This Terraria Mod has an INSANELY Bright Future…

in this video we check out a terrario mod with a very bright future it adds in new bosses and enemies and a bunch of sick weapons let’s hop in game and check it out we are here checking out some underrated less and known terrarium mods like always and today we’re here with the realm of Riley mod I believe it’s called or relay I don’t know kadulu type language and as you can see off rip we’re getting attacked by an impact slime but let’s get to it this mod doesn’t have too many bosses doesn’t have too much content it’s it’s on the smaller side but it does have this new biome over here look at this little abandoned Farm biome I’m going to hop out of God mode Let’s explore this for real the music is kind of bumping I’m not going to lie but let’s get inside of the farm what y’ got for us in here I’m a big sucker for just any type of generation literally in all video games doesn’t even have to be Terraria so when we get some new generation you know I’m hyped what is that carton of beer is a weapon right click to chug the beer give the tips buff and then I could throw it at people too okay I’m mess with that is that a new painting or is that like a OG painting skele head I think it’s a OG painting what is that someone’s flying around we of course got some crates laying around oh there there it is mango bat owy sounds delicious but I’m messing with just a new structure in general could probably even take this whole place over and live in it oh is that a chicken in the back right there hold look I got to deal with a mango B he’s getting too close what other loot is chilling in this botb I do see a chest over here there is a chest over here is there anything in any of these crates no there’s a dude being hanged upside down or hung upside down I me that usually doesn’t happen in Barns I don’t know I don’t I honestly haven’t been too many barns to tell but we need a key it needs an ancient key of some sort H how do we get our hands on an ancient key hold up what is this FR Stone oven capable of cooking wheat-based Foods in advanced stuff okay so a new type of place where we could cook things we even of course got the pylon Farm pylon and then there’s another chest over here so how do we get our hand on the key for these chests I have no idea but for now I think I’m just going to give myself the key so we can see you know what’s inside of these chests what’s in here ooh crackshot wheel gun waddle pot gives the happy buff okay so it’s sort of like a sunflower we got wheat Crush egg corns tattered wood a bunch of new objects and items and then let us loot the other one of course what’s popping in here Spike bark Shield okay new accessory and then a bunch of more stuff even consumables and stuff give my character a little bit of a drink the biome is pretty small itself like that’s it that’s the whole biome really not too much in the biome but let’s test out some of these new weapons we got our hands on starting with the beer let’s throw beer at our enemies we can do this already inter let’s see our crackshot Wagon Wheel gun oh my god’s got a little bit of kick to it you know so it says if we right click we throw a wagon wheel that rolls on the ground and then we can shoot the wheel to explode damn kind of fast okay it’s not not really like an explosion but it does drop fire everywhere so it’s not that bad let’s just see the regular shot not bad I’m not in Mash or anything I think I’m just in Journeys mode does the wheel itself do damage so the wheel does not do damage so it’s kind of kind of hard to use the wheel then you got to like really set it up this is like a shooting Dynamite on uh what’s that one dude’s name in OverWatch dude with the revolver the dude who has changed his name for some reason I want to say mccre but that is definitely not his name now let’s get into the bosses of this mod they’re all pretty early game bosses let’s get to it the first one is very interesting it’s a possessed piggy bank and it’s before King Slime so let’s see this thing in action oh n God M you know what it’s fine Midas drop more money on death oh hell no he trying to take my cash what is that that did damage whatever that was did did 100 damage to me my boys got attack St for him being an early game boss fight hold up I might have to go on the ground Ro he’s got some crazy attacks oh my God my boy shaking the Earth what is that what is happening oh my God this is kind of crazy for a boss fight so early on in the game this is the master mode version though so there may be some uh potentially higher attacks and damage outputs because of that I do think it’s a cool idea to have a piggy bank as a boss and oh my God he’s got a lot of attacks I like that fire one the fire one and then this like raining coin one is crazy but let’s do some damage and see if it has any other attacks what do you have for us potentially other attacks or is that all which is already enough attacks for a boss before King slon okay he’s got a little like ground pound that shoots out fire and then he’s charging up his Dash again so you do need a good Arena look how much damage that Dash does if it lands on you it did like 70 to the guide but a nice little sick and simplified boss fight here well I wouldn’t even say simplified a nice challenge it would be early game to take on something like that and it gave us picky porcelain an impact Tech hold up this sounds like it might make some crazy stuff what you got for us oh my God we actually got some gear here we’ll check this out later oh man Pig armor sweet and pig items awesome can’t wait for that all right the next thing here is from the blood moon the next boss there’s only two bosses W jumbo eye it says that this mod reworks the blood moon a little bit to add in a bunch of new enemies and stuff I think and then of course the boss itself I just want to see though what’s popping so far it’s pretty tame not not too crazy but let me attack some things okay so that jumbo eye split into a bunch of smaller eyeballs there was a jumping like a big ass jumping hand and it seems like the mediumsized eyeballs split into regular demonize let’s kill all these enemies out here though cuz I’m trying to see some more enemies let’s get them spawning in hold up somebody dropped vampire daggers okay I might have