We Survived a FIRE TORNADO in Minecraft!

all right guys we are now in the forest this is going to be our home for the next 7 Days yeah it’s time to show how manly we are and yeah but this is going to be a test of our manhood well I don’t know how how this is going to show how manly you are we’re like 5 minutes from the house okay Ruby we’re still in the forest okay that’s all that matters but anyways guys rule one of surviving out in the nature is we need to have some sort of shelter luckily for us I set up a tent oh yeah this is real manly now yeah yeah yeah but guys hold on we also need to find a good spot to put it down cuz we can’t just put it down anywhere and yo wait this actually looks like a perfect spot what the this is literally perfect right here yeah let’s put it here there’s like a little opening in the trees okay well let’s just put down the tent right over here and boom guys we have set up base camp check it out let’s go you got an automatic tent uh is that really manly and well but yeah yeah Ruby this is very manly this is what um all the professional outdoor Hunter people do oh oh my allergies I hate being outside what Ru you got to hold it together you think caveman complained about their allergies 100 years ago yeah but we’re not Cav we have a tent and we have a bed in here well this is pretty much caveman quality but guys we’ve got one bed to all share I called the left side I called the pillow no way you guys are sleeping on the floor if you want to be manly this is my bed oh my gosh fine fine I’ll sleep on the floor but guys number two rule of being outdoors cim do you know it uh we have to get food exactly that’s what I was thinking guys we’re going to need to get some food in ooh I see some berries right over here now listen up guys some berries are very poisonous and some berries are very good um it takes a lot of skill to pick out which berries are good and which ones are going to kill you ow and I thought you knew which one kill you how I think you stepped I think you grabbed the wrong one I know I stepped on a thorn oh my gosh Kim I’ll pick this and this whoa whoa Ruby Ruby you got to be careful you got to be careful you don’t know which one of them are the poisonous or not hold on pass me over those berries real quick I got to sniff them they’re all sweet berries Dash no I saw this in a YouTube video I know how to do this hold on let me just uh put all these sweet berries apart and all right all right here now I got to test them out each one by one okay this one’s bad this one’s no good you can’t eat that no what no that’s just because you saw something on YouTube doesn’t mean it’s true this one’s good you can to have this one dash why why are you sniffing my fruit I don’t want to eat this anymore this this one’s not good for you but maybe cam can have it cam tell him to Sol your stomach might be able to handle that one it’s got a little bit of mold on it I’m going to go hunt for a pig what the heck wait how are we even going to cook a pig I don’t know I’m going to hunt for it though where you at oh my gosh you know what ruby I think we should go with Cam we’re going to need some protein we can’t just only have berries what but I packed snacks you packed snacks Ruby that is not outdoorsy you’re not supposed to pack snacks and ooh wait guys guys I found some mushrooms over here now listen up these mushrooms one of them is going to be good and one of them is going to be very very poisonous and dangerous you guys need to tell which one is which they’re both Brown I’m not eating a mushroom well yeah they’re both brown but guys Cam hold on we have no food other than this mushroom all right this it’s life or death we need to pick one and the other one kills us no I’m not doing that I’m going to go find a pig I’m going to eat it we can put the mushroom on the pig I’m just going to eat both of them they both look the same no no Ruby one of them is bad I can tell which one is bad hold on let me sniff it okay that one’s all right and then oh that one’s definitely bad don’t eat that one do not eat that one I’ll take this one you just took the Ruby that one it’s poisonous you’re going to die if you eat that no I’m not I I saw this in a YouTube video Ruby if you eat a bad mushroom you’re going to have like mushrooms growing out of your head no I’m not they’re both the same what the heck wait cam what are you doing are you making Pig calls yo what the heck is Cam doing where what dude how did you get on that tree let me up Piggies why are you calling pigs from the trees cuz I’m trying to get an aerial view I’m like a hawk need to look for monkeys if we’re going to be in the trees any monkeys around here I don’t think monkeys spawn in these Forest bro monkeys don’t live here they live in the jungle this is the jungle no this is a spruce Forest same thing but oh guys there’s some more mushrooms over here I guess let’s just take all of these for now we can uh inspect them and see which ones are good and which ones are bad once we get home I found a piggy wait what you found a pig uh-huh sure did it’s time to spring into action hold on we got to go fight this wild boar boore it’s a pig no no Ruby this thing is very dangerous it’s a very very deadly and dangerous animal if you look at it wrong in the eye it’s going to kill you stab stab stab oh the B just got obliterated Dash the pigs are looking in two different directions they’re not going to attack you no no no Ruby those are wild bores the these aren’t like your normal friendly pigs that you see at a pet store we’re going to have to fight these with Force bores have tusks pigs are pink these are bores Ruby hold on I need to grab a stick cam where did you get your stick from one of the trees I just yed it I want to get a stick too hold on give me a stick do I have to do everything myself R you picked up the wild boar okay now listen that thing might have rabies you might get infected and uh there’s no hospital for Miles I wouldn’t do that if I were you oh my gosh why did I go camping with you guys this isn’t camping this is outdoor survival 101 this isn’t survival either this is uh this is real life this is H as real as it gets this is how our grandparents used to live you guys don’t seem prepared at all oh my gosh I still haven’t gotten a stick yet Kim how did you get so lucky with yours I just grabbed it from the branch and just just yink it wait can you get me one I don’t think I’m really good at sticks and oh I just got a stick all right Ruby put down the boar I need to give it a spanking wait what let’s go all right this boar is about to get bored boom take that wait how much pork did it drop oh it dropped three pieces I’ve got nine pie that’s enough for three for each of us oh heck yeah we’re going to be eating good tonight all right so pretty much guys now we’re going to need to cook up this pork so um did did anyone bring a lighter no you were supposed to oh my gosh no we’re men we don’t need lighters I just need two sticks and a lot of force you guys aren’t prepared at all what the heck did you even check the weather okay no no I didn’t check the weather or anything Ruby real men don’t check the weather and plus we we don’t need a lighter Cam’s right we just need two sticks but um first let’s go back to our campsite we need to set up a little bonfire area oh oh okay and are you serious you didn’t Che the weather it’s getting windy what Ru that’s just a little bit of wind okay I’m sure our grandparents uh who lived 100 years ago had to deal with this all the time you think they complain about the wind uh yeah they complain that’s why they built houses Dash yeah real survivors don’t complain about wind Ruby we’re we’re we’re not going to build a house we’re going to survive out here for the next week it’s only a week but here ow oh gosh guys you got to watch where you’re going you do not want to fall into the Thorns the Pond’s blowing everywhere oh my gosh just like close your mouth and don’t breathe in the air what I have to breathe just like put your shirt over your mouth so it like filters out the like allergy stuff oh my gosh my nose is so stuffed okay well you know you can just go in the tent me and cam can set up the campfire cam we got to get some sticks and stuff for the bonfire we got to have like a bunch of wood here and uh a bunch of stone yeah we need some Stones around the bonfire we got to go uh wood collecting yeah yeah we got to go uh wood collecting um did you bring an axe no I’ve got my hands oh gosh we’re going to have to use our fist all right let’s M on some trees actually let’s not M down the trees here these are providing good cover for our tent in case any animals try to eat us let’s go ahead and like uh m down one of the trees that’s further away yeah same for the tallest tree it’s like the biggest guy in the yard you know what I’m saying yeah we got to beat up the biggest tree and then all the other ones will get scared and fall after okay but get back soon I feel like there’s a storm coming Ruby we’re going to be fine our tent can handle anything that’s the one thing that I brought from home our tent and it’s super strong I don’t know I I Smell the Rain I smell it you can’t smell rain what are you talking about yes you can D check it out I found the biggest guy in the yard oh look at that that’s a big Spruce right there oh heck yeah all right let’s go ahead and mine this bad boy up and then we also got to get a little bit of stone and ooh there’s some Mossy Stone over there we can use that for a campfire oh yeah oh actually won’t that like drown it out like I don’t know but wait wait hold on we’re about to break the tree timber that’s what you’re supposed to say when you mine trees right I don’t know it’s not falling right I forgot that uh these trees are magical okay hold on we need to M down some more wood we need to get pickaxes so we can get stone and then we also need to craft an axe so that we can mine more wood quickly there we go I just made us a crafting table boom there we go look at that that is the most manly thing I’ve ever done very manly o we can also craft ourselves some more sticks we don’t have to rely on the trees anymore oh yeah and check it out there’s copper here we can forge for copper wait there’s copper ooh heck yeah we can use the copper to make um bows and we can put our food in them bowls yeah we can make mushroom soup did you say bowl yeah bowl no you said bowl like like a same thing same thing but hold on hold on I’m going toting some Stone we need to grab some Stone I got nine mossy cobblestone this could be good for our little bonfire oh yeah wait I found coal I’m I’m going to mine this just in case we need it but I don’t have R oh heck yeah wait let’s get all the coal we can make a coal block that’s going to make our campfire last for so much longer yeah but don’t tell Ruby tell her that we forged so much wood that it lasts forever why so we see more manly all right all right well here we just need to get nine pieces of coal and then that should be enough to craft the full coal block how many pieces did you get oh I got 12 oh heck yeah all right I got five here just um let’s pull up to the crafting table and we should be able to craft all this and there we go block of coal M let’s go wait hold on can hand me over your excess coal I’m just going to go ahead and make us a second coal block real quick there we go and ah dude we need one more coal do you got any one other extra piece of coal uh no maybe we could look around for one ah it’s fine it’s fine we already we have one Cal block that should last us the night but here let’s pick up the crafting table we got to head back to base camp yeah back to camp and then we can start cooking our meat yeah let’s go it’s time to head back to the campsite ooh I think I see our tent right over there