Taking a DUSTY TRIP in Minecraft!

guys ready for a road trip I don’t think the car is ready wait are we going on a Desy road trip that means we have to survive and build everything from scratch before something horrible happens my god well let’s get to work all right y’all looks like we’re at Mile ooh oh my God I think I actually hate you what is that mean see you at the ranch see you later come on get back prepare the car all right come on come on come on let’s go go go go go go go go we know game we know come on to get a car we got to repair it first car’s all kinds of let’s see how see we can get it done faster you’re on come on PE go tire tire what happened to my arms they’re long what’s going on huh okay I’ll just do whatever I can to there did that work someone explain this to me there’s no explanation just go go go watch out Ty coming through fine fine let’s see how do I get TI got it so you get it faster the pier come on hey what are you doing stop it hey hey get your long arms out of my face going got it uh why won’t you go on come on Pi faster okay I’m working on it you can put a door on if you like to it on it w go on guys I found the [Music] wheel just put the door on my arms no no no got the door hey high five hot literally High Five O check it out all right fine we can drive but we’re not stopping in every McDonald’s right okay fine I called driving next come on let’s [Music] go what did I just say I want to make chicken all right come on we got to catch up to those losers yeah let’s see everyone got to head so fast we got no we’re not there yet it’s going to take a while especially if we got to stop as we see ooh looks like we’re at Mile oh so that’s that’s not what that says oh that’s I knew it McDonald McDonald we got to stop we got to stop okay promise me we’re not stopping drive through see we make it fast to B chickens right fine I’ll take a large fry uh I would like a number two happy me uh number two with the two cheeseburgers diet chicken there’s nobody here let’s keep going okay let’s see maybe maybe this will work hello yeah maybe there’s a do they throw the burgers out how does this work anybody uh anybody yeah maybe we should just go inside and take a look sure I mean what are they going to do just going to sneck on in here no mind me nobody’s here hell kind of abandon you can’t be mad at me if there’s no one here exactly oh hey there of wait what is that the heck are these oh these are angry nuggies oh oh they’re mean oh they’re me to you guys that’s me what’ you do well oh yeah this we can’t eat them oh yeah you can get your hunger up guys let’s go oh what the oh F what a uh what happened to me I think I had too many nuggies this a dream come true yeah for real I love this oh I don’t know if I like this oh they’re so good let try to get a few more and I got a few more oh my hearts are almost gone guys they’re they’re not stopping just close the door here wait a second de no they’re not they’re limited them all them all get that one CL your I think I hit enough I’m good me too oh man you guys are huge oh let’s get out of here I got to work off this I got to work off this belly hold on come on get up help oh that’s better oh nice see a little exercise Cur I guess we digested him just seing my duty at least we can fit the car now right come on let’s get going we’ve had enough let’s we have dessert though that’s true we could get an ice cream machine no no wait the car’s not starting what do you mean it’s not starting what uhoh um it’s not um maybe the gas is gone or something H someone steal our gas huh come on we push it this far come on guys we’re almost there it’s not buding anymore use your knees hey guys did you try pushing harder I didn’t see you pushing the car though I want to break a nail you know the car needs work gas come on come on gas station though so you know maybe it stretches we don’t know stretch out go no no no no doesn’t look like um all right I’ve got this Lantern so we should be able to look around think there’s gas in there yeah maybe there is it’s a gas station I guess it makes sense let’s see it’s abandoned seems fine there’s something lying around here all right let’s spit up and look we got good Stacks oh I found one YY I got one as well nice oh SL oh that’s thought get stack oh no no no no no no no where do we go where do we go where do we go I don’t want to be in here anymore he’s coming he’s coming he’s coming use the back door back door I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going I’m going open that door what are you doing F okay okay around their back okay guys okay guys wait he can come outside okay how did he even fit through the door go R go R put the gas in put the gas in let’s go put the gas in go go f the car quick why is it making me nervous come on does it look like I’ve ever gassed a car before wait why isn’t he doing anything maybe he’s stuck maybe he can’t leave he can’t get us you can’t walk too far the car cam come on let’s go girl okay all right he’s not moving maybe we need one more wait in there how we going to get back in know I don’t know wait wait hey Pierce yeah I heard slender really hates sheep what yeah he murders them all the time sir I’ll have you know that sheep Pride ah hey what are you doing all right that’ll distract them we got to go though they provide a very essential service you need wool and or make beds you can D at all sorts of different colors you like do