Before the Farmer – A Stardew Valley Comic

hello everybody today i have a book here that i would like to share with you called sardi valley before the farmer this covers a few years before you come to the farm and it shows you just the going arounds of all the villagers before you come about this was made by fangamer and it was also worked on just a bit by concerned ape we don’t really know if he gave his sign off on it and that was it or if he helped write it or a storyboard board or anything like that but i gotta say beautiful book look at this like wood finish golden accent it’s wonderful it’s got like texture on the sides it’s a little lopsided just that because of my own reading but you live and you learn i suppose it did come with a paper cover actually but i of course prefer the hard cover here’s the art that’s on the front you have jojo mart and most of the buildings of the town including the farm of course and on the back you have a quick excerpt that can be read every story has a beginning but some go back even farther experience the joys and sorrows of the people of pelican town throughout the year leading up to your arrival in stardew valley each season offers new adventures some happy and some sad and when all seems lost just remember come next spring you’ll be there to save the day welcome our star of hope and that of course is you if you do open it up to the inside you have a larger version of the art which i can’t get in the frame no matter what i do but trust me it’s all there it’s very pretty it’s nice art but uh gotta say the uh the hard cover just does it for me it also came with this little letter from grandpa and i don’t want to open it because i think if i ruined the envelope i’d probably cry but luckily they do have an image on their site of what is actually on the inside so i’ll flash that up on screen real quick but yeah that came with it i feel like i might shadow box this or something i really like it anyway i’m gonna be taking you through the book if i go too fast feel free to pause it if you need to there’s a piece of cat here on it feel free to pause it if you need to because i’m not gonna stay on every page for that long on the inside i just want to point out how the paper isn’t actually pure white and the ink isn’t pure black it’s more of like a dark very dark brown and the paper is kind of pearl ish and on this page we have all the credits of course all the people who worked on it eric barone which i’ve been told is how you actually pronounce his name art director carrie frye a supporter ryan novak japanese support so you’ll notice that everything is actually also written in japanese just because makes it easier for everyone and then the main worker of the book chihiro sakaida who represents themselves as a brown junomo which is very very cute and you actually have their twitter handle there as well anyway i have a jojo name tag on the right assuming it’s probably for you the player character first we have the prologue and we have a little bit of a budding plant here i guess we’ll find out what that is later one thing i really like about this book is it kind of guides you with songs that you might want to play as you read through it so i think i’ll bless you with that pretty quietly but it’ll be there and this is i believe the player character running through the fields of the farm you can actually find junomo’s pretty much on every single page if you look hard enough for them i like to think that maybe before you came to the farm or rather before jojo came to the valley that you were that they were just much more intertwined with the general community there’s some there there’s just more of us walking through grandpa’s farm as a kid as i said this doesn’t all take place completely in the year before it actually covers several years although i believe fall and winter both take place in that one year and there’s just a beautiful wide shot of the farm i love it so much you can see kind of what grandpa had his farm at his little flower bouquets there very cute june was just kind of in plain sight to be honest and your grandpa catches you and he’s you know just happy to be hanging around with this kid but of course we all know how stardew valley starts we like to joke about it a lot i think but uh it is rather sad i do think they gave his uh bed a little more support than there is in the game and of course he gives you the letter for whenever you feel you need it however many years later i don’t want to put a solid age on it we have the clicking of all of the computers and the jojo i guess this is a call center jojo call center and i like how they have the black pages to accent how kind of sad it is and as some tears start to fall you remember your letter a few stories from just before you come to the valley really love these pages one of my favorite things about things like this is just looking at every page for basically as long as you possibly can to find every single little detail like oh there’s a sheep there’s a chicken what else can we find there’s some butterflies sunflowers and our plant here for chapter one has grown a little bit taller so we’ll see hopefully that’ll be budding next season and here we have the beginning of spring i i gotta say i absolutely love how the game starts out with spring it’s so pretty the pink flower petals flying around this tree in particular just so pretty down at the top of center sap forest and then i feel like it can kind of be implied through some of these pages