I Found Movies ANIMATED in Minecraft

these are popular movies animated in Minecraft and first up we got minions oh my God minion minion minion sorry I don’t know what’s wrong with me I don’t know what’s wrong with me minions meet Minecraft welcome let’s do this realistic water yellow man Sigma to Sigma do you like minions I think minions are pretty cool wait why is there a squid okay this is kind of nice I’m not going to lie I really like the minions like I low wait have I seen the minion movie I don’t even remember I think I have wao this is actually pretty good for like in Minecraft oh they’re speaking the ancient language oh no what the he looks a little creepy bro why he look like that a golden apple I would not trust that yo I do not like how they sound why do they sound so weird H oh he doesn’t realize he’s in Minecraft no buddy check your inventory yippee you did it good job man squid warb eat it huh hey Buster my name is Steve what are you doing with my Apple that’s actually probably what’s going to happen oh NOP Buddy’s just going to run away yo it’s mine no mine no it’s mine come on man no don’t smile at him wait what ah he wants to trade with the minion the minion got nothing bro oh like making him is he going to hire the minions like how the Despicable Me guy or whatever hires I forgot grw hires the minions or he makes them or does he birth them I don’t know I it’s been a while Gamers I’m not going to lie I’m a little bit of a boomer I feel like actually a like a Karen on Facebook watching this not going to lie bro does not know how to play Minecraft okay he’s dancing he’s building a house with crafting tables all right are you a psychopath minion man dude this Steve is going to lose his mind yep he’s like wait he wasted all the wood oh my gosh I just realized how much wood he wasted bro wait was it what’s he doing what is he bouncing on a sheep sponge I wish wouldn’t it be like honey though and how did you get the pickaxe stuck in the I am so done with this bro already what is wrong with this guy man he’s like Steve just doesn’t know what to do huh wait what is he what was what was the Sheep bouncing on heyo was he bouncing on a minion man over here okay are you sure you want to have TNT next to the minion like in the vicinity of the minion I don’t know I wouldn’t trust minan minan is weird Min going to blow up everything he’s going to pull a like lean back and automatically switch the lever and just blow up all the tnnt I know it what he wants to do it okay okay okay what is this bro this is too funny run run run run no don’t whatever you’re thinking little bro don’t do it wait he’s going to leave him unsupervised oh no it’s over bro Min going to get all of us killed guys it’s over leave a like right now if you think Min is going to kill you oh no not the smirk bro Steve Steve is asking for it cuz you cuz you know me I would I wouldn’t do that I wouldn’t leave minion oh my God he did anything I thought he was going to do he’s doing it a thousand times worse I thought he was going to explode the [Applause] oh bro hit us with the oh and just oh my God wait this is actually really good I’m enjoying this a little way too much yo bro just dead oh no how would dude the minions are literally just like how are the minions indestructible oh gosh now we’re at Star Wars we got the storm goobers and we have uh is this padame dude it’s been so long since I’ve watched Star Wars like I lowkey kind of forgot what happens where am I I think this is pame you’re my guest wait where are the others or she the new Jedi girl murderers tra this is not Darth Vader this is the the other friends you’d be ready to know I have IDE I look like well without the mask obviously you still want to kill me that happens when you’re being hunted by a creature in a mask take it off look like pretty good kind of scared oh wait what yo I just finished saying that people compare me to him no I don’t look like that bro put it back on what put it back on put the mask back on bro and now we have Baymax yeah I guess Star Wars was just super quick so I actually haven’t seen Baymax but I know it’s the movie with like the big white uh robot the what’s it called uh I don’t even know he’s just a big white robot he’s like he looks like he’s did out marshmallows he’s kind of cute but I have no idea what it’s about it looks like he’s here in Minecraft oh my gosh that’s scary Steve probably thinks it’s like a zombie or something I mean that’s what I would think personally who is it I mean you could ask who is it yeah that’s very smart of you his eye Baymax I don’t know how he sounds he probably would have a squeaky voice I really should watch this movie guys let me know if you’ve watched it like is it good should I actually like unironically watch it cuz if it’s good I’ll watch it I promise I’ll do it do it bro just open the door man it’s a nice robot did he just get smacked yo he looks so cool in Minecraft what