Three Idiots Vs Terraria’s Hardest Mode

[Music] Teraria legendary Calamity Death Mode hardest of the hardest of the hardest of the hard someone as hard as I am oh [ __ ] so when we did legendary mode Gast you got this man you got this Gast I’m coming dog I’m coming I’m here oh my God I got wrecked in mediately oh my God my health is gone what the dude what the is this we all picked our classes we’re going to be rolling for classes this time let me pull that up real quick have melee Ranger Mage Summoner or Rogue of course you get melee bro that’s the [ __ ] one you wanted God damn it g your going next okay 3 2 1 Gasser got Ranger gass’s Bowman now I got Mage again [ __ ] yeah so Astro is going to be melee gastra is going to be Ranger I’m going to be a mage no Rogue that’s sad I thought I was going to get Rog got a legendary tin sword a tin bow topaz staff got bunch of [ __ ] I got a painting let me place this painting oh my God it’s bigger than our whole entire house ow ow ow there’s a slime in here didn’t mean to do that kill his ass kill his ass oh yeah get wrecked we have a lot of mods on right now a lot of them a lot of quality of life mods so I want to kill myself too hard but one of them we have on is spectator mode boom and then boom it’s cool I like it I thought it was only on death but it’s not I don’t know why my Dude Looks Like bald where’s the intro ke builds I forgot I forgot editor said roll the intro right now okay until you your way back home this staff is so slow I’m so used to the really good Mage [ __ ] I had last play through ow ow ow ow ow oh oh God oh God what what what is happening am I like I’m swapping to spectator mode someone else dying makes you spectate I was wondering why the [ __ ] that happens team spectate config spectate the nearest player upon death no save the old Terraria days I hated those days screw you Mony person enjoy my pain ow holy [ __ ] all right I need to find some weapons we need to get some ore I’m tired of dying all the time you’re already tired of dying yes we died like 30 times just off stream trying to get the server set up 14 we just started Jesus Christ that’s the ball oh that’s the ball the ball the wol ball w wo wo what’s happening over here holy [ __ ] okay we’re doing good we’re doing good oh my God we all died I’m alive I’m alive I’m alive oh my God what the [ __ ] Martian rocket thought martians were later in the game what am I getting hit by I I don’t even know I don’t even know being chased being chased die there we go holy [ __ ] $2 tip from space BNR do a flip uh I don’t know how you want me to do a flip ready wo holy [ __ ] ow I flipped and I died use this what you got for me quickly I’m coming I’m coming what is that g are sucking things over here wolf from knife oh [ __ ] oh okay still died cool cool hold I CLI put the knif back oh that’s the sucky thing I can suck now guys AST likes to play in magma I knew it bro I [ __ ] knew it nuh I don’t I don’t like playing in magma I’m getting some goddamn armor I am over this [ __ ] I need or I need or oh there’s slimes I can’t see it’s dark thr knives no knives knives God God God God I’m almost out of knives start sucking oh yeah and I died oh I’m at one Health I see that what [ __ ] was hiding in a rock not e Rock a rock ow okay okay okay okay operation get down to the mine we’re doing that I’m leaving goodbye World wait take it with you no you find your own hole in the ground 20 minutes later there jellyfish there’s like seven things in the goddamn screen right now a slime in my house get out of here at least it’s up there though not my problem I will make it of this mind if it kills me which it probably Will’s jumping out to kill me [ __ ] off wait your turn dude dude dude dude dude dude dude dude dude [ __ ] off [ __ ] off I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead holy [ __ ] okay okay run away run away what we doing over here uh as you can see I am I’m only escaping with death I’m not going that way I just need to find some ore I don’t want to get Tin Tin is for gross people tin is is useless you think I can jump over this lava pool like an absolute Beast you didn’t even jump all right I’ll do it for you ready no no no I hit the jump button I swear the house is under siege Rainbow Six Siege don’t open the door no [ __ ] [ __ ] congratulations you’ve reached the not so edited part of the video this video is supposed to come out ages ago I’m sorry I have a Godly squirrel squire staff get him squirrel iron [ __ ] yeah love it love it watch out what oh [ __ ] I was like what are you talking about oh God I’m dead come on kill him I believe oh [ __ ] yeah get quick scoped [ __ ] I have a 232 tin or why would you ever do that to yourself tin’s so gross no it’s not give me that tungsten I can make you a chest plate and Graves if you come here out of 10 or what I have 10 10 for lamos do you want it yes or no no give me tungsten or give me death in the getting Legendary mode you just can’t even kill things another ghost I’m breaking them bro oh my God ooh