Terraria! What Will We Discover Today????

[Music] n [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what’s up guys hello I thought oh there it goes I was about to say I thought Terraria main menu had music I I didn’t prepare any main menu music for this oh everybody’s always already here not always here already here well you were here a lot longer before I was why do you not play music there we go no technical difficulty you know what if you don’t want to play music that’s on you that’s all for you that’s on Play There we go hello by the way did anybody notice did anybody notice a super cool addition to our to our Terraria thumbnail did anybody noticed that super cool addition that super cool little thing we we changed over to you can thank pink rose Kitty for that because of the awesome artwork that I found that she made that I just had to add because it was super fantastic so make sure to thank them for that I’m going go ahead and make sure this is all set up hi Joselyn hi Wallace Rose Kitty is here Fred is here we got a we got a nice little group here awesome awesome it looks amazing by the way it looks fantastic I saw it and then I was like I was getting ready to put like the new thumbnail up and like pre-scheduled theme like you know themes stream I can’t talk today my brain is dead okay I’ve been up since I I’ve been up I’ve been up I’ve been up I feel like it’s already like passed through a whole another day cycle since the last time I went to work but I got off work like uh what was it I was going to work 12 hours ago let me put it that way I was I was going to work 12 hours ago that that in itself just explains a lot I absolutely love it Kitty I I absolutely love it use files 30 minutes AG how’ It Go did it go well did finals go well I hope they oh wait hold on hold on let me get in the game first let me get in the game first uh let’s do this first wano world welcome back to wano all righty now you guys can see now you can see there we go here we are in our humble abode we need more Granite we need more oh that’s what I forgot to do I forgot to friend him on Steam so I could get more Granite dude this week has been in Saye I’m telling you guys it feels like it’s been a month since the last Terraria stream so much has happened and it’s never ending all right let’s see what we got in my um what do I have in my oh hold on a minute let me put this stuff down really quick hold on let me uh let me put this stuff down really fast we’ve got some some variables I was supposed to write 100 notes for a video and I only wrote 80 100 notes is a lot though 80 isn’t bad that’s that’s still a b and honestly that’s a lot of notes that is a hefty amount of oh you know what this is staying in this world this is staying in this world I’m just going to stick this a little trophy where are we going to stick it right there oh it’s it’s gorgeous oh it doesn’t even say anything on it but I know where it’s from perfect all right it’s progressed quite a bit as you can see down here here we need more Granite so we’re going to have to go down there um I’ll show you the map before we do some organization so oh so here’s our tunnel um as you can see we still we still haven’t solved this situation we still haven’t solved this situation just yet it’s just still a big old problem but we’re going to get there uh we dug a little farther we found a mine shaft over here or uh cart shaft mine cart shaft which is pretty cool uh and then over here if you weren’t here for the granite stage here’s our little piece of granite I want to bring the trail tracks up to the sky because I want to use them and I’m too lazy to make my own apparently but there’s a lot of them look how many there are there’s plenty and everything almost connects so we’ve got like a little bit here that doesn’t connect um but we’ll get there we’ll get there we will get there we at a nice little world if we still not oh we we visited the end of that side but we haven’t visited the end of that side okay cool stuff yeah Tom no longer lives in the slums yeah I don’t live in the slums anymore we have a nice little Palace uh there was a button for this wasn’t there there was um quick stack to nearby chest beautiful we love it okay what did who died okay what is this unreal musket okay let’s let’s um the boys of danger there it is let’s put that in here let’s get some of this off off of us because we don’t need to what are we trying to do this stream uh the last time we streamed we were trying to get to the brazan um which I honestly think we’re pretty set for I think we could fight the ban I don’t think we’d have a problem with it so maybe we’ll go um after we finish getting ourselves set we’ll go over to Danger world and we’ll start just digging we’ll start just going for it look there’s a nice there’s two nice little caves right here we could pick one and then we will just start going down what’s the worst that could happen what is the worst that could happen in that situation War worm worm tooth worm tooth where’s my random box uh the boys random worm tooth worm oh that’s not a worm tooth what is that Mena brain got it Dart trap uh stick that I I’m go with danger boys Rotten Chunk uh I don’t have any other chunks crazy well um fish catcher I’ll keep that on me bucket we always keep on us health potion we’re going to need that Boreal wood wood is just for building we’ll keep it we’ll move it with the bombs though bombs are dangerous and vile mushroom so planty plants stuff and then danger boys danger Boys the boys of danger may not be active chat the stream doing other things in the background but I should be able to stay for at least a couple hours oh yeah don’t worry about being active have you he is just amazing either way danger world is very accurate name for Crimson yeah it seems it seems like it’s going to be a fun place to go fun place to hang out oh let’s take our wall here and then one one more thing one last thing last thing and Boop we are all set gorgeous let’s go ahead and get jimothy rocking and rolling uh and let’s we’ll put our danger sword there for extt CR Health we are supposed to make a PSA it did M on the dangers of dehydration DEH dehydrogen monoxide it’s like you guys remember I have dyslexia and then do this on P purpose dehydrogen monoxide well it sounds amazing so I’m I’m sure it looks even better uh we do need to go down to the Granite at least once but I feel like that connects so if we go down deep enough we’ll just connect to here and then we can grab some grin on our way back up AKA water ah I know it is the H2O what’s up Moon how are you doing today ow that’s not my that’s not my my my slime unfortunately yeah I’m I’m so much more confident in our capabilities to handle these types of situations as I get injured we’re still missing um a hefty amount well not a hefty amount of we’re missing a few Hearts we’ll probably find him down here uh how do I want to do this I mean I’m glowing what’s the worst that could happen oh slimy boy I almost hurt you oh it’s so toothy it’s so teethy anything over here okay there’s a thorn cave over there okay do we want to go that way what is that oh there’s already stuff over okay let’s just go ahead and get right into it but no no need to ease no need to ease it can I have my control there we go ah um H well discovered a problem well I guess we’re just following the pathway we’re just going to follow that pathway who would want to go exploring anyways that doesn’t sound like fun oh nice stuff great am I going to reach a dead dead end and not going to be able to do anything about it what are you again you do something right I think after I murder brain water uh oh what’s that oh what’s the you you you die first what’s that oh it’s just a statue I thought it was oh um is this another one oh oh oh look at that oh look at us look at how lucky we are there’s two um this is the right place to use our bombs cuz we’re going to want access to this I hear a spider you better be taken care of that jimothy oh Hearts is is that what I’m supposed to um is that what I’m supposed to uh be doing is that what I’m supposed to do won’t you try to run from this battle no get back here it’s also pride month it is also pride month it’s a great month man great month to stream great month to have some fun everyone’s partying downtown probably too I bomit I’ve got bombs let me let me get rid of these dudes I’d have to aim though and I’m terrible at that I think I already messed up aim huh maybe I need to get the ones on top and then bomb down to it because I feel like if I throw bombs here they’re just going to go down okay before we go in there before we go in there let’s see if there’s a way to oh there gosh darn it gosh darn it I forgot all of my controls here we go oh yeah this is is so much better so much Biz better throw that over there horrible aim terrible aim great that’s totally what I meant to do throw that right there where you at misual oh wait I forgot I don’t need to wait I can just um do that okay this should be good and then right there no no you’re supposed to go that way how inconvenient okay well um here oh good it rolled oh let me out let me out oh I’m not in danger good uh huh ow stay on your wall I’m not good at this I’m not good at this I really need to get an aial kind of is there an aerial kind of aerial there is hey that’s regular that’s regular that’s regular oh I should oh wait if I use a bomb up there then I can mine down okay okay okay now we’re now we’re rocking and rolling spos spiders you don’t you don’t scare me here you don’t scare me here cuz I expect to see you here you lose some of your spook oh am I oh no there’s a way to do this there it is okay okay right this is where I’m going to need to bomb okay let’s see if if we throw it high if by the time it rolls down it’ll ahuh not perfect but I’ll take it I just need it to be big enough for me to fit oh what’s your favorite dinosaur uh the dinosaur that was played by um ow ow the dinosaur from The Land Before Time that was played by that little girl I really like that dinosaur it was cute why are there so many dude jimothy are you okay down there buddy oh so webs I guess this is your house I guess this is your house I this this is where you live there we go I had the name for it before I can’t remember it now my niece would kill me she knows the names of every dinosaur in existence kid is a kid is a dinosaur genius I’ve not watched The Land Before D well I highly recommend it highly recommend good good stuff okay we’re going to want to go straight across so let’s just stay focused here lot of good old movies I think going this way is the right answer I mean we could go back left and explore everything else that’s left in this area but if we get a good aial I was only allow Jurassic Park well that’s good too that’s good too is it as good as The Land Before Time that could be argued but it’s um you guys are uh you guys are really congregating am I am I making you angry is my presence making you angry why you so there so many oh am I out of bombs oh no okay I might have to run home and grab more bombs but let me set it up so it’s ready when we get back ow my eyeballs oh wait if I just go up like right here this is um ow ow when did you ow ow sword this is this is kind of perfect this is perfect okay so then we just need our bombs nothing good up here um nothing great nothing great all right let’s run home and let’s get more explosives cuz I’m pretty sure I’m out and then we’ll run back and start blowing this up super simple super simple we’re kind of professionals now we’re kind of professional Terraria the danger boys wrong boys wrong boys it’s going to be these boys these boys um maybe this that seems good we got these too but I feel like this we’ll bring them we’ll bring them just in case this needs an activator I don’t know how to activate grenades grenade you know what we’ll just bring everything we bring it all we’ll bring it all we love dinosaurs here in my favorite is a pterodactyl oh don’t don’t say that around my knees don’t say that around my knees listen listen listen listen listen pterodactyls are not dinosaurs pterodactyls they’re not dinosaurs I been told this every day since that child learned what dinosaurs are they’re not dinosaurs they’re Birds um like factually they are not dinosaurs I I have been scolded over this so many times that I have to correct you over it because I’ve been scolded it’s not it’s not a dinosaur okay it’s a bird totally different those ain’t Dino okay Wallace knows Wallace knows he’s been scolded before as well apparently I’ve gotten so many spals about the analytics of dinos they don’t fit the description yes no I i’ i’ i’ i’ I’ve heard the lecture okay I I don’t need another one I’m I’m fully aware of the dino an an analogy no I also like dinos oh no more I actually have a lot of dinosaur themed things I think I got him specifically when she started liking dinosaurs and then I got back into dinosaurs but I’ve got like Dino socks and Dino shirts and I have a dino sweater but she really likes dinosaurs is a brosaurus I don’t know what that says I’ve never heard of that d dinur before it it kind of has a name like salami though I don’t know what din I’m going to have to look that one up it’s a dinosaur I’ve never heard of before wait I’m in the wrong area it’s right here right we’re just going straight down yeah straight down um maybe we’ll try grenades first grenade probably good how big is the Boom didn’t do [ __ ] didn’t do [ __ ] didn’t do didn’t do anything didn’t do anything it’s a terrible bomb oh oh oh oh jeez okay um good to know oh he’s a big boy oh jeez great die [ __ ] to trust me if I can’t escape that neither can you oh they’re going to be angry oh I can’t see oh they’re going to stay on their wall are they staying on their wall oh yeah they’re too scared they’re too scared oh no they’re getting Brave oh God they’re getting Brave is destroying the hearts how I summon the brain or am I just doing this for um no particular reason will it stay here like if I stick it like right here will let jimothy watch out I made a mistake gosh darn it okay oh I’ve got sticky bombs maybe we’ll try those stickies they stick um I don’t know if they’ll work for this but we’ll try they’re sticky right that’s what they do oh getting out the way oh well great that did that fixed it all great let’s go down here then oh let me up please let me away oh gosh diddly darn it oh no oh she’s so jeus I accidentally threw a bomb I didn’t mean to do that but I made myself a getaway why are you down here I’m not dying to a slime ceratops is my favorite anle saurus is my favorite loosa surus is youra loosa surus sour loosa surus you guys like a lot of food based d dinos never heard of those before is it staying oh thank God I really like these they’re great uh oh bomb Oh I need that for things and stuff get the [ __ ] out of here give me the bombs is there any more bombs up here oh bombs oh I should have been looking at what they were dropping that that could be useful okay we’re good um let’s get uh on top maybe on top let’s do on top on Top’s good great beautiful why is it not um breaking as fast for some reason I thought it was breaking faster wait am I out of the blast R oh good fire in the heart what the [ __ ] what the what the [ __ ] oh maybe it is to face the right direction hold on okay that should be facing the right direction oh it’s facing me oh no God okay I can do this how does this there that’ll work right there we go gee um health bar bye wait what did I leave too early wait does it despawn I don’t know how this works oh it despawns doesn’t it I got scared okay well well you know what um you know what I I have we’ve made him you know what we learned something we learned that I get scared easy that’s what we learned Let’s Go destroy more Hearts we learned not get scared easy and that’s okay all right I’m ready now this time I’m I thought he would follow I thought he was okay listen Okay no listen first of all all bosses despawning that’s not true that is that is not true cuz deerclops doesn’t despawn I learned that the hard way and on accident okay okay okay deerclops is a bastard okay let’s do this again let’s do this I got scared that’s that was I I got I freaked out but that’s fine it’s cuz we learned something all right well we know how to do it now and we know I’m capable of getting it done no it does not no it does not because I fought the deerclops and no matter how many times I died no matter how many times we respawned no matter how how far we were away from that thing as it was on the other side of the map it I don’t want to hide it did not despawn like we were we were actually like I was actively trying to get it to despawn like I I ran away so far and it did not despawn can I go that way I know there are more oh jimothy you Brave summon a mitch it despawn spawns after an in-game day that’s that’s not despawning that’s too long that’s that’s too long for for that to be qualified as a despawn that’s just getting bored all right let’s let’s do that again Let’s do let’s let’s recreate the magic hold on hold on hold on hold on let’s uh let’s go around let’s go around oh darn it there’s one down there but um can we get to that one okay let’s do this one first I want to get right there good after two days never mind oh I see I see either way though that is a that is a long spawn for for that to be counted that that’s a whole rotation ow oh well falling on its head is one way to get get rid of it there we go okay let’s see if we can here should be able to sit here up no this way up this way okay I’m going to make a blast hole this way I can’t can’t mess it up okay okay good thing we have bombs again we’ll use some of those oh eight bombs that says incredible can’t mess it up um where’s jumpy there’s jumpy great yay a horrible chill oh has it been saying things summons a heart to provide light wait what oh um well is it is it just going to follow me oh wow I I kind of hate that actually also what happened to the no last part of your name it’s still there what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean where’ it go it’s still there it’s it’s on the channel is it not did somebody make my name disappear I’ll I’ll throw hands free light oh this is why I shouldn’t be allowed to have bombs this right there is why I shouldn’t be allowed to have bombs oh that’s one thing I have to do I have to craft a um a helmet then I have to make a gold helmet and then we’ll have a full set of armor and then I I don’t have to wear this any well that’s shitty light is that shitty light how how well do you follow me I could work with this okay let’s see if we can work with this um that’s red I can’t Mind through that so let’s go around just as TB what what hold on hold on you’ve got me curious now what do you mean it just says tomb what what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what’s happened to my name what’s happening right now uh yep I feel safe super safe uh just this tomb what do you mean just this to what what what what what are you saying what are you trying to do what are you trying to tell me that doesn’t seem [Music] right a it says tomb n it says tomb oh the the top oh I was watching Kitchen Nightmares let me pull that down it says just tomb up here because that’s just what I went by that’s just like the the name I go by but it says tomb no list right here it still says it right here it’s just this is just the name I go by because it’s easy to remember tomb more than it is Tomb no list it’s the it’s the nobody remembers my last name they just remember my first name and that’s okay and then people