Can You Beat Terraria Underwater?

oh hey I can talk as you can see I’m currently surrounded by thousands of gallons of water but I know what you’re going to say drink it why am I here oh well it’s a long story but I’m on a journey anyways I’m trapped completely underwater and lost all of my equipment besides wispy for your viewing experience because Terraria doesn’t have a brightness setting if I want to escape this World I’ll have to discover how to beat the game completely underwater and this begins with objective one water chests from water chests you can acquire accessories such as the Trident and flippers that increase your movement speed while underwater considering you can hold your breath for a total of 23 seconds or 10 Bubbles and your movement speed is reduced by half when you’re underwater these accessories are extremely necessary so immediately collecting wood I tunneled down and built an air pocket and Luke exploded so for the time being I mind underground and the game froze because as it turns out filling a world with water gives your PC a stroke I continued Mining and entered my first cave you may have noticed that the caves are also filled with water well this is a good time to mention not only is the surface filled with water the underground is as well I collected ores and encountered a slime because the world is full of water slime spawn rates are reduced and the only way to get gel is from slimes that randomly spawn in caves a boulder then turned me into a pancake a I got killed by a fing Boulder I discovered that you can’t plant acorns underwater that seems pretty obvious now that I’m saying it out loud and built my base I collected ores and because I would have to breathe it made exploring extremely tedious but I found a magic mirror that I could use to teleport to the surface when I’m close to Drowning however the surface is also full of water I was assaulted by a ghost so I nuked him yeah you ghost I also nuked myself I used bombs to explore deeper and expanded my house the merchant arrived so I purchased torches and rope so my legs wouldn’t enter my rib cage but I would enter the caves and nearly drown to death only to get once again assaulted by a ghost I crafted a silver pickaxe and continued my journey of Getting By a ghost I found a cloud in a bottle the demolitionist arrived an eye of cthulu spawner and finally locate a water chest inside was a trident that increases your movement speed while underwater and made exploring much faster mining enough Platinum to craft the Platinum pickaxe I built a storage room and using the Trident I explored the surface building air holes in order to breathe but I found the tundra and because water in the tundra gives you the chill debuff coupled with a snowstorm I moved 30 blocks at a time to not drown only to be killed by a shark it’s a shark oh somewhere along the way I found a green hat so yeah green hat I traveled to the ocean and opened water chests inside were flippers and a pool noodle the flippers increase my movement speed and I can swim with the pool noodle I can float I don’t know how effective floating in a world full of water is though oh oh oh while I’m floating like and comment below I traveled to the jungle and because it’s filled with water hornets and other creatures couldn’t spawn besides piranhas so it was easy to survive in the jungle I got the staff of regrowth and the egglet I built a potion Farm in the caverns I found Hermes boots and mined enough Platinum to craft the armor I continued exploring underground and reached hell the only place in the game not completely filled with water but it was time to fish for the Hardy saddle using Demonite I crafted the fisher of Souls and built the most effective fishing hole ever constructed but to make a long story short I fished for 30 minutes got bored and came to a realization even with the Hardy saddle I would require multiple Gills Potions in order to kill a boss underwater but to craft Gills Potions you need water leaf and water Leaf can only be harvested while raining and because the entire world is underwater I can’t tell when it’s raining so I have to kill the bosses another way and that begins with objective two Life Crystals arms dealer Goblin tinkerer in the jungle I obtained the feral claw but I was surprised attacked in spank by the eye of cthulu that confirmed my earlier suspicions to sum up what happened next I returned to the Jungle found a bracelet of wind lava charm oh look a chest crafted the demon bow and maxed out my health I destroyed a demon orb and got the musket in the meantime I searched the jungle and obtained the boomstick until the Goblin Army spawned fighting the Goblin Army underwater was the worst experience ever the boomstick made it somewhat bearable but once I round out of bullet I had to resort to shing the green freaks with my Trident once the Goblin Army was defeated the area had turned into a graveyard biome so I crafted the gravedigger shovel and expanded my base I then discovered yet another problem with an underwater world the goblin tinkerer for some reason he will not spawn and I searched for 6 hours as you probably know to upgrade your accessories you require the tinkerer’s workbench or else for example your movement accessories will take up half of your access Slots of course I could just go to another world and get the tinkerer’s workbench but here we