I LOVE MY SILLY LITTLE FARM 🥹 | Stardew Valley – Part 48

d [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] d d [Music] [Music] is [Music] he [Music] [Music] d [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my goodness it’s happening it’s happening H what is going on everybody my name is Jacob Forster and welcome to the live welcome back in welcome to some more star do Valley hello wonderful people all you wonderful wonderful wonderful amazing people thanks for being here live laugh love Jacob thank you play grat uh Anna would love to watch but it’s 2 a.m. where you’re at oh no well lucky for you there’s always vods afterwards green bean forgot it was Monday do you know what you’ll stream after you done stardo you know what that’s a really good question I I have no idea I really don’t stard has just been something that I’ve always wanted to play and I never thought it would be great to do as just like a recorded video I’ve always wanted to do it live so this has always just been a fun thing that I wanted to do here on the channel so I don’t know I don’t know thinking about other things potentially but uh guess I’ll just have to keep updated Samantha OMG early yippe yippe indeed stard douche Monday what’s up Kayla uh Candace what freeing farming friends from Farm America tonight I pulled through and made sourdough Toblerone and chopped almond cookies Barn Apple beef I’m confused but thank you what’s Up DJ uh Grim dark random question but do you think you’ll play Indigo Park sometime I I will I have it on my list uh it’s downloaded already I’ve just been needing to play some other games before I jump into brand new games uh like uh Crow country that one’s going to be the next video I believe that I’m going to be making so keep an eye out for that one uh random uh Wolfie not going to watch cuz I haven’t caught up yet but come to say hello hello Wolfie hope you enjoy the vods afterwards uh always screaming at you all what’s up everybody what is going on we’re here we’re playing stardew let’s cut the music get this stardo going we love our little farm day four of Summer year number for let’s do this bad boy we almost have 500,000 gold which is almost enough to do the community center upgrade or rather turning it into somebody’s house doing my first play through any Skull Cave suggestions bring lots and lots of salads you worry about me following in the M shaft it’s okay I love you kobby I will never die almost enough for another piano that’s right right I forgot I spent all my money clear and sunny clear and sunny fortune teller mildly perturbed that’s no good that’s no good at all I love our little birdie yeah and the turtle yeah we got we got so many stinky things to buy [Music] who be Romancing it’s too late I’ve already got kobby baby did you not see us hugging just a second ago a look at this little farm so adorable so cute Gumby love you let’s get some water in that bowl yeah yeah the gummy Bowl give me that hey you need a romance Shane and no I will not [Music] elaborate everybody in this town is a stinker except for kobis so that’s a immediate no all right well time to catch up on our uh usual stuff here real quick got some sweet gem berries which is always nice be love how funky this music is you started without me [Music] should have check the Discord uh speaking of Discord um for anyone who saw the tower full of cats I am giving away a bunch of codes for that so go make sure you hang out on the Discord I’ll be setting up the uh the giveaway after the stream is over just in case people want some free games for steam so that should be fun [Music] St Brees uh let’s see what else do I want to turn into spice Beres sure why not oh uh almost forgot that there we go there we go okay is that everything looks like [Music] everything I know I’m sorry I I got a little delayed on getting the ooh six now that’s pretty good I’ve been getting a little delayed on getting the uh the giveaway going but it’s it’s going it’s going we’re going to start it at the end of the stream check out the Discord 324 pieces of hay which doesn’t seem like a lot does not seem like a [Music] lot all of our friends all of our friends we love them love you I love you I love you I love you I love these guys so much they’re my favorite I love you I love you I love you I love you Let Me Love You Let Me Love You [Applause] so noisy so many noises all right everybody has oh my gosh I missed three goats they must be in their little pen huh oh there they are where where are you why are you guys just chilling in here so strange oh didn’t mean to do that what a bizarre group of little guys here the only thing that’s keeping you from being a cold-hearted corporate capitalist in this game is getting animals oh petting animals and filling the bowl don’t let him know he can industrialize it I know I have an auto pet oh I don’t have it I know that you can get one man that would be so convenient man that would be so convenient but alas we can’t we can’t have it it’s too difficult it’s too difficult to find it’s incredibly difficult to find plop plop excuse me yeah get rid of the S berries we don’t need them excuse me pardon me ah Dino eggs Dino Eggies daru dund Spar blue spun spay o oh oh oh perfect oh look at all that Mayo let’s go 34 mayonnaise [Laughter] Sensational incredible all right let’s sell all this goodie see you later guys have fun but don’t have too much fun that’s illegal too much fun is [Music] illegal no no thank you I got wood and wool should I just sell the sweet Jamberry I don’t know what to do with them I really I really don’t know what to do with them I know I can just like make them into jams or jellies I can throw it in the Cask or The Keg but uh I can also save them to make seeds I just don’t know I just don’t know what I’d actually like to do what is everyone eating Lou replied oxygen thank you for the participation L all right okay so let’s let’s take a look here oh gosh 100 skull Caverns without eating or drinking while there so that means you can kind of go crazy beforehand but uh big old water buget juicy here B let’s go let’s go to the town real quick Panda Express for dinner oh man I love getting [Music] Panda I’ll just throw you in there for now I always get that orange chicken and the kungpow it’s it’s just it’s like candy it there’s just so much sugar on it it is just pure candy Steak and Shake oh man I haven’t had Steak and Shake in a long long time there’s there’s there’s one like I think 3 hours away from me that’s the closest there is three puffer fish dang that’s a lot of puffer fish cookies for dinden oh my goodness gracious sounds delectable you know I really don’t know I kind of want to go to the skull Caverns actually just just to try it out I know I’m not going to get to the bottom but I do have the vampiric sword now so that’s cool I guess um h h summertime we’ve already got all our crops kind of set in yeah I think I think I’m just going to go to the desert desert time I still need purple mushrooms as well so that’s that’s another that’s another thing summer squash let’s go ooh mystery boxes I love mystery boxes hello everyone I’m here now I guess hello Bob welcome back [Music] all right time for the the skull Caverns there’s nobody here so quiet so lonely oh you better got our staircase bug guts do these guys die no dang it I’m looking for bug guts oh I should have done the the mining thing I always forget that I have that I should just do that at the start of every single day before I do anything else bom bombs away KY swamp schwamp schwamp schwamp excuse you excuse you how rude how rude coming for me straight away what meanie we’re doing something I guess oh look who it is it’s a little dragon isn’t it what’s nice is this is just the normal skull Caverns so it’s not like oh that’s right we get money from bird it’s not like there’s like all the super crazy stuff that goes on at the same time here quk oh that’s right I don’t have energy I won’t oh if I can’t eat or drink oh that’s not good at all yeah wait how am I supposed to do this properly oh I just realized how much more difficult this is going to be yeah I’m already running out of energy R well this is already going terribly I’ll put you right there run away gosh yeah I totally forgot I was only worried about health but no that’s that’s something else something else entirely isn’t there a oh thank goodness jeez it takes so long isn’t there a thing that gets you oh go away oh there’s a lot of you oh guys got a little heart inside of them H oo a whole lot of money let’s freaking go gamers do I want any of this no oh you got Hearts too so cute ow the bug yeah isn’t there a isn’t there a whole thing with getting energy back too do it over there so I can get away from it oh perfect oh no okay well bombs away [Music] KY no nothing good uh KY let’s go love Jacob asking a question when you know he won’t look at chat for at least 10 minutes got to be my favorite gender incredible everybody why do youall hate me just kidding it’s only Lou Lou is the only one who hates me you know I’m surprised I haven’t found a hole I haven’t found