More of the BEST Quality of Life Mods for Stardew Valley

hello everybody and welcome back to the channel so today as you can already tell by the title we are going through some more quality of life related mods that you can add into your stardo Valley game but before we get into this this feels very odd to say we need to address some things regarding the last quality of life video that I posted over here a really large chunk of the comments that I got were things stating that this is not quality of life These are cheat mods and getting quite angry about it so before we get into this video I really just wanted to go over what what is quality of life and why these mods are relevant for your game so first of all quality of life in video games is features in a game designed to make a game easier or smoother to play for the particular person quality of life for me is so different for quality of life of you and it’s going to be different for the next person there is no right or wrong quality of life we all have different needs and different aspects for the game now when it comes to a game like staru Valley that has an entire Wiki dedicated to it there is a lot to cover in this game there is a whole farming aspect of it there’s also taking care of animals growing trees making Artisan Goods you also have a ton of villagers that have different liked and loved gifts have different schedules and everything you have four different seasons that you have to cater to with different crops different requirements and different events as well not only that there are things like fishing mining combat that has added into the game things like completing the museum which need different artifacts and minerals which again are required by things like different geodes or different levels in the mines Etc there are different shops again on that different schedules and so many different Secrets just in the base game itself not to mention the biggest part of the game is the community center which has different bundles and then after you’ve completed that you get the hidden bundle which has a bunch of different items which also quite hard to get if you have never played this game before and you have never ever looked at the wiki there is a lot to Stu Valley it is just an insanely large game if you like me I have been playing the game since release and I still use the wiki on a day-to-day basis whenever I am playing so going over a few of the quality of life mods that I shared in my last episode a lot of those friendship mods are going to be great for people who really struggle to remember what people’s liked gifts are don’t want to go down the path of like growing particular crops and then turning them into particular items or if cooking specific dishes and everything things like Mining and combat mods while on the surface might look like a cheap mod because you’re making the combat easier could help a player just enjoy that game so much more combat can be really overwhelming and it might be really daunting for someone to go into something like the skull caves because of how insane it can be mods that adjust time are really great if you just need a little bit more time to get something done in the day instead of having to do it on a separate day and as well sprinklers are great but they could be better and that’s just going to Ator to the individual players needs I have responded to many a comment on the last one and I probably still will but I just kind of wanted to throw that out there and get it out in the open that quality of life is to help make that individual person’s experience better to make them want to play the game and to make them enjoy playing the game so again if none of the mods in the previous video served you I hope that maybe something in this video will serve you and it will allow you to enjoy the game a little bit more but if that’s not the case enjoy the game how you want to I ain’t here to stop you but yeah if y’all could stop just stating that it was cheat mods because at the end of the day any of these mods that I’m going to be showing you are changing the way that the game has been made so they’re all technically cheats now that’s out of the way enjoy this little disclaimer before we get further on into the video here is a quick disclaimer a little bit of information regarding all of our modding related content so first of all all of these mods are downloadable through Nexus mods Nexus mods is a really amazing site it also showcases and has most of the mods that you will find for staru Valley on there additionally as of March 2024 the 1.6 update is out this update has definitely affected mods and I know that a lot of creators are slowly working on getting some of these mods updated I cannot confirm or deny if the mods that I’m showcasing in this video will work with 1.6 only because most of these mods will need a backing mod such as a Content Patcher the updated sppy or something like alternate textures simply because sometimes an old mod might work with an updated content Patcher and as much as I want to test all of these mods out my poor little computer cannot handle it so just make sure that when you download your mod mods and open them up in your sppy that you quickly check to see any mods highlighted in red and you can also check out this incredible website sm. which will show you a newer version of The Mod if this one is no longer compatible and then also if you want to keep up to date with your mods just make sure to check out these purple ones here which means that you can update them and lastly I will be listing all of the mods that I Showcase in this video in the description below I’ve broken them up into timestamps of the categories and then timestamps for all of the mods as well if there was a particular one that you liked you can see where the time stamp is and then the link right next to it anyway now that’s out of the way let’s get back to the video so as always I have split these ones up into a couple of different categories so to start us off with we have a farming category we’ve got shopping and then after that we have a mining combat category we then of course have our friendships and NPCs and ending us off we have a miscellaneous category there are still so many mods to cover so I’ve kind of just done these because I wanted to show them that they were all really cool but definitely as always let me know in the comments below what mod I missed out on but anyway starting us off for our farming category our first mod is the no crows mod so this mod essentially stops crows from eating all of your crops so now there is no need to worry about any scarecrow placement especially if it is your first time playing and you’re not sure where to pop them because damn it could be annoying to watch that one little crow eat that crop of yours it’s just a very handy dandy mod for your farm next up we have the greenhouse sprinklers mod so this is essentially a mod that adds in a sprinkler system to your Greenhouse that you can just pay Robin to install for you this means that you do not need sprinklers on the ground because sprinklers will turn on every single day in the morning so that there is that little bit of extra space for you to plant some more crops and speaking of sprinklers the next one we have to show you guys is the activate sprinklers mod this mod essentially lets you activate sprinklers by right clicking on them which is so convenient for the first day of a new season I’m sure we’ve all gone down that route of going ham and buying so many new crops and getting the floor ready planting those crops placing fertilizer and then you have to go and water them as well no longer shall this be a worry for us for now we can just simply click the sprinklers and they will water for us up next on the list we have the safe Lightning mod so this essentially just prevents lightning from hitting anything on your farm