me, my child, sit down. I’ll ride on your shoulder, Kamil, I’ll ride on your shoulder. Let’s get started, let’s beat these, Bro, let’s beat them, walk. How are we going to beat them? Look at them. They don’t fall in life. How can we beat them? And he’s shooting. Look at this. Come on, come closer. You’re going to throw me into the pool. I’m going to break your head. Come here! This is my door. You deserve it. Destroy it. Teacher. Destroy it. Oh no more, calm down, tink, get closer, get closer, get closer , God, let me hit them on the head, get it for you, come here, come here. Have we been defeated again? I’m going to break your head again. Shame on you. We have lost your art. Shame on you. Gather up your sausages. Gather up. I’ll make a statement. Teacher, let’s go now. Silence. I am making my statement. Ali Efekan. It has been decided that Hasan and Kamil will stay in school for the rest of their lives. No, no, no, we threw them into the pool. What do you mean, you threw them into the pool? You failed the class. You will see. Now, gentlemen, attack. Stop, stop. It’s a joke. You’re going to burn us too. Now look. Well done. That’s enough, let’s go now, let’s get out of here, pack up, we’re going, B. Look, how scared were you guys, how was it, did you like the aquapark? Write in the comments, don’t forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel for the rest, the more likes we get on the video, we will shoot better videos for you. That’s right, friends, don’t forget to turn on notifications by clicking on the cards. You can also watch our other videos then see you in the next video bye bye fore

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