y Ruby Ruby we’re back we got the stuff oh what you guys took too long we didn’t take that long what are you talking about and uh what how did you set all this up uh I got all the materials I got firewood and I made a campfire and I brought a PT cuz I knew you guys would forget wait you actually brought a pan ah we were going to use the copper to make a bowl and then like cook our own food yeah we were going to for our own with an anvil we’re going to go Ting oh my gosh this is why you can’t trust manly guys what the heck okay well hold on Ruby our bonfire is going to be much better than this this bonfire is kind of poopy look at how small it is you can only cook up like one thing at a time okay here we got to set up ours um right over here we don’t really have a lot of room since you built yours Ruby um let’s do it like here well if you don’t want it with me then I guess you won’t get my beef stew wait you made beef stew how did you get beef yeah wait I’ve only killed pigs I think that’s a skill issue what okay okay well you know what it’s fine pigs are better I think um the pig is healthier than beef yeah yeah but anyways this bonfire is looking pretty sick hold on hold on why did you break all the grass there oh you replacing it with stone that’s probably a good idea yeah there we go let’s put all that down and okay now um we just got to light it wait Ruby how did you light your fire over here uh I found a flint and steel in my pocket but it broke it broke oh my gosh okay well hold on can we like uh move your campfire over here so it lights our campfire on fire uh if you move my campfire it’s going to take my campfire fires out nah we don’t need that Dash I got two sticks in a dream oh gosh all right well hold on this better work cam give it a shot um I don’t know about this one it’s going to work it just rub them like together harder harder I am I am I am I am I am I am I am I am oh my gosh you’re doing good all run give it to me let me show you how it’s done here I have I have extra pair of sticks let me go ahead and put some sticks in my hand and all right here we go we just got to do this and oh my gosh I broke all the sticks I hit them too hard we need to get more sticks guys we need to craft a bunch of sticks I have another stick right here let me go over to the crafting table here and craft a few extra sticks and okay hold on let me try this out now let me uh try letting the fire oh there we go it’s not working there we go come on why you actually doing that I just wasted more staks and I just broke mine too oh my gosh okay hold on we need to get some more wood Ruby we’ll be right back we need to get some more wood you do that let’s go ahead and mine down this tree over here let’s just mine down the entire thing and O Let’s also make ourselves an axe then we’ll be able to mine it much faster wait you got any extra Cobblestone uh yeah I got a bit how much do you need I need two uh yeah here take two all right there we go axe has been made and oh yeah actually this isn’t an axe this is a hatchet Hatchet this is a the forest Demolisher okay we don’t need to be giving our hatchets fancy names now but hold on a minute let me make some sticks and oh yeah I’ve got 38 sticks this time we’re going to light the campfire successfully let me run back over to the campsite yo Ruby I got some more sticks this time the campfire is going to get lit I better actually let it successfully this time here we go come on let me just light this thing up and okay I wasted a few sticks so far come on just got to light it up and no I just lost all my sticks are you kidding me oh are you sure you don’t want to just uh stick with me and oh oh no I got it look at that we have fire we have successfully created light let’s go oh yeah oh yeah let’s go this is actually like Ruby we told you our campfire was going to be better look at this we got two pieces of fire our fire is much bigger than yours too yeah well you don’t have soup what the heck are you making in your you’re really making beef stew yes I brought stuff but we don’t need any beef too we can just hold our pork chops above the fire oh yeah getting that nice Sizzle wait yeah let’s drop it around the fire oh yeah this is getting cooked guys you’re starting a forest fire oh um wait guys hold on I I I think we should probably put this fire out oh gosh um I think we built our campfire a little bit too close to the trees dude it’s setting everything on fire oh gosh wait it’s running really quickly Ruby if you only you didn’t build your campfire here we wouldn’t have had to build are so close to the trees what you could have just used my campfire your campfire was poop why are you blaming me for this well really if only you waited for us to build our big campfire we could have built it in the middle of the campsite stop arguing it’s scaming oh gosh this is really bad um okay guys so far our camping trip is not off to a very good start oh gosh I just got lit on fire oh my gosh okay um this is really bad this is really bad well guys I I think we should just uh head inside of our tent for now um we may have set the forest on fire but there’s nothing we can really do about that anymore I think we should just uh stay here for now are you kidding me you’re not going to put this fire out it’s yours no the tent’s safe the the fire’s outside Ruby I saw this in a YouTube video If you make a forest fire you have to stay indoors that’s how you survive what this doesn’t sound right to me I think we’re supposed to take out the fire well okay well Ruby do you have any suggestions on how we can put out this fire oh gosh the fire is spreading is really bad all guys it’s spreading onto our tent wait I know what we’re supposed to do follow me follow me I seeing this on YouTube follow me what what are you doing we’re digging into the ground so we can survive the Fire come on get down here oh we’re doing the big hole dig hole Strat yeah the what a what now it’s called the big hole dig hole Strat this YouTuber talks about it on his videos me and Kim were watching him yeah that’s how we got the idea to come here you guys watch such weird videos pretty much what you have to do is dig a 3X3 hole like this and uh this is like a good hideout in case any forest fires or like animals are trying to hunt you so we should be safe down here for a while there’s wood right there nuh-uh yeah hold on we got to cover that up there we go let’s just put some dirt there and all right we’re doing pretty good now we just got to uh stay here until the forest fire has passed yeah just got to stay here good thing I brought the snacks and wait Ruby um I am smelling something weird on that sweet Berry I don’t think it’s safe no it’s safe leave me alone I’m G to eat my soup now that stew smell is not cooked yet I think you I don’t think you can eat that no it’s perfectly cooked oh my gosh if you don’t want to eat it just say so I don’t think you should eat it you might get sick you just don’t like my cooking um I don’t know but wait hold on Kim did you actually get any of your pork chops cooked I’m starving right now and oh gosh none of mine got cooked none of mine got cooked oh my gosh our bonfire spread too fast our fire was too good it spread too fast um if you want more of your manly snacks you can have your pork chops back how do we even cooked these wait actually I still got a few sticks left guys I’m going to try starting a fire what no don’t start a fire in here stop it okay okay fine fine fine I’m sorry I’m sorry I just it was getting a bit coal in here I thought we needed some heat just eat some of this stew oh gosh I think I might have to all right let me give that a shot and wao what was it good no no no uh that was um that really bad pork chops would have been way better yeah I’m never going to cook anything for you ever again well anyways guys it’s been a while I think the fire’s out oh yeah I think it’s raining so it’s probably gone out now oh yeah the fire’s probably out here I guess let’s go take a look at the fire real quick and all right so far it’s looking pretty good I don’t think it even got our tent what the heck is that I think it’s a tornado all right back back in the hole back in the hole back in the hole back in the hole why is there a tornado here oh my gosh okay first there was a fire and now there was a tornado what is happening everyone back in the hole back in the hole oh wait wait okay oh my gosh we are getting so unlucky right now first a forest fire and now a tornado okay these are not um optimal conditions but uh it’s fine we can just stay in our um in our dog hole over here yeah we just have to stay here until the storm passes these things things usually don’t last that long yeah we’re men we could survive yeah okay it was literally a tornado though guys it was like eating up the entire Forest hopefully it doesn’t pick up like the ceiling that we have here and just like pick us up in the tornado well our ceiling is literally the ground so I don’t think so oh my gosh all right well guys I think we’re going to be stuck here for a little while what do we do um I don’t know it’s probably not that bad we’ll be fine in a second oh my gosh okay well guys why don’t we play a game of boxing we can do a boxing match yeah what this isn’t the arena for boxing no no no K it’s a thing I saw it on YouTube it’s called underground boxing what you got to do is like build a little Arena and then we got to fight who’s going to go first um I I I think uh I think I’m going to pass yeah I don’t want to do that wait why don’t you aren’t you the manly guy I’m about to box someone wait cam you want to go no I don’t really want to box here there’s no room I’m just going to hit my head oh my gosh fine fine those are just excuses but guys hold on I’m not I don’t know about you but I’m not really hearing any rain or storm anymore I think we should be good to go out is the tornado pass maybe I think so I guess let’s just go take another look at it hold on we got to dig ourselves up again and oh yeah wait look the sky is looking like wait what hold on why is the guy looking orange what is that okay get out of the way get out the way hold I got to see this I got to see this what the heck happened to the tornado I think the forest fire got caught up in the tornado what the dude it’s all orange now oh no guys um I I I I I think we made a fire tornado what we made a fire tornado Dash this is all your fault this is not my fault okay okay well guys this is really bad this is really bad I think we have to get back in our hole yeah everyone back in the hole back in the hole what are we supposed to do what the heck wait wait hold on actually I kind of want to get a closer look at this what is that oh oh guys it’s pum me in it’s plum me in don’t get closer don’t get closer no don’t get a closer look get back down here now okay okay I in I mean I just wanted to see it but oh no um guys I think that thing is setting the entire Forest on fire what do we do we need to dig deeper we need to go deeper oh gosh yeah you’re right you’re right we can’t really go up in a tornado because then the tornado is just going to like knock us over we got to go deeper in the ground and I think we should make our ceiling like more stronger we got to put more blocks here we got to make it double layer oh wait no no no hang on hang on we need to take this wood so we can make tools first oh yeah yeah you’re right you’re right we’re good need the wood we do not want to lack out on any resources oh I can’t believe we set the forest on fire and started a fire NATO I can’t believe Dash set the forest on fire and didn’t put it out it wasn’t my fault cam was involved too why don’t put the blame on me oh my gosh guys hold on I’m trying to get this wood right now the fire tornado is like right above us look at that