Minecraft but I Open a Hospital!

this is Minecraft but I open a hospital today I’m starting a small hospital and trying to grow it to be the biggest around from surgery to medicine to even Animal Health my goal is to own a monopoly of all the hospitals of Minecraft but the competition is ruthless so who’s my biggest competitor and how do I even start my Hospital stay to find out so these are all the hospitals of Minecraft all the way down there and these are my future patients they don’t look too hot and now with our $15 right there we can buy this abandoned clinic for five emeralds so let’s right click that oh and here it comes it’s been being made and we now have our hospital and my doctor’s suit and we can go inside right here and as you can see we have an office not only one patient room right there but too we’re going to help a lot of people here but with these $10 left we need to buy equipment at the store which are handy dandy submission Traders right here like always and as a reminder like you said right there subscribe for the discount anyways let’s get the essentials a cash register for a dollar our open sign business sign one room board the med kit I we heal people and finally two nurse contracts for our hiring and now let’s place these back here okay first thing we got the medkit let’s actually go in here which I’m realizing now this is our bathroom so never mind not in there but our first operating room which we can put it on this little shelf right there okay good and now for the hospital equipment which begins with cash register we got to make some money somehow a room board right there which we only have the doctor’s office the business sign which is incredible medicant Healthcare your health is a priority by Dr xor MD no actually certified and finally the open sign but before we turn that on we need some nurses and that’s why we got the nurse contract tracks going to guess we can hire some nurses in this Village and as for the competition all this will be mine all right let’s start hiring oh an unemployed villager right here all right straight this way let’s real quick make you into a nurse that’s nurse number one and nurse number two this is the start of our Hospital Empire and the made it only one thing to do left and now it’s time to open the business let’s open you need patience what about these guys I guess they’re not our ambulances wait is that uh raid noise Village being raided fine wooded villager oh okay that’s one way what do you mean the village is being raided okay that’s all the villagers in one spot oh and they’re actually being raided what the heck they’re all fighting oh wait that might be a patient we can take they look distracted you know what we need our first patient guys here we go here we go okay I’m just going to go up here real quick let’s right click you and let’s real quick take this guy back don’t know what the laws of Basics are by being sat down like this but it’s all good okay you’re going to go straight this way my friend and we’re going to be giving you the best medical care let’s push you all the way in here miss nurse we got our first patient and now let’s just get you right in here there we go look at this guy and now we got to get pliers and bandages for The Med kit okay no it’s our first operation we got this let me open up this med kit tool and o wait we have a lot of stuff okay we need the pliers there we go and bandages yes okay so it looks like you have a sword to the knee all right real quick let’s grab this sword with a plier then oh iron sword okay yes don’t mind me I’m going to take this as a nice Sven for the first thing and with all the bleeding right there let’s put a nice bandage nice accessorial branded too hey we got our first pinent healed oh and a good review wait does that mean we’re actually getting normal customers now okay nurs did we make any money oh my gosh the Health Care industry is insane oh we’re getting customers all right go right on in buddy this is a good business guys but of course we still have our competition taking customers and so we need to steal from the coal urgent care that’s why we’re getting the things up there which is a doctor’s disguise and conveyor belts I already have a plan for this okay so first off we need the conveyor belt let’s grab these and also a Dr villager disguise all right so what happens when I right click this oh yo we got a little disguise now this will get me in all right so now the next step is to build a recovery room under Clinic I think that’s where we’re be using the conveyor Bell for so here’s the plan in our bathroom cuz not really many people are using it what we can do is just real quick open this area right here and then make a nice little staircase that’s going to end up becoming the secret conveyor room and now all we got to do is just set a nice little straight line right here let’s double check okay we’re halfway almost there let me block that off okay there we go and now they’ll come all the way here and so now I think we just can go up here and is this their room oh wait wait I think we hit something oh I think this is their Recovery Room yo okay don’t mind me but I have a plan we’re going to make it go all the way over here and this might be perfect right here guys yeah oh this is their patient room so we can maybe put a sign right around here let’s real quick make this drop down here and let’s put a sign saying right here recovery one of these and one of these now the patients will know where to go time to place the conveyor belts let’s real quick get these guys going right here and what should happen is they get sent straight this way like this all the way down and it works let me get some more conveyor belts let’s get some more of these there we go and now let’s fill in the rest all through here there we go and let’s do right here too why not and this will sign will be saying check out here that’s how we make the cells now for demonstration simply go down here and it works yo it’s going to take them all the way down now to actually sabotage okay coal urgent care we’re still Dr Neer let’s real quick right click this get in Disguise and now it’s time to enter uh it’s just me uh being an injured villager don’t mind me I’d like to get some service please or actually apparently I’m trying to get hired uh yes I’d like to get hired I have no idea how to get hired oh wait maybe this guy hello oh manager can I do something oh he’s just nauy I think I just got hired all right let me real quick go in here then and it says prepare for shift by stealing everything this is how we sabotage then oh they have golden apples yep don’t mind if I do some potions of healing yes I’ll take those too for my own Hospital don’t worry the customers will be coming to me oh some cooked chicken of course gold ingots love that more gold ingots a lot of cooked chicken okay some more gold ingot and even another Med kit very nice oh and a patient ready in room one okay uh don’t worry boss I will make you very proud and when I say proud I mean just to take them to my own hospital but it’s all good oh wo what is this patient a horse guy okay patient chart patient’s name horse age four Mr leaping ton he has an acute hoof infiltration by nail careful removal of the offending for an object and rest for 2 4 days got it okay oh yeah that looks painful okay first up let’s actually put down our little Med kit and it looks like they have everything we had before so with the nail I guess we just need the pliers so let’s real quick right click the nail out oh that kind of worked and let’s do next s bandage to bandage him up did that work Buddy oh he’s good oh and he’s going to go down to in my place the plan is working and the next patient is ready in room two all right let’s go straight this way and see what we got in here patient room two oh what the heck happened here dog is biting out to skeleton all right all right it’s name is skeleton that is an old age so the fur attachment okay so what can we do here do I have anything to medit uh I don’t think any of this will work what about in here oh wait this is an actual garbage skin we have bones hold up could I literally just right click it with the bone uh Mr dog come on oh he’s out yes all right and can I take the dog nope he’s just vibing right now and now as for you let’s bandage up that one spot there we go bandage skeleton uh is he good now oh yes and he’s he going to walk to our Hospital let’s go and now next up let’s go to room number one again which now has a Pillager oh all right uh his name is Phil all right and we need to remove its gastrointestinal system oh gosh buddy maybe we should use a stethoscope first for hearing what’s inside all right let’s hear what’s inside oh that doesn’t sound good I think it’s time we bring out the scalpel all right let’s go in here let’s put the SEO back and then get the scalpel out all right we’re going to cut you open real quick buddy ooh yep knew it good old emeralds inside of his body don’t worry buddy you can use that to pay now let’s bring out the medical tongs right click you with these one two and three and finally bandage yep that should do it don’t worry about the rest you’re good oh and off he goes and we get to keep the emeralds looks like we have one more patient to go let’s go over here oh my gosh we have a warden this time all right Mr Warden unknown age his name’s Walter and he has chronic miniature cereal cortrex solution brain surgery are we removing his head oh gosh okay let’s let’s see what we got on here then same stuff and I mean the chainsaw is for brain surgery so I guess we can pull this thing out all right I’m sorry buddy B still all right this will be painless real quick oh and it opened this SP all right so I guess we’ll remove this thing the we have the tongs right here let’s right click you and we got it the small brain I guess we get a giant brain now is there is there a bigger one maybe in the freezer oh my gosh there is okay I’m going to put the small brain in here it needs a little help we got the big one better than small brain okay now let’s put this guy right in there oh it’s much bigger and finally the accessorial bandage yep that’ll do it and I think that’s another happy customer oh he’s good and down he goes oh we bankr the place I think this might be it guys yes it’s now for sale for oh my gosh that’s a lot of money let’s take off this dis guys and I think it’s time we buy our competition don’t worry everyone going in there that’ll be exore property very soon and I guess with all those patience let’s see how much money we made oh my gosh we’re so rich definitely more than enough let’s buy that and it’s ours yo and as you can see it’s now connected from our place to this place and we can now also add to the room board let’s right click this and there it is we have an energ care now that means we have four rooms so now they can just walk straight through here and it goes straight to another one of the rooms with of course the medical kit but we’re not done there cuz it’s time for iron therapy this is the next competitor where they have little iron guards with tiny little heads I don’t know why they have that and as you can see in the front it says ex aoral band no YouTubers really and that’s why we’re getting the following Bedrock weights Wing dis potion and a pogo stick luckily we have a lot of money and oh we might not have a enough let’s go check our cash register all right nurse have we made enough money yes we have okay first we need some better Rock