It’s Time… Stardew Valley

okay let me pull up my stream no no but I’m streaming no I apologize for that it’s not scheduled it’s live don’t lie me there we go close the door okay just let me post that I’m live real quick awesome actually okay okay I’m going to give a fair warning that I have the flu and if I sound like I am sick it is cuz I am sick and if I mute a lot I apologize but today is exciting day on stard do Valley for me oh Linus’s birthday tomorrow and Sebastian’s birthday is this okay okay I am going to do the big thing and give Sebastian the flower thing those are the plans today because I think that’ll be fun and I’ve been waiting to do it till when it was Winter hey I found this in a drawer somewhere I thought you could use it bam didn’t I literally get that last time too cuz I have one in there in that’s kind of funny I’m not going to lie that’s pretty funny I have that one so I can sell that what was I doing what is this mess up an inventory I have a lightning m I have another one or did I pick it up I have another one well I don’t really need it right now what was I doing wait the confusion that oh I was just remaking that do I 16 or 17 I think 17 actually let me put that in I think I need 17 or is that the last one I needed I’ll just make you can’t go wrong with having like extras right I’m going to so you can’t go wrong with having extras I’m also going to grab the bouquet we’re going to give that to Sebastian oh I got to I have animals wait I have animals to with wait I’m getting to ahead of myself where’s my watering can oh I gave it to um blacksmith guy as remember oh more exciting things thank you for the winter route oh no I’ll deal with that I’ll deal with those in just a minute how are y’all doing my little Lads lady Lads thank you oh I lagged that’s the first time that’s ever happened happened oh I have the hardwood on me heck yeah I don’t even have to go and uh get the hardwood works for me works for me and is this one over here okay okay muss we’re going to get the mushrooms I’m really excited we’re getting straight into this right away no mushroom I bet Milo yes I did of course I did I’m amazing I pet Milo every day I think that’s all the iron I need and then I need milk why does this game sound so quiet to me uhoh the confusion uhoh okay I switched headsets so everything sounds off there we go I can hear again should I check it should I okay we’re going to check imagine that I okay I’m going to check his house first [Music] I’m going to hope he’s in his room I was so close to screaming at mom for throwing away my old comic collection but something stopped me hm with age com wi yeah cuz you’re so old anyways I just the shock I’ll accept this thank you I didn’t know you felt the same no no no I want the hearts this wow W do I have any of that on me I do double GIF double whammy I really love this how did you know crazy how I knew that cool and now I can finish getting the hearts up exciting I want all the hearts up all the hearts up why did I put off doing that for so long I also want to sell geod I should grab those before I left [Music] no my fence no I saw that happen my fence how could this happen to me my perfect fence I’m just kidding my fence is old old and crusty do I have to get him to like Full Hearts to like have him move in do all of the things I’d assume so another fence do I have enough wood for this I do I have enough wood for like all of this I think Bonk Bonk Bonk B okay better let’s go get these geod um since I’ve been here I have B DG do I have any of the other ones um I don’t see them in here which doesn’t mean I don’t have them but I do need to sell these there they are any other JS I know I’m not good at organization oh I should put the little snowman up it’s winter a it oh he was right there my little snowman look at him I live for the Clutter car that is my thing ex seeds thank you oh he better still be open it’s actually got inly and I’m here to get Sebastian’s heart all the way up that’s my goal for today do I have Crystal fruit well I can accept it I don’t know why I can’t if I don’t have it gives me something to do uh does he close that five or did he close at three it closed at four no I guess we’ll do go later well I can go look for a let’s see if I have a crystal fruit for uh Leah who are you Leah you’re Leah I’ll remember that and you live in the little cabin I’ll try to remember that I also think this winter I might try to get um my last chicken and last cow so yeah and then upgrade my barns maybe hey whoa whoa whoa unacceptable you cannot be next to my tree my tree needs to grow nice and healthy what was I doing um I don’t even know what I was doing oop I forgot Crystal fruit I was looking for Crystal fruit I remember it I did it snowm Crystal fruit see I have something always I should really like make a pathway that would be I should make a pathway like through there so that it’s not like a mess no way she’s home already right like I just saw her go this [Music] way oh you’re Jody they always sound like this when walking oh is that the snow sound are you Leo you’re Leah look guys so you saw the ad I posted it looks perfect let’s see what do I owe [Music] you awesome [Music] awesome [Music] possums [Music] Lobster I did