were having trouble with tomb so I just switched it to Tommy because it sounds more like an actual name and some people were better with that so I just I I kept rotating we have a couple we have a few tomb nist if you if you’re really trying hard tomb if you’re a dedicated individual and and Tommy if you’re chill you know we have options we have options we have options for all what happened to my pitch for oh I threw it I threw threw everything all right um let’s get out of here we still need um a golden golden helmet golden Helm if you will I get down here cool I could work with this light I don’t like it I’ll say that not a fan but it’s not bad I’m just glad that we have a um another mushroom biome we can get double the double the mushroom which is great bombs explode the opposite side of where you are oh well that would explain why I almost exploded myself twice that makes sense shows tomb on the main name but the handle is still tomb no maybe I should change the main name to tomb no list oh I need gold I’ll take that I need to make a helmet while we’re here yeah we need granite and we need more mushrooms because we have to expand the expand the homestead also also I was informed that there’s like a mushroom person you can get mushroom person at an NPC that likes the the mushroom biome and I I need that person I need that person that would be an excellent addition to our Mushroom Kingdom oh how far am I away from NOP this one please H how are we maybe if we just start like this let’s start with a sticky bomb to create a oh it’s going to explode the opposite no I did that math right if I throw it this way then it explode that way yeah right yes oh well um hold on I don’t know what scary thing is coming my Direction but if you could just chill great uh let’s see here H I’ve uh put myself in a bit of a predicament my bombs might float away that’s okay let’s see if we can uh figure this out what people do we have in town we have uh Weston Wesley wesler the Weston knite he lives there and then we have uh is that going to work ah kind of kind of worked okay Place giant here at all the Nature Documentaries I don’t watch a lot of Nature Documentaries I don’t uh are we talking like Animal Planet what is that je bre die for NPCs uh Wesley the nurse we have the die dude who makes the die and then we have uh the demolition we’ve got a healthy amount of people let’s say that we got a decent amount of people but we could definitely use more all right let’s see if we can oh I ran out of bombs there we go okay never mind um there we go never mind there we go ah screams Echo around you that’s a great sign break it with a hammer oh I don’t need a bomb to break the heart oh well that definitely could have saved me some time well we know now we know now and that’s what’s important there’s another one oh thank God this is a little bit easier to break into too because I’m running out of bombs great okay are we positive are we sure we’re ready for this are we sure we’re ready for this situation okay can I take control off there we go because once we start this there’s no going back where are we this is kind of a good spot because we have this to work with that might be helpful okay got this this that do I have healing potions on me H who needs them who needs heal can I make healing potion can I make a potion make a potion uh I know what I can make I know what I can make that would be helpful what great um I’m going to make this and I’m going stick it right in my battle zone right here here why I no stick we’re way prepared for this that’s what I like to hear great okay so we got this too so maybe that’ll help if we need to hop back down all right let’s go let’s do this I’m second time I’ve summoned him because I’m a [ __ ] get back to the fire get back to the fire let’s go [ __ ] where you at oh did I dodge you somehow oh oh what are those oh she ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow I don’t like anything oh what do you mean my Mo what do you mean I’m prepared by what what what what does this mean prepared ow ow ow oh that’s water will he follow me to the mushroom biome how far away is despawn ow ow I should have brought health potions I should have brought healthy potions oh I should have brought my health oh no oh he really isn’t that powerful is he oh but I’m just I’m just a jeus I don’t have a helmet I don’t have a full suit of armor I don’t have anything I wasn’t prepare I want UPS I want UPS so bad please oh no oh I can’t make it up oh I’m stuck oh I’m here this is life this is where we live this is it this is it I want up I want UPS please thank you for the ups thank you for the UPS oh God I almost lost it where is he okay it’s fine okay we’re good we’re good we’re good I found my UPS and ups are great ups are ups are great for business yep come on through come on through come on through come on through and I’m going to leave now to the other UPS no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no dead end no dead end please no no no no oh no no no no no no no got to the dead end oh did the dead end oh to the dead end that was a horrible place to choose to live my life oh that was a horrible place to choose to live my secondary life I’m so sorry I’m so sorry I just don’t want to die because we’re so close oh I should have brought potions I should have brought potions I should have brought potions I should have brought potions I should have brought Potions you’re moving and there’s a spidey there’s please please please please just die before I do die before I do that’s all I ask I’m I’m not asking for a lot other than your death I’m thank you that was good that was good that was good I think that went well I think that went great actually I think that went so well I want to go home can I go home now I’m going to go home Jesus Christ okay oh that went well went well oh jeez no we didn’t die there why would we die why would we die what did you get Crimson night or that’s not what you tissue sample is that what what did you give me the toothful rod and Fork I don’t understand I don’t understand why I would want to do that I don’t understand what a crimson Rod wow I hate everything you gave me I just need oh geod I think I found that on my own and that’s the one thing I like you need to get the tissue I got the tissue samples right here tissue did I miss some I’ll go back down in a second gems all right all right I think we got him all I walked all the way where he was I walked underneath him y tomb is not slightly more than average wow and we even sorted things so fast we’re so cool all right we’re the other danger boys let’s let’s get these out I don’t I I’m not going to use that I don’t want that blood crawler Banner do we have one of those up I don’t think we do I think that’s a new Banner that’s good stuff um that’s a torch that goes somewhere else that’s a block that goes with blocks uh danger boys danger boys danger boys danger boys danger boys great use the tissue samples to make a better pickaxe do I need to like refine them or something check it out uh regular crafting table or is this going to be like uh no I shouldn’t have assumed do I need a different kind of wood might need a different kind of wood do I need to refine my samples let’s do that again let’s let’s let’s let’s think about it let’s put a pin in it you know let’s maybe let’s maybe get our health back maybe prepare better next time because I’m an idiot these are all these are all things we should probably do ah use the ores okay cool cool we’ll do that we’ll do that I’ve got the I got to put this away anyway and then we’ll go we’ll go get that rocket and rolling cuz I don’t really need to be carrying around a bunch of weapons I’m not going to use random random random is our random one full yet it’s not here take that uh Crimson block that’s not blocks that’s that’s not blocks why can’t I open there we go Crimson block tissue sample where’ my other ore go I thought I had um thought I had other ores did I not have other or maybe it just Auto did into the pig did Auto go into the piggy bank I think that’s where all my ores are unless I have some here they’re probably up here they’re probably up here I’m I’m I’m wrong I’ve got to be I’ve got to be wrong Crimson or yeah I’ve got my crimson horer and I’ve got my Ruby okay we got plenty of this let’s grab this we’ve got our wood uh let’s refine the Demonite you know what let’s just refine everything cuz I need to make a full suit of armor anyway might as well make sure everything’s refined just makes life easier that way all right I don’t know why I’m trying to refine up here I got to go to my handy dandy furnace there we go oh [Music] jeez nice good stuff could also use it to make armor uh we’ve got a full set well it depends on how much the armor C well usually it’s like 40 per armor I don’t know if we’d have enough to make it worth it next undertale stream the next stream on Thursday is going to be Don’t Starve Together I believe that’s the one we’re doing next oh it does look cool though but can I make Demonite armor is Demonite armor a thing I don’t really care if it’s strong I just I just want to be purple if that makes sense I kind of want this we’ll do another undertale stream we will do another one we will definitely be doing another one uh M hellstone yeah this is this is obviously the obvious choice let’s do that um that’s going to be the obvious choice that’s good stuff uh what else can we get what else is good stuff I have the blood butcher uh maybe a better Hammer that be smart do you a hammer flesh grinder is that a good idea or should I save it I know the armor looks good but it’s not that much stronger than this armor I I still can’t make gold oh that’s right I need like 40 well I’ll have to go back down and get more um you can get it in the plugin for Terraria oh okay cool cool beans cool beans cool beans I want that uh yeah I’m not going to worry about the armor I’m not going to worry about the armor armor is not that important um this is the hammer right is it a hammer I want that I want all my fleshy items uh can I get the axe too can I just can I complete my set please oh please oh there we go there we go look at all of our bloody items and then our cute little pink sword it’s perfect it’s absolutely perfect and I love it all right let’s go put um is it in the fits danger boys danger we’ll stick them with the danger boys tissue sample I’m going to stick that with a random because I don’t think that belongs with the ores all right and then we’ll stick our ores away well um we’ve already made a lot of progress and we are only 45 minutes into the stream look at I wait we’ve been making so much progress lately on these streams like it’s it’s no joke we’ve been just busting through them uh 10 gold red stuff green stuff purple stuff fish oh that’s right my penguin my useless penguin he’s there if we need him he’s there if we really need him didn’t I have MS or did oh it put my money away it put my money away right I think it did I trust it okay hey snow bunny it’s it’s going well we defeated the brain which it took a very it it was very fast hey does anybody know if we can find more harpies cuz M just rolls doesn’t it uh maybe if we um cuz we need to go you know let’s go get more Granite to finish the house and then maybe we can look for more harpies cuz I feel like um oh that’s right it’s lucky it’s lucky it’s lucky underground it’s lucky it’s lucky if we go if we just defeated a boss where do I go oh it doesn’t matter which tunnel I take they both lead to oh that would yeah we just have to be very very careful not to anger the torch God uh we’re on regular mode we’re on we’re on basic mode very basic we got a a glowing heart though that bounces around with us so that’s that’s something okay the heart’s not fast enough the heart is okay okay okay okay you’re doing a [ __ ] job heart I just need you to know that I need you to know you’re doing a [ __ ] job at your job you’re shitty at your job no okay don’t don’t go ahead of me why are you so bad okay it’s fine it’s fine he’s trying I think I don’t know if I love the heart or I hate the heart but it’s it’s it’s our companion regardless uh down and then straight great uh no down and then here and then straight yes and then we should hit the um Granite area no no no no I’m going the opposite direction um I’m going the wrong way you know what you know what you know what all us fails go down go down let’s just go down let’s just go down and see what we find I think that’s the obvious answer to this why why not Explore More I I was going to the mushroom area instead of the Granite area which is the opposite of what I was which is the opposite of what I was needing to do so instead we’ll go down hey hey gold look at us that’s that’s something it’s not a lot but it’s something we need like 40 you’re going to be lurking all righty we will be progressing I I think I mean we already made a decent amount of progression I think next um I don’t know who we’re going to fight next to be honest with you I have I have no idea who are we going to fight oh Skeletron skeleton perhaps all right let’s keep going what’s the worst that could happen if we keep going down oh let me go around the water so it doesn’t follow me down oh this thing is Speedy are you going to hell oh why don’t we why don’t we why don’t we go to hell why don’t why not that’s actually a good idea it’s something new let’s do it that was not my plan land but a meteorite has landed I want that I want how I find how where how find where but what how find where no that’s not what I wanted to do how find where Me Do Right sunflower oh so this is just a guessing game I don’t get to know where it landed okay I’m busy I need to focus anyway I need to stop getting distracted by things and people and stuff and I need to focus or else we’re going to wind up in a whole another place again okay let’s get around the water because again this is this is not the intention I don’t like traveling with water it makes you drown in most instances oh what’s that oh well I suppose we could take the fast way that’s going to hell is a great idea it’s something different and it’s something we haven’t done yet I want to kill you so much okay jimothy I’ll take care of you till I get down there oh is this safe where’s the ground I hear the ground but I don’t see the ground oh that way okay hold on hold on oh what’s that what the oh that was nothing that was absolutely nothing oh what’s that way hold on let’s um there’s always this way have we already explored this way that sounded ominous let’s go this way let’s go this way let’s find our way way to hell okay this is I would like UPS please if I could have UPS there we go great UPS yeah I think Skeletron is going to be the next person on our list if I am correct that’s something that could have fallen on my head but it didn’t cuz I’m awesome oh huh uh let me go in from the top cuz I don’t want to set that off I don’t know how it sets off but um I don’t want to be the one to do it feel like that would be dangerous let’s see if we can just uh there we go great and we have more explosives which is even better all right all righty all righty Let’s uh have we been to this one before we haven’t fantastic it’ll take us somewhere fun let’s go oh the heart can’t keep up oh there’s something good there let’s get to the end okay that’s the end of this side we’ll come back here in a minute to look inside this little house but I want to see where this ends on both ends I want the full railroad exp oh the railroad’s terrible over here great let’s go back to those houses uh one almost relatively closes stop [Music] please how do I get out again R there we go great let’s um go into the the sunken house oh some gold some glow sticks what is that oh oh does it look different than my Sandstorm in a bottle is it any I feel like the sandstorm in a bottle is better Am I Wrong oh yeah oh yeah Sandstorm is way better way improv here way improvization okay let’s throw this down I don’t like anything down there we’ll go anyway oh air I’ll take the painting I I might throw it out but I’ll take it all right let’s go oh [ __ ] no I I hold on Mr bad guy just gonna could you maybe stop spitting there we go all right let’s check this one out oh jeez there’re slimies yeah I think going down will be fun I just want to get the good stuff first I want to well I don’t even know if any of this is good stuff I for all we know it could all be terrible so far it hasn’t been fantastic but it’s definitely not worth passing up um more arrows that I don’t see myself using Dynamite’s useful uh regeneration band you dare mess with me go how dare how dare okay everything else is kind of useless we’ve got plenty of looms we’ve got that we’ve got piano we’re good we’re fine uh where are we digging down at where are we digging down next not that way definitely not that way uh I don’t think it matters let’s just go somewhere to the right without water then and we’ll keep digging down oh what is that oh eyeball I’ll take that and gold we’ll take that too two good things I wonder how many statues there are in this game like how many actual collectible statues you can find okay let’s get let’s get get rocking and rolling back to Hell ow ow nothing good over there is this just more water no no this is a cave that leads to water that leads to a cave crazy oh that’s cobwebs no let me out please no I don’t want to okay apparently we’re going to sit through it I didn’t choose this oh sword make break that that’s that’s right okay well we got the how rude rude pressure plate very rude ooh okay uh that leaves us at what then so we’re missing two more we just need two more we’re pretty close pretty darn close all right I see gold but I don’t want to take the water with me so let’s see if we can’t um get around that and then keep going down good this should be good enough and we should be able to head straight down when I want to go back to hell this is this is going to be a very um very wonky pathway but you know what it it’ll be a pathway nonetheless so when it comes to my um that’s not going to follow me is it it would follow me I’m I’ve got to be careful when it comes to my double jump my Sandstorm and a bottle ow does it work regardless of how far I’ve fallen like if I fell like all the way to hell but double jumped right before I hit the ground would I would I still be okay cuz I kind of want to try that I kind of just want to build a straight word path all the way down to Hell near my house and then just jump down it down down down down we needed a new adventure anyway and going back to Skeletron we we we’ve already tried to fight him once we might as well do something fun have we reached lower than um glow stick territory no no we’re just about to hit glow stick territory and then we’re going to be making our way it’s got to be like here right cuz it still has to have a map for it hey what’s up we did beat the brain we beat the brain within the first 40 minutes I was absolutely stunned I I thought that would take us much much longer uh we’re on our way to wait is that like a whole pathway I’m just beside no it’s nothing super useful we’re about to hit something anyway we’re about to find our way down to Hell and apparently a little house it went pretty quickly though went pretty smoothly no no issues of course some grumbling in the ear though uh this will you uh we craft we don’t we still don’t have a full set we still need a helmet um which is why we’re getting gold but I I also want to go down to um someone mentioned going down to hell and I get distracted very easily so while we’re going down to Hell we’ve