weits let’s grab those weakness potion extra large don’t know what this is for but sure and a pogo stick I like the pogo stick cuz with it we can jump amazing now let’s should get iron therapy maybe we can get an ambulance from this place too okay so how do I get in oh wait I can just jump over hold on let’s real quick use this and we’re up all right this is one way to sneak in and it looks like there’s a door right here okay first we got to sabotage the treadmills cuz it’s a physical therapy place okay let’s real quick pogo stick all the way down and oh my gosh they’re all buffed all right so do I just like right click the buttons to make it faster oh yep he’s going faster let’s keep sabotaging you I’m I’m literally going to make it full speed full speed yeah oh oh oh my gosh they even bounc me back good thing there’s a slime block right there all right let’s spam right click on this guy and right click on this guy and there they are I think that’s the job all done all right next up we got to replace the weights with bedrock weights so let’s real quick take all these I don’t know how my Minecraft character can carry them but don’t worry Guys these are your brand new weights that’ll definitely help all the physical therapy stuff let’s put these guys down and how’s everyone feel about that I don’t know they don’t really care oh and now we play strength potions with weakness potions are they in here oh they are okay they have a bunch of strength potions and I guess we can just put the weakness potion XL in here we’ll keep one for ourselves oh look at all those that should be good and I’ll even put one in the little thing right there oh and now we got to steal supplies is this the supply room okay let me close it behind me and okay well they have Oak planks uh okay I guess we’ll take those lot of copper a lot of iron oh my goodness and blocks of iron okay anything Barrel no nothing there nothing there I think that’s a pretty good job oh and we unlocked a brand new recipe the giant magnet where we pretty much now going to make this thing which is a magnet I’m not sure what we’re going to use it for but maybe to steal their customers oh there it is giant magnet all right we got that and now it’s supposed to gray a hole in the ceiling so we are stealing their customers hold up let’s real quick pogo stick all the way up here and is it like a hole right here oh how deep does this thing go oh all the way down there okay here’s the plan we’re going to make a big hole right here I think a 3X3 would be perfect I should know it’s a 4×3 this is good and now I think I got to make a hole in my place okay so I’m just going to make a nice little Bridge or wait no I could just jump there we go right about here should be good how deep is this oh this is perfect oh and this is the hallway so I’m going to magnet people from here all the way to this side there we go okay so we got both sides and now I guess we can place an activate giant magnet do I just like place it right here okay and now let’s save it to the iron Hospital right click and oh it’s s them all in yo that worked I don’t know about you guys but it looks like the iron therapy is now for sale I almost got ran oh my goodness we don’t have quite that much money but if we just go back here that is so much oh my gosh let’s real quick buy you and it’s oursel oh those guys are still stuck up there all good cuz now we have three buildings now let’s just go over here and let’s upgrade eight rooms and we know have the physical therapy but we’re not done going there cuz next up is gold right there which again accessorial band what did I do and so it’s time to Ru the gold Clinic which obviously I cannot get past those blazes so this time we got to buy an injured villager disguise and a camera we’re back buddy and oh my gosh these prices we got to go back to see if we have money all right do we have anything yes we do so the disguise and a camera 10 cameras to be exact huh maybe it’s film but first let’s put on this disguise as a sick villager there we go new little disguise in Gold this time and now let’s go to the gold hospital and be let in okay so do we just like wait out here or can I walk in um they have a lot of business I guess I can just walk in right all right don’t mind me just walking myself in and so do I just go up to the receptionist hello looks like they’re a little bit preoccupied with all the people this might be my chance okay we got to find the gold secret where would the gold secret be I’m just going to walk straight back they got nothing in the shoulder boxes but it looks pretty empty maybe it’s on the other side okay let’s go this way okay don’t mind me don’t mind me don’t don’t look around why is he looking around okay okay we’re just got to go we’re going to go okay oh wait what is this oh uh looks like someone got injured okay I don’t know if that’s the gold secret oh but there’s a ladder maybe this is where the gold secret is okay let’s get our camera ready and let’s see what’s down here anything down here why is it made out of nether blocks what the heck is this they got a fullon security thing okay let’s reach the end of The Gauntlet then I guess oh gosh let’s Crouch let Crouch okay we don’t want to get caught laser security systems are crazy oh my gosh okay let’s wait to run Okay jump jump okay we’re going to keep going we’re going to keep going can’t let those things hurt me oh boy must get to the end and we’re good okay what is this Photograph evil doctors okay let’s turn on the camera and let’s take pictures oh I don’t think they’re happy with what just happened hey yo what are they doing no stay back stay back oh gosh oh gosh okay I got to dodge their attacks got to dodge their attacks okay okay stay back oh wait no they hit me once oh gosh oh gosh this is crazy oh my gosh okay we need to do this real quick there we go and let’s take a quick breather we have five gold apples that’s good and I think if I take down these guys we should be good is that them right there or is that the villagers oh gosh oh let’s go guys oh oh is this going to work out nope no nope we need a new game plan let me eat another Golden Apple okay we’re going to go in guys here we go oh gosh okay we’re out of golden apples oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay we’re going to play this a slow game okay let’s go let’s just hit this guy with the axe well this is going to take me a bit what what if I do this okay we’re going to head down here and going to heal up right through here what if we just hit their feet okay where did they go oh there they are oh this works yes so we’ve cheesed it nope no no no no NOP they can still hit me okay let’s not die look at these guys they’re just waiting right there all right let me just eat up okay round number two okay okay let me Dodge that oh gosh okay we’re actually doing good damage okay here we go again okay almost done oh one’s going to go down oh there goes one is that all of them I think that’ll be all them yes the gold Clinic is ruined and all of you should be free um here take ADV advantage that that should help anyway and now it’s by this place and also go back to her normal self and now it’s for sale for $1.25 million oh my gosh on the bright side we have a lot of bits is coming anyways real quick have we made enough money uh is that enough money oh my gosh yes wait that is a lot of money so without further Ado let’s buy you and gold becomes exoro and let’s get that upgrade right there and you guys don’t worry still HED this is going to make a lot of profits and diamond is next I guess then netherite then dragon all right let’s upgrade you 16 rooms now and four different utilities now let’s see what what we need for the diamond thing all the way down there this thing is fancy oh yeah that’s a big facility oh and so this is Diamond surgery looks like we only need one thing this time fake medical tools let’s going my friend we’re back and the fake medical tools are right here for a million I never have enough please tell me up we have a lot more thank you all right these better be worth it let’s buy that all these are it and next we got to collect chicken from Wilderness uh the chickens be over here oh this is a chicken let me real quick right click you oh we got a chicken all right well let’s collect a good bit of these that’s three one in the middle of the road there we go that’s the chicken that tried to cross the road some in front of the hospital let’s just get these right here done another there all the way back here oh jackpot all the chickens I ever need there we go do I need like 20 let’s grab 20 20 chickens and now we should be good to go to Diamond surgery with I guess fake medical tools and chickens I have no idea what the plan is but you know what we’re going to go with it and get more customers all right move along let’s just walk in and so uh do I just kind of walk inside here oh wait wait time 73 hours huh let’s change that ourselves okay we got to replace medical tools in the roomes so low key these are the medical tools right here we can break these and then place these here there we go and with those there now let’s actually release the chickens in the room all right chickens be free let’s put a good bit of those right there and some more over here yeah that’ll do it and now the next one is to find a disable the power where would that be I think I saw something outside here oh wait these are it okay patient television doctor lounge and life support let’s not do the life support and instead do television we’re going to take you off there we go and the do l there we go wait is the life support not going to life support is it going to the doctor Lounge still huh we need to investigate this let’s go back inside wait I feel like something’s fishy then why is the wait 73 hours and why are there no doctors in there that’s only a patient trading another patient okay where is the power going then is there a lounge maybe in here oh wait there’s a way down okay what do we got going down here what is this they’re wobbling it’s a dance party challenge doctors to dance off is this really the most efficient thing we can be doing let me real quick take a picture of all this make sure get they get bankrupt and I guess we’re doing a dance off okay wait so how am I supposed to dance these guys off do I like right click you are we doing like a dance battle uh oh wait I just got teleported why is your timer is this my turn when the dance off wait what is this wait we’re playing Dance Dance Revolution oh my gosh yo I’m doing the steps okay then we go left up guys this is crazy we’re we’re dancing our but off oh my goodness we’re getting closer oh this is incredible look at this look at this look at this I’m crazy I’m crazy perfect moves let’s go right right right what the heck blue doctor’s Minds with sick dance moves uh-huh that was me now let’s walk out in style cuz we just made them go bankrupt yeah let me take a stroll to the very front and it looks like it’s for sale for way too much money hopefully all these upgrades are paying off all right this is going to be more than enough money it’s been a long time oh yeah yep we are good to go after those dance moves we’re definitely fine let’s real quick buy it and there it is oh my goodness that sick and it’s connected can’t forget about the hospital upgrade and now let’s have this all right nurse let’s upgrade again now it’s up to 24 and we get the surgery I feel like it should be more than 24 oh well on to the next competition netherite guess