not mean to back out my bad truffle [Music] oil this is fresh aot fish Ste turkey okay lot of fishing I wonder why it’s totally not cuz I don’t like fishing or something okay I’m going to put that away I don’t know if that’s a good idea I feel like they’re always breaking every second way too awesome I like I could go to bed early I should make um what are these gravel paths what were they called was it gravel ones yeah I just need stones make my place look prettier not that one that one I’ll need a lot yeah I don’t know why I like the gravel ones okay this tree’s got to go if I faced it that would be useful huh and then this Trio as well on the stone I just wanted like a straight shot down you know that’s just how I feel about it currently okay yeah sure I’ll make more later cuz it’s pretty late to bed oh and I think it’s Linus’s birthday I don’t know what he would want but I can just give him some like food cuz I don’t know what he likes actually I might know what he likes I’d have to [Music] look oh my watering can’s ready L’s birthday just make sure I have that maple bars yeah like I don’t think I ever miss it but the one day I don’t look is the day I’ll miss [Music] it uh grape jelly okay let’s doal with the animals and then I will de all that mess of a mess down there I did not bring water for this stream and I’m like kind of losing my voice which isn’t like the most shocking thing before I have the [Music] flu just let me please I promise I’ll be good just let me feed my [Music] chickens okay I got a fence out over here as [Music] well large milk hey don’t run away from this you can escape your fate I know you’d like to oh they’re all giv larges [Music] now awesome then I just need mushrooms o lot of purple [Music] [Music] ones M yeah oh hi Milo what you doing all the way over here I know he closes at 4: so I need to be there at 4: cuz my watering can and then I’m going to probably have him upgrade something else [Music] too can I just a no what about that one no sad don’t ask why I just I had to know sometimes you just need to know nothing wrong with that I’ll fix the fences later more out of cuz I just don’t want to don’t eat the mushroom don’t do it it’s a trap everything else I can [Music] sell okay I’m going to go before it’s too late before I get too distracted [Music] the music is such a Vibe just got to say I’m vibing anything fun gold star veggies I don’t have any I didn’t keep any I have to remember to keep like 25 gold stars for whenever this pops up next [Music] ocean fish I I might I might I can’t do gold St veggies but I could try to [Music] fish water GRE can oh I didn’t bring any of the stuff to like upgrade the next thing uh I meant to I was going to do like this five iron well I didn’t do that let’s process some geod ooh fire opal some rock what the heck is that b salt and Clay okay I’m spending my money doing this some more clay Some Coal what’s that n nik nik I’m butchered that that’s okay copper copper what’s that what’s that alamite alamite elamite iron is that gold calite calite more of that what granite [Music] sleep [Music] rocks SL or I mean Granite wrong one more iron I could take some gold not going to lie cuz I do need that c malachite more clay I’m going to run out of space in my inventory what’s that dwarvish [Music] Helm another one I can’t say this is fun I like saving these up just go I don’t have any more space I’ll be back unless I’m not there’s a good chance I might not be how many of these need to go in the Gunther a lot of them hey Gunther maybe I’ll organize this to while I’m here pumpkin seeds I can’t I have space well I don’t know if I’m going to organize this today I’m not going to lie do I really want to organize this ah okay it’s going up there now it is what it [Music] is I guess you’re going up there too this is not what I’m trying to do I got a reward oh the helm is for the the sure I do not mean to put it up there I really don’t but I’m not fighting this right now [Music] I’m like how would I even organize this I guess like the crystals could all go together huh there’s a lot of crystals and like gems [Music] I guess I could do that [Music] [Music] I’ll further organize it once there’s like areas for [Music] that that was a gem right I I’m guessing [Music] here what is this [Music] what are [Music] you that a seed or [Music] something what’s this I might like color by color that might be fun [Music] I don’t remember getting half of this [Music] stuff what is [Music] this and then I want the dwarf Scrolls over [Music] here which means I need to SC doodle all that [Music] around where would that star go what is it should it go with the like gems what is it this is why I proba should have started organizing it [Music] sooner I kind of like live laugh love the bones together so we’re going to make that happen for now up [Music] here what is this I don’t [Music] know how many scrolls are there [Music] sorry there’s like sea stuff I’m guessing and then the weird statues and dolls [Music] I want my weird statues and Dolls over here I have three of them so it works out for [Music] now what is this what’s this looks like a spoon [Music] I know these are like [Music] Stone um none of this makes oh my goodness any sense but this is how I’m