there’s a little [ __ ] underground house hopefully it’s got some good [ __ ] probably not money recall potions healing I got Herm boots [ __ ] yeah you know you’re in early mode when you’re equipping [ __ ] shackles oh [ __ ] Fu they it would put a hole in the house for a [ __ ] Boulder to go kill my ass Jesus Christ I can earn super fast now though at least you got to see this okay I’m cool hold on I’m running I’m running as you got this man as got this oh [ __ ] double kill I forgot I have a [ __ ] metal detector is that tin don’t be tin don’t be tin don’t be tin don’t be tin it’s tungston [ __ ] yes dreams do come true oh iron oh [ __ ] oh yeah give me all that delicious iron there’s a fairy too where he wants to go fairy he’s taking us that way I followed the fairy ow the worm oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] kill him he’s almost dead he’s almost dead get him squirrel I hear him I hear him I hear him I hear him dead [ __ ] is there anything else around here oh the big chunk over that’s tin though get out of here tin oh oh they’re com right here oh oh can’t see what’ you get got 90 iron ore Jesus Christ ni oh that’s a bunch of gold right there I’ll take it oh that’s all he was showing us what the [ __ ] fairy I’m y’all what up Gest make some Anvil I was able to get an anvil there was an anvil already made down there I’m going to steal it I’ll be right back okay there should be an anvil in this house yes right there give me the Anvil can’t pick it up of course cuz I’m hoarding [ __ ] one Anvil coming up ow oh my god dude the house is a [ __ ] [ __ ] show holy leave me alone leave me alone leave me alone Gest I’m bring them to you you got this man I believe in you oh my God so how’s the situation up here going it’s going so great so great I can make some tin some tungsten a lot of tungsten oh yeah here we go time to make armor time to make armor I’m a mage so I need Mage Armor Banner box stores your banners okay don’t know what that is what armor are we going for gter [ __ ] [ __ ] as I’m sorry C I’m sorry why did you open the door you all I said I was sorry I do not accept your apology you made me lose some gold Summoner Rogue Mage Jupiter 05 Mage guide General Mage so we’re going for Desert Scourge first it yeah it’s [ __ ] jungle armor God damn it and it’s a lot of yep a lot of spores and Vines and Stingers God damn it oh [ __ ] we have a whole painting room Gast I have a painting as well oh it’s it’s [ __ ] same one okay set your Mage take this hold on I’ll probably be there soon I’m I’m I’m I’m dead yep cool W from prus yeah 18 magic damage I got a freaking armor as a gun loaded that thing’s strong right click to drain Mana from creatures in front of you oh [ __ ] I I can still suck people I like it where’s an enemy I want to suck them I’m out I’m out oh oh oh oh I sucked him I sucked him a he still killed me oh I’m man I’m so mad die ghost yeah get [ __ ] oh just oh it’s two ghosts just delightful oh [ __ ] killed him but you suck the recipe viewer key fine I’ll set it up gester that’s what you really want open close bracket I did it desert okay that’s easy good [ __ ] it’s all right here are you good over there no iron helmet Boom full iron baby okay so I have the or Miner on toggle G said just keep it on left click or right click there we go I got a cloud in the bottle I can double jump get flexed on everybody I can teleport can I I can [ __ ] yeah hi hold on I got I can heal you don’t move ready healing Aura I hear a worm I hear a worm I don’t like it where is fairy taking me fairy take me to health please I need more max Health fairy man please nothing be up here please nothing be up here come on come on come on come on yes life though and Bam hell yeah and more tungsten this this area is great Astro thanks for bringing me over here you have all the whoa whoa what what what what what okay I think I shimmered through the floor what the [ __ ] just happened I don’t know I don’t know man oh what the why does that keep happening I’m on a mine cart so I shouldn’t die oh I’m dead oh I’m dead what the [ __ ] is that cave bat motherfucker’s crazy bro okay so there’s blocks that I’m hitting that make me fall through the floor like Shimmer what the what is happening with that oh yeah there’s Shimmer traps Shimmer traps I think they’re are Calamity exclusive actually C Mod doesn’t sound better to me oh there’s already a man oh I’m dead oh God K bat two k bats what the [ __ ] was that such a cluster [ __ ] down here okay I got 82 tungsten 82 do you want some tungsten armor I want some tungsten armor yeah do you want the sword as well does 15 [Music] damage what do you want the tungsten armor too it does 15 damage I’m good I got I can probably CB that myself eventually yeah I’m dropping it for you [Music]

Terraria’s Legendary difficulty is one of the hardest modes but combine it with the Calamity Mod on Death Mode and it’s almost unplayable. So you know three idiots had to try it out for themselves.

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