thing that’s looking terrifying um Ruby I don’t think we’re going to be able to get this wood I’m just covering it up I’m covering it all up okay okay oh my gosh this is so bad what do we do I don’t know what do you want to do what did you watch in your YouTube video okay okay well I actually saw this one video of a guy building a survival bunker under his backyard guys I think we have to do that it was like a survival storm shelter we have to that’s the only way we could survive that fire tornado this is not what I signed up for well Ruby you know um the the wild things happen in the wild we got to build ourselves an underground bunker so uh first things first H wait a minute guys uh we kind of left a bed upstairs um I think someone’s going to have to go get that a not I got it I got it I got it quick Qui quick grab the bed grab the bed oh gosh the fire tornado is right there did you get it I don’t know did I where did it land you know hold on I’m going up I’m going oh my gosh okay where’s this bed at oh there it is I just got the bed in oh gosh guys the fire Tado is right there the fire Tado is literally right there hold on while I’m up here I should probably grab our furnaces and stuff too right dude I have stuff to craft more just get down here we can make a furnace later oh let me grab at least one of the furnaces we’re going to need that in okay okay I’m back in the hole I’m back in the hole pH we’re good it’s so loud up there yeah maybe we should dig deeper down so we can not hear the tornado and then our our minds will be better yeah it sounds like a train it’s super loud down there and it’s also super hot did you guys feel the heat yeah I felt it through the hole that you Min I do not want to go up there okay okay well guys here let’s start digging down can you guys start putting a ladder down here yeah we can put down a ladder there okay okay perfect guys I think we have to dig really really deep because um tornadoes they can like move Earth they can like break the ground above our base and like get into our uh base over here it’s not good yeah I know come on that’s all the ladders I have well guys craft some more ladders we’re going to need to go pretty deep I’ve got some more wood let me go ahead and just make myself a few Lads real quick oh yeah I’m going to be able to like so many lighters I just crafted 50 sticks boom there we go 21 liers all right I think they should be good Ruby watch out don’t fall sorry I didn’t mean to if you get injured out here in the woods then um you’re going to have to like hold the pain there’s nothing we can really do about it we don’t have bandages there ain’t no doctor actually I’m kind of a doctor I watched enough YouTube videos I think I’m certified no watching YouTube videos does not make you a doctor I think I’m basically a surgeon I watched like four videos on that and I’m pretty good did you say sturgeon no sturgeon I feel like I heard him say sturgeon if anyone breaks their legs hit me up I can fix it I am not doing that if anyone needs brain surgery hit me up I’m uh I’m an expert and oh guys my pickaxe just broke Kim can you do pickaxe surgery what no that’s not real oh my gosh okay well guys I think we’re pretty deep now I think this should be pretty good now we just got to clear out a bunch of space we got to make ourselves an underground bunker cuz otherwise that tornado is going to eat us well why don’t we just stay here it’ll probably be over soon right R I don’t know about that it was literally a giant fire tornado I don’t think it’s ever going to end maybe it’ll be over after we take a sleep it’ll probably be over as soon as it’s done eating up all of the fuel in the forest and all of the trees are fuel it just keeps on going until all of the flamable material is burned wait guys um our house is 5 minutes from here is it going to burn down our house too oh gosh wait you’re right hopefully not I don’t think our house is fireproof I think it was going the direction to our house but let’s just focus on Surviving first this is why you have to prevent forest fires all right well here guys we got to start clearing out a bunch of space for the survival Monker maybe eventually we can make a medical Bay Area that way we’re not going to have to resort to using Dr Dash I’ll build a medical Bay Area I don’t trust you guys I’ll go ahead and start on like the main entrance area I’ll make this place look good all right all right yeah that’s going to be important we’re going to need to have a good entrance we’re going to have to have a strong door our entrance because um what if the tornado like um get gets down through our ladder hole and then starts like burning our entire area down here alive no no no it won’t it won’t it won’t and yeah that’s because we’re going to build a really strong door hold on hold on I have an idea guys we got to build ourselves a little tunnel down here cam check this out check this out huh what what is that this is going to be our air lock have you guys ever seen what an airlock is uh they’re like on submarines and stuff right yeah kind of we’re going to have two doors over here and we need the doors to be super super strong we can’t just use any ordinary door we’re going to need to use a piston door a piston door yeah and we’re going to need two of them so what I’m thinking we do is let’s just have some Pistons over here like this oh wait actually we’re going to need to have the Pistons uh wait how’s this going to work we just have it like this yeah there we go that’s looking good why netherite because Ruby we need to have a really strong block for our door we can’t have the tornado getting through and netherite is movable by Pistons okay but why didn’t we build the other blocks out of strong stuff don’t question it I don’t know okay I’ll just trust your YouTube videos then I guess yeah Ruby I saw this in a YouTube video this how they built it so we need to copy it and okay this is looking pretty good guys we’ve got the first airlock look at that but now we need to build another door we need to have two doors let me go ahead and also add a pressure plate over here we need to hook up a pressure plate to activating this door let’s just put down some Redstone over there like that and then oh hold on I need to grab a little bit of redstone dust dust yeah what’s wrong with that I feel like you said dust weird that’s how it said where I’m from where you from Earth but here now the next thing we need to do is just hook up this Redstone all the way over here to this redstone torch and okay now if we activate this piston it should open up the door right and check it out our airlock is working oh heck yeah that is actually awesome let’s go ahead and cover up all this floor and all right perfect now we’ve got a pretty strong door that the tornado is never going to be able to get through okay well I guess this is safer it’s really loud up there yeah we do not want to go up there but wait guys we also need to add a pressure plate on this side cuz um we don’t want to get stuck inside of our bunker well that’s simple enough right yep we just got to add another line of redstone right over here and just connect it to the Piston all right I’m working on the walls this place is looking pretty nice let’s go guys we got to make this the best survival bunker ever we are not dying to that tornado let me test out this door over here again and oh wait I don’t think the Redstone signal is strong enough hold on I need to grab a repeater there we go let me just grab a repeater and I’ll put it down right over here there we go that should be good now let me test out the pressure plate again and this time it should open up the door let’s go that is safe okay well you spend too much time on the door we have to work on other stuff and yeah yeah you’re right you’re right we actually have to work on the actual bunker now here let’s go ahead and cover up all of this Redstone so that it doesn’t get destroyed or anything and now we got to start working on the walls of this place oh heck yeah I see we’re going for a nice Dome design yeah place looking okay okay well here let me just go ahead and make this door over here look nice we should probably cover it up with a bunch of quartz blocks so that we can hide all of the Redstone and pistons and all that it’s looking a little bumpy over here at the entrance is this really okay yeah this is how it’s supposed to look Ruby it we need the reinforcements for the door at least make it symmetrical it’s looking symmetrical hold on I just need to um put some more blocks here and uh some more over here and yeah that’s looking pretty good look at that that looks nice and we can open up the door and everything this is awesome okay I guess it’s looking pretty cool but as long as it’s safe I don’t really care yeah yeah it’s very safe rby trust me but here now the next thing we got to do is work on the floor and the walls here I’ll go ahead and help with the floor we got to clear out all of the stone and all right there we go all the stone has been cleared out now let’s just fill out this entire floor with a bunch of these concrete blocks and oh yeah this bunker is actually looking sick see outdoor survival isn’t so bad yeah we’ve got to make this thing strong enough so it can withstand a nuke I I don’t know about that I just want to survive until Tuesday okay well Ruby have you thought about what if the tornado turns into a nuke NATO it’s not going to do that is it is that even possible oh yeah it’s possible what if it like uh runs into a nuclear power plant what if it turns into a spider NATO well that would only be possible if it ran into it wait you guys didn’t build anything like that around our house did you no if we didn’t build a nuclear plant around our house what are you talking about like hold on guys I have an idea for the cealing of this place why don’t we make it a dome because I’m pretty sure domes are like a really really strong shape so that’s going to make sure that the tornado never messes with house uh did you hear that and oh gosh it sounds like lightning what is happening up there oh my gosh this is so bad I don’t know this is terrifying um you guys don’t think we’re going to die do you we’re not going to die Ruby we’ve got to we’re going to make a state-of-the-art bunker okay this is going to be the most protective thing ever but here we got to work on the roof we got to make the roof a do and ooh this ground is looking sick yeah we got to have the safety yellow lines to make sure that nobody uh trips and falls yeah okay well I want a bedroom soon okay that tornado sounds like it’s getting very scary outside guys oh my gosh it’s probably like a lightning tornado now it’s probably a lightning and fire tornado stop being so scared you’re the one that brought us here Dam you’re not supposed to cry yeah you’re right not don’t don’t shed no tears no I’m pretty sure all humans cry no they don’t yo yo Ruby yo guys you’re building this roof completely wrong what is this garbage what do you mean it’s all going to be purple eventually anyways no no no guys we have to build it like a dome look we have to build it higher now we have to build it going like this oh my God gosh you guys are so complicated I don’t understand Ruby if we build a flat roof then the tornado is going to like destroy this place we need to build it like a dome because domes are like really strong it’s a really strong shape have you not like studied your shapes I’m pretty sure triangles are the strongest shape yeah but we can’t really build a triangle here since it’s like a circle so we have to build a dome I cannot believe you guys it’s just like a triangle except like round it out a little bit oh wait cim what is this this is an emergency uh 911 button and what what’s it going to do whenever we press it it it