does he do like I have literally no idea is he nice hello wait were there already friends huh or is he getting like future memories of them being able to be friends I don’t know what’s going on this is really cool I like it Picasso oh no run no he’s going to fall straight forward a he’s he is Marshmallow Man he’s so cute how is he like a fluffy robot yeah so I think he just touched him and it’s like memories were like I don’t know something happened oh he doesn’t he doesn’t speak English what yeah Steve is like huh right behind you oh right behind you oh no well at least he was trying to help um oh he’s nice he’s wiping his feet because of an unforeseen explosion I could not introduce myself he’s so cute hello I am Baymax your personal healthcare companion healthcare companion please tell me on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate your pain you almost died 10 definitely I recommend you eat some cooked pork chops leaves your pain hey I I’ve also scanned you for other injuries as it seems you sustained heavy injuries in your arms your legs and your back his entire body Man Creeper now we got Mario Kart wait oh man I got a H distance between those freaking noobs okay so this guy’s in first place that’s pretty crazy though oh I saw a blue sh no one can stop me now Mario Kart isn’t a movie you know what I wouldn’t complain if it was though unless oh no the blue shell the blue Shell’s coming yes you’re right this nerd is about to get destroyed run oh no seriously he’s pooping his pants dude I love Mario carart honestly it’s like probably top 10 games like for sure especially to play with like your friends oh no wait what I’m so confused why is he why is he peeing huh is he taking a break he took a break and now it’s coming back what is wrong with you oh no no right before the Finish Line too I think I literally saw the finish line and it’s like over yo you still got the steering wheel go just just hop on over just just go oh everybody’s going to pass him it’s going to be like a turtle dang it oh now we got squid game dude it’s it’s been a while bro I think I I heard they’re coming out with the season 2 right or did it already come out I don’t even know but I love squid games bro yo this looks sick dude if Squid if if the entire movie was animated in Minecraft I would love that oh my goodness the old man have you guys watched squid squid games it’s pretty crazy not going to lie it’s just pretty like intense who dude these look [Music] awesome bro is this the the head guy yeah with the masks or the rich guys with the masks yeah dude that is so cool this needs to be a thing ASAP and now we have what is this Fantastic Beasts huh have you guys do you know what that is i’ I’ve never even heard of Fantastic Beasts maybe I’m uncultured I mean we’re about to learn now why is bro analyzing a dirt was just wondering are the diamond why does Alex look so good I don’t know just kidding really funny Steve now please give them back where the diamonds bro what did he do what what did why did he did he steal her diamonds I would do that too though like you can’t just steal my diamonds do not rip me off what is going I whip you what do you mean what’s going on guys I think I know what you’re looking for who’s this guy this guy must be from that show like fantastic Beast or whatever or like the movie what he has a hawk a wait no I feel like I do recognize it no poor little hwk no oh it’s a monkey is it a monkey it’s so cute he’s like a little chubby guy well you got your diamonds back I have no idea what’s going on [Music] what magical Steve look it’s so beautiful get out of here I’m with you Steve and now we have Game of Thrones another Banger show that everyone loves that I haven’t seen yeah I’m L culture guys all I do is make Minecraft videos so I mean why do we need to watch if we’re going to watch this I wonder if we hear the night King speaking in this final episode wait what is that a Game of Thrones Thrones reference I don’t get it it just looks really cool I like the animation it’s big tough ice guy walking and he’s going to make a speech to his evil people or is this going to be a war I’m wondering if my family and I can come over and some te or something we never saw the beautiful landcap behind the wall my family and I lived over a thousand years so we to make some new adventures or something he said something about he just wanted some tea bro I I think I I could barely understand him what the oh my God this reminds me of Yu-Gi-Oh okay comment down below which one was your favorite And subscribe

Today we react to Popular Movies Animated in Minecraft

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  1. Watch it one time I watched it on the bus by grandpa but one time I watched it on the bus named Peter. She does video. She does a movie kindergarten for that but then and under grade one and then from Starbucks.

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