Don’t Open the Door to Creepy SIREN HEAD vs Mikey and JJ at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen

what are we going to do today JJ I don’t know why don’t we just walk around for a while the weather’s nice yeah let’s do it wait do you hear those noises too yeah this is so suspicious let’s see what’s going on in there are you sure yeah this is so interesting okay let’s go all right do not enter Mikey look JJ this is so weird [Music] I don’t want to be here yeah I agree with you this is none of our business let’s go I don’t want them to see [Music] us what what was that ah oh no what is this creature I will destroy you all I don’t know but I don’t think it means anything good we got to get out here you can’t get away from me oh no he’s coming right here run Mikey We Can’t Stop viewers please support us by liking this nerve-wracking situation it’ll go a long way in helping us avoid not good consequences we really need your help JJ over here we need to hide that was a good idea but now we have to be very quiet he’s so close oh I want to sneeze so bad no you can’t Mikey I’m sorry I couldn’t stop it what hah haa you can’t hide from me now I know where you are I won’t stop until I destroy you Mikey that was so loud that’s the worst of it I think he heard me yeah you’re right Mikey he’s looking right here we can’t stay here anymore I agree let’s go oh no he’s right behind us leave us alone we don’t deserve this this way Mikey follow me yeah I’m right behind you I’m so tired of running we have to stop somewhere now is not the time he’s too close yeah you’re right but we have to figure something out I can’t run much longer all right this way we can hide here hopefully he’ll go away and leave us alone this place looks safe enough 2 hours later where’s the creature I can see it he’s still outside our house and he looks very don’t friendly who brought it into our world in the first place it was so naive we need to bring him back he shouldn’t be with us I’m so hungry yeah but we need a plan wait a minute what was that hey guys I’m here from Freddy’s pizza your order’s been placed a large pepperoni is waiting for you can you pick up your order pizza oh yeah open the door faster hi that’ll be $5 do you have cash or Card wait but we didn’t order pizza JJ why did the order come here what’s that no it was a trap we got to hide how did he do that I can’t close the doors oh no JJ what do we do now he broke the doors that’s a enough let’s talk we don’t want to do anything not good and you don’t have to do anything not good to us either yeah let’s just talk this is some kind of misunderstanding stop uh JJ Mikey what happened what all we have left is our heads now we look like real frogs Yeah but we have to do something about it I have an idea what are you talking about we need to go back to that Barn I want to use that ritual to do something good then let’s do it Mikey now it’s going to take longer we’re almost there I didn’t realize being a frog was so hard it’ll all be over soon you just have to try a little harder so what do you need I’m going to change a few things and summon another one of those creatures what are you sure yeah trust me JJ okay oh it’s working all right yes ah what where am I don’t worry about it you’re just in another world but we’re going to get you back but first we need your help to stop someone like you someone like me H your situation looks dire all right I’ll help you that would be so good we’ll tell you everything we know all right let’s get this over with quickly I don’t want to waste one extra second on this go straight yeah this is the last place we saw him H yes it’s him all right let’s let’s get this over with he clearly doesn’t belong in this world hey you turn around we need to talk I’m talking to you big siren yeah yeah you come here now I’ve got something to talk to you about this is going to be a lot of fun ha let’s see what you can do hold on you didn’t say he was that big he was smaller he’s growing you wanted to talk to me you know this is some kind of mistake I thought you were a different person I’m so sorry you can’t get away from me now I’ll destroy you all leave me alone this was a mistake you have chosen your own fate now I won’t stop until I destroy you too why are you doing this we’re the same species you and me ha you’re so naive you all have no idea what I’m capable of we’ll meet again you won’t get away from me I will destroy you all we need to get our bodies back my powers can do this are you ready yes we’re always ready here and here here little [Music] bit I feel something oh it worked we’re back thanks for your help man you’re a big help but we’re not done yet maybe you know a way to stop that creature we can’t let it destroy our town it’s so wrong we need very strong devices that’s all I know H I think I have what you’re talking about like what I can show you all my gadgets and we’ll pick the ones we need then let’s hurry of course this way it’s it’s not far this is my spot it looks so small don’t worry there’s everything we need inside I’m pretty sure then what