a hole to drop down into yet which is a bit weird I guess that’s because of the bad luck you know just real bad luck h Huh let’s put you there is that going to blow up that it better that hit me you got to be joking tiny room we love tiny room tiny room thank you tiny room served as well oh another tiny room we love tiny room give us the goods give us the goods gosh it’s already 8:00 p.m. there’s no way I’m getting through this oh hole let’s go I was wondering when we were going to find one jump in we oh 15 levels yikes yikes yikes yikes yikes oh that [Music] hurt I might just need to leave if I find out I’m going to die though I can always just eat food though at the same time like I don’t need to to stay to do this another hole jump in jump in jump in jump in don’t touch them six levels okay I just need to kill something I need my I need my little thing to go off my my health regen this is scary this is worse than all of them will the stream make a video when the El ring DLC comes absolutely absolutely absolutely I am so excited for alen ring um yeah incredibly incredibly excited I can’t wait overrun by monsters okay I’m thinking I can probably get some health back taking care of these guys and not a single piece of health love that absolutely love that there’s some health okay cool come on dragon come at me yeah I’ve been I’ve put I got to double check my hours played in Elden ring but it’s a lot can you please give me Health thank you very much purple slime egg wow I’m actually trying to figure out how I want to play Elden ring way down has appeared oh that was it um I’m thinking about either going back and streaming on on Twitch just to play Elden ring I know and then editing together all the footage like I did previously um I can’t eat anything I got my health back that’s nice but yeah I’m trying to I’m still trying to figure out what I want to do for I’ve got a full gosh it comes down what two 3 weeks now so I got a little bit of time I started a couple new characters cuz I have my original character that I did the first playthrough with and after I finished that playthrough I just kind of w walked around in New Game Plus and did I think two much oh he hit me come on come on bom way uh too much to the point where I don’t think it’s actually going to be a good good thing to run with if that makes sense Health let’s go let’s go look at that little Krabby oh Dino oh I haven’t had a Dino a while nice slimes get out of here I got too much slimy um you’re watching the animal well series that game seriously took a turn on part four that game I love that game I love animal well so much I put 45 hours into that game now off stream too um but yeah sorry I was using my normal character in Elden ring the original playthrough character and then I got to a point where I was like oh this is I’m doing too much and by the time the DLC was released I was like oh well I’ve kind of ruined this character for doing like a fresh DLC run I should probably go home we only got it to level 40 got to level 40 though in a pretty decent fashion we didn’t use up too many resources not going to lie see if I can find any quick Treasures excuse me excuse me oh oh I’ve been attacked a hole hold on five levels wait how many uh I can only make two H it’s 1 a.m. I’ve got a Teleport so that’s fine oh you again I think I need to actually get them for another hole oh no five levels actually kind of getting getting down here not too bad isn’t terrible not going to lie but alas we must go home knees shattered chumbus hi horsey see if I can uh organize things super quickly super quickly very super [Music] quickly that goes in there uh spicy eel bye-bye cactus fruit and other garbage cactus fruit sweet peas ah I got these random thingies okay cool quick organization so I need to bring that to Clint uh I got the incubator and this needs to be put away and that also needs to be put away sure time for sleepy time right on the kitchen floor what happened to all my S [Music] well well well well well well I sold it or rather I traded it to the raccoons for summer squash you all thought I was a fool for keeping so much sap but I knew since before the DLC that it would be so important anomalous reading I don’t know what this means for tomorrow that’s interesting wonder what that’s about kobby oh it’s Friday you don’t speak it’s okay we still hug we still love nothing ready for me nothing’s [Music] ready is it time for oh no it’s something else never mind you know what I I got the slimies let’s go just put those in here right now excuse you you not supposed to be here is this corn is that my corn excuse me is oh there’s still something in the incubator ah dang it I love how my fence just broke it’s fine it’s true we do we still hug on Fridays what did I plant here I don’t remember what I why I planted something there we love the bow you know let’s check to see if I’ve got any schas hanging around I don’t think so but I’ll just double check super oh yeah there’s some cool yoink yoink yoink gubby gubby I didn’t pet you yet I love you gubby oh thank you for the bone fragments Jacob would you play Animal Crossing you know I thought about that for like an alternative after we’re done with this I do own it already I still have it on my switch my switch starberry day I love starberry day um I never I never really my friend got it for me for my birthday uh the year that it came out is my inv how’s my inventory full what the freak um yeah my friend got it for me for my birthday and uh I had a lot of fun playing it but I just never got super into it but I wanted to actually get more into it I think it’s just cuz it’s it’s tough to at the time I think I was still working if I remember [Music] correctly beep okay that should be good oh no did I did I forget to put one in there that’s disappointing um dang it dang it uh it’s fine [Music] Cav cavar bro but yeah it felt kind of tough to get into it to put so much time into it cuz I was focusing on other things um when it first came out I think I was just doing a lot of YouTube like a lot more YouTube and was also working full-time there’s just a lot going on fiber oh that’s right thank you thank you thank you the fiber seeds fiber you will not miss these barrels aridium bars let’s [Music] go that would be such a good time when stardy Valley is over true true yeah get this lure out of here get this lure out of here Comey quit your barking quit your barking Cav what am I doing with my life this thing’s going there there we go okay so that fits there go there there it goes all there yeah yeah yeah rocks go right there uh my Moss aha Moss go there so I got these two ancient fruit wine is going to go into the other spot there’s my coffee and yeah let’s go to our little animals our animals where am I supposed to get bug meat again I thought it was in the caves from the bugs but can’t you just catch them in the water too we love little bow am I am I remembering correctly what what are the I I believe they’re the Chinese cuisine aren’t they like bow buns is that is that a thing or am I making this up in my head cuz when the next one hatches I want to call it a bow bun I love you I love you I love you yoink I love you love you love you I love you I love you love you love you I love you yink yink yink love you yoink yoink I love you well I know the the I know but can’t you also get them from fishing I feel like I just never find bugs cuz I’ve never finished that one I think they’re just what they’re in like lowlevel normal cave cuz the other bugs that appear are uh indestructible as you get into the later mines forget New Horizons if you’re going to play any animal crossing Jacob it has to be an older one I want to watch you get bullied by cute low poly animals [Music] oh music starting I missed stinkier and sneo where are you oh you and one sheep where are my sheep nope there we go where’s stinkier or uh oh there you are you’re hiding hiding normal mines floor 10 to 29 oh okay so it’s yeah that’s that’s what I thought it’s just like really low level which that’s not where I want to be for anything cool you know b bs yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought okay thank you hero I don’t know why like in my mind I know what they are but I just can’t visualize them are they not just like the little um steamed treats does that make sense they a little fluffy little handheld things they have stuff kind of stuffed in the middle that’s what they are right or am I mixing up a different uh Asian delicacy mhm Hello stardo Monday Oscar rich I forgot about him forgot that name it’s solid name right there cheese cheese grummet steam dough that usually have barbecue pork inside there other feelings too okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that’s what I thought yeah we’ll we’ll we’ll name it bow bow bun the next one yeah yeah okay okay cuz there’s there’s quite a few H nothing there’s quite a few different uh uh what what would you describe that as it’s not not a pastry obviously um yeah what how do you what what kind of food would you describe that as just a tasty little [Applause] treat don’t