Terraria Xbox – Goodie Bags [124]

hello this is stumpy and welcome to a terraria let’s play video and another video inside of stumpy’s a wonderful world i am here inside of my tree which is inside of my bigotry and this is a a very special episode of toronto well it’s not very special it’s slightly special and that is because it is halloween well technically it’s real life halloween tomorrow as this has been recorded but in terraria halloween has come early and if you know terraria or have been watching my terraria videos for a while and then you will know that halloween is special halloween is a pretty cooler inside of terraria because a lot of things change uh basically uh a lot of the uh the googlies are dressed up in halloween costumes but the most exciting thing and the thing that today is going to be about is goodie bags a lot of the other googlies drop goodies bags and the goodie bags have in them well goodies of course and so my challenge is to get as many goodie bags as i like saying goodie bags it’s just really fun goody bags goody bags yeah sorry oh yeah i need to get as many goodie bags as i can and yeah inside of them uh are all of the the goodies and uh it’s mainly uh costumes you get from the the goody bags uh but before we uh worry about the goodie bags i’m sorry i’m gonna stop saying it’s so weird i’m sorry it just made me laugh oh yeah i’m gonna go and say hello to my uh my truffle and also show you his house do you think this is cool i kind of went a bit crazy with the the paint and have painted absolutely everything and i now think it looks pretty awesome so let’s go and uh let’s gather up some of these uh glowing mushrooms uh because these can be a pretty handy for uh for crafting and i’m gonna be using uh my new spear my mushroom spear throughout the the episode so let’s go and i don’t actually need it up here uh because i can go and um uh just go and have it down here and i just fall actually i think some of the uh the normal anime uh animals uh animes uh animals sorry i think they’re dressed up in costumes as well and so do you think if i caught like a bunny in a costume then that way it would like stay in the costume that would be pretty awesome i might actually go and give that a go so i’ve already got the uh the mushroom hat and stuff so yeah there’s not really much i want to buy but i do know that some of the um uh the npcs do actually sell different stuff but i think most of it i’ve bought last year i don’t really have much money either but i think some of them sell like more costumes and stuff uh i don’t know i the the google was new do i do i want the googles anyway i’m pretty sure holly sell something don’t come holly come back you’re in the wrong room anyway and now you’re running away and no i’m not trying to talk to you oh she doesn’t even sell anything does she holly and yeah i think they do sell slightly different stuff i’m pretty sure the wizard sells something i think i think i read that i know it’s a penguin down there i might try and catch that uh no shop shop shop uh yeah i think you can buy the wizard’s hat but i think i’ve already got always in fact i know i’ve got a wizard’s hat so i think there’s one in in here so yeah let’s not even worry about that and there’s also a mushroom not a mushroom here a um a penguin here so let’s go and try and catch the uh the penguin there we go another penguin for my collection and all right then let’s go and try and get some of the goodie bags then shall we let’s go and get my spear and as soon as it’s still daytime at the the moment i’m gonna go to the uh the corruption or at least the hollow and try and get some enemies there if you need a guaranteed enemies uh then that is the the place to go so let’s go uh down to the uh the hollow then and uh it doesn’t really matter uh which enemies i kill i think pretty much apart from a few exceptions every enemy uh drops a uh a goody bag so i’m just gonna go and try and take out as many as i can actually i guess going to the um the corruption would make more sense than the uh the hollow because i think the enemies are easier to kill in the uh the corruption yeah as you can see they’re pretty easy to kill uh but there is a pretty slim chance of getting a goodie bag i believe it’s like uh one in 40. uh i know what an 80 i think it might be actually which is like a 1.25 chance of actually getting one so they’re relatively rare which is why i’m uh pretty much uh devoting an entire episode to trying to get them uh just because they’re quite hard to get but generally though i do get pretty lucky with stuff like this i do consider myself a pretty lucky person like i don’t really believe in like real luck but i don’t know things generally seem to go okay for me with things like this and i might be eating my words at the end of the episode but uh i guess we’ll see i want to at least get one goodie bag because there are some really cool uh different um uh items that you can uh get and costumes and as i mentioned i got a few of them uh but there’s a there’s one in particular which i am really after and that is cat ears uh one of the other things you can get