Testing Scary Minecraft lies to Prove them WRONG

I found these scarious myths we’re about to find out starting with the ancient wither so one of the first creepy pastas that caught my eye was the ancient wither supposedly this user claims that they met an ancient wither that spoke to them but when it didn’t like what they had to say it became super terrifying and crashed their game the original user edited the post to say it was fake but our trusty Discord Community thinks that this is just what the ancient wither would want you to believe let’s check it out okay so we’re here on the seed and obviously we need to find a Wither right so let’s try to find one I know they belong in the jungle so locate structure Jungle Pyramid all right this should take us exactly where we need to go now the user claimed that the temple they found was surrounded by Soul Sand in some skulls so far everything looks pretty normal did you hear something guys rewind did you hear anything I feel like when I was walking through here there’s a funky sound but I could just be going crazy already as I do in these scary myth videos all right nothing crazy up here let’s go downstairs I’m probably going to get shot by an arrow aren’t I that’s what always happens in the okay yep I knew it that’s just what happens in these jungle temples okay here’s a chest maybe something cool will be in it let’s see like okay what there was a book in there and it just disappeared hello I was about to read a book and now nobody wants me to get smarter did the color of the fire just changed this was not like this before and there was not a secret entrance guys do you think we should go down here I mean this does not normally open up I feel like this is a little dangerous I feel like I just heard a Wither but I could just well yeah there’s a Wither Skull right there all right we have another chest am I going to get pranked again all right let’s take a look at this book you came here for what just to start trouble exactly you came here just to start trouble now you’re going to understand what it feels like to start trouble I mean basically this person’s rambling at me they think I’m starting trouble actually I’m trying to end the trouble and show you guys that this ancient weather it doesn’t exist we’re fine somebody’s just trying to intimidate me I do believe that was a cage before that was sealed and now it’s completely open all right guys let’s just go back outside and see what there is to see nothing crazy in here we’ve apparently been in here a long time cuz it’s already night I hear Bad sounds okay I really heard a terrifying wither noise so let’s just check it out let’s look around see what there is to see hold on I’m I’m literally seeing no wither even though I promise you I definitely heard something what if we try to talk to whatever this is so what if I just say hello what are you up to somebody’s going to answer just wait just wait believe me believe me I promise hello I what I think my game just glitched or something did you see that flash in the corner if you want to rewind and look I promise you I didn’t mess up on that one something red flashed in the corner so maybe it’ll respond to text I grabbed a sign and we’re just going to say kindly who are you guys if you want to see what actually happened stick around to the end will we meet the ancient weather we’re going to have to wait and find out demon bran now this one sounds really scary according to this Creepy Pasta page demon bran is supposed to be a rogue AI sent to destroy Herobrine but instead he hunts players on this seed there’s no way that’s real right all right so I’m on the seed and we have to make a house right look at the creepy pasta page so guess we should put it in the right setting let’s go to a forest is there one nearby now if I had my best friend Chuckles with me he would probably immediately show me where to build the house cuz he’s smart like that it’s chuckles’s nephew I don’t know there a chicken appeared and it felt magic cool that’s not not magical there is a house that looks exactly like the creepy pasta page that’s on fire let’s go check it out this is so sad I hope nobody’s in it here let’s try to put out the fire before this whole thing burns down hello nobody’s hurt right don’t worry I’m going to rebuild this oh no I on fire now this is unfortunate not all heroes wear capes what can I say all right it looks like the fire is out wait I feel like I just heard footsteps did you hear that maybe it’s the person who owns this house I don’t know I Betsy what are you doing Betsy why are you upside down by the way um do you want to help me fix this house why is it nighttime what the heck is going on I’m already feeling really bad feelings about this demon Bryan may be real he just murdered my cow everybody put rip Betsy in the comments cuz that was really messed up I will not let this happen ever again I feel rather emotional so I’m going to go over here and start building you know the rain doesn’t help all right let’s just gather some wood gather my thoughts what was that I hear footsteps again do you hear footsteps I am paranoid there is something next to us hello oh oh oh hi buddy it was just a pig we’re good everything is fine um did that just actually happen naturally just now oh I have a bad feeling right now I think demon brine may be real I gathered a little more wood so we can fill in the whole floor here we want it to look beautiful for whoever lives here I’m a Good Samaritan right now because technically