except for your lightning rods so this means that we will no longer have ruined crops flooring trees or anything our lightning rods are going to take all of that lightning energy and give us some extra battery packs hopefully instead of losing a tree next on the list I thought this one was so handy this is the autog grab truffles normally by the time that you can purchase pigs for your barn you’ve heard of this little thing called an autog Grabber which essentially just grabs the milk eggs all that sort of stuff from your barn and coup so that you don’t have to go milk or collect eggs every single day but it does not collect truffles it makes sense in retrospect because they make the truffles outside but it would be handy to just have it all in one system and now this collects your truffles so that you have one less thing to worry about every single day up next a very popular one you guys were stating this is the tractor mod so essentially you can now buy a tractor through Robin to work more efficiently on your farm and to help you work with crops things like clearing your farm out as well and it’s just overall very very handy and in addition to this there are a ton of customization mods for this mod in particular so I’m sure that we can find a way to make it work with your farm almost near the end of this list but next up we have the winter grass mod this is an essential for me I love this mod this is essentially just means that grass is going to now survive throughout winter so you don’t have to worry about spending all of your money on precious hay not only is it great that you can continue to get hay throughout the season but it’s also great for you visual besties who want a beautifully decorated farm and next for our list kind of jumping on that one as well we have the grass growth adjuster mod so this mod allows you to adjust the chance for grass to spread just through some configurations with a few different grass growth levels at number two is a little gentle and a bit more faster than normally would happen number five is manageable but a lot faster and number 10 is just a little bit crazy so if you’ve got like four barns I’d go ham and go 10 and get all of that hay ready for you but it can just be great because grass does take a really long time to grow and we need it for all of those good things and then lastly for our farming category we have the last day to plant mod this essentially shows you a message upon waking up when today is going to be the last day that a crop can be planted For That season this is a really really cool mod because I don’t know about you but I always forget to either plant crops or just kind of give up because I don’t think I’m going to have enough time so this is great that it actually shows you that if you plant it today it’s going to be ready at the end of the season instead of you spending a bunch of money and them not being ready well that was it for our farming related mods next is our shopping mods there were a few more fun ones that we were able to find so starting us off strong we have the shop anywhere mod this mod pretty much means that you can access any shop at any time and anywhere this even lets you access things like the desert Trader shop The Oasis shop the adventurer Guild shop even Gus’s Saloon this can be really great and beneficial if it’s super early or super late and you just need to get that one other thing or if it is one of their off days and you just want to be able to get that item this is not only a very handy mod but also saves you a ton of running around if you’ve got a lot of things to try and get done coming up next for this one we have the ship anything mod a literal godsend this mod now means that through your shipping bit on your farm you can can sell anything you can now sell boots Rings tools weapons Furniture wallpapers and more you name it you can sell it this is such a great feature cuz I hate holding on to all of those rings and swords and boots and having to try and make a dedicated trip to the adventurers Guild to sell them because I will forget very great to keep all of your chests nice and organized from the get-go and lastly on this list we have the price drops mod so with this mod it now offers price discounts based on relationships with the shop owners so for those like Robin manie Pierre Gus and Clint who have shops that you can purchase things from the higher your hearts are the more discount you can get the discounts come in three levels a 10% at three hearts 25% at seven hearts and 50% at 10 Hearts it even includes Robin’s buildings but it just does not include the house upgrades and as well as a monetary discount for Robins buildings she will also offer resource discounts for buildings which is is incredible not only just a really convenient Quality of Life mod but also an overall General mod that helps to incentivize gifting and befriending the villagers that was it for all of our shopping related mods next up we have one of my favorite categories ever cuz it is the one thing I love to do in this game at the moment and that is Mining and combat so the first one that we have here is the skull cabin elevator mod so this is as it sounds it just adds an elevator to these skull caves I showed this one in a very old video and and I just remember my first time ever going to the skull caves I was so confused as to why there wasn’t an elevator skull caves can also be a very overwhelming aspect of the games this can just make it a little bit easier and a little bit more accessible for everybody to play because I can get down to the meridium levels get the aridium I need I can do deep Dives still if I want to and overall it’s just a very convenient mod up next while this one technically isn’t mining or combat you kind of use them for miny or combat I feel but this is the wear more rings so this essentially means that you can can now configure the amount of ring slots in your inventory and by default it is going to add up to six additional ring slots this is a fantastic mod if you still early game you haven’t reached Ginger Island and the forge or in general you just want to kind of combine all of the Rings and wear as many as you can it’s a very very fun mod especially if you’re super into combat and Mining up next on the list we have the combat controls Redux mod so this essentially just adds options for melee combat gives a mouse click character Direction change things like a weapon Auto swing glub spam attack and other slick moves overall it just gives some simple tweaks to the game’s controls and just makes it a little bit easier and more configurable for all of that combat and lastly on the list I thought this one was really neat but this is the easier monster eradication mod so again if you’re really into sort of combat and Mining this is something that you’re probably familiar with which is all of the Monster eradication goals now some of them can be really high some of them take a while to achieve and other ones are just super super easy this essentially adjust the number of monster slays needed for all of the Monster eradication goals as this is sort of one of the more grinding and excessive aspects of the game and normally by the time that you reach these goals and obtain the rewards for Monster radication you’re normally nearing the end of your playthrough or you just don’t tend to achieve it this just overall a really great mod that adjusts the radication goal so that the grind is not as hard and you can enjoy spending your time doing other things to hit things like Perfection or if you just want to hit all of the combat achievements well that was it for our Mining and combat mods we are on to our friendships and NPCs and starting us off we have my personal favorite mod I use this all the time this is the better friendship mod now again if you have listened to me at all I ramble on about this quite a lot I’m awful with gifting