that the junimos used it as a just an area of chill of some sort maybe a nest who’s to say bigger junimo smaller juno very cute just bouncing all around the valley someone littered you hate to see that and here we have a beautiful wide shot of pelican town but if you look here you’ll actually notice that judah martin isn’t there yet it’s just a pile of rubble which you know probably should be cleaned up but oh well just give us a moment to look at this it’s so pretty oh and it actually kind of shows the connection between center sap forest and the town something you don’t never see i wonder if there’s a mod that kind of connects everything where there’s no loading zones i’d believe it and we finally get a look at some of the villagers we have harvey i believe that is caroline and jody and we have gus down here someone’s up here maybe maybe grandpa who’s to say someone fishing we have illustrations of a lot of the bait that you can use and this juno just kind of chilling in plain sight i don’t know about that of course we have all of our spring crops animals from marnie’s place here we have cute illustrations of every notable place in town the clinic the museum the altar of yoba i kind of want to make a video about the altar of yoga sometime the general store the saloon the fish shop these are all very interesting like front views that you would normally not get you wouldn’t see all of this i don’t know it’s kind of cool we have the adventurers guild the mines i particularly love this drawing of the rock crab here absolutely adore it we have the carpenter shop the wizards tower the traveling cart someday they’ll make you romanceable and the blacksmith and finally the community center back before it became decrepit too and all these scenes we have here are actually people just hanging around in the community center here we have leah and emily both working on something in the arts and crafts room willie and gus in front of the fish tank pierre of course at his office and marlon actually entered interacting with some of the other characters which you like to see he never really does that in the main series other than i think in hallows eve or the spirit festival which one is it i don’t know then we have george evelyn hanging out here carolyn and jody in the back and clint in the boiler room of course and gus it’s a surprising amount of gusts in this comic moving on from there we finally go over to the farm where you see your grandpa you know how it is and a few years later he’s gone and the junimos don’t seem happy about that i guess they were probably in tune with grandpa as well i never thought about that actually here they all are cleaning up the place for you to arrive well for anyone to arrive for i guess just respecting the area here we have mayor lewis kind of looking fit i don’t know about you i don’t know i never uh never really pictured him as that fit and of course it’s perfectly clean from all the all the uh junimos and we actually got a little lead in here so there’s some parsnip seeds spread on the floor so that’s how they end up left for you you never really think about how small the seeds actually are because they’re such a big item in the game and of course the genomes are all happy the cabin’s all cleaned up ready for someone to come in of course they don’t know that yet moving on to summer and now we can see that it’s actually a sunflower that was growing so that should be blooming through summer and fall according to the games logic beginning of summer we have a scene here starting out in the community center where louis is kind of just thinking something over and it seems like we have all the business owners and george and evelyn here to visit him he turns out he’s actually worried about the governor’s visit they have no idea what to do it’s gonna take a lot of food a lot of money to get his love and respect and emily of course is just sneaking in and saying let’s have a luau party and i guess this is the origin story of the luau again this doesn’t have to be the exact year before you come this is representing a few years actually and everyone seems to agree emily i always took as one of the older people in pelican town i don’t know if that’s really canon or not here we have emily and abigail there’s not a lot of abigail in this then we have oh god uh-oh i can’t remember his name and clint’s of course loving it we love a bay king uh we have demetrius and maru looking at something here leah is actually making the plans to make the bowl i wish they did this more in the game like maybe the day before the holidays everyone’s doing something to get the area ready for it or something i like this idea uh this is linus eating a i guess grape because grape is a summer crop that’d probably be the only one that fits pennies running around the wizards doing wizardly actions i don’t know and sam and sebastian just carrying things around i really love the way they drew sebastian in this by the way i think he looks fantastic a little shorter hair than he’s kind of depicted in the uh in the game get a get a good whiff that’s all the sandy you’re gonna have for this entire comic i hate to say it they did you so dirty she could have been romanceable but everyone voted against it no one wanted it there’s willy fishing up things for the pot gus of course cooking stuff up and uh caroline actually holding a cup of tea a nice little detail there jody cooking something as well uh emily got the whole tablecloth ready for everything if you didn’t