to just like up the spawn right here oh here we go tooth serpent disgusting and what is that eye Jelly Little Critters flying around too I’m going to Triple the spawn multiplier here so hopefully we see a bunch of enemies of course we got our regular blood moon enemies I’m liking the Little Critters I don’t know if the Little Critters be damag or not but I always like the addition of some more Critters there is a boss so what we’re going to do here is I think we’ll just spawn it in and that boss is the butcher rat ew a big New York rat disgusting hold up my boy got a chainsaw he chasing us down right now you can’t hear the chainsaw it’s a little it’s a little quiet I don’t even know if it has a noise or not cuz there’s so many like Roars and screams going on but this is a very unique IDE for a boss is definitely something I wouldn’t have thought of for a Blood Moon boss a giant rat with a machete and a chainsaw or is that a Cleaver I don’t even know I like his animations I do really like the sprs of this mod they’re pretty cool a little bit different some of them but let us do some damage to the rat he’s throwing out Cleavers he does the little Dash with the chainsaw he got a terrifying laugh he spawned in in a bunch of smaller rats so this legit might be the New York final boss what other crazy attacks you got first do you go into like a rampage mode when you’re lower or what or have we seen it all we might have seen it all cuz he seems like he’s more of a mini boss than he is like a full boss but let us finish off the big rat hold up the dreaded frenzy rodent has been slaughtered the curse has awoken the never ending plague of rats hold up what never ending plague of rats does that mean they just keep spawning the boss no I don’t know what they mean by that is there just going to be rats everywhere in my world this boss actually might be worse than I thought so there is actually another event here for night time it’s called forest’s revenge and you got to use this little crucifix here and it starts the event what the heck is that a drum a helicopter I don’t know let’s pop it up the forest has shifted into a transcended dead State I don’t know how to say that word but this makes all the forest Critters angry as we can see curs bunnies curs squirrels curs what is that birds curse is that a an owl oh my God and this is just a little little baby event I don’t really know if there’s anything else uh crazy to it what the hell who shot that which one of these little critters shot that I don’t know if there’s any like big thing with this one who whoa whoa the little fireflies hold up do these things like explode on contact that’s what it was that’s kind of crazy the fireflies are literally just bombers but yeah this could be a little interesting event in the future I’m sure it’s a work in progress like a majority of this mod is cuz I don’t even remember what was in this mod before this update came out I remember I have touched did things with this mod before like I’ve used it for something but I really don’t remember what was in it at all so seeing all this new stuff is kind of cool the mod does list that there’s around 50 new enemies so let us see what’s popping with that we already seen a good bit from the little blood moon but let’s go ahead and cycle through some of these look like just Critters I like that little turtle with the the flowers on his back honey hair okay kind of sick looking is that an enemy if I kill that does it like spawn bees I can’t even kill it oh no there you go I killed it grandfather slime I don’t think is that a slime we have a rooster okay got a bunch of other Critters water lizard look at that thing that thing looks scary look like a dinosaur we got the artery carryon I don’t remember if we saw this one during the blood moon or not bloodshot eye this seems like oh an eyeball that just shoots at you okay we got eban scater an aggressive eban screecher what does that mean what is the difference between two one one is just faster is what it looks like you seem like those are uh corruption Crimson type enemies tumbling vulgar that lowkey does sound like a Terraria anemy Ellie jelly I like that one hay slime yo he’s got a head on sick uh we got Orchid slimes I believe we saw a couple of these hopping around we got sunflower slimes Whispering shroud what is that thing is that an enemy it is an enemy a zombie farmer and then we saw a bunch of the cursed enemies already and then we got these impact enemies which are like futuristic enemies as we can see so the enemies made out of te technology floating Lantern light bulb bouncer it’s not bouncing though feel like I’ve been lied too and then we got some more little tiny uh Spider enemies here that actually do attack you we got a heart bat okay cool give us a life force potion farmer slime sick and then we got the Lost farmer and a bound version of the Lost farmer so there’s some new NPCs from this and they are selling some new goodies in there oh look he’s selling the keys maybe that’s where you get the keys from we saw a little bit earlier that this mod does add in some new armors damn look at this armor set there is so many things yeah we got this pig armor which is sick look at the ears they bounce up and down I like that what else do we got we got some gore tooth armor this armor also looks very cool and it seems like they’re very very detailed armor sets so honestly it’s pretty sick we got some Orchid armors we got some brass armor here let’s see what the brass armor looks like okay look like a robot Acorn Adventure that’s got to be a weak set right there and then of course there is a bunch of accessories but I’m not here to see no damn accessories bring me to the weapons that’s really what I want to see hold up I can place a tractor sick yeah let’s see some of the weapons let’s start with this one seeking our glove whoa I get to control this it’s kind of like that one blade I don’t remember the name of the weapon I couldn’t even tell you what it’s like you know which one I’m talking about though flying knife there you go is way easier to control and I could go through the floor with it pretty crazy okay I just threw a bunch of early game weapons in my inventory here we got a forest Vengeance what does this do it’s like a bunch of beams come to me and then I shoot one