the entrance is right there looks a little bit empty well we got to buy scary paintings this time in ice blocks I’ve learned my lesson I’m going to check first if we’ve made money oh my gosh that that the number is insane right now but apparently Ice is very expensive so let’s buy that a stock of it feel like I should be getting into the ice business and scary paintings all right there we go oh terrifying now back to netherite oh wait they have stuff going on here now okay I guess we just got to walk in now they have a lot of patience and receptionist all right don’t mind me just going to walk in here and hello rest receptionist uh I’m going to be walking in there cuz I’m actually the doctor for today uh don’t don’t don’t question it all right place painting with scary paintings oh they have paintings right here okay so I can just put this here and oh gosh it’s so small and terrifying okay that’s one let’s replace those skull ones real quick with these there we go that is going to make people feel very good put one there there we go and another one here and finally with the ice blocks I guess we’re replacing the floor oh cuz they have the people here so here’s the plan wait you can put these right here yeah that works but give me one sec I’m literally just going to replace all the fors I can oh wait what just happened Dr herine wait wait I wasn’t even done wait fix the patients before her bind wait is this like a challenge or something wait where is he taking me um what is this are we like doing a patient thing do I just right cck this all right I guess I’ll take up your challenge oh my gosh wait we’re in the patient now cure person to win Hospital oh it’s like a game of operation okay so how do we fix this oh gosh we got a sword and their body cavity I need a crafting table for this let’s real quick get an iron pickaxe maybe put down a med kit we definitely need things in here oh and there’s even viruses okay here we go let’s real quick take out out these guys oh gosh okay okay okay I don’t know what type of game this is but I guess he’s trying to fool me right now is there like a spawner for this there’s so many oh gosh okay first let’s remove the sword thing right here there we go oh gosh that is a big virus let’s real quick take this out before anything get out of here come on okay that’s another one down oh this one’s going all the way up here oh got to stop the infection okay last one get up here oh we got it okay now for the bones I guess I can break these here oh gosh this sounds very painful but we’re going to real quick reconnect them so here we go we’re going to real quick break this there we go let’s reconnect that put that here there we go and let’s put the red back in yep that should be a lot better and now right here let’s just break these pieces here now can this work is just putting these there and that’s a lot better okay bones are good oh and a chest appeared okay uh what’s going to be in the chest please tell me it’s something helpful oh white wool okay wait this could be the bandage then let’s real quick cover this um this I’m not sure if I can get me covered but we can try let’s real quick just do this on the patient don’t worry you access St hospital we do the best services so let’s just close that up now do this one too this side right there thighs can stay cuz you know it kind of helps him heal and the big chest cavity why not need some more of this come on almost done there we go and without further Ado I think we’re done yes we defeated him does that mean they go bankrupt please tell me they go bankrupt and we can buy all these Hospital cars oh wait I think it’s for sale oh he’s running away and going to the Dragon one but what’s it sell for oh my gosh a 1 billion I guess that’s what we have to do to get all these ambulances all right let’s wait some time and then right click the cash register 2 hours later oh my gosh yet again it’s they’re just coming and Dr Ro is Holy all right do we have enough yes it doesn’t even fit in the Square anymore well guess we did that successfully and now all the ambulances are ours right oh that looks sick and those are ours now can we drive it we can let’s go we now have our own ambulance and our head Saks through it but it’s all good now let’s drive all the way back all right let’s get the next set of rooms and we have 40 in total now I mean it doesn’t get better than this oh and we’re in Monopoly man now I like the mustache I mean when you hit a billion it’s kind of crazy and now it’s time to advertise well I guess we can to the store before we try to take down the dragon store and what can we get for advertisements I guess we have a giant balloon can we buy this oh no wait why why is the giant balloon so expensive and the camera all right let’s do some more waiting until we have the money one eternity later do we have it now oh my gosh okay that’s the crazy am looks like that’s our only competitor left right there but let’s do some advertising first so real quick we can finally afford this and we can afford the TV Camera oh and where are the posters oh wait they’re at the very front Hospital posters sick oh wait do I not have enough for that let me check again now got them and now we can go ahead and put these around the village where I guess the main spot that everyone passes is right here and there it is we had one of them that’ll do now let’s just release the balloon and there it is look at that thing go oh yep yep yep yep all right please go towards the crowd of people and now I just got to record a TV commercial I guess right in front of my entire hospital will be good my frames are dying just looking at these guys but let’s put it right here and let’s turn this on by right clicking and everyone watching go to the exori hospital as you can see we have lots of customers right here is the greatest Hospital of all time and if you come in the next 5 Seconds 50% discount all right let’s click cut and $1 trillion is revenue what this has been the most insane business we’ve ever started what the heck look what we’ve done it’s thriving wait Dragon emergency room now open wait don’t tell me everyone’s about to leave please don’t tell me everyone’s about to leave oh no oh the patients got stolen okay time for payback I guess it’s that time let’s actually get there okay the dragon emergency room we got iron sword we got our conveyor belts it’s all we need oh my gosh he even has my suit look at this guy with the shades how’s it going did we just talking to this guy or can I just go buy him oh I’m just going to go buy him okay where’s the actual emergency room is this it right here this might be it they have all their cars parked here am I in the right place don’t know if I’m in the right place maybe this is the right building they have so many buildings around here they’re just letting me stroll by though okay is this the door oh this might be it save patience from Dragon M practice oh yo wait there’s no one even running around here he just have security and that’s it oh wait there’s a patient right here oh he has an arrow St to him okay we can help him I feel like the pliers might be good for this let’s real quick go up to it right click that and he should be good um maybe a bandage I I think that store bandage is something always helps there we go okay let’s see if there’s any other patients oh an alley with the pickax on its head huh okay wait so do we use suppliers in this guy all right let’s take that out and another bandage and now we have an Enderman with I have no idea is he like a double Enderman what can we do for this guy I mean have we used the blanket once maybe that’s all he needs I have a blanket oh he’s chilling out oh I think that may have anchored the do dragon all right now for the main competitor fight Dr dragon is he going to be outside oh my gosh there he is all right all right final boss time he stole my customers here we go oh gosh he takes no knock back okay okay we just got to go straight backwards oh my goodness whoever one this gets all the hospitals hey we got to keep going with the crits weakness is gone and we did it is that it and the patients were saved so now the dragon Hospital’s done and all the customers are back so now that we own all the hospitals Minecraft let me show you guys what happens if we became the doctor of a hospital so this is going to be the hospital and our goal today is to go inside the operating room and pretty much do surgery in Minecraft okay hello nurse Dr Nester thank goodness you’re here your patient is ready to see you oh wait what did I get oh I got my white coat nice okay so dror approved white coat a scalpel and a syringe which is oh my goodness we got a needle Minecraft okay and for our first patient we’re going to be getting a villager so do I just collect this oh it’s a villager help doctor I was mining and got an emerald and Goldie getting stuck in my body oh gosh okay it’s literally a villager with I guess an emerald and a pickaxe on its head okay so what am I supposed to do patient chart villager okay so we got a pickaxe in the head an emerald in the nose and then an ingot in the intestines so I’ve never done Minecraft surgery but I guess we’re the right person for this cuz we got the scalpel so oh okay so let’s remove the pickaxe first the pickaxe is really stuck you’ll need to pull harder oh gosh okay let’s keep pulling I’m pretty much just right clicking come on can we get it out any moment oh we did oh wait wait what stop the bleeding there has to be something around here that’ll help oh we got to get bandages apparently bandages bandages bandages oh gosh oh wait I just broke out the room no okay that’s a villager’s pickaxe apparently it does special stuff okay oh wait apparently there’s a bandage cave let’s go down there real quick cuz we don’t have much time and the timer’s going down very quickly oh my goodness okay okay where are the bandages oh and there they are let’s get the villagers Pickaxe mine some good old bandages and oh my gosh wait what the heck is this cave come on come on let’s go the bandages I think 15 should be enough let’s go up real quick let me real quick grab 17 there we go and let’s make sure that villager doesn’t die oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh I can’t fill my first surgery okay Mr villager I’m all the way back now let’s real quick fill you back up do not die on me okay couple bandages and there we go the bleeding is stopped and we ended up getting a x-ray so I’m going to guess the X-ray right there is telling us that there’s a pretty much an emerald on his nose as you can see on the right and when I right click it it says the patient has some cranial damage you’ll need to use a scalpel okay let’s get the scalpel out real quick and we’re going to be removing the emerald nose thing I’m sorry if that’s hurts but I’m going to drive my bets here we go oh there we go okay so just like that we got the nose out of the way and that feels much better doc can you remove the gold ink it inside me now oh wait do we have to open him up open the Villager with your scalpel oh okay before we do that we ended up getting his nose and it says build a helper piece one out of n I’m going to guess that’s for later but we did get an emerald so I’ll keep the emerald from his nose and now we got to literally do intestinal surgery what the heck is this challenge guys okay let’s real quick right click him and oh my guys we are now looking at inside of a villager why he’s not bleeding no idea but do I just take this out oh yo