I Survived 100 Days in a NUCLEAR WASTELAND in Hardcore Minecraft!

during an intense nuclear war atomic nukes erupted all over the world forcing everyone into underground shelters after the war ended we emerged to find a desolate nuclear Wasteland radiation covered the skies and acid poles formed causing new mutated radioactive enemies to take on I’ll need to loot new structures to gear up with the best weapons and armor to survive 100 days in this radioactive apocalypse starting with this bunker okay here we are day one we’ve spawned inside a vault see what’s inside this chest oh okay we got a fire axe Hazmat mask okay a stim pack or a wooden pickaxe okay we started off with decent loot a pit boy nice potatoes some seeds I’m not really interested in the seeds I’ll leave those I’ll put the Hazmat mask on though cuz I guess I’m going to need that to go to the surface so I can survive the radiation fire a should give us some protection oh is that acid oh that’s like radiated water okay stay away from that uh what happens if I put the pit Bo on oh nice okay it’s give me a mini map so I can see the enemies and areas around me all right decent start decent start this underground bunker that I’ve spawned in is one of many bunkers that are darted all over the world the entrances to these vaults are located on the surface and when I head down I can get my hands on some pretty good loot some vaults will contain food and livestock some vaults will contain armor and other vaults will contain Weaponry but of course to get to any of these vaults I’m going to need to get up and onto the surface I’m kind of nervous I’m not going to lie there’s going to be a bunch of enemies at the top oh maybe not I might be okay damn this is uh this is taking some time oh I was meant to grab the crafting table hold on a minute let me just go back down okay let me grab this real quick all right here we go I have to hit this lever somehow there we go waa oh hold up okay we already have Undead what is that is that a guy split in half damn okay we have a building okay I can loot that let’s see how much damage this axe does okay that’s a wa bro exploded what yo the radiation’s really changed how the uh how the zombies Die okay they’re really easy to kill that was indeed a dude that had his legs taken from his body I don’t want to ask any questions let’s grab this wood actually cuz I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get any trees oh wait y there are trees oh no they’re dead trees they don’t drop any wood okay we’re going to have to find another way to get wood cool I back to the list of things that’s going to make my life very difficult in this nuclear Wasteland is there any easier way in because I can’t get in through the front I’m going to have to break in through the top hopefully we can get some resources to make tools what the nah really Phantoms on the first day oh wait that guy’s summoning Phantoms holy smokes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no ah okay he fell down the hole ah oh my goodness I had like 2 seconds of peace now I’m being attacked that is a giant Phantom they’re like killer mobs the Phantoms are exploding let me just get inside please get away from me oh no [Music] oh my oh my oh my block myself in wait he dropped armor nurse leggings I’m going to have to use a stim pack aren’t I cuz I’m so low on health this is crazy there are a ton of mobs and they’re all mutated the radiation is changed Minecraft completely they’re so fast as well look at them hold up I see chests that building has loot in oh okay that guy is literally flying a phantom okay let’s get away wait what is that that is a zombie pig did you drop food though he dropped a stim okay I’m going to have to eat it run run run run run I’m being chased this is horrible oh he’s so quick that guy is so fast look it’s the survivors they’ve been mutated ah that looks like dangerous territory where’s the safest place to go I think I have no choice but to head into that building cuz it looks like it has loot because it doesn’t look like there’s anything else around here for a while I got no choice I’m going to have to go in what is that uh I’m going to be honest with you guys I don’t know how I’m going to do this this is this is just impossible I have literally crawled all the way around these outskirts and I’ve discovered that there’s this weird parasite Zombie thing I’m pretty sure it’s like a clicker from The Last of Us it’s like blind and it’s so loud and it’s extremely terrifying the axe on my back is not enough to take these guys out thankfully though I managed to get up here and I can have a look at what’s in these chests what is that literally nothing a gunpowder can what can I use a gunpowder can for a nail bomb a mini nuke okay I’m not going to make that now but that’s insane but I can use it as part of a recipe for a lot of stuff actually okay okay gunpowder cans aren’t as bad as I thought let’s see what else I can find in here I’m literally having to sneak everywhere just in case there’s mobs okay there’s so much loot in here M come to death oh that guy is so fast come here bro okay we got him anym do I have anything to eat uh I literally only have rotten flesh so I guess I’m just going to have to eat that great let’s get to looting an armor plate okay cool what can we use you for ooh I can make RI armor military armor okay this is good what else we got a tactical knife okay cool let’s see if it actually does any damage ah these guys are actually smart oh no oh no what the that guy is op what let’s just get this over with bro I just got my health back oh my God I can’t keep eating rotten flesh bro this is not good I’m almost out of rotten flesh okay he’s dead what did he drop human flesh Okay C deeps oh a military pilot headset what the that makes my head look massive that there’s nothing like a headset what is this Kevlar okay more building materials a bullet belt whoa right click to [Music] equip okay it’s getting late again I can literally hear footsteps ah bro seriously just give me a break I just want to get the loot there actually looks like there’s some decent loot in there oh my oh my can I eat human flesh is that a thing oh no okay no that poisons me oh god oh no rotten flesh why are you running so fast why are you running so fast it is not necessary to run this fast oh my God bro I’m going to have to like loot from here okay another bullet bout I don’t care what does a bullet bout do okay yeah it’s just an armor piece ooh okay iron bullets pistol ammo oh yeah great ammo but no pistol it is night time again do any of these have food in that would be great a plastic plate yes a civilian chest plate okay that gives me resistance that’s actually decent carry on eating my rotten flesh okay ah you come here come okay he’s dead just’s try and get in here without anything jumping up how are they getting in I need to block the way they’re getting in right there’s one way they’re getting in there’s another way and there’s another way okay nobody’s getting in now okay cool a cheap survival machete all right now we’re talking bro look at my character it looks kind of cool what else we got a hunting vest eh more pistol ammo though good oh yes okay we have a gun and a Russian army helmet I will take that it looks so weird why does everything look so weird oh there’s so much trying to get in the good thing about the machete it has like sweeping Edge on it so it’s really going to keep these guys away from me let’s continue looting another tactical knife don’t really need it another Kevlar okay hunting vest eh a night vision module oh what can we use that for I can make night vision goggles okay that is actually kind of sick okay cool more ammo o some boots we need boots another gunpowder can okay this is actually kind of lit it’s cool that we have a gun now I mean it’s a rusty pistol but it’ll do for now a lot of Kevlar I’m pretty sure we can make armor with Kevlar y okay Russian army leggings yes o there’s something on the roof brilliant okay I think that’s pretty much everything in here pretty solid loot I was kind of hoping for food what is this a mosquito knife yeah I’ll take it okay so we have a pistol with barely any ammo so I’ll have to pick my shots what does it sound like ooh okay that’s cool and it does some pretty decent damage not going to waste my ammo though we’ll stick to the machete I’m getting attacked by a bunch of zombies they’re like mutated zombies like they’ve been hit by the radiation speaking of radiation look at those clouds bro they so cool oh it is so satisfying just swinging my machete back and forth taking these guys out boy oh boy do they take damage oh okay he hit me well the clickers take forever to kill there we go okay can I cook rotten flesh I can make corpses I I don’t care I don’t want a corpse um can I cook it okay I can do I have stone no can I get stone what material is this oh oh no this probably isn’t a good idea okay let’s just dig down I kind of have no other choice lock myself in let’s try and get down here and see if we can get some Stone so I can cook up some flesh get back in the game I’m hoping the caves aren’t as treacherous as the Overworld but I’m sure the radiation has got to everything everywhere oh okay yep yes it has I hear him bro I can hear him I hate my life I actually my life bro do you hear that oh what I have radiation wait am I dying wait I’m so confused that’s so weird ow ow something is hurting me okay there is something down there that’s giving me radiation and doing some serious damage oh and now I don’t have a pick what the um I don’t know what to do I don’t actually know what to do uh I have a crafting table I don’t have enough iron to make a pickaxe I don’t have enough anything to make anything yeah yeah I I don’t know what to do here I’m losing health so I got one stick as well I literally don’t know what to do here let’s just break this block let’s try and get back up here turns out I die underground to radiation I guess I’m going to need like a hazmat suit or something whoa W okay hold up I see a structure I need I need to run I need to make a run for it please nothing spawn please let’s break these see if I get stick s yep get sticks okay structures ah okay I already have creatures on me not great okay let’s try in here block that up with the crafting table what do we got a smoker okay cool a barrel yes yes a pumpkin pie and a bunch of rotten flesh whoa load of rotten flesh let’s eat this pumpkin pie though oh yes I don’t have a fuel source for the smoker which is annoying uh what’s up here oh another chest this looks like a safe oh okay just cobwebs however we do have a bed now so let’s pick that up that’s great kangaroos food and also that looks like another vault which is perfect and okay I didn’t think it was going to be that easy that’s a another mob ah let’s kill him before he kills me let’s get down there somehow oh wait no I want my crafting table give me that thanks let’s get down here and kill these kangaroos another random structure oh they fight back you guys fight back ah my inventory is full okay they dropped kangaroo meat wait no I’m getting radiation why am I getting radiation ow no what’s in here ooh a crowbar matching what do matches do oh I can make molotov cocktails okay that’s cool I mean I kind of don’t want you I need the space in my inventory what else do we have milk oh my God yes yes slurp the milk I need everything I can get a hockey stick okay this the most random gear why do I have radiation this makes no sense am I getting radiation for just touching stuff hold up what happened to my asthma helmet I’m literally dying right now bro oh apple juice yes oh my God I’m dying and a cream cracker yes I got to eat everything right now let’s get down into that Vault cuz I’m curious I am super confused why I’m dying why am I taking damage bro I wasn’t taking damage a minute ago now I’m just taking radiation damage oh I’m so stupid there are things in my inventory that contain radiation like human flesh kangaro hide the nurse leggings the bed contains radiation no way the headset my crafting table what there’s no way oh my god oh I think it’s the kangaroo meat I think the kangaroo meat is getting getting to me let’s see what this Vault has o okay this is so confusing I am going to die I’m just going to have to dump the kangaroom meat that sucks I’m just going to have to live off rotten flesh now that I’ve got rid of everything in my inventory that has radiation does that mean I’ll stop taking radiation damage oh the sticks contain radiation what okay 0 0 0 zero okay I shouldn’t take radiation damage anymore that sucks though oh I’m nervous oh bro I just picked it all back up let’s break this and let’s just dump once again everything with radiation poisoning and the longer it’s in your inventory or it’s left out the more radiated it gets I hate my life that’s everything right yeah okay uh what do I do here uh is it this lever ooh that is cool let’s lock that behind me oh no you I wonder what this Vault contains how do I get this open do I have to shoot that what no way bro these vaults contain puzzles I don’t have a bow and arrow I only have 13 bullets left I can’t keep wasting it wait I have radiation again why nothing in my inventory has radiation uh do I have sticks there are cobwebs in here so what if I just risk getting radiation real quickly so I can get my sticks obviously get rid of everything El has radiation we’ll place the crafting table down I’ll make myself a bow and arrow it makes a laser rifle but I guess it’s the equivalent to a bow arrow I just don’t have any Flint but at least I have a bone and arrow just get rid of the sticks okay here I am taking damage again because I evidently have something in my inventory that’s hurting me I thought I got rid of it all oh it’s the sticks sucks man I can’t even carry a crafting table cuz it gets radiated well I tried to do it the cool way and hit it with an arrow but I’m just going to cheat and break it because I mean it’s not technically cheating is it because I’m living within the parameters of the game but you can’t say I at least tried to do it the proper way now what do we got great iron Pistons Redstone I mean I’ll take it but it’s not great is it I went through all that for that is that it I hate my life let’s continue searching through this F ooh now we’re talking hey look at that little dude wait what am I carrying now what do I have now now oh my God red stone gives me radiation oh not all Redstone just that specific Redstone and this rotten flesh anything else this went from being a really straightforward challenge to being like close to Impossible right now so if I survive 100 days in this give me a pat on the back cuz holy smokes any of these beds got radiation oh my God bro what about this crafting table yep 0.5 cool anything in the world has 0.5 radiation however the good thing here is we got rotten flesh uh is there anything I can use as a fuel source why did I get rid of my wood is the question I’m kind of an idiot I guess it is what it is I have a cool looking bow though I just need arrows for it you know I’m not even going to bother mining the furnace cuz you already know it’s going to give me radiation so let’s keep searching through the Vault oh that was it bro that Vault had nothing hopefully the other vaults contain better stuff oh hold up it does contain something what’s in here wait is there a hidden room there is there was a hidden room in here please have good looting oh God it’s it’s terrible Lo it’s more Pistons I don’t care about Pistons or iron ooh dog food actually that’s actually good um if I eat this does it fix all my problems it does and it gives me a tin can what can I do with a tin can I can make tin tomatoes canned strawberries I can make scrap metal what can I use scrap metal for absolutely nothing we are fully back in the game got ourselves a gun some weapons and a few cans of cooked