are we waiting for I lost my keys and I need your help siren move aside ah nice work H there’s really a lot of different devices in here I didn’t even know you had one Mikey I’m ready for anything in the world I’ll take this and this and I’m this big choice but I think this will solve all our problems hey big guys we’ve been looking for you hahaa you’re so naive you’ve decided your own fate you decided yours what are you holding what are you want to do do you really think this will help you let’s see ah what stop it what is this that’s our choice stop it stop we’re not stopping now we’re going to make you leave our world we will teach you a lesson viewers write sure in the comments if he has to take responsibility for his actions where are you going to go get away from you you can’t leave why do you say that I’m very strong and fast I can just run away we’ve got something cool and that surprise is on its way right here Fly Away what does that mean what ah no watch out get back oh that was so cool your gadgets are awesome Mikey thank you JJ J I’m glad to hear you helped us out today and you’re not the only one our new friend did a great job too oh yeah thanks guys we’ll have to get that parking lot fixed sometime I think you can do this without me I really want to go home yeah that’s fair enough you’ve already completed your mission in our world look those are the guys who summoned that creature so they can open a portal to my world hey we know you summoned the other creature we must bring it back it will cause an imbalance in the universe that’s exactly what our friend needs yes bring me home we don’t need any more problems good then follow us I’m coming right behind you send me home at last good luck buddy thanks for your help today has been such a crazy day yeah I got to check the space data in the scientist’s lab I don’t want to deal with more problems later then let’s get on with it we’ve got to hurry Mikey why do you think the scientist called us here I don’t know let’s ask him all the systems are up and running all that’s left is this hey what are you doing oh guys I didn’t see you there I just finished building my new robot I wanted you guys to see how it tests he’s so cool what’s he doing it’s very strong and can adapt to the pilot can we try it sorry guys but no you’re too small for him he’s designed for adults that’s a shame yeah hopefully the next big robot will be made for us I’ll think about it oh here comes dog day hey guys let’s get started this robot is made perfectly to your size so when you’re ready to get in it’s bigger than I thought it would be but I think think for my task it’ll do just fine I can’t wait to see it in action me [Music] too what who’s that it’s catnap what are they doing down there ha I want to see it too watch out no let him go hahaa what a beautiful toy you prepared for me thank you for that JJ we got to do something no don’t do it who’s stopping me I can feel so much power in this robot no one can stop me now that’s what you get for barking at me that’s so funny haha stop it you can’t do that Mikey and JJ you’ll be my special guests at my dinner is he trying to eat us looks like it we got to get out of here how do you operate this thing uh okay that was awesome I want more it’s time to stop I can do anything and I’ll start by catching you I think this situation is getting out of control I’ve got to think of something guys run good thing we have a shortcut to the top of this billboard how did you get in there that’s not fair don’t make this any harder than it has to be let’s end this quickly you’ll never get us I’ll get them anyway all I have to do is grab onto the wall one more time I think I get [Music] it a oh come on great now we have to get out of the suit it’s too heavy to go on oh no Mikey catnap he’s climbing up here JJ we need a plan did you think you could hide from me in here ha there’s nowhere to run just give up you missed it doesn’t mean anything you’re trapped anyway Mikey look maybe we can try jumping into the robot we don’t seem to have any other choice so let’s do it how about that [Music] catnap I think we got it how do we control it I don’t know all the buttons are too far away I can’t reach them not so fast JJ stop clicking on everything that’s why the scientist said we’re too small for this I’m trying to move my legs but it’s really hard turn to your left JJ this way no my left I don’t know where your left is I think I’m lying upside down they can’t handle him how naive time to to teach them a lesson I can’t figure out how this thing works Mikey look out ah where are we I don’t know it’s like a cave catnap let us go not so fast guys you’re going to be an amazing dinner but right now I have unfinished business play while you can no you can’t do this to [Music] us look it’s a banana hey buddy come here guys what are you guys doing here we’re having a housewarming party don’t you see we just got here today this is beautiful then I’ll go get the cake and be right back banana stop we were kidding we’re trapped in here by catnap yeah help us get out of here I