what the heck okay we have the blocked intestines now so I think we just got to pull out the gold ingot now so let’s go and right click oh we did it okay Place back the cleared intestines and we also got the gold ingot in there which I’m going to go ahead and keep let me know in the comments down below if you guys would keep the gold ingot from the surgery cuz uh you know I I might need it for later but anyways uh here you go and’s back there you go do I do I put the back the stuff okay there we go it just came back there okay Miss villager and just like that villager’s done his surgery completed and the next patient is an iron golem okay that was the weirdest thing we’ve ever done in a video but with that being done that’s going to be one patient done and now we have the Iron Golem right here but before we do that we got a message saying my next patient might be hostile collect some gear plated coat craft unlocked oh wait okay so we unlocked a new craft and the craft will be on the screen right now pretty much we’re going to be taking this coat right here putting in some iron ingots and then we get a better coat so before we get to that I’m going to repair this area real quick and then let’s get the good coat okay don’t mind me let’s roll quick grab this iron with that ability and the villager’s pickaxe is going to go ahead and give me 10 iron ingots and I guess one white coat and eight iron ingots we now get a plated coat with protection three help protect you from stronger patience okay so this is going to be only patient number too and I guess here we go let’s go back to the operating room okay so next patient is going to be the Iron Golem and how is this going to work right click oh and it’s literally Golem something in my circuits doesn’t feel good I think I might have bugs oh okay that is a big boy so I just got to make an incision now procedure Iron Golem oh that’s a lot of steps okay let’s go and get the first thing down and I guess that’s to just make the first incision okay so do I just right click him oh Iron Golem heart control room guys I think we just went inside of the Golem what what the heck okay wait so are these is bones okay so our go is at the top where we got to power down the Golem but how do I power down a Golem there’s just a bunch of iron right here is it this nope is it this nope I guess let’s look around and see if we can power this guy down oh wait is it this oh okay so when I right click them they power down the Golem where’s the rest of them though oh here they are all right that’s another one and now for the final lever the Golem has been powered down find the code then fix the bugs find the main screen I’m going to guess that’s the main screen by the way do you guys see that it literally says subscribe to exoro so if you guys are watching right now guys we are trying to hit 5 million subscribers all go ahead and click that subscribe button and I guess let’s go inside of here and wait what the heck okay the bugs are swarming out of the console wait what are these things there’s just a bunch of bugs oh oh oh okay okay they actually do pretty good damage I am being bullied by bugs how many bugs are there get you out of the way let’s get you out of the way well there goes all the bugs and with the bugs gone you can now replace the broken capacitors which is wait what the heck is a fusion capacitor and why does an iron golem have this inside of him I kind of want to steal stuff from the Iron Golem low key but we’re going to be stealing the iron blocks just so we can have some extra stuff okay you probably won’t feel that and now I got to replace the short circuited capacitors which is uh is it this oh wait we got something a synthetic nerves build a Helper and it’s piece two out of n so now we have the nose and the synthetic nerves going to guess that’s going to be something for later on so let’s keep going and keep adding these Fusion capacitors oh there goes another one that’s going to be halfway done okay another one right there another one right there and there we go core systems repaired return to the operation room all right let’s go back okay we did it these gears are working like new thank you doctor and just like that surgery complete and that’s going to be for the Iron Golem which I’m going to guess he didn’t notice that we kind of stole part of his body but it’s okay oh and another craft unlocked Ender scapel and knee extension crafts unlocked so let’s go ahead and try to make these things first before we get to the next thing which is going to be an Enderman okay let’s go back mining okay step one get some copper there we go thank you very much villager pickaxe that’s going to be 15 copper ingots and now we need bones and I think I saw a room above us that might be good for that so one sec okay so because we do need bones we can now go to the Bone room which as you can tell inside the bone room I don’t know why there’s a bunch of skeletons so I guess um let me get ready to scalpel and actually before we do that let’s go ahead and make the next thing which is going to be the Ender scalpel so because I sto some pieces of the Iron Golem we’re going to go ahead and use that and now we have an Ender scalpel which is a little bit better than the normal scalpel and uh I guess this is my weapon for today okay we’re going to go inside and I’m just going to fight them all oh here we go okay what’s up guys oh they do damage okay okay this is a bad idea I just need the bones that’s all I need okay that’s two skeletons down I am literally at risk dying right now stay away oh gosh no no no I’m at no no no no please please please please please please I’m just a doctor please okay okay I’ve been running for a while two more skeletons okay one more skeleton please oh I hate the boat room come on yes okay just like that there goes the skeletons and now we have eight bones when we needed four why are the skeletons in the hospital who knows but can we get one like for the bone room why not okay what we got to do is apparently make boots with the bones or what does this make Ender bone extensions don’t know what I need this for but you know you know what we have it now let’s get back to surgery into the operating room we go and the next patient is going to be the Enderman okay let’s go ahead and click that and where you at end oh there he is okay um hi doc it seems that I’m unable to teleport ooh okay I guess we can figure that out soon and it says inspect the Enderman maybe it’s missing something all right so patient chart Enderman what do we got here procedure cannot teleport properly and I guess we got to do surgery well I guess let’s get out the scalpel and try whatever we can wait what the heck okay we just opened him up and with that we got an Ender gem links you to the Ender Lord okay so according to this we got to get a chor fruit and I don’t know how to get a chor fruit besides going to the end but we did get this thing so do I like right click him with it endl who has summoned me wait what wait where’s the endlords bar there’s he anywhere oh my what the heck is that thing I I think we’re fighting this guy oh yo what the heck why is this guy coming out of this Enderman no stay away stay away I don’t know if this is like how I should be a doctor but it’s all good there goes the Ender Lord how could this happen and we get an Eye of Ender which I mean I’ll keep that why not and some meter PES nice and of course some good old hor fruit which I actually don’t really know what these are used for in normal Minecraft let me know in the comments down below but now that we have the Enderman open uh I guess here go course fruit oh there we go okay so we got the course fruit in and now he says could you make my legs longer too Ender bone extensions required he definitely is a shorter Enderman but I have just the right thing for you Ender bone extensions so do I just like right click you oh wait what Enderman kneecaps and surgery complete next patient creeper just like new have a great day Enderman oh wait wait no I looked in his eyes no go go away okay okay they’re gone and now we have the creeper but before we get to the creeper apparently a wire cutter is required so let’s go ah and make that Craft on the screen right now anyways what we need now is one more gold ingot and then we can make that wire cutter so let’s go back down the hospital all the way to the caves which I still don’t know why this hospital has a bandage cave right underneath but it gets the job done all right a bunch of gold right click okay so to make this we need two gold ingots right there and then this oh there we go some pliers and without further Ado let’s go back to the operation room all right next patient creeper let’s go and do it oh my that guy is’s so big doctor I feel like I’m about to explode I need my internals fixed up okay I’ll try to fix you up buddy let’s real quick figure this out and I guess let’s go ahead and get the Ender scalpel out and try to go inside oh okay we literally went inside creeper explosive room diffuse the bomb wait what oh oh this is not good I think this might be what the Pliers are for okay do I just right click it oh no guys I think we have to pick the right wire green red blue and yellow guys I’m not good at this type of stuff are there any hints or anything anywhere what is this stuff reactive gunpowder okay I’m not touching that right now I think that’ll literally make things worse oh wait what about this Okay candles is there a hint here wait 1 2 3 4 okay I think that’s the order maybe red first then blue then green and then yellow okay I don’t have much time guys the timer is literally almost halfway done okay let’s real quick just do red first red first oh this might be bad the video literally might end right here okay we’re we’re good nothing bad happened now let’s go for number two that’s going to be blue now okay let’s get rid of this real quick there we go okay good stuff let me just be a little bit careful okay two more to go we got green and yellow I don’t want to touch anything just yet let’s confirm four three okay let’s just get the green out okay that’s done but the bomb hasn’t stopped oh gosh so do I have to do them in order then do I just remove yellow this might be a really bad idea but we’re doing it anyways yellow oh no wrong wire oh that’s a lot of creepers okay apparently I diffused the bomb at the same time that doesn’t make any sense but let’s get rid of these creepers and why are there creepers in ins the creeper I guess that’s why he’s so big but with that being done our new mission is to remove the reactive gunpowder and uh I guess can we just touch this is this like uranium oh no all right don’t mind me let’s go and grab all these and finish the procedure on the creeper wait do I just right click this oh okay so I just got to right click it and makes the bar go up nice okay all right so this might be the rest of it so let’s go and right click it all what happens now oh creeper explosives normalized return to the operating room oh okay and with that being done surgery complete and the creeper says I feel explosive now thanks Doc and there it goes but now that we’re done with that one our next guy is going to be the pck and cow like at the same time wa what okay your patient is outside hurry and get them they only have 5 minutes to live wait what okay okay apparently we got to go outside let’s go okay apparently I’m meeting a pig and a cow I don’t know how I’m going to get both of them up oh wait I got to get weat let me real