food so I don’t feel like I’m fighting for my life constantly that was kind of cool that the Vault had a secret room I would have never found that if I hadn’t looked around it also highlights the fact it’s not going to be really straightforward I’m going to have to use my brain but I guess they don’t call me a genius for nothing oh is that red is that red stone it is that is redstone up there uh let’s see what these are Under root seeds oh it gave me some wood though an oak log that’s good good that’s water oh oh wait the water only gives me radiation when I’m in it okay that could work um where’s the crafting table I know it seems wasteful but I think I’m going to make a bucket hear me out hear me out hear me out stop typing stop typing before you have a go at me it’s because if I have a water bucket and I need to jump from high heights I can clutch having a water bucket is very very important I’m also going to take this dirt cuz I don’t know how common dirt is in this radio active nuclear world oh okay it must be night time cuz I’m sleeping sleepy time for CFT all right do I steal the bed or is that going to give me radiation yep that’s going to give me radiation even the dirt is going to give me radiation I think I can take a little bit of radiation but I think it’s when I stack it it gets worse for me so yeah Oak log do I really need Oak planks no you know what I’m going to take advantage and use that as my fuel source and I’m going to cook some rotten flesh some food is better than no food and I can stack that with my canned food cool I actually look like a legit Survivor like look at my bow on my holster My Revolver it’s kind of cool I’m not going to lie not sure about the helmet though I kind of look weird okay I can’t carry the great I can’t even carry the seeds perfect let’s grab this cooked flesh is that it I got three cooked flesh out of that great let’s get out of here uh how do I get out of here okay please don’t be any zombies please okay no we’re good okay that Vault had food in stone I really wish I could chop those trees down I really need a pickaxe I’m going to go loot this other building hopefully it has some good loot in why does it look like this uh let’s see a bottle a saw some string is this wood yes the whole floor is made out of wood the wood gives me radiation great oh a baseball bat can tomatoes yay you know what is there a crafting table already in here no let’s grab the floor and yes it gives me radiation but I’m hoping that stuff I make in the crafting table even though the crafting table gives me radiation should let me make items that doesn’t have radiation I’m noticing that if I steal anything from the world it gives me radiation but if I make it myself I don’t I’m hoping that is the case first we need sticks we’ll grab enough wood to make a pickaxe wait I can make an iron pickaxe with my iron okay let’s my theory out first the wood gives me radiation but if I was to make a pickaxe in the crafting table it doesn’t give me radiation so yes my theory is correct so I’m going to make an iron pickaxe so it lasts a little longer and we’ll make an iron hoe randomly okay back in Action we have a pickaxe I am going to have to make another axe soon though but that’s fine I have a pickaxe now I can get stone got to try not to pick up stuff cuz it kills me goodbye everything hurts me I hate it where’s the door I know the door had radiation yeah seven radiation on that door why is that door so nuclear seems like the mobs have died down a little bit which I’ll take let’s head down here and grab these ores yes okay this is good we’re making progress we’re making progress I don’t know what this is I’m going to leave that I don’t care I just want the stone is the stone going to give me radiation as well oh my God it does it literally does I can’t keep any raw materials in my inventory I need to find a way to make a backpack can I make backpacks in this mod okay I I can make backpacks leather chest and string we’ll try and find some Kangaroos and get their leather because I need to make a backpack hopefully carrying the backpack doesn’t give me radiation let’s head back in here oh wow that looks beautiful so it’s a shame that the world is not beautiful it is horrifying and pure pain let’s use this crafting table and make a furnace pop the furnace down stick the iron in there and we can use the wood as fuel let’s grab all this this is probably the hardest M pack I’ve ever done like I actually have to use my brain usually I kind of just like the thinking comes from building and like what to do but this genuinely is forcing me to think like I don’t know what to keep it’s just it’s just very intense and it is night time I am nearly 30 years old and I still use the phrase nighttime what is wrong with me I’m just going to stay here overnight I think cuz I’m in no shape to take on mobs I don’t know what to do while I wait for the sun to rise shall I start cooking up a little more food I think that would be a good idea wouldn’t it there’s nothing else I can use the wood to cook up is there tomato nah nah we’ll just keep cooking the flesh for now it would be nice to get some Flint so I can get some arrows for my bow or should I say laser rifle yeah I’m I’m kind of tired of this clearing stuff out my inventory cuz it’s got radiation situation y the Cobblestone I’m pretty sure in this chest there was leather wasn’t there yes there was four leather okay um what does it take to make a backpack again oh four leather four string and a chest well I need a chest so let’s just steal this there we go I got the chest it is crazy radiation though I will say so got to be careful there now I just need string right I’m going to continue to take a lot of damage and I really need string oh duh there’s a bed here I can just sleep on that I forgot there was a double bed ow can I not sleep cuz I’m taking damage that is so annoying there we go okay daytime I need to try and find cobweb so I can get string I’m pretty sure didn’t that house have cobwebs in it kind of nervous though I’m not going to lie I’m so out in the open anything could attack me right now I need a shield that’s what I need yes I’m pretty sure is it this place that had all the cobwebs in no wait no no no no no no it was indeed that house it spawned so weird there’s still a fair few structures to loot I’m slowly making progress slowly oh my goodness I’m just going to keep on taking damage on her aha here we go get all this string okay let’s go back what happened to all the mobs bro cuz I was being hammered at the start wa look at that that’s like magma Rock eat my cooked flesh okay back at the crafting table chest leather and string boom we got a backpack and the backpack doesn’t contain any radiation what can I use this scrap metal for I can make a cheap survival axe with the scrap metal Oh I thought scrap metal did nothing it indeed does something you can use it to make an axe this is great this is great you can actually make stuff with scrap metal so let’s turn all my cans into scrap metal and keep that okay let’s store everything in my backpack see how this works oh wait no I need the bullets and I need need the iron everything else can stay in here right now that Spruce gives me seven radiation if it’s in my inventory but what happens if it’s in my backpack yes let’s go I can carry a backpack and it lets me carry things with radiation and it doesn’t kill me that is amazing so I can pop that down go through it get what I need this is amazing okay I’m going to use the scrap metal while I’m here to make a makeshift axe cuz I’m probably going to need that there we go once this fire axe breaks wait I wonder if I can make a pickaxe now wishful thinking this is really good I’m not going to lie right now I know I can keep things with radiation let’s grab the furnace and let’s grab the crafting table and we’ll put that in the backpack and let’s go out and explore a little further and then I think after I’ve looted these buildings I think it would be a good idea to set up base I need a place to call home I’m debating turning one of the vaults into my home but we’ll see ooh okay I’m bordering deadland let’s see what’s in here he hey more loot a magazine lettuce what do you do magazine you let me make paper trash you can go back in there magazine cuz I don’t want to make paper trash what is this everything is generated so cursed because of the radiation okay this is good textile this this looks like I can make stuff out of it an empty blood bag use it to take your blood out no I’ll keep my blood where it is thanks where it’s meant to be internal pipe bombs life jackets okay that’s cool is there levels to this chisel no no it’s just a oh oh there’s a hidden chest I see you buddy a cell phone that’s so cool that would be cool if I could use it I wonder if I can use it to cool survivors or something or maybe my mom I haven’t rang my mom in a while I might ring her and tell her I love her hey yo look at that that’s a big structure and that actually looks intact it’s head over there the mob situation seems to have calmed down I’m sure it’s not it’s not going to be like that forever though now I know that it wasn’t a creature underground that was giving me radiation it was the items in my inventory I’ll probably go caving soon as well cuz I’m sure there’s a bunch of stuff underground cuz that’s the part that didn’t get nuked all right o ooh o o did you hear that they’re making they’re making angry sounds that makes me nervous let’s see if I can get a sneaky peek through the window hey yo look they have loot oh I can hear these guys oh oh oh my goodness I think they’re looters okay they haven’t seen me yet they haven’t seen me yet they’re looters oh god um I don’t know what to do and it’s getting dark I need to get inside quick let’s get on the roof let’s see what we can do with the roof is there a way in yes I can sneak in through the roof is that rope oh my goodness no that’s not rope how do I get over there that looks cool I like that you know what I’m going to steal a bed and I’m going to put it in my backpack there we go oh the backpack is coming in clutch okay No Loot on this floor I guess I’m going to have to go down a floor hey bro no bro okay he’s not happy chill oh okay they do damage I feel so bad um I suggest when when I hit these guys with the axe you avert your eyes because they just the radiation just seems to make the burst guts and all goes all over the floor and walls so all right there was nothing on that floor let’s try this floor this is ass loot what what’s going on here I can hear people though oh there’s little chests look at those cute little chests I hear dudes there’s a secret room in here I know it I just got to find it I think there’s more rooms I think yes okay there’s I think if you break yeah okay I heard you I heard you from a mile away buddy there’s some human flesh I can cook that up like the cannibal that I am oh come on all right right away okay that’s sick so if I do get radiation I can use rad away and let’s grab all these stim packs why am I dying I do need to get rid of some of this stuff cuz it’s going to hurt me the human flesh can go in the backpack everything else it’s going to kill me can go over there uh where’s my food oh I’ve run out have to eat my lettuce okay you’re not going to believe this I can’t open the canned food I need to literally make a can opener so I need plastic so I guess I’ll just carry on looting oh there’s more floors I don’t hear any Bad Dudes though I think all the bad dudes are gone oh there’s Loot on this side of the building oh yes apples stems amazing what about this chest what what come to Daddy five diamonds 10 iron ingots an iron pickaxe and some rataway okay this is amazing thank you oh I’m so happy and I think I killed everyone so there’s no bad dudes here is that a grindstone is that what that is I take that it’s the equivalent to a grindstone and then what is this it is oh this is a toilet this is literally a toilet at okay I’m not I don’t want to ask any questions I’m just going to leave now I don’t like it here anymore whoa more buildings more loot okay this is sick we’re in a good area right now I really need to get some plastic so I can make a can opener cuz I have some food that I need to get into this mod is sick I’m having a lot of fun right now if you are too click that like button just more cobweb great oh hold up let me grab this cobweb because I can get my own string and make my own bed and then I can carry a bed that doesn’t have radiation on it oh okay that is a zombie in armor what are you holding what is that in your hands I want it I wanted it no idea oh that’s like a watchtower my map says that there’s enemies in there I’m pretty sure I cleared it out but I’m seeing red dots so there’s probably loot I haven’t got to and if I manag to get d diamonds there’s probably more in there okay I’ll come back to that we have so much to sink our teeth into around here there’s a lot of buildings that have stood the test of time and survive the nuclear apocalypse kangaroos oh and this time I can keep your meat cuz I’ve got a backpack now sorry guys thank you for your service I have kangaroo all over me now oh wow you Pack-A-Punch don’t you okay put the kangaroo meat in there and the hide cool use the stim pack to get my health up that’s good I like that that’s a good mechanic o is that iron I see Iron I see Iron i m iron I need every ore I can get everything is so scarce in this apocalypse I have to say oh I’m holding something that’s hurting me I don’t know how rway works it doesn’t get rid of my radiation so ooh I’m I’m taking damage I’m taking a lot of it actually there’s nothing here that could give me radiation no my backpack has 0.5 radiation okay so it’s not fully radioactive proof it can still get a little radiated from the things I put in it it just Stacks a lot better oh this challenge just gets harder and harder I could do with finding a biome with trees or something because I literally have nothing to build with even if I wanted to let’s see if this building has anything might have to make a shield before I go H H oh it’s a cockroach I heard footsteps and I just panicked hey little guys why so many cockroaches around here that’s kind of gross let’s see what the big building has huh so big no red dots on the map so I think I’m in the clear as I approach the building I can hear mobs so I think I’m in for a bit of a treat here let’s uh let’s get up in here oh okay this looks like it’s some sort of hotel or something cuz this is a reception and that is a zombie oh what is that do I have any food ah yes I can eat these apples let’s get this hunger back up get the axe ready I don’t know do I have anything more powerful literally nothing uh fire axe maybe I swwa the tactical knife for a machete oh what is that sound okay let’s get in here I should have so made a shield what is he doing he’s spitting on me oh look at that ah I have resistance that’s helping what is that they spray acid at you what did he drop acid drol can I do anything with it no okay do not pick it up it’s radioactive oh oh what the that was an explosive zombie what the hell what is that sound it’s screaming in my ears oh he’s bleeding um do I have any building blocks yeah I do okay let’s get up there oh my God what is that let’s go room to room ah loot magazine baseball bat a baseball bat actually does better than my machetes I’m going to take that I’m also going to take this iron uh I don’t need the magazine another smoker cartography table don’t need it let’s see a four-way iron Tire what is that that’s so Random a bandage I can use it to stop bleeding I was hoping there would be food what is that sound oh what is that bro he is flying oh he he actually does damage okay he’s taking care of let’s get rid of you sorry bro it is what it is this armor is pretty decent the resistance that it gives me is really helping let’s go room to room see if