organizing it for now [Music] okay and then [Music] my red yellow of color organizing this you can’t stop me it’s happening no no no no there we go [Music] do I want to color [Music] organizes kind of In Like A [Music] Way sort of [Music] purple go up up down [Music] down okay no no NOP nope no [Music] irritating that’s what that [Music] was I will end up changing this eventually there something prettier [Music] hello for [Music] now hang on hang on I got this i got this [Music] it’s not the prettiest thing but like once I have everything it’ll look better right I like it for now I think it’s good for now oh yeah rewards pumpkin [Music] seeds oh oh I love that I don’t know what that is but I love that I like that RAR Crow oh H he’s ugly I like him I need to fix my fences now and maybe find Sebastian maybe I’ll do that tomorrow I never finished with the geod it’s oh I’m already this far away I’m not going back oh and I need to finish the paath I right I’m starting so many things just to forget about them where does my little guy need to go oh he’s so ugly I like don’t need oh my fence broke any fences break in here no yes two fences I did not that was not my intention sir where’s my axe how do I get you down look thank you no my [Music] pathon if I just put him in the forest he can just creep oh I have one down here too he can just like lur like right there no not there too many trees blocking him he’s so creepy I love him I’ll move him eventually but for now he can Le like [Music] lurk need’s a vibe [Music] put my seeds away oh yeah I moved stuff out of here oh that what was this I went do all this right the other day to make sure I had Gunther had at all I must have [Music] I need the rocks for the path hey I have a gravel path crazy um sure the granite can go in there do I not have any Earth crystals or in the other chest okay oh no I still have still have these there we go oh I do have Earth crystals in here well I’m not organizing this no npm I do need these rocks though thank you I never put anything in the jam or the Pres the jam thing the thing that makes Jam I can put um a strawberry and it’s Linus’s birthday wait shoot does he like pancakes I have pancakes on me let me check what he likes if I have anything if I know anything he likes nness you like Adams Bounty tomato I haven’t found anything that you loved yet you think you like pancakes is it mean to give him food are these pancakes am I crazy he wants pancakes or or sushi I have sushi on me too or strawberry I don’t know what his loves are though I’m a farmer it just makes sense I have so much food I just it’s what I have a lot of oh yeah well it’s almost four but I can get that ready for next time hiess are you home oh copper wow are you in town the worms in Winter crazy a bone flute a bone flute I don’t live I don’t love that not really not going to lie that sounds gross I think Sebastian’s home can I give you a gift bro are you home I you are I don’t know your schedule I’m terrible I know hey don’t let me stop you from getting your work done if you’re AR busy I don’t mind if you stick around here I’m here to like feed you there you go really I love this how did you know I don’t know maybe CU I’ve given it to you a thousand times hey Robin I need to find lightness now he’s got to be in town somewhere I just don’t know where he hangs out let us I want to do Vis where does lius hang out does he I swear he’s always at like the tent he I’ll find him eventually if I don’t find them it’s okay oh no my thing’s about to die hang on there are so many worms this is crazy that’s not it hi [Music] Elliot oh wow I forgot I put bait in these crazy that you like actually catch things if you like remember to use them no that’s going to be so annoying but my controller is almost dead okay he’s got to be back in his 10 no [Music] right give me thank you for the Holly what if he doesn’t like pancakes that’ be sad I saw those worms I might come back for them I might dude if he’s not back at his tent I really I’m like I don’t really know where he is he’s usually like over here but I didn’t see him earlier bro are you in your tent I don’t know where you were would you like some pancakes you remember my birthday thank you this is great trophies earn clicks oh I got a cut scene oh okay oh happy face Kai come stand next to the fire pet it feels great I was hoping you come by some time were you I was I wanted to say sorry for mistrusting you at first most people don’t treat me well and so I’ve learned to be cautious but you’ve been uncommonly nice to me you’re a unique person and I consider you a good friend smilees hey I want to show you something come inside those are okay ah there we go see this it’s a special kind of fish bait that I make it’s top quality stuff I’d eat it myself here I want you to have the recipe learned how to Cate Craft Wild bait well that was fun I just want to see the recipe oh wild B fiber bug meat slime two fish at once I don’t know a darn thing about fishing but I know that if if I can’t catch one fish no way I can catch two but maybe I really need to like just practice fishing should I do a fishing stream on frustration and anger just kidding I mean I have to do the fishing eventually but actually no I don’t I could