We Found Minecraft’s Most HORRIFYING Mod (The Tortured)

all right fellas I’ve brought you here because today we’re going to be trying to find the chicken what’s the chicken like KFC no the chicken what’s the chicken like a mft chick oh my God bro why is it all so dark all of a sudden what do you mean the chicken bro what are you trying to say right now supposedly he’s like the scariest dweller or something like that dweller you said chicken you tell me there’s a chicken dweller what does it do chicken dweller he’s like a chicken going to look like from bro from what I understand it’s nothing too scary he’s just like 15t taller than like he’s just a chicken 15 foot 15t I don’t know that’s what it says like 15t stack next to each other bro I’m at least 12 so maybe like what a couple or not like maybe a block or two bigger than me Fe what’s feet what do you mean like feet like foot yeah like a block what you guys go off of you guys go kilograms or something or centimet yeah it’s 15 you’re saying 15 blocks tall yes I thought you were saying feet like toes like the no he’s talking about the blocks what in the world brother what what listen it’s fine that’s why we were’re all working together how so how do we kill it how do we survive it um well first of all we’re going to need some tools so how about you go grab yourself uh some wood you know what I’m saying I don’t think there is a way to kill it so yeah I don’t know what’s up um we can TR what you mean there’s no way to kill it are you in are you mental and why did it why is it on the wall yeah there it is I see it where right I see the bottom of it wait what is that oh hardcore boys chill but yo where’s all the animals bro I need some chicken I need some food I need some beef maybe go kill that chicken DW oh thank you so much I’m going to need way more than that but I still appreciate it guys this is horrible how are we expected to kill this thing oh yeah yeah yeah oh my God how are we supposed to fight who put this on Hardcore it bro it’s always Linux bro whenever Linux is like oh yeah guys’s dra up like bro he always puts on Hardcore bro he’s why you are you insane Linux we got this we got this no we don’t he’s an insane person bro here because his brain was producing to ideas ready we’re going to go lonic on three 1 2 three lonic lonic that was the most crazy of my life bro I would to kill you oh my God bro I hope you die bro I’m joking I’ll protect you where is it behind the tree there’s a spider right there as well I don’t spiders bro I got to make myself where is it I don’t see anything make another crafting table bro boom boom boom get myself a poopy pickaxe and I’m going to get some cell why does everything do 17 Hearts iut chill chill I was about to say I’m going to get my s stone but then I said I’m going to get some some okay you’re going to get some some what I I just like misspoke you know oh let me join this hole you doing oh welcome a combined IQ of like taking all my Cobblestone I’ve only gotten one I don’t know how I’ve got seven I’ve only m one I I’m still not getting any I’m still only on one I’m still only on one still [Applause] still how oh I got see yo give me the cobone right now L I swear you’ve been taking every single one of them bro stop taking all the Cobblestone it’s going so fast Linux man Linux I’m killing him chill guys I’m getting all the Cobblestone so I can that one here come here come here look look every spread out spread out spread out ready ready ready here you go more more why you giving this to me I have half a stack I’m the one picking him up you have half a was that what what was that you guys hear that it’s probably nothing yeah it’s probably nothing bro it sound like Sonic it sound like a chicken bro no it did not wait what sound do chicken makes isn’t it like a is that him it getting out of move out the way bro move out the way Mr blonde guy y move out yo move out the way BR I’m trying to build up yo yo oh my god oh we hate it what is wrong with you we put we put find this chicken you think I’m scared of some like tiny little chicken that I’ll probably make KFC out of bro what just hit me bro oh my God I’m actually one heart okay I’m running there’s got to be food around here somewhere oh my God no Linux is down oh no oh no oh no where’s the oh no where is all the animals man what’s happening oh they’re dead look look at Linux see the spiders behind us oh my God y this ain’t going to go great oh dear how do we do this oh my oh my God oh my God oh my God oh they actually they they they’re going to they’re going to die I’m coming I’m coming bro how are we we need to get this together Bo who’s who’s breaking down my blocks L leer not to alarm you but there’s something in your eyeball am my what bro got shot in the eye got shot in the eye oh my God you good you good where did I get shot the you shot in the foot end the foot I was a traveler that was an adventure until I took an arrow to the guys I was an adventure until I took an arrow to the KN before he get the hurry run wait guys guys guys I was an adventurer until I took an arrow to the knee there’s a skeleton what is going on