we’ve diverted from the mission we have been finding a lot of things though which is great oh hey I definitely need another one of those I don’t need that I don’t need I don’t need any of this I’m going to take it anyway though uh do we have a frog we have a frog statue we already have that um this is all water I don’t want to dig into water let’s dig out this way I do I have the Slime staff his name is jimothy he is a loyal companion this is my first playthrough in oh hey another one in about I’d say 10 or so years minimum it’s been a long long time since I’ve since I’ve played this last what is that okay we’re getting we’re getting close we got to be getting close close to hell it’s looking good near a first I I’d say it’s similar to a first playr I’ve forgotten so much of what’s happened everybody’s told me it’s one of the rarest tiem in the game and it’s one of the very first things I found jimothy was literally I think the second or third weapon esque thing that I came in came across and everybody’s like he’s so rare I I I just happen to get lucky with him man it was meant to be oh that’s not a that’s not an axe it’s wild how that didn’t work gem corn oh what are you can I kill you oh you’re lava one in 10k drop rate oh jeez when people said it was rare I didn’t know it was that bad GI bris that is that is crazy I’ll assist you get the armor for Skeletron what armor do I need for Skeletron do I just need to finish my gold set or is it um something specific can craft it right now oh that’s right that’s right that was I do I do have the step for that I do I I just um I wanted to get the full Bloody Murder set so I got that instead but yeah we can we can make the armor I’m not a huge fan of it um specifically because it’s red but um I I’ll wear it I’ll wear it for the fight and besides I’ve got my cloak to cover it up so I should be good than team mod launcher offici should try Mod game very first slime I killed dropped it see you just got to be part of the lucky group we just we just happened to be lucky oh you’re back Fred welcome back we are on our our descent to hell if I can kill the guy I hate him die thank you jeez that that took way too long man that that you did not need to hang on for that long okay let’s get the um let’s get the Gem trees they seem handy I don’t know if they’re useful to go t probably need sleep can only see live tomorrow gotcha gotcha gotcha hope you beat catron we will do our best we will do our absolute best if anything we’re going to go on a crazy adventure uh is that gold that is gold let’s grab that I suppose we should get focus on getting the other armor then but I still want to get the full set of gold armor so until we get the other one we have a full set hey it’s a miner what are you doing buddy can I can I kick you in the face Great die huh it’s getting dicey oh okay we have to navigate this carefully that would be the the safest [Music] option I just got to keep it two blocks and not disrupt the lava okay that should definitely be falling and the fact that it’s not makes me uncomfy I’m just going to put that right there what bosses have we killed we’ve killed the eye we have killed the brain um just the eye in the brain right now I think right have we killed anything else I don’t think we have we’re going for Skeletron next are you making a elevator no I’m making a terrible a terrible M shaft I I want to make a much better one later on because this this is going to be this is going to be hell to follow later on if you catch my drift look at this absolute Massacre of a pathway I’ve created but we’re getting there we’re getting there Kill bee and the King Slime how would one summon them that’s my biggest issue is figuring out how to summon these things o what are you I don’t know if we have a pickaxe um statue we might have to come back around for that help a lot with Skeletron the Slime one sounds fun how do I how do I summon the slimy boy I’m down to summon a SL climb am I going straight into lava I feel like this is a safe space because there’s yeah it should be fine hi Leah Leah I’m not sure how to pronounce that I’m I think Leah oh why why why that’s why that’s just not nice okay we’re getting places we just got to um what’s the blue sapphire I don’t think we have that oh I don’t think we have this at all c a slime craft with the Slime uh there 20 slime oh that’s so easy why is that so easy to craft is he is he big dangerous or is he um easy got is made with some gold bars on one R that’s so easy though how long have you been playing terrari uh this is our fourth or fifth playthrough um so we haven’t been playing it too long but uh I played it a lot when I was when I was little oh jeez you make a funky sound um let’s get all these out of the way ooh that’s oh oh that seems dangerous I don’t think I want to take that Joy Ride um safe here I think we’ll do slime boy next Maybe if he’s that easy why not just get him out of the way and especially if he drops something good I mean jimothy can help me he’s one of them no no don’t why why would you why would you hop into the L this just seems dangerous um jimothy get out of the lava what difficulty are we playing on uh just basic basic Nothing Fancy no hardcore no craz not yet anyways I think we go back for our next play through it’s going to get a lot crazier it’s just for the first play through I didn’t want to I didn’t want to reach for the stars before I was ready for that is this hell I feel like hell is where the wall of flesh is and this this doesn’t seem very fleshy there a new I’m going to say a team member when killed a new team member like an NPC oh no the traveling Merchant has departed what will I do I think this way I just want to get a little over with it we drop a be Mount that pretty much flies like a wing ooh Town member those both sound good though I really want to fly oh my God that means that I could fly fly with jimothy so while he has his little wings and he’s flying around I could fly with him you have to go for a bit well we’ll see you in a little bit Fred hopefully by then we’ve made it to hell I think we’re getting close the walls are getting funky let’s go this way I guess Mountain will be is there a way to find more harpies or is it just like one Harpy Cloud um per world that’s what I want to know because I kind of want to go on a hunt for more harpies that was fun I don’t know if they’ll necessarily have anything useful but I I just think it would be really fun depends on the world size I have a medium world I have medium siiz world is we’ve got one Harpy right here maybe I should just start building straight like maybe I should just build straight this way and straight that way and then we’ll we’ll maybe we’ll come across one I’m in an adventuring mood I want to find things the Slime does seem like the um obvious next choice though for for boss boss wise he seems pretty easy is that lava in that one or is it open I can’t tell probably like three or four find them with gravity potions I think I have plenty of those we should have a lot we don’t really use potions that much we kind of just collect them I mean I think I used a wa the water breathing potions just a little bit but I’m not a very big potions user rope to space reverse gravity well oh oh hey oh we made it okay okay I will read reread chat in a second I just want to focus on this real quick so I don’t um 13 enemies I think they’re just mostly cave bats and stuff okay let’s get the slime out of the way I got to be really careful when using mine carts down here because it’s just a bunch of lava and control altitude that seems very useful hold high enough you’ll get moon gravity I actually was just about to ask what would happen if I just built straight up ow ow ow you’re so mean why are you so mean there die oh okay okay follow-up question followup question if I dig straight down to hell if I just enter the abyss cuz it looks fun I want to I want to go there it looks nice die um will he just summon your melee right apparently I wanted to be a wizard that’s what I got a l man for but then I realized all their weapons sucked I I kind of have a a yeah I’m melee I don’t know why I’m trying to fight it I I am I am I have to accept that if I go down there will he just summon there’s an invisible floor what oh oh invisible for oh oh okay he will just summon I didn’t even get that far no he won’t okay we’re fine we’re fine let’s go you know what [ __ ] it he will he won’t let’s just go okay okay let’s just gauge let’s gauge let’s not go all the way down yet let’s um oh oh I’m not doing a lot of damage to you oh I’m not doing a lot of damage to you for some okay okay no I am I am I’m so good get your ass down here okay we’re fine you need a voodoo dog guy okay okay good we’re good we’re fine we’re so good I feel safe inside can I get in great good H great oh oh no oh I’m running out of space Oh God we got to get rid of all the blocks I’m sure we have in here don’t need don’t need don’t don’t attack while busy that’s not nice die you little hell rabbit jeez trying to do stuff buddy all right let’s see um don’t need this don’t need this uh don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this don’t need this good okay that’s a decent amount of space we’re not looking for a great that’s lava what are you oh you’re not a I thought it was a sleeping Dragon okay let’s um can I can I UPS thank you great oh this is cool though oh my God purple to torches for our mushroom Palace oh this is this is just amazing this is great obsidian lamp give me the don’t open the door just give me don’t open no control leave me be okay very many dragons and I I don’t want them to come back let’s just be happy they’ve decided to go their own way potion of return oh yeah we don’t need that we don’t need that we got a magic mirr who needs that when you have a magic mirr okay good more torches okay let’s be safe about this I don’t want to go being crazy I’m crazy flamy slime flamy slime I just want to build I just want to build I feel like building would be safer don’t knock me into the lava oh no oh no oh no oh I regret this but we’re going to keep on going this isn’t fair I’m just I’m trying to kill you and you’re you’re avoiding me okay we’re good we’re fine we’re we’re we’re great is that a green slime what are you doing down here buddy this is great this is so great oh he left oh this is so cool though okay let’s um let’s start bridging okay let’s just block this off for safety purposes I don’t really oh chests okay that’s what we want to see I want to see what we can find down here oh no it’s so so so far down let’s get all the Torches all fire arrows oh so much cooler piano okay we need the cool piano obviously obviously we need that um let’s grab that oh this is so cool all right let’s go get the piano and check out the chests and all that cuz that seems better than the one we’re in now uh all the way up all the way up all the way up oh that almost stripped on my Noggin oh a door hey Zig how you doing we made it to hell a that nice oh look at all the cool stuff oh man we should have emptied our um we should have emptied everything before we came down here that would have been smart that’s fine that’s fine we’ll we’ll trash stuff nothing could be more important than this what are you hell Forge oh I love it what is that I want it but it seems dangerous to go down there hold on let’s play this safe I don’t want to um mess anything up where at the place tomb came from you’re not wrong you’re not wrong that’s where we got the horns okay this is so safe um I just need to plug that hole over there and we’ll be F I don’t know why I’m not doing that that would be so much smarter than what I’m doing currently uh let’s do that do this and then we should be able to plug the hole and that’ll fix it yeah oh I’m so smart so smart why am I oh why am I being so silly no no no no no no you’re mean die I have the ability to hit you through walls can you mine uh that lava stone I think so I don’t see why I wouldn’t be able to I have like a crimson oh no I want that okay we got to start getting rid of things we don’t need a goblin army is approaching from the East why would I care why would I care I’m having so much fun down here and you think I’m worried about a goblin army uh we don’t need arrows unless they can pack in there great um uh what can we get rid of I want to keep that because I can give that um we don’t need we might need this for building let’s get rid of this um we don’t need this we don’t need chests I want the hell Forge we don’t need that I have one of those uh we don’t need this we don’t need gel might not need a lot of this but I don’t want to start getting rid of things until I’m ready what is this obsidian bathtub oh my God we’re going I have the coolest Palace in the whole wide world let me down oh oh it’s just it’s just floor I thought that was going to be oh okay we need to get through this whole thing we need we need a lot from here for no other reason then it’s it’s just it’s it’s going to look so cool at our in our house it’s just going to look so awesome in our house and that’s why we need it great okay that’s safe we’re going down oh look at how much better this piano is it’s just so much better we need that do those stack oh they stack I love that oh you could big fiery tools oh I can make big fiery tool oh my God but there’s so much good stuff down here this is this was just a brilliant idea couch oh chest okay obviously we need chest but we we need chairs we can’t have a cool house without cool chairs chandelier oh we’re G oh God no I’m running out of space again iron did we need it like did we really Ash block don’t need that Detonator I have one Dynamite I should keep that um I don’t want any of this if I could just not have it I want just my cool stuff don’t need copper okay we’ll just keep getting rid of things we we probably need I want the cool stuff I don’t really care oh I should be collecting the Torches gosh darn it okay let me go run back real quick because we are going to need the Torches to light up our um our Mansion there we go we don’t need all of them we’ll just take a couple as we’re going okay does the hell Forge stack Beautiful cuz whatever we don’t use we can sell oh the clock is so cool oh it’s awesome chandelier please oh who oh I want oh I want everything I want what what since when do you need a key what what do you need do I want that no I don’t oh I want that though okay let’s get rid of some more stuff don’t need that don’t need that I got a magic mirror don’t need that I have my sand fall we have plenty of the ho whoa whoa whoa whoa what were those oh I saw something scary oh I see something what are you demon oh no no they’re as harmless as the harpies if they can’t get in then they can’t get us and that that just seems do they have the key if I kill them do I get a key maybe I should kill them for a key is there a key somewhere around here am I supposed to find a key do I have a key oh there’s more lock chests like that in the Skeletor dungeon well do you guys know how to get the key is there like something specific I have to do to get them or do I have to defeat like the boss of the area for them I don’t really like that painting we’re going to leave it we’re taking everything all of this will sell for such good money I’m taking your [ __ ] so I can sell it hope you don’t mind oh this is awesome okay don’t need this one I want that one that one’s really cool ow oh that Banner looks a little suspicious that Banner is looking a little suspicious um I seem to recall there are mobs that drop over there not sure same keys will work on these oh I’m betting the mob that drops them is spooky spooky over there um spooky how gosh darn it can I go up please oh oh wait a minute spooky is so easy to kill hold on a minute huh how did I get out of here oh I went down that’s how I got out of here okay let me just go down and fight him I think that’ be easier die um where did he die right up here oh Jus what was that looks like there’s a voodoo doll with him anyways let’s grab that okay that’s good we got a voodoo doll if we wanted some uh flesh if we want to summon the flesh we got it um but let’s not do that right now ow oh there’s so many oh fudge oh they’re getting feisty are they mad I’m in their house maybe you have to get them over there I think there’s more on I mean they got to summon regularly right like it’s not just going to be like one every now and then I’m sure they’ll be on this side of the castle too I just got to got to get him to come over to me illuminat I do not know that language I am curious as to what language that is though I will say that um oh there oh gosh darn it hold on I need that we don’t need that we’re going to have to sacrifice a lot to bring all this home unfortunately we don’t need that wait what does that do does it do something no a Craig I don’t need a Craig all right let’s um there’s two more um I can mine my way to them through there so let’s just go ahead and get these guys gone so we can go get their get their loot okay cool let’s go grab that oh my God that bed is so cool we’re coming back for that okay oh the couch is cool everything’s cool really like everything everything down here is amazing I want it all nothing good no keys either darn all right get the couch get this we’re obviously I want the bed you got to give me the bed obsidian brick I don’t need the brick I don’t think but I to do to bring a piggy oh I can carry the piggy BR Bank you guys have told me this and I completely forgot that’s on me you guys have told me that so many times I need to I I need a brain that would be helpful all right let’s um let’s get spooky I want you I want you as a pet you’re adorable um let’s go over here really quick this will be the last one we do and then we’re going to have to go home and then come back which won’t be that difficult because this is um actually a very easy place to get in and out of I thought it was going to be a lot more dangerous but it’s it’s actually not too bad let’s take this I want that portrait that looks so cool okay no can you die please if you could just die please thank you appreciate it hell but oh no I know kill hell butterfly you’re fine oh wait a minute ow you killed the hell butterfly there um I I need to get rid of something to grab that we don’t need lesser healing potions great okay let’s go ahead and plug the holes great hey you’re back Fred what’s up we we’re in hell now and it’s actually going really well it’s going so well okay let’s get the hell back onone and then we are going to have to head back up before we come back down because this is this is not good we are running out of space very quickly okay we need to be smart about this there we go let’s not die oh you gosh diddly darn it why here now where you at where you at no no no I got I need the last bit of my things before I leave not Le without my things I’ll get to you Mr demon do we need that one we don’t think we need that one that is not that cool oh you’re cool all right this is going to be all we get for now we’re going to have to head back up we don’t really have a choice but oh there’s so much oh that is so cool okay we’ve made another thing that’s great yeah you shouldn’t be no we’ve been doing great we’ve been doing great we actually have too many things so we have to go home we have to go home now because we have too many things oh jeez oh that’s right the Goblins the goblies my bad buddy I forgot you existed I was doing fun things ow you piece of shits you guys are annoying hey die is there something specific I’m supposed to do with you or is this just one of those things where I have