know there’s how to make cloth and here they are they’re actually making a bouquet here because they have the uh four flowers that are used in it plus the 15 wood cute little detail and there’s uh haley i think that’s the only full-on view you get of haley throughout the entire book and then robin oh nope that’s leah leah and robin making a statue for the luau and here they all are everything’s ready once again another beautiful wide screen look at everything widescreen two page i guess i should say i’m terminally online terminally online sorry about it here we have the day 11 of summer which is of course the day of the luau governor comes he tastes the pot and he loves it and here they are all swatting at flies if we couldn’t be there to ruin it someone had to be and i guess it fits that it’s sam i think everyone kind of considers sam to be the de facto troublemaker when anything’s wrong if we have the governor saying there’s someone i would like to introduce and as we see it’s morris the customer satisfaction representative from joja and this is where it all starts to go downhill joja join us thrive i’d like to get that i’ve seen a lot of people with like a shirt or hoodie that says that on it i kind of want it and then every of course we can see the sunflower should be blooming but it’s covered by a jojo package so now we have chapter three fall this one pretty much all focuses on jojo kind of ruin ruining the place which kind of sucks because falls normally just a beautiful season we have all the business owners not liking that he’s coming around why does he look so evil he’s just a dude like you know he’s just building a store pierre did that one time i don’t know longing glances across the river and now we start to get into all the ways that jojo corp has kind of ruined the place of course they’re taking over pierre’s place being the only other store in town pierre and george george for some reason seem to be yelling at lewis trying to get rid of joja but of course lewis’s hands are tied one thing that i kind of like to pull from this book is that maybe this was the catalyst of louis becoming more separated from the rest of town because you kind of do get the vibe that not too many people like lewis but they seem to be getting along in those first two chapters you know maybe that’s the reason he felt like he needed to hide his relationship because his favorability was already kind of low here of course we have a little bit of deforestation we know that they did cause the cave in that blocked the river and the mines and the spa i believe as well i’m i kind of like this page because it implies that they just straight up stole all of the artifacts from the museum and that’s why he lost them i don’t know if that would be considered canon but it’s kind of funny if it is and then of course we have the now hiring signs shane over here found one i love the way they draw shane in this by the way and sam found one as well and penny’s just not looking too happy that he’s going for it but what are you gonna do uh sam does actually end up working for the museum after you shut down joja so i wonder why he wasn’t there before didn’t have the experience i suppose and of course as they start adding sales everyone starts to shop at joja jody has a lot of people to care for pam you know just wants things cheap i like looking at all the this is another example of like looking at all the details on the page jojo meal canned fish extreme chips inferno kind of cute and of course pierre’s not not exactly loving it and i believe this is them putting all this storage into the community center which you hate to see as the doors close dunamos can do nothing but just leave one bundle for whoever will come and see it i wonder who that’ll be and now we can see as the former community center of pelican town falls into disarray again i’m assuming that this didn’t take place over you know the one season it doesn’t really get decrepit that quick but yeah kind of sad to see but of course it’s not all sad because they have news that’s robin of course i wonder what that could be the junimos seem to be happy about it love the way that robin’s stance here is it’s very cute and there we have the community center on to our final chapter when well not final but kind of final chapter winter the box is still here just covered in snow if someone’s coming to the valley the kids are interested in it and they both look down and show them what’s up a new farmer new farmer new farmer a new farmer’s coming very excited you know they probably don’t get to see too many new faces in the valley other than morris but i bet morris is pretty lame as far as new people go they’re coming this is the only full-on shot of harvey he’s a little too attractive i think he needs to be a bit more doofy than that gotta say they’re coming a new farmer’s coming new farmer coming emily seems really excited about it good energy you know and then pam and gus don’t seem like they could care either way new farmer they run into sam what kind of farmer and of course they don’t know sebastian get that out of your mouth what are you doing you’re so young so now of course they’re wondering what the new farmer’s gonna be like boy girl fedora cat who’s to say then of course they come across elliot which is this is his first and only appearance and maybe he was a new a new uh addition to the valley soon before we came who’s to say there’s uh leah as well and i guess he thought that elliot was a beautiful girl not