can’t believe I didn’t realize let me help [Music] you what are you going to do now we’ll make sure he doesn’t destroy anything else do you still need this cave I don’t think so fine then I’ll keep it it’ll be perfect for storing my rock collection there’s so much space and cobwebs time to clean this place up good luck I didn’t know he had a rock collection neither do I but it doesn’t matter now we got to keep an eye on him I see him he’s trying to get into the lab I wonder what he wants in there I don’t know look a scientist hey what are you doing guys it’s you I’m glad you’re okay I need to get into the lab to get the remote to shut down this robot but he won’t leave the lab for a minute I don’t know what to do I think we can help him do you have something for that I think this might work this device will disorient him for 15 seconds in which time we can sneak into the lab great plan let’s do it Mikey come on let’s go okay let’s go follow [Music] me go go go watch this hey you silly robot what how did you get out stay out of my way I’ll destroy you JJ get ready here we go ah I can’t see anything my eyes where am I uh it worked Mikey let’s go faster great they did it this is my chance to get inside I just need to remember where I put the remote control you will pay for this you’re going to pay for everything you’ve done I hope the scientist finds that remote quickly yeah but isn’t this thing only disorienting for 15 seconds I’m sure it does there you are come here we need to buy some time see if you can catch us you’re just a kitten in a suit and who are you without one JJ I think we pissed him off for [Music] nothing there’s nowhere else to run no more games I’m giving you a chance to have the last word before I destroy you where’s the scientist I’m sure I left it on the second floor it’s not here it’s not here it’s not on the desk that’s right it must be somewhere in these shelves reducing beam destroying laser super powerful destroying Block it’s all wrong there it is finally found it guys I’m coming to you there they are we need to get closer the Signal’s [Music] weak well if you have nothing to say then say goodbye to each other haaha what watch out it worked you got here just in time now catnap can’t do anything but take the robot back to the lab so I can fix it great plan wait a minute what’s this I’m finally out of this suit did you really think you could get rid of me that easily oh come on help me here you go guys have fun take [Music] that oh no not again I can’t see anything help don’t touch me I’ll just go away I’m going to go call the forklift good luck guys we’ll be looking forward to a new robot with seats for JJ and me good luck buddy do you think catnap will be back I don’t think so we taught him a lesson you’re right let’s go home I just bought us some ice cream this morning meanwhile that was so humiliating they’ll pay for it I’ll come back I’ll get stronger and then Mikey and JJ can’t do anything to me no device can protect them [Music] just a few more seconds and my sausage will be ready all right JJ I have a problem I have nothing to wear we have to buy new clothes I want to look pretty Mikey why do you need more clothes when you’re only wearing your shell what are you talking about I need clothes we can’t buy anything yet we’ve spent almost all our money on this house look someone’s here oh hi guys my name is Lily I’m your new neighbor what do you guys think about going out and noodling together oh I almost forgot I brought you some homemade cookies I made them myself I hope you like it are you free tonight of course we’d love to go for a walk with you great I can show you around our town follow me first I’ll show you the center of our city sounds great let’s do it come on Mikey I’m sure it’ll be a great day in this Square there are often concerts or other events I recommend that you come here often I think she looks very familiar yeah for me too but I can’t remember where I might have seen her and this is where my very good friend lives dog day you should definitely become friends he’s a lot of fun to hang out with sounds cool there he is hey Lily how are you doing everything’s great today I decided to introduce Mikey and JJ to our town do you want to join me uh sure that would be really cool is that you guys it’s good to see you you guys already know each other yeah Mikey and JJ saved me once I’m so glad we’ll be living in the same city now yeah so do we you moved here no I’ve always lived here follow me guys we have a lot of plans for today I need you what no don’t touch me let go of me you can’t communicate with her anymore I’ll take her away forever ha what no you can’t do this to Lily guys we have to stop her viewers please like this video it’ll really support us in this situation we have to save Lily she doesn’t deserve this I agree with you I want to help you with that too she’s going to Poppy playtime we know this company yes she’s very popular we have to hurry Mommy is very fast look it’s catnap look man we got to get inside you’ve got to let us through I can’t do it I can only enter