Johnny was BURIED ALIVE In Minecraft!

goopy come on pass over the remote I want to watch what I want to watch on TV no it’s almost time for Dragon tailes that’s my favorite show swagon Tails swagon tails what the heck is Dragon T Dragon tals it’s the best show ever well I want to watch Tomas the train so pass it over Noy you want to watch swagon Tails no I want to watch FAS and Ferb oh no no no no no do not give her the remote do not give it to her Gooby come on guys we can watch it together it’s such a good show but guys I want to watch Thomas the Train chug Cho that’s for kids yeah that s for babies Dragon Tales is all about adventures and you going to the Dragon World give me that remote right now shake it out of here give it to me give it to me Gooby help me Gooby pass me the remote I want it yes I got it yeah yeah I got it I got the remote oh no Thomas okay guys how about this how about we just go onto the TV and just go through all the channels until we find something everybody wants to watch it works for me okay all right everyone sit down let’s see what’s on TV breaking news I’m standing here at the sight of a major earthquake at the Town Mall as you can see a giant fissure has opened up and a giant hole down to the bottom is visible I don’t know how much more damage the town can hold and it looks like there may be even more aftershocks coming if you’re still in your homes I advise you to stay indoors and go under tables if there’s any kind of shaking nearby what is that it’s a Giant Wave It’s a Title Wave a tsunami is forming here we got to go we got to go oh oh oh this is not good this is not good and keep that camera rolling oh my goodness did you guys see that there’s a tsunami coming for our house I don’t even know how to swim oh no h what’s a tsunami gooy did you not just watch the news a tsunami is a huge wave that just eats everything in its path ah it’s a giant monster wave in of water exactly Gooby we’re going to die we’re actually going to die we need to go and uh we need to find my daddy guys come we got to find my daddy daddy daddy where are you number two I hate Johnny because he smells funny number two what are you doing in here booby’s drool is really drooly today hey well I’m writing down my notes why I don’t like you guys hey Daddy we don’t have time for notes daddy we just got done watching TV and on the news a news reporter said that there’s a tsunami and it’s going to hit our house there’s no such thing as tsunamis the only way a tsunami would happen is is if there’s an earthquake I didn’t feel no earthquake Marty you probably didn’t feel it because you were probably just walking around was that a fat joke I’m not that fat okay the house does not shake when I walk around in it okay maybe a little bit wait daddy you were the cause of the earthquake that then caused the tsunami so it’s all your fault what are you guys talking about the amount of power that the that the earthquake would have to be would have to it’s like the sun dropping down on the earth yeah that’s like your but okay you know what let’s go outside and see if even there if there’s a tsunami coming I don’t even think a tsunami is on the way all right fine let’s go inside I don’t see nothing out here there’s no there’s no tsunami well guys let’s check the other side of the house maybe it’s just coming from this part of the house well let’s see oh my God oh my God it’s a tunami it’s a tunami mommy oh my God Dy it’s huge it’s coming for us come on get inside get inside get in get in get in oh no oh no oh no where we go upstairs everyone go upstairs it’s going to eat our house okay go upstairs go upstairs go upstairs oh no oh no we’re in the wrong side we’re in the wrong side oh no it’s not big enough the house is big enough daddy you left us to die in this house no go come stairs go upstairs quick quick quick there’s water on herey come on Daddy look at the window it’s going to come into the window oh God it’s coming fled our house is flooded I would swim Daddy I don’t know how to swim I’m drowning stand on something stand on the furniture oh no guys this is not good good a tsunami is literally going through our house right now oh my gosh the whole house under water look daddy this is all your fault it’s cuz you had a jump no it’s not my fault oh gosh yeah it’s above the house it’s above the house oh my goodness oh guys this isn’t good this is like being buried alive we literally can’t go anywhere this sucks I can pee wherever I want hey Daddy if you’re going to pee stay far away from me all right oh no guys the whole house is ruined the furniture is ruined the floors are ruined oh we need to get down to the bottom floor we need to we need to go underneath the ground wait underneath the ground yeah we can’t live up here how are we going to do that with all this water we’re going to have to think of some solutions maybe maybe we need to go in the basement in the basement Daddy but that means we going to have to swim underneath all of this what if we drown down there we’re going to have to hold our breaths all right are you guys ready to go underground that’s like basically burying ourselves alive though but it’s the only way Daisy okay we need to do it okay all right guys everyone follow me oh gosh there’s an air pocket down here don’t worry guys right behind you what we go here go go go go go yes okay we’re pretty much safe in here Gooby get in here all right daddy right here is where we should put a ladder yep we got to dig all the way