we can get any more loot broken glass oh I can make a spear oh that actually does decent damage as well okay I’m going to take that and put it in the backpack Coke yes slur that up a small can can I turn into scrap yes I can perfect more scrap why won’t it let me stack that that’s so annoying and a micro Fusion cell wait that’s an arrow oh it’s ammo for the laser rifle okay let’s test this out let’s see if there’s any more loot in here grape juice yes pick that up cloth yes wait bottle can I not use bottles to get plastic ah okay if I smelt the bottle it melts into plastic and then I can make a can opener Perfect all right let’s carry on looting this building we’ got some seriously good stuff for just looting Let’s test this out it literally does no damage what it doesn’t hurt them they’re immune to arrows I have to beat them over their head with a baseball bat okay he’s taking care of what’s in here fory store that okay my backpack is full though a lot of food so far let’s see what upstairs it’s got the enemies are getting a little tougher I’m not going to lie they’re a bit bigger and more boss like a simple backpack another backpack how do we use this okay this works a little different to the other backpack let’s put all the random stuff I don’t really need cleared up a little more space so I have two backpacks now that’s pretty decent an egg okay that’s actually kind of good wait did I see an egg earlier on I need to make sure I pick that up that’s really good because if I can keep getting eggs that means I can get a chicken and that means I can breed two chickens together look at me I look so funny bro ow what what is giving me radiation who the but let’s clear out the rest of this building hopefully the loot improves as we get up another cell phone Pepsi I’m getting counts of drink which is pretty good the more food the better more food toothpaste wait I can mount toothpaste it makes plastic okay cool this is pretty neat oh stem eat eat come on let’s take care of you oh my God there’s another zombie out here isn’t there another backpack okay that’s sick this has been some pretty good looting oh what are you oh bro exploded ah and another bad guy chill bro well that is so cursed what what the a canned strawberry Don’t Mind If I Do I have more backpacks now so let’s use this backpack I need to organize everything when I get some time what is that sound cuz it sounds mean another egg ow bro oh another one of you they fly through walls bro come on use this knife oh jeez okay another arrow I think I’m going to leave this place I’m pretty sure I’ve looted it for everything it has yep that was the top floor okay we did it nice let’s float to the bottom all right the sunlight peers through the door and as we enter a new day my inventory is filled with even more Loot and we even have diamonds bro we are in a seriously good position hello zombie you’re very slow oh you’re a human that’s a human you going to hurt me oh bro chill we’re in this together man oh okay he does tons of damage where’s my [Music] gun oh why does the laser rifle do nothing to these guys steem how has this happened come on bro you’re not a normal Survivor are you you look weird you look he’s got like some sort of hand claw thing whoa this guy is op you’re like some sort of boss oh my bro I need to get space so I can get a gun okay okay I got my gun I got my gun wa how much health did this guy have this is literally I have like four bullets left right what I’m so confus okay that’s it that’s all my ammo oh no no yeah that was all my ammo bro this guy has so much health can he even be killed I actually don’t think he can be killed oh stem okay I’m out of Sims I’m really confused oh finally what did he drop steel I can make a tactical Shield or industrial blocks okay that’s crazy that was a serious amount of Health where did that guy come from that guy was Wolverine bro he had like a sore claw that’s insane I got to eat there’s some people up there as well okay I think I’m going to try and get out of this biome I have a lot of stuff but I just don’t have building materials good guys or bad guys about to find out hey dude oh he’s on guard oh now he’s walking wait these are just like friendly survivors you can talk to oh let me get up here a sec hey bro ooh okay they actually had some decent loot a gorze rifle that looks cool okay that is sick oh jeez sorry bro let’s just keep heading out try and find a biome that has some building blocks some trees oh hold up hold up that doesn’t look like a dead biome these look like trees oh I don’t know I’m nervous bro W what is that oh hey bro that is beautiful though that’s cool okay new biome alert oh my there’s animals here there’s a whole bunch of structures around here look at this look at this this is amazing I’m getting radiation this is not good I’m just going to have to use my backpack no the other backpack I can put a backpack in a backpack I’m outsmarting the game this is cool this is like a whole biome with life in it I mean it’s still a little bit radioactive but it’ll do I’m getting radiation for being here though where’s my makeshift axe I made there it is makeshift axe oh yes I can actually pick this wood up jungle log amazing let’s just grab a bunch of this cuz I don’t know how long it’s going to be before I run into a biome like this again I’ll just drink this up bro even the sheeper radioactive look just bubbling away well no time to waste let’s just get as much much wood as possible before we do anything else I need a house I need a plag so I can call home this is the only way I’m going to do it do I have a bed yes I have a bed in my backpack cool because the Sun is setting and you know what that means the mobs are going to be coming I need to keep these sheep alive put all that in the backpack cool oh it’s getting dark you know what let’s pop the backpack down next to a crafting table grab my bed just grab some sleep cuz I’m seeing red appear on my mini map it’s making me nervous I’m being stalked Always by zombies my ax is about to break not good I need way more wood if I’m going to actually make a base I’ll start small and then throughout the 100 days I’ll just keep expanding I’ve just realized there’s no leaves to any of these trees so there is a 0% chance I’m getting a sapling yeah I know right just devastating eh so I’m just going to have to grab as much wood as I can because I can’t just plant a sapling and regen the tree why what a pain man and my ax just broke so I don’t know what to do I do have some iron so I think it would be wise to make an iron axe oh actually no rather than waste my iron I do have some scrap metal so I can go ahead and make myself another makeshift axe it is what it is I don’t think I’m going to base here I just don’t like the area I don’t know why I I just don’t like it I’m not going to base too far away from this biome though cuz of course this is the only place I’m going to get wood so yeah let’s just grab some more wood and then I’ll head off in that direction somewhere we can start getting a little house built I also need to find a way to capture these sheep hopefully there’s a Wandering Trader I mean I don’t have my hopes up because nothing is normal in this world but hey ho got to stay optimistic okay my axe broke let’s see where we are with things we got a few stacks of jungle log should keep me going for a long time I’m not going to lie I need an axe oh the fire ax will do all right let’s take everything from here and let’s find somewhere to create a base I can’t wait to create some chests so I can just dump everything I feel so disorganized right now I’m running low on food as well o there is a ravine here look ooh and there’s ores I think I’m going to have to base here aren’t I oh what’s this what are you oh what let me get in here let’s see what this is all about oh it’s just like an abandoned undergound round thing a book and quill okay cool what’s this oh is it a tomb is that what this is it’s meant to be like some sort of marble gravestone that’s cool though the barrels look cool is that a village that’s smoke that’s a smoking chimney oh I would so build next to a village if it’s a village let me get there please don’t be a base filled with enemies what is this I’ve been baited out what is this that is literally nothing oh it is a village and that’s a camel oh yes yes yes yes yes yes oh come on steems and food I’m very happy okay I’m definitely going to base next to this Village that is perfect I honestly didn’t think I’d find survivors hello Mr Camel hello and you have animals this is amazing I’m basing here awesome it’s a little cursed I’m not going to lie I can definitely get this Village thriving and surviving I’m we’re right next to a biome with all the trees this is golden we have hay bales for food animals we got crops I can definitely expand that farm so that’s perfect okay let’s grab my jungle wood make a bunch of planks and I guess let’s build we’ll get down the foundations first I don’t want anything too big at first just big enough to house me storage and a bed that’s all I kind of care about at this point we have plenty of time to expand on it let’s get the frame done we’ll use the actual log itself and then we can use planks and maybe a mixture of stripped wood to add some Pizzazz okay perfect obviously this is where the door is going to go we’ll fill in the walls like so the stones on the floor are getting in the way okay there we go perfect let’s swap out the floor and change that for planks because I don’t want the floor to be sand it’ll get in my shoes and I’ll be clearing that stuff out for the rest of my life thing is I don’t have stone so I can’t make a roof yet so we’re definitely going to have to go mining oh we have a visitor oh wo wo wo wo you are fast bro is so quick oh look it’s a little desert mouse let’s get my crafting table down put my backpack on top of the crafting table okay perfect I can access that let’s get a bed down you know what let’s make some double chests oh amazing perfect perfect let’s transfer everything into this chest keep my stems on me there I’ll keep the logs and Planks on me let’s take everything from my backpack and move it let’s make a door real quick like that and where’s my furnace I know I have a furnace somewhere I think it’s in this backpack yes let’s use a stack of wood for fuel and then grab a bunch of sand and we can make some glass oh amazing we actually have some light and then I think once I’ve put the windows in the house we’ll go mining we can get coal iron diamonds you know the deal hold up what is that that is a giant elephant what is going on here you good bro hold up what the wandering Trader rides an elephant Bros Advanced what do you have okay if I pay him bottle caps he can give me stuff a sapling five Emerald for a sapling ah it’s a dark oak sapling though so I need four of them that’s annoying if only the wanding Trader sold me a sapling that didn’t need what is that that’s a sapling right no way it’s just a random Acasia saping just chilling here let’s go plant that over here in the grass amazing grow my son grow into the big beautiful tree that you are obviously I’m lying to him nobody likes ACAA but it’s the only thing we have right now I have no other choice ow the sand should be cooked up by now perfect glass give me pains perfect boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom and then finally let me hear you say w it’s a terrible joke boom we have a little house finally I just need a roof on this thing and then I can finally say I have a house in a nuclear Wasteland oh I stole a torch my bad let’s put the torch out the front clear my inventory a little bit o glass shards oh you can use glass shards to make glass cool ooh ooh before I head out I’m going to need food aren’t I and I have a lot of canned food so let’s finally Mount this bottle we make an iron nugget ready and then what else do we need to make the can opener oh no that was it plastic and iron cool got the plastic iron nugget iron ingot and plastic boom we got a can opener how do I use this thing do I have to put it in my off hand okay cool that’s sick Hey look it’s opened so I put the canned beat room in my off hand my right click and it opens the can cool so let’s eat my canned tomatoes and my canned beetroot and then I can turn this into scrap metal and then I can use it to make tools this is perfect I’m getting a system down guys it would be nice to get some bullets for My Revolver I think I have to craft a workbench to do that and to make a workbench I need concrete and you know there’s a whole process to it so the answer to all my problems here is a mining trip so let me go ahead and make a shield pop that on my off hand got my simple backpack I think I might leave my big backpack here oh oh let’s cook up this kangaroo meat actually I forgot I had that let’s find a good spot to dig get ourselves some materials oh oh what is that oh what is that Holy he breaks everything what is going on I was just about to go mining bro chill he’s going crazy what what the hell that’s a joke right that just comes out of nowhere explodes everything then disappears there’s l not one single moment I can relax cuz at any time a giant green mutated pig cow thing can explode and destroy everything I’ve ever worked for cool cool cool that’s fine that works that works for me bring on the challenge I think maybe I should go to that Ravine there was like a ravine back here that would be a good spot yep let’s head back over to that Ravine and hopefully we can find a cave from there wherever it is where is the Ravine here it is in all the glory aha yes big cave big cave oh okay the looters have got there before me brilliant bad guys just what I need at least I have a shield so that’s good oh no that’s lava oh I kind of messed up because oh no oh they’re literally waiting for me oh there’s loads of mobs here but this is not good oh no he wants to kill me see if I can fire at him oh one shot kill okay I need to get my hand on some Flint cuz that’s insane uh I need building blocks come on bro ow oh no the rain is acid so if you get hit by that you take damage holy that’s crazy oh no that’s human flesh what killed the humans oh I’m nervous my mini map says it’s raining outside that’s cool what are you go away there’s too much health for one thing let’s kill you I’ve dealt with you guys before nothing new you don’t even do that much damage to be fair the resistance that my armor he’s pretty good um okay that’s a giant structure filled with really fast creatures I don’t think I’m want to actually go into that yet I don’t think I’m ready for that I think I’m going to get more geared up and then we’ll definitely head into whatever this placees when those nukes hit man so much strange stuff happened seems to be some sort of giant underground Vault or something doesn’t it more looters bring it on oh my axe broke hopefully this does some damage oh yeah it does I got to make sure I don’t carry too much of this stuff cuz it gives me radiation remember all right let’s stop wasting time and start grabbing all the resources I can what’s this raw lead what can you use lead for doesn’t say I literally can’t believe there’s acid rain as well genuinely I don’t know how I’m going to survive this it’s just so difficult I kind of regret doing this on Hardcore let’s get up there and get this iron cool let’s load up the old plasma rifle oh poor guy you’re in public put your brains away I’ve just realized why have I not made a diamond pick I literally have diamonds why have I not made a diamond pickaxe yet I think I’m in that like Survivor mindset where I’m trying to ration everything when in reality I should just use everything I have still got two diamonds left but at least we can make a diamond pickaxe sick a diamond pick is going to make things a lot easier I hate deep sleep it just takes so long to mine yes all of this gravel can potentially give me flint and with Flint