just get all the fish from the the cart not going to lie I could just do that I never dealt with def fences rip um do I have enough three I think only three broke what’s this what it make Grape Wine dude I should like genuinely keep some gold star stuff to put in there I just haven’t what am I doing oh I’ll GI this stuff that would be a good gift don’t I have grape what’s this one oh sweet jberry oh yeah I forgot about that I was going to figure out what what I should do with that oh well I didn’t do that what is this a muscle I don’t know if I have muscles in my fridge there’s a chance is this the grape no oh black well shocking I was like there’s definitely something I can put in there oh I had a strawberry on me I could just put a whatever well it’s fine I don’t the bone flu I have to I’ll probably do the geod and put the Bon flute in the thing Museum um maybe that’s enough probably not no oh I thought I was my bad this one more that was the perfect amount that’s wild worked out for me okay noise what is going on nothing special living off the land [Music] item Spotlight Crystal this amazing machine can create infinite copies of any kind of gemstone just place the gemstone you like to copy in the machine let it do its thing it might take a while but hey that’s pure profit um okay I don’t know what to say about that actually let’s go deal with the animals animals oh yeah he needs one more heart I didn’t do the fences oh and I want to upgrade this so I need iron before we head to the where are they oh they’re they’re hidden those are some hidden eggs trying to hide your eggs no babies for you there ain’t no man here no rooster for [Music] you hello my darlings [Music] give my mushrooms and then we’ll head to the oh I have things done nice oh there’s one down there too I’ll make this look nice one day just one day oh is that the cat did I hear the cat jump [Music] [Music] from yeah I did I did not mean to click that [Music] okay wrong one I have a root when did I get that like I’m pretty sure I don’t have those oh I have those ones I need five iron no five iron I think I do need 16 I like vaguely remember only needing 16 it doesn’t matter do I have everything I need iron G I have the flute okay I think I’m good wor worm it’s like the last day to do this until my thing’s done get all the worms I can on my way there pink [Music] to the guy what is his name Clint Clint it’s Clint I remember to Clint winter is your time to thrive Clint cuz it’s when I do everything apparently can I upgrade some stuff here [Music] yes couple days thank you but I want to but can I not do GE if you’re this is upsetting s sir sir can you not multitask sir fine whatever okay whatever fine no j today day okay you win I didn’t realize that he can only do one thing at a time a flute a bone flute should I put that with a bon I guess so A flute block I can put in exit to my other one dude I’m losing my voice it’s [Music] gone I really want to like I need to find Sebastion wait no it’s not the next week yet I can talk to him though oh I didn’t grab bait I was going to put bait in the traps down there hi bro breathe deeply do you notice it that’s a smell of the sea okay is it good or is it ficient is it good or is it [Music] ficient it’s good I don’t know who that is Evelyn Evelyn Evelyn evely is that the one girl the older lady yeah yeah sure actually a mill I really should look at this more often a fish pond I do want a horse wait I kind want a horse a slime hun I haven’t looked at this wait Big C I apparently don’t look at things unlock ducks Big Barn unlocks goats I have like multiple of those interesting you know I haven’t really thought about what how I want my place to look I probably should a mill would be fun I don’t have cloth though not that like I could just buy it but shed I should really think about how I want my place to look clear out spaces you know opening the door would be useful does he have two computers I should learn how to cook that would be useful that is a useful skill I will say no I’ve never looked around graphic novel oh he’s got a TV right there I was like what is that the radio isn’t plugged in okay interesting I’m G to go place this music no down and get Evelyn her quartz I believe is what she wanted hello I did pet you oh my goodness I should be allowed to infinitely pet them just uh where’s my little it’s over here you that’s so sad I didn’t put it close enough I didn’t put it close enough but I can move it no too far oh it’s a flute I forgot it was a [Music] flute that’s fun anyway I don’t think I need [Music] that she wants quartz right quartz quartz yes lots of quartz somewhere somewhere there it is let’s go we on a mission now do she go anywhere I’m just going to check her house first [Music] may as well oh yeah I forgot s here um I don’t know where she oh she’s just perfect wait no no come no come back I have things for you oh so you saw the ad I posted I really appreciate it let’s see what’s here I owe you that sentence yep thank you ma’am okay let’s fix these fences like I’ve done all the little task I need to do and I’ve learned that I can’t open GE if he’s fing one of my things or upgrading it I need three I think I only have three so I better be three no and it takes my paath