The One Terraria Mod that CHANGES EVERYTHING…

are you tired of playing the same old Terraria worlds over and over again well look no further than this mod which completely changes the world gen of the game it even adds in new dungeons with new loot and enemies you got to install this mod for your next playthrough we are here with the remnants mod aka the mod that’s going to revive your love for Terraria if you’re bored of playing in the same world over and over again look at this look at what this mod does to teral World gen now I believe this is like the second or third time of us checking out but this mod updates and adds so much more every time that like I got to check it out every now and then and this is a larger world just look at how much there is there’s like little dungeons spread around everywhere like I don’t even know what this is on top of that the regular dungeons that you explore into area like the jungle temple completely different even the queen beehive has its own whole area look at this and now we got a for sure little desert pyramid in the middle instead of there having to be a little RNG for you to get one you just get one no matter what and then there’s just so much more like look how much other things are you get both the crimson and the corruption in the world and then you get things like this like this giant Labyrinth maze that we’re going to check out later that has some cool stuff inside of it and then of course look at the OG dungeon a little bit different honestly a little bit smaller and it might be better that way not to mention there’s all this new stuff in the sky the snow biome is now like a Giant Mountain the granite biome look at this it’s like a giant abyss and then the marble biome is like the opposite of the Granite instead of it being vertical this one’s horizontal like there’s just just so much sick stuff in this mod it’s definitely a mod that I would install if I’m tired of seeing the same old Terraria generation over and over but let’s get to it I guess let’s start with the sky stuff as you can see the sky islands are a little bit different rather than it just being Islands we got like a bunch of clouds and stuff up here that are just all accumulated together and then you even got little ores and stuff up here what is this ore Stellar Remnant what does a stellar Remnant do you can make stars with them look at that very useful so you can come up to the cloud and get some easy Stars so you don’t have to wait and see if they just fall from the sky and pick them up like that nice and then of course we do have our little Sky Islands they’re a little bit different this one doesn’t have anything on it unless there’s what something in the middle no nothing in the middle there is just a bunch of platinum so the sky islands are a little bit different they vary a little bit as we can see this one actually does have the goodies on it including of course the chest with a little bit of different loot this is kind of bad loot I’m not going to lie that specific chest was very bad loot what about this one this one got the lucky shoting it nice these ones seem to not have anything crazy these ones with the little fountains they do have a lot of platinum though so if you’re trying to get your hands on some Platinum Andor gold boom hey there we go the star Fury in this one so a little bit different of looks in terms of Skylands but they still got the same loot in a majority of them and you can get your hands on Stars a lot easier what else is in the sky though over here we see this above the spawn area we got like a little sky village it also looks like there’s something spitting at me what’s spitting at me ew nasty little planta looking plant this look like something you’d get attacked by in like Zelda or Mario these little tiny plants that are attacking us hold up can you even fight them I don’t know if you can even fight These Guys these guys might just be straight up obstacles or maybe you got to get up to them and mine them let’s see yeah okay that’s cool so you can’t just you know kill it just like you usually do to everything Ina you actually got to avoid and hide changes up the little mechanics a little bit again making things fresh for people that are tired of playing the same Ultra area that’s what mods are for right we even got some new bumping music up here and and this is just like some nice little houses and stuff up here I wonder if these are finnished or if these are just supposed to be like this again the name of the mod is remnants so these are like remnants of a past you know older Generations older people have lived here people that may not exist anymore which I think I really like in video games is when there’s generated structures that are abandoned because it’s like hey the world has history in it whether it’s Terraria whether it’s Minecraft whether it’s any other game where you can get some new world generation it’s always something I like I believe that is all for the sky as we can see there’s nothing else in the sky I think there actually used to be like this area that looks like this over the jungle I believe so they changed that but let’s start going over the basic surface area let’s start with the left most Beach as you can see still a simple Beach but underneath instead of like the weird Abyss that vanilla teria adds in we now actually have like a little coral reef underneath and as you can see the colors are amazing down here using a little bit of the neon grass and on top of that using the beautiful coral blocks which honestly don’t get much love at all but a nice little Coral area there’s probably some chest and stuff spread out down here but as you can see under this left one there’s a little bit more we’ll go over this later but this is U pretty much the Aether and Shimmer