I can use to make arrows and then I’ll basically have infinite ammo for my rifles get in my inventory I constantly have to keep looking behind me because I’m so scared I’m being stalked by a mob ever since that giant green pig thing exploded on me out of nowhere I can’t relax right let’s keep exploring I can hear a bad guy but I don’t see him where is he no idea oh what’s this just like a mob spawner or something oh oh my God uh bro is fast that spawned like a ton of mobs uh brother uh that is disgusting get away from me you ugly creature oh what is that what are you oh this game is just filled with jump scares is that coal did he drop coal he did he dropped 16 coal okay sick bone blocks pretty good ah okay now I’m starting to get radiation look bro I know you think you’re wearing a mask but I can literally see through it and you’re still ugly I’m sorry wait what the he dropped his head a ghoul head when placed over a fence simple monsters that wander close by will be scared and run away okay amazing I’m basically going to create my own scarecrow when I get home then let’s uh let’s store some of the stuff in the backpack uh what don’t I need put the gravel in there okay I think I’m good for everything else let’s continue getting up oh no oh no not you again please please God no no we’re not doing this again bro well I’m going to be here a while where are you all coming from are you from the big giant vault is that what this is oh don’t oh that’s not terrifying oh my he’s so angry you’re very angry person it’s in these moments that I really question what I’m doing as a day job no what the BR I was trying to film I’m trying to film for a video oh my God oh my God oh my God he can climb he can climb that thing can climb oh my I can’t believe that thing can climb they’re Advanced oh okay I killed it oh two and a half hearts what the do I not have an arrow oh I don’t have anything do I have anything I can shoot with oh I should keep my stems on me actually I’m going to be here all day killing this guy I’ll see you in a minute when he exploded he dropped diamonds so that makes sense now why they’re so difficult to kill they drop High tier loot like life itself the bigger the risk the bigger the reward okay so I’m trying to head back but it’s still raining and as you can see I take damage when it rains which is not ideal I sprinted as fast as I could but now I’m kind of stuck oh oh oh what is that your brain is on the outside of your face that doesn’t make any sense whatsoever and you don’t take any knock back and now I’m dying to acid rain hey guys after this video I’m retiring I hope that’s okay CU I can’t deal with this anymore the acid rain is killing everything I think I’m just going to have to make a run for it go go go run run ow ow it’s damaging my armor and I need that armor because the armor gives me resistance oh my please stop raining ow ow the rain has stopped why am I still okay no my map says it’s still raining no all my armor is going to break oh no oh wait there’s not even a roof on my house I’m just going to have to sit underneath this ah I didn’t think this through at all if I can just sleep maybe I can sleep through the storm it’s still raining apparently I guess I’ll just sit here and wait for it to stop raining finally the rain has stopped so it’s time to dump everything from my inventory in this chest because it’s killing me literally the radiation is destroying my hearts so let’s see here we want to make sure our diamonds are all in the same place it annoys me so much that I can’t stack them I don’t know what kind of glitch this is I think it’s because these diamonds give me radiation but these don’t so they’re technically a different item even though they’re the same which makes no sense but it’s fine I want to keep food food is important and I’ll keep my ores let’s put the iron in the furnace pretty sure I picked up coal as well yes okay coal the gall head eh the gravel can stay in the backpack um I think I might make bunch of torches real quick then take some of the coal and put it in the furnace because it’s a better fuel source than the wood how am I still taking radiation damage oh it’s the coal wow the coal is like seven radiation okay let’s get rid of that let’s open up a can of this food there we go we’ll scoff that down very tasty very nice turn that into scrap metal pop it back in chest why am I still taking radiation damage there’s nothing in my eventory that could give me it oh I still have C in my inventory what there we go okay now I’m back in the game right let’s just quickly make a fence and we’ll put it like here yeah that could work and then we’ll pop the G head on top of that now that should scare mobs away hopefully kind of annoyed it had to be that guy’s face because I mean it’s it’s horrifying to look at and now I have to stare at it for the next 100 days but that’s fine let’s take advantage of the daytime grab the Deep slate that I picked up wherever it is here we go and we’ll go ahead and make a bunch of deep slate stairs let’s do the outside first by tracing along the lid of my home yep do I have any more I don’t think I do oh I do I do I have another stack okay cool okay uh I need to get up there okay we’ll do this part like this then I can fill in the rest with just deep slate blocks all right this is perfect because next time it rains it means I actually have a roof over my head place these last few there we go okay cool let’s break this right now we have a little more iron I think I’m going to go ahead and make myself some iron tools an iron axe iron axe diamond pickaxe crossbow food I’m feeling pretty equipped I ain’t going to lie have I lost my baseball bat there it is I like my baseball bat yo that looks sick oh this is what the dude has on his hands you know the The Wolverine guy that keeps attacking me oh that’s sick okay well I literally get radiation if I just enter into this area I forgot okay cool we have a really cool saw blade that chops down trees I like it got a cool little house here we can now add a couple more torches put them here then of course let’s put some inside all right house done okay so we’re making good progress uh armor is definitely my priority right now considering I’ve pretty much lost it all and then after that I think we should get a good Farm going to ensure I’ve got a constant food source cuz I can’t live off 10 hay bales oh the acacia tree grew that’s cool how much iron do I have 22 pieces that is enough to fill in my helmet and shoes but I’m pretty sure I can get my hands on some better armor pieces if I go out looting again cuz it seems the structures contain some pretty good stuff when you find them so I think I’ll snack on this kangaroo meat and we shall head out into the world I am going to grab all these hay bales just in case I run low on food I bet it gives me radiation yeah okay let me grab a backpack real quick all right let’s grab that put the hay bales in there I’ll take my can opener with me cuz I’m sure I’ll get my hands on a bunch of cans of food be nice to get some ammo as well or at least the materials to craft a workbench let’s go out and explore this nuclear Wasteland oh what is this is that a car that is a car let’s also not forget we’ve got that really cool structure underneath us oh what’s down here huh oh there’s a mine shaft okay cool wait a minute is that another Vault this looks like a vault yay this is such a good area a village structures another Vault let’s go ow I wonder what this one contains because the last one contained some food and some wood so let’s get down in here and find out we know the drill by now see SEC door alert oh it’s the same layout and I still don’t have arrows wa I hear dudes this one has dudes inside let’s get into that secret room again what do we have inside here then huh oh we got more ammo perfect a custom SMG we have a new weapon let’s go we got our Rusty OD SMG what about in the furnace any food I can hear bad guys I think they’re in this direction I can hear them let’s break out of this fault is he this direction he’s right there there he is there he is look at you you fool feel the wrath of my custom SMG bro this thing holds a lot of ammo but it does really low damage I mean look at that look how long it takes to kill a guy that takes forever oh there’s more Bad Dudes here take this you looters oh no we got to reload I don’t have much ammo left there’s a lot of iron down here though so I’ll grab that okay that Vault was the same as the last Vault except it contained a gun and some ammo I’m pretty sure there are other vaults for different layouts so I’m going to keep an eye for them let me grab all this I love coal cuz I can make fancy torches and cook up some good stuff okay sweet what is this stuff Jasper oh it’s like a type of stone yeah why not let’s grab it oh what’s this thorium okay thorium makes a non-textured block goodbye thorium you had one chance to impress me ooh ooh uranium look at this we can make uranium rods what can we use uranium rods for o hey yo what I can use uranium rods to make the ray gun oh I love the ray gun okay let’s grab uranium then cuz we need that let’s grab this iron and then I think I’m going to head back up top and continue my hunt for a building cuz I want loot okay thanks for that vault at least we got a new Rusty SMG out of it I am out of ammo again though so we’ll need to get bullets somehow o nice new structure oh more smoke that usually indicates people let’s get over there what is this randomly generated area huh a chest o oh wait is this like an abandoned military base cuz it has a military shovel in it which is cool and a sharan oh that’s cool I mean I wasted it but it’s cool that you get to throw it what’s in here then oh there’s a chest up here toothbrush hazmat suit mask and a gask mask immune to poison effect okay that’s sick I can’t get poisoned now right that’s good I mean it looks so cursed yeah I think this is some sort of abandoned military thing cuz it’s like a Sniper Tower ow why am I taking damage I’m bleeding why am I bleeding oh I cut myself on this oh no that’s so that’s so weird what is it they’re like traps okay I got a keep look out for that well I look like something out a Mad Max oh what is that and why is it flying towards me that’s like a pool of acid over there well that is kind of cool though let’s go check it out get my baseball bat ready hello are you friendly you a friendly guy oh he is aren’t you just the sweetest oh ow ow oh no it’s raining again you’re actually joking oh no he’s going to die get under here buddy oh that’s that’s just start to watch isn’t it how is it raining again oh yep he died he exploded into a pool of green goo how you do I don’t have any food oh I have grape juice anything else to eat no I guess I’m just going to have to use a stim pack there we go oh this is oh so annoying how do I stop that from happening the annoying thing is is I can’t see it like the rain you can’t see the rain I think maybe the Shader pack like glitches it slightly but thank goodness that my mini map tows me because I’d be doomed ow my leggings are about to break yep let’s wait here till the thunderstorm passes and then we’ll continue exploring okay I think it’s finally stopped after an ungodly amount of time my mini map shows that there’s like a ton of stuff over there so I think I’m just going to go head over and see what that’s all about oh what is that that’s a lot of bad guys um was that a dog that’s an angry dog as well let me kill you guys uh do I have any bone to feed that dog well he doesn’t look very tamable does he wait come here can I feed you this oh no I definitely can’t hey take the boat take the boat I don’t want to do this I love doggos but you leave me no choice that the meanest achievement Ever Getting guilt tripped by this mod pack I want to know why there’s so many mobs here it’s like some sort of tomb where is this guy’s hitbox in his feet who has a hitbox in their feet this is a joke do I have any bullets oh I do oh no that was the last few bullets I had oh Oh my days that took forever oh what’s going on oh what is that that is so strange why is everything cursed oh I need to drop all this stuff it’s got radiation I have no choice but to run away from whatever that is oh I’m so happy I found a bunch of food in this chest so now we’re back in business chicken wing we have a tactical mace and a Jet Pilot helmet I’m dying of radiation but nothing new there let’s see what else this structure has o an oil canister more chicken I apologize if my voice is a little croaky bro it’s got a sore throat right now but we on that grind we making vids for you anything in here milk yes and Flint yay be nice if any of these chests actually had ammo in oh okay I got exactly what I wish for another mace though we don’t need that a canteen though if you get a canteen you can eat it four times I think I think that’s what that 4/4 means just get in here see if we can get any loot a kebab and an iron chest plate let’s go oh it’s not as good as my civilian chest plate though that’s a good sign though that means that this base has armor in it and weapons who look at that I have a flame sword I’m hearing a lot of mobs up here I’m kind of nervous I’m not going to lie what is in here oh my God that is so many zombies get under there what the hell oh they’re leaking like poison I use my flaming sword oh oh oh what the hell oh no I’ve been infected I need to eat let’s kill this thing what is that I don’t think I do damage when I’m infected I literally can’t do a single thing to this guy whoa and all I can hear is Phantoms have I not slept in that many days there’s a chest in there though I want the loot what if I can break through here yes can I get to the chest that way yes holy oh we got armor sets Marine leggings that is practically netherite okay they look sick makes sense where there’s a giant dude guarding it oh and I’m dying again to radiation yeah I can’t I can’t kill him I can’t kill him I’ve been scratched I don’t do any damage how do I find a cure for the infection I got to dip I got to try and find a cure bro oh no wait I don’t do damage do I I can’t hit them back I’m infected so I can’t do anything I’m going to have to hide in the toilet bro oh come on I have 45 minutes to find a cure otherwise I’m going to die my best bet is trying to find another one of those tents because they had a medical box in and maybe just maybe there’s something in there that can cure me Let’s Escape through this wall there’s going to be so many zombies onen there oh okay there they are there they are there they are oh bro they’re so fast as well look at them they’re so quick hey yo there’s a group of Undead cats chasing after me as well what o okay there’s a structure let’s head over there hurry hurry hry hurry jump jump jump jump where’s my slap I need a block or something come on okay jump jump jump okay okay I genuinely don’t know what to do in my backpack I have bandages maybe that might fix the scratch I don’t know let’s try that out oh okay yeah that should fix the scratch okay we did it so I’m no longer bleeding that’s a that’s a good start however I still don’t do any damage so we still need a cure for the infection there is a chest down here so maybe there might be a cure in that I mean that’s a big ask yeah I didn’t think so O A Gea counter that’s kind of cool it tells me how radioactive things are I like that I’ve managed to to get my radiation down I’ve cured the bleeding so we’re in a pretty good place I just need to find a cure for the infection so let’s dip and get away from here oh the giant green pig has returned just run coffee there’s like no structures here bro wait is that a vault that’s a vault there are so many of you now and you’re very fast so I need to hurry things up go go go go go they’re right on my tail okay I’m inside now I need to close it oh no it’s not closing I’m going to have to try and sneak oh oh no no no no down