to wait till it ends because that’s that’s incredibly annoying die die die die die die die you are not scary you are very basic you done a goblin yet this is the first time we’ve done a goblin army I don’t really know what this means or ow you guys are mean and you’re in my house buddy what the why no no no I’m not dealing with you no die die thank you nope no no no no no no no no we’re not dealing with the Mage the Mage absolutely sucks where is he no get out of my way I’m going to get your Mage you can’t get me you you can’t get me thanks Timothy ow uh once you defeat the Army you’ll have a chance for a newy to spawn underr oh cool that’s great they’re not too bad they’re not too bad they’re they’re annoying I’ll give them that they’re incredibly annoying but they’re not too bad where are you at I keep seeing the Mage but I don’t know where he went this time there he is get out of my house please I’m trying to read chat get out of my house please why are you back please die ow you’re mean what you’re so a stupid Mages no no come here come here you die you die you die everybody on this side just needs to Keel over oh my God how many I need to freaking breather okay okay okay okay okay okay okay you need to die you need to die you Timothy you need to pull your wait I thought they would despawn if I just didn’t come home apparently I was wrong about that come here come here there we go no no no no no no you’re you’re coming from both okay okay jimothy you you suck so hard jimothy I I should have had my my potions out can you just not murder me for like two seconds appreciate it great jimy can you handle anything on your own buddy great oh no no no no nobody said you could come to my house for s she bre it doesn’t end I hate it stop being so sucky you stupid Mage okay we’re good we’re good he’s dead he died thank God okay can I just can I just close the door can I oh you broke my doors you broke my doors you that’s so nice thank you for breaking my doors appreciate it can I just um there these Mages suck I hate them okay that solves one of my problems I think there we go you can only come from over here now which is fantastic great no die no no no you have to die before anybody else dies because you guys suck the worst I I’d rather deal with the archers than you guys okay does it end does it end I can’t I can’t read chat or do anything actually until this ends as is just full full forward Focus please die please die jimothy is really doing his best he really is like I can’t even fault him right now he is really putting on a show okay are we nearing the end no you can’t escape no I locked you in this is your home now thank you okay no no no no no you think you walk away now you think you leave the situation you’re all dying get back here jamy don’t let them leave don’t you let them leave they chose this now they have to die let’s get all the MS let’s get All the Monies don’t you take my monies can you leave my house now can you just get out I I don’t like you I don’t like you being here great just shooting through walls is [ __ ] kind of like a certain sword whoa whoa whoa what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean what do you mean this is ethical this is not just oh I’m shooting through walls look I’m finding caves like oh oh oh look there’s nothing there oh but we can tell there’s something here because star Go Star go low it just M makes mine makes sense she can’t reach ch’s party I can scroll I can scroll I agree with Wallace tomb do a British accent how do I do you want a oh jeez me and my friends have done British accents before and we’re all terrible at them did I hear ethics those are styrofoam what is happening in chat I’m just trying to make a demon Army disappear all right all right I’m going to I’m going to get my life back together really fast let me scroll down so I can see the new chats okay let me just let me just um let me get my life together and then we will we we will resume oh so much gold though I feel like I’m supposed to be using my gold for things kind of just hoarding it probably shouldn’t be hoarding it but you know it’s more fun that way good all right so we have this um let’s stick our new banners up let’s do that really fast I always like doing that makes me smile uh did I not have a place to stick this what is this you’re getting thrown away now I just spawned I’m actually not real oh disappears well welcome and goodbye welcome and goodbye he was here and now he’s gone all right let’s let’s add our new banners this one looks very suspicous icious what is this one supposed to be I know what that one’s supposed to be I’m not going to talk about it I thought we get two did we not get two I thought we got two obsidian bed is so cool have to set that down uh I was wrong I was wrong we didn’t get to I was wrong all right you know what I can do I can stick my door back up that’d be nice to have a door again oh nope I picked up blocks instead that’s so much better I don’t want spiky balls I don’t want them shockingly enough all right let’s go ahead and do this that was easy great door please why is my wall wonky over here I hate that which one this one’s the ax there we go that’s better that’s better killed a zombie and you didn’t notice did it oh does that make that should you know what that should do something I feel like that should be a mechanic if falling stars kill certain mobs they should become different types of stars it would be more fun that way okay all right we got Ms we got things we’ve got oh we’ve got so much um let’s go ahead and do this let me me down me have Downs me me go down there we go great uh quick stack potion of return so let’s go to our potions we got new potions uh oh you go there oh we did get another one I thought we did I could have swore we did okay talk about a banner collector man look at us favorite Jurassic Park film it’s not the first time that’s too easy uh is there m there is multiple Jurassic Park films I guess I I I don’t think I’ve ever I’ve ever dis like made a distinction between them in my brain they’re just the Jurassic Park films um I don’t even think I could make the distinction I don’t remember where one ends and the other one begins we’re going to stick our fancy stuff over here until we put it away put that away lights sofa bed piano I need one of those chair hell I don’t know if that does anything different than my normal Forge and W we got a nice situation going down it would be funny though it would be funny like even if they didn’t have any like special abilities just like if if a star like oh we’ve got two you are a terrible person if a star knocked into one of them then it just changed even if it was for no reason at all it would it would make me happy oh let’s stick this one down somewhere I’m running out of room darn this it right here there we go that’ll do that’ll do all right let’s see if we can’t throw these away somewhere really quick are you ever do a stre people have been asking me that and the plan is to do that I don’t know if it will specifically be in wlow world I think if we ever did a stream together I would want to make our own world I think that would be more fun to just make a world with chat so I think one day once you know we’ played for a little bit got our bearings Straight had a little fun we will open up a world cuz I’ve had people ask for Minecraft server quite a bit quite a bit and I’ve recently started playing Minecraft and getting a handle on that so I’m not sure which one we’re one we’re going to do next first it could be Terraria it could be it could be Minecraft depending on how things go I oh I got to get in the the top floor that would make more sense spooky spooky but yeah the plan um candle the plan long term is Minecraft is awesome yeah the plan long term is to make make some open servers specifically because they’ve been requested so much uh purple oh now we’re looking spooky now we’re looking spooky we weren’t looking spooky enough before but now we’re looking spooky oh do you guys like chilling by that door I’m so glad thank you for the monies so if that happens could I join the trar server with the account that I completed the game with or would that be illegal no no no they’d obviously be like rules in place like you know but yeah I I wouldn’t care who you joined with you wouldn’t have to start with like a whole new character I I just want to start a new world so I could like build up with you guys and we could all build it up together but no no I I wouldn’t just be like no you you have to start from scratch that would just be silly uh let me go ahead and Swap this oh no I don’t want to grab it we have a lot of blocks though we have a lot of blocks oh that looks so much better it’s so much jazzier all right this is going to go in here that’s an acorn that’s a random that’s trash that’s a Pion we’ll put that up there uh Arrow don’t really need to carry that around do I that’s random that’s ammunition that’s mushroom wall so that goes in accessories was it let’s go and accessories all right let’s go on another adventure let me just stick my stuff away real quick and we need random cuz I’m pretty sure both of these things are in random so I don’t know why they didn’t go in there and then we need the other danger boys hold on a minute let me just take these out really quick and then nope that went way too far there we go we can condense a bit oh remember when I asked you what class I should be for my next playthrough I decided on Ranger oh I never choose Ranger for a lot of things I think it’s just specifically because I’m terrible with bow and arrow like in in real life I’ve used one before and I’m great but like anything game requiring that horrible so if you are good at that Kudos because that is that is not easy not not an easy thing to master ranged attacks are are not my specialty I think I’ve shown that enough with this this magical sword I’ve got going on here uh and that’s going to go up here we need blocks if we’re going to do this we need blocks where are my blocks we’re going to need a lot of them anyway is that enough blocks H we’ll bring dirt just in case great let’s go on an adventure where are we going to build it in harm mode it’s basically just guns uh maybe not this right you know what you know we’ll we’ll start here here seems like a great place to start I want I want this no I want this great this looks good no oh it’s very easy to go into scary territory isn’t it why can’t I just um jump in place there we go I was aiming too high was the problem what could go wrong with this PL maybe if I do do that every once in a while what could go wrong with this plan what could go wrong with this plan I think I have enough blocks I think I have plenty enough blocks we’ll make it it’s not like there’s danger in the air so it’s it’s not like we have to be worried about something showing up oh yeah oh yeah that this is going to be an easy one just do my it did I say I was going to do something and no I’m not doing it that probably happened that probably happened I probably said we were about to go do something else and then um and uh um now we’re now we’re digging up you know what you know what it’s it’s wor what what’s wrong with digging up digging up seems like a great idea we went down so now we go up it’s just me a fting her mental state whoa whoa it’s getting spicy okay real talk though is there danger is there danger up here that I need to be aware of oh great gravity’s um whoa okay that’s good okay then jump balance okay we just need to do this and then oh yeah this is this is how this works oh focus focus focus oh the wind stopped how far up are we oh we’re we’re about to be UPS we’re close to the UPS what happens if I touch the UPS does touching the UPS do anything whoa you can only go down from here that’s cool oh I want to build a house up here now this seems like a great place for a house what was that how did you oh you had a balloon the game’s going to crash what do you mean oh it’s great game’s great game is so happy game is so happy up here game so Happ okay so we need go side okay did harpies live about halfway down so about first ledge first ledge area we going all the way UPS we are Ops there is no more UPS left to be had we have reached the oh god he’s a space slimy boy is there is this it is that all I can do well it really is only down from here um so I need to start building sideways so let’s um do this and we’ll go here I think here but see I I we went all the way Downs to hell and I feel like if we go any further we’re going to wind up hurting ourselves what we’re going to do is we’re going to bridge now all the way we went all the way Downs did we not go all the way downs we could go I thought we went Downs did we not oh we were close to all the way downs but I guess we didn’t yeah I guess we didn’t huh we’ll have to do that okay okay let me bridge for a minute and see what we find let me see what we find I want to see if I can run into one more Harpy post go build Place faster one enemy nearby two enemies nearby I can only mean good things harpies oh how how how go die you’re not what I’m looking for all right we’ll go down we’ll go back down in a minute that’ll be an easy one going back down there will be a super easy one we already mapped it so all we got to do is go back where we were and then just dig a little bit and we’ll be set harpies M your hars well that was close how far have we gone where do you live oh jeez why are there so get off of my platform okay we might have to go down there first I don’t know if we’re going to find harpies unfortunately which is weird I feel like we should like have more right spawn but when TB does it nothing but slime spawn we H we found them by accident because they had a waterfall um our 100th green slime wow I’m so cool um we found it on accident when their waterfall was falling to the Earth and they kind of gave away their Outpost but um oh oh is it time for evasive maneuvers no no no no we’ve got time we’ve got time we’ve got time we’ve got time they haven’t noticed us oh I was almost a fall to life and death okay we’re good right now jimothy I swear take care of that oh wait I forgot I forgot floor floor needs to happen there we go all right so we’re going to use the same method Fair s we’re going to use the same method we used last time because it seemed to work so great can I ask you why like why wa what why go why so many go away there we go same method as last time it worked out really well um this way if worst case comes to worse we’ll we’ll just we’ll just give them the old crisscross they’ll never see it coming unless this is just a normal cloud and I’m doing something silly what do you mean we’re going to be stuck here this is great no no I’ve I’ve learned the ways I’m so spe now see we don’t have to bridge like in front of us now we just have to bridge in back of us we’re good yeah jimothy is a pro at um at murder he’s had a lot of practice is it not here oh um oh oh no no no go back to the safe space no go back oh I’m sorry I’m sorry okay okay okay a little rat bastard no no no no no no no no I’m not playing this game I’m not playing this game I came I came prepared that’s right that’s right you [ __ ] don’t have anything on this so do they only do they not always spawn with an outpost or is their Outpost just a little further down maybe I just need to go to a different cloud or is it above me oh there was a cloud above me cuz they’re coming from the maybe it’s the cloud that’s right up there maybe it’s on the raincloud and that’s why I can’t um you guys are are less powerful than the other ones yeah I can handle him now I don’t know why I’m hiding I don’t know why I’m being I don’t know why I’m being a scaredy baby I can hi I can do this I don’t know why I’m being a baby I’m so brave come here come here come here you rat bastard okay let’s come over here and see if we can’t um no it’s just raincloud huh okay we will have to gosh darn it um that’s unfortunate don’t you throw [ __ ] [ __ ] at me you’re you no no my aim is terrible but your so is yours jimothy do more where’s your base okay okay I can handle you great I really oh um well Harpy Outpost here harpos are um hold on a minute I can do this there okay okay well now I’ll remember now we’ll know now we’ll now we’ll know we’ll know we’ll know that they’re there that that they’re um let go to hell go oh you got a tip on how to find them how do I find them how do I how do I locate them I need I need answers I’m obviously bad at it if not we’ll just go down and we’ll we’ll get our achievement for our Downs also so I think I have everything to make a slime Crown we could do that really quick hold on let me grab my ore cuz I think I I think I put it away oh oh I’ve got a map maps help you remember things that’s um well now I’ve got a map and I’ve got an arrow okay we’ll remember twice the water have likely having a sky Ison above them oh so I just need puddles there’s a puddle oh puddle puddle puddle puddle puddle that could be a puddle puddle puddle puddle puddle puddle puddles puddles puddle pudle pudle this could be prime prime area Prime area right there okay okay I could do I could I I could get behind that that makes sense we’ll try that out stop knocking okay still not enough we are literally missing one one more and we could get our helmet that’s um that’s wild that’s it’s crazy all right that’s fine trash trash trash shy trash trash we’ll keep that we’ll keep that all right so um let’s make sure all of our stuff is emptied and let’s go back to hell now we’ll have room we’ll have room for things and stuff last time we didn’t have room um feathers going to go in random okay where where did we go from where did we where did we go to hell right beneath our house oh that makes this easy I don’t even got to go outside bye oh I’m stuck on that bye all right so we did our all the way UPS now it’s time for our all the way Downs oh good I thought I about to drop a lot farther by the way tomorrow we’re starting our um our new indie Dev so every week I’ve decided instead of just doing a bunch of random mini games I’m just going to pick a developer to do video game their specific video games for the week and um the one we’re doing right now we’re probably going to be on for the next two weeks because they have a lot of good games and I’ve actually played their games on the channel before so uh their name is Sir Tardis they made the um How To Build A Snowman video game and we are going to be playing a bunch of their games this week so tomorrow we have Curtain Call and then we’re going to have uh oh is that my Downs that’s some and then we’re going to have a lot more coming on later but yeah it’s going to be pretty fun I’m I think I’m going to enjoy doing one like specific developer as we go along than doing just like random really thankfully that I have have I’m thankful that I have that um which way am I going now am I going right right but yeah I definitely want to make my videos more cohesive so that they’re a lot more fun to watch and I think just following oh one specific specific developer at a time could be a lot of fun plus he has a video game out right now that’s going to link up to um some video games he’s creating for later on in the year and I think that is just cool uh uh all the way over till we get to the UPS I can go all the way over till I get to the UPS watch me go oh that’s right we have more a mushroom we need to get to Granite too we’ve got a lot to do man we have got a lot to do uh which part of the UPS was it hey can you guys like protect me or something real fast right underneath it was right underneath need it all right we’re