uh are cat ears and i pretty i’m pretty sure that you can only get them from the the goody bags at halloween but the chances of me actually getting it are pretty slim i think that in the actual goody bag there’s only about a the goodie bag and it’s only about a a three percent chance of me getting the cat ears and you know add on to that the fact that getting a goodie bag in the first place is pretty slim the chances are almost impossible that i’m gonna get one uh but i’m still gonna stay i’m staying i’m gonna stay positive and just still hope that i do get one at all what’s that what’s that is that it was that one did i get oh oh no it wasn’t one i thought i thought that was a goodie bag something dropped i think it was something that gave me more magic or something it seemed it seemed like that didn’t it that was a little bit weird all right then let’s go and um let’s try and keep running so i am going to get a little bit hurt here um i’m only finding things in neither corruption but they can be a little bit painful and let’s use the other light discs for a bit i really i need to make more of these like this because i only have three uh but to do that i need to take up a whole load more bosses and i know i mentioned in the last episode that i might be doing that today but yeah that’s because i forgot about how close halloween was so i do want to go and try and get these uh uh these goodie bags but before i do that and uh what i’m gonna do once it becomes properly nighttime and gets darker i’m gonna leave the uh uh the hollow or the uh the uh the corruption and head back to the normal area because i think that’s when we’re going to see some of the the other googlies uh dressed up in the uh the costumes but uh hopefully i’m going to get at least one of these goodie bags so i guess that to have an almost guaranteed chance of getting one i need to take out about 80 enemies and i certainly haven’t done that yet so i would have been very lucky to get one this early but it seems like i’m not getting uh quite as lucky as i normally do so let’s uh keep pushing on and let’s go back to the uh the corruption then now my health’s gone a little bit higher and let’s try and take out some of these guys i should be really strong because uh most things in the the corruption uh haven’t got that much stronger uh since before hard mode but i have got much stronger so let’s go and try and take these out and i’m actually gonna have to have a healing potion here because i was getting pretty hurt there but there we go that’s put me up to at least half health and let’s keep pushing forward i’m not sure if i’m honest what i think about this mushroom spear i think it’s going to be good against massive enemies like against bosses i think it’s going to be good because it’s so big and like you can hit them multiple times but against these normal enemies it’s quite hard to hit them because of how slow it moves it’s actually a little bit of a challenge just to hit them at all so let’s go up here and if i just go and use the the nimbus rod then that’s just going to make war to be continually falling and then hopefully as they kind of go over me yeah look at that they all get taken out look here’s one of those things again what is it it get i think i think it does put my magic up i’m not really using my magic to be fair so it’s not really helping at all it is raining oh it’s getting scary because it’s halloween let’s go and get i don’t have my magic book if i had my magic book that this would be a really good time to to use it and what did i get then i keep getting my hopes up i can’t remember what the uh the goody bags look like so i don’t really know what i’m going for but it is getting night and it’s raining uh so hopefully we’re gonna have a better chance of of trying to to get more googlies and they seem to be coming pretty thick and fast at the the moment and these are these light discs seem to be doing pretty well but let’s go up here and let’s do some more nimbus rods it’s hard to tell whether they’re still there or not just because um it’s raining absolutely everywhere anyway it’s kind of hard to see i mean look oh these are little these slime lings they’re gonna be good to take out uh because there’s that magic mirror oh that’s a petri dish and get another slime if i want oh yeah these are good because i think each individual one uh does count as an actual enemy as in that way i’ve got like lots of her chances to try and take them out i am though once again uh getting very hurt i can’t have a another potion though so i should be okay let’s go and uh spawn in a few more of these clouds and i do think that this is probably uh the uh the best place to to be the enemies are coming pretty thick and fast and uh we’re getting a lot of those um those slimes and uh as i said i think they’re the best thing like so even though this is a big enemy uh i’ve only got one chance of getting the uh the goody bag once i take it out but with all of the uh the slimes that break up into the little slimes i think i have a lot more chances so let’s stay here for a little bit longer and if i don’t get anything