down all right like this all right guys I’m going to start clearing out a bunch of blocks down here I’m going to make it so we have a lot of space I need room to build well have you come down here and help me come on guys I’m going to add a ladder oh yeah we definitely need a ladder even know we’ll probably never see the surface of Earth again going I have to live down here forever yes Scooby we’re never going back up cuz the tsunami remember oh yeah what we’re going to have to do is basically make a house underground we need a bathroom we need a living room we need a kitchen bedrooms I need a a place for my dog you don’t have a dog yeah where are you going to get a dog daddy that makes no sense I’m going to go find one where it’s going to be a water dog okay like a seahorse but a dog basically well I want to get a sea bunny uh there’s no such thing ooh that would be awesome oh Dad can I get a SE carrot no actually maybe that’s my favorite pet I just want to fish yeah we should have a fish shank for all of the pets wow guys look how much space we have we broke so many blocks this is bigger than our old house no no no this is still not good enough guys we need to start decorating and start putting like rooms in here all right Daddy I think I’m just going to sleep right here no you are not a caveman my room’s done Daddy this is where I’m sleeping yeah you get you get to sleep on rocks and the go up your butt in the middle of the night well Daddy what should we add next then what we got to do is a floor we need to make the coolest floor of all time okay okay how do we do that H I don’t know anyone have any ideas I know how to do it okay okay just follow this pattern okay she’s going to make the most complex pattern of all time no it’ll go by so quick wait I don’t know how to do this there’s a hard pattern to follow not really since everybody just take a color of wood and just go all the way around am I doing it it no no no that’s not the white pattern oh I see now I see all right Gooby look you do that and I’ll do the one next to you like this okay okay and then do this wood right there guys I’m getting good at doing the pattern I told you it was easy look I already did the pattern out for everybody just got to copy it going all the way down all right Daddy I think you messed it up D what do you mean I messed it up just everything you do daddy you always just mess it up no I don’t you mess everything up all right Marty FY you didn’t say that you just say that he said it now one in the comments is going to say that to me marty farty marty farty shut up yeah I hate that nickname whoa it’s finished it looks so good let’s go this is the best floor ever it looks okay yeah my design is pretty good I’m not going to lie this was my design anyways uh Daddy what should we add next we got to add walls so we’re going to use stone brick Oh yeah okay so what we need to do is figure out how big we want your bedrooms and where we want to put them so I think maybe this whole left side is where the rooms are ooh yeah D it’s a good idea so what we got to do is split it up so we’re going to put a wall right here across the whole entire side all right I’m going to make the wall really big okay good good good and now we need to split up the rooms evenly we’re going to have to do some math nope not doing math I think this entire side should be mine all right this entire side right here well no you got to split that with either Gooby or Daisy and then you guys can get this room and then Daddy can get that room and then I’m making my own room somewhere else I just made your rooms right here what are you talking about look this is all mine no no no no no this is all mine no it’s not all yours this is too small where am I living in like a hole right there daddy in that corner I’m not living in no corner all right well you know what then I’m just going to go somewhere else why are you annoying you guys don’t want to be near me well how are you going to split this up evenly daddy well we could make corridors we could just like you know split it up okay E I have an idea okay so you got to go down the middle like this okay and then you got to go down the middle like this pretty even pretty even okay that’s not bad but um how are the people that are living in this room supposed to get to it do they need to walk through this person’s room got to be hallways okay so we just make that all right all right this looking pretty good guys interesting it’s like we’re making a whole house in here yeah this is actually kind of awesome I’m not going to lie we’re just buried alive dad do you think the whole earth just died and everyone on it I mean probably unless they’re smart like us and they went underneath the ground yeah but there’s no one smarter than us or if they went on a mountain o true Mountain where they live in the sky and the sky people guys those people do not exist okay they definitely do they could exist W okay this is a lot of room o my room’s coming out the best so far I’m not even going to decorate my room yet you’re already working on it yep I’m already working on it I want to work on my room too don’t steal any ideas from my room cuz that would be cheating course I got to put some doors to make sure we don’t look it I’m going to make a bunch of my walls in my room yellow oh yeah this is coming out so good now what I need to do is get a bed which one of these beds look really good obviously yellow and then we need some bed stands like this and like