actually know is it a baked good is would it technically just be a baked good could name It Rocky baloa I don’t know about that one but I appreciate the effort just a bun yeah I thought maybe there was like a techn Tech technical naming for it or something okay two more uh hardwood you [Music] know I need to know the food category isn’t it steamed it’s is it not a dumpling well see that’s what I’m saying is it a dumpling or it’s not I don’t think it is a dumpling because it’s a steamed bun and dumplings are a bit different because dumplings aren’t they typically I mean they can’t be steamed but they usually they can be also be boiled or deep fried I don’t know this is this is AEP you’re a dumpling derogatory rude are Empanada is a dumpling see this is this is what I’m asking about it’s like the categorization of a hot dog people are like oh no not the mines uh oh it’s Friday is Clint even going to be [Music] here I hate this game I hate emanas are poptarts that’s the best description I’ve heard yet let’s go to the cart lady see cart lady has for us his grilled toast D you mean grilled cheese see see the the chaos I’ve uh I’ve created the can of worms that I’ve opened a cockle gross Lobster bis gross Crystal floor gross a candy table absolutely yes nothing else I the minor tree is very good for ,000 sure I’ll take it sure why not bye-bye exotic double bed everybody’s favorite how far along are we by the way um 8 months for Mastery sweet pee riceberry the internet says they’re filled steamed bread never thought they would be considered bread yeah cuz it’s just a a mixture of a type of flower right bread is a mixture of a type of flower right I don’t know it’s conf it’s confusing isn’t it you all were like oh Jacob it’s just a bun well Define a bun what’s a bun what constitutes a bun not so crazy now am I D sorry yeah that’s that’s the word I was I was meaning to use it’s it’s a dough based treat tasty little little morsel just a tasty little nugget you know oh that’s right I need I need grass give me all your grass all your fiber give me your fiber sweet PE love sweet oh more schas more fibers fibers it’s chasing me being attacked the category is dimsum is it though is it though is it really sweet [Music] pee art do do can some of those turn into purple mushrooms I don’t know how this works gubby what are you doing what are you doing buddy let’s go check on our uh this one okay well you enjoy that you enjoy that I enjoy it that’s for sure rocks oh boy rocks juicy bugs thank you oh thank you skullies get out of my face how rude how rude how rude buggies stinkers that’s that you are oh what where did you come from where did you come from oh he’s attacking me give me your bug meat please that’s nicely rocks o more bug meat for Jacob yes please get get back here get back here buggy excuse me coming through excuse me excuse me dwarf scroll one incredible why am I why am I using rocks just just use this I’m not trying to get super deep I’m just getting bugs just give me my [Music] bugs bug me is not a mental image that you like it’s just bug me w w w w bom wait why did that take two hits for the Copper Rock that seems outrageous is the difficulty up here since I’ve gone to the side Place does that make sense you didn’t even drop your bug meat rude this game is rigged H BG meat happy pride month indeed indeed pride month is is very important but do you know what else is happening in June my birthday it’s also my birthday month let’s freaking go Gamers guessed it [Music] right Gemini season unfortunately r r someone doesn’t like Jacobs how old do you be 40 sounds about right sounds just about right Golden Boy must die yeah this is enough that’s enough in here leave the mines back till the bus stop where did I leave horsey oh that’s right I took the uh teleport birthday stream what’s go I think my what what day what day is my birthday what day of the week oh it’s on Wednesday yeah I may uh I might actually um skip out on the Monday stream and instead stream on my actual birthday probably play something else as well just to make it a a little extra special of a time you know I’m just get [Music] though 120 uh ah Z foods keep oh I have a lot of monor treats I just remembered seaweed cherry bombs common mushrooms hate that Minecraft hardcore I don’t know I don’t know about that one sleepy time oh my [Music] jade oh that perfect [Music] timing yeah Wednesday birthday it’s not not a fun day to have a birthday okay I got nothing planned for my birthday either [Music] whoa a green rain has descended upon the valley dot dot dot look at that that’s cool nothing from everybody what what is this a new event gubby I love you buddy where’s croby kobis kobby baby where are you where is he kobby this is such a terrible little room kobby where’s Koby where’s kobis maybe he’s out enjoying the rain oh wait hold on can check down here first H nothing but I can put these in here beep what is this oh ew green rain oh what are these are these fiddle ferns what is this what in the freak is happening whoa look at my trees those look weird now are they all full of moss moss what wait what is happening oh it makes makes trees grow really fast right is that what’s happening somebody help Mossy seeds oh that’s right huh so weird where did you come from what is happening to my farm what do I do Moss I know this is new I don’t even have to ask h so groy but I love it it’s completely harmless basically just makes plant life GL uh grow like crazy for a day I love it I absolutely love it oh yeah oh yeah look at all that ancient fruit perfect Google said it’s rare and harmless that’s good to know I like the uh color palette that it puts on everything it’s pretty fun it’s pretty fun I guess straberries is anybody doing anything fun for uh for pride month you guys get any fun cool plans do not eat orange there we go making some marmalade all that bad boy you would like the stinkier aesthetic yep that’s me Stinky yoink how many do I have left 140 [Music] beep 148 just being a lesbian that is pretty special in it of itself you got me there you got me there what is this whoa look at that fiber and Moss thickums the thicks this is crazy crazy at least I’m getting a lot of fiber that’s really cool hi friends love you love you love you love you love you I love you love you I love you I love you and I love you plop I’m going to sell some stuff plop up SLE plop up by trans and exhausted give yourself a little rest this this season then plop spop spip spop there we go doing some pining B plop B plop plop plop bleep plop bloop and bleep and uh no keep all that keep all of it love you I love you love you I love you I love you I love you I love you love you I love you love you I love you love you nice be beepop beepop beepop beepop got your birthday in June as well let’s go and lesbian so Pride party Bri and Jason at least that’s fun it’s exciting get a double celebration for yourself beep plop beep beep plop beep plop Dames let’s go time for Eggies time for Eggies uh should I keep any of this for any particular reason like will it grow into something else or will it disappear at the end of the day I would really like to know love you uh there we go perfect let’s go B what is it B [Laughter] Bon most will be gone tomorrow okay so I will do it you have good energy so we queer Cals love you thank you I’m honored bow time baby yeah let’s go bow on it’s so green little bow born on the stinky rain couldn’t have had a better birth and let’s go ahead and drop these guys over here okay is that all of them that should be every single one since they’re all stuck in their Cs and barns all right so since these will disappear let’s just uh start getting all of our goodies this is so exciting I love a a new interaction in the game you always think that you’re you found everything and then there’s still so much more that this game just continues to give you that’s the thing that’s been so fun about stardew is there’s just almost an unending amount of stuff to do doing the game and like even if you like fully Perfection beat the entire games there’s still so many more cool things to check out like making a whole new farm O hey trying out different scenarios with that it’s just really cool it’s just really cool the way that they’ve done so much in this [Music] so I guess I guess I’m just going to spend this whole day just getting as much of this as I can right seems like the best option cuz I do really need fiber so this is perfect it’s perfect get a little bit of hay too this is great so this this is probably how you’re supposed to get more Moss cuz I was wondering it seemed like it was such a low amount that I was getting at this point cuz I need so much for that uh that one uh thingy that I need to craft forget what it’s called you know what I’m talking about though but this makes a lot more sense oh man my energy is getting real low who said Baja Blast who’s referenced the Baja no cool should I just cut these down real quick just plant some new ones one two three [Applause] four five six oh dang it s oh I got 51,000 uh monies what what are we thinking what what