you like black do you like red let’s go let’s go something here check the cabinets oh it BL in with the r if you’re really nice to they’ll give you but come on let’s make let’s get the heck out of here and faces are so cute why would you hate that no do great Pierce thank you jump jump it let’s go let’s go is that convinced though Pi you can stop now jump jump jump jump go all right oh my uh guys who’s this dier gentleman we friend fine fine you can have we got to figure something out just run he’s stuck who knew it only took daylight to wait for him to get out of the car no smells like Slender in here though yeah maybe we should try to play another game or something oh no let’s just keep going yeah taking a bit but ooh wait wait tumble we tumble we oh look at up I don’t know they kind of look uh pretty fun uh maybe just watch the road though W look out W wo wo they hit the car don’t hit him oh okay okay this is obstacle watch it go left left oh my gosh the right you D you know I have you know I didn’t have a driver’s license just floing on fire oh they’re on fire now go go go go go we got toid it watch out pleas keep popping out of nowhere please keep going oh this isn’t fair oh just get us out of here okay okay but after this wouldn’t be happening if you just avoid them that okay I’m a good driver I don’t want to hear it just saying ow are we there yet if you ask that question one more time please oh my goodness hey we got mil oh oh my goodness hey I can’t see what it says oh is that a CVS like a big store guys it’s a stashies wait want a stashies love like stashies w I thought we were trying to get to the end Dad we are okay but this is a road trip I want to get this stack on go here can someone tell me what a stashies is oh my gosh it’s the it’s the red Freddy I mean that she is wait what is this like five nightes at Freddy’s oh okay food yeah I can do that he hey what are you doing he’s throwing stuff at us thr oh he’s throwing snacks if he throw snacks that’s fine oh no run grab the snacks oh I don’t like those snacks the get out of here Freddy ohod get get some give me a moment all right Pi keep mupi keep sashy busy we got this guys syy pop ni stachy please leave me alone oh here’s a cookie maybe you’re hry you’re not doing your he’s so he’s so bad he’s so bad want a carrot NOP no he so bad okay I’ve got that and then I need a soda and some cookie all the B hold you’re not you when you’re hungry here have this carrots like carrots right I already told him that here listen wait you offered him a carrot I don’t see he not I thought like some vegies okay I can officially announce there’s nothing in the bathroom why are there be snacks there no I just I had to go anyway all right I got my stuff all right yeah yeah almost done come on y’all let’s get moving let’s get moving okay oh I don’t think we can leave until we all get it Go all let grab a oh my goodness you mean St all right we’re good let’s go okay good good I’m good all right I have an everybody needs and got it okay I’m good can we leave can we leave can we leave D back in the car let’s go come on go go go go go wait from me jeez talk about customer service being bad all right let’s forget this place ever existed should got all his stackis get back on the road come on stack stashies all right fine we can stop hey guys yall stop for a snack break hey guys looks like you’re behind man how are the stacks of this place oh they’re great you love them you pick me up some squirrel net with your team guys never mind s not get worth it get back in the car get in the car get in the car let’s go let’s go let’s go go go go go go go go go let’s go I I know I’m going I’m going in the car now you there on the road on the road the RO faster we got to catch up F can’t believe their head can y catch up losers wait guys I think the car’s breaking down we got this we got this anyone got anything to throw at them breaking down it’s not going fast anymore music to my ears just got go faster what’s going on I’ve been pouring it this whole time fix it fix it fix it tornado guys what what’s going on oh no twist there are tornadoes drive faster come on here it Go Go side of the road oh it got we been picked up I feel sick they’re stuck in the tornado chips or anything oh they’re dead we got to go let’s go okay we’re at my I can’t make a joke about that one no we’re going to the oh hey there’s a radio tower made I want to see p all right uh maybe there’s some gas and supplies and stuff we run low let’s see I do have some chips but I only have cookies left why would there be gas in a radio tower fake thing I’m going to start climbing wait for me you Pi why are you going up there H looks like there’s a generator in here wait let’s see oh if we can turn this on we might be able to get like some musical driving oh that’ be nice get some tunes for the road um oh wait oh what’s happening what oh guys guys she so fell you saw that oh I landed on the house wow I’m surprised you guys survived that yeah same yall okay I think so but hey look what I found wait what is that what what’s that I don’t know they were sitting at the top of the tower you can have what you can have me down out can I have another please oh sure there you go thank you thank you what are we supposed to use this for I know let’s find out oh if they come back oh I like this wait no no no no no no oh nobody get me I’m driving I’m the driver I’ll drive away I prise I have