that all right now over here I’m just going to do some of this before my daddy starts building there we go now I have secret glass that looks into his room I’m going to know exactly what he’s up to all day long this is going to be so funny and then what I’m going to add over here is I’m going to add some armor stands these are going to look so awesome in my room all right now let’s just get a bunch of different armors o this green one looks really cool there we go now we see one more armor there we go this looks awesome daddy why are you not building your room yet because I’m decorating the whole other side oh okay Daddy do well my room’s almost done and then you can come in and see it ooh okay okay hopefully it’s not poopy it’s actually really good this detail I’m adding is actually next level this looks so amazing I’m going to come in right now and look at it what the Boom check it they’re yellow in here well obviously daddy wait I need to do the ceiling hold on it’s not done yet what’s with this thing a TV oh yeah it’s my TV daddy looks like an alien it’s not an alien it’s a TV with detail it doesn’t work hold on Daddy look I’m going to make it work right now oh wait wrong thing wait for it oh oh oh check what’s on the TV Daddy help me change channels oh I’m changing channels you broke the TV wait what’s this what is this what the heck are you what did you put on the wall oh that’s a painting daddy there you go no it’s seethrough glass no it’s a painting daddy why you want to look at me when I sleep get out of my room I want my privacy Daddy get out of my room why do you want to look at me when I sleep know Daddy I was thinking about getting rid of these doors as well there we go all right trap yourself in there I don’t care I don’t care what you do you poop on there for what I care that was a close one my daddy almost figured out what I was up to well time to finish this ceiling I think I’m going to put some white quartz up there oh yeah this is looking so good this is the exact detail that I was missing in my room and then I think I’m going to add some more fancy paintings around my room maybe I’ll add one somewhere over here all right my room is officially completed but now I want to go see what Daisy and Gooby have been working on Gooby what the heck is this Gooby what are you making in here o welcome to McDonald’s what you made an underground McDonald’s yes cuz since we’re never going to be able to go up to the surface anymore I thought we needed a McDonald’s no way this is genius yes now I can eat french fries and Big Macs I’m going to put some tables over here so you can sit down and eat some food wow wait can I work the McDonald’s and get paid sure we’re going to need somebody let’s go all right let me get my McDonald’s outfit on you be check it out do I look official wa just like your walk at McDonald’s yep yep uh what would you like sure to eat today cuz I get um a 20 piece nuggets and a MCB okay and a Bole also today is free fry day so you get unlimited free fries woo yes thank you there you go free fries free fries yeah yeah kid mold’s not going to have any of this let’s go all right I’m going to go see what Daisy’s working on okay Daisy Daisy wait what how do you get into your house Daisy it’s a secret wa what do you mean it’s a secret my my go in there where is it Daddy all right there we go it looks like some weird tunnel thing that goes to Daisy’s home wa this looks crazy um why are you wearing a McDonald’s uniform um because Gooby opened up at McDonald’s duh opened up at McDonald’s yep he did and it’s really awesome does he have mcf of course he has everything from McDonald’s you got to go check it out I’m going to have to get one of those this looks insane in this room oh my goodness I think this is the best room I’ve ever built ooh I don’t know about the pink beds with the hearts though those are kind of cringey well I like this and I’m a girl so cringe cringe Daddy are you ever going to start working on your room or you just making this interior I like working on the interior because you know what in here is where we’re going to put a big kitchen ooh and then we can make more McDonald’s let’s go wait is McDonald’s oh yeah Daddy Gooby made of McDonald’s but it’s not for fat people like you well I’m not actually I’m actually not fat oh yeah no you can’t go there sorry I’m not fat look where is it let me go look for it hey daddy where are you going no no no no McDonald’s there there’s my room I got to do my room it’s not in here whatever you do do not go in this room okay why would why would I want to go in this room hey oh my gosh Mickey te welcome to McDonald’s I would like to buy everything in the store daddy we need to for the rest of Eternity when we have to stay here well the funny thing is I’m really skinny right now and I can you know do with some plump it up all right daddy how about this look I’m going to give you maybe one double cheeseburger that’s it and daddy that’s on the house that’s free I ate it what you just inhaled it I need another one I I didn’t even feel it Daddy we need to save this food what about in like 10 years if we’re still hungry remember McDonald’s food never goes bad so we’re going to have to save it well the worms will try eating it cuz we’re underground no we need to save it we’re buried alive Johnny I need food now okay here I’ll give you the extra crispy super deluxe meal here we go oh thank you oh my gosh this is incredible all right uh can I get that that wrap over there