should I be spending that money on should I do the community upgrade oh gosh dang it or is there something more important I should use that money for Samantha thank you for the $1.99 Super Chat Baha blessed Sensational absolutely love that thank you thank you so very much oh look at all that goodies okay time to replant nice okay oh it’s already 650 no stop oh gosh I got to do I got I got to move quick uh ah I got 78 dang okay okay okay I I’ll worry about what to do with the money later time cuz I need to get all this fiber from everywhere apparently keeping that just so it grows into more it’s your money and you want it now call JG Wentworth 877 cash now oh my gosh oh my gosh this is incredible it’s the best Saturday of my life oh my gosh oh there’s so much to get I really hope that’s what you were referencing they called JJ Wentworth oh there’s so much it’s the ones that are kind of bulbous I’m assuming that give you like the most stuff right including the Moss I don’t know how this works B plop plop oh my gosh look at these funky little guys should I cut these down if they’re weird looking like that should I cut them down or let’s leave them as is such wacky little trees or will those stay the way they’re at I don’t know oh my gosh this is the best day of my life the greatest day of my life oh I should go to the Quarry I bet I have a lot of goodies over there oh my gosh I’m already oh I’m running out of daytime I shouldn’t have done anything except for this this is incredible what is that what is that thing that’s a weird one what do I do with this what do I do with a weird tree this is cool I like this take AKA chop down cut it down okay all right 11:00 oh there’s another one weird trees I don’t let it grow right fiddle had Fern that’s kind of stinky kind of weird an oh there another weird one looks like a tacal to murderer I’m not allowed to get hungry until I pull the kitty winners oh yeah I’ll I’ll uh once I end the stream that’s when we’ll have the or at least hopefully we’ll have the the the thingy go live um on Discord for the giveaway of the Hidden Object Kitty game um in case anybody missed it at the beginning of the stream I’ll I’ll I’ll do an at everybody in uh Discord once it goes live and we’ll probably keep it up for for a full day that way people have time to to enter in so the winners won’t be announced but you’ll be able to put your name in for it for sure think there are five codes that they gave me could be wrong plant Mossy seeds get funky trees forever do I have Mossy seed oh I got two now okay okay so we’re getting a few more which is cool I guess let’s chop You Down chop chop chop only Fiddle Head FS from that which is not great those videos were great by the way thank you they’re always super fun to make doing the little Hidden Object Kitty games oh I was really hoping that those would drop something else but it is kind of cool that they’re just weird giant Fiddle Head ferns so okay interesting very interesting it’s already one0 o I got to go fast I got to go real fast 120 faster 130 140 should I just fall asleep on the floor spend a thousand bucks just to yeah I’m just going to do that get as many goodies as I possibly can real quick while I still can [Laughter] no okay not bad not too bad D7 of Summer oh boy oh boy yeah where was kobis that whole time were you hiding were you back in your own little cave if I could come help you I would but I’ll do my best to keep the house in order thanks crobby you’re the [Music] best I did have a Teleport Lou wait hold on a second check the TV see if there’s anything funky going on tomorrow beautiful sunny day raining in the front Islands though fortune teller very happy happy o ooh final day I I could try I could try thanks Marlin appreciate it Happy pride month to krois to crobby baby oh yeah look at that fi okay so how far away am I to be able to make the thingy not that one um where was it I I always forget where these things are yes that you blessings oh I I got all the Moss I need now I just need more fiber which we’re getting pretty close actually cool oh that’s exciting that is very exciting all right what do I need to put away uh M SE so how does this work exactly the mossy seed I’m assuming I just plant it anytime I’d like I assume it’s not uh specific to any season [Music] right plant like normal tree you get random chance at funky tree or tentacle tree oh cool a little guy was waving at me so cute Juno okay let’s get all this uh TOS in [Music] here the song is such a banger every time sweet pea jelly ah you can’t put it in there that’s [Music] fine no ah dang uh what do I want to put in [Music] there ew fiddlehead fern why can I put that in there that seems strange seems bizarre happy Monday Jacob hope your day is swell thank you Sam Jean it’s going pretty well so far not too bad F plop let’s put this hay away not that that will do [Music] much oh pey day that’s go give me puppies [Music] oh there’s so many of you so many of these little little lizards right at the entrance every time they’ll just come out of their little lizard house okay that a that was a stressful day of trying to get as many pieces of grass as possible it’s kind of fun let’s see if there’s any like lingering stuff hanging around uh in the rest of the valley I even check anywhere other than my farm and no I didn’t want to go in there to love them I’m sure there’s some more people over here but oh I don’t have room to do this ah stinky stinky oh crap crap [Music] [Music] okay that should be fine uh see who have I not pet oh s and little lady oh there’s little lady and where’s s oh s there you are mayo oh big Eggies nice I was missing a preserve jar oh no can this can this go away thank you so noisy such noisy little guys Pony pony get out of the way oh gosh I’m running out of room running out of space excuse me oh cart lady today let’s go make sure we do that two eggs one more egg any more egg egg no more egg playing power wash simulator while you watch Munday sounds like a great time those kind of games can be so like fun relaxing in such a weird way they’re great I hope you enjoy it excuse me EXC [Music] me all right let’s see what else I got here got 38 of these now it’s pretty good gby oh you just want me pet you here you go love you give me some more bones thanks thanks all right you think Clint will actually be open today resource resource [Music] resource crap where was I putting bone [Music] fragments I put him in here I guess I put them in there okay sell the rest of this bye-bye don’t need you uh any reason I should keep this fiddlehead fern what am I going to be eating after stream today you know I actually made myself uh uh some uh pasta salad last night so I’m probably going to be munching on that save myself a little money not go out eat some pasta salad uh yeah I’ll sell it why not uh I don’t know I’ll hold on to it just in case oh Clint is that Moss oh my gosh oh so much Moss Sensational you had pasta what kind of pasta did you have salad de la Pasta the town oh hello Mystery Box oh coffee oh warp to them oh Mega bombs thanks [Music] Clint bananas are kind of gross you know I’m kind of with you on that one bananas are all right every once in a while but sometimes I’m eating a banana and I’m just like I’m not enjoying myself right now bananas have to have a very very specific thing going on with them for me to enjoy them and I can’t have too many bananas either morning Jacob morning good morning Rachel it is evening for I Banana’s always disappoint well see that’s the thing and I hate banana flavored things too like banana candy the worst so sorry people out there enjoy banana flavored things you do you I’m not going to do that the yams wait do those grow [Music] forever cart lady what do you got oh I can’t even see your pig I got to fix that a there’s cool Pig Mr Cool Piggy Barbed hook tulip stinky poppy Bean starter survival Burger she always happen to sell wind uh wild the rare seeds plus three foraging is that what do that what does that even mean that you just get more resources when you forge or that they’re better quality I don’t know so I’m already like super forger you know oh my gosh got to go back to Clint now you’re only a banana lover if they’re in smoothies yeah they’re they’re great cuz they do they thicken up a smoothie really well too much banana though then the Smoothie just becomes banana simulator and everything tastes like the banana which is not great also they’re a bit too overpowering at times and also they make everything rot like if you have other fruit that’s sitting out and you have bananas if the bananas start going bad all of your other fruit will just be like so quick it’s a tragedy moreos we loveash around here some squash ah summer squash yeah continues to produce oh that’s so good that is so good okay I like the summer squash pretty sick nasty stop hating on bananas you can’t tell me what to do are you I was just about to go into your shop you know that you just had to go over there you just had to just leave your home spiceberry let’s see if there’s anything new that I’ve unlocked oh hello okay fine