calls 911 is 911 going to do against the tornado cam I don’t know send a rocket or something destroy it cam I think the tornado is a little bit more powerful than 911 but oh my gosh did you guys hear that again it sounded it look more in lightning G stop crying you’re not supposed to shed tears yeah you’re right I would say that I wish I stayed at home but if I did you probably would have set more things on fire without me yeah Ruby I’m pretty sure this bunker is actually safer than our house our house is probably going to get caught up in the tornado but here this ceiling is actually looking sick so far now we just got to keep on building the Dome we got to make it go one block higher now I’m telling you guys this Dome is going to be worth it okay it’s going to pay off as soon as we’re done with it then there’s not going to be any debris or anything falling from the ceiling our base is going to be tornado proof uh flood proof earthquake proof nuclear tornado proof it’s going to be proof of everything um are you sure it’s we have terra cotta it doesn’t matter what it’s made out of as long as it’s a really strong shape it’s good got to make sure it’s structurally sound again I think triangles are the strongest shape well Ruby why don’t would you like to try building a triangle here um no that’s what I thought it’s going to be difficult to connect the triangle to our circular base that we’ve got going here but ooh so far this Dome is looking pretty good it’s not really looking like a dome though yes it is what are you talking about uh I mean from my angle it looks more of like a um like a I don’t know what this is your angle is wrong you need to get your eyes checked but anyways this is looking pretty good now we got to build the next layer of the Dome we got to delete all this Stone and oh my gosh the stone is taking forever should we use TNT no no that’ll make it into a TNT NATO the TNT is not going to go in the tornado you don’t know that Dash please stop doing dangerous things okay okay well hold on a minute I have an idea for how we can clear this Stone out faster hey you watching this right now quick subscribe in the next 3 seconds to give us a magical building wand please I want to be a wizard I’m so tired of breaking stone quick subscribe in three 2 one and let’s go guys I got the magical building wand and now what we can do with this is clear out all of the stone instantly let me just go all the way up here in uh this corner of the base and all right slash slash replace Stone Air Boom there we go look at that we got a bunch of space now oh there’s still coal it’s fine we can break that ourselves but okay now it’s time to build the next layer of the Dome oh yeah it’s getting Dy in here what now it’s getting doy it’s getting mad doy in here bro I don’t understand what that word means oh my gosh Ruby you’re not part of the Dome Community you want to get it the Dome Community bro it’s not a Domer huh have you never watched an underground survival shelter video before and oh guys our Dome is looking uneven what the heck is this why is there two blocks over here on this side and only one on this side oh I tried to build the dome but I didn’t get it someone made an error whatever okay but so far they still looking pretty good it doesn’t need to be perfectly even as long as it’s uh still in the shape of a dome then it’s going to be strong enough to defend us and okay this is looking pretty sick we’re almost done we just got to build a few more layers and okay hold on we got to um clear out a little bit more Stone don’t worry I got it we just go all the way up over here real quick and all right time to do the magic let’s go a let’s go magic purple shirt uh did you guys hear that you’re what you’re what I thought I heard the tornado never mind I think that was just your stomach what no I’ve eaten a lot of my stew it wasn’t my stomach yeah you’ve eaten a lot of your stew so you’re about to like throw it up R did you inspect everything you put in your Stew was it safe yes it was safe are you sure I don’t think you inspected it good enough what are you talking about Ruby you didn’t stiff them good enough D you need to sniff your sweet berries better but anyways the Dome is looking sick check it out the Dome is complete and ooh I see we got some glass around this button guys hold on we have to actually make this button do something right now it does literally nothing no it calls 911 that’s useless we don’t need that that’s literally like less than useless what no that’s really useful well Ruby what is 911 going to do against this tornado huh you think they going to go arrest it yeah that is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard I thought it was a good idea I’m sorry Cam that was a really bad idea but don’t worry I’ve got an idea on how we can revive this button hold on let me just give myself a command block really quick and what I’m thinking we do is why don’t we set up a command block to replace all of the blocks inside of our bunker with obsidian and then that way we can hit this button whenever anything’s going wrong oh okay what if this button launches a nuke at it I don’t think that’s a good idea you’ll be making the nuke NATO yeah that’s even worse idea what the heck no no you guys haven’t seen the movies that I’ve watched every time there’s something wrong you launch a nuke I’m not listening to you damn nukes don’t solve all problems they do most of them though but guys hold on what we need to do is grab a command let me just go ahead and grab SL fill from this block all the way to the other corner of our base all the way up here let me just grab these coordinates over here there we go and all right now what I got to do is pull up into this command block over here and let me just paste in the command and we got to do fill our base with obsidian I don’t know if that’ll be a good what is that Place everything there we go all right now whenever we hit this button all the blocks around our base are going to get replaced with obsidian and yo what what is this can you tell Cam the quit it did you build a nuke button dude we’re not building a nuke it is so bad come on guy okay fine I’m not going to build a nuke button you didn’t even put glass around it what’s that over there I’m trying to just build a nuke button that’s a horrible idea but guys let’s cover up this button with glass uh in case anyone needs to hit the button they have to break the glass and hit it yeah there we go cuz if someone hits that button by accident then um there’s no going back it’s going to replace everything here with a obsidian break in case of emergencies only yeah yeah let’s go ahead and add a sign for that so that uh everyone knows in case we have any visitors down here break if emergency did you forget the words no I was just typing it out hold on I spelled emergency wrong there we go all right now it’s looking good break if emergency let’s go ahead and add a little bit of red glow stuff onto it so that this sign is very visible and everyone knows what it’s saying there we go and all right let’s just put this all around the glass okay perfect I think our um obsidian button is complete yep everything’s done and there’s totally nothing behind the wall and wa K what did you do over here I saw you going behind this wall what is this why do we have a nuke button we don’t need a nuke button come on I want it we don’t even have any nukes that button is not going to do anything just because he want it doesn’t mean it’s a good idea you guys just hate my ideas your ideas were bad I can’t lie but anyways guys we’ve got the base of the survival shelter done but um right now this is kind of just a little upgrade compared to our old box we can’t really do anything in here yeah we need more rooms yeah we need to have a medical room we need to have like a like a food room we can have underground Farms like in that YouTube video we saw where they built like the shelter with like the underground farms and everything yeah yeah yeah right here right here right here we can make it go this way uh no I think building the medical Bay is more important okay well the medical Bay can be pretty small how about we just build it um right over here yeah medical Bay can be pretty simple to build okay well let’s just put it in here wait wait hold on I have an idea for how we can build the medical B hold on hold on this is going to look cool let me just select this entire wall over here and using the magical wand I can move it by a few blocks let me just do SL slash move uh seven and oh I think I moved it a little bit too far guys that was a bit further than I intended yeah I think you moved it behind the stone yeah okay hold on give me a sec there we go fixed it and what we can do now is just uh extend the walls over here like this so we can turn it into like a little room it can be like really open so there’s not a door it just like opens straight to this room yeah yeah yeah and I think that um it should have a glass a glass door oo actually wait yeah having a glass wall on this area could look pretty cool what about this kind of glass ooh that kind of glass looks pretty cool looks pretty strong is that netherite around it uh I don’t know I think it’s lead lead what the Ruby Le is poison is no no it’s just lead color it’s not actual lead why why would you say lead there’s a lot of things that are lead color you could have just said gray oh okay well it’s gray are you happy now yeah here guys this medical Bay is looking pretty sick we got to make all the floors of this room white because um you know that that that’s what hospital floors are just made out of and we got to have all of our medical equipment in here so uh ooh first things first we’re probably going to need a few beds that’s going to be uh very important we can have like a few beds over here we got to hire a nuke doctor a what is a nuke doctor a what what are you talking about he heals the nukes okay I think you really like nukes but hold on a minute guys let’s go ahead and grab ooh what about we use this uh fancy Blue Glass yeah we can put these fancy Blu glass panes over here to separate both of the beds there we go okay and I’ll put down some doors oh yeah doors are going to be pretty important and all right what’s type of medical equipment are we going to need what type of injuries are we going to have to possibly heal from here nuk we’re not building nukes Camp probably um Burns since it’s a fire natal and oh you’re right you’re right burns are going to be a a pretty common problem probably um so how do you cure a burn you put water on it right you put something in cold I was taking bandages but okay yeah water bandages could work but K first you got to cool down the burns so uh here I guess let’s grab a little bit of water and ooh I have an idea we got to build a a cooling station let me go ahead and just like uh dig into the wall over here we’re going to make like a refrigerator but for humans a refrigerator for humans well yeah cam if someone’s on fire we’re going to need to take them to our medical Bay and cool them down that actually sounds awesome oo check it out guys we can use ice bricks look at this it’s like ice but in Brick Farm oh okay oh yeah that can work yeah we can use this for the walls of the refrigerator this should keep this room super cold and chilly and then we also need to grab a little bit of water and let’s put that inside of the dispenser and also we need to grab a lever actually wait we can just use a button not a lever and we can put that down uh right over here now pretty much all I got to do is just link up all of the Redstone and all right guys the chiller 3000 is complete does anyone want to test it out uh yeah you can test it out no no no no I’m not going to test it out I’m the I’m the doctor I’m supposed