bro bro we can’t survive normal oh my God this is the most annoying thing in the world wait oh what’s that noise wait it said unlocked zombie identity what finally wait I heard something I heard a chicken you heard Mur chick oh my can this guy leave me Al get a day job oh my help help oh we’re coming we’re coming we’re coming we’re going I’m burning because I’m a Zombie are you I’m burning because I’m a Zombie oh my god get me in the water oh why is he a zombie wait that’s you yes because it said unlock zombie identity next I hate them why yo you need to protect me because as soon as I step out this water I’m going to die there you go I rescued you there here L come this way yeah full oh my we need food so bad bad bro all right lagy yo yo yo wait wait wait risking me risking meis I’m trying what do you mean risking you okay wait here I’m just going to stay in the water yeah wait here oh my god um I’ll kind of use the water as guidance please I actually hate him I hate him oh my God Linux don’t let him kill the Salmons cuz then he’s going to turn into a salmon did he just die now how can I I can’t do anything I did he just die L he’s dead I don’t know what oh my God I hate him I hate I’m going to get these salmon lier can you become human again please I’m sorry okay I’m sorry one more time oh thank you sirk you’re not welcome what the did you guys hear that bro Linux he’s still a zombie and he’s driving me crazy Linux do you have Cobblestone can you make a furnace oh my God I made a third crafting table who my Linux I don’t craft crafting tables you do you have a a thing in your brain that says don’t do stuff that’s that doesn’t work with you what do you mean he’s actually useless okay listen if I’m full HP then I can save them so I will eat all this food okay no I will cuz if I’m full HP I can save you if you die I need food too oohoo okay I’m going to go find real food I’ll leave Dum and Dumber over there they’re actually incapable of doing anything guys I know I’m not the smart one okay in this group I promise you I am okay I’m a bit Reckless I do stupid stuff but these two guys I promise you put me with a Minecraft pig someone write a mod show me the mod where I can play along pigs okay even a sheep anything and I promise you I get further with them two than I do Linux and lager you know what today might just be the day that I I just kill them both and play this this game solo so welome guys I’ve now killed off he’s died again I’ve killed off lier and lenux from the Donny Channel welcome to don’t even extra only Solo solo game time okay see that was their mama oops I’m sorry I’m so o look he’s still dying in chat guys okay I he just died again I’m not even calling anymore this guy’s not okay count the deaths please somebody go count like of deaths okay cuz it’s not human yeah look here we go bow bow okay let’s go home this is more than enough guys you want to see something crazy I’ll press t for you that’s someone take a screenshot of this somebody please tell me who’s who works like this this a baby pig I don’t kill animals if they’ got their babies around them otherwise it’s free game you know there you go thank you oh dear I bet you I come across this chicken monster first I’m the one who comes across his solo they could to think I’m so cool actually if I come back with all the food you know and oh my God I can’t stand the r anymore I can’t stand the rain oh thank you thank you chickens chickens chickens chickens chickens chimkin chimkin uh there’s one more I can smell him see oh wait maybe we don’t kill chickens on purpose you know chicken do coming from me what’s that white thing what is that why is the bee that high in the sky wait what’s the bee running from I promise you you don’t see bees that high usually that hit right there and now he’s flying hello lier that’s Lio is that lier is that like bro it’s that clown in the sky look at him I was wondering I think why is that bee following him flying so fast oh my God just tell him that I hear you you coward look at him yo I got some food I’ll kill his bee bro let me kill this bee real quick so I can let me kill the bee real quick yeah that’s I thought I got so much food Linux you do yeah I see we kill lier when we see him what I’m actually going to kill that stupid bee in the sky oh my God he’s so annoying like go away I can see you oh that that nice what’s that guys uhoh you hear that should we be worried should be fine so if that bee isn’t lier where’s lier been I lost him you lost lier in the water right I hope you lost him in a mental institution so I can give him some help please what’ you say Don I said I hope you lost him in a mental institute so they can get some help okay press T L look how many deaths there are just by him in chat is that is that normal for a Minecraft player someone who’s their job to play M die oh my God yeah what what that direction Zoom got boat look in front of us in Zoom what is that what is that lenux does it have a chicken it looks like chicken legs that is not chicken legs that’s a tree it’s like a floating tree I think we found it where is he it’s coming go go go get in the