out we got a spear okay little projectiles on the spear a decent amount of projectiles honestly and one of them are like special we got a sunflower sceptor what does this do o okay I like that I like that so let’s bring in some enemies here and let’s hit them with the sunflower I think I missed it’s a little bit slow it’s kind of something you got to line up to hit dude they’re about to die they are getting burnt up look at them oh my God Rest in Peace okay okay I got a summon no this is not a summon this is a club look at that my boy using two hands to swing club we got this this is a whip we got a bloody drill is this used for yeah it’s used for mining then we got a gun that I do not have ammo for it’s darts is there darts what you got for us okay you know I always love me some Dart weapon Love Now I want to see this right here Goring shotgun and then there was the chains saw from the rat oh here it is the verman gore rage saw that’s a sick name for chainsaw oh yeah and it’s got the chainsaw noise hold up let me get the Orchid slime oh I’m moving fast with this thing it seems like it takes my health though use it for too long and it activates frenzy saw mode which Inc increases our agility and we take burn damage okay I grabbed a bunch of more weapons let’s go ahead and check them out we got this the gor shank shotgun which is a shotgun with some kick with it little bit of recoil or not really recoil but screen Shake we got the impact disc which is like a very smart Boomerang look at don’t even got to aim at anything it will just hit enemies for me you love to see it we got an impact Interceptor releases a few electrical signals and then the enemies that are hit will occasionally stagger in place so it seems like I could just freeze enemies this is kind of cool I’ve never ever seen like a weapon idea like this we got impact Pulsa the gun will short circuit and burst out pulse bullets so it will shoot shoot and then it will stutter and shoot like a burst space minigun come on I know why I pick this up can’t go wrong with a minigun we got a torch textbook what does this do I have no idea looks like we [ __ ] out little bats we got the ank skull toome which this just shoots skulls insanely fast is it a random direction is that what it said I don’t know how useful shooting in a random direction would be archeologist dynamite oh my God that’s not what I thought it would do doesn’t damage the user and you never run out hold up so I literally have like infinite Dynamite kind of sick look how much area it breaks this is insane I could clear out a whole area bro this should be perfect for making like a planta Arena got a couple more handfuls of weapons here starting with a coconut harp which randomly shoots out coconuts is that what it says oh so it’s music notes and coconuts this sound like the intro to Call Me Maybe we got sorcerer spirit candle conjures a rift that sucks up nearby enemies oh yes please I need somebody to hit me with this Cactus Cannon shoots out bouncing Cactus Boulders oh hell yeah we get our own little Cactus Boulders that we get to use on enemies it’s a little bit slow it’s gigantic too I actually really like the look of it a little little bit slow we got the vulgar shot I’m going to just hold left click and see what it does like a little charged up bow look at this shoots a lot of projectiles too can I like single click no you can’t so you do have to charge it up and shoot we got the the ignition Poker Hold up this thing gives us the little uh Inferno Flames around us it seems like we get a little defense and extra other things with it kind of cool little true like it’s literally a short sword so I guess they do got to give you a little something right piggy pursuer what happens with this I’m just going to just use it and see what happens okay very interesting I guess now let me actually hit something with it what is it do when I hit something oh little piggy bang start bouncing around okay we got a Tommy Gun come can’t go wrong with a Tommy Gun oh listen to it actually sounds like a typewriter Chicago Typewriter that’s you know nickname for a Tommy Gun and then we got a vintage blunder bus who doesn’t love a blunder bus is there no blunderbus in I really feel like a blunder bus of it we got a flint lock so why not a blunder bus yeah that was the realm of Riley that’s how I’m going to say it re Rel mod and it’s a little bit on the smaller side I believe this update is fairly new again I don’t even remember what was in the mod before I don’t even know if it was updated for 1.4.4 it’s a pretty cool mod it’s something to look forward to for sure it’s got a lot of potential especially with some of the weapons that we’ve seen so I am pretty interested to see the future of this mod the Sprite work is actually really cool it’s like Sprite work that I haven’t really seen too often like some of them look close to something you would see from like Calamity or Starlight River but then there’s some Sprites in this mod you see it’s like okay it’s pretty cool I feel like I’ve never seen Sprites like that look at this there’s even a beanie in the mods anybody ever wanted a FL links beanie I got you my character is not woring the beanie why is my character blue when did I make my character blue yeah make sure to check out the mod shout out to everyone that’s working on it I am very hyped to see the future of it it’s got a lot of potential for sure also make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on the notification Bell so you don’t miss future videos I will be seeing y’all in the next video have a good one

A Terraria Mod you should be keeping an eye out for!

Realm of R’lyeh Mod –

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  1. Hey there, one of the developers of the mod (I made the rat boss). Thank you for showcasing our project! It means a lot to us, and we apprecciate it.

    P.S. The rat itself doesn't have a chainsaw sound, but one of it drops is a chainsaw which does have a looping sound, so, thank you for reminding me to include it on the boss, lmao.

  2. I've been a sub for a long time and a spriter for this mod for almost just as long, its sick to see some of my and my friends' work getting the appreciation it deserved, love the content keep it up.

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