to operate it I don’t think you guys know how to operate it well you got to go in there no I’m not going in there someone else go in there I’m not going in there okay well who’s the hottest one here who who got closest to the tornado it was you oh oh yeah it was me okay fine I’ll go in all right pretty much what you have to do is uh press the button and then I’ll turn it on go in just go in I’m in I’m in it oh it’s so cold it’s so cold in here let me out turn it off turn it off quick quick quick oh my gosh that is freezing okay oh I know something else that helps Burns too what what helps Burns well I’m going to put them down right uh where’s a good spot to put it down a table right here why do you need a table what the heck is that what is that why is it living what did you just put down Ruby what is is this these are plants plants help with burs plants don’t have eyes and walk around yeah what that’s a spider Ruby get that thing out of here I’m killing it with the building W no that’s a what are you doing we can’t have unknown specimens inside of our bunker Ruby what if it infects us what if that thing had a disease oh my gosh you were overreacting but anyways these plants are supposed to help with Burns um I guess we can have a few plants I guess people can like grab them and rub them on arms and stuff what is that uh nothing uh I’m just doing experiments what a dude why’ you shoot that at me what was that for what was on that a bug phermones bug phermones what does that mean I don’t know I’m experimenting what the heck dude no you’re not supposed to shoot that at people that is not medical equipment but guys hold on we need some other stuff around the beds over here cuz you know how hospitals always have like the the heart rate monitors and like that sort of stuff what medical equipment are we going to need next to our beds oh or definitely going to need IVs IVs are definitely going to be needed oh yeah yeah let’s go ahead and build an IV I guess we can do that with uh we can use like an iron bar for the base yeah yeah we can oh wait actually yeah let’s use the End Rod that’s better okay I’ll put it down right here yeah we’re going to need an IV there we go and um all right let’s put the this thingy over here for the top I put down the IVs already you don’t have to put it down here no that’s poison ivy Ruby that’s not poison it’s just normal Ivy ivy no Ruby I think cam meant like the thingy that goes in like a bag with liquid inside of it and like connects to your arm yeah it stands for intravascular Oh I thought you meant like a PL no no no Ruby we need we need this thing hold on let me go ahead and just uh move this skeleton skull there are are we using a skeleton skull for the thing that contains all the liquid wouldn’t it be better to use like a a coldin with water in it or something I’m not going to lie I think that would be better do we have like any pots or anything or wait Ruby we can use your pot that you use for like the cooking stove oh uh well actually that might be a little big what about like a there are a lot of other pots no this works this works just fine we can just stick like one end of the tube in here and then the other end in the patient arm and it’s all good I guess that means they can put beef stew right in their bloodstream y wait what about a flower pie this one’s a bit small maybe this can be for like the babies okay then cam can use that one okay but anyways guys I think this medical room is looking pretty good we’ve got medical done but what other things are we going going to need in our bunker ooh we’re going to need food we got to build the farm oh I was going to say we need a laboratory for like evil scientist stuff dude we don’t need a laboratory okay we just need the bare minimum here we don’t need to get like laboratory we just need uh all the essentials enough to survive we need a laboratory we don’t need a laboratory how else am I going to defeat that evil the fire Nat um I don’t think you can really defeat it I think you just have to wait for it to go away but guys let’s build a farming area over here evil what did you just say evil evil what are you saying he said evil what the heck okay I think he’s turning into like an evil scientist guy no I’m not turning evil I’ve got to defeat the evil fire NATO dude you’re not going to be able to defeat the fire NATO you just have to wait it out I think o wait actually maybe we can try spraying a bunch of water at it o do you guys think that could stop it maybe maybe I or or it’ll just get it angry and it’ll fight back I don’t think the fire tornado has a brain yeah I’m pretty sure weather doesn’t think cam it’s just like a thing not a not a living being no that thing thinks I need to run experiments okay but here guys let’s go ahead and actually clear out some space for this farming room I have an idea let me go ahead and use the magical building wand again let me just go ahead and like this position right over here and also this other position right here and let’s set this all into air come on magic boy I got this i got this and then now we just got to run the commit SL SL stack uh 10 boom there we go check it out we got a lot of space there’s a big farm for a big man uh okay we need to have a big farm so that we can have a lot of food in it okay uh this Farm is kind of big we don’t to need this huge do we oh Ruby we don’t know how long we’re going to stay down here for we don’t know when that tornado is going to pass I don’t want to stay here for that long well we need a big modon farm yeah exactly Cam’s got the hang of it okay but let’s let’s put down some Stone paths going around so we can walk around the flo oh yeah that’s a good idea and we could also build the walls of this room out of some line terra cotta because you know it’s like the farm and the farm is like nature that’s the ugliest color I’ve ever seen no it’s not this stuff looks sick what are you talking about I don’t know I feel like there’s a lot of um nice green blocks that are that look a little different n lime looks good lime is pretty nice H we should make the ceiling of this place a dome too no not another Dome fine fine I guess we don’t need the farm to be super secure we only need the main room to be super secure here we go this wall is looking pretty good and yo who set the entire floor into stone brakes uh it was the evil fire N Out it was cam no no well cam I don’t know about you but uh I can’t really plant crops on Stone we’re going to have to turn a lot of this stuff into grass let me go ahead and uh select this position right here and also this other position right over here and let’s set this all into some grass blockes blockes there we go we got some grass blockes wood and yo this ceiling is looking sick what is it made out of lime concrete bricks oh heck yeah this is looking awesome very right let’s go okay okay let’s just go ahead and finish up all of the walls and stuff and then we can start building the Garden or the farm well speaking of bright blocks we need to put some light in here oh wait a minute you’re right cuz otherwise our plants aren’t going to grow without any light what should we use um let’s see is there any like cool lamps that we could use and oo wait a minute guys I found the nice redstone lamp why don’t we use a nice redstone lamp it’s not a normal redstone lamp it’s nice a it’s nice oh it’s nice yeah look at them it’s bright ooh we definitely got to use this ooh what we could do is put them all over the ceiling we can have it go in a nice pattern wait it says this is a lamp as well what the that’s a lamp hold on what does it look like when it’s turned on and oh that looks um looks like a sea lantern I like the nice one better though yeah there’s a bunch of new lights this looks pretty cool all right yeah let’s put these lights all over the ceiling we can have them two blocks apart so that we make sure that all of the plants get atate lighting and um oh it’s not even hold on guys who built the room uneven I didn’t do that I think it was Camp’s fault what I didn’t what are you saying bro hold on a minute let me inspect out this I think this is looking pretty good yeah this should be enough yep and I put Redstone behind them all so we’re they powered up o very nice very nice and now what we can do to multiply these is let me just go ahead and uh select these positions right here and all right guys check this out let me just run the command SL SL stack uh three and boom there we go lights you need to do more yeah we need more we need big lights for big man more more big lights for Big M Big M there we go we’ve got the lights okay and I’m going to do a little pathway through the middle of the farm ooh okay okay that pathway is looking all right but wait Ruby hold on you realize that the more pathway we have the less room we have for plants we can stack the plants um I guess we can do that o wait a minute I have an idea for the pathway why don’t we make it out of some slabs why because pretty much if we make it out of slabs then we can water log them with water and then we can use the water for the farm look we can have the water inside of the slabs w Wait that’s really smart slabs is a funny word I like slabs yeah we’re going to need to use the slabs and let’s also go ahead and start hoing all of the grass over here oh wait actually before we do that we need to put down our water because otherwise the ground is just going to dry out let just go ahead and put down a bunch of water all over the floor here ooh we can put water on the sides as well we can replace these blocks here with more slabs and put water on them wait are we just growing uh plants here or are we also going to grow animals I think we’re only plants and yo yo yo hey don’t put fences here there’s going to be a pathway we don’t need fences yeah we need to be able to walk around I I mean fences are good cuz they keep out the bad bugs there are no bugs in here this is a cave this is a state-of-the-art bunker facility there’s no bugs evil there’s not going to be any bugs you’re worrying about nothing evil bugs is the camping fever getting to him or something what is wrong with him I don’t know but here let’s go ahead and replace all of the floor here with slabs then we can just put water underneath everything and wait wait can before we start hauling the we need to put water down or else everything’s just going to dry out I need to stop the evil bugs you’re not doing anything there are no oh he doesn’t understand here we got to make little Pathways down here on the sides of the farm and just fill it up with a bunch of water I’ll build the pathways and uh you guys fill it with water I’m putting down slabs right now oh actually wait yeah hold on I’ll put the pathways cam you put water Ruby put the slab the evil stop hoing yeah cam look all of your crops that you hoed are drying out we need water first I got it there we go let’s put down a bunch of water all around the farm oh yeah this is actually sick this such a cool farm we have our Waters in The Pathways I don’t think any of our crops are going to dry out I don’t think I’ve ever seen a farm like this before the only reason those are drying out is cuz you’re jumping on them there we go now it’s good all right well when they dry out I’m going to say I told you so um I don’t think they’re going to dry out I think we got adequate water in here are you just watching them until they dry out Told You So Told You So Told You So told you so damn that’s cuz you jumped on them you jumped on them again no I didn’t look look I didn’t jump on that one um that’s cuz they jumping them oh this one dried out hold on yeah see I told you so okay okay I guess in that case we can put down a little bit of water here we can put down um one bucket of water over here we can put down um another