going to go to oh there we go let’s get the last of this that we need oh is no it’s my pickaxe why is it it working uh okay oh no no I fell okay well you know what the rest of that is lost a time and that’s that’s okay where’s my super Downs oh here are the super downs we made it okay good stuff relatively easy to navigate I I did not make it hard on myself I just thought I did all right which way did we go this is the one where we got to be careful oh darn it I went the other way [ __ ] that hurt that was not great okay well my aim’s terrible we know that though we know that we’re aware of that down we go okay okay we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine lava doesn’t hurt as much as I thought it would I thought lava was going to hurt me so much more I was in Minecraft mind and Minecraft mind is just silly all right we’re almost all the way downs and we got to make our way even further and then we can go explore some of the puddles just casually take a dip in lava I don’t like the lava lava’s scary all right we got to do this smart I think this way is the smartest way to go we just got to mine and navigate there’s really no better way to do it oh no huh oh jees it no no why mean no wrong thing why mean wrong thing oh nice don’t you don’t you run away you’re going to die huh I need something sturdier don’t I let’s go find somewhere sturdier just to dip in the hot tub an extra hot tub okay you die hi lava how are you doing buddy give me the voodoo do okay let’s go down here is it safe to mine into this is it just that’s everywhere okay plan B okay this is safe oh gosh darn it okay buddy I don’t need your I don’t need your two cents right now question and let’s get um a little bit of a block away from it as do you always turn to Lava you do but followup question that way right there that is a clear shot down okay oh darn it that’s a clear shot down and it doesn’t seem to be obstructed okay let’s go over there new plan new plan that’s why you test it out first with a sacrificial big toe but I like my toes my toes are great I need all of them for things these things just really drop a ton of these voodoo dolls you you do not have to want do you you think it’d be a bit more of a hard spawn but no right here this is going to be prime area let’s go the control is not on right because that’s really going to mess this up if it is I got to be very precise about what I’m doing here look like the bottom of South America you are wrong you are wrong about that um it did okay we got to be careful do not r run into lava some right there can I get around it no no no no can I replace it I go down one [Music] more okay okay we’re chilling you don’t hurt me I don’t hurt you you whoa what’s that background what am I looking at okay this is it right oh no we got to go further okay I can get close to it if I don’t touch it I don’t like getting that close to the lava though oh thank God we did it no I don’t want to see him I’m I’m aware that I got him and that’s all that matters all the way down all the way down all the way down we’re staying on the ground all right we we did it we did it we did but what is that why does it look like that that’s pretty cool last stream into existence oh wait I think I remember that you mentioned something about them and then they just wound up showing up right after no no please don’t don’t die give please oh I can’t fight from down here oh I can’t fight bye bye I got what I needed I’m leaving okay that was fun that was good that was fun oh I got a flower oh wait reduces from I could have I I could have looked at that I could have taken a gander that that would have been useful well all right then um let’s go ahead and uh do this really quick it should be 40 if it’s not 40 that’s it’s going to suck all right oh we got two so it’s 41 that’s even better let’s go to the Anvil right here how much please oh it needed 20 I’m just stupid that’s on me that’s on me that’s all on me oh how do I get out of here please I’m leave me please so it’s summoned just don’t say it into the mirror all right I I think let’s it’s time to go get some Granite I think it’s time to finish our home we’ve had a lot of Adventure today I think we need to top it off with finishing our our Homestead let me just sort all this really quick what why why didn’t you go with the blocks do I not have Ash in here get in there cityian brick you can get in there hellstone yeah sure you’re you’re like that you guys don’t make sense sand block um flower flower with nature great all right let’s go back into the wandering Abyss which is going to be which way where is it Granite oh that’s right we found granite in the snow area which means we have to go to the snow area oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait you guys said I needed gold ruby and slime for the thing right random or gel was it Joel I think it was Joel what was it we’re here pink R guys I remember that we did go to the Downs here I’ll show you I’ll show you I couldn’t fight in the Downs though I kind of got stuck there all right so we’ve got our all the way Downs right here look at it look at in all its Glory it’s downable all the way there and then we’ve got all the way UPS our little Tower of Happiness we have to build that into a really nice Tower one day it’s close enough to our house that we can build it into like a really fancy Watchtower where we can visit the moon whenever we want I think that would be really cool that would be awesome uh how do I craft the slime thing though the crown slime Crown Gold Crown do I need to make the Gold Crown first I’ll make the Gold Crown first I have enough for more if I need to okay I got the gold crown now what do I need to do I need to go to like a different item maybe is it gel or is it slime then add the gel is it a different uh I have gel don’t I have it in there I’ve got so much gel what what specific crafting tool do you want me to use for this maybe if I ask the dude maybe if I ask him he’s he he usually oh look at them all he usually tells me let me let me go ask him hi can I can I speak with you can you stop oh did you lose your door unfortunate I’m not going to fix it um here we go Starbound also too I don’t think I played Starbound no I don’t think I played Starbound at all um why are there two yeah I’ve got yeah I’ve got both those things I’ve got both those thing great I’m so glad I have everything you need can I just craft it here can I just have it now is that an option can I just can I I can’t okay that’s fine that’s fine you played stardy Valley um I actually am an avid Harvest Moon player I’m not a huge on stardew Valley I mean we could play stardew Valley I just I prefer Harvest Moon okay I discovered it now can I craft it what am I doing wrong what am I doing wrong what what what am I doing wrong I shut myself up what am I doing wrong Crown gelmos no then let’s play Harvest Moon which one do you want to play man I’m down to play I I have um Winds of anthos we could we could beat that together we could save the we could save the world together and get married and have a child and and and and and raise Willer beasts they have um what is it it’s a um it’s like a Yeti they have a bunch of Yetis you need the Crimson altar I know where those are I know where those are those are um there was one near my house where was it gosh diddly darn it I know I saw it it was I’ll just go underground I’ll just go underground I passed them so many times when I was under here and I was like oh what do I what popped I I was like oh what do I use it for and I was like oh that’s right I need it for the thing and stuff but I passed it so many times so it has to be it has to be in my main cave this one right I’ll go down I’ll go I I I’m bound to run into one on my way to the um what is it the uh Granite we need granite anyway so we’ll just keep it on us and then we’ll um oh who built a wall in the middle of my road that’s better all right this is the Crimson right this is the Crimson oh hold on I I love that I have um I’m strong now but I would prefer to be to see okay okay let’s do this and then we’ll go get our granite and then after we have our Granite we’ll fight the Slime no I’m just here to use your utilities oh is that it no it’s the one that looks spiky isn’t it not that is this it oh Gib there we go see see too easy too easy easy maybe we’ll fight him first then if this is all so easy this is going to go great vertebrae Ruby oh that’s right I need to put my stuff back oh look it’s this door he’s not getting it back random random what are you spiky ball I stop giving me those okay forto gel if this dude’s really not that bad we might as well just defeat him really quick before we go let me put my helmet on so I’m so I’m strong okay great uh let me get outside it didn’t really need a condition right just um just kind of whap him out here like that like this H you at where’d you go oh oh you just oh that’s not fair no no no no no you don’t you don’t what’s inside of you what’s in him is that a person oh you’re so weak you’re so weak compared to my amazing oh you have friends oh sorry I for to see you had friends jimothy jimothy that’s it buddy that’s it murder your K just just murder all the people you know and love for me please thank you oh I’ve defeated my H 100th blue slime that’s fantastic okay okay okay now you’re just getting sassy now you’re just Oh I thought you were going to go for a big jump again you keep switching it up buddy that’s not nice you got stick with one thing oh he’s so he he really is just um not that difficult is he he’s really just a sweetheart oh you shed your crown you shed your crown you pulled a new move on me all right I’m just going to come I’m going to take a shortcut if you don’t mind I’ll be over here don’t summon in my house it’s just rude there we go oh you dropped so many of them can I have this I want the big Crown I want this can I have it can I mine it no oh man well that’s fine jimy will have a friend what did he drop that was so slime gun ninja pants Oh fashion statement oh what stats does it give I don’t even need Critical Strike I just like looking nice oh that’s amazing used to craft objects okay we’ll stick it down we’ll stick it down we’ll put it down somewhere we’ll find a place for it h we need more room for it um darn it uh huh we’re going to have to take out some of our statues unfortunately we need a bigger basement that’s that’s clear we need to add another layer what is this go to the left Jim’s new friend wait like in life in the world who who are you liver head pets to the town pet oh my god oh oh I’ll bet you all day long jimothy jimothy look it’s saliva oh my God house is getting a little crammed it is oh oh you’re adorable oh my God jimothy jimothy she’s awesome oh okay that’s amazing it was well worth it it was worth it I’ll give it to you I didn’t think it was worth it but it was worth it that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool that is pretty darn cool all right let’s put this stuff away uh slime gun why is it down there oh that’s there you can get more slimes as well well we’re going to need more slimes for jimothy sake jimothy needs all the friends he can get he’s a great guy until he’s not helping me and then I will I will scream at him endlessly all right let’s um let’s stick our stuff away really quick cuz we still got more work to do we’re not done we need danger boys and random slime gun random okay we’re good we’re good let’s go get some Granite we’ve been needing more Granite if we’re going to upgrade our house it’s just necessary other than saliva we’re going to get so many more we’re going to we’re going to build a little slime Army jimothy and Timothy wait where’ Timothy go oh he’s just slow I thought we lost him for a minute there I was concerned we can’t lose Timothy he doesn’t know how to defend himself how far we’ve come in just what five streams four or five streams has a chance to just fall from the sky oh s like Amazon that’s pretty cool oh gosh darn it I didn’t see in the dark cool all right let’s go get some Granite so we can fix our place up uh this one or the next one I think it’s the next one yeah it’s the next one we’ve defeated two bosses two bosses one stream head off now it’s almost midnight here well thank you for stopping by I’ll probably spend a little bit of time expanding the homestead now that we’ve um we’ve beaten two bosses and it’s getting very very very cramped we really need to start expanding the Slim’s also moving with certain people there’s the mushroom person I want to get to I was told there’s a mushroom person in the mushroom biome and I well was that what was that why did it flash okay it was weird but I’m I’m not going to not going to judge you okay um we’re just going right Timothy though or jimothy no one’s going to beat jimothy though like all the slimes that come in and out of our Lives no one will top jimothy it’s just not going to happen he is superior slime what was that going left or right going right not to mention with the new pickaxe we have doing this is going to be 10 times quicker now that we’ve um uh This Way OG gem he going to have jimothy until the end of the game I don’t think there’s anyone who could replace jimothy I guess if I got a better summon maybe we take them along every once in a while but I don’t I don’t think we can find a better summon I mean we found pets but I don’t think we found any more any more helpers okay let me let me go up here and grab this fur we’re going to need that for things and stuff later oh it’s icy we’re going to be all wonko oh why am I walking why am I walking that’s that doesn’t make any sense if we do find a better summon though we might we might trade it up every once in a while uh it doesn’t matter where we stop let’s stop over here uh let me out let me out I leave I leave now thank you what there was a chest up here what is this have we been in here has this always been here what the [ __ ] there a purple piano well now I got to upgrade to the purple piano and I just got my other piano well darn all right then um more Granite yeah that’s where the biome ends okay oh we need the granite doors too all right let’s go ahead and U put our control on so we can do this Speedy Style uh there’s got to be we’re going to need the platforms we might switch over from the mushroom platforms to the Granite just cuz they look nicer but it’s going to be a mushroom and granite house for sure I hear you oh a chest plus one Mele speed what AM mine walk without Rhythm and you won’t attract the worm oh so wait a minute if I walk wonky I won’t attract the worm in those boots I didn’t know that about my boots yeah no oh did you come to show me the chest that I’m currently getting oh I have to empty it first I’m an idiot there we go was I not walking without we them there’s so much I don’t know about all the things I currently own where’s he at I’ll mess you up I’ll wait I guess are you are you not coming back weird ooh stairs I think um getting these would be a good idea maybe we could actually make our our houses a little bit more cohesive is that to be funny I think that is a complete lie ah I see I see H fell maybe my other boots will be well I think these ones we’ll have to test which ones run faster when we get back to the surface but we do need to start installing you know stairs and a smarter looking house would be nice we don’t need a lot of granite just like like maybe a 100 or so which seems like a lot but we have a really good axe now or a really good pickaxe now so it’s really barely anything ah I fell all right let’s grab up some good stuff have a decent amount already don’t I ow that was just rude jimy you did nothing to save me oh how do I only have nine blocks hold on a minute wait that can’t be right 25 Granite platforms oh we’re not what thought we had more than that jeez all right we got to hit High speed now not staying down here all day I just need to enough to finish my basement and build on another layer oh it died probably for the best now are we getting play places where are my blocks am I blind oh I’m blind I’m I’m blind I have almost 20000 I’m absolutely blind well you know what we have extra that’s always great at least we found a um a secondary uh mushroom biome which is going to be super helpful as well that way if we run out of mushrooms we have another we have a second Supply I would love to hear how to get another town slime I’m I’m down for that we’ve already beaten two bosses today so we’re we’re we’re we’re chilling we’re doing great I want to see if I can find another Harpy post still though okay that should be plenty enough let’s go home okay all right we got to let’s replace the ones down here and then we’ll go from there we’ll work our way backwards oh what happened to the mushro it’s it’s where it’s supposed to be it’s fine uh no that’s that’s not what I wanted at all there we go there we go the jungle there is a one and 140 chance of frog will have a wizard hat if you use purification powder becomes a slime with a wizard hat as subscribers Over N if that happened I I I would honestly just probably just into a coma of disbelief we’re going to have to go to the Jungle then because that’s that we we’ll go we’ll go um do a quick hunt in the jungle there’s a puddle in the jungle could mean harpies we could go visit the jungle look for a frog and climb up for harpies solid plan we need to find a better way to build out we’ve got a room we need to make this place look better anyway do we want to build another layer maybe just layering it like this in the basement is the best idea I think it’s a good format but I do want to finish up rounding the house that means we’re going to need to do this jimothy can you take care of your brethren outside I I would like to do something nope nope nope nope nope there we go do I have purification powder I’ve got a lot of random things uh would it be in a potion bottle what would it look like I don’t think I do um dryad what would a dryad look like can I have descriptions oh yeah I bring that over too um oh I forgot we have a fishy one I forgot about that I don’t think we do I think it would be in random if it looks funky it would be this is random where’s random red husk yeah I don’t think we do pouch the red rope tide no no we definitely don’t we might have to go um I wish we could go inside Skeletor um area but we we’re not we’re not prepared for that just yet now while I’m building we’ll get to skeletor’s area soon probably next was there someone in front of Skeletor I don’t think there was definitely not the wall of flush no that much people are going to people are going to be so annoyed by the way I’m doing this I can I can already tell letbe I should flatten it out slightly maybe maybe flattening it out would be for the best okay stop controlling I don’t my there have to make new houses till the dve moves in then okay we’ll have to make new houses for the NPCs too I guess we haven’t done that in a hot minute oh NOP did not mean to do that um let’s do it like right oh no that’s not what I meant to do well kind of is I want to make it at least a little tall and then we’ll go down that could be B yeah that’s good we’ll do this perfect yeah we really do have to up the MPC area they they deserve a lot more than they have at the moment uh there we go door 92 I have enough for uh so glad my house is so evenly built people love it when I build my even houses so nice and symmetrical also converts Crimson into normal Forest oh my God that would be so freaking helpful okay we’ll have to we’ll have to focus on getting him then what are you oh oh that’s that’s the salvator that’s