uh void Spirits Dougies I only need five more of them dust Sprites rock crabs close mummies almost there I rarely find the pepper Rex oh only three more serpents okay that’s pretty good so good grape okay okay man I bet this whole location would have been crazy on the green rain day but there were so many goodies but alas it’s all gone now you know what I’m going to spend my money on the community center I think I have to excited so I’d like to see how that progresses I like the community center but I think uh I think Pam deserves a real home but at the same time yo those mobile homes are kind of sick sometimes don’t knock it too much at least oh boy rocks there rocks should I go to the desert Trader and just get a bunch of uh staircases right now probably yeah I might go do that actually cool very cool all right to the bus stop please please thank you banana haters are just salty that they slipped on a peel in a fast life that’s good that’s good I like that get the rest of this stuff away first [Music] cool all right now I can sell bye-bye bye-bye bye-bye and then you go to Clint whenever he’s open next let’s go grab our Jade Jade got 30 staircases so far it’s actually not bad it’s actually not a bad amount um gra a few goodies from here oh hello staircase 11 yeah oh that’s perfect I actually really appreciate that thank you sir oh I haven’t been I haven’t been oh oh I didn’t even go to the island during the the crazy weather event oh I’ve been to the island this whole [Applause] episode what’s wrong with me why didn’t anybody say anything I probably have so many fruits so much fruit just ready just ready for me hey you graduated last week let’s freaking go that’s very exciting very very exciting driving the bus let’s go oh uh do I want to bring anything to the island I don’t think I care more pineapple I don’t know I don’t think it really matters at this point um maybe a mango the Tero Duba yeah I’m I’ll just I’ll just plant the one thingy that’s fine by me [Music] anient fruit oh my gosh oh my you move oh my gosh oh my gosh plop perfect whole o moolly o that’s a lot of ancient [Applause] fruit perfect oh and strawberries too oh and all the pineapples perfect just all this fruit don’t care strawberries it’s getting a little late I think I’ll have time to run over to the uh mushroom cave see if there’s any purple mushrooms over there probably not huh maybe though yeah might I might be able to make it let’s see just saw all of it why not this year’s 5 years since you graduated college or high or middle school Middle School graduation going crazy gosh dang it my mouse stopped working there it is no purple mushies worst day of my life guess I’m getting some Fiber fiber’s cool we love fiber around here okay well time to go home I guess boom nice nice make sure jumas isn’t lonely out on the island bring them back bring them on back getting close to the fiber amount that I need going to put these into the thingy over here got to run fast got to run quick got to run real fast got to run real quick you know eat [Music] mushroom here got to run fast got to run quick got to run real fast got to run real quick perfect pal fossil artifacts [Music] 41 okay got to run fast got to run quick we did it we oh I had more [Music] ah sorry oh the witch no oh why do you do this to my slime hun what is wrong with [Laughter] her why does she hate my slimes Slimer get slimed on I hate this game I hate this game my slimes did nothing wrong probably said get good on what’s that lovely smell you must have been sweating all night cromis what do you mean Gro is getting a little freaky I mean what do I expect kobis is my lover here in my house you don’t just say that though croby you got to wait for the right moments uh clear and sunny rain all day fortune teller neutral okay he embarrassed you kobis is a freak lowkey highkey actually that’s why we love him that’s why we love the kobby [Music] baby oh apricot yum [Music] yoink M what is there a most profitable fruit tree by the way I would assume it’s mango or the banana little squash squash oh my gosh I miss a preserve Shar why didn’t anybody tell me [Music] H how much you all hate me be honest you’ll be honest it’s okay [Music] balls thank you for the commentary Bob appreciate you 100 on a scale of 10 glad you asked cuz I’ve been wanting to talk about this for a minute please ear out your [Music] grievances wow look at all that oh resin let’s go oh they left me a little treat look at all those summer squash curbed the old squash that is harvested while immature and still tender [Music] [Music] what are yall doing why are they just te- posing are they stuck no oh no got them stuck well I got to change that immediately I can’t have that I can’t have that there and there I guess okay I got the time I’ll put them right here nice get trapped Boos I love you I love you I love I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you love you I love you I love you I love you I love you I love you why did he go back in there love you wow kitty loves meow Hi how are you doing thank you for the Super Chat as always how’s your week been so far been up to anything exciting since we last saw you in the uh the old chat here is that bow bun B bun we love bow bun love you love you I love you I love you I love you all right who did I miss oh my gosh Panini that’s it just a singular little guy Pini where’s Panini oh nothing is it you is it you is it you it’s you there you are got him so when are you naming one bow we just did B bun I thought it was is a pretty good name if I do say so myself but I am biased I love them they’re my favorite they really are don’t tell the others please a lot of milk today lot of milk oh thank you Mr rabbit for chopping off your leg today we always love a good leg day incredible okay you think Robin’s working today on a Monday you think she’s actually working today probably not right blessed to have caught alive or is it a curse you can be honest please be [Laughter] [Music] honest I’ll come back to you guys later later y I’m sorry it’s just so catchy whoa three cups of coffee again who another warp totem I don’t care about thanks Clint you’re just as stinky as I remember uh don’t care about that bust up to Robin R what does Robin even need guess we’ll find out I guess we will find out what is a hardwood regular wood other random things um and 500 smack Aro hi oh thanks I did actually Community upgrade 950 wood oh okay that’s actually not terrible wait can I just do it here okay um teleport 950 wood easy love you wasn’t listening but heard be honest and are you sure you want that I don’t know anymore yeah yeah that’s so generous you I’ll start working on the upgrade tomorrow it should take around 3 days oh okay well fine [Music] then should I do that should I do that I got 10,000 never mind not doing that all right sell an album of mouth STS please do [Laughter] not incredible oh it’s it is it’s Munday so let’s go see let’s see if junimo Kart is on the menu today uh let’s see I want to grab five of these see you later oh it’s raining that’s right Minecraft resource pack but just me and my noises good uh someone in the community did that for Minecraft at a certain point they replaced some of the some of the files with me making noises it was pretty good four precious stones find four Prismatic shards ship 100,000 gold worth a freshly cooked these both suck um Prismatic shards is this which one’s which one’s easier is this one easier Chun Mo Chun MO what is the phrase that you hate me saying Gemma cooking one is hard yeah that seems like a lot to do he suck play some gomo I’ll just um so if I accept one I guess this is the question if I accept this and it’s 21 days long are they not going to give me a new challenge until 21 days is up or are they still going to give me a new challenge on Monday because if that’s the case I’m going to do the 14 days so that it resets sooner if it resets every seven days regardless and I can get multiple challenges I’ll choose the 21 Day One they’ll give you another one the next week oh okay couldn’t tell you okay so it doesn’t matter if if I accept it it doesn’t matter you done the cooking one twice it’s annoying doesn’t seem great every Monday regardless okay okay I’ll just do the Prismatic shards then why not 15 oh boy so fancy all right cool cool cool cool you know what I want to do right now I want to go to the volcano just for funsies just for the fun of it rol just buy flour and make a bunch of bread yeah that’s that’s actually one way to do it for sure it’s 420 ni sick um slurp up real quick excuse me what happened to all the little fire breathers are they just gone now button wait I thought that was a button I’m confused how does this game work ah it’s so rare to come in here at this point in the game it’s always fun to to hear all the music [Music] Omni geod action [Music] here hey get out of [Music] here get out of [Music] here get get out of here I’m working [Music] where’s the where’s the exit pass it over here go away oh it’s down there what [Music] the cinder [Music] Shard oh gosh this is in such a weird [Music] spot