quite here of course they’re wondering if the farmer is going to be the embodiment of death i guess and so everyone works together drawing out what they think the new farmer’s going to be like even leah which i think is really cute i wish they had more interactions like that i wish everyone in the entire town had more interactions with the kids because i think the kids are like very disliked and i think if we just saw everyone like just having fun with the kids i don’t know it’d help build the kids up more and then of course we have these two over here i still can’t remember your name he’s always my bottom choice for bachelor so makes sense and hailey and her only other appearance in the entire thing and here they are wondering if it’s going to be a strong man like him or a beautiful woman like hayley who aren’t they going to be disappointed when they find out it’s you and now they just decide to run around more and they run into penny who says it’s time to study don’t worry if i had to hang out with penny i’d probably be pretty sad about it too and they wait for the clock to come and they get to go there’s a little more gunther they did gunther bad too gunther needs to be romanceable i guess this is them looking for all these little different items sitting around there’s the worms you never really get a good look at them snow yams all the forageables from winter holly probably the most useless item in the game literally zero purpose you eat it it hurts you disliked item for everyone not used in bundles i don’t know don’t know what’s up there he found a stick and he wants to go murder and of course marlon says no he probably shouldn’t here’s abigail i think i’m pretty sure that’s abigail she has a sword you know as you do just walking around town with the sword and they get the idea to poke this bush that rustled with the sword and turns out there’s crobus couldn’t get through the book without him it feels like they really did try to get a little bit of everyone into this even though you know leah’s not here no ginger island featured and they run right around the sewer because they lost him guess krobus got away there’s shane once again doing his jojo job again love the way he’s drawn it’s very it’s just very like human i don’t know and they get another look at the pelican town former community center here it’s not quite as like broken down as it was before and it makes me wonder if maybe this scene took place like i don’t know before it broke down even more than this because it was like i guess the vines could have died i don’t know and of course there looking at it as it used to be the valley’s gonna change when the new farmer comes isn’t it i can’t wait everyone’s super excited even the junimos i meant to translate this before i did this but i forgot to if you know the translation please feel free to put it in the comments everyone looks to the horizon in anticipation as the winds of change blow through the valley another beautiful two-page illustration here kind of an angle you don’t really get to see of pelican town too much i believe this is them coming down from the mountain here and you can see both the beach and the main town together here it’s very cool welcome our star of hope and of course that is you and for the epilogue we have a small seedling poking through the jojo box as you are our hope comes through starting out on the bus to the valley of course and here we are as the farmer reading a book on farming it makes sense because we don’t know anything about farmer we worked an office job before this and you know makes sense we start at level zero in the game this is stardew valley we have a few more pages of the farming book we’re getting a little frustrated and we close it and a few more scenes in the bus here we have a cutout to the real world real quick it’s familiar little refuge from the everyday stresses of life a return to the kind of world we only daydream about when we’re stuck in traffic or when we’re waiting in line for the self-checkout machine in a grocery store that looks like every other grocery store here we have someone playing stardew valley mobile i’ve never done that myself we have switch to players playing on pc together in co-op must be at least version 1.4 i guess or was it 1.3 the headquarter i don’t remember both got a star drop also a little juno in the background very cute and there’s once again the scene of us getting the letter from our grandpa thinking about it a little star drop coming out what will you do today and that really is the question that you ask yourself every day gotta figure out what your plan is and i say it every single time beautiful two-page illustration just of a scene that we’ve all seen so many times 0.5 mallee miles to the stardew valley [Music] your adventure begins and that’s it just another page like this got some cows a well the broken down greenhouse beautiful absolutely love it couldn’t be any better adore it i love looking at the uh little gold-plated concerned ape sign i hope you all enjoyed this this is really different from something i ever have done before i tried to like dress the scene just a little bit i don’t know what people usually do here i can dress it a little more here [Music] there beautiful let me know if there’s anything you liked about it if there’s anything you would have changed if you ever want me to do it again maybe with some other sturdy book i know there’s some guidebooks out there but we’ll see thank you all for watching and good night you