suffer with the consequences of our choices on the bright side the Arms Dealer arrived so I sold all of my belongings and purchased the mini shark objective three Boss Rush it was time to get revenge on the eye of cthulu but how was I going to kill the bosses when I was more useless than a Magikarp underwater that’s when it hit me so I removed a chunk of the world because if there’s anything life has taught me is that you can solve any problem with sheer Brute Force however I just like to point out that this strategy will not work for Hard Mode since there is no way I’m removing the entire underground to test out the arena I crafted a king slime spawner and proceeded to whoop his gelatinous ass the only noteworthy item from the King Slime was the Slime mask I obtained the web sliner and I’ll explain why this is useful shortly because at the moment an evil presence is watching me the eye of cthulu spawned and I focused on killing his minions first because I don’t have the rocket boots from the goblin tinkerer it made avoiding attack significantly harder but thanks to the web sliner I could Dodge any attacks that came my way from the eye of cthulu I obtained the cthulu shield and signature aviators now I’m looking stylus I began Excavating another arena in the corruption using bombs to destroy the evid stone once the arena was finished I expanded my base and the dryad arrived so I expanded my potion fun and finished my elevator it was around this time when I made a horrible mistake in order to spawn the Eater of Worlds you require worm food that is crafted from vile powder and rotten chunks so I farmed rotten chunks however vile powder is crafted from vile mushrooms and because the world is underwater they will not grow on the surface this meant if I wanted to obtain vile mushrooms I would have to wait for a blood moon to spawn and that is exactly what I did 4 hours only only to remember if you destroy three demon orbs the Eater of Worlds will spawn so I prepped my potions and destroyed the remaining demon orb the fight was surprisingly easy you see Jester arrows can Pierce an infinite number of enemies this makes them efficient against bosses with multiple sections like the Eater of Worlds by firing Jester arrows I was able to deal massive damage and using the cthulu shield I managed to avoid most of his attacks well that was freaking easy from the treasure bag I obtained the worm scarf which will reduce 15% of the damage you take and crafted the nightmare Pickaxe in the desert can you guess what there was that’s right more water I killed ant lions for mandibles and found the bass statue hey bass statue with the mandibles I crafted mining potions activating a mining potion and an Obsidian Skin Potion I mined hellstone and obtained a health Forge using my healthstone bars I crafted the molten set with my equipment upgraded it was time to kill Skeletron but I need an arena so the answer was simple [Music] [Music] terrorism H that works surprisingly well by trapping water in an area and destroying the ground round you can lower the water level once the Skeletron Arena was finished I placed heart lanterns and built a house for the nurse with my potions prepped I summoned Skeletron and it was going great until I was third parted by a zombie which resulted in me getting up close and personal with Skeletron it also made me realize because I don’t have the rocket boots avoiding Skeletron is going to be ridiculously hard round two this time around I use the eye of cthulu and grapple to quickly evade Skeletron attacks I accidentally focused on attacking his head and he started shooting homing skulls before his hands were killed so that made things more difficult than need be but thanks to the nurse presumably duct taping my wounds I managed to survive and Destroy his hands here’s a tip to easily avoid the Homing skulls because the skulls cannot pass through solid blocks by building a platform and removing the center block you can freely attack Skeletron but listen for his roar or else you’ll be spinning in Your Grave and Skeletron dead holy crap that was an intense fight objective four Knight’s Edge I decided I was going to kill the Wall of Flesh with a tank build so entering the dungeon there was more water surprisingly because the dungeon was underwater it actually made it easier to survive farming golden keys I obtained the Cobalt shield merasa and a shadow key that will turn out to be extremely useful shortly I killed the eye of cthulu for Demonite and crafted the lights ban in order order to craft the Night’s Edge I required the blade of grass so clearing an area and draining it of water I farmed sers and Vines but more importantly I found the freaking Goblin tinkerer just chilling so I purchased the rocket boots tinkerer’s workbench and blew his ass up with the blade of grass I crafted the knight’s Edge now that I have the rocket boots I crafted the lightning boots purchasing the familiar clothes from the Clothier my vanity was complete and I was looking stylus crafting the obsidian skull I made the Obsidian Shield and was ready to build the Wall of Flesh arena with the arena finished I placed campfires for extra regeneration I then discovered because the world is underwater I don’t have a shimmer H this could be a problem in the future in the jungle I drained The Beehive and built a small Arena summoning the queen bee with the