oh my gosh we got to get him out of here ate the deluxe meal that’s supposed to last for like a whole year it wasn’t even Del we got to get him out of here we got to get him out of here okay well I guess I’m going to starve to death well Daddy if you’re going to still work on this I’m going to work on your room all right you’re going to make my room why don’t you make the kitchen No I’m going to make your room why would you make my room I want to make my room nope you’re waiting too long so guess what I’m making your room it’s going to look so good just give me a chance all right all right fine I’m going to see what Daisy’s up to what are you making Daisy I’m making a garden wo this is going to be the garden section yeah just so we can have fresh crops wo and your room looks really pink it’s supposed to O I like your bed a that looks really nice thanks Gooby this is a really soft couch oh I might just have to hey you can’t sleep on my couch oh this is a great couch get up oh come on I’m sleeping there it’s my room you can’t sleep in here that was a soft cozy couch okay I’m going to need that I’m have to take that out of your I’m confiscating it no you can’t take it I got I got to take it for um safekeeping just get your own Johnny sorry Daisy I’m sorry I’ll keep him out of here Johnny I got some for the room oh yeah Daddy what is it check it out check out your room what are you doing what is this why is there only toilets a plunger and a big weird bed well Daddy you’re a pretty uh you’re a pretty big guy so I thought uh you know you could use a really huge bed well I need you if you’re going to be doing my room to throw this in here some of these cushions what is that it’s a really soft couch I just slept on it in Daisy’s room and I I passed out ooh Daddy this is pretty soft yep yep I’m going to have to sit here real quick and just daddy wake up wake up that’s why you have a bed to sleep in not couches getting attacked no we’re not that’s just you snoring oh I might have to go back to McDonald’s I’m going to go back to McDonald’s see what they got in here no Daddy all right we got a Big Mac meal we got some fries ooh a McFlurry guys we need to stop my daddy he’s going to eat all our our food I’m not eating I just took a big flurry that’s your third one today what do you mean this is my first one okay I just ate three yep definitely my third one today now guys we need to have a big meeting in the main room all right everyone come over here I’m building sorry I can’t uh I can’t intervene daddy we need to talk to you in this meeting okay hey Daddy see that’s what we need to talk about you’re going to eat all of our food supply and then we’re going to starve to death no I don’t have anything see it’s not here did you take that MC Floy no no I’m not eating nothing Daddy this is a serious issue okay we need to stop eating because we need some food as well oh you want to lick no I don’t want to lick you can lick it e really good you want no we need to save the food we have to live here for 100 years well the way that it’s going it looks like you guys are kind of you guys are going to laugh one more day cuz I’m going to eat all the food we’re just going to have to eat you if you don’t stop me you want to eat me I’m full of ass salt and diabetes well Daddy I think you should take a rest and go into your room room okay fine I’ll go sleep on the couch in here how that go take a rest I locked him in there guys I locked him in there hey whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa you can’t do that I put chain doors DD so I can lock you in places why do I hear water water I hear water wait I don’t hear water wait let me check my room oh my God oh my God no no the water’s coming from the ceiling guys the tsunami coming in oh no it’s getting worse you’re going to have to let me out this is really not good let me out of here here guys I can help Dy you’re not helping by eating all of our food that’s not helping our Solutions what so I got I’m locked in here that’s not helping our problems daddy well what are you going to do keep me in here forever oh maybe yeah probably I just walk out hey Daddy hey how’d you do that it’s called the McFlurry in the lock technique all right fine you want to play that way see what happens when there’s obsidian yeah Daddy you like that hey hey hey hey let me out of here now you’re actually trapped I guess I’ll sleep and take poopies in here have a good time all right daddy we’re going to work on the kitchen have fun in there wait can you get me some food from the kitchen I’m really hungry no no stop eating all the food Baldi I’ll get out of here one day all right guys Well that took care of that problem but now we need to make the kitchen but wait what is this dude just going to be our fish tanks wao we’re going to have a fish tank yes got to make it look super good W you guys can make this a fun room and you can put a TV in here and I can build the kitchen by my farm ooh yes it’s a good idea yeah we definitely need a fun room so I’ll go work on that all right I’m going to work on the fun Parts all right I added a TV and a couch now I got to add some little trees ooh this is looking really amazing and now what I’m going to add is a little computer setup this is going to look so good all right we’ll put it right here maybe oh yeah this looks so good okay now what I need to do is just get some signs there we go this looks awesome all right now we’re just going to get some paintings for more detail W