boat in the boat in the boat oh in theat get out he’s chasing me go go go go go just keep going it can’t swim oh it can oh my God can you get in the boat please it’s right there L get in oh my God oh my God oh my God please get in don’t wor I’ll keep him off you guys get back get oh my God okay oh he’s gone he’s gone he’s gone my oh my God let me get in go get in this boat wait come you can fly what are you doing fine bro where have you been I was just getting some sheep and stuff but for some reason I cannot transform into anything else do you think there’s like a cap to it or something what cap for what like a cap as to how much I can like transform like a taxi cab yeah probably oh like a cab yeah like a taxi c y I need a cab I need the tax yeah yeah you know I don’t know I I did take it here it’s fine it’s fine I I put a lot more in like you can have all this you can have the what are you doing liger so that was the chicken dweller uhhuh what do you mean uhhuh why is it so fast at 30 that thing does not look like a chicken bro that that thing looks more like a um what you call those things with the long necks ostrich giraffe ostrich it it looks more like an ostrich are you sure it’s not an ostrich I mean said chicken yeah but ostrich is our chicken dwellers no in real life if you get a chicken dweller and you think like what would a chicken look like if it was like giant scary it’d be ostrich right who all right anyways yo you guys enjoy hunting that thing because I can just always Fly Away peace out you guys suck you guys suck lier you know it switches randomly you could go back to yourself any second being a little normal human you can go back to being yourself any lier you know it’s random right he does not know it’s random he can change back to himself he [Applause] did me up no don’t don’t you dare LS don’t you dare I’ll kill you I did one one good deed every day no listen we talk to him please apolog y I was just I didn’t know like it would run out you say sorry I’m sorry enjoy you being your little normies as you fly away I didn’t say that bro it’s whenever like I turn into a monster the personality takes over are you going to revive me thank you good boy I lost my torches no no no say good boy one more time I promise you D yo chill revive me bro please good boy yo bro good boy thank you yo it’s I’m not even saying it to you I’m the one Reviving to you revive me please do ly thank you now can I get some food yes can I get some good Bo wait do I have oh I do have torches in my inventory what yes but I can’t lie recently like I don’t you get it spit out what did you say what you say I know kind of I’m actually you know what you know what the problem is I’m very anxious right now because you know I I completely like disregarded you guys I was ready to go live a new life and then reality came crashing in like literally you know okay so now I don’t even know how to act in front of you guys anymore because I don’t know if you’re my friends you’re my enemies yeah we’re probably enemies I can’t lie yeah just keep looking at us we are enemies good boy take five steps back don’t and Don’t Look Backwards look at us boy yeah just TR good boy backwards walk backwards two keep walking backwards actually yeah five six jump up jump up and walk backwards walk backward walk backwards yeah that’s Walk Way now stop moving [Music] stop good boy that’s nice well you just wasted [Laughter] [Music] like good boy he’s going to kill him L Run Stop like go likeo stop we got to work together man wait L wait wait wait L don’t do it don’t do I want to try something stop stop stop stop I just want to try one thing bro you guys the chicken dweller is just watching us from afar wait L if you break down one more block I think he takes Half a Heart full damage when we res him so look yeah that’s so funny isn’t it oh no it wasn’t deep enough give me food D please please here you go good boy no no no don’t don’t we are wasting all of our food I know cuz we have to keep resing him don’t worry I have more food there you go what we supposed to do so uh what was your guys’s game plan for killing him you add him to the what do you mean what’s our game plan you added him and then you tell us to get online and then you ask us for debatable how is that debatable it’s up for interpretation it’s up it’s it’s up for interpretation like you listen I may have I may have added it but all of us are here together I don’t know but I think we should make a podcast I can’t say this anymore because if you really think about it all of us have very differing opinions like Linux thinks it’s okay for chickens to become monsters and and then like you know what I’m saying like I cannot be on a podcast where I’m the smart one okay I can’t take this okay yeah yeah let’s keep going whil abandoning all our tools and stuff here yeah here let’s let’s start our first episode come on start our first now we’re not doing a podcast when there’s a chicken DW on the world yeah come on come on there’s a chicken DW on the world we have to find we have to find our first podcast member interview chicken what’s up guys welcome back to crafting