away am I hallucinating this one being broken was it this one did I did it just disappear like fully okay yep I’m going to assume it just disappeared fully it’s my best guess and then this one my little rare crows I love them so much beautiful for the barns do they just upgrade the like current barns I’d assume so right I hope I just need a lot of wood I didn’t I don’t remember how much wood it was wow how much do I have I have a lot of wood no way I don’t have enough wood what is that a mallet okay I need to make some more iron for my sprinklers and then I also need to go in the caves and find gold right gold bar gold bar I need gold for things I don’t have cool alom I don’t have sheep I don’t have anything I don’t no I don’t have sheep I’m like I don’t have that I don’t even need that yet what’s this cook outet slime egg press I’m like losing my voice I need to make bait I need my bait um for those traps and maybe I should do some fishing I’m dying hang on okay okay okay my eight I have one gold bar I could like make one of those things but like also I really want those sprinklers [Music] I should also oh my gosh okay there we go Artis bundle no I’m not looking at the fish no an hour that I just need fire quarts I just got one of those but I put it in the museum I could finish this with that gold I got I might do that actually like because I can always get more gold and this I kind of just I haven’t I kind of just want to do it I might just do it and hope that I get a Fire Quartz um when I break these last geod and then that room would be complete I think I’m going to do that and I could also do this room I can like physically afford that room to done I might do that I might put the gold bar in there buy this and finish the vault okay yeah no I think that’s what I’m going to do take the gold bar and then finish the Vault and then check um the whole Barn Coupe situation or I could buy another chicken and another cow no I’ll I’ll upgrade my bars get the bigger one yeah and put bait in the thing I will put bait in the thing I’ll do that I’ll remember I don’t oh they are in here okay I was like where are the winter Roots I don’t need the rocks on me anymore okay yeah I think that’s the plan for the next [Music] day day five it’ll be worth it yeah o I got mail Kai I’m creating an enchanted staff of phenomenal power however I’m missing something in a ridium bar I’m willing to pay five times the market value for it bring it as soon as you can you think I got an aridium bar you really think I got that cuz I don’t I really don’t I really don’t think I do I don’t even know how to get one I might be in you two but I don’t know what I’m doing that’s all I got to say about that I know right Milo o hey have watering can now this one okay my little my favorite little boy in okay let’s steal with the animals hello look at the girls hey he I you get a pet too are you okay Robert did I not feed them oh no did I how to feed them did I did I not do the cows yet the other [Music] day I am so sorry cows did I actually not ow I’m sorry oh well Milo Milo Milo Milo Milo Milo Milo thank you Milo I know I done goofed but like let me through I don’t think I’ve ever accidentally not fed my [Music] animals shame on me man oh I so first um I don’t know how many I need but sure oh no [Music] I just wanted to open the [Music] door I’m well there’s a first for two things today now I’ve never done that either never accidentally used one I’ve used them but I’ve never accidentally used them right on oh I missed the mushroom that goes up here yep m I’m fine that’s fine anyways onto our plans which is um putting the gold bar in there and um doing the Vault finishing it off yep um yep I’m also losing my voice so this is awesome woohoo bundle complete mine carts repaired and I got a furnace thank you that’s what this does you know I don’t think I’ve ever read the rewards I’m not going to lie what does this do Bus Repair wait that’s the thing it was telling me it’s like the game knew I was about to do this insert a gem and it will grow copies see that would have been what I oh cut scene oh my goodness what are these called again I don’t even remember this house was empty for years the trees moved in and so did we oh look at him go look at him go he’s so happy I can’t understand you [Music] sir you’re not carrying anything oh you’re going to oh yeah yeah right the star sorry oh my God I love him oh he follows me oh I love that you’re so cute can I talk to you no okay look at him wait I love him can you be my friend forever please don’t leave me a you don’t want to go in here wow this is cool fun oh the happy [Music] music I like him he’s so fun I have two [Music] stars wow you’re free little dude okay I’m going enjoy enjoy the music was fun what else did I need to do bait I need to put the bait in the thing in the traps I remembered I got there eventually hly is that still the same ones yeah I I just I don’t think I want to I I know I should do the fishing I know I should do the fish IR I just am it just no it makes me upset awesome anything to collect while I’m here there is what’s that do I have that I’d assume I did but um yeah I do okay oh the house I wanted to see how much upgrading stuff I know I was just there they’re