else i’m gonna go back to to the normal area and i’ll leave the other corruption uh just to see if i’m going to have any more luck over there in fact i think i’m going to do that now i think i’ve had enough of the corruption and it’s dark and rainy and horrible so let’s head out of here and let’s go back to the the normal area so as i mentioned i think a lot of the the normal googlies are going to be dressed up in a halloween costumes and i want to be dressed up in a halloween costume as well but i i don’t want to wear one of my old halloween costumes i want to wear a brand new shiny uh new halloween costume and then i’m hopefully going to get today if i do ever get one of the the goodie bags i don’t know why they made them so rare i don’t know why they made them so unbelievably hard to get i know it’s kind of more exciting when they’re rare when you do actually get one but i want like all of the the costumes and it just makes it uh really hard to be able to to get any of them but i’m sure and then i’m going to get one in fact i promise you that i’m going to get at least one uh in this episode because i will not stop until i get one so there we go we’re guaranteed uh to see at least one of the the costumes and the good things there is is that uh when you get the costume you get the uh the entire costume so like say if it’s a like a werewolf costume or like a pumpkin costume or something rather than just getting like the pumpkin head or the leggings or something you get like the entire costume uh when you get it so it’s kind of like all or nothing and there are some really cool ones like i’ve been looking online there’s like a robot one that looks cool there’s a princess there’s a unicorn one which just looks really funny and uh there’s also a um a creeper one as well and there’s a creeper from minecraft and uh i obviously i quite like the the look of that one i’ve been a a very big fan of minecraft as well as terraria so that would be a a pretty awesome one to get as let’s go into kind of stay in uh this area here oh actually i got my little pit here if a lot of enemies fall down into the the pit i think i’ve got a good chance of getting one from there i keep checking just in case i’ve accidentally got one uh but still no luck there are some worms wandering around sadly the the worms aren’t in costume imagine if all of the worms were dressed up or something what would they dress up as i don’t know like a slug maybe i don’t know what a piece of string could a worm dress up as there’s pretty limited uh things they could dress up as and here we go there’s a hopping jack i think they only uh come up uh during halloween and you can see that there was some zombies dressed up but i think that they were dressed up because it’s the uh the mushroom biome rather than because um yeah just because it’s halloween uh anything from down here i’m really scared that i’ve like walked over one and not picked it up just because i literally cannot remember at all uh what they look like there’s an eater of souls down here no no i meant to use the the lightest then but instead i just spawned in a slime so why not why not have a little slime following around me and let’s just try this corruption maybe we were in the the wrong corruption maybe we’re gonna have a little bit more luck here so let’s uh once again uh try and spawn in a few of these clouds and it’s good because i can kind of just stand here and then they’re all gonna get taken out but i am getting really really hurt here and let’s go and back off for a bit uh luckily i got kind of the the gold health which is uh it gives me more health than i normally would but if i do i get hurt anymore and then i am gonna have to go and have a health potion but if i stand here under these clouds i’m hopefully gonna be okay let’s move them up a little bit higher because there’s lots of their flying enemies here so it’s good to have them high up so i could hopefully take them out when they’re uh when they’re above me and i don’t know whether the rain makes things spawn more or not i think it can make different things spawn but i don’t know if it makes things spawn more or less and there’s a another one of these hopping jacks i don’t know if they drop anything different actually i don’t know if they drop any like special pumpkin things but i think there’s one of these slimes here that break up into all of the the little slimes and yet they are these are definitely the best things to to go for as let’s go and try and uh get as many of them as we can i think there’s a cursed flame down there as well i might as well go and try and grab that while we’re here let’s go and dig down and there we go i’ve got three cursed flames as well no i need help i need help i didn’t see my my health i’m sure you were screaming at the uh the screen then just to tell me to have a healing potion i didn’t realize uh quite how damaged i am but where are these goodie bags i know they spawn i know they’re rare i’m probably not too far off killing 80 enemies and it’s not a case of once you kill 80 enemies they drop you know you do have a chance of getting one immediately and oh