quick get some wheat from the village all right got the wheat there we go and now let’s go and find the cow pig wait is that the cow pig right there wait what the heck is that thing please help us doctor Pig and cow what the heck okay cow pig straight this way I guess villagers do not look at the cow pig it’s just vibing right now okay we’re going to go up some ladders and your cow pig you can go up ladders right oh I can go up ladders oh my gosh okay this is very cursed oh what the heck all the way inside of here and now I just need you to go on this table and then we’ll uh be starting the surgery very soon well I guess here goes nothing doctor we need you to separate us use the scalpel and rearrange the internal organs very carefully okay let’s get the Goble out real quick and oh gosh this is going to be the weirdest thing I’ve ever done on this channel okay right click oh what what am I looking at right now oh wait okay so I’m supposed to separate these guys from each other and I’m going to guess I put the beef part over here and the raw pork chop on the right okay let’s real quick do that then how did this even happen wait what the heck oh gosh wait we have excess okay um I don’t think they’ll mind if I steal the meat cuz I do need some more food oh gosh I’m going to real quick and grab the meat myself there we go okay please work in 3 2 1 oh gosh Come on pig cow oh there we go oink and why is the cow talking one thing dog would it be possible to repair my horns it needs bandages oh okay I guess we got to put bandages that the pig just left oh well goodby Pig okay what do we get this time so we got another patient chart where the horn is broken bandages required and luckily we got some more bandages at least uh okay Mr Cow let me real quick right click you and awesome smiley face okay so surgery completed and now the next patient is going to be the warden oh gosh quickly head downstairs your next patients are waiting in a cave oh uh don’t know how I feel about doing surgery on a warden but I guess here goes nothing let’s go down to the bandage cave and as we saw earlier there is a deep dark part so I guess let’s go meet the patient should I make some more armor let’s make some more armor before we go inside I’m going to make a helmet let’s also make some pants and boots can never go wrong with the pants and boots well here we go oh I think I just saw it Oh My Gosh use the scalpel to investigate what’s wrong with the warden hello it’s just kind of vibing I guess let’s just go and right click them oh wait are we going inside Warden hearing facility wait what the heck is this Liberate the warden from the pain so what am I supposed to do exactly oh wait is it this thing oh wait never mind we ended up getting some charges which do we throw it at this thing do I just right click it oh one two and three oh stand back okay okay okay okay okay oh so now the sword is gone and now that you’ve relieved the pain you might need to make some noise to reignite the hearing system okay how do I do that oh okay pretty much some Bells okay that’s going to be one let’s go and get another one oh gosh okay I got to get every single Bell here as long as nothing pops up I should should be fine let’s just take it a little bit slow there goes another one we’re almost done with all the bells now there we go another one again it looks like we only have one left now is it this one oh and there we go the Mount of noise awakened a powerful Spirit be careful lost Adventure wait what wait where are I who are you wait what do that even mean wait who is this guy hello oh okay oh never mind we’re in a boss battle apparently okay why is this guy lost inside the warden who knows but let’s take this guy out my goodness okay no no no stay back Mr lost Venture wait can I bow him down okay there we go one more were shot and just like that there goes the Lost Adventure where he says I shall rest once more and we ended up getting the warden’s anten build a helper Oh wait we’re getting TP back oh and just like that surgery complete and now the warden’s just gone nice well let’s go back up real quick and see what the next patient is going to be oh okay so when I got near this now we can find the patient doctor I think I got my Fang infected oh okay so I’m going to guess all the serers are going to be down here now and I guess let’s go ahead and use a scap with this guy got to be a little bit careful but I guess let’s just right click him oh my yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo ouch can you also unblock my web blockage use the scal at the back give me one sec I am at half a heart where we’re not doing that again oh my goodness I did not expect that okay what the heck did he give us so from that we got a spider Fang so yet again um I’m going to guess that’s going to be another piece for the helper okay so uh do I just remove the string from the butt okay oh wa oh wait do I got to keep going oh my gosh wait it is clogged up what the heck yo look at all that string guys what theck spider how did you even let this happen my goodness okay let’s do a couple times there and there we go now I can WIP around like Spider-Man in surgery complete next part is going to be Herobrine what the heck just happened okay so I mean every single one has been an event so do I just kind of come up to this place and it pops up what happens oh there he is hey what’s up Mr herbine okay so Nester I think my heart and I are cursed oh gosh wait why does he not have any eyes this looks so wrong okay um real quick let’s go ahead and grab this the patient chart for Herobrine which says produce patient has an infected with a curse surgery needed to remove oh gosh okay so how are we going to do this do I just right click him scalp BL out let’s do this oh okay this looks so cursed guys yet again we are now opening up the insides of Mr Herobrine and is this a corrupted heart do I just grab that oh there we go make sure to put that in a biohazard container it looks infected now I need a new heart you can take one from an unsuspicious Steve on the wild wait I got to take Steve’s heart maybe there might be a Steve up in the hospital we can find but what am I supposed to do with this thing okay let me real quick find a biohazard container so we can put this away before I die with it and also let’s go ahead and try to find Steve apparently okay so where can I find Steve oh there he is okay literally an unsuspecting Steve right there so M Steve you know just completely ignore me and ignore the scotle I I don’t know if this is like medically correct but I’m going to real quick just go ahead and right click you oh wait no that doesn’t do anything wait do I have to kill him oh this is a little bit awkward um yeah look straight that way I’m sorry buddy oh oh my gosh he does so much damage holy okay no no no no no no no Steve stand back oh gosh oh gosh okay okay he literally does like four hearts of damage I’m out of arrows guys oh no okay brand new plan let’s run away do I have any weapon oh I really don’t oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay let’s go in real quick I’m going to go in for the hit oh and we got him yes okay with that being done there goes Steve and we got Steve’s heart okay and because we got to get rid of the Cur start maybe the village will be okay but I’m just going to put it in here okay all right don’t don’t don’t eat that anyways now now with that being done let’s eat some bread and I guess put this heart back inside of Herobrine okay Mr Herobrine we got you your heart I am ready so I guess put it back inside and let me put it in the heart real quick and did it work oh there we go okay now my I need some help maybe some bandages could do it I think I do have the bandages again so do I just like right click him one more hey there we go he’s back what’s up man you have saved me once again Neer thank you and he didn’t attack us let’s go okay so with that being done there goes Herobrine and we ended up getting Herobrine’s eye so that’s 7 out of nine have so many pieces now so next up is the gas so I’m going to guess that’s going to be our next surgery right there oh and there it is okay wait so a leral gas is think about to be huge let me take away all the fire real quick we don’t want any fire in the medical room I don’t think that’s a good idea I I got to say I don’t know anything about medicine so I’m making all this stuff up I probably broke many laws but it’s all good right click and wa wait what gas power center wait what the heck what just gotting me in the nether doctor my internal flame is gone so I can’t create Fireballs anymore wait why is he so small seems like the gas needs the pillars to be reled oh he’s so small oh look at this guy well we got given a flint and steel and for the patient chart of the gas we got to reignite all these pillars I guess okay well let’s start going up then only thing I got is Oak log so wait do I go up to each and every single one give me one sec guys let’s go all the way up okay so I just light this oh oxygen needs to be depleted maybe a pillar is generating it oh wait okay so something is generating oxygen then and which pillar is causing oxygen let me figure that out real quick guys okay I can’t seem to find this place what if I mine into this thing or is there anything inside wait what so inside the pillar I think this might be what we’re looking for do I just right click it oh oxygen source destroyed nice that Earthly oxygen was making it hard to breathe now that’s gone I think you can start reigniting the pillars oh okay that makes sense now okay so now that we have that out of the way I guess let’s try lighting this up oh it worked okay nice that’s going to be number one and now we got to do all the ones right here so let’s get going oh wait I have an idea the guest didn’t say I couldn’t destroy the pillars so real quick let’s grab as much nether brick as we can and as long as I light them I should be good okay here goes another one there we go and can I just end PE all the way over there I’m going to fail I’m going to fail so bad oh that was perfect okay let’s go all these ender pearl challenges have made me actually pretty good at this okay let’s try that again hopefully I don’t need it later and there it goes okay that that’s a bit of an l and I guess four more to go number four number five six and finally the final one that’s going to be the last one and hopefully I’m fine because I kind of burnt that oh wait no I might have to relight that oh gosh okay final one let’s go ahead and set up an area right there and there we go and now that I fit all them oh I can make fireballs again there’s another issue though I think my voice box is broken it needs to be replaced wait what I have to do now oh broken voice box surgery required the replacement box is guarded behind the immune system take this so you can find it oh what is this gas immune system disables the gas immune system wait so do I just right click this oh my that’s the immune system that doesn’t even make any sense guys I I literally don’t have any food for this oh this is going to be a lot more difficult than I thought okay that that’s a lot of baby immune system guys okay I got to go in hit him and fall back before he hits me oh okay that’s another hit oh gosh I got to dodge these guys oh he does so much okay okay we’re falling back I might have to get these mushrooms and make mushroom Ste something oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay this is going to be a little bit better could I