to drive I got you me to stop getting away from me all right new game first one in the car gets to drive wo okay I can’t open the door you just jump in come on jump let’s go well I got you anyway can you tell me if I can try drive it out my hand you’re already tied up you come on let’s just go waa we got mile 22 I’m learning the stuff wait wait what is this a town or look at this cute little town wait there’s a zombie Stacks let’s see why is there oh it’s a cowboy cowboy cowboy they got big head drive through the town we don’t this okay oh my goodness what’s going on Kim get out of the cor oh we can’t leave oh my gosh you’re going to make us through the Hoke poke I got a thing wait I got something too oh yeah luy let’s do some ghost hunting baby I don’t know about this guy all right waing let just go back wait I dropped something okay uh let’s see all right uh oh I got this right here you guys take care of anyone’s in those buildings I got this one clear oh my goodness I am low on health oh my gosh guys guys okay get in here oh watch out C get it please I don’t want to die oh hey I think these are the actual ghost we got to take care of come over here zombie oh got it neat oh there’s another one here too okay there more oh there’s another one it’s jeez they’re all popping out of the woodwork like nothing so Zombies going white I got a B all right let’s see uh close that g in here there um I am so D why is my health not regening I must be something about this town oh no okay I just got to make sure I don’t get hit again and leave me alone oh are how you doing in here you got it help all right good good only a few more all right all right um let’s see oh je almost got me and my heart’s on half I just don’t want to be here anymore him I need him I’m going to die oh those should have hit me why I’m just going to Away by the car guys I’m about to have a heart attack here because my heart’s about to like literally leave okay Aon how are you doing almost done sorry okay good go okay good I’m going to eat some more all right can we get the heck out of here now wait where did the town go what happened the town left I mean whatever those ghost suck I guess that’s it yeah yes oh thank goodness cuz it was super scary we could have found some gas or something we were really ghosted there huh you all right come on let’s get in the car oh hey there’s another building and uh come on stopach what this one’s going to be H yeah wait time for an upgrade oo what does that mean oh my gosh o yeah maybe we’ll get a new car I have no idea oh all right let’s see maybe we get new wheels or an engine all Wheels all Wheels help with the rust yeah and maybe a roof all right let’s see we can pick out different tires ooh big wheel slightly best big wheel the small wheel I like that wheel all right well there’s nothing in any of these most important we got spray cans which be we can color the car the car red red we’re going red right all right let’s see um spray what color at least make it look nice uh do we just uh right click and see oo oh wa what a blue body what color is this a blurple I think it’s blue what wait wait am I okay okay let’s get in all right you know the team’s going to be so jealous yeah if we SE them got Style baby can you back up any faster all I scratch the side it’s fine don’t worry don’t don’t worry about it yeah he just paints it over it doesn’t even feel like it goes any faster what a nice ride I mean it is nice um y oh what’s is that the other group behind us what that’s impossible oh no we got to keep going guys’re almost there stop going just go go go go go go go go let’s wait yeah what is this is this the end is this the end I think this is destination your face win win just go straight don’t mess it up all right let’s see let’s see what happens I think I made it did we make it almost there almost there hello some like f the car broke down well we made it the end you going to survive the tornado yeah surprising I know wow I’m actually surprised and your truck actually made it through that’s nice I don’t know but at least we must still probably win because we were beating you guys a lot of the time but obviously we got here first cuz we got the blueti yeah look at this thing so nice we didn’t need one Zan why didn’t we have a Bugatti wa wait how did you even get here what’s this stop [Music] anywhere wait what really what sorry you’re the only one on there it’s a team effort what’s happening why are they exploding they party wait a minute okay wait wait wait is that going to happen to you too yeah I mean you’re on the list with yeah am I going to explode suddenly I don’t know may I mean maybe I don’t know wait do do we keep going let’s keep going come on I want to keep going on this trip find some wild sheep out had a fun road trip we need to make it to the McDonald’s all right yeah come on I want to see what’s beond wait which way are we going hey hey guys guys don’t worry my GPS is telling me there’s only 200 more miles until McDonald’s oh

Hitting the DUSTY TRAIL
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====. * ・ 。゚☆ [Friends!] ☆。゚・* .====
★ Aaron: Jason Bravura
★ Zane: Kestin Howard
★ Ein: Chris Escalante
★ KC: MegaMoeka
★ Kim: Corinne Sudberg
★ Noi: Michael A. Zekas
★ Pierce: Shado_Temple

NOT an official Minecraft Product. Not approved by or associated with Mojang or Microsoft.

#Minecraft #Aphmau


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