did you get the legendary fish for this oh you know what I don’t think I got it for summer [Music] yet um where should I go for that so we can definitely do [Music] that darn I’m actually hoping to find the little mushroom room just in case there’s like purple mushrooms there too [Music] so I still can’t believe the witch cursed my slime Hutch it was so rude of her the beach way to the right you know I feel like I did get that one I’ll have to double check it though I will have to O Dragon toies let’s go what just hurt me oh no okay [Music] oh nice good little spot for toies she’s just doing her job to be fair the witch fine fine Dragon haven’t seen you guys in a long time can I not even weird I’ve never seen something so closed off like this huh the Crimson fish hm at the beach right you’re talking about the beach trying to remember if I did get that one gosh what a weird setup for this room this is very bizarre come here here oh he too far away out of here get the freak yeah got him give me whale time you know if I’ll keep begging for it I’m just going to do speedrun of animal animal well instead is it just me or these rooms really weird on this run like this seems really excessive one hit kill than right I’m not I’m not being weird right like I can’t get through here can’t get through here though I don’t even know where the exit is excuse me see I can’t go through there this this weird huh uh I think it was a neutral day if I’m not mistaken little guy the diamond Hunter all stones have a chance to drop a diamond when mined by hand wait what also is is should I get this the clown shoes huh actually do need more bombs 25 okay Roots platter yeah I totally forgot to check this guy um is moles in here I wish I love the original Pokemon games they’re always so fun let’s just see what’s in here real quick uh oh I do like that song though but alas it is time to leave clown shoes consider they’ve added a lot of new mines levels oh okay specifically for this whole area for the volcano [Applause] it’s getting late you’re getting sleepy very sleepy Squire’s helmet the face is exposed to increase air flow cool didn’t know I got that toofy floor sleep time time to get sweaty with krois Gumby I know what you all want now I don’t have time to do it I don’t have time to do it it’s fine we’ll just go to sleep we’ll do a little just a little [Music] bit Gro is we’ll do a little V of junimo cart later okay 51,000 d n of Summer yippe the spreading weeds have caused damage to your Farm the book sellers what do you mean the spreading weeds which Farm beautiful sunny day also raining again in the F Islands wow H mildly perturbed grus was I sweaty if I could come help you I would but I’ll do my best to keep the house in order thanks Croy watch it yeah watch it just be a single weed on the farm that’d be pretty silly um hello sorry I’m not going at writing letters made one metal bar too many thanks Clint I guess such a good song [Music] wow [Music] [Music] wow messed up a little bit there but it’s fine we recovered all right ooh more [Music] goodies strawberries wait can I throw these in there gross okay fair enough uh the most delectable banana jelly been lurking good night have a great rest of stream thanks for uh hanging out Mary hope you have a great rest of evening [Music] [Music] quit you yelling I’m coming don’t [Music] worry love you love you love you love you love you love you love love you love love you love you love you I love you love you oh so many of them to [Music] love who hasn’t been loved you and you and [Music] you oh my gosh too many there’s too many can’t keep up with [Music] this did I get them all probably [Music] not Opa bird where the freak are you where’s a pillow bird one of you I know it’s one of you oh new [Music] ostrich what’s up Jon why are you all lusting let see lusting uh well all right we got to we got to name this ostrich it’s time it’s time scrap um we we got to we got to get a good name Keith bosich bow no we just did bow bun though that’s that’s basically the creative version of it just doing so we got to do bow [Music] bun what are we thinking bosr is very good biggest fluffiest Kevin jumbo [Music] Josh Lando I like bosr I think we’re going to go with bosich unless something better comes in very quickly here we go we’re typing it out no there’s nothing better okay deal look at that it’s little bosich little meatball thought we forgot about little meatball you thought we forgot about little meatball we did not we did not it’s perfect where where are you where ah it’s you it’s you love you okay got him we caught them all what if I did Pokemon streams someone was mentioning Moltres what if I just what if instead of starting once we finish this I just go into playing either the classics or some of the new ones I still I I I recently when uh when iOS finally got access to uh emulators on the App Store I downloaded the the like good one the actual emulator that people use and I played through all of fire red again even though I own it for Game Boy Advance I played through it again but on my phone I put like 20 hours into that game in a week which is a lot for me doing stuff off camera I don’t play a lot I don’t I honestly don’t play a lot of video games off camera just cuz I’m doing other things in life um but uh yeah no I was playing Pokemon everywhere mostly just at home on the couch but it was very fun kind of going back and reexperiencing Pokemon I really haven’t played it since I was a kid but I own like all of the modern at least the switch ones I have the sword no I have I have sword or have Shield I have sword or Shield I have Scarlet I have Arcus Arcus whatever it’s called um yeah but I never really played them I played Scarlet a little bit the other ones are still in the the shrink W uh I played Scarlet a little bit and I had fun with it it’s so janky though and kind of broken but it kind of was still fun I don’t know is bosr a Pokemon it could be it very well could be Scarlet was your first full Pokemon game dang no I I genuinely enjoyed the time I was playing it again it’s one of those games where like you really got to sit down and enjoy it and sometimes my brain just doesn’t want to sit with a video game for hours on end per sitting there’s no games outside of this the channel uh let’s see four preure Stones this so difficult why is it that’s like the most difficult thing to do what what what am I feeling right now what what should I be doing Candy Crush streamer that’s where the real money’s at baby what what was that crop order queen of sauce blueberries I’ve already done both of these um yeah just do that one sure book seller yes my goodness thank you excuse me you totally forgot about that wait did I already miss them I feel like that was a while ago oh no it is today okay cool hi book seller by books mining monthly 10,000 stardo Valley Almanac combat quarterly so thumbs up I do not have so I should buy all them [Music] me sitting here I realize I I don’t play games for myself anymore it’s tough dude it is tough sometimes it’s tough yeah just B bleep blop and bloop horse the book fairy dust is there anything good out of this feel like not really [Music] actually let’s see how close am I oh we’re about to get the next Mastery right [Music] here wait I didn’t get it what oh my gosh I need so much more could I just keep [Music] really way of the Wind part one why are they so expensive remember them being so expensive so reading it again grants a small amount of experience in all areas it says so you can still reread it if I really want [Music] to the goose game are you talking about wait what is what is the actual game [Music] called is it just called Goose game it’s not called Goose game I have it downloaded I’ve been wanting to play it for the channel oh oh that’s right Untitled Goose game I was like Goose game doesn’t sound right it’s Untitled g game yeah yeah yeah no I’ve been meaning to play it for the channel I’ve just been getting distracted with other games I’m not GNA lie I think it’d be very fun because it’s what like a you can beat the game in like two three hours right it’s like a one it’s like a one day long sitting I’m I’m playing through I’m going to be playing through um what’s it called Crow country yeah two to three hours okay I’m going to be playing through Crow country uh that’s going to be the next video [Music] [Music] oh I see goodies oh yeah that’s what I’m talking about that’s what I’m talking about give me fiber [Music] you just finished a little kitty big city it was cute it looked like a fun game I’m just not sure how much fun I would have playing it personally I don’t know cuz it it’s just like an it’s just like an exploration exploration chill game right cuz like even if I’m playing like a chill game like stard do Valley like I still like that there’s Challenge and Main objectives and things to do but that’s all I know about little kitty pig city is that it’s just like a chill explor game unless it’s not and I’m just not correct I could be wrong tasks but what does that mean what does that even mean where did I put my slime there it is