inside ah okay I caught myself on the ladder okay we good they’re inside but I can use this vault door but it’s not closing wait if I click this one click this one and I click this one again okay that works all right let’s see what this Vault has please be something good oh it looks a little different down here oh it’s like a farm area let’s go in here a little room oh we’ got loot okay decent of course I’m going to grab these so I can grow crops inside and of course I’m going to grab the dirt there was a chest in here so let’s have a look inside there okay okay we got food carrots perfect okay we can plant carrots watermelon I mean I guess I’ll take it some iron I mean this just looks like scrap saline wait used to get rid of infections wait wait wait oh brother please if this works I will cry let me get my Hunger up before I starve to death and then if I right click the sa line yes I’m not infected anymore let’s go God bless this bunker okay let’s grab that iron okay so this was some sort of like farming bunker where the people obviously working on making cures okay so now we know sine cures infections so that’s good is there anything else in here no it was literally just carrots all right let’s climb out of here this one definitely generated a bit weird I have to say did they despawn yeah the mobs despawned oh I was so ready to attack them that whole trip was extremely stressful so let’s get out of here okay that was definitely a successful trip we ended up with a decent armor set I mean it’s still not amazing and we still need boots we did get some carrots in that little Expedition so I think I’m going to get a little farm set up cuz food continues to be an issue in this 100 days so let’s solve that problem let’s go ahead and put the uranium in the furnace start cooking that up then let’s grab my dirt and my military shovel and of course kicking about somewhere is my bucket of water I seem to have misplaced there we go let’s go ahead and make myself a quick hoe let’s go over here hello Mr farmer man I’m going to steal some of your dirt oh this is kind of decent as well because if I need to go to the nether if the nether exists in this world I can get obsidian okie dokie let’s head over here and we shall start building a farm over here let’s build it here make this space for dirt um we’ll do it like this we’ll do it in rows okay that should work make a row here and start extending it this way and I’m out of dirt already great thankfully there’s a load of dirt I can grab from over here the reason I’m not building my farm here is because I just get radiation from being in this biome like doing anything in this wooden biome gives me radiation I just I don’t want to deal with that so I’m going to steal all the dirt from here and then transfer it I’ll be honest I didn’t think I could use this dirt I thought it was going to be so radioactive that I couldn’t even have it in my inventory but it turns out I can so that’s decent so I don’t have to keep finding vaults with little farms in to steal the dirt okay this works okay where’s my hoe first of all let’s drop a water bucket there and then we’ll go ahead and ho all of this it’s a small but efficient patch and of course I need to head over here and grab some more water like so it’s kind of nice that we have like an infinite water source here very very rare in a nuclear Wasteland so it’s good that we found that let’s pop that water bucket there we break these cool that’s purely for Aesthetics by the way there there’s no real purpose behind that I just like it flowing inwards and then let’s go ahead and plant the seeds that we have um let’s see here I’ve got wheat seeds that’s about it we’ll plant the wheat seeds here and we can have the carrots on this side perfect now do I have any bones for bone meal I do because one of those mobs dropped a bunch of bone blocks in the caves let’s turn all of that into bone meal and boom look at that soon we’ll have a fully grown Farm keep doing this to the wheat so we keep getting seeds and wheat and the same for the carrots that is quite satisfying I’m not going to lie keep clicking that Mouse okay so we got a stack of carrots not a lot of wheat but that’s fine let’s get these seeds planted I want to go half wheat and then we’ll go half carrot bread and carrots nice variance I think I’m going to continue extending the farm cuz I have plenty of food to do that get all of this hold up and we’ll fill it with carrots amazing I have a bunch of wood so I think I’m going to make a bunch of fences yeah cool let’s try and get a fence around this just for aesthetic Reasons Place these down like this success F got a little farm I think I’m going to move my scarecrow and put it a little closer to the farm what if I put it in the middle of the farm oh that’s cool let’s do that there we go so now I have a farm with a scarecrow in it that’s cool now we have food yay plenty of carrots let’s make a few more chests we’ll put materials and ores in this chest here and then we’ll go and take a chest and place it near the farm so we can store the wheat and the seeds in there oh oh I I have an idea let’s grab the ceiling lights I got from that underground Vault let’s take some logs let’s try something out ah mobs get away I knew it was going to happen sooner or later it was just too quiet let’s kill you with my flaming shush Kebab whatever that is oh no that is just sad that’s an infected Panda I don’t want to kill you I refuse I refuse to kill the panda come on bro just go oh you leave me no choice oh wait you barely do any damage I’m stealing my fence let me grab this real quick I think you already know what I’m about to do guys come over here this is so sad that should work right oh no I need more fence give me more fence come here no stupid mobs I swear if I get infected again oh he’s running away why are they running away okay come here bro yes we did it I captured you I wonder if there’s a way to cure him you’re very sweet just give you some light there we go we have ourselves a pet infected Panda I think I’m the first person to ever say that sentence as I was originally doing what if we have something like this going over the top of my farm this might work this might not it might look really stupid and then I can place these along it there we go now I’m pretty sure that should make the crops grow even quicker because now it has permanent UV light yeah okay the crosss are already going quicker because of these things perfect oh I just realized the reason the mobs were running away is because of this I’m moving the Scarecrow oh come here you Beast I’m putting I’m putting the Scarecrow back outside my house there we go the higher is I think it deters them from attacking me like that mob should now run away okay cool the sun’s Rising we have a pretty efficient farm right now okay yeah it’s working it keeps the mobs away look they just run away they’re terrified of it that’s such a neat little mechanic thank you yeah try me buddy try me buddy yeah I thought so come here come here come here come here I’m going to show you who your daddy is all right Guys Farm done we can obviously keep adding to it I still feel like building I definitely have enough materials for it we’ve done a lot of looting so far so I think I should dedicate the next few days to getting more of a base set up you know a bit more of a perimeter cuz right now it feels very all over the place well that didn’t last long did it that’s made me very sad oh well I’ll keep this area anyway I guess just in case I come across an animal and I want to trap them that’s sad though F in the comments for the panda guys rip I know he didn’t contribute to much but he contributed to our hearts or something like that I don’t know let’s continue well first of all let’s go ahead and grab ourselves some more building materials I’ll grab a bunch more of this jungle wood and I also think I’m going to go ahead and grab this acacia wood because it would be good to get some more saplings and get a little tree farm going as well I’m doing it I’m actually surviving if you contrast this to how I started I’m honestly in a of myself because I didn’t think I was going to make it this far at all okay we’re already getting saplings that’s perfect we got one I think what I’m going to do is I’m going to steal some dirt and then I think I have an idea I’m going to put a ladder on the side of this and then maybe I could add the trees to the top of this could that work I know that sounds stupid but at least it keeps everything in one place eh that’s how I see it anyway and then I’ll just add like a sapling here then the trees can grow up out of this because I’m sick and tired of keep going into this area and ending up with radiation and then I can run fences along here and I think that looks kind of cool it’s different and you know I like different so we’ll roll with it I’m just going to dig down quickly and grab myself a bunch of stone because I don’t have that I only have deep slate and deep slate is kind of annoying to mine so o we can grab some uranium while we’re down here one step closer to that Ray Gun let’s grab all of this nice I’ll definitely enchant at some point hopefully I can get the stuff in this Wasteland to do that because I really would like efficiency because resource collection is quite time consuming so it would be good to optimize my time all right that’s more than enough let’s head back up top oh wow the sunset I must have been down there a while let’s grab some sleep all right a new day as I said I want to carry on building so I think I’m going to build some sort of storage room just fill it with chests because as you noticed all this looting gains me a lot of resources so I definitely need to organize everything and I’m going to organize everything in its own Hut so I’m thinking I might build it maybe here let’s build it here so it all feels like it’s in the similar area let’s get rid of these cactuses cuz they’re in the way and all of these random leaves I bet these sticks give me so much radiation oh no not too bad o where’s my Giga counter actually my Gea counter allows me to see how much radiation in total I’m carrying so good to have that on me I got like nine radiations worth of stuff in my inventory not great but not enough to kill me so let’s lay the frame out like we usually do it’s only going to be small and then when I walk in it could just be filled with chests cool now we just got to build upwards I’ve run out of drungle wood already I know I definitely have some in a chest in here so I have tons of this stuff so I’m not too worried plus let’s face it I have access to infinite wood I definitely want to use the AAA cuz it’ be nice to mix it up a little bit’s finish up this last corner so it’s four high perfect now let me munch on a carrot while I think about my next moves so let’s say chest chest chest chest chest chest chest chest chest yes you get the picture the key is you don’t want to put a block here cuz the chest won’t open so let’s just go ahead and make myself a quick slab we can fill the roof in with slabs and the question is is it going to let me place a block on top of that yes it is perfect we want to optimize as much space as possible as we are in a nuclear Wasteland so you know your boy got to be smart all right let’s make a bunch of cobblestone stairs let’s see if a stack of cobblestone stairs is enough yeah if not I can always make more let’s get a roof on this bad boy I have an idea I kind of want to try it out but I don’t know if it’s going to look good so we can work this out together you and I okay yeah that kind of worked and what if I used walls rather than blocks let me see this might actually look okay I just made so many walls by accident I’m very angry so I have 15 radiation in my inventory and now we know that’s about as much as you need to get damaged so any minute now I’ll have the radiation logo appear on my screen this looks really random but I lowkey kind of like it it’s a little different yeah let’s let’s see how this is going to look I’m taking so much damage I wonder what it could be cuz there’s nothing oh it’s the jungle slabs yeah now I’ve got rid of the Jungle slabs my Gaga counter says I’ve got eight radiation so I shouldn’t take damage let’s make some more walls I’ve made way too many again ah I’ve picked up something if you drop items from your inventory it absorbs the radiation and ends up being more deadly cuz that had no radiation I dropped it on the floor it now has seven sneaky I’ve picked the slabs up again haven’t I yep there we go okay let’s finish up this wall find out how this is going to look you know what I’m tempted to leave this bit open obviously I’ll put a roof on it but kind of like an open storage area that I can gain access to at any time I like that we’ll use the stone walls I made like this you know what it doesn’t look half bad and then if we get some torches let’s put the Torches around like this of course I have one more torch so so let’s pop it there nice now of course we just need to go ahead and make ourselves a bunch of chests okay 17 jungle chests start placing these down like so this works perfect I need to make more torches oh I’m going to die I’ve been concentrated so hard on building that I didn’t realize my hearts was just depleting what have I picked up to cause this much damage what’s that oh it’s just a desert Mouse hey little guy uh I hope that giant green pig thing doesn’t randomly appear again and destroy everything I feel like I’m tempting fate ow let’s grab some sleep and then in the morning let’s get this roof finished this should not take too long like this perfect and I think we can use Acacia planks to just fill in the top it needs a roof because acid rain is a thing in a nuclear Wasteland so everything needs coverage cool hey the wandering Trader returns and this time you don’t come riding an elephant what do you have to sell me a sombrero why would I want a sombrero bro this guy sells nothing of value you’re useless to me however I’ll take your leads sorry bro got to be done got to be done lead one and lead two and they both have extreme amounts of radiation so let’s put them in a chest okay cool I’ll let you live for now all right let’s start putting stuff in these chests and organizing all of my loot it took a little time but I eventually transferred everything that I thought was categorizable into the chest they needed to be hey yo what is that that look like a radioactive zombie and the Scarecrow isn’t scaring him away oh okay he takes literally no knockback bro go away whoa you’re strong how much health do you have why do you look like that oh okay I took him down did he drop anything of value or no Str I also found these eggs whilst I was sorting through things that I managed to find from that building I looted at the start so I’m thinking maybe I throw them in here I just need obviously a fence I can temporarily use okay perfect let’s place that down okay I’m going to throw these eggs down please please be a chicken how do you like your eggs in the morning I like mine fully formed as a chicken what on Earth what kind of sound is that that is so cursed okay okay no chickens if anything I’m just more scared I’ve also sorted this simple backpack into a sort of medical pack so I’ve got stim packs and bandages on me at all times and then of course we have our full backpack that I can gain access to at any time I’m pretty sure this is upgradeable as well I can surround it in diamonds and stuff and turn it into a diamond backpack which is pretty cool oh actually I wonder if I can turn it into an iron backpack I can if I just surround it with iron I can upgrade it I thought it was just diamonds okay that’s actually insane let’s go to this crafting table throw my backpack in there there let surround that with iron boom we got ourselves an iron backpack now which carries a lot more wow okay let’s turn to my farm because I need all