knight’s Edge it was an easy fight once the queen bee is killed the witch doctor will arrive from the witch doctor you can purchase the imbuing station and craft flasks of fire that caused your melee attacks to set enemies on fire for extra damage what happened next was one of the dumbest mistakes I have ever made I ate the only Mushroom in the entire world so to prepare for Hard Mode I used Dynamite to mine a large section of the caverns and created a mob farm at this point I figured I was ready to kill the Wall of Flesh so without hesitation I summoned him and was chased across the entire world go faster go faster until I was squished against the wall but this made me realize a few things firstly in order to damage the Wall of Flesh you need to kill the hungries around him first but when I get too close I take a lot of damage and have to retreat so I need to do more damage and secondly I need to increase my regeneration objective five Inferno potions magma stone to begin this I crafted the lava prooof bug net and captured bait in Hell by using bait captured in hell you can fish in lava and obtain obsidian fish as well as flare fin Koy with obsidian fish fish and flarefin koi you can craft Inferno potions I also fished an obsidian crate and got the lava shark Mount that allows you to travel fast in water and will be extremely useful once in hard mode at the same time as fishing I killed lava bats to obtain the magma stone with my damage prepared it was time to increase my regeneration by utilizing heartreach potions I would be consistently healed by the hungry now that everything was prepared I buffed and summoned the Wall of Flesh huh oh you got to be kidding me not only did the Wall of Flesh not spawn I wasted an entire set of potions so I took out my anger on the eye of cthulu over and over and over and over and over with the gold I reforged all of my accessories to Warden for plus4 defense objective six Cactus mushrooms or more specifically regen potions speaking of things I don’t have swiftness potions so you know what that means it’s Cactus time now you may be thinking Cactus that’s super easy to grow throw some sand and Bam Cactus to the uninitiated it might seem that easy but oh would you be surprised to learn that in order for cactus to grow on a sand block there must be less than 50 tiles of water within an area of 5,000 tiles yeah cactus this is to make a long story short I removed everything through environmentally friendly means like what do I even call this but spoiler alert it’s not a cactus farm because for it to be a cactus farm Cactus would need to grow that’s right this thing this permanent stain on the world produces zero Cactus but you want to know what produces Cactus the hole I just happened to fill with sand that’s what if you look closely you can tell by the singular pixel devoted to displaying Cactus yes more Cactus please don’t mind me having a stroke I’ve been trying to obtain Cactus for hours but I still have zero mushrooms so I planted corrup seeds I obtained from the eye of cthulu but in order for vile mushrooms to grow they require no or proper walls behind the soil blocks purchasing purification powder and using it on the vile mushrooms I obtained mushrooms with the cactus and mushrooms I crafted swiftness and regen potions prepped and ready to go I summoned the Wall of Flesh with The Inferno potions I could easily kill the hungry and damage the Wall of Flesh with the heartre potions and regen potions I quickly regenerated health and died but there were three possible reasons why I lost that fight number one I gave him a hug number two I didn’t have a Thorns potion and we all know Thorns potions are a GameChanger number three bad luck skill issue but I refuse to believe option number three so option one and two it is however sadly I had used my last remaining heartreach potion but remember how I said the shadow key would be important by searching Shadow chest and hell I obtain more heartreach potions Inferno potions as well as life force potions oh and Thorns potions for the fourth and final time I summoned the Wall of Flesh throughout the fight I made sure to remain extremely close to the wall of flesh and without being hit so I could deal maximum damage in the end I easily killed the Wall of Flesh and it only took 57 seconds I opened the treasure bag and activated the demon heart blessing the world with hard mode ores I managed to reach hard mode in a world underwater but I have a feeling that it’s going to get a lot harder if you have enjoyed it watch another video because that’s how YouTube knows my videos are good so check out this one here stay stylus and I’ll see you in part two

Can You Beat Terraria Underwater? In this Terraria challenge I try to beat Terraria master mode underwater. If I drown I die, I need flippers to swim, and I even have to fight bosses underwater!

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0:00:00 Intro
0:00:35 Objective 1: Water chests
0:04:21 Objective 2: Life crystals + arms dealer + goblin tinkerer
0:05:44 Objective 3: Boss rush
0:10:03 Objective 4: Nights edge
0:12:14 Objective 5: Inferno potions + magma stone
0:13:22 Objective 6: Cactus + mushrooms

More Terraria Challenges ➤

#terraria #underwater #challenge #youtubegaming #mastermode

Thank You so Much For Watching And Have An Amazing Day 🙂


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