Slimer splash splash splash SP spch spunch spunch spunch is this thing ever going to finish play anopolis again did they update the game they didn’t update the game I’m probably not going to hop on that if they updated the game heck yeah no frowny face Fair okay everything is or organized gubby he’s got his little hat our favorite little [Music] buddy 20 ocean fish the shs the red mullet what am I feeling what am I feeling what am I feeling what am I feeling there is story it’s funny oh okay okay what am I feeling how am I feeling it’s too early for junimo Kart we got to do some other things do I want to go to the mines M zoria um I I don’t know I still need that thingy I still I still have quite a few books I haven’t read wait what yeah what is all this stuff special items and Powers what is all this garbage like what is this what is this these are books and this is the next thing obviously what is this oh oh I know what this is I think wait a second do you have a rabbit’s foot not currently I always sell them actually maybe there might be one in my Singleton box yeah I got a rabbit twot am I supposed to do something with it oh I thought rotten plant was a thing you could cell um oh it’s just poppy just one of these guys I thought it looked kind of like that uh it’s a little different are you sure give it to the truck driver at the movie theater oh the one who always plays the crane game okay oh okay I have so much stuff here I still need a oh is that just the mossy seed no huh I need someone to like chart out all of the things that I’m missing oh Crimson fish right yeah no no worries on the spoiler at that point oh there’s truck outside that wait what have I ever seen that let me see let me see [Music] oh it’s the shards that makes sense yeah cuz I haven’t sold some of these things yeah someone just needs to chart out all of this stuff the truck driver this truck hey kid I need a lucky break why don’t you bring me a rabbit’s foot I’ll make it worth your while oh I had no idea you could talk to whoever was in here ah you received the special charm you feel an aura of Good Fortune surrounding you luck is permanently increased wow oh that was convenient yeah thanks for telling me cuz I wouldn’t have known oh you can get him even higher Hearts I didn’t even notice that um huh interesting very interesting thanks buddy anything else it doesn’t say anything else okay cool all right uh Crimson fish no move it Clint stinky hello okay so the special fish for this season is throwing it at that is that what it was I don’t remember oh I could try out the secret notes that is something too sell unmilled rice yeah oh yep that’s the fish oh gosh I already screwing it up Mar screed it up I didn’t expect it to come out so quick stop it I hate oh I hate it when it does that burger oh he’s sitting on my head this better be it no just a regular sticky [Applause] fish just a regular shmegular super cucumber a new record too failed at fishing couldn’t be me how rude you’re the first fish I get oh boy seaweed my other favorite watch my lure break too oh gosh dang it so distracted by the sounds that’s him officer that’s him that’s the fish oh gosh dang it and I’m screwed and I’m SC where you going to go where you going to go huh oh I knew it wow you’ve caught one legendary fish you’re fishing t out good timing [Music] bubbles ladies and gentlemen we got him treasure oh I haven’t had this treasure yet it’s exciting see what do I get what do I get fuzzy fishy treasure halit ah shrimp cocktail hell of it row absolutely incredible incredible yay what fish is left good question wait do I need to sell the legendary fish for it to show up on the the tracker for the collections or how does that work fish no if I catch it it just shows up oh cool so I’m missing whatever this is and these two which I don’t know what these are Julie thanks for becoming a member ah distracted by chat thank you for that oh treasure time wouldn’t trust a shrimp cocktail that’s been locked in a chest submerged in the ocean I forgot I got one at some point I think it was a lobster bisque was inside of a mystery box that was even worse worse than a shrimp cocktail submerged in the ocean super [Music] cucumber last fish is new okay Julie’s Been a member wait did it like just decide to pop up or something this is a weird fish what what what are you doing to me here huh trying to embarrass me in front of all my friends fish is trying to embarrass me in front of all my friends can’t do it it’s not going to happen star drop te oh that’s fun super cucumber row oh it went away [Music] stink it’s not the fish doing that love it all right fun fun fun fun you’ll know what time it is you know what time it is it’s your favorite time Jud cart take the Super cucumber to the woods patch behind Clint what do you mean [Music] all right I need to get as many lives as possible and not screw this up I almost just screwed it up oh my oh that was a weird [Music] one we’re doing it we’re doing it we’re doing [Music] it gosh what do they up the difficulty Spike on this immediately for me it better be easy for the rest of these this is a wild first level all right we got it unsupervised permit I see you we are nourished okay time for slippery slops slippery slaps sloppy salamis about to get a life from the coins and we should be getting an extra life from the [Music] fruits okay it’s a lot of extra carts need as many as possible for the last level cuz the last level I just I don’t get to play it so I don’t know how to do it whether that’s the mushroom one or the insane like fire level one they’re both a bit too wacky for [Music] me almost didn’t make that okay cool up to six sweet oh that’s weird that it drops it down like that Jacob after dark slippery salami is V [Music] what did I say are you kidding me I oh I got the checkpoint I don’t hate this [Music] game I don’t like this I don’t like this he’s too close right down the oh oh that CH be from far back screw this [Music] guy this guy stressing me out this guy stressing me out [Music] go away go [Music] away he’s so close no whale no whale for you guys sorry splot you’ll call me out oh boy my other favorite level I like the wind chimes that it starts out [Music] with okay sure sure thing sure thing absolutely no other way to get that cherry oh okay what what is this what is this garbage I hate this level I hate this game I don’t think I could make that jump okay sure sure thing Sure Thing game sure thing wasting all my extra oh my gosh I hate this [Music] game I don’t even know what happened there not blaming the game on that one please [Music] please I don’t want to get another it’s fine no there’s no way I touch that stop [Music] what I hate this get caught Bozo the worst game they made that unacceptably difficult for that first run on purpose on [Music] purpose oh let’s go so good at this [Music] game get Jun mode [Music] on see this is relaxing even with this music too this is this is how life is supposed to be Flappy Bird vid [Music] one yeah 69 coins nice all right where we going slippery slopes slippity slappity let’s go [Music] are you kidding okay how did I miss that it’s fine just just won’t die that way I keep the four cards we get an extra from at least the coins the [Music] Queens I hate this game [Music] [Music] okay fine we’re fine we’re [Music] chilling let’s get to the end oh my gosh stop I didn’t slow down [Music] she junimo on my cart till I that’s good that’s that’s real good all right it’s our favorite Slimer time to time to get good [Music] on can you stop it with those barriers please oh my gosh [Music] how am I supposed to even touch that orange I’m done I’m done with this level I’m done with this this run oh my gosh I hate those barricades so [Music] much they R they really ruin [Music] everything I want whale I want the whale one so do all of you too this guy stinks compared to the whale [Music] okay back to the Gastly gallion my my second favorite worst one okay come on I don’t even know what just happened [Music] there I don’t I don’t think we’re getting through this one y’all I don’t think we’re making it out yeah not making it out the other side of this one that’s for sure that’s fine all right back at it [Music] [Music] I’m in pain [Music] we got this [Music] though grape grape time we love grape time can you give me whale can they give me whale at this point I prefer the whale section you’re the best Junot Carter playing in this space at the [Laughter] moment thank you that’s exactly what I need needed this is exactly what I needed in my life just that reassurance alone really makes this all worth it I think what’s most difficult for me about the other levels the further ones is that they changed the speed frequency and so like what I’m used to in like holding down the mouse for these first few levels just completely changed and switched up oh my gosh I hate those and so that makes it much harder to to buy oh my gosh why are they putting those there to buy memory get through muscle memory that is to get through it easier grape time give me grape yeah all right here comes the end we’ll have