a podcast you like that name just came out with you craf hey uh I’m your host uh liger joined by my uh two um um co-host yeah come this way yeah co-host everyone today we’re going to be talking about a very serious topic should chickens become dwellers okay chick have right and we’re going to start it off by identity no please please no nothing happened I’m good okay good but yo in my opinion I think chicken should have rights because like low key like you know what I’m saying like we can’t be just eating them like you know like we didn’t ask first yeah we should ask him what he thinks who’s him exactly so I propose we invent a new device called the chicken translator and basically we feed the chicken chicken and see how it reacts is this what happens on podcast talk about this St yeah yeah yeah yeah people will talk about like economics politics Minecraft chicken rights so what’s something political you want to say liger something political you want a hot political take from me yes okay bro I don’t think I can say it I don’t want to get cancelled on the first podcast you know but I’ll say it anyways I’ll say it anyways I’ll say it I’ll say it Notch was right about selling Minecraft what was he right about are you crazy selling it how is he how is that a good thing is a good thing yes why he got his money up not as funny up and that’s what he was right about yes what’s this got to do with a chicken dweller what why is L running away I’m looking for the chicken dweller chicken there’s a chicken let’s speak to it has he yeah that’s a good idea oh maybe we don’t speak to it [Laughter] quick what’s wrong with [Laughter] [Music] oh my God bro [Music] please bro oh my God what did it say what did it say back what did it say back wait oh my there’s a village you didn’t mean to do that bro I meant to go like but a rooster or [Music] something chicken make like be honest we should kill our chickens no stop stop stop stop stop not stop stop spit on the chicken too okay what what type of stuff are you into bro I’m just there we go they not like us they not like us oh I’m look spider oh no a vage maybe he’s here maybe the chicken lives here oh my to be honest I just saw the the gem I thought it was the chicken dweller oh God hold on hold on I’ll take care of this boys I’ll take care of this Golem no he’s going to die L don’t Bo yo yo get it get it it’s focuses on me oh my God die oh don’t tou my friend out of him oh my God yep yep yep yep y oh what is that I swear I thought it was a dweller for a second for look like the dweller that’s not a dweller that’s a cat don’t touch it though hey don’t you dare hide behind the house huh I’m sorry it’s accident all of the cat lovers I’m sorry will not let you hear to the end of it it’s not I’m sorry it was an accident it’s accident you owe one of my cats a five star five meal dinner okay fine how much is a five course dinner only like 10,000 I am against sacrificing any pets oh there horses I can get myself a y gun bro hold on man how sad brother is going to love me he’s going to love me first try watch keep killing all the chickens just in case come on first try no no don’t kill the horses wait one of them is going to love me first try I know it I can feel it okay this one didn’t love me what about this one love me first try please first try oh my God please let me try oh first try like a first try this is going to be my best friend ever I’m going to call you Jurgen I killed all the chickens I don’t know if that makes him mad or not but my hor is supposed to be called I don’t care we can you can be yurgen too if you want come on Jurgen let’s go somewhere a kitten hello kitten than hello K yo I got a plan yeah you like it together I think lager forgot that there’s a door on the world I know we need to put him out of his misery if you look at me what’s not the ethical way to put a human down what’s he doing what’s wrong with you bro it’s because he killed that cat that Linux wanted my boy yo Len L who why did this villager to scream I don’t know what is happening killing the Villager just in case what who just screamed the vill I don’t know what’s going on what oh that was just an end that teleported bro see that Enderman way back there oh where did he go oh he’s over there you look at him I’m looking at him right now bro oh y he’s going to he’s going to come off to me cuz you looked at him kill me kill me kill me kill me I mean kill him oh okay kill him you I’m about to die I’m about to die I’m about to die please end oh my God you got the end Pearl give me give me food I just ate a spider eye why I didn’t even know you could oh look guys that’s crazy he didn’t know he could but he did you’ve never been out in the W oh my God that’s infinite food you guys kidding me of course I’ll do I all right I’m going to pick make sure I pick up I the best p thanks guys thank you for dropping me all that okay that’s actually insane that’s actually nuts that’s actually crazy that’s actually crazy I’m sorry man last the game you just ain’t willing to play were you trying to break it so I dropped it no no no I didn’t know you were crafting we need Cobblestone