Miss saliva herself what are you doing in my um what are you doing in my house I mean not that you’re not welcome obviously you’re welcome it’s just um wasn’t expecting a play dat so soon uh let’s make this the entrance let’s make it a three entrance I think a bigger entrance would be better Granite column let’s do the slabs and then this will be oh I need a one more boop oh perfect oh so symmetrical loving it all right now we need our mushrooms to make our wool I think we have some W too um mushroom wall we’re going to need more than that it’s absolutely perfect you can’t tell me it’s not beautiful it’s absolutely beautiful we’re going to need a mushroom wall mushroom wall there that’ll work um right there oh 420 nice all right up we go yeah I want to replace these ropes we could we could have really nice stairs yeah we can have nice stairs I can figure out how to make nice stairs I can do that I’m an adult all right beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful beautiful so we’ll need to make C houses after this this feels like my first playthrough if I knew what I was doing we’re honestly just doing our best here if I didn’t have you guys it would be a lot worse trust me you guys really fuel the fire but honestly starting with our uneven dirt Hutch and getting here that’s that already is just absolutely amazing we did not start in the best of places all right let’s get some torches oh this is nice this is nice look at us we need to build up the basement as well we need one more layer in the basement so let’s do that um do that really quick really wanted to make fan of Tomb how to draw faces oh make it AB ra honestly anything you guys make I think is absolutely amazing and I will never think anything less of it everything you guys create is beautiful uh can you not be on control that that that aggravates me all right let’s see if we can make it would be here right no it would be here here I think okay now you can control uh uncontrol I said no don’t go get feisty with me I know you’re going to [ __ ] everything up if I leave you on okay it should be one block higher than my head oh this is perfect yes and then that’ll be the floor I kept my dirt until the end of the game I I keep all of my blocks just in case you never know when you’re just going to need to build and if you have it handy it just makes it easier all right this is going pretty fast honestly like all things considered this could be going a lot slower I’m control I said no more there we go oh there perfect do you have a Discord we do we do we do I fixed the link in YouTube so if you go to the Community page on YouTube the link actually works um I don’t think I fixed the Discord one yet but the one on YouTube definitely works and we would love to have you there oh this is going so well so speed oh no no no no no please tell me I’m not going to have just oh oh that was okay that just made me happy that was amazing that was perfect oh we need to rip Down the Walls first I suppose no what’s the problem then awesome walls Corner oh control oh why you no control okay I’ll do it myself I can put in my own malls I don’t need assistance I don’t know why I’m looking for assistance I can do this myself my control stopped working maybe cuz I sto started bitching at it so much it it just stopped working on me um that’s fine that’s fine I don’t need it oh we ran out let’s go make some more uh we need to extend our rope I think that would make this easier like we’re not oh that stopped on a perfect 100 so every 100 we get 400 that’s not a bad deal perfect oh this is going great we have done so much today between expanding the house defeating two bosses getting all the way UPS then all the way Downs we’re so productive today man yay okay now it’s just a matter of lighting it up here we go uh let’s get all of our fancy new stuff definitely want to put some of that out um put that in here that in here and I know I have more torches is it in random mushroom torch there it is it isn’t random [Music] beautiful good Corner okay great we got a third level and over here we need to light up the other area so we’re going to do corner corner uh one two Corner that works one two how are you in how did you get in that’s just not nice don’t invade someone’s home that’s rude all right one two Corner oh there we go beautiful beautiful perfect perfect one of these over here one of these down here maybe one in here like it’s a little waiting room I think that’s cool we’ll do a chandelier up here that’s not a chandelier is it it’s a lantern that works one of these oh there we go there we go there we go look at it all right we’ve expanded we’re not using the space yet but we have expanded which in itself is amazing can you die there we go all right so now we’re looking for harpies wow it looks so great man look at that look at this okay let’s um let’s fix our statues let’s do this I’m only here because I was bored last Tuesday and search Terraria live streams well that is just a a good stroke of Fate right there that is just awesome I’m glad you found us it’s really cool when we when we meet new people on here and we kind of expand our little Community we have going on not often we get the opportunity to expand our community I think that rhymed and I’m proud of myself that was that was pretty cool of me I rhymed let’s swap these up mushroom torches these ones I think we have more don’t we and accessories was it we have one more but do we already have this one out doesn’t look like it yeah I don’t think it looks like it let’s take that one all right down we go what the what place okay I don’t know okay stop being weird just place all right we’re going to place our why why no work why no place all right Sans you stay there Spyro jellyfish nope that’s not right that is very off I’m going to sh so you’ll be back we will see you in a little bit we’re going to be here making the place look Dandy here here here all right oh we have two of those we don’t need two look at all the statues we have oh I’m so proud of us all right think it was a SpongeBob horror vid that randomly popped on my feed SpongeBob parodies I have a whole what is it called a whole um playlist dedicated to SpongeBob parodies they’re some of my favorite parodies to play they’re awesome that’s what you came here for then that that’s just fantastic oh whoopsies uh we want to trade that for the obsidian nice okay great great great go in [Music] here piano oh we need to stick our chest over here it’s a new chest um mirror we need this we need this goes here this goes here healing potion goes here and blocks go here and then we stand here and we do haa nice okay great so we’re going to go to this one we don’t need our doors right now yeah we don’t oh I know what I could do I know what we could do I know would make this a lot more simple there we go uh then we can get rid of this and then we can do this where my blocks go mushroom blocks oh I just sorted everything of course they got put in away there we go okay oh that’s not what I wanted okay now I need my other torches these this can go in here this can go in here all of this can go in [Music] here yeah that’s good okay we’re making progress we’re making progress I know this took a minute and I apologize but I needed to um get things back in order cuz things were kind of wonky and that needed to be fixed can’t do wonky like I can do wonky but it was just it was a little too wonky should we put one more door there you know what why not we have it let’s make it look fancy uh this goes here and then we’ll do one more right here as you make your way to the basement oh there we go there we go there we go W more than 10 people where oh my gosh so many people came in Jus and we’re just here organizing people just keep coming in when we’re organizing we beat two bosses we’re running around and being awesome we’re doing all the cool things and then everybody shows up when we’re organizing oh it’s fantastic all right let’s um let’s put the voodoo doll in here for now I don’t want to accidentally do something stupid with that uh we’ll put this over here here we’ll put danger boys danger boys boys of the danger stick that there okay back on adventure back on Adventure Time now that our place looks nice wow statues cool looks great um we’ll have to put our hell furnace out later on but honestly I think now that we’ve expanded a bit it does look a bit nicer and we’ll have room for things cuz it was getting very very crowded all right let me here I think I was watching other Hindi spoofs at the time it was probably the Squidward one the Squidward one brought um brought a lot of people to the channel but that was just a great game it was just made really really well we still have to finish tearing down this mountain but that’s a later problem right now I want to find harpies ha ha oh hey there’s my arrow there’s a cloud up there see see the arrow is useful I don’t even need to pull up my map if I have an arrow right now we need to find our way to the Jungle I either need to find a wizard frog or a cloud one or the other timy is falling behind all right time to get serious again we took our little organization break we made our place look nice I do want to go back down to Hell as well and see if there are any um chests with some good stuff oh that’s right I have to get the stuff first I can’t find the wizard frog until I get the Druid um that too I need more NPCs right now we need a puddle can you believe the Nerf the Nerf oh these are leges do leges count did these count as puddles I don’t think those count this puddles oh this is a puddle puddle puddle puddles okay okay okay I’m feeling puddly feeling the pudd oh jungle bat don’t you hit me off my tower how dare you okay into Harpy territory jimothy you have one job and it’s jungle backat can you do it properly apparently not jimothy is not pulling his weight again all right let’s get up here jimothy jimothy jimothy I’m very high Timothy you piece of [ __ ] Timothy there we go all right we should find them high up do we need to be we’re high enough that I don’t think we’re going to have any problems um quite a bit higher than this quite a bit higher than this uh let’s go there are no there are no crows up here there better not be are there there crows and Terraria now that I think about it I don’t think there are I don’t think Terraria has added crows which is kind of a relief harpies harpos heres oh it’s getting windy maybe we’re going to get there now windy okay I think we’re too high uh we should have hit a cloud by now shouldn’t we okay this is where we’re going to bridge if not oh oh oh oh no oh I wasn’t prepared oh no oh gosh don’t kill me okay okay let’s do this right let’s do this right hold on okay okay okay stop it give me like two seconds please okay okay okay okay okay okay okay now what now what okay they’re up there they’re up there their their Village is up there it’s nice for this situation a glider would be nice for so many situations okay this is fine this is fine this is fine you guys remember this handy dandy old trick oh who are you bye she had a flower does flower mean something should I follow that slime I’ll do it okay let’s just get these ones off our back and then we’ll bridge out more okay can you hold still oh two for one I’ll take it oh I haven’t started killing you yet great okay let’s let’s this is my bucket I feel safe knowing I have a bucket I just need to keep going up I guess oh no well that bucket doesn’t help if I fall off the other side you guys are mean you guys are you guys are just mean you guys are just mean harpies you’re mean I just want to steal your stuff it’s not even that serious get back here don’t you fly away from me I’m not done with you yet I’m dangerous I’m worth killing no stop moving I I need you to hold still oh they brought friends okay so I’m I’m in the wrong I need to go that way that’s what I’m hearing I need to go that direction they’re coming from that direction so I’m going to assume I need to go that direction okay that’s what we’re going to do that’s what we’re going to do that’s what we are going to do why you slay three take its place you’re not wrong you’re not wrong um let’s do this I think they’re coming from that direction so let’s just go that direction oh no oh no is it this trick again oh well it doesn’t work if I do that there we go this is a great trick this is this is such a cheater trick too shouldn’t be allowed God if they didn’t fly so close I wouldn’t be harvesting them I even headed in the right direction they’re coming from both sides I don’t even know if I’m going in the right direction can I get a hint harpies can you just let me know if I’m even headed in the right because you’re this is I don’t know what I’m doing welcome back Fred we’re playing The Inchworm game oh gosh darn it I did it the wrong way pretty sure they’re this direction I feel safe they can’t they can’t knock me down if I’m in if I’m in safe not possible this the right direction should I make a run for it I feel like I’d be saish if I build a platform okay let me just kill him and then we’ll try platforming instead of going straight up I think platform will be safe right like it’s not going to be that dangerous can’t be no way just get the majority of them off my back and then we’ll we’ll loop back around oh they’re multiplying again that’s crazy jimothy does nothing in this situation unfortunately he can fly but he’s just he’s just stupid which is unfortunate because I could really use him right now [Music] okay oh I forgot their attacks work when I’m out in the open okay okay we’re going to bridge we we can Bridge we we can Bridge we can Bridge we can bridge I just need to be brave oh I put myself in a box okay there we go come into the box is there we go they would hold still I could kill them fast enough to bridge for a minute gosh there okay oh okay this is this is this is not doing me any favors is it it’s kind of working that’s just rude that’s just rude you made a bump in my road and I don’t like that I don’t like that okay harpies are so annoying they’re very annoying but I want to see what loot they have summon jimothy outside the box he wouldn’t do anything even if I did summon outside the box I feel like he just still wouldn’t do anything he’s just not a smart guy sometimes like even right now look he’s outside the box he’s outside the box right now how is he helping what what is he contributing to this okay maybe if we just go nice and steady oh they’re disappearing when I go this way which means this is the wrong way okay that’s the wrong way how did the house building go it went great house building went fantastic it looks amazing you piece of [ __ ] it’s just not nice it’s not nice it’s not nice you shouldn’t be allowed to do that actually I’m not going to allow you to do that I’m I’m revoking your privileges to do that there we go okay so it’s got to be this way they disappeared when I went that way which means it would only make sense that it’s this way jimy can you stop just throwing yourself off the side it would it would be appreciated if maybe you stopped doing that maybe you participated a little in what’s going on right now forward forward forward oh this has got to be the right direction this has got to be the right direction oh jeez that is just you came out of nowhere you travel in pears oh I got a chicken nugget I don’t know if that’s a good thing I is that a good thing is chicken nugget good does chicken nugget do something useful I’ll have to look at it in a minute can I summon a chicken okay hold on hold on hold on hold on I want to look at my chicken nuggets but let’s see if I can okay we’ve got to be able to see it like I feel like it should come up in the corner or give me an inkling or a sound am I too far down I don’t think I’m too low for a cloud right I’m so high that it makes sense for me to go higher what it ow there’s something in my eye okay okay we’re just going to keep going is this platform lower than my other platform it’s really not like I should be able to see it okay you just die really quick for me can you die just real fast I I’ll get back to you in a minute maybe thank you all right it’s got to be this [Music] way they’re making me feel like I’m wrong I feel like they’re playing games with me oh oh no it’s just regular rain oh I was I was so excited okay I don’t need you dealing up here too I I’ve got bigger things going on on the bright side once I finish I’ll have one long continuous Road in the sky how handy actually that is incredibly handy because if I’m not walking on the ground I could literally speeded my way through biomes why isn’t this working let me kill you first there we go why can’t I place there it goes oh jimothy are you are you participating wow so cool all right there we go jimothy is is is in the mood to help good job Jim oh it’s getting serious oh my 50th heartbeat wow I really know how to slay these things great why are there so many of them am I getting closer to it this could be a good sign this could be a great sign actually if there’s if there’s way more of them that means I’m getting closer right please don’t fall why would you do that um I built above the suspicious puddles I built above the puddles in the jungle I went with puddles and I mean I I think it’s it’s it’s I feel like I should have run into something I think I’m just bad at finding harpies I I have had so much luck in every other area that if if this was easy it just wouldn’t be fair jimothy if you can’t take care of one slime we have an issue there we go up and over all three come on come on you act like I’m overpowered or something there we go jimothy one job one job Jim I’m not going to help you with this one I have full confidence there we go buddy I run out of stone before I find a cloud that’s I I will be genuinely amazed you piece of shnit don’t knock me off who where one enemy nearby well it’s dark and I can’t see there we are this hard this glowing heart it’s decent but it’s not great in terms of visuals it’s not fantastic jungle p is the most unlikely pedal to have uh I oh wow are they Timothy just Eed so well you know what you know what we are going to find one anyway we’re going to find one anyway um where are we now what are we over now hold on hold on let’s just um let’s re-evaluate ourselves let’s just evaluate what’s happening there we go great uh where are we now we’re still on the jungle um what other puddles are there these are also jungle puddles well let’s find more puddles then I feel like you know where they are the clouds are right here and right here here that’s where they are why are there so many um why are there so many tunnels leading out of my house when did that happen that’s weird um any other puddles this way I could go to town slime in the jungle for some reason huh oh my God it’s the dude with the flower I knocked him down on a he was on a balloon and I was up here and I knocked him down should I go say hi I’ll go say hi why not not like I’m reach anything oh you’re a good slime my bad yeah I knocked her down a while ago and I I I actually asked I was curious about the flower but I don’t think I I had time to read the responses cuz the harpies came let’s go say hi come on jimy eyeball what just spell doie do toy okay buddy bud bud jimothy please protect me my cat’s a dumbass okay okay I’ll be I’ll be back I’ll be back he thought he could climb he could not oh hi wow I was gone for two seconds to retrieve a cat off a very large tall area and and this is what happens great oh yeah jimothy is doing great jimothy is jimothy is a star can I give jimothy Stars can I make him stronger he needs help oh now