Gooby this fish tank’s looking so good what the heck what’ you say Gooby what I I can’t I can’t hear you because there’s water in your mouth Gooby you got to come out here come here oh God it’s getting all over the floor now I said thank you oh that’s what you said but uh Gooby where are you going to find fish to put in your fish tank uh maybe I just go up into the tsunami a little bit and just get them oh yeah I guess that’s kind of a good idea the heck hey hey what’s going on here Daddy hey look back up hey no Daddy come back here where are you going I went the wrong way what is this are you trying to escape no oh my gosh there’s water everywhere from the tsunami you can’t catch me alive oh God he’s on me Daddy I’m right behind you I’m following you I got to go to the McDonald’s I got to go to the McDonald’s Hall oh my goodness guys my Daddy’s going through the ceiling trying to find McDonald’s oh I’m going around you okay got to go down everyone come in the McDonald’s right now I need help oh no it’s flooding every where did he go hey Daddy got to go back up got to go back in the hole got to go back in the hole oh my goodness okay you know what I’m just going to cover up that hole you ruined it Daddy is he destroying things again yes he’s destroying things he’s being so stupid right now someone needs to put him in a Bedrock box yeah I agree you’ll never be able to find me I’m digging around I’m like a snake in the grass well Daisy I want to come see the kitchen area you’re working on I’m just working on seeds right now oh my goodness this is insane wait this is going to be like a farm area yeah we can have everything we want wait we should add some like Piggies and chickens too you’d have to make a different area cuz I don’t want that near our food why cuz I smell bad you just you know kill them and put them on a plate and eat it oh gosh uh oh this is awkward Daddy what are you doing here uh I am not trying to see what Daisy’s up to you’re flooding my farm it’s not flooded no more we’re about to add a chicken and pig pen right now oh great so that’s where I sleep right yep wrong I’m make my own bedroom Far Far Away Daddy I think you’re going crazy living underground no not I’m just eating my MC flurries and I’m happy I’m really happy guys why don’t you just come look at my fish tank over here okay I’ll go look at your fish tank and he broke up the ceiling and got all the water everywhere I I found some fish in there really I helped you out yes so look it’s done W this looks incredible thank you thank you I walked really hard on it they’re like little tsunami fish these are all the fish that need to a new house cuz of the tsunami well now they can live here forever you have fish food right uh no no they’re going to die oh no we need to make fish food at the farm I got to go some Daisy Daisy we need potatoes we need potatoes Daisy we need uh we need fish food Gooby what do we even feed fish uh uh raisins we don’t have raisins potatoes potatoes are a good secondary fish food bananas we don’t have bananas but I can plant potatoes yeah potatoes we need to get a bunch of potatoes wait Daisy what are you doing I’m adding lanterns so they have light ooh that that makes a lot of sense but wait we should put them on chains yeah chains are definitely the way to go look at that that looks so much better when you put it down oh my God perfect we need some carrots we need some wheat what are those strawberries those are in the game I didn’t even know those are in the game of course they’re in the game yeah Daddy it’s in the game okay what what game are you playing Minecraft no he was talking as if we were playing a sports game I want to grow some strawberries yay strawberries I got a bone meal them I think we need some cows in here too ooh W in some sheeps make them over here guys this is looking so good we’re literally going to be able to live in here for years long as Marty doesn’t eat everything I’m not going to eat everything guys stop I just need to kind of go and uh go this way you guys have fun making your farm daddy where you going you better not be going back to McDonald’s no no no no I’m not going back to McDonald’s why would I do that all right well Daddy I’m going to put up a camera in there so if you’re in there I’ll know all right go ahead I don’t care what you do I’m not going to McDonald’s all right let me just go put the security camera up okay yeah sure go ahead by all means all right just going to place the security camera right there all right let me make sure it works there we go all right daddy you come in here guess what you’re going to be back into timeout so all right I’m just going to make like a super super fun room all right yeah you do that work on the ceiling of this room we need some they need some fixing well I’m going to work on a fun room all right go for it little do they know I’m going to devise a really cool trap to trap them in it and then I can eat all the food in this bunker but what I need to do right now is I need to make this fun house so I can bring them in and then I can put obsidian around it and then I can trap them yeah that’s what I’m going to do um Gooby what is wrong with this cow uh oh um I think he’s like a a weird one okay I’m going to try to get a bucket and milk it come here that’s a strawberry cow it’s not working I’m not getting any milk from him the strawberry cow is stupid hey don’t hold him just because he’s different yeah I guess you’re right what other animal can we put in