these carrots the more food the better all right we got a stack of carrots solid few days work we’re fully organized now with all of our storage we’ve got a farm going we’ve got an unlimited supply of wood that isn’t going to give me radiation poisoning I’m keeping mobs away speaking of mobs I should probably get rid of you there we go the one thing I’m lacking on is weaponry I don’t feel very equipped like I’m taking on bigger and bad mobs I just don’t feel like I’m there yet I’ve got these rusty guns no ammo some pretty bad maces and stuff so I think I’m going to make a workbench and see what guns we can craft now I’m pretty sure all it takes to make a workbench is some sticks some wood and some scrap and then if we head over to our crafting table we can put the three planks there four sticks here and then a scrap in the middle oh wait no is it just two sticks huh okay that’s not working I think I actually need a scrap block okay yep I need to go and get more scrap now scrap is found underground it’s not the kind of scrap metal that we get from recycling cans and stuff like that it’s like an ore so let’s head back underground to where I dug before Boop and we shall dig even deeper so we can find some scrap block let’s just hurry up and grab some of this there it is there she is in all of Glory it’s a pretty common or and underground so I knew I’d find it pretty quickly oh this is this is something different entirely what is this oh raw thorium okay yeah I have that I’ve picked that up before there is loads of this stuff around here okay oh what is this oh yeah that weird block strange for some reason it just does not let me stack things in this mod it’s so annoying oh I got Tech trash let’s just quickly head back up top not waste any more time we’ll head into my house go to the crafting table now that should make a scrap block yes there we go okay now if I try making the workbench it should work yeah okay a scrap workbench let’s put it in here all right I’ve placed it down let’s open it up all right okay we can make all sorts of post-apocalyptic Weaponry I mean it’s only giving me three options are there different workbenches oh there are more workbenches but you can’t craft them I have to find them I assume they’re going to be in an Armory Vault or something okay let’s see what it’s going to take to make these weapons planks iron and scrap and levers okay I’m going to need a lot more scrap that’s okay oh I can make attachments that’s sick I need mini nukes to make ammo well that’s good because I’m pretty sure I have gunpowder cans that I’ve picked up before and they turn into mini nukes 12 mini nukes makes me nervous I really want to right click but I’m scared it’s going to blow everything up so okay I’ve got the mini nukes uh I need copper as well I think a big fat mining trip is in order if I’m honest to get a bunch more Ores so let’s go on a mining trip hopefully we can find another Vault that has guns and weaponry in it so we can get our hands on a gunmetal workbench I don’t want to use rusty guns forever I think the elephant guy just exploded what is this bananas cockroaches LA and an emu egg oh his elephant died that makes sense um well let’s put all of this random stuff in the chest very strange what can I use the Emu egg for ooh I can boil it and make a boiled emu egg nice oh no what’s happening oh no it’s raining no stupid rain bro to be fair I am about to go on a mining trip so I’m not too fust I offer you no refuge goodbye llamas okay let’s uh let’s find my spot and go underground ow ow ow okay there we go so we need to get our hands on a load of copper a lot of iron and a lot of scrap that will allow us to craft new guns and plenty of ammo oh and we’ve already hit a cave and there’s a load of copper I’m a very happy bunny let’s grab all of this ooh there’s blue lapis there that reminds me I do need to get to enchanting at some point but we have time there is so much copper in this cave I’m very happy there we go hopefully there’s some scrap around here cuz there was plenty up there oh there’s some iron there sweet plenty of iron I got to stay away from the radioactive water though and I spoke too soon oh it’s one of these again no no no oh I tried to break it in time ah oh no not poisonous spiders let’s clear these guys up no wait where’s my gas mask yes my gas mask means means I don’t take damage to poisoning oh damn that spider exploded oh I’m taking damage they actually do decent damage oh uranium get away from me okay I killed all of them what did you drop a contamination suit eh okay I don’t think you can actually break those spawners so I need to make sure I avoid them let’s grab all these ores look at all that uranium there’s some Emerald there too I think I really wish I had ammo for my guns cuz that is driving me insane that I can’t use them oh it’s not Emerald it’s uranium wait if that’s uranium what’s this stuff oh that’s uranium ore okay I’m confused feels like I’m playing in 1.16 and 1.20 at the same time oh yeah I forgot about that we will definitely visit this place oh look at this it looks filled with loot but also Bad Dudes so let’s stay clear for now is this scrap yes okay we’ve already found some scrap metal any more around here no but there is this copper get in my inventory thank you diamonds that’s a diamond I think that’ll be the first diamond that I’ve grabbed naturally generated that wasn’t from a chest I think everything else has come from dead mobs and chests so nice to find you out in the wild oh it’s just a single one or is it o yep it’s just a single one what is that that is a pool of lava what the hell that looks terrifying okay we’ll definitely be visiting that let’s grab this scrap plenty of it ow that was lucky my inventory is already full I didn’t pick up the diamond oh my God hold up is that full oh wait that this is the Vault I’ve already been in right cuz it was really close to the base I think it might be let’s have a look oh no it isn’t what the this is filled with stuff oh I’m going to die this is heaven look at all these crops what let me place my backpack down let’s just clear all of this and put it in the backpack okay what radiation am I now 21 what am I carrying that has 21 radiation oh the diamond the diamond’s pretty crazy on the radiation okay I don’t have radiation anymore good oh I am lagging in here for some reason pick the pack pack back up let’s grab all of this we shall Harvest all of you how am I taking radiation damage again oh the beetro oh yes Tomatoes I mean technically potatoes but it’s like a reskin the thing is back at the base the farmer trades with tomatoes so that’s really good oh how am I still taking damage bro why could I have possibly picked up this causing me this much grief is it the backpack there’s no way I just think being down in this vault is messing me up so let’s make this quick and get out of here we can grab more of these ceiling lights now though so that’s cool we grab these ceiling lights as well you know what I may as well just take everything this was a great find okay what we got in the chest oh okay a lot of iron nuggets uh hoe don’t need it a carrot eh ooh some boots okay that’s cool I can finally put these boots on well I’m taking some serious damage well that was a cool Vault I’m so confused why I’m still taking damage like how am I still taking radiation damage I think it just is the backpack at this point cuz I I don’t think I’m carrying anything well that was a nice little Discovery thank you Mr Vault we have a lot of copper we have a lot of iron the thing we’re lacking on is of course flint and scrap so let’s grab all of this gravel see if we can get some Flint from it I like the sound that grael makes oh uranium uranium fever I can’t sing I’m Ill I’m unwell my nose is so blocked my throat is sore I’ve gone through three stages in this video like I’ve started so happy and then halfway through I’m like hey guys and then now I’m just like hey guys if you guys are enjoying this type of content please let me know if you of course want to know how the war ended up nuclear my last video explains everything but don’t go watch it yet wait till the end of this video and then you can go and watch the prequel what is this it is purple can I mine it with my pickaxe I can qua nugget what does qua do oh you can make you can make qua armor I need obsidian qua nuggets makes an Ingot and then you break an Ingot to make chunks and you combine the chunks with the Ingot to make the armor that’s sick let’s grab that okay oh look another Vault oh it’s a it’s a nether portal that’s cool anything of value in this chest oh okay some obsidian a flint and steel and a s pack I’ll take that and some iron chest plates which I am going to take cuz I can store them in my storage base okay so we have a ruin NE pool cool oh no I’m staying away from there and my mini map indicates that on the other side of that wall is that huge structure so I need to go in the opposite direction right now because I value my life look how much gear I’m carrying on me it looks so cool my shield my saw my maze I love the aesthetic of this mod pack it’s so post-apocalyptic and nuclear wow look at the sun rays peer through that is beautiful and more of the purple stuff I love this Shader pack a glimpse of Hope in this devastating World there is so much of this stuff around I meant to be getting scrapped but I’m just so sidetracked by this cool pink stuff but hey look we’re on this spontaneous journey together let’s grab this block and then there’s some more over here there’s so much of this pink stuff I love it I am going to head back after this though I’m taking a lot of damage from the radiation so I just kind of want to dump everything from my inventory and then we can go ahead and craft some guns oh a nice big vein what kind of name for an ore is that qu qu I like that word I like how it sounds qua qu I could say that all day wait oh no the radiation is destroying my armor ah okay I better head back o not yet give me ore okay last piece sweet okay I have emerged to find a ton of redstone Golem creature things I I have no idea if I’m completely honest with you what is going on there what is that what is that that is extremely cursed that is going to crash my world what the look at my mini map this is absolutely insane they seem to be like transporting stuff I don’t want them to know where I am okay let’s get out of there I wondered why my game was lagging that makes perfect sense they seem to be traveling that way so I’m just going to let them do that I am not engaging in whatever that was that insane though they look so scary go what if I sleep if I sleep will I get rid of them okay have they despawned oh my goodness no they are so huge and they’re just attacking everything let’s continue with the work at hand and hope they don’t attack me this is marvelous and as you can see the Golems are migrating across the n killer Wasteland it’s like they’re migrating to New Territory and all the babies are following them look how cute they look all right let’s put my backpack here sort everything into the chests and then we can craft some ammo and guns well first of all let’s put a bunch of coal in the furnace and start cooking up the iron I’m also going to head back in here and grab this Stone and we’ll make a few more furnaces just so we can speed things up a little bit let’s put a furnace in here take that coal and start smelting my copper I have a ton of resources we’ve got enough scrap to at least make a couple guns which is great the main priority obviously is getting this copper cooked up like so okay cool let’s put the rest of the iron in there we’ve course got Flint let’s move my food and stuff back into this chest oh yeah I have a bunch of scrap in here too okay I have a ton of scrap we’ll put the iron chest Pat that I picked up in the armor chest and we’ll store the raw nugget for now okay let’s see here uh we need planks which I have plenty of scrap iron and a lever let’s make a crafting table as well so we don’t have to keep running back and forth of course let’s go ahead and make ourselves a couple levers grab the iron that I have grab the scrap we already have the revolver and of course we already have the custom SMG rather than make the waterpipe shotgun I think I’d like to make the double barrel shotgun so I think I’m going to go ahead and make that there it is our first crafted weapon in this apocalypse that looks so cool of course now I need to make ammo for it it takes handmade shells so how do we make those we need the mini nukes so let’s get the mini nukes two iron ingots two flint and two mini nukes and you get five bullets let’s craft those reload this bad boy and boom we are prepped and ready to go let’s go ahead and grab our copper and we can finally go ahead and craft ourselves some pistol ammo H I don’t have many gunpowder cans so I could only make like 10 pistol ammo let me just have a look do I have any more gunpowder cans kicking around I don’t think I do ooh not good bro um yeah not good I think I’ll have to Voyage out soon to get some more gunpowder cans so we can make some more ammo at least we have usable guns now perfect let’s also go ahead and just swap out some of these carrots for tomatoes there we go let’s get these planted down oh almost the perfect amount so now we have tomatoes growing which I can trade with the farmer wherever he is if he’s still alive I hope he is just’s dump all my stuff back in the chests cool okay I really really want to turn these qu or nuggets into ingots and see what I can do with them so let’s just quickly take the copper out of the furnace and put it in this ore chest and then we’ll put the raw nugget in here and see what happens so it’s breaking it down into actual nuggets rather than the raw nugget good start and then with the obsidian we found in that bunker we can turn it into an Ingot and then once we have the Ingot we can break it back down into chunks and that we need the chunks to make the armor now the good thing is we only need one Ingot on his own to make the chest plate the rest is pretty straightforward it is a really funky looking nuclear armor isn’t it it’s pretty cool so we’ll let that cook up I certainly don’t have enough to make armor out of it just yet but we’ve definitely made a start I also discovered I can craft turrets with steel and I have some steel so I think I’m going to build some sort of Watchtower and put a turret on it so when mobs come near my base if the Scarecrow doesn’t scare them away my stone turret should deter them and by deter erase them from this Wasteland he I’ll grab that quar nugget and we shall store it for now lovely let’s take some building blocks from my building block chests and let’s work on a little Watchtower so I can place a turret I think the best place to build it will go like here it’s going to be super basic it’s got to be kind of high cuz of course it needs a decent Viewpoint yeah that that’ll work and then we’ll just sort of grid out where the floor is going to go like this perfect then of course we need to leave space for a ladder because I want to climb up there and then we’ll just fill in the rest like so then I think I’m going to use this sword to strip this wood yeah that looks good perfect then we want to come out like this so we have a wall perfect get this finished up okay that works perfect and then we can use Stone to add a sort of roof to the tower because if it rains of course I need shelter so we can use these stone walls I have left over from the storage build cuz they look kind of cool wait a minute why are you still here oh no does that mean their back please please no that makes me so nervous let’s just crack on not get distracted let’s place a crafting table up here let’s go ahead and make some stairs we’ll Trace along the top here hopefully I have enough all right I need to grab some more materials from my storage shed so let’s add the ladder while I’m