Are Beenades still good?

many of us remember a time when the bate was the Ultimate Weapon Against the Wall of Flesh in days long gone it would annihilate the wall but then came the Nerfs first the base damage dropped by about 15% then they no longer ignored ey frames new powerful weapons came to compete with them and the walls HP got higher and higher on master and legendary mode making the grind to get enough beads even longer but just how effective is the beade now how does it stack up against the competition and is it a good idea to get them I upset a few people when I vehemently disagreed with the wiki claiming that beads were one of the best options against the wall of flesh but the response was strong enough that I decided to double check was I missing something I haven’t used bead since I pulled them out against the legendary wall felt they were underwhelming and swapped back to my Phoenix Blaster if you’re not familiar a bade is a consumable throne weapon dropped by Queen Bee it deals low damage 12 by default but explodes in a swarm of bees which all also deal 12 damage they linger for 10 seconds but will disappear early if they bounce off three walls or touch water or lava during that time they’ll home in on nearby enemies the bees cannot deal Critical Hits on expert mode you can boost this Effectiveness with a hive pack which causes half the spawned bees to deal an additional 1 to three damage all that information of course is useless for the question at hand we need to know how fast it kills the Wall of Flesh and compare that to other weapons I have a flat Arena here that we’re going to use for every test we’re going to test two different builds one that uses both armor pen treading necklaces and one that uses neither will be on Master mode and using the hive pack these results won’t be completely translatable to a normal game and are by no means the best possible performance but it’ll give us an idea of the damage we’re working with in an environment where most variables can be kept constant beades give us a kill time of 43 seconds with the necklaces and 55 without that is respectable and bades are very easy to use the top eye wasn’t getting hit the entire time so performance could be improved but not by that much as you’d expect a additional defense makes beads quite a bit worse so the necklaces help out a lot let’s compare that to the hellwing bow if a player is just running away and vaguely shooting behind them I saw 48 and 56 seconds that’s pretty similar to the beades in fact the beades were a bit faster with the necklaces while the two were pretty much identical without them but that’s not giving the hellwing bow a fair shot bades are easy to use dealing damage effectively requires minimal effort the hellwing bow isn’t best used by running away and vaguely shooting behind you you want to stay somewhat close and angle your shots upward to hit multiple sections if we do that the hellwing bow gets 37 and 45 seconds a fair bit faster than the bads so beads with a supporting build in an ideal setup where they can hit all the wall segments are better than the hellwing bow used ineffectively but worse than one used effectively let’s compare to the Phoenix Blaster it kills the wall in 53 and 61 seconds quite a bit slower than the beads in terms of damage output the bades unequivocally win here the quad Barrel sees a similar result to the bads with necklaces and the Phoenix Blaster without them so bades are purely in terms of damage when they can hit all the wall segments in the same ballp perk as the post Skeletron Ranger weapons they’re quite behind the star cannon even just shooting one segment at a time the knight’s edge and a bit worse than the demon Scythe but damage is not all that matters let’s go over the advantages and disadvantages of beads compared to other weapons advantages first they pre Skeletron the damage is good not the best but competitive and even a bit better than some post Skeletron options they are by far the easy iest ranged weapon to use on the wall because they require no aiming you just hold down attack and walk away you don’t even need line of sight which can make them quite safe to use as well but that’s really all I can say as far as positives let’s look at the disadvantages you have to use blocks for your wall of flesh Arena you can’t use water walking on lava because bees get destroyed in lava and you can’t use platforms with planter boxes because the grenades will fall through that or you have to stay close enough to hit each grenade which means the ease of use Advantage is gone and you have to put yourself in a lot more danger you got to farm Queen be a lot on Expert you’re probably looking at three kills four to be safe on Master five or six on legendary over a dozen queen bee is an easy boss to summon but the