i just realized i was attacking my own slime then i’m sorry about that slime i didn’t mean to attack you there’s another one of these um corrupter things i know an eater of souls there it didn’t drop anything handy we could go and look down here i mean i could go to like an underground cave or something i don’t know if more things would spawn there i could also try and go to the uh the underworld is an option we could go to as well i think i could uh kill more enemies there but there’s also lava everywhere and i think it would be really sad if i took something out and it did drop a goodie bag i bet it ended up falling down into the lava that would be really annoying so i don’t know whether that would be easier or harder and let’s try and go back to an area where there’s some uh some normal ground again as soon as it’s nighttime there should be stuff spawning anyway and now let’s see if we can get something else around here then so let’s go past the uh the old truffle goodbye truffle and then let’s go back to the the normal area and let’s see if we can find some more things i got a goldfish i don’t think the other goldfish counts as a goofy though there’s a possessed armor here these guys are pretty tough so let’s go and use the uh the light discs and he’s got down to the water here no goodie bag though and at least keep heading this way i keep going to attack my uh my slime over and over again and let’s go and check my um my pit then and let’s go and see is there anything fallen in there i don’t think it has it’s weird there seems to be hardly anything spawning tonight for some reason like i’ve obviously been getting a lot in the uh the hollow and the the corruption but normally uh when it’s night time you know you get like a bunch of just zombies and stuff but sadly we don’t seem to be getting too much right now um hopefully we’ll get some more another option would be to try and go to an underground jungle and try and kill enemies there because at the the same time i could be looking for uh for life fruit as well and oh i got excited then there’s going to be an enemy but it’s just a little worm um what shall i do then uh i think that’s seen as i’m not getting anything spawning here i think the only real option i do have is to go back to either the other corruption or the uh the hollow then so let’s go back this way then and let’s see if we can go and try and get one if i persist uh persist i know i will definitely be able to to get at least one of the the goody bags but then i just need to hope that i actually get something good in the the goodie bag if i get something that i’ve already got like the uh the fox costume or something uh then i won’t be happy i really i want to try and get something and that i don’t have already you know i think there was a um one of those flying eyeball things over here i could go and try and take that out there’s a wandering eye and a possessed armor here as well this is actually probably quite a good uh place to to fight enemies uh just because this is a quite a nice battle arena it’s quite easy to to dodge enemies around here uh no goodie bag from him though i might as well go and grab the the money and don’t look there we go here’s a zombie dressed up in a costume i’m not entirely sure what that was i don’t know i can see there was another one down there you see it was dressed like a superhero that’s what i was after all of the uh the funny dressed up zombies here we go this is one and uh dressed up for halloween as a superhero any goodie bags nope i always want to keep checking uh just in case i’ve picked one up but haven’t realized it yet all right then let’s go back to the uh the corruption banks i think uh that was where i was getting most of the uh the enemies uh most of the the time there is a little zombie down here as let’s go and take him out first and then let’s keep heading through the uh the the hollow and into the the corruption i think i’d get a about the the same amount of a googly spawning in the the hollow as i would in the the corruption i think they’re just a bit tougher not only do i want to get a lot of enemies but i want to be able to take them out as quickly as i can and also survive myself but this is really difficult i’m really struggling uh using that mushroom spear i think i might go back to using the uh the beam sword for now and uh only use the um uh the mushroom spear against the uh the big bosses because it is quite tough to take things out when they’re really close to you uh because if you miss it takes so long to extend it the entire way and then pull it the the entire way back again i think it’s easier to use a sword that you can go and do a lot quicker or something like the the light disc so uh it looks like we’re getting a few more enemies appearing now it’s those slimes that i really want to try and get because they’re the uh i think the uh the best chance i’m gonna have of getting one uh just because so many come at the the same time so there’s a quite a nice little flat area here until actually there’s that candle isn’t there there’s that candle you can hold that makes a whole load of a googly