I am so bad at it I really struggle to gift out to characters to talk to characters I am just very much like a be on my own and do my own thing when it comes to sju Valley this is a fantastic aspect of the game and with the better friendship mod it entally adds thought bubbles over Villages that indicate if something in your inventory is their favorite gift or even a gift that they will like and also if they need to be spoken to that day so when you have met them for the first time that is when the bubble will start to appear and if you have gifted them and spoken to them for that day then that thought bubble will go away so that you know that you don’t need to go and chase them down it’s overall just really great I found great uses of doing just like in general a lot of foraging or Mining and then just walking around seeing if they want anything from me but it’s just a fantastic mod you don’t need to spend your entire time on the villagers part of the wiki up next on the list we have Pelican Postal Service this is essentially a postal service Edition where you can send gifts and Quest items to NPCs from anywhere I feel like because of all of the comments from the latest videos I am just justifying as to why this is a fantastic mod but for villagers schedules are a very difficult thing to get accustomed to this is absolutely fantastic if you want to give them something sort of hit those two gifts per week but you have no idea where they are or ADD orally you have a quest item that you want to send out to them but you’re only one heart and they’re stuck in their room all day this just makes it so much easier to complete more quests and overall up those hearts and speaking of quests our next mod is the custom Quest expiration this essentially changes the daily Quest expiration so that you can either make it never expire add an extra day or two to it or whatever works best for you all of the daily Quest or help wanted quests are so fun and so fantastic to do but sometimes you just have other things planned to do or a couple of other things that you need to get done within the next few days and it just makes doing these things a little bit unreasonable so now you can manually adjust the time to work with your needs and lastly for our friendships and NPCs categories we have the social network mod this is fantastic and should be implemented in the base game already I feel this mod essentially changes it so that when you become friends with an NPC this will affect your relationship with their family and friends which helps to make the overall social aspect of the game feel more alive when you gain or lose heart with an NPC you will gain or lose friendship points with the related characters I love the idea of this cuz overall you’re joining a valley that already has a bunch of people that are all quite close and friends and family obviously if you do something bad they’re going to talk about it and if you do something really nice for them they’re going to talk about it I like the idea that if you do something really nice for Abigail it’s going to have a positive effect on Caroline and Pierre or if you do something really nice for Emily she’s probably going to talk to Haley about it and that might go to Gus to Clint Haley might talk to Alex about it who might talk to his grandparents like it’s a whole network and I think it is very very fun that was it for our friendships at NPCs we are now officially onto our last category which is our miscellaneous ones now this first one is for all of you speedrunners out there however this is the bgs time Skipper mod so normally to get to the next day you need to go into your house and go to sleep but however this mod now changes that so you can now skip multiple days with the Press of a button you can set it to skip 4 days 5 days 50 days 100 days if you need to wake up on that one specific time in fall but it’s spring then you can skip it to do that this absolutely fantastic and gets rid of all of that little bit of grinding of going in and out of your bed and just does all of the manual work for you so that you’re not going to oversleep or undersleep next up on our list we have the movement speed mod so this mod essentially changes the player’s movement speed and charging time of the hoe and the watering can overall it just uses a flat multiplier and also Stacks properly with other speed modifiers such as Horses coffees and beans slimed overall just a fantastic mod that helps you to get more things done in a shorter time up next a fan favorite I feel I had a ton of comments asking where this mod was and also a ton of people in my twitch stream asking about it however let’s get into it this is automate automate is essentially what it sounds like it essentially is going to now automate all of the system and processes and things for you all you need to do is place a chest next to a machine like a furnace or a crystalarium and that machine is going to automatically pull raw items from the chest and push processed items into it you can even connect multiple machines with the chest to link them I love how sort of ham you can go on this so if you’re trying to hip aetion and get things like the gold clock but you want to spend your time doing other things you can make a whole aridium wine Factory you can have fruit in one chest that essentially automates to putting it into kegs to produce wine that essentially goes into cast to age that wine to rium Quality and this works for things like cooking for crab pots furnaces even things like collecting mushrooms setting up a system so that your eggs can go into a chest and that they can make mayonnaise so you’re not changing that over all the time you want it to be automated you can get it automated this is an absolutely fantastic mod but it can be really great if you want to spend more time doing the things that you love like fishing or Mining and less time taking care of your farm next up on the list we have automatic Gates this is just as it sounds this now opens and closes Gates automatically and it does it for players only not animals while the whole process of opening a gate is not that draining or tedious it can just be a great overall mod if you’re like me and love holding on to that right click button get your hearts with all of your animals but you don’t want to be spamming on that gate and overall it can just be nice to have the whole gate system automated and lastly for this list we have no fence Decay this essentially makes all fences and Gates last forever if you play the game you obviously know that regular wood fences are going to Decay quickly per se your stone fence is going to last a little bit longer and so forth however maybe sometimes we just want to have a nice cute looking wood fence and not have to worry about it decaying and having to replace it constantly so this mod removes that and just means that the fence is no longer going to be destroyed well there we have it besties that is our second quality of life modding related video over here on the channel again i’ love to hear from you guys so make sure to let me know in the comments below what your thoughts were as always I would love to hear what mods you think that I missed and should add into the next part of this what mods you absolutely loved from this list and which ones you were downloading and as well because I love hearing how these mods sort of affect your gameplay if one of these mods that I’ve spoken about not only in this video but my last quality of life video has made a positive impact for you I would love to hear about it so make sure to tell me all of the stuff down below and as my final goodbye remember friends quality of life is different for every single person that’s it I feel like a broken record at this point with how much I’ve been saying it but uh never forget it and on that note I will catch all of you guys on the next video bye everybody [Music]