I don’t have to be doing this I’m just doing this out of the kindness of my heart I mean this is really sad and I I do feel like there was a house on fire in the creepy pasta that I saw but I’m not full believing in this whole demon bran thing I haven’t seen anything to make me feel that certain honestly so I’ve taken the time to try to patch up the rest of this house maybe it’s not perfect but I’ve made it as beautiful as I possibly could in this amount of time let’s see if anything happens when we leave okay I did not place this sign down look at this it says fool uh rude who is saying that to me by the way and that is just like the the myth I really think that in the myth demon bran called the player a fool ooh I have a bad feeling about this however I I don’t know I don’t think demon Bryan’s actually real I haven’t seen enough evidence yeah there was a house on fire yeah there’s a creepy sign but that’s off what the heck just happened lightning just hit the house again wait I’m starting to feel differently that does not just happen twice a house doesn’t get struck by lightning twice everyone knows that uh where the lightning struck I see something there is a person up there and it could be demon bran himself this house I’m sorry it’s going to get fully burnt to a crisp because I have to see who is up this hill this could be the player that Lit the house on fire this could be a very mean person wait okay um it’s it’s literally just like an armor stand with Steve’s head I mean oh oh no I’m sorry I mean I guess that’s not a real player but I feel I feel bad for some reason this is just a normal Minecraft storm though right I mean I have a really bad feeling in my gut I’m going to say demon bran you’re fake I didn’t see you I think this is all figment of my imagination but I’m getting off the seed before I run into any more problems this next myth is about the mysterious bny it may sound harmless but apparently it’s one of the most viewed creepy pastas on the page supposedly Benny traps You by taking over your keyboard and trapping you in place but no one knows why this sounds like a lot of belog not to me we are here on the seed and we have found a village and so far I do not see anything here I mean I see villagers actually wait why is this villager just standing frozen by the way well he turned but they they’re not walking other than that though this Village looks pretty dang normal what did I tell you this is bagna there’s no way that this is real I do feel a little weird about this but nothing too crazy is happening Iron Golem standing in place that actually makes me feel even more scared for some reason but you know what nothing crazy to see here how about let’s come back at night time and see if anything changes all right it’s night time and this dude’s still chilling there man he is not getting his steps in today unfortunately sir um what whoa I am literally clicking my space bar and I’m unable to jump nothing is happening did that happen to you did Benny actually take over the keyboard jump not bound it was my space bar things are saying not bound all a sudden and I realized why do I not just rebind this that was very odd probably just a glitch there’s no way that this mob actually exists we’re fine this house you have to like Duck to get into and I can’t more of my keys are acting weird I did not believe in this one but look now it’s saying not bound not bound are you kidding me everything else in this Village looks fine maybe my keyboard itself is just glitching and this happens to just you know weird timing I guess let’s keep looking around the village see what there is to see I mean that looks pretty normal to me um wait okay I can’t even walk left anymore that’s really strange I I’m like slowly freezing in place I feel like did you see something in this window I swear I saw some sort of particles and I can’t walk left anymore all right I keep talking about this Pillager Outpost let’s go ahead and investigate it why don’t we okay so I can no longer jump and I cannot walk forward let’s take a look at our settings again everything is just not bound all right so we basically made it to this Outpost right here that I keep talking about I don’t see any mobs like that are scary over here but let since I’m unable to walk forwards let’s just reverse yeah this is very strange you don’t normally see this right next to a village and there is a literal Ravine uh guys we have a problem I can’t walk forward what are these red particles coming from hello wait where I feel like that means the B character was here somewhere but I don’t see him why are you doing this to me what I saw the particles again ew ah no no get away from me get I will not die like this seriously bro teleport me out did you see that that was terrifying glitch.exe this is one of the most famous creepy pastas in Minecraft and it was first discovered by this YouTuber according to Legend glitch exe is a very dangerous mob that destroys the structure of every block it touches and it can cause strange things to happen to creatures that approaches there have been a few YouTubers that have claimed to encounter him but are they actually telling the truth okay so according to the myth glitch exe was actually a normal player just like you and me which is hard to believe because this person liked redstone traps and Contraptions and who likes red stone am I right it’s confusing it’s not enjoyable to play with but I guess glitch thought differently now this is apparently I guess where he lived