one right over here and one last one right over here yeah I think this should be good and all right there we go now everything should be properly hydrated uh what kind of plant is this it’s called a torch flow what the heck is this what is a torch flow don’t ask wait hold on can I pick it up I want to see what it gives me oh it gives me a torch FL no no no and this is useless we don’t need torch flowers you can’t even eat these what do they work as light you can’t even use them for light we already have enough Lighting in here we need them here for what cuz I said so and wait wait hold on uh to torch fire hold on are these things on fire oh we got to get rid of them we got to get rid of all of them no no no no my science experiments we don’t need any torch flowers here this is stupid what are you serious yeah what about some Tomatoes instead I think these are better Tomatoes uh fine I guess yeah Tomatoes you can actually eat we can use these for nutrients and ooh check it out I got a tomato let’s go to what now to Who Do What I Got a tomato and o wait did you replace the slabs here with lily pads that’s actually kind of cool that looks pretty sick yeah they look pretty awesome I just thought we needed a more um naturalistic approach ooh and you’re putting more poison ivy on the wall nice it’s not poison ivy these are uh flowery Vines it’s not poison ivy yet just wait till someone bumps into it it’s going to get mad and turn into poison IV that’s not how plants work I’m pretty sure that’s how it is Ruby plants are alive they’re living yes but they don’t change what they are yeah they do sometimes do they yeah Ruby haven’t you ever heard of evolution I don’t think that’s what that is oh I’m pretty sure that’s how Evolution works I’ve been studying the wild outoors all my life but anyways this Farm is looking pretty sick we have so much room here for crops we’re actually never going to run out of food yeah too bad there’s no like pigs I can hunt speaking of animals we’re definitely going to need to have some animals somewhere here but ooh we’re also going to need some cabbages cabbages are going to be good we can use them uh instead of lettuce on our Burgers well we can’t have Burgers cuz we don’t got no meat o how about we set up an animal farm right over here we can to have like a bunch of animals uh past the crops all right that sounds good all right all right well here let’s see what other plants are we going to need in here and ooh um it looks like there’s only one plant that we haven’t tried yet what about chipped nether Sprouts C try growing these I can’t oh what I think they only grow in the nether all right I guess that’s fine we proba wouldn’t even eat those I guess let’s just add a little bit more wheat wheat is going to be pretty important since like half the animals eat that we’re going to need this for breeding the animals okay well what else can we have I think we’ve already got every single useful crap in the game on this side how about we just copy this side over to this side sounds good to me there we go we can just put down a bunch of tomatoes over there a bunch of wheat over here wheat and some uh cabbage little bit of potatoes some potatoes some potatoes there some pretty good stuff guys we going to make fries out of this oh fries and burgers fries would be pretty good underground fries those are probably the best I think potatoes like being in the dark no I don’t think they like being in the dark I think they like being underground oh wait I guess it is dark underground oh all right but anyways guys we’ve got the crop Farm done now we got to build the animal farm over here we got to have a bunch of cows and pigs so that we can make infinite pork stew o I’m excited for this part okay okay and I’m thinking for this part we can set the floor into some more grass blocks as well and let’s make this part actually even so let’s put um 1 2 3 4 5 6 seven blocks on each side so it’s all even maybe instead of having a like a wall here we can have some glass why would we want glass Ru the glass is just going to point straight into the cave so we can watch the animals we can have some glass to watch the animals but not for like the actual walls of the place okay okay okay let me just stack this over here real quick there we go and okay this is looking uh pretty nice we got quite a bit of space to work with over here yeah does it need a higher ceiling and yeah we’re probably going to want to have a higher ceiling we don’t want the animals to feel cramped in here if the animals are feeling like stressed out then I think the food will taste worse okay well let’s just clear this out all right there we go I’m using the magical building one oh there’s gravel falling don’t worry I got it and all right I think this should be pretty good but H what should we set the walls of this room into we’ve got a bunch of green walls over here since there’s plants in this room I guess um should we have like brown walls here for like the cows what no we should have blue walls for the sky yeah so the cows think they’re outside ooh that’s a good idea all right all right wait wait no instead of just using blue concrete why don’t we copy this design except just use the Blue version of the blocks yep let’s do that yeah yeah that looked pretty fancy no Ruby instead of you just fell off okay you got to be careful well it was an accident let’s use these blocks these will look cool and wait a minute what is this block over here that we’ve got decorated green glazed terracotta hold on is there such thing as decorated blue glaze terracotta and yo there is all right we got to use some decorated blue glaze terra cotta for the Wallace here oh yeah oh yeah this looks sweet let’s go and then in the middle of our ceiling we can even have like a bunch of yellow blocks so that it looks like the sun and the animals get tricked oh yeah and I’ll put out a sign out here that says animal form form with like with an o oh no this an a see I wrote an a didn’t you say animal form though and oh but you put form here Ruby what the heck you spelled it wrong have you never spelled the farm before it says Farm it says form that’s like that that that’s the you put the wrong word that’s like form like uh like the form you fill out when you sign up for something haha very funny it says F I think the I think being outdoors is making Ruby go a bit crazy I think Ruby’s gone psycho bro I have not gone psychic Ruby I think you said the wrong word again isn’t the psychic like the person who who does this stuff no psycho is when you have ESPN psychic is when when you think you’re crazy I don’t know what ruby is saying can let’s just build this ceiling yeah I think uh Ruby’s uh going to be used in one of my experiments what no leave me alone okay okay but here let’s go ahead and set the ceiling of this place into some light blue terracotta and then I’m thinking in the middle of it we can build a sun and we can build it out of some uh we can build it out of somewh of these nice Redstone lamps these are going to be nice and friendly to the animals what about this yellow glazed terracotta pillar top oh wait actually hold on that kind of looks better I’m not going to lie all right let’s put that down ooh this is looking fancy look at that we got our very own artificial sun wait can I add some of this to this CE like too so matches the other room ooh all right actually yeah add that to the ceiling that’ll make it look pretty cool but anyways now it’s time to actually put down the animals and here for the animals what I’m thinking we’ do is we can just build little boxes for them out of some glass so ooh what about we have like a brown box over here and we can put the cows in it oh yeah that sounds sweet wait wait hold on hold on hold on for the cow box we can make it brown and white so that it matches like the color of the cow you have all the boxes be colorcoded that should look pretty cool oh yeah that would looks sick okay here we go I’m making this wall over here look like a cow um I’m not the best at building so I’m not the best at uh building cows so I’m not sure how this is going to go did you just sneeze again are you still having allergies down here yeah I think it’s a little Dusty okay yeah we can clean this place up soon but here we go this cow room is looking pretty clean oh yeah there we go that’s looking just like a cow this looks um just like a normal cow yeah and then for the door we can use one of these glass oak doors oh that’s looking sick yep I’m building the chicken area over here too all right all right and yo what the heck is this yo yo yo why is there lava in the chicken area G we’re trying to stay away from fire and hot things look okay so um this is an automated chicken farm what the heck how does this thing work so when the chickens lay the eggs it goes into this dispenser and it shoots it out into the slab and whenever the chickens grow up they burn and then then we get their meat and eat it oh we should also add a hopper down here so that we can collect all the food there we go that’s looking sick wait can someone make a fishing pond I’m busy with the ceiling can I put puffer fish in it why does he want to put puffer fish in everything it doesn’t make any sense okay we can’t even eat the puffer fish it’s not edible you can’t I can you can’t the last time that happened you went to the hospital and then you did it again loved it okay okay but guys hold on I’m building the pig room over here this place is looking pretty sick just going to build it out of some pink blocks and ooh is there any pink doors that we can use yo there is look at that glass cherry door oh yeah this looking nice oh that’s so cute I love the Cherry doors and then we can even spawn a few pigs over here oh yeah oh yeah this is good we have so much space in here yo look at the Pigs we’re going to have food for days oh you know what we should do we should have an automatic food dispenser for each of the animals wait a minute to like feed the animals oh that’s actually a good idea then we’re not going to have to feed them ourselves we can just have like a dispenser on top of their little box that’ll drop the food for them yeah yeah I’ll do the pig one if you want to do the cow one all right all right I’ll do the cow one wait Ruby can you build another animal pin what other animals are we going to need um H I guess maybe like we should have two sheep why why only two cuz we don’t really need a lot of sheep we just need a wool right well Ruby what if we want to like eat some mutton one day well I don’t want to think about eating mutton why it tastes good um I’ll just build it really small I really don’t think we need that much sheep okay okay but here can what we got to do now is connect both of these dispensors together why you putting so many Redstone down so we have a a timer oh you’re trying to make it so that the animals get automatically fed okay okay that’s pretty cool we can just turn on the timer with this lever over here and all right check it out now every few seconds the animals are going to get fed oh yeah this is sick oh yeah this is awesome now we’re never going to have to feed them ourselves let’s go all right but anyways Ruby how’s the Sheep room looking in yo wait did you build it all out of white glass yeah the cow room is already using white glass we should do a different color so it looks cool no it’s using brown and white what if we make it look like a like a sheep uh do we have anything that we could use for the h o actually that could be a good idea but let’s also make it a little bit bigger it really doesn’t have to I don’t okay Ru we need to color code the boxes so that we know which animal is in which box can you not just look through the glass door it’s big I mean we can but like it’s better to know from just