
okay so apparently 1.21 is going to be released on the 13th of June which is a Thursday June 13th I hope you all will enjoy that update very much I don’t remember the last time a big update was released on a Thursday but that’s when it’s going to be all right so I am in water this is a very deliberate Choice I’m holding an ender pearl because there are some big discoveries that have flown right over my head over the last several years because remember 3 years ago when I made a video about death fell accident water death fell accident water yeah that was 3 years ago and that is honestly a very elaborate way to do it back then I thought I was responsible for some massive proliferation of one of the funniest death messages in the game because damage in water they don’t coincide in Minecraft actually if you Google death fell accident water there are some hilarious t speeduns for that death message 22 seconds 10 seconds 13 seconds I do want to see this okay they’re using TNT such a good idea using the TNT for quick breaking and all seem to be using the same seed yeah they all go for the mine cart cuz they obviously know with this set seed that there’s TNT in there and then they Bridge up it’s using the exact same technique every time so they’re all using Minecart rails which is something that I demonstrated a while back though it appear is you don’t really need that yeah so this one’s taking a little bit longer because they have to bridge all the way up with full health it’s always the same ending though so here I am in water holding an ender pearl I want to show you something before I get into it so if you break this nether portal Watch What Happens there is a strange break effect that chains from one side to the other is completely random I don’t think there is any pattern involved in this some things break some things don’t and I suppose that’s what happens when you create a nether portal that big that shouldn’t exist in the game so let me do that once again if I break it one more time a different break pattern occurs give that one a go I won’t be using this today I’m going to create a new world for this and I’m going to demonstrate to you how to do death fell accident water in the quickest time it’s actually so easy right now so let me create a new world I discovered this when I was perusing jira or the bug tracker for Java Edition and reporter teeli told me to do this step one stand in water okay and then do slash damage which is a relatively new command it was released like last year so you’re going to create some damage against the player so add s and then the amount which would just be 20 in this case and it’s going to be full damage in water which is impossible so let’s do that death fell accident water it’s really quite easy now this is done through commands you don’t really want to do that when demonstrating something as peculiar as this but thinking about how this operates it’s actually awfully simple to execute death fa accident water now with a simple item which is rather topical right now and that is ender pearls so we going to respawn I don’t know how quickly I can demonstrate it to you guys though so I’m going to try my best guess I’ll dig straight down find an Enderman find a loot chest well I found myself in here which is exactly what I wanted now I just got to find an Enderman yeah okay where is the so after you found your renderman you just kill him and you get a pearl it’s a lot easier to do this when you don’t have that much health because what you need to do ultimately is stand inside water throw your ender pearl and and then die from Fall damage that’s all it takes to do this so it helps to just lower your health a little bit by doing this break your knees for a while making sure you have at least 2 and a half hearts because you want the four damage to trigger the death not the ender pearl now just going to find like a tree to throw it against I’m going to heighten this tree a little bit let’s do this 3 2 1 zero jump back in the water like this and then throw this ender pearl at a wall while standing inside water ensuring that you fall to your death from the teleportation and this will happen new speedrun Strat



AlPie’s TAS:
unsortiertes’s TAS:
ice spirit’s TAS:

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  1. 2:03 this happens because there used to be a crash when you break a portal that was too big (MC-172592) so now it has a maximum amount of portals it will break at a time

  2. I love the fact that the new update is coming out on the same day as most Swedish schools go on summer vacation

  3. I got the enderpearl thing to happen accidentally a few years ago when I was playing with the origins mod as an enderman, haha! I was on a server and everyone was really confused

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