hit him with the villager’s pickaxe does that work oh the pickaxe does damage go on pickaxe get him shout out the Villager pickaxe it’s always the first item that does so much damage okay couple more hits I’m not sure as a doctor if I should be destroying the immune system but I guess that’s a thing okay and there it goes down goes the immune system into other little immune systems and what they ended up dropping was a gas voice box okay oh gosh I don’t think I can really kill them guys they literally keep multiplying okay new plan I need to get some food so let’s real quick run back to the gas put in the voice box and hopefully this works okay let me get the voice box in here we go and broken gas voice box okay I replace it and what the heck is he doing okay so we got tpd back and what the heck just happened well with that being done that looks like to be the second to last surgery and where exactly is the next one and actually before I do that let me go to the cafeteria real quick and get me some food okay so I was going back to the operating room and there’s now a haunted surgery room what the heck is this place oh it’s him give a soul to the adventurer Nester I found an exit from the warden however now I need a new soul and body wait New Soul new body I didn’t get told to get any hearts or anything and I think I might know where this is going again guys we might have to convince a YouTuber to come inside of this hospital and I guess transformed the adventurer into a real person okay well give me one sec let me message someone Billy welcome buddy welcome to the hospital of surgeries and everything ignore the Hologram right there it’s it’s not haunted uh I want you to meet my friend okay come right in here okay okay right in here buddy as you can see this is my friend Mr Adventure ghost guy uh’s he’s vibing and uh what is going on no it’s all good it’s nothing bad okay I’m going to give you a few things and we’re going to you know make this work okay I’m going to give you something crazy okay it’s going to be a bandage right there grab that bandage and now I just want you to go up to the ghost and place the bandage on him nothing bad will happen just go up to him and right click him but it’s a ghost yeah yeah I know no I know you’ve been sacrificed in the past but this won’t happen this time okay just right click him and then and it’s all good okay oh right I’ll do it this is going to be bad though I know oh and there we go wow this is amazing I’ll be able to go on adventures more times onwards to new adventures and now the man is gone what the heck right shout out to Billy my man just kind of sacrificed there and I guess that’s going to be surgery complete on the haunted ghost thing nice anyways let’s get back to the operating room and so now the final thing that we got to do surgery on is in the original room but where’ the table go next patient Ender Dragon right click oh gosh it’s a dragon this time okay so before we go let’s real quick make some new armor this should help a good bit and let’s make sure not to die well here goes nothing right click oh okay well I guess that’s how we’re getting to the end what wish me luck guys here we go oh we’re in okay we’re in the end now I mean if it’s surgery on a dragon is the dragon just going to be down here like dead or something wait is he over here oh wait he just popped up I need healing my breath and wings aren’t working properly and we got the patient chart for the Ender Dragon holy this guy’s big okay um this is going to be a bit of a big surgery I’m not sure how we’re going to do this one but patient are Ender Dragon patient has lymph nodes require surgery requires syringe and scalpel syringe and scalpel okay so am I going to have to just scapple him inis done try syringe to extract the infected breath now okay let’s put in the syringe and now we have infected dragon breath okay so now the wings are broken and we need the dragon wings and a scapel oh are these the dragon wings right here oh dragon wings wait do I just right click this guy with the wings wait we got something else Tor wings okay so with that being done there goes the dragon saying wow I can fly again you’re an amazing doctor and there he goes so that’s going to be it for the surgeries and a mysterious presence as disappeared nearby give a nose to the lost soul wait this guy again wait does he want every piece of the surgeries you’ve done so far I mean here’s a nose now I got to give the thoughts oh wait is this the synthetic nerves oh there we go now give the legs I got the kneecaps there we go give a horn here’s the horn from the cow okay now give the hearing oh the warden’s Anana there you go here’s the hearing now strings web sack there you go what what is this going to do I this is very sketchy I don’t think we should be doing this but you know what we’re doing it for science there’s Herb’s eye a voice which is going to be the voice box and now finally the broken wings so what does this do exactly are we done oh wait what the heck is that thing guys okay final boss time literally Frankenstein as a doctor I don’t know if I should be fighting this guy but you know what either way we’re going to be defeating this guy oh gosh he’s actually doing pretty good damage this fall back a little bit oh this guy looks sick though oh we are down to three hearts let’s fall back a little bit more go for a couple more hits and just like that down goes Frankenstein where he says I only wanted to cure you sad face World cured I proved myself as a doctor now what if I wasn’t just a normal Minecraft surgeon but instead a brain surgeon watch this so this right here is the Minecraft hospital all right d my me guys I am ready to do some operations and here we have a nurse perform surgery take these first oh and we have our stuff all right let’s put on the outfit on there we go oh we have a doctor’s gown now nice and this right here is our first patient’s chart brain enlarged required surgery is bald oh no and requires a wig transplant you know what I got Under Control operating room one let’s go inside and what do we have here oh wait is that a bigger head than usual oh gosh all right I’m a brain surgeon so let me talk to him first get a scalpel check the storage room oh gosh okay I got to get scalpel I’m honestly not certified but we we we can act like we are okay storage room right here let me go in real quick and where the heck do I find a scalpel oh a steak I’ll take that and a wig we might need that for later okay anything else oh my gosh okay some syringes uh sure I’ll take this and finally a scalable which is pretty much an iron sword and we even have a drill I’m going to save that for later but how will I be using a pickaxe in surgery all right back to operating room one Mr villager don’t worry you’re in good hands let me open you up real quick oh there we go and oh my gosh the brain is out okay let me remove that real quick there we go and now we got the brain all right now that we got the brain out let’s take out whatever’s inside oh my gosh wait was that a sapling huh oh gosh Miss nurse can you put that away sorry about that anything else an emerald how the heck did you get this in anything else how did you fit a cow in there everything is removed give the patient his brain back okay well with that being done let’s go ahead and put the brain back there you go buddy oh and he might be good as new check storage for a wig I don’t even need to do that cuz we already got ahead of it with a good old wig where now this villager might become handsome all right right click oh and he has a wig now yo nice scar you man operation success all right have a great day man oh and he’s disappeared and from that we also get another scalpel but this time a sharpen scalpel all right guess we’re finding patients if we have to perform surgery the next patient oh wait we already have another patient okay in our next patient chart says separation requested all right let’s get to the operating room which looks like a cow now operating room three oh uh the farmer looks fine oh never mind it’s his cow what’s up the twins please separate them try separating them with pistons oh gosh all right I mean maybe that could work before anything though let me grab some wheat real quick and as for a piston I am going to need a few things starting with wood all right I didn’t do that by the way oh wait what the heck is this materials cave all right well well that’s perfect for step two which now we got to get some iron so down we go oh it’s literally a cave and oh wait that might be what we need let’s real quick come up to you real quick cuz I do need one slime ball there we go I’ll let you live for later anyways we need one Co ore very nice and next up some Redstone and some iron oh wow okay we found Redstone before the iron is it easily this deep my goodness okay well I’ll grab that Redstone there we go and now we got the iron nice let’s get a furnace let’s real quick put that in and cook all right let me grab that I don’t know if I should be using the drill in a cave but we’ll St I it it’s fine and now we can make a piston and with the Piston we make the sticky piston now we should be good all right Mr Cal I think we’re ready so this is what we’re going to do think going to place it right here there we go that should be enough space and I guess we can use a button all right this might work might not but nurse make sure they sign a waiver all right let’s try this 3 2 1 okay that didn’t work maybe it’s internal even the button broke okay if it’s internal what can we do then I mean when in doubt we could open up the head again let’s try that oh okay we opened up both heads and now enter the cow try the door huh okay I mean we could try that one sec let me real quick craft a good old door and do I just like put the door in them oh my gosh wait that worked okay I hope I’m getting paid for this we are now inside the cow all right I’m going to guess these are the two heads okay so we got the blue cow and just the cow that was thinking about wheat all right well let me go Ahad and grab a bunch of Wheat and what’s in this room over here W it’s kind of peaceful kind of ome too oh wait where did this guy come from we got a brain inside the wheat thing calm the brain down try some wheat oh I got just the wheat for you all right don’t worry buddy here you go I already Soo some wheat and I think that should be enough oh now it’s a calm brain nice all right you stay there and oh what the heck I didn’t even see the brains the first time now we have another one here what do you want calm the brain down how about apples I mean getting apples shouldn’t be too hard oh wait why do you have villagers in here oh a scalpel or some shears some lucky shears to be exact wait can I just use these to get the apples oh there going be a lot of apples yo let’s go that is 30 in total just like that okay well here you go take some apples right there okay I’m calm now and now that should be both brains calm all right what happens now oh wait are we getting out oh and we’re out make a new body crafting recipe unlocked oh we literally are making a new body all right Mr cows I will get you guys sorted out very quickly let me real quick then get those new things that they need which one include some iron which we definitely have but do we have a bucket anywhere I don’t have that much iron oh yes buckets okay and now got to get some milk and utters I mean no better place than probably the village down here oh cow okay first up let me get some