as you can see there’s no just like regular Shimmer area separate now that is where the Shimmer is now is in these little biomes over here but let’s continue exploring the surface as we can see the jungle is ginormous in this large World honestly it’s usually big in a large world that’s how things work and a lot of biomes have these nice little direct path straight to the underground this one leads straight into a nice little M shaft which I actually really like you can see there was people here in the past that were mining exploring the underground jungle and you even get some special loot sometimes there’s even new loot from the mod in these just a nice little way to get deeper into the jungle without having to M yourself then we move over here to like the left side of Spawn that is in the desert and it’s a nice little mountain I do like that there is mountains and stuff giv’s a little bit of a difference in terms of terrain generation and everything just being like flat with the occasional hump around there so it’s pretty cool that we get different world Generations like this again look at that we get another little thing that leads us down into a little M shaft area and then we get to the desert which have these nice little spikes and stuff in them to match the little background you see in the desert with the mountains now this is sick this might be one of my favorite things is this giant pyramid look at this pyramid we got beautiful paintings everywhere what other crazy things I want to explore around here and see what good we find we got some more custom looking chest yo look at the background the background is so sick the way it actually like moves with you I don’t have a key we need a key to open this apparently I don’t even know where you get this key from pyramid key let’s open this up what y’all got for me in terms of loot okay flying carpet a top tier desert item next to the double jump as long as it isn’t the Pharaoh outfit yeah as we go deeper in look at there’s even just ghost chilling out here so we get to see some regular Terraria enemies that spawn in different areas usually you got to fight ghost by breaking your graves right then we get this nice little area in the middle that got the bass statues I love bass statues they’re great items and just a lot of more areas to explore and find loot down here which is very cool very sick we get to the normal spawn area which has a giant livingwood tree on top cool and then of course a little underground area this area though is more of a underground livingwood area rather than it is a m shaft and the music sounds like it’s bumping the background lowkey look kind of nasty looking like it looks good it’s you know what you would see underground in a living tree area but I don’t know it just looks nasty all these roots look weird we get to the snow biome which is a Giant Mountain I think this is probably another favorite of mine in terms of generation things out here a Giant Mountain come on snow biome Giant mountain fits again we get the little path into the M shaft and then we get to our corruption which looks a little bit scarier than before and I believe whether it’s a corruption or Crimson they’re pretty much going to look the same in terms of this like above area and then you get into the middle where all the goodies are look at this the ambient lighting is a lot better we got these cool little things I don’t even know what the hell these are what is this oh okay I don’t know it just fell off whatever it was look at that okay cool well not that cool because what if I want that as my light in my house you can see all the orbs are over here in the middle which is kind of cool and we might as well check out the Crimson version cuz it’s is pretty much the same as you see we got the ambient lighting all the hearts are in the middle it’s cool having both Crimson and Corruption in the same world though and then we get to the dungeon up here of course where’s my boy at there he is he’s at the very top now and then we break into here am I going to get assaulted yep here they come the dungeon just looking way cooler look at these paintings how they’re like floating that’s so sick that is a nice little detail all the paintings in here are floating and this kind of fits a lot more with the aspect of the dungeon how it’s got a couple little magical properties here and there and all the way at the bottom here this is where our biome chest are so you don’t have to search around the whole dungeon for them they are in a specific area and then over here we got like a sewer system like literal sewer system where piranhas are hopping out of kind of sick way better than T’s vanilla denter I’m not going to lie and are these like routes into the yeah look at this this is like routes into regular caves over here you still need a key to get in over here though but it’s kind of cool that there is just routes in the regular caves around the dungeon now it’s time to start checking out all the underground Dungeons and caves starting with the Aether SL Shimmer whatever you want to call it I love the Shimmer area in terms of like Ambience and music and everything else it just looks looks so cool and of course look at this this looks sick we even got all these little ethereum blocks placed around and of course still a ambient lighting these little bulbs hanging from the ceiling but if we go over here right and we drop through just like how the Aether or Shimmer lets you drop through blocks look at this we end up over here which is sort of like a ather dungeon again we got some new music bumping and we can see that there’s new enemies to of frost look at this they shoot the little spikes on us I believe there’s other ones yeah Toms of infernos are underneath us so some new enemies not like a lot