spawn quicker let’s go and try and get one of them what are they called is it like a water candle or something it’s called i’m trying to remember i think this is it here i think this thing here let me see what uh this is called i think uh having this yeah a water candle is a water candle i think holding this makes a more googly spawn let’s see what it says yeah holding this may attract unwanted attention okay i am after unwanted attention so let’s go and uh hold this and uh hopefully that’s going to make uh more googly spawning i should have probably uh done this from the the very beginning uh but at least i’ve had the uh the idea of doing this now because i really do want as many googlies as possible uh just to increase my chances of getting the uh the goody bags so i’m gonna go and head straight uh back to the uh the the corruption now and they’re gonna go and try and uh carry on taking enemies out what i could pretty much do is if i use the uh the nimbus clouds and i put them all just right above my head i could then uh just basically keep holding the the candle and not even have to worry about switching away to my weapon uh because then that way i think i’m gonna have the the best chance of just taking them uh them all out as quickly as possible uh so i’ve got just some pixie dust there every time they drop something i always get my hopes up and i’m like is that a goodie bag is that a goody bag but sadly it actually never is a goodie bag and it does seem like uh we are getting more enemies uh spawning already so let’s go and uh run past all of these enemies for now and get back into my a good place in the the corruption and hopefully most of those enemies are going to to follow me and then we can put down the the nimbus clouds and start battling them and all a traveling merchant has arrived as well i wonder if they spell um sell special halloween stuff i might go into trying to check that out as well and to see if i can get any special uh halloween stuff first i need to try and deal with this unicorn these guys can be pretty tough there’s a flying fish coming by as well i got a unicorn horn and some pixie dust even though i haven’t got a goodie bag yet i’m getting a lot of good stuff and a lot of money as well i pretty much wasted all of my money and the uh the last episode so being able to uh to get all of this money back again is definitely a good idea so it definitely uh hasn’t been a wasted time so far uh but i really did hope uh to get some goodie bags uh by now i was definitely a much luckier last yeah no there’s one i got one yay i got a goodie bag i told you i told you i would eventually get one right then let’s go and just take out these last few enemies and then we can go back to the other house and then we can finally the merchant and open up the the goody bag and see what we got so this is um this is part one of the the puzzle i got the the goody bag but i don’t know uh what is going to be in the uh the goody bag yet so if it’s something rubbish uh then it will be sad if it’s something cool then it will be very happy but at least i can go and finally get dressed up in my halloween costume so here we go here is my goodie bag we can get rid of the candle now i don’t need more googlies and let’s open it up and i got rotten eggs rotten eggs after all of my trouble i got rotten eggs best used for pranking townsfolk fantastic after all of that effort i got rotten eggs what a fail what an absolute massive bell it doesn’t matter though it does not matter at least at least i did eventually get a goodie bag and here’s the uh the traveling merch and let’s go and just say hello to him and let’s see if he’s got anything to say could you could you stand still a second uh buy now and get free shipping well you are standing right next to me um oh extendo grip and a snake i wouldn’t mind getting an extendo grip i don’t know if i’ve got a enough money for an extendo grip though it sounds interesting i’ve only got one gold coin here no i don’t uh have enough money for an extendo grip but i’m sure i’ll be able to get one in the the future so tell you what what i’m going to do see that’s all i got i was some rubbish or rotten eggs i’m going to carry on playing for a bit and try and get even more goodie bags but i won’t open them i’m going to leave them shut and then in the next episode i can go and open them all up and hopefully i get something a little bit better than my rotten eggs i can’t believe that it was quite funny though so uh sadly uh we have just about uh run out of time in this episode here uh but don’t worry uh the the new episode of terraria will hopefully be online quite soon and there’ll be a link to that in the description once it is online as so for now i want to thank you all very much for watching and i will see you all later bye

Part 125 – https://youtu.be/7aTmVUXScho

Welcome to my Let’s Play of the Xbox 360 Edition of Terraria. In this series I will learn how to play the game while I have fun in my wonderful world. I will go mining, build things and eventually try to defeat all of the bosses.

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