milk real quick you’re technically not my patient so uh yeah sorry about that thank you very much and from that cow we get a cow horn and some UTS all right I think that’s a job well done let’s just go back inside and now for the crafting part one milk bucket one cow horn two iron ingots and then finally the UTS and what the heck does this make Robo cow oh we’re separating the bodies into another body very intelligent procedure all right let’s place this bad boy down life of its own wait what what wait am I supposed to fight it well that was quick down goes a roboco and oh now it opened up its head well I’m a different type of brain doctor anyways let’s go in here real quick and I think I just need to grab one of these brains let me grab that there we go thank you cow brain I don’t know what’s going to happen to the other head but now let’s transfer the brain into this cow oh it’s working and it’s a success yes and oh wait I’m supposed to close your brain oh oh no no oh oh yeah sorry about that well on to the next operation and now we have operating room two did they leave me anything nope they didn’t leave me anything all right nerds what are we doing today missing patient last scene with angry farmer oh we’ got to go like get the patient huh head inlarge due to eating too many carrots causing headaches oh gosh all right so we got to bring him in here but I assume we got to take him from the village all right that should be easy enough don’t worry I’m a brain surgeon I’m qualified for this okay so somewhere down here I’m looking for a big pig which might be right there actually oh well that should be easy enough I just got to walk in right oh my gosh look at that head oh he doesn’t look happy stay away for my a pig sneak in and steal the pig oh okay I guess they weren’t expecting a doctor all right here’s the plan guys first I got to get a strength potion like it said so I can carry the big old Pig and next we got to make sure to sneak in and I think I do know how to make a strength potion in the village first off I think BR standand is probably around here it’s one of these buildings that you usually find a brewing stand oh brewing stand there we go and netherwart in the chest okay that’s a lot easier than go into the ne and now we need blaze powder would that be in any of these chests right here where would the blaze powder be oh my gosh what the heck is that place I’m going to guess maybe that’s somewhere we go later oh it might be another hospital oh yes finally some blaze powder there we go okay we got the blaze powder very nice now we got to get a little bit of sand of course let me just get three of this boom boom boom get the furnace down put in the sand and then cook it up let me grab that make some good old glass bottles just got to get three and now before we go inside and steal that pig I put the Nether wart there and let’s Brew up and there we go okay potion of strength let’s grab that and now for the hard part guys I only have three 3 minutes to do this let’s drink up and let’s go in don’t worry I’m just a normal doctor all right we might need this real quick a wooden axe just to break in I think I can just go from the side maybe don’t mind me I just got to go in grab the pig and get out oh gosh don’t see me don’t see me don’t see me oh he’s looking straight that way maybe I can block him off oh gosh hopefully I don’t lose my doctor’s license for this but we should be good there we go don’t worry this is completely normal hello Mr Pig I’m here to help you all right let me pick you up real quick oh gosh we got him okay no we just got to take him to surgery up we go let’s get out okay nothing happened here it’s all good let’s go Mr Pig we’re making your head smaller all right let’s go to operating room too and let’s get you in that bed and that’s going to be mission complete Mr Pig is there we got some carrots and nurse if the farmer comes fight him off okay I guess what we can start with is maybe the sharpen scalpel right click oh and my gosh what the heck yeah what is all that hold up you don’t really need a bed let me place a bed down there okay what the heck do we do about this can I take the brain out real quick oh well let’s grab his carrots real quick let’s get as many carrots as we can holy how many carrots do you have oh now a stronger tools needed get a Diamond Drill a Diamond Drill I only have an iron drill do I going to get diamonds okay you wait right there let me real quick see if we have any Diamonds oh gosh storage please be some diamonds in here diamonds diamonds diamonds no there’s probably no Diamonds oh diamonds yes okay there we go literally in perfect amount of diamonds and now let’s go ahead and make this drill thing oh wait no it’s cuz it’s used so I can’t use it is there another drill okay yep there’s an extra drill thank you there we go get those set up right there and now we have the Diamond Drill okay let’s go in and now let’s I guess drill through this thing made of diamonds all right big hold sale sorry about this all right we’re getting ores gold diamonds and oh my gosh what did we just get out of that Holy wait what is this almost crystallized brain wait what the heck do I just mine it oh brain ore can I pr stff with this do you have any more brain or oh no no no he literally has carrots huh nope get back here carrots get back here get back here oh okay I think we got to eat him all right can’t let anyone else get infected where the other carrots go oh there you are no get back here why are they so fast there we go how did it go through the wall all right don’t mind me last it’s going to be another walking carrot and all that’s left is one more I have no idea where this guy went how did this pick get all the stuff inside of him oh there we go all right get over here let me eat you real quick and Mr Pig this should be the last one eat that up and surgery complete well yeah that is a strange way to finish all right I think that’s the job all done let’s make up a pig head and Miss nurse what are we doing now all complete move on to the next Hospital oh wait what brain is infected with an unknown virus oh wait located inside inside the Hostile mob Hospital wait what I was getting cozy in here hold on let me see where the next hospital is guys I guess I’m no longer here but we’re being transferred is that the next hospital or is there another one underground oh wait could this be it oh wait there’s a nurse down there okay so maybe that’s the last hospital we go to and this right here is maybe the next one let’s go down then I guess no I don’t have a very good feeling about this oh oh gosh okay definitely the hospital no receptions for nothing let’s just go inside all right new storage room looks pretty Dominus in operating room one nurse I made it oh they got this guy in a fullon cage how’s it going buddy all right I’m going to be your Dodger today and Miss nurse what are we doing here bad infection it’s dangerous without armor oh my gosh why do you have so much brain ore holy okay we can try making some brain armor then can I make a brain sword oh I can a knowledgeable sword even though the sharpen scap is better so I don’t really want that but you know what I can make a good old brain chest plate all right blood sck armor honestly it’s as good as the doctor’s outfit so screw the brain armor don’t want it it’s going to say there let’s just go inside and so what’s the first step is he friendly is he going to just let me oh my gosh okay okay okay we got to take this guy down nope nope stay down I’m trying to surger on you oh and that’s what we call good doctoring all right buddy thank you for very much for opening up and now do I just uh right click you with this oh surgery internal enter the zombie oh the door again all right let’s try that again and we’re inside yo okay get rid of the infection uh so far so good let’s just make sure we just jump here I don’t want to break anything inside oh and that will be an infection okay okay maybe it might be time for a potion of strength let’s drink that real quick head down and core Memories the heck is this maybe I got to grab these let me grab all the core memories and also take down these infection guys oh gosh all right let me just go up High Ground will be necessary okay let me go in here get some more core memories actually pretty cool parkour thing oh my gosh and there’s so many things let me grab that oh gosh and let’s just get to the end oh no there’s one down here 7 core memories so far okay let’s keep going up oh wait we’re in the head now let me grab some of those there we go and now that should be the last one oh no that’s the last one there we go okay we got to go up there before we go up there did we take care of all the infection guys I think we did yeah we should be fine a little bit besky to fight them but it’s all good let’s go up though and now is that the brain oh hello Mr brain restore the brain’s memories oh well I have your memories right here here you go take all the memories and oh hello Steve you okay free Steve kill the core infection oh wait what there’s a core infection oh all right let’s get this guy down oh gosh okay okay don’t want to get infected myself come on in the name of doctors here we go down he goes and from that we get an infected sword do we want to use this at all what does it even do oh I can throw infection maybe I’ll use that against my bad patients but for now let’s read Mr Steve up here and oh wait does this mean the zombie becomes Steve yeah some iron block too so I’m actually going to go ahead and grab those from the zombie and he should be free do I just right click him and we’re back yo it’s Steve Now searching complete and we get Mars well I would say that is the job will done and you don’t even need a gate locking you cuz it’s open now now let’s go to operating room 3 nurse what do we got to do here next surgery a little explosive all right let me go check this out then and we got the patient chart and our Redstone taser huh oh okay that’s a thing explosive abilities need removed surgery required is this a creeper or something oh hello how’s it going buddy dang I guess this creeper doesn’t want to be a creeper anymore I guess we can fix it all right let’s get you open up with the scalpel oh and it looks like a pretty standard brain surgery is internal grab these supplies first oh wait what do I got to get syringes needed oh wait already have some unless we got to grab some special ones over here let me check the storage room real quick and locked find another way huh is there like a way inside through in there hold on let me investigate maybe actually special syringes oh wait what is this oh don’t worry I’m a doctor I’m certified to do this I think we literally got to sneak through a hole around and then we get inside the room all right as long as no one notices we should be good oh wait this is leading me somewhere okay we might be good let’s now go around oh yes so we can sneak in okay now do I need these syringes or anything oh wait I already have them oh well that was a waste of time well on the bright side I think we’re good to go back but low key I mean I probably will get in trouble if I just break this but I could have just done this the whole time let me just break that real quick place it back act like no one was here and did the nurses see me no no nurses saw me we’re good all right no worri at all should be good now and I think we just got to just store ourselves inside now right click and we’re in remove explosive abilities use syringes