Pro she’s probably gone by now but I can talk to spash around there dog yeah she left oh wow okay shower B see seb’s up here Le make my time while worth it I think I needed Stone on me too so he’s not even here that’s okay wild Holly good Holly myo I need to make like one more iron I kind of want to like reorganize this area too so they’re all like next to each other yeah I should probably do that do that put this bad guy here let’s put um the is here no bad spot for them apparently just not there okay valid think can go over there then and this thing can go for now that can do any crystals or gems I don’t know what gem I could possibly need right now or like multiple of I don’t know what gem would be needed but I have it I’m going be like Oh I’m going to need one make another one why do I need it I don’t know why I need it I don’t know what I’m doing oh cuz you can sell gems oh wait what sells for the bass I understand now my brain was like why would I need that cuz most people sell their jumps like a normal person rare valuable let’s just do diamonds I guess produce Mass Diamond Factory iory I want to see how it works and then we’ll just do a mass time be a diamond Factory if I need any money I’ll just have so many diamonds sell them boom don’t have to worry about it anymore um I didn’t need those rocks again I’ll be so confused when I like look at my inventory next time I play be like why do I have all this stuff scroll pop is forgetful I have Chez jez jez jez I don’t have cheese on this one do I have cheese in this one I swear I’ve made cheese before like come on some boring cheese and I want to keep okay yeah okay yeah On’s the next event there’s a birthday coming up but that’s about it for a while yet [Music] sorry oh the bird kind of scared me not going lie I’m like where should I put like the other stuff I’m like thinking like the mill I know l space there but like also down here too well I’m going to have like my trees over here I kind of Might plant trees might buy and plant trees next season spring cuz I have this one just cuz I have um a thing for it AIC a chall whatever they’re called quest there we go quest for it but I can like start the other ones like I don’t know why I haven’t actually I do know why I haven’t I literally bought that one when I was a broke lady but I am no longer broke I’m just bad at making decisions apparently I don’t want to like break down ones that are growing cuz like maximizing what I get out of it clear this area up though cuz this is where I’m going to put all those trees and maybe I’ll move on ones that I am doing tapping till over here yeah sorry it’s getting late whoop whoop let me finish this tree one tree one more tree thank you make this Farm an actual [Music] for okay did I bet you oh what’s going on oh yeah the bus I was what what what okay let’s play one more day one more day one more day what is the bus do is that anything cool hey and my uh ho is done [Music] nice we [Music] um strawberry jelly I’ll F that later I don’t have a hole Yeah it’s just finished [ __ ] Bonk at least I fed you today why F you all I feed the cows okay to the C and hopefully they’re not mad at me this time are we are we good okay I’m glad we’re good today Robert Miss man [Music] Robert I apolog olizee anyways I know big things oh and I can do the geot apparently he doesn’t know how to multitask pink Bonk okay hi Milo did I pet you oh yeah I wanted the horse but I got to cut stuff down for that okay sorry I my brain’s a little bit everywhere right now okay let’s put this stuff away and then we’re going to go get the hole and uh break off the rest of these GE what do I have in here do I have strawberry I should also grab did I if I already done that why was I keeping these I’m pretty sure I finished that like a while ago Boiler Room bulletin board yeah I’m like I finished that room pretty sure that okay I’m going to use that for my jam thing strawberry jam oh I do have strawberry jam sell this egg I guess I’ll keep them and just use them to do this stuff for a while all I have the geod on me I do [Music] okay o anything good anything worth my time I don’t know what that is if I don’t know what that is it might be a fish and that’s the or see something I didn’t grab bait oh well I just want to check them I need Fire Quartz from this that’s all I got to say thank you sir now everything is steel which is awesome which means oh wait except for the trash can but I didn’t bring anything 10 rocks clay what’s that Limestone more rocks does that mean I oh malachite does that mean it’s like good for selling expens I need fire quarts I’ve gotten in once I should have kept it slate I have so many of those where is it those ones how rare is fire fire quarts I another one of those come on I only have 11 more just one piece of Fire Quartz hide you know you want to give me fire quarts what’s that jamborite what’s that mud Stone or that hey that’s that one thing petrified slime oh I put that in with like the crystals well well now I know I can move it out of the crystal thing I just need Fire Quartz come on man one PE I don’t have inventory space wow the suspense well I got stuff to donate and I guess I can move that slime out from by the crystals I guess what’s this Lim