you want to come say hi now you want to pretend you weren’t just hanging off the roof great cat good cat quality cat broken cat all right let’s go gosh Knight used to suck but now we really just um run through it don’t we doesn’t matter night or day we are we are out adventuring okay what about a puzzle than a desert there’s a desert puddle mean good desert puddle mean good oh we can go to the desert puddle I should have went and saw the swie when I knocked her down I I thought about doing it but then I thought against it for some reason oh okay maybe we’ll explore that one next then if that’s if that’s a better better opportunity for find and stuff then we’ll just do that one next instead you leave her alone she’s my friend well she’s jimy friend oh why can’t I pet you what what am I doing wrong am I friend shipping wrong what what did I was no Danger’s gone look Danger’s gone come here what what do you need how how I make friend help make friend what you need snuggle snuggle your name is so much better than saliva what am I do do you want something what do I need to give you Harpy Banner oh well does it work if I just carry it around oh you both have to be on land hey [ __ ] stick okay okay you want to play hard ball I’ll play hard ball I’ll play hard ball you ready for this ready for you’re ready for all of the all of this to get so difficult come here am I just bad at making friends am I just am I just terrible at making friends come here don’t you get back in there what am I doing wrong what do you need for me what what do you need me to do for you what what needs to happen for us to be friends is it me am I the problem here let me get rid of this bamboo let me not get R rid of it like that I guess um great okay Bamboo gotten rid of let me flatten the area hey how are you how are you we’re doing great we defeated two bosses so far today and snuggle doesn’t want to talk to me awkward silence what what’s awkward well how am I making this awkward snuggle what am I doing wrong I want to be your friend I really do I don’t know how I’m messing this up for the both of us how I be friend pet no work what what what need a house before you can pet them I think oh oh okay hold on hold on hold your diddly darness I’ve got you I’ve got you I’m just build it right here build it right now right here right now does it need to be in the woods does it need to be where she’s at or can I build it back at her base it doesn’t matter doesn’t matter doesn’t matter I will build it here I will make for friends with you and you will be forced to be my friend frog frog frog frog frog do you have a hat he doesn’t have a hat okay he’s he’s worthless to us okay okay let’s go build it at home oh wow looks so much nicer here look at how nice this place looks it’s just it’s so it’s so Dandy I really like it wait can I make glass from Sand we need a timer in the corner all the games we play it just resets every time we divert from our original Mission because I have a real hard time focusing it’s it’s I’m just not good at it glass huh ah ah okay that’s good nice and distracted distracted distracted distracted now you’re the one who wanted Grand from yes I was actually talking about that and telling them how this week has been absolutely insane and I barely have had time to breathe we need to get on though and do that because I kept telling myself oh I’ll get to it in just one minute and then I never got to it and I was like oh I’ll get to it a little bit later never got to it I just I need to get my life together is the problem we’re having I I need to get myself together okay let’s put this back together because I don’t like that um how are we going to make this look nice okay that’s better H we did find a little more Granite why is this not working how do I turn it into wall no this isn’t what I wanted you’re not what I wanted at all I will Dr Seuss you out of existence I want wall H oh how do I not have enough to put my wall back to the way it what that checks that checks I probably built my wall wrong that’s on me uh wall no nope wall wall okay um how do we make wall do I come back here with glass terrarium in Terraria glass platform wine glass bottle wine glass can be placed terrarium is this oh oh wait I need a net to catch things don’t I hold on hold on hold on glass wall okay okay focus focus glass wall build house get slime super simple there we go okay uh why that’s why would I want that why would why would I want you to do that there we go okay distraction averted I am undistracted I’ll build more windows momentarily okay okay now that I’ve got things and stuff I’ll put them in my things and stuff box and then I will come back for them later get in there great so we’ve got wood I know I’ve got more cuz I’m going to need to make a table and a chair that’s not blocks all right let’s build a home oh is your door still broken oh no if only I could fix that okay um a there’s my ex-girlfriend um let’s see uh over here maybe UPS I’d have to build stairs or something to it I don’t know what I’m doing um we’ll just flatten this out we have a super fast pickaxe now so it’s not like this is going to take but a second oh but we needed to be stairs don’t we I’ll figure it out okay let’s build stairs a little further away my friend 10 hours after that well let me build this up and we’ll see we actually managed to get a lot of granite so I don’t know if we need it anymore we kind of grinded it out because we went through um we went through the brain and then we went through the Slime and we kind of just started grinding out resources pretty quickly because now we have our Crimson pickaxe so we we might be good we might be good now oh jeez oh no please let me there we go I about say if I have to leave that one block there this should this should go relatively quickly and then we can go get snuggles I think her name was snuggles and we can bring her back so that jimothy can have a another friend you guys live in a shitty like I live live in a mansion like literally like down the block and you guys live in hobbles under a mountain I I treat my people like [ __ ] like that’s just a fact I am so sorry you have to put up with me like you chose to live here so it’s kind of on you but jeez I I treat you guys terribly all right let’s um let’s finish this out uh here we go just going to smush their houses together do they need space no no space is space is for people they’ll be fine all right let’s go ahead and finish this super duper quick ah I was supposed to make things and stuff to make this into home crazy all right we need chair table uh doors and wall so simple chairs table door wall you like your dirt house I’m never going to fix it you’re just going to live in a dirt house uh chair table oh one too far I forgot it’s up here now all right let’s see here table chair and we’re going to do oh jeez where did my where did my door we get to Jungle stuff um here we go two doors that should be it we should be good we can add more windows now though and that’ll make the place look a lot nicer Upsy daisies Upsy daisies and we’re oh I didn’t get wall did I H do we need wall does he need a wall I don’t think he needs a wall I think he’s just being picky uh here we go there we go there we go okay let’s go get the wall and then we’ll run back over give her a little pet on the head who is saliva living with I don’t know um hopefully not not this this terrible person he doesn’t even have a door he lives in a dirt do you live with Wyatt a saliva come on you can do better come come on there’s so many better people to live within town and you’re going to pick Wyatt that’s a terrible choice you know what I’ll let let you make that choice it’s up to you but it but snuggles is not living with Wyatt I know that for a fact I care about snuggles too much uh what if be accessories health potion um that’s better let’s do this really quick because we didn’t put our Harpy banner up oh that’s not how you put things up there we go it’s another Banner marked off how do I tell who he’s living with do I just watch him because he kind of is walking around everybody’s houses I don’t think he’s just settled into one house uh good traveling Merchant any words for trades probably I for trade paintings with precious metals fancy build oh that’s a lot oh that is a bunch of stuff I will definitely call you up if I need you definitely 100% we’re we’re doing decently well but I I have no doubt in my mind that we will find a way to mess that up all right how do I um there we go let’s break the dirt wall That’s so fast so speed so simple there’s a button to see you livz in specific houses is there oh jeez why am I letting control take hold of anything control doesn’t know what it’s doing there not a that’s not what I want I want that dirt gone that work okay that worked okay can we have these blocks back to normal please because they look funny let me check the menu in a minute I’ll see if I can’t find it let me get this done really fast and maybe maybe she’ll just move it on her own or maybe I have to go back and pet her I’m not sure we’ll see there we go that’s good quality house you like it’s the house icon oh what do I what am I what am I doing oh what the oh no what happened I can move people oh well thank God you’re not living with Wyatt anymore that would have been terrible this room is missing a wall oh it’s missing a door too uh no why it’s fine why it’s fine why why it can live there he he’ll be all right that’s pretty cool that’s pretty cool all right so we’ve got we’ve got them there let’s go pet the Slime really fast and then we will we’ll get snuggles and then we really we really have to work on housing these people are just living in squalor Wyatt I don’t care about Wyatt can go [ __ ] himself he’s fine but um when they’re living right next to this I’m starting to feel a little bit bad like I’ve just made rooms just for the hell of it like I’m not even using this space I’m just flaunting it at this point I’ve made windows we need to we need to fix that we need to fix that I’m I’m starting to feel bad for everyone but Wyatt all right okay you live with a decent human being now I’m okay with that this needs to be cut down too entirely that needs to be cut down this will open up uh sors 3,000 different gems oh my gosh there’s 3,000 different gems I have like five landlord tombs projects I mean we defeated two bosses today so I feel like I need to do something decent for them now like you I I I’m just I’m leaving them in a very bad position I will have you know that Wyatt’s never getting an upgrade he will live in that terrible dirt house for the rest of life I mean I have 3,000 oh I see I see I see that makes more sense I was about to say I this game is a lot more Hefty than I thought it was but still that’s a lot of gems I have on hand how high do the stacks go do the stacks end at 3,000 because I’ve noticed that I can carry like thousands of things at once and it’s really not cuz I’ve got like 1100 rope been streaming for 3 hours oh 3 hours and 30 minutes we’ve been going for a while how’s it going rain why are you up it’s late going to bed how are you awake at this hour all right come on snuggles okay snuggles snuggles something’s something’s wrong with you this is this can’t be a me problem I’ve given you housing I’ve given you I’ve I’ve you live I that’s all I’ve given you that’s all I’ve given you I don’t know why I’m trying to justify myself I’ve done nothing to deserve you but I still want you how do I how I make go go go home you’re petting her yeah that’s what I figured would do I I don’t isn’t that how I take her home is that how you take people home how do I what do I do it’s only 2 a.m. I don’t know what you’re talking about right I know it’s late for you I I am I well versed in your time zone do do I pet make her go home or do I have to do something else do I do I throw something matter her do I claim her housing oh oh oh oh oh oh ah I I understand I yeah they there’re on their own but what if I assign her if I assign her there will that would that force her to move why do these people not need beds to move into a home seems a little weird this one oh why did I go home oh that’s fine I don’t know why I did that that’s cool all right right all right back to town back to town we need to side on a block um the wood the wood looks the wood looks shitty it doesn’t look shitty as in it’s like a shitty place to live in it’s just making my yard look shitty and I don’t like it it’s it’s bringing down my own Ambiance and I disagree with it so we need to find a better block for them what blocks do I have on hand at the moment actually let’s see um obsidian would obsidian be good for them having well no red and blue would Clash that wouldn’t go snow houses ice houses can I build them ice or snow houses they sleep on the chair that’s terrible again these people are living in squalor and I want to build them igloos that’s not any better I I’m not making their situation better I’m just trying to make it more aesthetic what is this blueberries CH nugget caution may contain harpy 14 minute duration Harpy nugget great any blocks can be turned into a house great now we just got to pick one uh maybe if we go on an adventure an adventure to find the perfect block there’s always the blocks in hell those are an option those are pretty cool I don’t want him to have Granite that’s my thing they can’t have my thing that would just ruin everything what if if I just placed mushroom blocks what what is just mushroom block raw mushroom block what does that look like it’s not in here is it in um accessories uh here it is e Stone what is EP Stone I’ll take that out we’ll look at it um it’s got to be here somewhere not abstone what do you mean not abstone what’s wrong with abstone it’ll spr oh ah well if it looks cool isn’t it worth it okay okay okay maybe not abstone Maybe not abstone maybe that was just a terrible idea on my part um darn a lot of the blocks are kind of boring I want them to have something cool can I craft blocks to look cooler gosh darn I might have found the one thing thing Minecraft has on Terraria and that’s just having cooler blocks rain if you’re still watching you never heard that don’t spread that information I never said Minecraft was cooler I immediately take it back actually I don’t want that that being spread amongst people red maybe we’ll try maybe we’ll try um the Crimson what is it called obsidian can I mine obsidian now that I have my um what the [ __ ] are you guys doing in my home why are you in my house what are you wait how don’t do that all right let’s check it out what does it look like all right um let’s put it down Sandstone tan that’s that’s not getting us away from the oh this is cool oh I like this I I like this we found this in hell didn’t we oh that looks so cool the dark gray oh that’s that’s just fantastic that’s just amazing okay no no no no if I live in a wooden C or a brick uh stone stone brick if I live in a rock castle they need to live in rocks as well it just it just they they deserve better we’re we’re going to hell and we’re getting more obsidian that’s the plan that’s the plan hell just has cool blocks we’re going to have to tear all of these down to make um to make enough houses which is fine because we still have to build our straight platform so that we can fight the wall flesh so if we just go around tearing down each and every single one of these we should be able to build a decent amount of nice houses back to Hell back to hell man and can I get one of these for hell like one of these little Summoner things can I get one of those that just take me straight there that’d be great uh what all am I carrying not enough to be concerned about down we can I go down can down be an option there we go we all righty back to hell man back to hell I want him to have something cool something that that’s castley and wood just doesn’t scream castley ow what stop where did you come from you don’t belong there’s no gnome houses here well I invaded their territory I guess it’s fair I’m going to say it’s not fair though they shouldn’t be here they’re also going to need cool cooler um tables and chairs they’re going to need a bit of an overhaul but we need to start by just building places in the first place we’re lacking NPCs item you could fish it from lava and Hell which is the demon cotch oh I’ve got fishy pole and I’ve got and wait do I can I fish with um uh worms in lava we haven’t gone fishing before yet so maybe well like in a decent area maybe we’ll stop and go fishing in hell that sounds lovely that sounds like a great time can I go down is that a snail I’ll kill it there we go no snail all right down we go skeleton oh I forgot I have that okay good good good uh you need hell bait to fish in hell they be caught in hell and needs to be bunget I don’t even have a regular bunget yet alone a fireproof bunget huh unfortunate ow that was unfortunate as well that’s okay that’s okay we can still get what we need we can still we can still build cool stuff why am I walking uh it should be right here slow down no let me out let me out uh thank you I’ve gotten great at navigating my way to Hell Focus there’s no focusing I I don’t have the capabilities to focus on one thing at once we’ll get down there and we’ll realize we’re on a whole different Mission definitely not Wall of Flesh yet we’re not ready for that we got to defeat Skeletor and go in his little his little secret Fortress first there we go we’re almost there oh I would ow G bre I would have preferred um a bit of an easier way to hell um how can I do this safely you know you know it would be really smart you know it would just be using your full Noggin and that would just be digging down that that’s just crazy man that’s crazy when you go full Noggin you just get places faster and it’s it’s wild going to I need some Qui you desire we’ll see we’ll see I want to see if I can craft a lot of things on my own I got to get better at this the only way I can allow everybody to like join a group server is if I’m not a complete noob in the end like if I like everyone join and then they’re like fantastic and here I am and I’m just like building my dirt Huts like oh I need to I need to reach a better tier first I can do it I can do it I’m I’m I’m so smart I can figure all this out I’ve only died like actually I can count how many times I’ve died cuz every time we die I bring the tombstone home there’s only one tombstone in that house that does not belong to me oh this is so spiti the shiness that is happening this is Obsidian right right I’m not wrong I’m right oh I like their wall too you know what you know what I’ll take take both I’ll take both I’ll take it all I will take every last bit of it I’ll take the wall I’ll take the doors I’ll take the obsidian what’s that where you can go death or death I can’t remember oh hi Big Friendly boy how many times you’ve died is that like an item it’ll tell me how many that’s that’s useful that’d be pretty cool just have that in the house go over there it would probably be I would to I think like if I had to guess how many times we’ve died so far I’d say like at least 30ish 40ish area we’ve died a lot we have died a hefty amount uh oops I need this I forgot I need to get this as well this is going to make for some cool some cool houses man why are there so many hellbats and why are they all coming at me that’s just not nice who was that is that all hellbats or is that one of those little D no no it’s all bats It’s Just Bats oh no it is you it is you I thought you were around it seemed a little too precise to be a bat okay aim aim still bad Aim so bad there we go good okay