I have a lot of cobblestone oh I’m getting some more just in case yeah I didn’t have any anyways okay why are they ringing the bell yo maybe maybe you have to like sing uh like Justin Bieber baby and then maybe you’ll bake the chicken yeah you know I heard about that on the because heard that like uh I’ve heard that chickens have like super sonic hearing and they really enjoy the same octaves of Justin Bieber Baby I actually heard that too ready yeah yeah baby no no no it has to be from the top it has to be from the top yeah yeah yeah yeah when I was 13 I had my first love is that when I was 13 I had my first love yeah that’s all I know she had me going crazy crazy oh she was star she was star she had me Starr oh she woke me up daily don’t need no Starbucks which song you just told him to sing baby that’s baby jber and so my heart I just keep taking baby baby baby baby baby baby no all girls are the same love guys what do you think about love my brain podcast topic all right love Yeah listen love is a very intricate and very like riveting topic that I would love to talk to you guys about but sadly not on this panel okay panel yes this is uh this is the setting this is our uh I say you give us a talk man you just sort of tell us all right okay you guys want a mo what type of speech do you want we want motivation to get up and do what we want the dream to do okay all right you guys looking at me please look at me whil I do this please I really hope the chicken do our resps okay close your eyes are your eyes closed yep now think that you’ve become the richest man on the planet okay okay now open your eyes yeah are you rich no no then get back to work okay yeah I’m saying oh no oh wait wait wait what you that out of 10 what’ you rate that that was like a seven yeah yeah yeah seven Lin have lost it’s it’s his it’s it’s his turn Linux okay okay I’m grabbing food come here grabbing food H up oh my God what does that sound what does that sound D chicken motivate us quick he you ready okay yeah wait how are do you L like what 2023 L 23 listen imagine 40 years from now right you’re 63 years old okay and then you’re sitting in your chair and you’re thinking oh man where did it all go wrong I had it all in the palm of my hand and I lost it all right then you say I would give anything just to go back 40 years to have one more try in it boom you’re back you just woke up he’s your second chance don’t miss up this time when was my first chance you just ripped me off how did I rip you off you said close your eyes you RI close your eyes and then open your eyes get back to work how the heck is that the same okay fine that was actually pretty good that actually made me emotional so what was my what was the what was our first time bro it’s it’s a it’s a way of speaking bro he’s trying to reach your soul in it I’m trying to touch your soul oh my God that was actually nuts that was actually nuts ly can you please get up there and do a motivational speed we need [Music] motivation he’s got to probably say some stupid stuff like go say it how many out of there out how many of the how [Music] many’s go [Music] do it again bro chill I stut a lot too bro chill chill chill chill chill reset reset I’m sucking it out of your brains what was so God I can’t do this anymore go how many of you out there are men there’s two like 60% I think in the world what do you mean 60% where’s your math how do that make sense no no actually that’s actually true because because if if if if there was one pwn off if it was 50/50 basically it wouldn’t work it’s 5050 there’s always going to be men that are lonely or or it’s flipped around I’m not sure no it’s 50/50 bro I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s not 50/50 I can promise you that you want to fight out right now I promise you 50/50 I’m how that make any sense not 50 50 doesn’t even make any sense guys this is not our debate that more than more than okay sorry G this is not our debate there’s a lot of men bro there’s a lot of men no one less sorry now let that stick with you what I’ve said today what did he say I have no idea bro but I kind of like it you did viive with that do you hear my speech I TR so hard okay okay hold on hold on I have one more thing I have one more thing all right there’s many people out there and they all fear me do you know why why why because I’m the one who knocks kill him wait wait wait it’s a cringe competition bro chill we changed to a cringe competition okay okay all right chill after mine my really cringe what do you call a seagull that lives by the bay a bagel seag Seattle the answer was Seattle bagel bagel congratulations Len what in the well that was not even that was not even mathematically correct all right wait I got you I got you I can beat you remember me me me okay let me go up hey look fortnite that was you showed this to someone and said what kind of what what is happening in this they wouldn’t believe you that this is this there’s scary stuff in this world what’s wrong with it he said look [Music] fortnite he’s turn into a monkey Now kill him please kill him before the chicken dweller kills us all we need