looking at the box but anyways this animal Farm’s looking pretty good and why is the pond filled with pu fish cuz I did that what the heck we need some normal fish in here too we can’t eat po fish yeah we can oh my gosh well I don’t want to you know we need some blob fish in here what other types of fish do we got ooh what about a few uh you you can’t eat pu fish but you can eat blob fish yeah right yeah right buddy what about a bucket of flying fish these ones are cool they can fly what about a large catfish oh I think that’s a bit too large oh no it fits it fits o that can give us dinner for like a whole month um I don’t know about that one whybe it’s healthy uh I don’t know if I’ll try that I’ll just stick to what I know thanks oh no wait I think the catfish is drowning can the catfish not go in water huh maybe it’s too small damn I think the catfish might eat all your puffet fish it’s a it looks pretty hungry it’s like a whale no and oh no the flying fish is out of the water guys it’s flopping around it flew out of the water get back in there oh okay there we go it’s all good okay I think we’re going to have problems with the Flying Fish it’s fine let’s get rid of it no no no we need the flying fish but anyways it’s looking pretty good ooh Ruby you put down signs here that’s a good idea we got cows sheep pigs wait there’s no sheep in the sheep box we need some sheep uh I was going to let you guys take care of it cam what did you do what is happening with the bumber fish dude they’re swimming up stream for the winter I don’t know what’s going on dude break the stream why do we have a stream there I I I thought a waterfall would look nice but apparently they want to climb it oh my God okay you know what okay all these pu fish are going to die out of the water look at them they’re they’re dying and look at that there they go one by one Splish Splash they go out with a dash with the what I think bro wants to be a rapper those are some good Rhymes but here let’s go ahead and spawn in some sheep over here there we go we got a few ships and all right Ruby you can be the designated Shepherd I am a Shepherd yep what you got to do is go in there and you’re going to have two tools that you need to use on the job you’re going to need to use first of all this thing right over here for um you know taking the wool and also you’re going to want to use uh this for um taking the meat what I I don’t want this the job comes with some responsibilities and oh no the Flying Fish just died are you kidding me why can’t it fly out of the water how is and die I thought it could like breathe out of the water this is crazy okay well guys I think our animal area is pretty good we got the chickens we got the pigs we got the cows we got everything that we’re ever going to need in here but um guys we still don’t really have a place to sleep inside of our bunker wait that’s kind of a problem I want to sleep yeah so do I I mean we do have two beds over here in the medical Bay but um that’s only two beds and they’re also like medical beds so they’re probably not that comfortable yeah um why don’t we make a living quarters over here and ooh yeah this is the one corner of our base that we haven’t built anything in yet all right this is going to be where the living corridors are um I guess let’s just build a big hallway and we can have all of our rooms in it dibs on having my room at the end of the hallway dibs on having mine uh to the left let me just put down a sign and we’re good wait cam which left do you want like this left or like this left dude there’s only one left what do you mean no like your left is different than mine my left is this left your left is that left well now it is because you’re looking at me I want the one on the left you want your left all right got it I’ll just be in the middle all right but guys first things first we got to build a hallway so check this out guys we don’t have to dig manually we can just use the magic building one boom there we go let’s make it a bit bigger actually in fact let’s just make this hallway really big we can make it like uh quite a bit bigger yeah this hallway is kind of cluster full bit Yeah and ooh since there going to be the living quarters why don’t we make it really nice and homey looking out of some wood oh yeah we can make it look like a cabin why do you want to make it look like a homie no Ruby I mean like home home e like that type of homie and yo look we can build the walls like this this is going to look awesome that doesn’t look like me at all no not like not not that homie the other type of homie like home like house Housey oh I didn’t just say so that’s what I meant but okay this is looking pretty good we’re going to have this hallway all made out of wood and ooh we got to make the hallway like like kind of like a dome we got to make it bent it’s going to look sick oh we can put down paintings too and then some plants yeah yeah it’s going to look really cool and yeah C this is not the design this is what is this this looks like a mine this is my Design This is my design I patent pended it that looks like a cave we we don’t this isn’t a cave this does not look like a cave what kind of caves have you been in bro this side looks like a m shaft this side looks like a house no it your side looks like a m shaft it’s bland boring BL hold on let me finish it real quick we got to put um this over here and wait what is what what is this hold on you guys keep on building over each other just don’t get along let me build let me build my my build is going to be good let me just uh finish off this and all right look at that we can have this for the hallway that looks boring I like it I like it I like it I like it I like it how about we combine both of the builds we can have like the pillars from your build and we can have the big curve on the ceiling from my build all right well my build’s going to look lot better you Lally have Lantern in it dude it looks like a mha we’re not having Lantern I’m going to put a flower pot here I guess we can have a flower pot but here guys what we got to do is just build one side of this hallway we don’t actually have to build the whole hallway ourselves we can just build like one part of it and then we can use the magic building W here we go wait Ruby you want to put another flower over here and then I’ll stack this hallway yep wow it feels so nice already Yep this thing is looking insane all right let’s go up over here in this corner and um okay I think I’m high enough let me select that position and all right guys check it out we’re about to have an instant hallway boom there we go look at that y this look looking sick looks a little bit small though I can’t lie I really really like it I’m going to stack it a few more times let’s make it like that big and okay okay this is looking pretty good and now I get to have my room at the end of the hallway wait why are you at the end of the hallway cuz I dibbed on it that I said that at the start oh man I’m going to have the coolest looking room here let’s go no mine’s going to be the coolest I don’t know about all that let me go ahead and grab um H let’s see what type of door do I want to use in yo what you can get a library is this a bookshelf door what the that’s kind of cool is this where your room’s going to be c yeah I’m putting my room right here okay well I guess I’ll put my room over here then he’s putting his on the left side his left or my left I don’t know one of the lefts and ooh wait a minute guys I just found a glass oak door oh yeah I’m going to use this for my room look at that that’s looking awesome well we have so many hallways here you guys’s doors are kind of going to blend in and okay this looking pretty nice oh that’s right I think you’re kind of right there I might mark it with a carpet or something oh yeah good idea good idea we can like Mark the floor of our rooms with like a like some sort of wool and wait speaking about the flooor this floor is all Stone that’s why it looked like a m shaft oh yeah that makes sense why don’t we go ahead and add a few sea lanterns on the side of the floor like this just so that we can get a little bit of additional lighting and then we can set the main floor into some um hm what about just some stripped Oak lock what about dark oak yeah I guess dark oak could look good anything should look fine Red O Redwood actually look could look pretty cool what’s Redwood look behind you wao it’s red wood it’s like wood but on fire wait it’s on fire uh weren’t we just dealing with fire a second ago no it’s not on fire I was joking oh why would you joke like that that’s dangerous okay but guys hold on let’s let’s start building our bedrooms I’m going to start building mine over here mine is going to be the craziest one here I don’t know about that uh likely story buddy back up back up back up from what oh I just said it okay okay well guys hold on I’m clearing out my room now this room is going to look absolutely sick oh yeah this room is so big I’m going to be able to fit so much stuff in here I’m I have like two gaming setups a bookshelf um a bed and a pool Well mine’s going to have eight pools and nine beds I do you want to have eight pools in your room doesn’t that sound like a bit bad what if you get water everywhere yeah it’s a little excessive no okay okay well hold on I already know what type of design I’m going to go for for my room I’m going to make my room the super fancy looking room it’s going to be like a mansion house a mansion house isn’t a mansion already house you don’t have to see it twice no it’s going to be like a Manion House ruby trust me you you’ll get it when you see it I don’t think I’m going to get it when I see it oh you you don’t understand you don’t understand my taste I will never understand your taste buddy you’ll understand it when you see it okay it’ll it’ll all make sense okay if that’s what you say um okay so let’s see how am I going to do this I need to design this properly so I guess I can have a piece of wood over here in this Corner um okay this is looking kind of clean is it though wait a minute hold on this is I’m starting to have doubts about this now do you need help Dash you sound like you’re having a difficulty no I’m not having any difficulties I think what I need to do is just extend my walls a little bit let me just uh make my walls a little bit bigger there we go and all right all right now this should be pretty easy to build I can build my walls looking like this oh yeah this is going to look really cool hold on I think I need to extend my walls a little bit even more there we go just extended them more and all right now this should look pretty good I can have some blocks right over here and oh yeah oh yeah this is looking crazy you said this is looking crazy like five times it is looking crazy it looks like a really really fancy mansion house crazy like good or crazy like bad crazy good of course okay I’ll believe it when I see it and okay okay hold on a minute I can do this much faster I just realized let me just uh select all of this and then stack it this way a little bit there we go that’s looking pretty good and wait a minute guys I’ve been talking a lot about my build how’s yours guys’ builds coming along it’s going good yeah mine’s going awesome really can I take a look never mind what do you mean never mind what what happened I didn’t do anything it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s good good good H okay yeah hold on I want to come see what you’re doing let me finish up this wall I’m coming over is this right did they put this down right or is this wrong what the heck why does your wall look like a sniffer that’s wrong that’s wrong that’s wrong that’s wrong what what what just happened to it wait put that wall back I want to show you something