of new enemies that this mod adds in but it adds in enough to keep things fresh and of course you can always install more mods to add in more new enemies hey who is this enchanter hold up my boy’s got a couple of new abilities did he just spawn in like a clone of himself or these two dudes I don’t know yeah got a handful of new enemies that fit the whole ather SL Shimmer area and what is this like giant thing in the middle is this like something that allows me to like fly straight up cuz this is kind of sick if that’s the case yo this is awesome and I like that it actually has like a noise like do you hear it it kind of just got like a little buzzing noise but it’s pretty sick that allows us to ascend to the top and how do you get around this dungeon you may ass cuz there’s no like Easy Pass anywhere well it’s the Shimmer bro you just drop on through which is always a sick idea I actually really like that about this Shimmer is that it allows you to face through blocks can be a little bit annoying here and there when you accidentally jump in but but using it like this is amazing hey look at that there’s a research note if you wanted to lure for this mod and of course there’s some new accessories and stuff yeah say you want to get to the bottom where all the goodies are or you want to get to like whatever this is the little brewing stand well you got to go through and fall through the blocks like that and then if you get to the very bottom we go over here to the left there is the hollow chest and of course a beautiful flower for the what is this the corke keeper pet I believe now we are in the new and improved jungle temple which this really feels is like a giant Temple rather than just like a bunch of random assorted rooms that zigzag around as you can tell the background also makes it feel like there’s actually some depth back there gives it a nice little feel that we’re not just playing on you know a flat 2D game a little detail like that goes a long way but it’s still your same old jungle temple just a little bit better in the way it’s organized and assorted of course you get to the middle here and as we can see we got a whole ass Arena set up for the fight with the Golem which is way better than than usual terraria’s default generation because sometimes you just get little tiny rectangles to fight it in or other times you don’t even get rectangles you get like circles half a circle semicircle half a triangle so knowing that you get a for sure area to fight it is very nice we move a little bit to the right here and we got the little beehive area this is a sick area because guess what the queen bee is chilling right here in the center again this is a little bit small of an area to fight it though I’m not going to lie but it is very cool having a whole nice and giant de dedicated beehive instead of the ones that just look like wieners for some reason all terrario beehives almost always look like a Wei we that has to be a thing from the devs cuz it’s to it happens way too often for it to be coincidence and of course there chess in here that give you the summons for the queen bee itself if you don’t feel like fighting it here like say you just want to fight it over here in the regular beehive cave area well there you go we got the marble Bome there is no marble bosses there’s only the Medusa the hopl lights that that’s literally it is there any more marble enemies I I don’t think so but they get a nice little big overhauled area just for that I don’t know hopefully in the future Teraria maybe adds in a mini boss or something down here or an actual I like an actual boss but uh this is a nice and big area just for that or if you just like the marble biome and you know the little Roman SL Greek thems down here well there you go too not to mention you see that little bat right there you see how it’s hanging from the ceiling watch when I walk in here boom Comes Alive pretty cool little feature same thing with the granite biome here but instead of vertical or horizontal I mean we get verticality pretty interesting I like the idea of that that that’s that’s the two big differences from the biomes and of course this one’s way darker in scarier but the mobs down here are not that scary we get the underground snow biome which is a nice like ice temple sort of area something you seen like Zelda I don’t know something like that nice and cool literally we get this little area down here what is this I don’t know what this is there is a couple new things added from the mod the last time I checked obviously is the reason why I’m checking it out so what is this is this like a like a crypt a crypt not not like the the gang bangers no Crypt this is what it looks like there’s dead people here or skeletons just hanging around oh dead people yeah there’s dead people hanging around there’s literally like blood like what what is this sacrificial altar what is going on down here whole lot of scary [ __ ] going on what type of new goodies are down here though I guess not really new goodies it doesn’t really need to be new goodies but what is my reason come down here ew spiders are down here let’s get deeper and deeper in let’s see what happens it looks like this is where our crimson and corrupt chest are nice okay so gives me a reason to actually have to come down here and look for this even if it is a little spooky I would like for there to be a couple of new custom enemies here though maybe some more scarier themed enemies but the spiders and the ghost do F Well we get over to this thing which this might possibly be my favorite thing from the mod is this little Labyrinth over here let’s head on over here and check it out hold up let me turn this light on this I believe it is a labyrinth so let’s head on in and see what’s popping with it what is that what