to make a trap by the way you know what I’m on the side of the chicken or actually we could kill it I’m trying to kill it too bro I think I think enough is enough I think we just need just power up bro that’s what we need to do how does that make any sense oh guys guys he’s there I swear on my life I swear on my life he’s right there behind the house I swear on everything why is he lying I wait am I seeing things yes no he’s in the house he’s in the house he’s in this house hear the music you oh my God he’s right is this to believe me why’d you let it out what is that I you to about this house please not at space into my soul give me food go hey look fortnite he likes it he likes it saying no so funnyy he’s so funny lyx why got you be funny like him what yeah lyx is more like what what do you mean what what the L is always like what really what Linux is like Chad from High School yeah yeah like quarterback Jack oh my God on down here I don’t know but we should go check it out is there is there a guy called Chad the quad back at your school Linux Linux oh my God it’s Enderman guys help hello you good like like let’s go I’m found I found it I found something you found what the chicken deller you you’re telling me the chicken DW is in here yeah chill he said make sure you look at the Enderman or I’ll kill you so make sure you look at end he said that I don’t know if this is a good idea going down there why we need iron arm if we’re going to survive are you sure you guys want to go down there we’re going to need iron armor no we actually do like you got one hit yeah actually got one hit by him how do we kill something that we get get one hit by oh oh was actually a fat vein of iron what just happened what just happened he just like screamed the chicken du take him I have no idea what just liger I think the chicken dweller took him sneeze hello I’m going to squeeze where did you guys go bro why did you scream when give me food I need food here huh you definitely scream bro when earlier I stand right in front of you go 30 seconds ago [Music] stop all right yeah there’s nothing else here I’ve already checked this twice yeah so what should we do we need more iron okay get the iron what iron ooh oh my God this place is cool oh my God anything down here other than BS hello I am the down here I’m getting changed watch out under under the water I’m under the water okay you mind yeah stop doing the parkour better than me what yo chill bro where you guys going bro running from why you’re the chicken dweller okay I’m the chicken y we know you are where are we got where are you going we’re running we looking for iron I found iron back here you more calm calm what’ he say think he said calm I think he wants you to remain calm why is there lava why is that lava this is the weirdest mine I’ve ever seen I’m getting dizzy bro I’m getting so Diz he bro yeah this is crazy it’s actually just like parkour getting pretty dark in here though lier yo hey man I think the iron disappeared SE where do we come from where do we come from um up here I’m from the follow me follow me follow me did you just say I’m from the US yeah of course you would say that you have a mother after we exploited our countries you have what the they they stole from our countries listen bro that wasn’t me yes bro oil everything that wasn’t me though wait they that was oil when they even took our chickens bro they even took our chickens you know what I’m saying they took our chickens bro can that yeah there’s torches in here yeah CU I put them in here Ian told you told you boys what is that next it’s probably nothing did you to say it’s probably nothing oh we’re fine we’re not fine you just you can’t keep seeing we’re fine where oh lager over here why is the light going like this lager’s running over here oh oh my God oh my God we’re actually dead we’re actually Dead Brother but you did chill chill chill chill we’re good oh no no block it off block it off block it off block it off there was two and one killed him and the other is he fully dead dead yeah one killed him and then the other made it so that he couldn’t get revived why was there two happen I just came back why is there two of them oh my God bro what is happening right now hello hello be careful like be careful don’t worry bro stay behind me and I’ll protect you okay thank you man um I don’t want to go back down I go back down either bro eat food eat food eat food eat food I have nothing oh here thank you oh my God I knew it I knew it

We Found Minecraft’s Most HORRIFYING Mod (The Tortured) w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft


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MUSIC USED 🡆 All by Kevin Macleod at http://incompetech.com


  1. Horror horror horror scary scary scary for literally 8 months strait every video im unsubscribing used to be good videos now its just toxic goodbye forever

  2. Don't wanna sound rude or something
    But it doesn't seem like you guys know how to make charcoal. Just put the log in the furnace to turn it into charcoal instead of using planks as fuel

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