Stone okay all my Stone’s over there but like I’ll I’ll adjust I’ll adjust this is mud Stone new reward okay let me just uh scoot this over nope [Music] okay and petrified slime should definitely not be chilling with that I can go in the miscellaneous spot [Music] I kind of just like want to quickly adjust all [Music] [Music] this kind of like that sure sure I guess what is this I wish I wish that would like tell me what it is when I pick it up I don’t [Music] remember I made space for one more thing so I can open the other two works for me I guess I just need fire quarts dude I have two shelds left no no no that’s so sad I need more GE those were all of the GE outs I’ve had for about a year of the game since last winter I’m guessing shame oh my God hello I need to talk to you yet today I like winter but I do feel bad for all the cold animals out there I guess they’re used to it though like me I guess they’re about to hang out or something okay let’s put this stuff away oh I should have gone up by Robin oh well oh I can get all these now I can warp to the beach there was one over here W I don’t really need um CL let me put this stuff away before I get those worms my bad [Music] [Music] I know I’m sure I have those in the other area [Music] oh I can sell that I don’t really need that I could sell most this to be fair and then I also want but I’ll put it over here I have to do an organization day one of these [Music] oh um maybe all organized now I did just shove those over there I have iron somewhere else [Music] okay and then I have some stuff to put in the fridge yeah thank you for the stone do you think she’s still there probably not am I wasting my time going up to check probably I’m just like getting all the little task done that’s what winter is for getting all the little task done oh shoot she’s still here uh yep can’t do that yet could do a [Music] shed there’s cabins I don’t really oh yeah I was going to I want this I do I do really want a horse be cute I’m going to do it I think I’m just going to upgrade it you know I have the money I have the money thank you how expensive was that not that bad actually oh you can I don’t think I’ve looked wait I don’t think I’ve needle point flower I’ve never actually looked in her shop house PL [Music] no I’ve have definitely floor TV plasma TV Furniture catalog seasonal plan basic log lamp post recipe iron lamp post recipe I don’t know which one I’d like more that would be useful for like all my PL paths I could upgrade to Stone walking walkway floor stepping stone path straw floor wow I’m really burning through my money this [Laughter] winter you can’t tell me no I need to get a shed so I can put like the workbench wood [Music] CH I’m gone I need to leave I need to go I have money and I know know I need to stop spending it winter is just the time to like okay it’s okay it’s okay how long does it take can I like get to my animals while she’s doing that these are the questions okay as long as I can be in here it be upgraded and then I can hit Ducks that’s exciting I should probably sell those I use so much stone do I have any more Stone I’m like I’m not going to be able to do the the yeah get more Stone if I want to upgrade the did it take yeah it did to do the wow I’m blinking oh he’s so tiny can I put him in the bed oh that’s L he’s so tiny how do I rotate again oh no not this oh oh no no not this again oh I know I’m going to struggle with this again I always struggle with the rientation oh no what’s the button I’m looking for do not make me go into the controls oh how do how how one rotate why do I always have to do this why why is this the one thing I always forget what I didn’t know you could do that either well um he stays unrotated wait can I put the painting like right here a that would be nice if it was centered and you could do it there welcome to my clutter core house where uh clutter core lives at its finest just like my real life clutter clutter core you can Pride it from my cold dead hands that’s all I to say about it that’s all I got to say about it maybe I might start working towards a horse cuz I kind of want a horse also I want to upgrade the barn so I can get goats that’ll be nice anyways I’m like I am out of things to do so back to cutting down trees welcome back to cutting down trees my favorite pastime right I have the apricot right is that the one I forgot I forgot am I thinking right yeah grow I kind of want these trees to grow just so they this is fun this is great this is amazing wow if I like thinking it needs how much space do they need like a certain amount of space between things being around them I want one of every tree or do it’s what I want anyways sleep oh that scared me my little army over there any weird dreams no weird dreams tonight I didn’t even check the bus out wow that’s okay I am going to end the stream here I am losing my voice and running out of energy I have the flu so yeah you know don’t have a lot of energy in general so I’ll see you guys next time thank you so much for watching bye-bye

Hi, I’m KBear. I make videos about my art primarily but sometimes I do other random things. I also livestream games once and awhile so stop by and say hi!

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