Day in the life of a Minecraft Villager..

i’m about to beat minecraft as a villager not a lot of people know this but you can actually beat minecraft as a villager if you get a full chest of emeralds and i’m only one stack away that means if i can get a few good trades today i’ll beat the game oh hey sir how can i help you hi i was wondering if you sell mending books yeah i actually have one mending book left you’re in luck but this is a pretty expensive item i’m gonna need about 20 emeralds oh one second hey sir just wait in line once i’m done helping this guy i promise i’ll help you next yeah so 20 emeralds what what are you doing you can’t go back there that’s my bedroom dude what are you doing you cannot be in here that’s my bed what are you get back here you can’t have my bed what are you doing that guy just stole my bed yeah that was crazy you know what i’m not even gonna let it bother me today anyway that’ll be 20 emeralds sir sounds good all right here you go all right perfect pleasure doing business with you have a good day man 20 emeralds i’m already off to a really good start i’ll put halfway for now and keep half as changed wait who’s that in front of my shop is that smoke wait what’s going on out here hey man can you spare some emeralds what are you talking about no i can’t spare any emeralds what are you doing in front of my shop you’re gonna scare away customers i’m sorry dude you gotta go you gotta get out of here please man i need him to buy food well i’m not gonna leave you here hungry i’ll give you a few pieces of bread but that’s it oh uh i’m allergic to bread can’t you just spare a couple emeralds what do you mean you’re allergic to br all right whatever if i give you three emeralds you promise to go i promise i promise all right here take them thanks man these emeralds will help me a ton wait what wait you you forgot your sleeping bag wait dude that guy just finessed me he didn’t even need emeralds he had a full set of enchanted netherrite armor i just got played i’m putting this money away before i lose the rest what the heck what is that noise oh my god you’re giant hey man how are you doing i was wondering if you could make me some armor everything i find is way too small for me i mean i could probably make you a suit of armor that would fit but you’re gigantic dude that’s gonna be pretty expensive do you have any emeralds of course i have emeralds here look uh that’s a diamond huh yeah dude emeralds are green i’m sorry oh then i guess i don’t have any emeralds yeah i mean if you don’t have any emeralds i can’t really help you but come back to my shop with emerald and i’ll try to make you that suit of armor but i’m gonna get back to work man have a good day man that guy was huge what was that oh oh my god what did you do dude i’m sorry i dropped my diamond what do you mean you dropped your diamond you just put a massive hole in my roof it was an accident yeah listen i know you didn’t mean it but i’m gonna have to ask you to leave before you destroy something else okay i’ll be back with some emeralds yeah okay man what the heck this diamond is massive i mean look at this hole you know what it doesn’t even matter my house doesn’t matter anymore because i’m going to beat the game today i’m just going to get back to work and try to make a few more sales i’ll just forget about it it really shouldn’t even take that much longer i only need to make like 50 more emeralds oh my god not this guy dude how many times do i have to tell you i’m not trading with you listen listen this time i have a really good deal i promise i’m willing to sell you this freshly picked pumpkin for five emeralds i don’t wanna buy your pumpkin i have my own pumpkin farm on the side of my house for free okay okay then how about i sell you this melon for 10 emeralds dude i don’t need to buy your melon either i have my own melon farm wait did you take these out of my farm uh no i didn’t i can’t believe you dude i’m gonna go check yeah you can’t be serious you did take these out of my farm what’s wrong where are you going oh my gosh i can’t believe this guy what a con artist he was trying to sell me my own stuff what’s going on today man it feels like everyone’s just trying to mess with me i just need to get a few good customers and we’ll finally be done with the game alright here we go please let this next person be normal that’s all i’m asking for is someone normal hey how can i help you hey i was wondering if you were hiring i’ve been trying to get a job you know what normally i’m not but do you see that hole over there in my roof if you could fix that for me i’d be willing to pay you a ton of emeralds really no one’s been wanting to take a chance on me i promise i won’t let you down i’ll go get the materials i need to fix the roof and then i’ll come back okay perfect man sounds great thank you hey how can i help you hi i was wondering if you were selling any coal yeah right now we’re selling our coal two pieces of coal for ten emeralds does that sound good oh yeah man that’s perfect here you go all right perfect thank you pleasure doing business with you man have a good day actually while i have you here can i show you something out front oh uh yeah sure dude just lead the way well what is it you want me to take a look at whoa hey i accidentally fell in your boat can you get me out of here yeah that’s not happening wait what do you know how annoying it is to walk to the village every time i need to trade with villagers i’m gonna be taking you back to my house i have a little room you will stay in you’re gonna be living with me now forever wait no how how everything all right here oh hey uh yeah everything is all right i was just playing a little joke on my friend here right right man is that true yeah me and this guy are our friends actually he was just about to pay me the 20 emeralds he owes me oh yeah the 20 emeralds i owe you no problem here oh perfect man really appreciate it but yeah as you can see everything’s all right all right well uh bye all right have a good day hey you too thanks for looking out for me [Music] dude i just finessed that kid i just got 30 emeralds out of him let’s go wait i’m actually so close to beating the game i only need like 20 more what is that noise wait a second there’s no way dude i told you to stop taking my stuff what are you doing get out of here man oh my gosh what is your problem get get out of here holy crap that guy keeps trying to steal all my stuff what oh my god what did you do to the wall i’m sorry i’m sorry i was trying to fix the roof when a small fire started don’t worry though i put it out a small fire how did you start a fire trying to fix the roof you didn’t even do anything to the roof anyway now there’s a giant hole in my wall oh i’m sorry man i know you meant well but you’re fired not again yeah i’m sorry man but you just gotta yeah okay thank you what is going on today everybody is just trolling me okay can i just get a normal sale please alright dude what do you want hey i was wondering if you had a diamond pickaxe for sale yeah a diamond pickaxe you don’t wanna put a hole in my roof or try to kidnap me or blow me up or something uh no man i just need a pickaxe all right i’m sorry i’m a little on edge today has been crazy but yeah a pickaxe can you do 16 emeralds sounds fair to me all right then there you go perfect thank you so much dude have a great day finally a normal customer wait i’m only one emerald away let’s go i just need to make one more sale oh hey sir how can i help you bro i’ve never seen a villager with a house this nice i mean yeah i worked pretty hard for this place man so you must make a lot of money running this shop huh i mean i don’t want to brag but why don’t you take a look in there oh wow you have a ton of emeralds yeah this should work wait what i mean i’m taking these emeralds with me wait wait hang on again you can’t take those stop where are you going you can’t take those i won’t let you oh really you sure about that is there a problem gentlemen yeah this guy’s trying to rob me he just came to my store and took all my emeralds you you got to do something about this oh so you’re really a snitch huh listen you’re gonna have to give him back those emeralds who’s gonna make me i will oh my god pleasure doing business with you uh yeah have a nice day man what the heck dude that guy’s crazy wait a second wait a second okay okay he took all my emeralds i have to start over from the beginning with nothing that’s gonna take forever i’m never gonna beat the game

This story is “The Story of Minecraft’s RICHEST Villager” and it is HILARIOUS!!

Big thanks to @Evbo and @GroxMC for voicing! More stuff coming with them soon!
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  1. What are the chances that the new system is working on a different level than what the previous system did on a previous one or is that just the same system as what we had previously seen on a different one that was a lot of people are using for a lot more money to make a lot of things like the one we had before we were going through it was just the one thing we were working

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