what no I don’t want to do that let me go ahead and grab this thing real quick look your wall kind of looked like this oh oh Ru Ruby you put the wall back in the wrong time you put it back in the wrong time the sniffer is now the in the wall it’s sniffing the wall oh there we go it’s good uh it doesn’t look like that at all it’s a little more red ruby your wall looks exactly like that what the heck the sniffer can like camouflage into into your wall wait wait wait wait wait wait I don’t like this I don’t like this I need to change colors I need to change colors right away were you going for a sniffer design and also what is this the room is so tiny no it’s not tiny I just copied cam oh Ruby I think the sniffer is sniffing you can you get it out of my room you just killed the sniffer what is wrong with you it liked you Ruby it started sniffing you what is wrong with you I was just copying Cam’s room oh oh oh wait cam was building a s s oh wait you were just copying him what the heck I don’t know why she was copying me I I seen her walk in turn around okay I you know what I’m going to do something you have a sniffer it’s like trying to sniff me now look at that guy look at him big nose no reason big man nose nice just don’t worry about what I’m doing Dash what is your sniffer name oh I just sped another one I just sped another oh my gosh his name is Alban oh this was a door C I tried to open it and then the sniffer spawned and now the sniffer is dead okay well your guys’ rooms are interesting Ruby I don’t know why you’re copying cim I’m not sure if he’s the best person to copy for a house you should probably copy my room my room’s much better I’m not going to copy room anymore yeah honestly that’s probably for the best you just build your own room you got to be original what did you say I’m going to I’m copy anyone’s room anymore cam have you not learned to understand Ruby yet no I haven’t unlocked that ability yet you’ll unlock it one day maybe but here we go I’m building my room right now ooh this area can be the bed oh yeah this is going to look really cool let me just set this area into some quartz there we go and oh wait I also got to set the ceiling of my room into do something nice I guess I can just set the ceiling all into some uh H what about some quartz pillars that could look cool SL set quartz pillar boom there we go oh yeah that’s looking awesome let’s also do the same for the floor I think that should look pretty cool too in fact actually what I’m going to do let’s set these blocks over here in the floor into some sea lantern so SL SL set sea lantern there we go and then let’s set the inside of that into some more quartz pillars oh yeah this is actually looking sick my room is literally looking like a mansion house guys stop calling in a mansion house that’s a little I don’t know you have to see it twice there’s a certified Manion House ruby well Dash do you have a double decker couch no uh I’ll probably add that later I’m kind of just working on like the bed part right now what the heck is a double decker couch you’ll see a double deer couch sounds kind of interesting I don’t why is that why do you want one uh cuz it’s awesome okay okay well here I just finished my bed this is looking pretty good I’ve got one big bed all to myself with some bedside cabinets next to it and okay what other stuff am I going to need inside of my bedroom o I’m going to need to build my gaming setup of course I’m going to need to build the craziest gaming setup ever and ooh wait before I do that let me set up a TV area yeah in gue I want to watch TV and hold on a minute what if I use a rainbow couch for the TV area oh yeah this is going to look sick y guys does your guys room have a rainbow couch uh even better uh why don’t you come check it out I’ll check it out in a moment hold on hold on I need to finish up my room first um I I’m kind of scared of your sniffer I don’t want it to sniff me again what do you have against sniffers bro I mean his sniffer was all right and then it tried sniffing me without my permission oh yeah I guess that’s kind of uncool yeah that’s not cool it’s not cool it got like a snot all over me e stop talking about it all right all right but hold on a minute now I got to build a TV do we have any uh TVs or anything oh I don’t think we have TVs I guess what I’m going to have to do is build my very own TV then let me go ahead and grab a little bit of black concrete this could be the base of the TV right over here or wait actually let’s build the base of the TV out of some wood yeah it’s going to be a fancy TV then we can build the actual television part out of some black blocks and okay now I need to figure out what type of U show I’m going to play on my TV let’s see what we got these are all the TV shows we can play on the TV so um hold on what about this no that’s too small what about this I heard this show is a banger why can’t I put it down oh there we go I think that’s a little bit too big actually what about this one oh that’s looking cool y guys you want to come watch TV with me at my place no no I’ve got my double Dicker couch yeah but do you have a TV I’ve got a TV here and it’s playing some Banger shows right now I just installed speakers too oh yeah now we have audio and everything oh yeah you think a goat walking for 12 hours is Banger Dash Ru I’m not playing Goat walking for 12 hours I’m playing a different video this is um survival 101 that that that’s the video I’m playing on my TV right now oh I guess it sounds kind of fun maybe I’ll come over later but I don’t want to right now all right but anyways guys I’ve got my little gaming setup over here done what other stuff are you building in your guys’ bedrooms I know cam you have your little sniffer exhibit um I’m not going to build one of those I think that’s a little bit weird oh this is what you meant by double decker couch why do you have this uh so I can double decker couch it up what if someone is sitting at the bottom couch and then someone from the top catch farts that’s not going to happen that is so gross why would you even think of that I’m just thinking about all the possibilities and oh your sniffer here is going to be able to smell whoever farts cam I think you just farted look he just sniffed oh he just did it again he just did it again oh you definitely farted I’m out of here oh my gosh can you please stop talking about that stuff oh wait Ruby what what do you have going in your room so far are are you still building the walls yes I’m still building the walls oh my gosh Ru in all that time I built my entire Manion house room I built a bed I built a gaming setup and you’re still building your walls are you serious yes I’m serious still making fun of me oh my gosh okay well in that case I’ve got a lot of empty space in my room I’m going to make some entertainment here and you know what’s the best form of entertainment target practice indoors yeah let’s go can you just ask cam to help you with that I don’t need Cam’s help I can do it myself hold on I just got to put it down like that and let me go ahead and grab a few glass panes I’m going to separate this target practice area from the main room a little bit here we go that’s looking pretty good we can just have a nice little glass wall right over here oh yeah this is actually going to be sick let’s see what type of fence should I use for my target practice area and ooh hold on what about this Birch one this could match my floor a little bit ooh that’s looking all right I guess we can put down a fence over over here this is where all the contestants are going to have to stand before they shoot you’re having a carnival not a carnival no it’s just target practice and you guys are the other contestants if you want to play what are you doing in here oh my gosh it’s so quartz what yeah I I like quartz can you tell my eyes they burn dude it’s it’s just quartz it’s not that bright Y come back don’t be scared I don’t bite how bad is it I think you will after that what that’s gross get out of here worry about me wait Ruby you should come check out my room my room is looking pretty cool you should try coming in here and dueling me in a game of target practice why would I want to do that I’m still building my walls oh right I forgot you’re slow at building oh look anyways oh ow why is it so white in here it’s not that bright Ruby it’s just quartz okay I like my room looking clean bro you need a dark mode for your room I don’t need a dark mode for my room I’m I’m I’m insulted that you would even suggest that okay uh wao this target practice looks kind of fun and yeah it’s actually really fun we should play a game let me go ahead and just uh put a few bows and crossbows inside of this chest there we go and all right Ruby grab um whichever bow or crossbow you would like and we let’s do a One V one let’s see who can hit more targets I’m going to win I’m going to win not wait you’re taking a crossbow all right I’m taking a crossbow too all right let’s go you can hit the target first I got it all right nice nice nice now let me hit the same Target boom I got it too easy okay I’m going to get that one all right nice I just got I got it too that’s pretty easy oh I’m going to get this one now oh oh oh oh I was so close to the bull eye I got it too that was pretty easy uh okay and then I’m going to get this one I think you missed no I didn’t miss wait yeah you did where did your arrow go what are you hitting me wait Ruby you’re a horrible shot you you literally shot over here two times let’s see let’s see let’s see and oh oh no stop hitting me okay you know what I’m going in here picking up your the arrows the game is over I won I don’t think you won let’s just say it was a tie okay okay but anyways my room is looking pretty sick other than these arrows sticking out of the floor I got to pick those up but I think my room is officially complete wait Ruby is yours done yet why is your room done is your bedroom done yet let me take a look at this what the heck is this dude you haven’t done anything in your bedroom how long have you spent on this one wall um do you think I should have that or should I have this block it doesn’t matter we’re trying to survive from a fire tornado oh yeah but we’re so far Underground it doesn’t matter right now oh my gosh but wait guys speaking about the fire tornado hold on we should go take a look at it I want to see what it’s doing right now you guys think it’s still there um actually probably is gone all right well guys I guess let’s go up we got to go take a look at this thing I think I still hear it um I think it’s still there I’m not sure if it’s gone yeah I still hear it um it’s probably over it’s been a long time oh gosh I don’t know I guess let’s just take a look okay we just got to break this block over here and okay tornado you still here wait guys the tornado is still here just Pi me up y be on fire something’s happening there I feel we should not have left our base why did we leave the bunker oh no this was a really bad idea this was a really really bad idea yo I’m getting sucked up by the tornado tornado’s got me um I don’t think we’re going to see our bunker again oh my gosh this is so bad how did this all start from a little campfire make can’t stop I’m getting sucked in let’s not go camping anytime soon this is all your fault that was pretty crazy and if you want to watch the next video then click on the video on the screen right now

We Survived a FIRE TORNADO in Minecraft!

This video Dash, Ruby and Cam are going out on a camping trip so Dash and Cam can prove their manly-ness! But in the forest they accidently start a forest fire… Which turns into a FIRE TORNADO!!! Will they survive? Watch till the end to find out!

#minecraft #MinecraftMod #dash


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