other options don’t need you to do all that on top of that that’s farming for one attempt if you die or want to refight the wall of flesh you got to farm queen bee again you can’t reuse your beades you’re down at least one accessory slot if you want beads to be competitive with other options you don’t need a hive pack to use a phoenix Blaster hellwing bow or quad barrel and not having necklaces hurts beads a lot more than most other weapons and lastly they don’t play well with terrain and a lot of weapons don’t those time to kill tests earlier they used a perfectly flat Areno with no obstacles most of the time in game you’ll have blocks that are going to mess with your bees the walls eyes might be spaced further apart making it much harder for the bades to actually hit all three segments and if they’re only hitting one or two segments they’re not going to be better than the other options this is also why the Phoenix Blaster seemed to underperform in those tests in a realistic situation it tends to be more effective because the other weapons can’t do as well due to obstacles but the Phoenix Blaster remains pretty constant if we take an average Arena which is just a roughly horizontal line of blocks that doesn’t destroy obsidian houses and use the double necklaces build with the strategy of just run away and shoot which is what most players are probably doing bads clock in at one minute flat on Master mode as does the hellwing bow Phoenix Blaster gets 56 seconds pretty much our original result because of the consistency I was talking about with suboptimal Arenas and the quad Barrel gets a couple seconds over 1 minute all of these weapons perform nearly identically in this situation and this is with the hive pack and double necklaces if we compare that to the best Wall of Flesh weapons the star cannon gets 27 seconds the knight’s Edge gets 32 and the demon Scythe 42 that’s about all there is to beads are they good yeah are they the best weapon against the wall of flesh no not even close and that’s what I said in the wiki video I also mentioned the beeses in that video and it’s a lot worse than beades in the ideal Arena it performed a tiny bit slower than the Phoenix Blaster with necklaces and 50% slower than it without them and that was with a hive pack this isn’t me saying don’t use this weapon there were very few times in that Wiki video where I said not to use a weapon I said not to use the Medusa head which I stand by not to use the tactical shotgun on the empress which I stand by and not to use the mega shark post Golem in on the pillars which I stand by most of what I said was to not recommend the weapons in the guides in my opinion a guide a walkth through it should tell a how to get from point A to point B with as few bumps in the road as possible yeah I don’t think a new player should just use the meta pick that’s less fun but if that player is going hey I feel like I need to look up a guide for this boss that guide should damn well tell them the best options and that is not the tactical shotgun against the empress the class setups for instance these are not setups this is a menu and menus are great if you know what the dish is and what’s in it but a new player doesn’t they’re being given a menu with no descriptions here are the 18 Entre two of them have won national awards and one of them will give you food poisoning you can ask around to the other customers read reviews look up online what the dishes but it would be a lot simpler if the waiter just told you what was good that’s the philosophy I take with those guides regardless of what I think a player should or should not do they’re looking for an effective guide that’s what I would give them I would never recommend someone in a guide to use the mamasa against the wall you could do it but that’s just not good advice I’m not saying only recommend one weapon but don’t recommend every weapon and if there are a lot of recommend a provide some information this one is the strongest this one is the easiest to use this one is the easiest to get and when it comes to beads I don’t think I would recommend going out of your way for them yes they can be effective but so can a lot of other weapons that can be obtained in an easier way you can use them they are good but we’re a long way from 2015 when they were overpowered if you’ve already got a stockpile from farming queen bee guts they’re particularly effective when you can make sure that all the wall segments are being attacked by bees with a hive pack and Stinger necklace the best thing about them is that you don’t need a line of sight to use them you just throw them and run away if you don’t already have a ton of beades just get a phoenix Blaster hellwing bow make a knight’s Edge demon Scythe at least those weapons will actually be effective in hard mode