does that mean why did that just start glowing should I hop out a god mode let’s hop out a god mode just to get the full effect of being down here can I break that Labyrinth wall lamp Okay so I was right on the name nice little lamp that I could bring home if I wanted to oh what was that oh my oh my that high key caught me off guard and scared me I’m not going to lie so that thing legit just spawned above us is this where it spawns is right here okay so it’s a giant Cube that we got to get away from and I’m on it you got to be kind of fast to get away from this thing oh I’m safe I’m not safe I thought that’s what the lights stood for okay let’s try again D we just got to be a little bit faster that’s all we just got to be a little bit faster I’m moving I’m moving that thing cannot get over here can it okay we’re good we’re good it only travels in straight lines oh my God you can still hear it that’s terrifying it travels in straight lines it can’t just stop on a dime and attack you I still hear it is that thing like constantly moving around while I’m here that’s actually even more terrifying oh oh no I activate another one we’re good down here right yeah we’re good oh I saw it go past us hopefully it doesn’t like loop around to us this is like lowkey a terrifying place to be the loop better be good down here if this is the type of stuff I’m getting chased by they only spawn on those like weird looking statues so we we don’t have to be uh too paranoid about them is there one right here though yeah there’s one right here that is a lot of area to cover as you can see we got to get all the way to the middle let’s just go straight to the middle though what’s popping in the middle hold up what is this essence of Might essence of endurance and essence of focus oh look at that so these are like little altars you could turn on do you guys remember the little Stones what are they called in Skyrim the little like stones you turn on at the beginning of the game and you can find throughout the game and you get a little buff from them that’s kind of what these are what is it in Skyrim the first three you find is like the thief the Mage and the warrior stone or something that’s what this is as you see we get different Buffs and we also get like a penalty depending on the ones you choose so that is a pretty little sick benefit that you can find out here pretty much a passive that isn’t an accessory or armor set you have to wear but yeah there’s a couple of other little things that are down here in hell for example we got these little like Factory looking areas kind of sick looking these little pipes I’m messed with and hell’s got a little bit more room there’s still like the occasional like things and obstacles in the way for when you do fight the wall flesh but way easier to fight the wall flesh and I have to worry about what about over here we got our regular like hell hotels whatever they’re called in vanilla Terraria I’ll call them hell hotels they’re still here too if you miss those and then of course we got the whole like new Ashwood area the little extra Bome they added in in the most recent T update and then up above us we got like a whole obsidian area so if you need obsidian for hellstone stuff we got like a whole layer of it now as you can see I believe that’s pretty much everything there’s like the couple like little structures here and there that I missed but like they’re nothing too big like you guys can obviously check them out yourself we got the little mine cart track that I do actually got to to get across kind of cool but I guess the next thing I would want from this mod we need some mushroom biome love bro look at the mushroom biome where is the mushroom biome love I feel like there needs to be a little mini biome for mushrooms down here in uh the jungle because there’s still a couple of areas that aren’t completely filled here couple areas that aren’t filled as you can see we get this little area underneath the the Shimmer Temple there’s still a lot of regular cave area over here that isn’t really touched we do get some bigger mushroom biomes over here but come on I need a whole place dedicated I need full mushroom love what else is there there’s literally this whole other side opposite of the Shimmer stuff that doesn’t have anything in it so I’m still waiting for them to add some stuff to that but who knows if they will or if they’re complete they obviously have changed and added a couple new things since my last video so they’re still working on something but shout out everyone that working on the remnants mod this is one of my favorite terrario mods in term of just World Generation it changes it so much as we can see so anytime I hop in and play a world with this mod it’s like holy there’s so much new stuff to check out is such a new experience and on top of the new additions they add in themselves like the elaborate is sick yeah you can pair this mod with like little smaller mods cuz I don’t know if big like World Generation mods work with this like obviously something like Calamity or the Thor mod probably doesn’t work with this mod because like look a Calamity Abyss is going to destroy all this but maybe that’s what this whole side is for is for the Calamity Abyss I don’t know you guys have to read the mod page your to figure out if they work together but make sure to leave a like subscribe and turn on notification bells to see future videos I’ll be seeing y’all in the next one

Play Terraria in a WHOLE NEW WAY!

Remants Mod –

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  1. 18:03 That blank side of the world is for Calamity's sulphurous sea biome. that's why it's blank. Mainly I think to keep the calamity community from spamming to make it compatible.

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