five at [Music] least marmalade just get good slum stomp not again no whale today [Music] oh we got the [Music] Jerry get his stop why can’t oh I hate those so much I hate those so [Music] much over oh are you kidding why did they put him like that it’s the worst ah he’s so [Laughter] [Applause] close why did they got to do this to me okay at least we got him there’s so many stop doing that this game is the worst [Music] okay okay we got it we got it got time to go to Pirate Cove with it’s going to be five cuz we have 99 coins soon as I get one boom there’s another life right we’re at five we can do this I can do this you all are hoping for my downfall that much I know so this isn’t a we situation this is 100% a me situation [Music] okay you think I can get the orange wherever it might be there it is yeah all right let’s see if I can get the [Music] grape oh boy oh boy okay grape time where’s the grape the grape the grape let’s go oh oh [Music] Perfection oh my gosh woo sweating oh this is my least favorite one oh this is this is the one I’m really suck at I really suck at this one purple jumps that one shoots and then these ones are dumb this one’s tough this one’s it’s so tough oh I can’t believe I jumped over it jesz I’m calling the police you got guys are hating on me [Music] again someon this music reminds me of Donkey Kong Country [Music] oh my gosh this is the best I’ve ever done what is this level I don’t know what this level is Sunset Speedway wait isn’t this the one that I just just lost it on oh crap okay full Focus [Music] oh crap okay just about getting to these [Music] checkpoints I think yeah I think you’re supposed to ignore some of these smaller jumps and just jump through oh oh okay okay this is fine someone’s going at normal speed though so that’s nice at least save me save [Applause] me how did I do that help me I’m scared how did I just survive that what is that happening I’m beginning to [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] believe I can crepe I should have gotten the [Music] grape no no no no it’s fine I can do this crap I [Music] didn’t no panicking there we go there we go there we go are you kidding [Music] me nightmare nightmare nightmare nightmare I told you I hate those barriers so much I’m out of here I’m out of here was that the last level too was that was that going to be the end or does it loop back around do the other levels I don’t know how it works on the progression mode I’m upset I’m upet okay well I guess I’m going to go over here [Music] then bye-bye [Music] um just throw those in there I guess you’ve never made it to that level it was so close it was so close to the end of that level twoo if I didn’t go for that grape I think I probably would have gotten to the end just on the pure adrenaline of getting some of those jumps somehow I don’t know how I got some of those jumps that was crazy that was absolutely insane okay come here jbus oh I’ll be back I will be back don’t you worry oh boy already in bars you made it to that level approximately one time really yeah that was uh a b sketchy that was a bit sketchy what what what is all your uh least favorite level out of all those like what’s the hardest level you think between all of them cby [Music] yeah imagine I complet it the game crashes the first one mushroom level is tough mushroom level is tough do I have rice in here unmilled rice sugar I just have a Shad in here it’s very sly um the last four levels LOL yeah what is this cuz this is a radish what is this supposed to be also is that just an oh is that the ostrich egg oh I should probably sell a normal Oster cheick huh um poppy seed oh a beat how have I never sold a beat before that’s doesn’t seem right uh yeah Sur wi radish um is this the tea that I just picked up the stardrop tea it’s obviously some type of flower uh this is obviously a burrito uh Squid [Music] Ink some type of a [Music] leaf got a bunch of random stuff over this why is this a fish this isn’t the fish section is this not the right section DED mushrooms oh that’s the broccoli huh the new one um fish the fish artifacts done minerals done cooking we’re not going to do cooking we don’t care whole lot of achievements tea leave oh that makes sense ink H oh yeah that’s right I always remember Sandy having those but just never how do I get this less Journal scrap by the way I don’t even know what to look for for that um all right goopo Gus sardine Panini pepperoni grunny gree bertrude wio Gertrude strawberry snacko 2% nugget tot Tua anamali gizzard repar Nessie Bartholomew the rizzler DQ blizzy ban ban pickle pistachio Geico so Georgie snot nabnab bilbert bolat wumbus bumbus mongus bubbus fro fro grer Bastion Randy huge man little lady medium MB osr Stinger Flint opil bird Lil meatball beus B bun bosr F Wy stinker Dan Dan Dirty Dan stinkier Gauzy py Pony and sneo do I really only have two sheep and two rabbits all right I think I I [Music] think that’s going to do it for today’s stream oh no my jade perfect he’s hungry got a little bit of hunger coming on I’d say just a tad bit not a crazy amount though yes no yeah yeah I I’ll I’ll do uh go yeah for anyone who missed it we’re going to be doing doing a drawing for the tower full of cats game that Dev sent me a bunch of codes to give away for people very nice of them um that’ll be in the Discord go check out the Discord right now Jaz time go check out the Discord it’s always Linked In the description uh if you’re not part of it already I got a few of them to give away we’ll have it open starting right now probably last for at least 24 hours and then uh the winners will be announced and then just uh DM me or whoever the mod is that ends up uh putting the announced winners and we’ll send you a steam code specifically for steam um that’s all there they gave me uh so you got plenty of time to go sign up for it so don’t don’t worry about that I never mention it that’s why you always got to check the links in the description I know I need to start saying things in my YouTube videos before the very end that people actually like check out some of the stuff that I do outside of just YouTube uploads you already want it’s fine no need for anyone else to enter Jamon he’s it’s rigged which channel um it’ll Pro I don’t know we we I’m going to at everybody don’t don’t worry don’t worry uh it’s likely going to be in the server announcements I would assume yeah it’s probably probably the best place to put it so yeah but other than that thank you all so much for being here thanks for hanging out for the live stream always have such a blast with these always have so much fun uh adding me at 4:00 a.m. yeah I’ll I’ll I’ll work with the mods that way we can get that uh sent out for the drawing right now and no secrets What secrets there’s no secrets here it’s just me have a good night thank you thank you thanks for being here for everyone who’s here after the fact who’s not live hanging out with us right now secret hints o well we’ll do it for the next week next week yeah uh you’re watching this as a v thanks for sticking around thanks for hanging out make sure to like the video make sure to comment liking goes for you too live people uh subscribe if you’re not subscribed if you’re new here and you haven’t watched this part 48 part subscribe hit the Bell notification that we know exactly when I’m uploading any new videos and you want to see any other content always listen in the description down below that all being said you all are awesome you all are amazing and I can’t wait to see you all in the next video byebye sorry I had to get it before the the music looped back around thanks everybody for being here thanks for hanging out it’s been real fun [Music] scrutinized part three let’s go yeah it’s been a long time I need to update this don’t look at it Jamon you haven’t been here the past uh 20 videos said please ignore this screen except for my socials all right everybody have a wonderful time bye [Music]

There’s really only a few more “major” things I want to accomplish on this farm, but the journey so far has been my favorite part. Summer is in full swing on our 4th year and I can’t wait to continue this adventure!! Join me as we continue my live first-time playthrough of Stardew Valley!!

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My Links:
► https://www.JacobForster.tv
► Discord: https://discord.gg/Gk9UBdm
►Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/JacobForsterPlus
►Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jacobforster
►Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jacobforster
►TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@officialjacobforster
►Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/JacobForster/

If you want to know the gear I use, check out the following affiliate links!

Canon M50: https://amzn.to/37oZ92w
AKG Microphone: https://amzn.to/2SpFyLv
Audio Technica Headphones: https://amzn.to/3pdpuu9
Elgato Green Screen: https://amzn.to/2uAbGmE
Godox Lights: https://amzn.to/2HoDfSp

#LetsPlay #JacobForster #StardewValley

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