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  1. I've always rolled my eyes at the way people talk about beenades like they're the ultimate weapon that will spawncamp the wall.
    Like… have you guys actually tried other weapons, or did you just read a popular strategy and immediately take it as gospel?

  2. Honestly, the best use for Beenades dor the wall is the later parts when the wall is moving faster and faster, as you can dodge more effectively if you don't have to worry about hitting stuff

  3. You can craft more beenades with beeswax from queen bee. I just finished a master mode playthrough and I killed Queen bee 3 times and all the mats and nades were MORE than enough to fight WoF twice with only beenades.

  4. Why shouldn't we use the Tactical Shotgun? I did a master mode ranger run not so long ago (as a gunslinger for the most part) and along side the chain gun it was the weapon that consistently dealed the most damage on bosses, even more than the Venus Magnum and Sniper Rifle (the latter one performed quite poorly outside of PvP btw)

  5. I've started building a queen bee farm in all of my world's using the statue trick you showed. You can kill a queen bee like every three seconds and the spawns are very easy to make.

    10 minutes of farming and selling the drops gets you easily 10 plat.

    So I have a lot of beenades laying around. But I do agree with the point of the video.

  6. I usually suggest the Phoenix Blaster because it's consistent and easy to use, plus it's incredibly cheap to make and fuel it with ammo. Sure the Star Cannon has the highest potential, but fueling stars to it is something that the average player probably isn't going to want to do, and thus I don't consider it the "best" option because the ammo is inefficient unless you build a star farm. There's an argument that "efficiency" shouldn't be considered when trying to figure out what's better but I think it's a fickle argument that makes no sense because if you have to build some large farms and wait multiple hours to get somewhere when you can just do none of that instead and take maybe 20 minutes, is it really worth the effort?

  7. well, it is an outlier case, but journey mode complicates things. If the primary issue with beenades is simply the effort put into farming a valid stack for the fight, journey mode solves that issue easily and helps the player push progression. Beenades are a specialized weakness of the wall, and even if they are not the objectively best option, sometimes the issue isnt that the player cant handle hardmode, but instead that the wall provides just the right combination of factors to be the barrier for enjoyment.

    It is what i would recommend to a struggling new player with an unconscious stockpile of them, but i wouldnt tell them that actively farming for the beenades is worth the effort. Keep in mind what the good weapons are that you are comparing to: Mage is only told demon scythe, with takes monster farming and has a high learning curve to understand the delay. Melee is told nights edge, which is very noob unfriendly to find considering the obscure crafting station and need to hold onto their old weapons. Summoner is left unmentioned because the class struggles with identity before hardmode, and ranger has 2 options if we exclude beenades as a generic or classless option instead. Wall is the most unique boss in the game due to the arena's unique requirements and almost completely removing a horizontal direction for navigation and evasion. The margin between kill times in the various scenarios is not enough to change my mind, only leave me more informed about the pros and cons, including the different weights i give to each.

  8. Good video, but I should note that saying beenades are hard to farm, then comparing their kill time to the bloody star cannon seems a bit hypocritical

  9. POV mentally ill person explains why using other weapons matters in order to save 30 seconds on 1 minute kill on boss in game for other mentally deranged people (me watching it at 1:03 am).

    English is my second language.

  10. I think beenades are good enough as a secondary weapon you use to deal some extra damage to the WOF while you use your main weapon

  11. Hey Sorbet, I'm wondering, is it on purpose that you kinda pronounce "r" as "w" as part of your femboy stuff, or is it just because you're german?

  12. For me, i use the class setups page (mainly for modded situations) to see every item available for me in that class, in that time in progression. Allows me to experiment and find what i like the best

  13. On my latest run I discovered the digging molecart… Hands down my favorite way to deal with WoF cause the setup is SO effortless it can be done largely 1handed, yet you don't accidentally get stuck on stuff when you manage your jumps poorly. Zero campfires or whatever, just that rail, some basic potions and a Demon Scythe with a very lucky magic hat/mystic robe/ancient cobalt leggings combo (He even brought the Gray Zapinator and then also an orange one very early on in HM), accessories didn't matter that much, easiest WoF of my life.

    Drawback is the iron cost, but I'm doing a slow playthrough on a large world anyway, trying to get some missing achievements etc.
    Didn't end up needing that much track, and you can always have some lava walking at the end.
    I had also already used tons of iron for iron bricks for my base, so I can see this working out just fine on more minimal runs. (Remember, 1 iron bar = 50 tracks)
    I recommend mining above your cart in tight sections so you can jump a bit there, also so you don't have to be as precise with the Demon Scythe angle colliding.

    I stupidly slowed down right at the end instead of just using my mini-map, so he actually managed to hit me for a more substantial amount… once. I think I did get some favorable luck, but if I dodged THIS much, it seems it should be consistent enough. Looking forward to more dodge testing when I farm him a bit! The perfectly straight track worked well with Demon Scythe.

    I'm normally not a fan of doing bosses with minecarts btw., but for WoF, I feel it didn't really change the fight in a way I felt I was missing out on some action, mostly just a tedium reducer even compared to smoothing it out for lava walking.

  14. Remember when Molotov was better than bees good times

    Its just way cheaper than getting beenade before now it needs pink gel…

  15. They're good because you don't need to aim while still doing good damage, and they can be obtained before most bosses if needed

    It's pretty much a Pre-hardmode Daedalus Stormbow, which can be used from Skeletron to Queen Slime

    Similar to how the Daedalus Stormbow is used for the mechanical bosses and Plantera, despite not being the optimal weapon

    Both are good enough, and extremely easy to use, so losing against the boss is harder as you can focus more on dodging

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