here cool let’s just go ahead and grab myself some more deep slate all right now I have that let’s jump back up here I think I’m going to add the legs in here actually just to see how it’s going to look look H think it might look weird Let’s uh let’s see here how does this look no it needs to go here and join there cuz it just looks odd from this angle there we go okay let’s get these legs added in and then I just need to change the position of where the Walls Start cuz it’s in an odd position my resistance armor is about to break and I’m not happy about it it’s lasted this long but I guess all good things come to an end there we go all right let’s jump back up top and just sort this problem out it needs to be like this there we go and we need to add some more support on the corners so it doesn’t look weird here we go and then let’s make some more stairs and we’ll just climb up here real quick and then we’ll just add of roof and then we’re all good to go and then of course I just need to craft the turret and then hopefully the turret kills any Undead that comes near especially the giant scary weird Golem things now let’s go ahead and just add some torches around I like that that’s cool okay uh update because I want be completely transparent with you guys the turrets crash my game so I can’t craft turrets yeah I’m not too happy about it I’m not going to lie I just uh as you can hear I’m still wiping tears from my eyes because I’m devastated cuz I was excited to craft turrets and shoot these mofos but I can’t holy shiver me timbers oh at least I can test out my guns now actually wa that is so many of you what okay let’s get you all together oh you won’t come near this will you haha let me get my hearts back in the game and then let’s get all of you together see how this goes I hope this gun does a lot of damage oh yes that is amazing one hit kill there look at that okay it takes the uh the slower Walkers down but this police dude he is pretty tough I’m not going to lie what’s your problem bro do I actually have anything I can use cuz I don’t want to waste my bullets there we go oh that is satisfying that is so satisfying let’s pop all of these blocks that are giving me radiation back in the chest where they belong ooh I just had a thought let’s try out a ceiling lamp that could look cool yay that’s pretty neat at least from up here I get a decent view I can shoot Bad Dudes oh look it’s a crawler poor guy the tomatoes are coming along quite nicely now so that’s good we got ourselves a nice little Watchtower so we can look out for mobs I like it let’s get some sleep good days few work good few days work I think the final ingredient is to add a sort of perimeter around my base because everything keep getting in and the Scarecrow is just not enough I think because what if those giant redstone Golems do come this way they’re just going to be all over everything but if I have at least some sort of perimeter like a fence at least or something it can keep everything away now I just need to sort of choose how I’m going to outline this I’ll probably just like run it along here make it separate to the village and then if I want to move villagers from the village into my base I can do that yeah yeah that’s fine okay let’s get a little more jungle wood because fences are a little expensive I could probably do with making a diamond axe but this just looks so cool all right let’s get started on a little bit of a perimeter here you just got to be really random with it just randomly strip pieces of wood and and a wall like that and then any gaps where mobs can jump over we can just fill it in with a fence like that and that looks pretty good it fits in with the whole Wasteland aesthetic and we’ll trace this all the way around and then of course we’ll add torches we’re going to need to add torches because I am not having mob spawn how’s this looking how wide do we want to go with this we’ll bring it like around this way yeah cool it’s looking pretty cool it just adds a nice texture to the whole thing you know then it’ll feel like a real home with walls I hope yeah this looks decent get my shovel out and move some of the sand out the way randomly adding a CA now then we can sprinkle in some jungle go back to my chest oh yeah when you zoom out a little bit it looks decent whoa how did you get into my farm bro come here why I all damn that was Overkill I feel so bad bro just wanted to talk I just blew him to Smither I’m going to get this wall finished the wall is complete and I think it looks pretty cool I’ve darted lots and lots of torches around so it should stop things from spawning let’s take a good look at the view how’s our base looking I like it considering we started with absolutely nothing deep in that bunker to having our own little Fortified Area with fresh food growing storage all in a nuclear Wasteland pretty impressive stuff those mobs are still over there they’re Giant and evil so I need to stay very clear of that area I’m not even scared about dying at this point I’m kind of scared they’re going to crash my game I’m not going to be able to load the world so I feel like I’m going to venture out that way and hope that they despawn I hope but this looks neat I like it before I head out I am going to craft myself before I head out I’m just going to craft myself a diamond helmet and then at least I have a full armor set I am running low on my chest plate so a few more diamonds and I should be able to craft a full set of diamond armor I also want to use these nuggets so let’s try and get some more of those when we venture out all right let’s take some food with us grab my canteen I got my bandages and Stems in my medic bag let’s go out and do a little exploring we could do with grabbing some more gunpowder cans because well of course they let us make mini nukes and mini nukes allow us to make ammo it would also be great if I could get some bookcases or something where I can get leather and sugarcane so I can start working on enchanting my stuff I got to say though I’m really liking how my base is turning out it looks pretty cool so far I just want to be a little more equipped before I start heading into the big underground bases let’s head into this dead territory there is something really really satisfying about exploring these lands I don’t know what it is I just think where there’s so many realistic immersive items in the chests and everything I have equipped is on me and you can see it it’s just so cool oh by the way guys I have a Discord if you didn’t know uh you can join it the link will be in the description I’d very much appreciate that we’re an awesome little Community you guys post some amazing fan art in there by the way like literally the smile on my face is insane when I see some of the stuff in there well there really is nothing in this area is there like it got completely wiped out does this even drop wood oh it does this is an oak wood biome and I can actually pick it up the other biome was just dead I couldn’t even carry that stuff good to know I’m not going to carry it though because of radiation start looting inside some of these properties ah ah ah ah ah I’m stuck I’m stuck in the cobweb oh wait what the hell I’m stuck what is this stuff it’s quick sand ah oh no okay this stuff is quick sand oh no I’m literally sinking no what the hell I got to get out of here oh I can’t I literally can’t jump can I break the sand I’m in okay okay I got out okay we have a new danger to be aware of quick sand lovely this really is a radioactive area because there’s like radioactive flowers that are like oozing uranium which is pretty cool what is that what why am I hearing Phantoms in the day what I hear them but I don’t see them where are they are they underneath me I think they might be underneath me quick sand again isn’t it we can test by throwing a torch in there yeah look look at that it sinks into the sand a vault okay let’s go check that out I feel like all of the mobs are down underground I don’t think anything can survive on these parts let’s check if this Vault has anything cool got to tick the buttons so the Pistons move out the way open up the Secret Door let’s see if there’s anything good in here oh wa what are they oh bro okay this Vault has monsters in what is that oh ow wao bro chill chill chill they spit acid everywhere ah so the acid burns you ah how many of you are there oh no I have to use my shotgun okay I killed them oh I’m taking so much damage that’s so annoying how long’s that going to stay there for cuz I don’t want to set up here all day okay it’s going Let’s uh grab these seeds under root does give you oak wood so maybe I should take a bunch of Underwood back with me I know I picked it up earlier and dropped it but this time I can take it with me um let’s get that secret door open oh oh okay sneaky little fella what’s in this chest we got some iron Pistons again I really don’t need pistons and a pulsar gun we okay what is this what what the hell wait does that shoot through walls bro that’s insane six out of seven charge I don’t know how to recharge that so I’m not going to waste that what if the Pulsar gun is the reason those guys turned into spitters ah there’s the spitter I see you let’s get out of here he is Raging bro okay that was cool we got some iron and a new gun and it’s sleepy time but I don’t have a bed and there’s mobs quite a lot of mobs actually I knew this was going to happen I was going to get caught out of night being chased by Runners I feel like a real looter just going house to house seeing what I can find ooh oh it’s just leather stuff I might pick up that iron chest plate just in case my chest plate breaks while I’m out you don’t realize how annoying it is in Minecraft that you pick things up until they give you radiation then you realize you just pick everything up and it constantly kills you oh wow that is so many mobs what is that that’s like a dude with a grenade thing in his hands I ventured out into weird territory and now I’m paying for it oh there’s so many of you get away at least these ones are one hit kill like they’re kind of like low on health except the armored ones now they are a little bit more Fierce normal mobs I haven’t se I haven’t seen a normal mob in a long time hello Mr spider oh God where’s my shield am I just going to spend all night killing Mo what what is that oh what is this Ah that’s a a Clown Zombie pillagers oh you have so much health that is an unhealthy amount of Health can I cure you all that would be great what is summoning you it’s like a zombie iller he’s summoning them oh we got to get to the source of him I’ll reload my shotgun that is so many mobs there he is what that skeleton’s firing lasers at me wait I think maybe now is a good time to use the pulse gun W okay I’m getting away from them that’s too intense uh-oh this area doesn’t look good does it it’s a lot of magma ow ow ow I take so much damage chill chill chill I don’t have much ammo left for the shotgun it’s so dark it’s so scary and there’s barely any structures this was a terrible idea bro what is that that is a giant mutant lava creature let me eat oh no not my golden apple I just wasted my stim pack well now I’m nervous let me get my Med bag ready and get my stems out he is huge and he is running towards me do I take him on oh I’ve entered myself into a boss fight haven’t I come on shotgun don’t fail me now reload oh the floor is magma I feel like I’m literally playing my childhood game I got to have to crouch I move so slow oh come here bro oh I’m taking damage I’m taking damage I got close got a couple shots on him he set me on fire but my golden apple is still helping me out but now that’s run out so when absorption is gone it’s over so I’m going to take advantage of that oh did we get him I think I killed him bro got back up much’s it going to take to keep you down holy oh wait I think I got him again bro we fought your sun oh oh oh oh steim get those hearts back up bro oh I’m taking so much damage off the magma Rock I’m going to go in for the final blow surely that’s him yes okay we killed him did he drop anything no I just survived and I guess that’s the best reward you can get in a nuclear Wasteland wow look how beautiful that view is I’ve just approached this acid pool I think that’s a nuclear creeper I think I’ve dealt with those before and let me tell you something something extremely satisfying about when they explode I kind of want to get one to pop off me munch on this he doesn’t know oh okay now he knows I’m here hey buddy he does drop the components that I can use to make a ray gun so if you just want to explode that’ be sick okay he’s been triggered he’s been triggered get away oh I don’t want to be too close oh no oh that’s insane bro exploded the whole world look at that did he drop the uh thing I needed no that was kind of sick though I mean there’s no harm in a radioactive creeper exploding the world’s already radioactive so no harm done there’s some more structures around here I would like to get out of this biome because I keep getting hit by the lava let’s try and get out of this deadwood’s biome I’m looking at my mini map and I’m not seeing any sign of a new biome so I might just pop in here quickly and see if I can get my hands on some Gunpowder cases hello again mate peeping on the Poopers let’s get up here I got to be careful cuz last time I had a giant pregnant zombie attacking me more steems just what we need that is a ridiculous amount of nuclear Cola what and a bunch more apples nice I would love it if one of these buildings had like a library in I feel like we already know what’s in this structure so let’s just ditch the structure and just focus on finding a new biome and finding some new structures cuz they’re the ones with the good stuff yay we found a biome hey kangaroos I can spare you today because I have food oh survivors are you survivors yeah what’s good bro I mean something looks little sus here are you okay cuzz something ain’t adding up well they’re not the talkative types so I think I’ll just move on good to know there survivors out here though and I’m not just the only one although they’re doing a terrible job you can’t just keep wandering around the wasteline guys jeez I mean that’s exactly what I’m doing but still they don’t know that oh is that a new structure I think I’m heading into like new structure territory yes I’m in the desert biome now um I say let’s go check out that what the what where am I what is this is this a vault am I in a Vault right now um I’m so confused I guess this is just another way into the Vault wa look how big this place is let’s get down here okay there’s mobs in here can you shoot off with the knife oh he has armor oh wa you have army gear on what why does he have all that on why is bro doing all that where am I yo this looks like some sort of lab oh look at my mini map look how big this vault is yeah you got a scientist outfit on so many questions okay let’s clear these guys out it annoys me that I have to reload so many bullets for just a double barel shotgun ah ah I’m using my Sims come on guys chill reload that is so many mobs uh I need to get some building blocks out or something cuz wait no I have an idea oh wa they do so much damage stim pack oh my God bro wait no it’s the spawners there’s too many spawners where’s my axe there’s too many of them STM STM steim full health this is Qui can I break the note block break it okay I can breathe what is this what’s that lever do it just turns the light on oh it turned all the lights on it’s kind of cool it’s literal working light switches down here they have power down here what okay this is a huge place and it’s a ton of mobs let’s reload my gun and clear you guys out I wish I had more ammo I lit have like three bullets left yep I’m pretty sure this is my last bullet y okay I’m out of ammo um what do I have what can I use I have a mace I’m just going to have to stand here and