Enjoy this quick look through the Stardew Valley Comic: Before the Farmer! This covers a few years before you come to Pelican Town, going season by season! If you’d like to get this for yourself, you can buy it here:

0:00 – A Quick Look
2:14 – Prologue
5:30 – Chapter 1: Spring
9:48 – Chapter 2: Summer
13:40 – Chapter 3: Fall
17:24 – Chapter 4: Winter
22:50 – Epilogue

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  1. Really lovely book and read-through – One thing I really liked and wish it had more of even – Is that single shot of Jaz looking back to Shane – It says a whole lot about their relationship and what's to come for him in the game – I'd love maybe a panel where Evelyn or Alex look at a photo of the mom – Or like an answering machine message on Lea's phone from Kal.

    But ya that single panel alone and the whole thing in general is really really nice😄😊

  2. It’s actually a great book…


    …by standard observation. However, the reason it doesn’t get 5 stars is because I expected a much longer time period backwards—at least half a century at longest, when Stardew Valley was just a jollie olde countryside land in the middle of (quite literally, like the fictional city) nowhere, and Pelican Town had its standard mid-20th Century fare, such as paperboys on foot (no bikes here!), rock n roll, and of course, primetime boob tube content AND particularly Twilight Zone. Hence “Before the Farmer.” However, in hindsight from having just watched this video today (as of this comment’s writing), I probably should’ve expected it. Still, it can get a bit misleading for those who are into going backwards on a video game’s timeline—hence the idea of “Video Game Ancestry,” or VGA, for short. (Fun Fact: it’s the exact same abbreviation as Video Graphics Array, also VGA, one of the oldest forms of computer graphics—hence the idea/hobby’s name. Pretty cool, huh?!)

    That said, it’s still a great book, and I like exactly how it’s planned out. However, the misleading representation isn’t the only reason this book just misses out on a 5/5. The Community Center aging lightning fast after Morris takes over falls into the Uncanny Valley of fantasy—too real to be a fantasy, but too unrealistic to pass for real life. Call me crazy, but that just proves that weird animatronics aren’t the only thing that could and would fall into that unsettling ditch. Still, and one more time, it gets a comfortable 4/5 for portraying the events before the along came the Farmer perfectly, even outside of its context flaws. Ral Pal and the writer of this comic deserve mad props for a job well done! 😊 🎉 ❤

  3. I always assumed Lewis was out of favor because when you get to town infrastructure is nill and he has embezzled funds to make himself a SOLID GOLD statue of himself. The megalomaniac…

  4. Thank you so much for sharing the book! No one in my country sells it and any intl store online that does is hard to order from because the shipping fee is (understandably) a lot.

    But yea super appreciate it! The art is gorgeous, i love all the spreads

  5. There is so much obscure detail it's amazing! The bit with Sam putting something in the luau pot is from a bit a dialogue that Sebastian says at the event. "One year Sam put a pound of anchovies in the potluck soup"

  6. Can someone explain why everyone blames Joja for the downfall of the community center? Like I never got it. They are a grocery store it's not like they could just force everyone to stay out it. Clearly they didn't buy it because they would have turned it into a warehouse before we arrived. So what everyone just went 'oh no evil corporation better stop hanging out with friends'.

  7. Just a note. Not everyone hates Holly. Leah, Linus and Harvey like it. No one loves it, though.

    Really enjoyed this video. The book looks amazing. First that I've heard of it.

  8. it's a little odd that they used shading to properly draw Maru and Demetrius having dark skin but they didn't do it for Jas.

    "wondering if it's gonna be a strong man like him, or a beautiful woman like Haley. aren't they gonna be disappointed when they find out it's you." come on, you didn't have to murder the farmer like that…

  9. I started watching this right as a thunderstorm rolled in and let me tell you, the combination of the vid and the atmosphere outside is so deeply comforting

  10. thank you, I'm such a stardew valley fan. Your reading and showing this book brought tears to my eyes. Love your sensitivity to the game and the experience

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