all right let me get the syringes out and is this explosive abilities right click oh is that working all right let’s grab as much as we can that’s not enough drill the entire thing huh like this oh gosh uh I don’t know if this is a good idea all right oh that was not a good idea this is the explosive conscious that is an explosive conscious all right stay back take you down and down goes a wither skeleton just like that and did we go back now oh and we’re back oh now we got to collect cats from the village all right buddy we removed your explosiveness now let’s I guess get a cat uh maybe it’s exposure therapy I mean it could work shouldn’t be too hard though let’s just go all the way back up and now where could I find some cats oh we got some cats right here yo okay okay okay I just need you to come for the fish hi look at this buddy right here okay come straight this way hey ate the fish and ran away okay Blaze him where there’s more fish somewhere wait wait wait wait yes SP walk on thank you fisherman villagers let’s take this back now and let’s actually get some cats all right any of you come straight this way oh it’s coming you round two we got this okay I’m going to slowly move over there take all the fish why does that Cat not like me all you know what give me one second I’m going to get as many cats as I can guys I’m in idiot apparently I’m not supposed to tame them but there was a cat catcher here the whole time so with the cat catcher we go up to a cat and we can catch them no worries you guys are’t going to get hurt it’s just to make the creeper like you guys let’s just get a few and then we should be good okay five cats now let’s go back all right Mr creeper let me close the door real quick so you can’t get out but this is how you’re going to get rid of your fear of cats let me shift right click and cats welcome all right some good old exposure therapy this is good for you don’t worry oh look they’re playing with them oh it works surgery complete who knew creepers love cats so with that being done I guess the creeper just left and I think that’s a job all done all right cats you guys are free to go oh nurse is here what do we do now next surgery good block doctor okay what do we have here patient has requested a brain very picky all right sounds good enough let’s go inside oh how did the cat get in here what the heck okay oh it’s a skeleton yo what’s up get some brains collect a villager brain oh oh you want a particular brain let’s go real quick and borrow a brain maybe there could be a sleeping villager um let me look around it’s during the day oh I think we have the perfect Contender okay don’t mind me but let’s real quick grab your brain real quick we got a brain more brains collect a sheep’s brain oh okay that one should be easy right there and Mr sheep let’s grab your brain oh my gosh wait it face is down huh what the heck okay let me grab that and now we also have a sheep brain and now we got to collect a spider’s brain there was a cave in there maybe it’s supposed to be for mobs okay yep the spider was in there let me real quick open you up no no no don’t kill him really really just just right before I got the brain all right let me see if it spawns again okay it spawns again this time let me grab your brain thank you very much and now going to get zombie brain huh okay where can I get the zombie brain then I mean could I just wait there again feel like this is like the sword unit for like the brain St oh wait okay yep it’s there oh oh my gosh what a dirty brain let me grab that mutated zombie brain thank you very much and let me go away all right now that we have a nice selection of brains we got four brains right here let’s show this offic to our patient all right don’t mind me coming through close the door now let’s go inside of operating room three all right Mr skeleton I I’m going to need to get right here let’s open you up real quick and oh gosh okay no brain which brain does he want I guess we can pick any can I make him into Spider-Man maybe I’m going go with the spider maybe something cool will happen all right let’s put this in Oh and it worked oh he’s climbing the ceiling oh what okay well with that being done I think that was a successful surgery and uh nurse are you still mad at me what I do this time no more patients head to the boss Hospital there there’s a boss Hospital huh and the first patient has vision impaired and needs new eyes and the ears are clogged oh wait is this what I think it is oh gosh all right guys let’s go to the next Hospital real quick it was nice working here at the time and oh my gosh why didn’t you do your job all right take care of that please oh here we go guys we new hospital still got my doctor’s robes on and I have a bad feeling about this first patient looks pretty cool at least let’s go inside then anyone here no looks pretty empty operating room one oh that’s a problem guys it’s time for the warden supplies needed collect some eyes okay I got to get him some eyes but are those spiders out here maybe spider eyes wait how do I get in there why is there a full on HD cat right there could it be behind the cat oh there’s a little room behind it oh that’s sick okay all right all you spiders get over here I need some spider eyes for my patient four eyes should honestly be enough and uh let me just kill one last one beforehand all right five should be good now that we have the eyes let’s go ahead and get these ready and do I have to cut into him let me try just putting the eyes in oh is it working doesn’t sound good too much movement put the W to sleep oh gosh um um okay new crafts unlocked okay we need bones and a bed storage room storage room let me go in here real quick okay I need bones bones bones bones bones yes okay nice we got some bones there we go oh gosh that is the warden isn’t it oh no no no no no no give me a sec I also got to get some beds oh wait one bed there we go okay let me just grab that and now let’s get the bone meal in there we go one bed and sleeping powder all right Warden you’re getting put back to sleep sorry about this here we go and the warden asleep attach the eyes now all right let’s put in the eyes and surgeries internal enter the warden can we get a name for this Warden he looks wonderful with the eyes anyways let’s go inside clear the wax oh that’s wax oh no you know what let’s get the infected sword out this might cause an infection on but it’ll get the job done down goes one wax let’s take this guy down too and now the infection is cleared all right let’s get out of here now maybe through here and we’re back surgery completed patient will wake up shortly oh wait maybe he’s just asleep cuz the sleeping B for a while all right buddy I’m going to go ahead and get to the next surgery just in case let’s put some doors there we go and let’s just go to the next one all right nurse what’s up next surgery spooky wither oh gosh all right I better get paid good for this requested a different head surgery required oh gosh oh look at this guy they’re so small what’s up buddy inflate the head collect hot air huh how do I get hot air I like syringe it oh wait I have an idea hold up let me real quick get a campfire could there be someone here oh yes okay I was thinking just flint and steel but campfires and flint and Steels and now with the syringes I might be on to something let me put the campfire in here might be a hazard for the patience but it’s all good now do I just fill this up oh did that work full syringe don’t report me for this but I think I just syringe one of the heads right oh what the heck did he become the next head remove it okay that’s a removed head there we go got the Wither Skull and now get a pig’s head with the skull huh what the heck is this patient let me go ahead and go to the pig farm then real quick oh oh gosh oh wait there’s literally some pigs down here one sec let me real quick then do I just like right click oh all right eat up buddy it’s all good you guys are becoming one with the weather now all right two more pigs and that should do that and now we have a gigantic pig head what the heck all right don’t mind me let’s go back here and now you have two heads Now find a new body okay how do I even get a new body is there one in the storage room or something oh there is and a chicken okay let’s grab this hiet skeleton and do I just place it down oh all right there’s your new body okay do I just like remove you oh my gosh the brain is literally floating right there all right Wither Skull I guess become a wither skeleton now mistake huh wait wait wait wait what’s going on what’s going on no no no no no no no no down he go okay we’re good and surgery complete guys he’s literally floating brain now what the heck just happened that had to be the weirdest patient well I guess that’s a job well done all right nurse what’s the final surgery going to be your next patient is in another dimension I wonder what the patient is can we guess is is is it going to be the pig no no no it it’s a dragon probably all right so what do we got here very sick overrun with an infection good luck oh well that that’s going to be a little bit tough but without further Ado let’s go get the final patient and cure him here we go all right I guess it’s just the dragon all right let’s uh be a little bit careful here and I mean looks pretty normal so far where’s the dragon though oh the dragon’s red that might mean it’s sick so I guess what we got to First do is take these guys down one sec let me break all these okay let me place that there and okay that’s one down now let’s do the rest what’s meant Stone okay crystals are gone now all that’s left is Mr Dragon which uh can I tase you nope the taser doesn’t work dang it it’s too big what about infected sword oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay maybe it’s a little bit too far away guys maybe if I hit it right there no I’m going to have to wait for it to perch guys then we can say ha it I’m just trying to help you Dragon for once oh gosh okay calm down brother the sharpness Stein scapel might be the move wait will this work no all right we got to do this old fashion way 1 two go on I I don’t know if this is actually going to work guys get down brother let me take need you oh wait did did that work oh wait that worked that worked oh my goodness the taser did work but I got to get some blocks I’m so dumb okay finally after tasing it so much it should be grounded now do I open you up oh okay there’s his brain his head opened up Enter the Dragon wait how do I enter the dragon oh guys I think we’re in what the heck do I do in here lot of Enderman let me not look at them don’t mind me I’m just inside the dragon what the heck is that a mutated cell monster all right let’s take this guy down then let me tase you real quick and let’s get you down no more Mickey the dragon sick down you go and was that it oh wait what is that noise are we getting teleported back oh wait no I think we did it yes and so just like that the dragon should be cured and let me get out of here real quick can we leave through its tail or something oh gosh I’m going through wait that worked are we out we’re out oh it’s good surgery completed thanks for fixing me up so with that being done guys that’s going to be Minecraft but I’m a brain surgeon so with that being done guys hope you guys all enjoyed have a great one and this video just like this one bye guys [Music]

Minecraft but I Open a Hospital!(+ Become Mob Doctor)
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