poppy playtime toys but this is very important we have to help the girl mommy long legs took Lily I can’t help you with that you can’t get in guys hm this looks familiar but what do we do now it’s not my problem but I’m a poppy playtime toy you’ve got to let me in I was created in this Factory yeah dog day’s right all right I can let you in but only you can come in I’ll help Lily H what’s in here you should move away from the entrance you can’t be here much longer that’s so rude but I have an idea follow me JJ what do you have in mind Mikey we can keep an eye on the situation through the window H it’s changed since the last time I was here I think we should collect these coins but what do I do next there’s three ways the saw tunnel the lava tunnel and the flower tunnel all right dog day we’re here which path do you think I should take I think it’s the safest way with flowers try the right tunnel yeah I agree with you JJ H that sounds logical but what if it’s a trap I don’t think so okay I like the yellow tunnel better than the others too I choose this one I don’t see anything strange about this place huh what what is this no don’t do it stop it it’s not fair let me out why am I so sleepy I was right it really was a trap good thing I didn’t choose this tunnel but what am I supposed to do now I can’t go through the lava tunnel I’m too big for that I guess I have no choice now we’ll have to see how sharp this saw is what it’s a trick those aren’t real saws it’s just a hologram it’s not as simple as it looks at first glance I have to be more careful Lily if you can hear me I’m coming for you I’m going to get you out of here all right I’ve passed the first test I’m one step closer to my goal oh good job buddy we’ll be with you and we’re going to do everything we can thank you friends I really need your support I see the next challenge it’s math Mikey let’s keep going good idea this is the best place we’ll see a lot more help me I can’t count your assignment is to solve this example the answer will open the door for you to go further but you’ll only get one try what is 9 + 3 – 6 audience help me write the correct answer in the comments I can’t do it by myself do it as soon as possible please the answer is six six are you sure yes my answer is six what that’s your final answer yes I’m sure of it h that’s right good job now you can move on good luck with the next [Music] challenge I see you guys are good at math good job well done Mikey let’s see what’s next H what is this test why are there multicolored pipes welcome to the final challenge your job is to collect all the coins and make it to the end but be careful some parts of the pipes are cheating and you will fall the places you can step on have a clearer color and I’m not sure my glass platform can support your weight you’ll have to come up with a solution to that problem good luck Dog Day friends what am I supposed to do now I’m too big for these pipes is there anything you can do to help me with this I won’t be able to finish the challenge give us a minute we’ve got to think about this Mikey do you have any ideas there’s a dispenser that means we can give our friend something I have an idea what are you talking about I can create a potion that will make our friend much smaller I have all the stuff I need to do it in my bag that sounds great let’s do it what’s it going to take hold the water bottles put them in the brewing stand done and I’ll take care of the growth reduction component now we have to wait for the ingredients to mix together dog day get in front of this device can you guys help me yeah the potion is ready ah wow I’ve gotten so small thanks for your help guys hurry up friend you don’t have much time okay I’ll do it as soon as I can I hope I’m good enough at [Music] parkour all right just a little more I’m doing good I’m almost there there’s so little left I did it ah I’m back good thing I did it on time Mikey he did it good job dog day can you open this door of course you did now we’re going to finish this thing sounds good I don’t think I can keep going this place is too small for me don’t worry we’ll save Lily follow me JJ we need to check out where this path leads we’re on the roof of the factory but how do we find Lily look Mikey Mikey JJ I’m here help me I need your help you can’t do that come with me they won’t help you anyway forget about Lily forever no you can’t do this leave her alone Mikey we have to hurry we don’t know what she wants to do to our friend follow me stop it I’m still not giving you Lily she’s part of poppy playtime she belongs here stop saying that it’s not going to stop us we’ve gone too far stop following me Mikey she’s trapped she’s got nowhere else to go this is our chance yeah you’re right JJ we can’t lose this opportunity stop it stop and get away I’ll never give you Lily don’t even think about it leave her alone or there will be consequences what what are you talking about give us our friend I can’t stand stop it this isn’t funny ah we finally made it I think the P will take care of it thanks for helping me guys why did