back to back to walls I’ve seen around seven honestly I think a lot of them were just me falling I had I think a good um five or six just falling deaths just from General stupidity I’ve had uh at least 10 deaths in the mines because I kept having to go back down to certain areas or I just before we got the mirror this is before we got the mirror once we had the mirror we stopped dying as much uh this place would be planta I’ve heard that name before that’s one of the bosses I don’t remember which one it is though planta like a giant flower or something it’s recognizable I’ll say that much both are Hardo bosses ah I see I see so I’d have to get through fleshy boy first wait is that a hole in the floor that seems dangerous oh I can also mine the floor like this that way I don’t have to leave anything behind that’s useful I was I was just about to leave that okay let’s see how much we get from this one area and then gauge how much more we’re going to take big flower okay I think I know what you’re talking about well I was making a terraria Mod what does the mod do I love mods hey to I have only been owned like four time since we got the um since we got the mirror okay it’s been my saving grace before that we were dying left and right right there was no saving me oh and I’m dying to fire I thought those were reindeer but they’re they’re bats that’s unfortunate I was excited for a minute there uh where is can control work there we go that’s why I said it’ be good starting point what’s happening ah yeah honestly right now I’m still catching up I do remember a lot of things as I see them once we get into certain areas or certain bosses appear they’re really familiar it’s just hard to remember them before that let me see if I can stand up a little taller can I have that there we go slime clocks boost spawn rates a wave of slime rampaging across the land jimothy would love that he would have so many new friends I think that’d be great I think that’d be a lovely idea more friends for jimothy you know all right let’s see if we can not die the lava I’m not going in there I’m probably going to go up I just want to see how much one of these towers is going to give us and then we can gauge how much the rest will all right almost there that that didn’t take long at all I i’ Mar to say that was pretty darn short what do we got 318 that’s pretty good that’s pretty good for one and then we’ve got some walls where are they oh no no no 318 um walls 89 brick that’s still not bad that’s still not bad that’s a that’s a it’s a good start we’ll head back up in a minute and we’ll start building NPC houses and then later on we can come back down and we can rebuild the other people’s houses they can they can live in squalor a bit longer it won’t kill them Hammer please Timothy don’t oh no I was reading chat I’m sorry oh my God oh my God oh my God I looked at chat for like 2 seconds why do I need to shut that thing off now I’ll do it I’ll shut it off right now man I will I will shut that thing down this is not happening it is too much there we go that’s better okay that’s better how dare I try to read chat gius okay back to what we were doing o Ms wait a minute I’ll take those finally done in public I think that sounds awesome that’d be just amazing to see it just swarming but you said something about jimothy not existing Terraria version Oh jimothy wouldn’t be able to come along and see his friends I’ll record it for him I I’ll bring him back a nice little recording of his friends all right once we reach 100 obsidian I think that should that should be enough to build a couple of houses honestly you’re not going to get in I’m not afraid of you unless you go to the roof then you could get in plan I have a voodoo doll I have a couple is carrying them around dangerous because I carried them around for so long oh wait if it falls into lava is that also bad oh if I’m just like chilling like murdering and such and it just happens to fall out of one of them and into lava that is also bad drop one and it landed on the edge of oh well um I didn’t think that I thought it had to be me specifically that dropped it so I was a bit less concerned about the situation all right let’s see how much we have before we actually explode okay 10 okay that’s just not nice that’s just not nice I’m in the middle of looking at my stuff uh 109 how much does it take to build a house I need to be more careful of where I’m killing those things all right I think we could build like two houses with that they don’t need to be very big they really just need to fit a tiny amount of things we’ll do a couple more couple more it’s going pretty Speedy now that we have good items it’s not really that much of a bother to stick around a little bit longer it’s worth it not that the walk is too bad Speedy great Two Towers should be plenty enough we’re not trying to build anything crazy yet oh hey Jordan how are you doing welcome to the stream we are currently building NPC houses and hopes to spawn either what is his name what was the dude’s name we’re trying to spawn the dude with the with the with the thing that makes the Frog into a slime that’s what we’re trying to get that makes sense that in the mushro I I was told by someone that I need to actually I don’t even think I got all the details I was just told there’s a mushroom person who lives in the mushroom biome and that I could get them but I didn’t actually think as far as to ask whether or not I had to um build the house in the mushroom biome or can I turn my Biome into a mushroom biome wait is that possible could we turn our Overworld and our in our little um sweet little Forest into a mushroom biome oh I I wasn’t paying attention and so many people spawned leave me alone okay okay I can’t kill you there yeah just stay stay where no no no no I’ve learned I’ve learned from my mistakes if you’re going to die you’re going to die somewhere that’s safe for me thank you great you can how do I do that is it the mushroom seeds do I have to infect my own biome I’ll do it we will turn that whole area into a mushroom biome besides it’d be pretty handy are you swimming in the lava Timothy is that what we’re doing I feel like that’s unsafe I feel like you shouldn’t do that let me just do oh took a swim took a little swim it’s fine though I wouldn’t worry about it but that I’m going to worry about you’re so feisty okay he’s on the other side he’s fine okay that should be fine I should uh you know we’ll just do this for the whole wall I don’t trust it I don’t I don’t want to wind up dead no I’ve got I’ve got out my my big strong thing you can’t hurt me there we go all right this is going to be our last one and then we’ll head back up and we’ll see how many NPC houses we can make uh the Truffle in hard mode the surface mushroom biome he’ll move in okay so that’s that’s good all we need to do is defeat the Wall of Flesh and turn our upper world into a mushroom biome that’s too easy those are two things we want to do that’s that’s actually the easiest thing you could ask it was almost so bad again I need to be careful no and I need to turn off control control is just dangerous I’ve left my oh no no no no no no no no no I’ve made horrible decisions I’ve made horrible I’ve made a hole I don’t need a hole okay okay okay it’s fine it’s fine everything is fine I’m just idiot which makes sense why two why two why you we don’t we don’t need it another one go leave die please great okay that’s good and then for here we’re going to have to stand on some bricks is that dangerous oh no jimothy is taking care of it oh that went so fast okay and then oh chair that’s great and then we’ll just replace these so we make sure we have a good walking ground when we come back and we’re off we’re good jimothy J jimothy you have one job oh you can’t do that job never mind I that’s you can’t do that okay okay oh plenty plenty plenty plenty let’s go jimothy you’re sliming in my bad I thought you named jimothy oh yeah yeah no no no no no jimothy is the one that um follows me around I don’t know if we should name we have jimothy who’s the Slime and we have Timothy who’s the shark but I don’t know if we should name the um glowing ambient heart I I don’t know if that’s that requires a name I don’t even know if it’s a thing I I don’t really know how to justify that um but we we’ll figure it out we’ll figure it out all right first new MPC first new NPC he coming coming coming soon let’s do it right here let’s build right next to the house like right here this will be nice oh it’s already looking good I already love it all right we’ll build their houses a little bit tall so they look nice okay their houses will connect kind of which is fine they’re cool with that they’re chill they’ll be great neighbors ah should I flatten this maybe maybe it’s time maybe it’s time to flatten this at least that much that’ll do uh we have doors we’ll just use these doors good check to see if snuggles moved in let’s see I did assign her so she better have Wyatt what are you doing who said you could move in there who gave you that Authority you piece of [ __ ] you know what you know what you know what you know what I’m glad you did I’m glad you moved out I don’t want you to have this home I’m going to you’re not a signed to this home please tell me you’re not you’re not great I’m glad I’m glad cuz I’m going to build this into a home for a better NPC you never deserved it in the first place you know what the fact that he lives further away from me now actually makes me happy makes me happy inside to know that I no longer have to live by him I’m happy about it but no it looks like Snuggles didn’t so maybe snuggles will move into one of these cool houses uh didn’t mean to do that the merchant departed I didn’t even know he was here oh these look great I wasn’t a big fan of having to do red but I can I can get behind the red I can definitely get behind the red I’ll get used to it until we find something better this will do we’ll have to go check on maybe snuggles are moving here if not we’re just going to have to go check on that situation I don’t know what I’m doing wrong with snuggles oh this is great from nice wooden cabins to prison cells we are just going up in the world aren’t we they’re going to love it okay we can’t have them living in this this would be terrible okay let’s get rid of this maybe I should put light in that one it’s looking a little dark dark I could also give them windows I suppose in the future I could start giving them windows we’ll get there all in due time all in due time we can’t rush it great now well oh not that far oh okay no no no control you’ve lost your privileges again let’s do this great or out of using sunplate for the houses if you want i’ Sun Plate’s blue I believe I think we have some sun plate let me see it see what sunplate looks like NOP locks um I know we got some sunplate what is sunplate no it’s yellow would yellow look good let’s see let’s see it is kind of it might it has uh does yellow and blue work together I don’t know I guess it’s kind of like my same the same problem I have with the tan and the brown is it just doesn’t look good with the blue I’m trying to build an Empire of color theory I think maybe Cactus houses no green and blue is not not much better if I can’t find a stone that looks as good with the blue after the obsidian then they might all be living in iglo if I’m being perfectly honest with you that might be the outcome and there’s nothing really I can do about that like if it looks good then it looks good chairs I have tables uh dressers I’ll just give him regular ones here’s the other door I needed the walls are there so we just need two tables and two chairs in my wees for you I appreciate it I appreciate if you come across something that’ll look good with this weird you know to be fair I’m not making it easy this is a wonky theme I I I could have chosen a much more cohesive theme I I chose to go with chaos makes sense uh there we go let’s get hopefully snuggles and one new MPC wish the NPCs were a little more predictable too feels like they’re very very randomized uh torches there we go is that an owl never seen nowl in here before yeah hi buddy oh I didn’t need two I just needed one well that’s fine there we go now what when do my new friends move in hi oh what did you just say hoot do it again that sounded like a person lumini blocks what color are those what do those look like see the stone I like the obsidian cuz it’s dark gray I just don’t like the red in it he did say hoot wait hold on hold on hold on this bird is talking like a people and it’s distracting who are you Bobby are you the fisherman hold on can I get new people can I get new pe oh wow thanks wow there she is there she is there she is she finally made it over good for her okay okay so we’ve got Bobby the angler moved into this one great um at least we got snuggles which is fantastic silver on the outer airs and ooh silver sounds good that’s not a bad idea I like the silver and dark I like that I like that idea we’ll try that out we’ll go we’ll go we’ll go hunting in a minute um so we’ve got saliva which is good and then you live with Wyatt come on no no no no no no no get out of there go Wyatt doesn’t deserve friendship besides purple purple it just makes more sense all right we’re going to have an Empire I like that we’re going to we’re going to make this look nice once it’s all mushroomy it’ll also help with the effect cuz right now it’s all green and it’s throwing everything off also I’ve never used this thing before I of curiosity oh hold on let me do this first actually I need to put all my stuff away maybe I’ll do that first instead need that all right wait that’s not my stone where’s my stone nope that’s not right should also experiment with the block variant block variants so there is actually some different looks you can get with certain blocks uh put this away sand block you stay there blueberries seeds come over here we’ll put our walls in here or buildables oh yeah that’s right with a hammer we can change the shape of things too H that’s right oh that looks nice oh we can we can make this work we can make this work I wonder who’s going to move in here though yeah I was I think I did I kept messing with certain things and it started looking wonky gemspark blocks very bold wait gemspark blocks do I have i’ I’ve mined gem before but I have gem blocks from that can I turn gem into blocks can you turn in Block how would that work can I do things with these amethysts actually now that I’m thinking about it can I actually do something with them are they useful purple torch well that’s pretty cool but not what I’m going for huh for the capture dreem it drops when you die oh so that’ll drop when I die what the uh yeah if you want illuminate blocks are in hard mode with stone and gems I think oh but I can’t make them unless I’m in hard mode H H hard mode we go to after the wall of flesh when you think about it we don’t have too many bosses before that now and preh hard mode is fine glass and gems oh wait I have glass hold on hold on let’s try that again then just to see the look of it let’s try it out glass and gems here I would assume here think my character is just stupid ah ah the all spark is that what I’m looking for what is this all right let’s look at it let’s let’s let’s take a let’s take a gander at it this actually might work it’s purple which kind of goes along with the bluey purple thing we got going on here this might actually work really well hold on let’s take a look at it oh I like that oh one h% this is what we’re doing one hundo and 10% this that’s what we’re doing uh now you’re there almost if need items I got to go to lunch all right bye Goldie thank you for all your help I actually really like this idea I I really really really like this idea I like the way it looks it’s it’s all glowy and cool I I think we we’re going to go with the allspark oh and we can make walls offline online oh that’s so cool all right all right all right right how many can I make right now 80 100 I like this idea I 100% like this idea more gems say gems SP items thank you far to Hard Mode the blocks are wait there’s a far into like there’s levels oh no oh no all right let’s go ahead and put this here oh wait what time is it now that I’m thinking about it what what is the time it is almost 9 so when it hits 9 I’m probably going to have to go um cuz I got to be up for work at UH oh the Arms Dealer let’s go check it I have to be up at work at UH 4 in the morning so I might have to go so I can eat and get some other stuff done before I go to bed uh and then we will have another stream on Thursday for Don’t Starve Together we’re going to start playing that what do you have oh you’re useless is basically what I’m hearing is you’re you’re absolutely useless but that’s that’s great to know but yeah we’re going to have to go a little bit soon unfortunately I’d like to play a lot longer and I’m very awake to play a lot longer it’s just I have to go eat and go do things and all that jazz but before we do that before we do that thank you to everybody who came who’s new who’s watching there’s a lot of people watching and that is just absolutely fantastic I think that’s really really cool we do this every Tuesday so if you’re interested make sure to come back how do I save really quick all right is it time for the thing I think it might be time for the thing I think it might be time for the thing I think it might be time I think it might be time for the thing where’s the thing it’s somewhere I keep the thing ready thank you for coming to the stream I hope you enjoyed the show I’m glad that you came to watch and I make sure to like and comment and sub subscribe and all that good stuff I’m glad you’re here and you know you made it to the end so that’s that’s something to be admired we’ve been doing this for 4 hours that’s pretty impressive for for video game and I think especially Terraria we we defeated two bosses we got an NPC we met a slime we did so many cool things and it was really awesome so make sure to hit that subscribe button before you scaddle okay I’m done I’m done I’m done all right that was fun it’s always fun but we’re going to we’re going to we’re going to not do that anymore make sure to subscribe if you enjoyed and please come see us again we always have a great time and the more the merrier uh tomorrow at 4 3:30 3:30 p.m. there’ll be new video out in the YT channel for uh the Indie Dev sir Tardis I keep forgetting the name sir Tardis we’re going to featuring his games for this week and next week on the channel so make sure to check that out lots of cool fun games um and make sure to come see us on Thursday at 4:30 for the Don’t Starve Together stream it’ll be a lot of fun I promise but thank you guys for coming bye bye everybody bu um I’m glad you guys came I had a lot of fun today uh and I will see you guys in in the next stream I’ll see you guys next time or I’ll see you tomorrow if you if you watch my video I guess but yeah oh byebye bye-bye and had tooi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music]

Just A Chill Play And Chat Stream 🙂


Art In Thumbnail Provided by @pinkrosekitty7055

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Scary Games: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyt_gS0r8-oXhngpiuZvQtlNbV2Fyxt1X&si=T2IQDN7ubfdAfK51

Slay The Princess: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyt_gS0r8-oWTj4QKKbu-tTbzgVcXnLdB&si=q7kD_ITncgMbO7N3

Reaction Videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLyt_gS0r8-oUxEpGdSJLDFGKJrvlJLrB3&si=Dkl909Euc3bXzy-8

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