Y’all had some serious opinions regarding the last Quality of Life mod video I posted… so here’s another one! Accompanied by a lot of your suggestions, let me know your thoughts!

00:00 – Intro
00:19 – Addressing last QoL Video Comments (Plus a small deep dive into ‘Quality of Life’)
03:43 – Disclaimer and Categories
05:29 – Farming
09:13 – Shopping
11:08 – Mining/Combat
13:29 – Friendship/NPCs
16:33 – Miscellaneous
19:43 – Outro

05:32 – No Crows
05:51 – Greenhouse Sprinklers
06:12 – Activate Sprinklers
06:36 – Safe Lightning
06:59 – Auto-Grab Truffles
07:29- Tractor Mod
07:53 – Winter Grass
08:12 – Grass Growth Adjuster
08:45 – Last Day to Plant

09:17 – Shop Anywhere
09:50 – Ship Anything
10:22 – Price Drops

11:19 – Skull Cavern Elevator
11:51 – Wear More Rings
12:19 – Combat Controls Redux
12:41 – Easier Monster Eradication

13:34 – Better Friendship
14:32 – Pelican Postal Services
15:08 – Custom Quest Expiration
15:38 – Social Network

16:39 – BJS Time Skipper
17:13 – Movement Speed
17:33 – Automate
18:49 – Automatic Gates
19:16 – No Fence Decay

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  1. the winter grass mod is no longer needed in 1.6 grass stays around during the winter. I use Part of the Comity always in my game, it adds a bit of friendship for just living in the game, shipping new items, shopping at some shops and so on. A new mod that has come out that will help you carry items is Satchels, not fully used it yet, but it adds a bunch.

  2. Thank you for advocating for these kinds of mods to improve the gameplay experience for all sorts of players. I know someone with manual dexterity/fine motor difficulties so she has a very hard time catching fish. Similarly she has issues with combat, without mods to help with those things, she would miss out entirely on 2/5ths of the game.
    If Stardew Valley was a competitive game I would understand people getting upset about “cheating” but it isn’t (in most cases-I see you speed-runners).

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