they want to take you away I think think I should tell you the truth yeah we want to understand what’s going on I was actually a poppy playtime project too see the sign on my back that’s the moon it’s the same as catnaps through various devices a couple years ago I was given some of his powers tell us more about it when I got some of his powers I had to do a lot of training to start controlling it and developing new abilities I spent a lot of time in the lab and the scientists watched me closely they helped me learn how to use my new powers it was difficult but I managed to do it I don’t tell many people about it because it makes me very uncomfortable I have very few friends because of this and I really wanted to be friends with you Mikey and JJJ I’m sorry I lied to you what no don’t worry about it that sounds really cool yes can you show us what you can do that sounds really interesting what of course look I know how to use sleeping smoke wow that’s not all I know how to do keep watching what no Lily I can jump really high and crawl up walls wow that looks incredible you’re a real superhero thank you for supporting me I hope we can be friends of course we’d love nothing more than that I agree with JJ great well what do you guys think about continuing our tour I have lots of beautiful places to show you we’d love to walk with you tell us more about this city and yourself okay but let’s go downstairs first I know a great Cafe with the most delicious donuts in the world sounds awesome I love donuts viewers what do you think of our new friend write your thoughts in the comments we’d love to know what you think flashback guys today we’ve been talking about old Legends the last creature on the board is called a werewolf it is a normal person who turns into a wolf on the full moon wow I didn’t even realize such a thing existed sounds interesting can you tell me anything else about this creature of course this animal is very not good during the full moon it has no control over itself and is most often driven by thirst it looks so dangerous actually I wouldn’t want to meet such a thing in real life you don’t have to worry fortunately such creatures only exist in Legends and fairy tales that’s the end of it come on Mikey finally home honestly today was such an interesting day at school I love the old Legends and the creatures in them so much yeah that sounded so cool I can’t stop thinking that werewolves exist it’s a good thing it’s not a full moon tonight you’re right at least today we have nothing to worry about let’s go home catnap friend Mikey JJ I need help what what’s wrong what are you talking about you have to help me strange things happen to me on full moons but it’s not a full moon tonight you have nothing to worry about look at the sky maybe you should be the one looking up at the sky oh what huh ha JJ looks like we’ve got a lot to worry about tonight look catnap friend what’s happening to you oh no the full moon it’s changing me Mikey don’t come any closer be careful it looks [Music] dangerous hello guys it’s bedtime it’s getting late Mikey it’s happening I don’t like it that looks suspicions Mikey run oh no the school’s already closed we can’t get in why are you guys running away you could be having such a sweet dream oh no this smoke is so bad Mikey be careful I’ll try to hold my [Music] breath oh what Mikey where are we I don’t know JJ let’s get out of this place it’s creepy Mikey JJ are you awake yet it wasn’t supposed to happen this fast nap time isn’t over yet Mikey our friend looks so out of place now just look at him I don’t think that’s what we should be be worried about right now now is not the time I’ll be back for you at 3:00 on: in the meantime you can get some rest Mikey do you know what time it is there was a clock in that cabin well we’ll have to check them out look Mikey he’ll be back in 15 minutes yeah I see it we need to come up with a plan to get out of here right now JJ come on let’s take a look around first [Music] I think we’re underground so this is a whole complex underground I guess so this is so much like my favorite game look this tower has a staircase and an exit to the surface we have to get to it somehow that’s great JJ we’ve got a place to start H look there are gas masks in here and it looks like a puzzle grab a pickaxe Mikey that’ll definitely come in handy in this case let’s connect the cable from this level to the gas mask machine H this looks interesting that’s a great idea JJ but I’ve got a better idea huh Mikey haah I think that’s the solution to this puzzle too grab a gas mask JJ we’ve got to hurry audience does this remind you of any game it’s like we’re inside a game yeah we’d love to hear what you think write your thoughts in the comments I think it’s time to go we’re done with this oh no JJ do you hear that it’s the alarm clock it’s 3:00 we don’t have any time left at all you guys

Don’t Open the Door to Creepy SIREN HEAD vs Mikey and JJ at 3am ? – in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a nice day!

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