here we need sheeps yeah let’s see what sheeps we can spawn in oh yeah there we go well different colors wow they look so amazing these sheeps this room is really coming together guys yep I think our farm is pretty much readyy Dy what are you working on now the kitchen ooh yeah this is going to look super good okay my fun house is finally done now the last step in my evil plan is to go Wrangle up these kids all right o Gooby is right here Gooby gooby I need you what are you doing get back in your egg chickens Gooby you can’t reverse the process after you throw the egg in it cracks you can’t put them back in it oh oops um I made a mistake Mar and there’s always chick everywhere it’s fine it’s fine just follow me Gooby I had I built a fun house I built a really fun house well you did yep and there’s a lot of cool things in there I just need you to follow me so we can go get Johnny and Daisy okay yeah let’s do it Johnny Daisy I got something fun I doubt it Daisy I got something really fun I need to show you okay let’s go see it it’s a fun house there’s a lot of fun things in there Gooby is really excited W this is a cool area in here Johnny what are you doing dancing in the farm well guess what I need you cuz I need to show you my fun house wait what the fun house it’s done already it’s done it’s really fun okay everybody follow me this is going to be the best day ever I want to go to the fun house this is going to be like the best room in the whole entire bunker because whenever we’re living you know underneath here buried alive this is the one thing we’re going to do and have a lot of fun in all right everybody hop in there with there’s a little chicken in there wao guys this is so fun it’s like a bouncy castle Yeah let’s go keep jumping around in there and have a lot of fun going do backflip oh yeah backflip time man it looks like a lot of fun in there guys like I’m doing a cool twick like I’m doing a really cool twick daddy why don’t you join us because you’re locked in there I locked you wait what guys no no no Daddy open this to nope you guys are stuck in there forever and guess what your big old daddy Marty could eat whatever he wants no Daddy stop it please don’t eat all the strawberries going to eat all the McDonald’s oh Gooby that’s what I’m going to go after first John you have a camera in there right um yeah well hop on it real quick cuz I’m going to go and eat everything in there no wait no no no no no no no no he’s in the McDonald’s guys oh man let me just take one of those let me take one of those I’m a little bit of that he’s taking everything on the menu Daddy stop it oh some ice cream cones too let me let me have some of these oh my goodness not the ice cream cones oh yeah you have this bread for us guys he’s eating it right in front of the camera oh yeah look at this chicken we got some fries oh my goodness stop it Daddy you guys are going to be stuck there forever oh gosh guys what are we going to do we have able to stop him somehow oh yeah doing the chicken dance Gooby what is that in your hand oh Gooby chill it broke it BR let’s go we’re free hey Daddy in guys come on we got to get him come back here M shoot with the rocket launcher come back here stop EA blow take that Daddy yeah oh no all the animals are getting loose don’t worry I’ll save them I’ll save them get out of our underground bunker where am I going to go you’re going outside to the tsunami yeah we send him out there let me down no you’re leaving uh-oh um guys what’s happening oh no oh no the tsunami it’s going underneath it was the Bazooka goopy look what you did keep me too stop you’re making it worse it was an accident oh no guys it’s all in the fun house oh God this is stop what you do that oh God oh God it’s going to ruin our rooms and everything no I’m safe I’m safe oh yeah oh yeah guys now we just ran into the same problem as we did upstairs this sucks box now what are we supposed to do no mold’s fault we’re supposed to grow gills and we have to become fish people all right daddy let me do that real quick daddy am I a fish ew you’re a catfish he’s ugly yay I can swim under the water though and you guys can’t whoo I want to see that wait I want to be a fish come on guys everyone turn into a fish waa what type of fish are you guys Oh Daddy you’re a blob fish no I’m not I’m beautiful you’re a big and fat and ugly blobfish Daddy I am why is this my fish fish wait is that you Daisy yeah I’m a flying fish wow and Gooby where are you wait Gooby you’re so small I’m a puffle fish oh my goodness well guys it looks like this is how we’re going to have to live the rest of our lives yeah I guess so but it’s better than being buried alive yeah I think you’re right at least I have my McDonald’s well if you guys enjoyed watching this video and want to watch another one then click one on your screen right now also make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye

Today, Johnny gets BURIED ALIVE In Minecraft! A tsunami hits the city so Marty, Gooby, Daisy and Johnny need to take cover! Will they be able to survive? Watch until the end!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. You guys made a really fancy bunker Johnny y’all are really gonna be safe in there y’all should add decorations like that your home but I can’t believe Gooby blew a hole in the bunker it’s his fault he should be banned from using that bazooka he can’t be trusted with them hopefully y’all survive the next time!

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