kill all these guys that’s kind of satisfying no lie I don’t like to be the center of attention guys go by someone else that’s so many of you and you just won’t die there’s just more of you coming I feel like I’m in a mob farm right now I just realized I should have brought my scarecrow and then I could have just placed my scarecrow down and these guys would have just been scared of me please die that is too much health I feel like you are just spawning you’re coming from somewhere yeah I’m just going to I’m just going to have to run aren’t I you’re just impossible to kill ooh carrots what what’s going on in there oh oh no they broke my armor oh god oh no bro oh if I could just break break the spawner okay spawner broken let me eat my carrots do any of these barrels have bullets in oh God they’re just everywhere I don’t want to use my pulse gun cuz I don’t have that much ammo if I could just get to that chest diamonds nuca colola loads of coal and a lot of slime can I drink this stuff he gives me a bottle what about this one oh praise Lord a little bit of ammo I mean it’s not great I mean nothing else in here of value oh a block of coal I might take the sound is deafening okay let’s reload my SMG try clear a bunch of these guys out ah okay that’s all of my ammo false gun oh my that was the dumbest idea ever oh no oh my God run go go go go go go go go go okay I’m back here again I don’t know what to do I’m so stuck it looks like there’s such good loot here as well they’re just spawning here there must be some form of spawner where they just spawn around you in this area so I might have to dip and come back yep let’s go the pulse gun ruined it for me I need more ammo if I had more ammo and a better gun I would not have a problem with these mobs at all right let’s get out of here oh really bro I’ve kind of had enough I’m not going to lie mate I wish the zombies were as easy to kill as you were let’s get back home oh there’s so much juicy loot in there bro I can’t wait I cleared out my inventory and made a bunch more ammo then made my way back to that giant military base and I also grabbed a bunch more food why is that pig not pink you should be pink bro it is safe taking me like forever to get here oh what is that why do you look like that that is a cursed cow what did radiation do to you bro well I mean I got no choice but to kill you I’m so sorry that’s so funny though oh not those again they’re so fast not you you’re fast but he’s really fast I brought my revolver along with me this time cuz I need something with a little more range let’s kill this guy I think the base was around here somewhere I can’t remember where I dug up from yeah it’s here somewhere where did I fall I fell in a random hole yes here it was this random hole all right attempt two hopefully we can get our hands on some juicy loot it’s going to be so many mobs in here this time I’ll have the shield ready I’ve got building blocks ready and I have ammo this time I also crafted some arrows let’s go this way waa look at this place it’s like a giant military thing with huge tanks in and that’s insane ah okay here we are again but this time I should just be able to just fire my machine gun at them they have so much health that’s too much health look at that it takes a whole magazine and he’s still not dead who knew I’d end up in this position again is that a cat that’s a group of deadly cats those are literally giant tanks this must have been the bunkers that were used during the war and where they fired the nuclear Miss house from I guess let’s see if we can loot these chests in this one oh this was so worth it eight diamonds a bunch of coal iron ingots smithing templates perfect a diamond hoe definitely need that when you’re in the Wasteland farming is very important seeds me not really bothered okay the loot is sick what do we got on this one cocktails these ones kind of burn the throat I’m going to throw it oh it set them all on fire yeah take that oh that hurts me oh yes The Sweet Sound of char zombie although I’m now deaf what else have we got in this chest a block of coal yep I’ll take it what we got in this one grenades we have grenades in this this one a vertical grit I mean I’ll take it I wonder what it’s use for Flint perfect so much coal for our furnaces this is amazing load of Flint to make a bunch of more arrows what about this one rifle am oh my God yes yes yes yes let me swap out the SMG rifle ammo I’m taking all that I do not care nothing else matters right now we got ourselves a combat Rifle guys wait a minute let’s see if this vertical grip fits oh it does oh that’s cool it actually like upgrades the gun you can see it oh please tell me it’s one hit kill I’ll cry oh my gosh the damage is insane W they are still pretty intense though some of these zombies are very very strong while we have a moment let’s break these spawners otherwise I’m going to have a ton of mobs on my backside again well I got looters in here now feel the wrath of my cocktail oh steam about to use all my stems up there’s so many zombies spawning where are they coming from oh there’s a spawner up there okay let’s hurry up we’ll break break this get my Hunger back on track oh I can’t get too confident they burn through rifle ammo holy smokes let’s check these other chests okay bottle caps ah this is sick I can buy things off the farmer now and I can trade with the wandering Trader yes yes Enchanted armor oh slap that on me now bunch of gold bunch of mini nukes yes that means we can make a bunch more ammo when we get back I should have brought my backpack I didn’t think this through okay mini nukes a lot of coal what about this chest another iron chest plate and let’s pick up these diamonds it doesn’t let me stack frustrating uh what should I get rid of get rid of my torches I can make new torches okay loads of loot oh there’s Loot on the back of the tank if I could just get up there that’d be great ah get away from me they are really strong they pack a-p punch those ones the ones that wearing the armor let’s break this block so I can get this open more mini nukes perfect name tags it’s always good to have name tags a block of gold okay decent loot oh there’s so much loot in here oh there’s always something behind you always wait that’s a diamond chest plate get rid of that okay we got a diamond chest plate on oh there’s so many ores down here we got loads of diamonds this is just what we needed I wouldn’t bother mate honestly I’ll let you go free I’m sure you come from some sort of Survivor Camp okay NOP suit yourself I’m going to kill you with this now bro literally asked for it that’s a very flowy hat so satisfying oh it’s quite a a lot of them okay let’s carry on raiding this place what’s in here then let’s turn the lights on ooh that looks like a secret door tell me that doesn’t look like a secret hidden door to you what’s in here bro why does it need to be hidden what there’s nothing in here wait there’s nothing in here bro there is scrap though so I’ll grab that I need it to make bullets give me giv me giveme giveme give me that will never not be satisfying when Pistons work like that that’s so cool it’s like some sort of Vault always turn the lights off when you leave let’s get out of here I am now harboring pure radiation in my inventory I mean I did expect that to be fair let’s head back through this area so there’s a whole big farm room that’s pretty cool they got books and ingots to be fair I might grab the books because I’d like to make bookcases lots of times they literally just spawn here I’m burning through ammo right now better switch my shotgun break this spawner Now where’s that room that looked like there was experiments going on this is a loot Haven aha it was in here right oh there’s an upstairs more and more rooms seems to be like they did experiments here or something it’s like they plan for all these horrible creatures to get out the radiation in my inventory is going crazy right now when in doubt bring a backpack that’s all I’m saying oh not more of you grenade that’s cool they are so strong it’s sorry I can break this I hear them they’re all trying to get to me what waa that is so much TN [Music] nom nom nom how do I have radiation ow the the backpack is giving me radiation I actually don’t think I can take the backpack guys I think it leaves me no choice unless I clear everything out the backpack let’s see how that works no I cleared everything out the backpack and it’s still three radiation so I’m going to have to leave it here I do have another simple backpack that I can keep on me so that’s good all right let’s go see what this giant structure was finally after all these days what is that what that is a radio Jazz playing zombie that doesn’t make any sense all right there it is right let’s get down there let’s hope it doesn’t lag ow oh that’s a lot of mobs did you hear that let’s load this bad boy up let’s get into here whoa what if they got on their hands they’re all like fully kitted out with like gear these guys look powerful how many hits is it going to take to kill you so many what about this gun okay yeah it takes a lot of bullets to kill these guys that looks like a trap door right there okay let’s go let’s go what is it oh what is this this is so weird do I have to kill the mobs before I can leave is it like a a test room ah oh no oh they do so much damage excuse me guys all right let’s take care of these zombies I do need to break the spawners though if I can break the spawners that’s going to solve my problem ah no oh my God oh my God that is too many mobs I’m going to die oh my God bro die die already I’m on a half a heart right now this has been the most intense 100 days I think I’ve ever done it’s just been non-stop random zombies and mobs I literally feel like I’m playing Call of Duty zombies right now let’s reload oh that mob dropped TNT die what did he drop combat armor right finally now I’m pretty sure if I break that that’s going to open the door right why isn’t it opening that’s super confusing there’s like no loot in here let’s just break this oh I meant to to get in it this way and then you clear out the mobs and then you can go down there that that makes a lot of sense I thought it was like some sort of trial like defeat the mobs and you can escape yeah look you go into a pit down there I wonder what’s down there get down this way oh it’s like a whole thing down here stone cutter it’s like a base what’s in these o loads of meat a lot of raw beef and iron okay that’s kind of cool ah yes wait a minute let me dump some of this stuff books perfect so this is more more than enough bookcases to make an enchantment table and level it up to level 30 so that’s sick that was totally worth it the one thing I found about this nuclear Wasteland is that there’s a lot of rewards on the other end of risk like if you kill a lot of mobs and you explore it really does pay off you get really really good loot let’s just grab all these books I don’t have an Axe and I can’t be bothered to make one so I’m just going to use my pickaxe okay that’s all the bookcases definitely Overkill but who cares let’s get back up top and now I’m carrying radiation I love my life let’s just transfer a bunch of stuff into this backpack okay let’s climb back up here my combat rifle is almost broken so I got to be careful whoa what’s in here oh is he a bad dude he’s not attacking me or anything oh he seem seems like a pretty friendly dude I’ll take that it’s nice to walk into a room and not get attacked straight away oh God no stay away from the mob spawner this place is absolutely massive I’m definitely pleased I’m more equipped though otherwise I would have never have survived that thing earlier ah okay yep here come the mobs [Music] what why do they make that sound oh that’s so many mobs what’s in here I want to know what’s in there block the doors in stop mobs from getting in what is this it’s like a glowing block that’s sick is there any loot this way I think if I spent the whole 100 days of looting this place I still wouldn’t get everything inside um it’s just copper do I break it oh oh what is that oh no does it not do any damage why is nothing hurting that guy the lag is crazy guys wait does the crossbow work nothing is hurting that guy ah why are mobs getting inside that’s what I want to know blck that off so zombes stop getting in he’s just armored himself with deep slate what is this uh let’s try shooting him it’s not doing any damage is it it’s just going ding ding ding ding oh wait it is doing damage let’s use the double bar shotgun oh don’t let me down now nothing does damage to this guy he’s armored himself have a deep slate and I’m basically trapped in here with him ah eat the carrot shotgun oh okay yeah that that definitely did damage oh he’s padded himself again oh only three hearts this is insane throw is absolutely massive no no he’s reinforced himself with copper that’s so annoying okay I’m running out of ammo did I get him I think I got him that was my last bullet wow what do we get for killing him a Hercules fruit what happens when we eat that hey yo 7 Minutes of absorption resistance and 6 minutes of strength I have absolutely nothing to worry about while I’m down here now okay that was sick we just killed the boss of this entire thing I think that was intense let’s see what other loot we can find we’re doing it guys what is that is that a chest are there chests here where’s the loot I haven’t found any loot yet ah nice try buddy I just killed your leader now I’m basically Invincible oh it goes even deeper it goes deeper and deeper look at this completely surrounded by lava right now what even is this room it’s like the equivalent to a Bastion it’s filled with mobs in Bedrock right now but I’m not going to lie there’s like zero loot here it’s just filled with Mobs and I’m pretty sure I was meant to save the Hercules fruit so nice one coffee let’s kill this guy I think I’m going to dip there’s like no loot here I’m fully Ked out anyway let’s head back home it’s raining it’s raining ow let’s get back inside my base oh I the storm’s over I literally must have left the base as it stopped raining cool all right that was pretty neat we beat up that giant copper boss we got this cool hand fist thing which is pretty sick got a bunch of guns a fully operational base that’s pretty good going as we hit day 100 in this nuclear Wasteland I proved it was possible to survive I managed to get a healthy Farm growing with an assortment of foods we managed to build a safe perimeter that keeps mobs away I built a small but Cozy home to keep me safe and a storage facility to collect all of the loot from the remnants of the nuclear war with little to no resources available in this ducula Wasteland I managed to make it work so thank you so much for watching guys I had a ton of fun making this for you if you enjoyed it click that like button and if you want to see more of this content hit subscribe I love you all as always my name is the coffee fueld genius peace [Music]

Nuclear radiation has changed my Minecraft world adding new modded mobs, mechanics and weapons! I’ll need to learn how to adapt to this new world and survive for 100 days in hardcore Minecraft in this fallout-type nuclear radioactive wasteland…

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  1. hey CFG! im a fan here how do you do that thing? when you found a chest and you just moving your cursor into items and get it without clicking it each one by one, big fan here

  2. Hey, Coffee, Don't get me wrong, I love your videos, there great, full of adventure, and LONG. But, can you go back to the simple videos, like skyblock, one block, 100 days on a raft, pirates, biome only world, survival island? Those ones were always good.

  3. Hey, absolutely loved the video and modpack, is it your own creation or can I find it somewhere? Maybe can I get a link please?🫡🫶🏻

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