right this is his village I don’t know we’re here on the seat and I am seeing some very strange things there’s a portal in the ground where would this take you to probably not the nether probably somewhere much worse then we have a nether portal here with like Redstone all around it yet again glitchy XE as a player like to play with this stuff there’s a lot of random blocks just like missing throughout the village like you can see into this guy’s house just like holes randomly in here this is the staircase from the post there were like portals next to it I believe so it’s like a little different I mean I don’t see anything glitching but I did feel like I saw something weird from up here take a look did you see anything weird who wait hold on I felt like the blocks might have changed but now they are back to normal what is going on I here this is what I was originally talking about there is a Red Stone Trail so obviously we’re going to follow it it’s going to take us somewhere happy and safe and I felt like something moved next to me am I crazy did that iron golem look different a second ago rewind let me know because I feel like he might have done something while I was walking by we’re going to keep on going I’m starting to not have a good feeling about this okay so this whole Trail led us to this just flimsy old lever I guess we’re going to flip it okay oh I’m alive it could could have been much worse um I’m just trapped in a hole I’m just going to fly out of this thing I mean I’m just going to keep exploring that was pretty lame why would you have a whole Trail just for that well let’s check out some of his Contraptions again nothing too crazy here so far kind of a normal just strange Village but maybe this portal would take us somewhere different I mean look they have the Redstone situations and pumpkins around it so maybe this will take us to a world we’ve never been in before let’s grab a flint and steel now I’m going to get rid of that cuz that’s in our way all right let’s try to light this together that was not normal I checked this is like the normal dimensions of a portal and we’re just lighting it is that why it’s surrounded by these Contraptions is it to make sure it doesn’t take you wherever it’s supposed to uh okay here let’s just go ahead and make one ourselves why don’t we maybe if we’re in this weird Village this portal will still take us somewhere different let’s see I’m kind of nervous I feel like things have been acting a little strange around us but I made the nether portal wrong didn’t I did I make it right it looks wrong I thought I made it to the normal coordinates it worked but guys I don’t think that’s the right shape right all right it’s what’s inside that matters right let’s just see what we got going on here oh we literally spawned on top of NE Fortress which I do think is a little odd I don’t think that’s super common to just spawn on top of but other than that this place looks like the normal old nether okay we went to the normal nether just a little weird we went to a normal village it’s just a little weird we have a trend going on here let’s go back maybe there’s something I missed um I did not go through that portal that portal was broken this portal was literally broken where did mine go I built one right up here and it’s just gone there’s literally obsidian in my inventory like I I know for a fact I made it here okay the nether portal is no longer neing it it it’s no longer ignited let’s just try to relight this thing why did it randomly break what so I’m able to make my own portal that looks weird go into The Nether but hop out of this and now it’s just broken it was working just a second ago maybe we need to use something else to light it on fire like let’s get a campfire some torches like a lightning rod I don’t know I’m going out on a limb here so let’s put like a campfire here no torches no can I get a lightning no all right well guys I really don’t know what else to try I mean we tried a good old different amount of things it um okay it just got hit by lightning and I had removed the lightning rod how is this possible should we make sure this portal is normal it’s the one I came through before but I wasn’t able to enter it it literally looks like just where we were before when I made my own nether portal well that seemed totally normal I’m going to declare this myth why are all the blocks changing to glitch who is that man over there oh seriously glitch exe is real and he is evil H let’s see if that ancient wither actually exists literally 2 hours have passed it is now daytime in Minecraft and nobody has responded on this sign I am a little disappointed I will not lie to you but I have one final and Last Resort let’s try to just spawn a wither right that makes sense I feel like this will definitely work and we’re just going to create a new little friend I put the first skull down now we have the second and I don’t know should I do the third I’m actually a little nervous what if all of this leads to something bad as soon as I clicked the last and final skull I almost got killed look how many hearts I lost did the ancient weather get upset the ancient one left the game okay so obviously somebody just logged off I don’t believe this is actually true somebody was pranking me the whole time that was terrifying but I do not believe that there’s actually an ancient weather on this seed okay well if you guys thought that was terrifying check out this next video

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